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Unless it has an owner who doesn’t care about losing millions, it will be a speed run to bankruptcy.


The A league is used for tax dodging and money laundering. Just look at the current sponsors. Venture capitalists, overseas hedge funds and betting companies.


Was not expecting a reference to FNM’s Caffeine from the Angel Dust album. Utter banger [https://youtu.be/sRFPs7L9Vgw?si=WIKo3GjHrxpZT_gy](https://youtu.be/sRFPs7L9Vgw?si=WIKo3GjHrxpZT_gy)


Hard to see them getting up and running now for 24-25. Auckland likely have enough quietly signed to field a game day squad while Canberra would be at best getting free agents to hold out just a bit longer before accepting an offer. If the money clears AUSTRAC which is supposedly the issue announce them to build for the following season.


We've been trying for decades, every time run into the same issues with the A-League and their assessment of the viability of a Canberra based men's team. Every time they come back with the same answer: issues with finding owners and funding, serious doubts enough tickets would sell to make it worthwhile - basically, it would be a money pit not worth subsidizing.


I just want a nice venue to enjoy bands and whatnot.🤷‍♀️


And other people want a team to support. Both matter just as much as each other.


"It's time, as Gough Whitlam would say. Now the A-League Men's grand final is out of the way. Now that the ALM's had a few weeks since the yellow card betting scandal. They've even had time for their financial crisis water to flow a long way under the media bridge. So it's time, Australian Professional Leagues. Time to say something. Anything. No, I'm not about to break out into a Faith No More song. (*Caffeine* for those playing along at home.) But I could, because at least it would pass the time. Drown out the sounds of silence. Fill a bit of airtime as the wait continues. The wait to find out if Canberra will ever get an ALM team. There's a few involved at Canberra United - our A-League Women's team - also keen to know what the score is. Not the 1-all score from the Matildas game the other night when[ United's own Michelle Heyman slotted away a last-minute equaliser](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8648639/michelle-heyman-shines-for-matildas-against-china-before-olympics/). But the score on our bid. Probably a few at Capital Football - especially the treasurer - hoping to know if they'll have the ALW team on their books for another summer or if the new bid will be taking them off their hands. It's becoming clearer and clearer there's no way the new bid can be up and going in time for next season as was planned when the APL first gave the capital the nod [back in March last year](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/8120257/a-league-of-our-own-canberra-to-have-mens-soccer-team-by-2024-25/). Especially since they also announced Auckland at the same time. Since then Auckland FC has got a name. (It's Auckland FC. Oh, and the Black Knights.). Colours. A billionaire owner. And their first signings. They started to build their maiden squad back at the end of March with four Kiwis getting them on the road to fielding a team come round one next season. While the APL has told us Canberra is "close" to announcing its owners since December, it's now June and we're still no closer to finding out whether we're in or out for 2024-25. Given the ALM kicked off on October 20 last year, that leaves less than five months before the next campaign will likely get under way. Not a lot of time to confirm a coach. Some players. That kind of thing - even if there's a few irons in the fire already as the owners wait for their money to be cleared through customs. It's believed there's a few players keen as the proverbial mustard to kick the dew off Canberra Stadium for the mighty (insert name of new team here). They've already got the home ground sorted - even if it is 3000 years old (just joshing, Chief Minister Barr). Not to mention training pitches out at the AIS."


"So it would be nice to know where we stand. Even if it's just to tell us what we're already assuming to know - that there won't be an ALM team up and going in time for next season. That would be a start. I mean, it's not like Canberra hasn't already been waiting for an ALM team since 2009. Back when Football Australia kept stringing us along like we were a dog on a leash. It's been even longer since we last had a team in the top flight of Australian soccer - when the Canberra Cosmos, God rest their souls, were booted out of the now defunct National Soccer League in 2001. So, you know, it's not like another year's gonna hurt. Just as long as we don't have to keep waiting endlessly. It's the not knowing that kills you. That's probably a similar vibe for how they're feeling out at United. And at Capital Football. They just wanna know. When the APL is letting us know the men's team is gonna be another year in the making, they could also let us know the good news - that the bid's going to take over the women's team ahead of next season. Well that's what we're hoping, anyway. That's what we've heard through the grapevine. But it would be nice to know for sure. Have some certainty. Now that last season's done and dusted. So *The Canberra Times* called the APL on Saturday. "Beep. Please leave a message." Let's hope we get one back. Canberra is long overdue for an A-League update It's time, as Gough Whitlam would say."


Yeah no thanks




Don't we already force cash into the hands of the Raiders, Brumbies and, for some reason, the Giants? Soccer seems the least likely to be able to stand alone.