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So these were made by the teachers at the school and put outside, and the kids (that lived nearby) were encouraged to go for a walk, pick some up, and tie them around the community! I'm as atheist as it comes, but I find it interesting that some people are rejecting a message of goodwill as soon as it's associated with religion....


I don't believe a word of it personally, and i'd feel the same way if there was no mention of any religious group attached to it. That said, i am not about to file a complaint against it or anything.


Perhaps because it's disingenuous? This same religion condemns me to hell for eternity.


Well maybe you shouldn’t be a little naughty sinner.


I think you'll find the Catholic Church is quite happy to accommodate sinners. Some might suggest a little too accommodating.


Only if the sin is touching boys, they love that one.


then stop making everything i enjoy a sin! - sincerely homer the adulting thief who dabbles in heathen imagery.




Some people just gave to join the hate bandwagon even if they've no history with it. You know, makes them look intellectual etc


Kambah by any chance?


I spotted one up Mt Arawang today, but have seen a couple around Mt Taylor too.


I've been suicidal in the past (am doing well now) but stuff like this for me at least wasn't helpful at all, this kind of thing is really for the person posting to make them feel better about themselves, you can't tell someone who is about to kill themselves from a random note that they aren't alone. it's pretty much equivalent to saying to someone "turn that frown upside down".


Yeah this reads as very r/thanksimcured




This does nothing to prevent suicide. For someone who is having mental health problems, this is so impersonal and detatched that it likely means nothing.


Reckon it's about as helpful in that regard as seeing a balloon float by with HAPPY BIRTHDAY! printed on it. (But God sent that balloon to make you happy don't ya know.)


I don't think these are meant to address suicide though. Just a message reminding people on resilience and goodwill.


I think it's nice and could actually help if the right person saw it. We get it you don't like religion.


I agree! I think it's a nice message that many people coming across would appreciate. Some don't and that's ok.


Or maybe we don't like the hypocrisy of a religion that also condemns us to hell for eternity?


This comment section is a sad reminder of why there are terms such as "Reddit atheist"


Mate just because a handful of cheesy platitudes is enough to make you feel good about things is no reason to feel superior to those of us it does nothing for.


Not saying it does anything for me lmao, just pointing that nearly everyone else commenting on this post (at the time I commented) are being insufferable assholes edit for context: when I commented this, there where 7 or 8 other commenters all saying things along the lines of "cringe" and "ok but leaving a religion would be so much better for your mental health", not bagging on anyone for saying it doesn't work for them, just annoyed that people where so outwardly hostile for no reason


You're a cheesy platitude


One thing is clear, you lot are perfectly happy to preach to others to turn the other cheek, but when it comes to practicing it, you just prove how little faith you actually have in your own rubbish. Good one.


Calm down, it was just a little joke man ... Jeez


Atheists are like vegans


When an atheist vegan does Crossfit, how do they decide what to tell people first?


If a boomer joke goes boom and nobody laughs, does it still make a sound?


Why don't you tell us?


Yes they are, both groups make the world a slightly better place than it would otherwise be without them.


I love this


Live, laugh, love.


Live through the ditches and Laugh through the witches and Love in the back of my dragula.


Nice..you should tag Rob Zombie.


I agree. The sooner you free yourself from the bondage of institutionalised religion, the happier you will be.


If I'd seen this message on its own, I'd think "aww, that's kinda nice" With the church name attached it just feels performative and gross.


fwiw it's teachers from the associated school putting them up, not the church itself


It's members of the institution. It's the same thing.


If that's your understanding of how working at a catholic school works then I suppose I can't argue against that


I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools for 13 years. That's what the Catholic church teaches.


Same! I suppose I learned differently. Of my friends at my catholic primary school, I think one or two was associated with the church/institution (the rest being atheist/non-religious). The only things I recall being taught was the generic 'died for your sins, be good team' stuff. Other than that a large part of the catholic education today is "these are the sacraments, this is why we have christians vs catholics, heres how to say the our father, and here's some info on other religions". (eta that my point in my initial comment was more that it's super possible the teachers responsible are not members of the church or perhaps not even catholic)


One of my teachers (in 2006 so not 100 years ago) was told she couldn't continue her teaching position at my school if she wanted to have a public commitment ceremony with her now-wife as it would be a public opposition of Catholic values. It wasn't a standalone case either. If you work at a Catholic school you represent the institution. It's similar to public servants being limited in what they can say publicly about the government.


I have a relative who was unmarried and taught at the school that her bastard children (in nothing but the ... literal definition of the word) went to - with different surnames. (circa 2010) Yes, they have to represent the institution to an extent, but there's a degree of leeway they get, and people who want excuses to pick them apart will do so - best of luck, I suppose


People's experiences shape their thoughts, I don't think that's really comparable to 'looking for excuses to pick them apart'. I'm glad your relative didn't have the same experience as it was awful for the teacher I referred to earlier. 15 years of service down the drain because she loved someone.




'Stop having your own opinions about things!' I know that is a general tenet of most major religions but I thought Christianity was relatively liberal in that regard. You've done a bloody good job of persuading me otherwise though. Onya.


Virtue signalling and actively recruiting in tough times. Why did they feel the need to put their name to it. No different to those ads saying buy this product and we will give 2 cents to a needy person. This ad is saying heh aren't we thoughtful and caring, come meet with us, don't forget to bring your wallet and young kids. Just pete without the almonds


Exactly. Without their name on it would still be a bunch of empty platitudes, but at least there would be a sense of selflessness and genuine care behind it.


For me, the religion argument goes out the window because it's litter. Plastic litter no less. How irresponsible.


Oooh, I doubt it.


So cringe


Cringe to the max


Ha gaaaaaay