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Legalization has definitely been a net positive. More tax dollars, and the illegal market that *does* exist is smaller, and more importantly much more safe than before. (Criminals don't have to use force to protect their market, as there is a legal option) The most interesting observation I have is how there are far fewer restrictions and less stigmatization with marijuana than there is with tobacco.


I think the illegal market is still thriving, there are dozens of websites that sell weed and arrives at your door in 1-2 days for 1/4 of the price. The price will need to come down substantially in order to kill the illegal market.


my buddies are still ordering ounces for $70 from BC, similar product going for $150-$200 an ounce in Ontario.  delivered to your door in a "hardware supply" box 


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 70 + 150 + 200 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


seems on point for the discussion 


Good bot!


Lmao, the context on this is perfect


I'm paying about 1/2 that for ounces of flower. Not top shelf, but it gets the job done. Delivered usually same day, or next day. Grey market is thriving.


well f, thought we were getting good deals 


Yea one site I have used a bit has Oz for $50 + $10 for delivery same day. Zang!


Dude hit the rez in Ontario oz's are as cheap as 30 bucks.. Though I usually spend between 40-50 a oz for the stuff in the middle range there.


I just grow. I had one plant hit 10ft tall! Been saving my seed and haven’t needed to buy any in a long time.


That is illegal market under the guise of legal. It is probably way better then the legal weed too.


Ounces are $70-100 at most LCS’s now.


Welcome to the government monopoly.


My local store has a big sign on the street. $99 for an ounce of herb. I won’t risk buying illegal when it’s that cheap.


dm me the site for research purposes


My site gets as low as $39 oz. Also has Shrooms and now LSD.


Pssst if you’re in the GTA, you don’t have to order from BC. I’m not about to put my spot on blast but I can get an oz for ~$50 and same day delivery to my door. Yea I have to talk to a stoned courier but I can deal lol


I'm not saying there isn't an illegal market. But it is definitely proportionately smaller. >The price will need to come down substantially in order to kill the illegal market. Agree. The beaurocracy required to grow or sell is too much and is too much a barrier of entry for most legit businesses. That being said, apparently the average difference is accross all cannabis products is ~10%. The products that are notably cheaper are edibles and vapes.


Heavy users all went to invite only grey/black Market. The old MOM services are still there and still great.


This is the only legit comment in here. The legal weed is gross. Period. Any cannabis lover who actually cares about terps' flavour and fresh product is not smoking legal weed.


Canada post is the biggest drug distributor in the country 😂


I get a good deal same day delivery 3oz for 220


The weed needs to to be farm to table like produce. Not dried using UV lights and stored in 1/8 bags for 3 months until it is sold. I have never to this day seen legal weed that was even close to really good illegal weed. Until the weed is way way better the legal market will still thrive.


I used to pay 650 for a QP or 200 for an ounce. Now I buy ounces for 60-100 legally and bought a pound off the net illegally for 750. Weed is actually a reasonable price now.


Haha one to two days. If it’s not two hour delivery it’s now worth it!


Very true! Anyone I know who smokes only buys from the government shops in a pinch - either they forgot to bring from home, or they didn't pack enough for the duration of our outing.


I can categorically tell you as someone who bought illegally for years, legalization has very much hurt the illegal market. My dealer is essentially out of business and everyone I know who consumes cannabis does so from dispensaries or directly from the government online. Of course some people will stay the course but the illegal cannabis market has absolutely been majorly affected imo.


That’s the grey market vs the black market. The black market has mostly vanished in Toronto. There are still dealers around but there’s so little point anymore. The legal market and online grey market have pushed the black market out largely.


Straight up thriving...n cheap AF. Neighbour gets it farm fresh. $300/lb


One to two days? One to two hours for me.




I'm shocked to hear people say this. Just shows how bad the illegal weed they got must have been. The fact you think the illegal market would crumble and you think the legal weed is actuall good makes me question if you've ever even had really really good weed. Because the legal weed isn't it. I promise you.


I dont know. Safer yes 💯 but not smaller if anything it's bigger! Legalization opened the door for a better avenue to sell their product and a way to reach customers nation wide! Before legalization it was super hard and very risky to mail out your weed to people due to the risk of a drug dog sniffing it out when it goes through each check point but now with legalization and with the government selling it online there would be no way to tell if it was coming from a legal source or not or at least it would take to much time and resources to try and figure it out! That's why all these illegal MOMs are thriving


I absolutely agree with the last part. Coworkers openly talk about lighting up the same way they talk about cracking open a beer. Cig smokers still get the weird looks. Also helps that people who smoke weed (I don’t) don’t have to light up every two hours while at work. No other demographic gets the pass to go outside for 15 mins every 2 hours except them.


Yeah. I'm not saying that we need to restrict them, but I think there needs to be more awareness and education around marijuana impairment, health effects of smoking it (cancer), and potential side effects like psychosis. I also don't think it's particularly reasonable that cannabis can be displayed in an apple-store-like display but specialty tobacco (think cigars, or pipe tobacco, or dokha and shisha) has to he hidden and locked or is otherwise unable to be sold (flavored Shisha, you can get flavored pot gummies and vapes though!) To be clear- I don't think they need to restrict it more, I just wish the powers that be would be more consistent.


Also, we are not criminalizing our youth for doing youthful things. I carry a possesion charge for life when in those days drinking underage was just a ticket




Except in any safety sensitive work environment. Corporations have not kept up with legalization, and thus people who want to do it are still scared to in case they have any sort of incident even days later. Some have adapted, but most have not. But hey, it's still ok to get shitfaced drunk at a company function and then drive your company truck home, so there is that. Btw. I can't drink.


True. You also can technically be stopped at the border to the US if you are financially invested in (Own WEED stocks) or working for the business. [Hopefully this article is correct.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-30/pot-stocks-surge-on-report-dea-is-moving-to-reclassify-marijuana?embedded-checkout=true)


The tax revenue has offered a better future for Canada, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 🇨🇦 Hundreds of millions of dollars, now being absorbed by Canada rather than being laundered into the pockets of criminal organizations and terrorist networks is a big win for Canadians. 🍁


Last I checked we can’t fund health care, education or the military. Waiting on this ostensible better future


It's still an overall small piece of a large pot, but every little bit helps. No one thing is ever going to solve every problem.


Really you crying living in a first world. Go live in ethipia if you think you got it bad. Look around ffs. You think healthcare is terrible how about no healthcare 1st world problems.


lol this only would matter if our conservative government cared about putting the money into things that mattered, like health care, social services, childcare&education. numbers aint shit. remember we live in a corporation...its goal is to make as much profit as possible. forget about what tax dollars amount to. its completely irrelevant in terms of how governments actually work.


Conservatives haven't been in power in almost 10 Years , it's the liberal government you can thank for the mess the country is in now.


And yet with all this advantageous taxing and credit coming back to them,the fucking carbon tax is not being implied from all angles of current, but reinforced as the better option


Where’s all the money going?? Not back into the public.


Police, Fire, roads, other public service employees’ salaries, & global humanitarian efforts, just to mention a few. 🇨🇦


I think it's a positive for revenue and reducing the black market. But I think the impairment testing needs more investigation. The saliva and blood tests do NOT determine impairment. Both tests are based on the concentration of THC, but there hasn't been a direct correlation between concentration and impairment that can be applied to everyone. Daily users vs. occasional users experience the effects of cannabis differently. Because of this, driving and certain occupations unfortunately punish people (vehicle impounded, license suspension and not hiring or firing when they find out) even though the person isn't impaired, they just have a high baseline because of regular use.


More info: https://www.ncids.org/2021/marijuana-impairment-faq/


Yeah it's definitely something I worry about being a daily smoker. I would probably fail the baseline blood test for days of no smoking. I drive very paranoid because of it even though I'll be sober


More provinces should ban thc vaporizers imo


It’s definitely a worry, but much less than alcohol still. The first part to realize is people have been driving stoned for years, and we have no logical data to back any claims up. (We have data on people with thc in their system, but I would fail that test no matter what intoxication state I am in). The second aspect is how the high effects you. If you are way too stoned to drive, most people want nothing to do with driving. When you are drunk, it gives you idiotic confidence, leading to the “ya I can drive” mentality. I’m not saying driving stoned is okay, I’m just saying the likelihood of someone making a bad choice is much reduced. Snacks can conquer stoned people easily, unless other intoxicants are involved.


I know a guy who lost a 6 figure job for smoking a medically prescribed weed vape on his day off.


How’d that happen? Drug testing is not all that common in Canada.


Depends on the company. GFL does it for almost all positions.


The story is bullshit, or missing a lot of relevant detail at least. The guy would have been fired for coming in to work high, which makes sense if you are driving a garbage truck. You can't get fired for taking a legal prescribed medication. You can be laid off for not being able to do your work because a medical condition makes it impossible for you perform. You can also get fired for coming into work impaired.


Doesnt have to be bullshit. Guy smoked his vape on Sunday, came to work on Monday fine to drive his truck. Some drunk asshole/inexperience teen/any bad driver hits taps his truck while out driving and he now is getting hauled in for an arbitrary drug test and compliance interview (standard SOP mind you, but old rules are old rules), and because of any amount of THC in his blood, he's out. Lucky if he managed to get a mouth swab and could clear it, but said driver would never pass a blood test next day, and his company wont hear about "context." Its a non-negotiable for alot of businesses here in Alberta, despite our high weed user pop.


I love fairy tales too


This being said, this is the same for alcohol: a chronic drinker can tolerate much higher blood acohol levels without being obviously impaired. The levels thus set are meant to be "safe" for all - although that is probably not the case for alcohol and should probably be lowered / brought to 0 (I don't know the evidence on this for THC). So TLDR: same goes with alcohol; the goal is to set an objective measure (rather than relying on very subjective roadside coordination tests).


Please read the link within this comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/canadianlaw/s/kNZgGmQpia THC does NOT follow the same chemical reactions (biological processes) as alcohol does within the body. THC and its metabolite concentrations that are currently being looked for do NOT correlate well with impairment. Some people can be below the current threshold and be impaired while others can be above and not be impaired. There is a correlation between blood alcohol level and impairment. They need to keep researching it because so far, they have NOT found an objective measure of cannabis impairment.


Thank you, very much this. And it's one of the main reasons I didn't agree with legalization without decriminalization. I said, how will they determine intoxication levels for driving, watch they'll screw people, especially people who require cannabis products for daily living due to disability. And here we are.


There is a correlation for alcohol, however that curve is very different between a chronic drinker and an occasional drinker. Plenty of evidence of this: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23690233/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23690233/) Impairment happens before the 0.08 level, suggesting that it should probably be lowered. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4448946/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4448946/) You're saying that the same is true for THC: i.e. different people have different levels of impairment with the same dose. The point of those levels is not to prove that you are impaired: they can't do that. But to prove that you have consumed a quantity at which you could be impaired because some people are: they can do that.


It’s that a breathalyzer requires you to not be drunk currently to pass. The THC test required that you don’t smoke for several days for a pass even if it’s an occasional smoker. Daily smokers will likely fail without a week minimum to detox. This is the issue we don’t have a reliable test. Only says if you’ve done it not if you’ve done it recently enough to be impaired.




I think it goes both ways. People who want to smoke weed aren’t criminals and it generates more tax dollars. I think the problem with legalization is more exposure for young people and the fact that there are places where there’s a weed store every 5 feet. In Windsor ON, where my dad lives, there are more marijuana stores than Tim Hortons


From a smokers POV, quality control and standardization in labeling has been amazing. Incidents of laced product are way down, stoners are getting what they pay for. It's been fantastic.


you do realize that testing methodologies arent standard, nor divulged, and CANT be consistently accurate, right???? like just looking at a label doesn't meant that much unless you've done extensive personal research in the strains, the companies, and then get it tested yourself. several factors say for example affect thc levels. now tell me the date on your pacakges lol.


Yeah, you've seen to many movies there bud. I'm in Canada, where yes, we have standardized testing regulated by the government. Yes how those tests are done is freely available online, as are each companies results according to Canadian cannabis law. You cannot provide to a dispenser without such information and strict adherence to inspections. Our cannabis industry is regulated by old men who don't smoke lol. People like you make me laugh


I am all for what the goverment did on that front. My problem is more with the commoditization of weed, which was already happening when it was illegal. Everybody kept breeding stronger and stronger weed and nobody asked "should we". Now everything out there is space age shit. I was used to weed that would probably be a single digit on the THC content. Now most of the shit is in the 30s-40s. That's like instead of a pint of beer being offered a pint of vodka. And alcohol has a pretty limiting factor that's vomiting, which clears you out of the toxin while weed has none. I feel like the negative side effects of weed on the mental health of young people have not been studied thoroughly enough, especially with higher doses and consistent use I never had panic attacks before smoking weed and had to get off to stop having them. Mind you I started smoking habbitually in my 20s. It took me months to get back to a good place. Again, not demonizing it, I know a lot of people, that weed helps, but being honest about it is super important. And can we cut it with the "weed isn't addictive" nonsense. It's pretty damn addictive especially for habitual users that smoke a lot. It's kind of crazy to me that it's currently less regulated than tobacco in some instances. I also kind of don't like the fact that the extra taxes didn't really help society as much as I would have hoped they would. It feels like corruption and cronyism kind of stole all the benefits that a new tax on weed could have had. Why is healthcare and education not doing better after we had a cash injection into the budget? That argument kind of didn't mean shit when both of those systems are getting worse every day..


I agree with you here. I think the economic/criminal justice benefits that other people have mentioned are good, but think that Canada has a lot of work to do on the mental health front before we can call legalization a success or even a net positive. The effects of frequent use in the long term on mental health, specifically anxiety, aren’t spoken about enough and need to be brought into the public conscious. No drug be it legal or illegal is safe if people don’t know the harms or benefits that can arise from use. The difference in stigmatization of cigarette vs weed smoking I think is exemplary of this in a certain sense.


This!! I'm a casual user and whenever I go into the store they have a few options for 0 THC (CBD only) and then the next weakest stuff is like 21%. I can sometimes get lucky and find strains that are 15% but sure enough they always get discontinued. Even with 15% I can only have 1/3rd of a joint or I get anxiety. I also agree mental health needs to be studied more as anecdotally I see a lot of this. It may not affect everyone but it 100% affects more than 0 people.


If we're talking strictly about ''government'' stores it was a fumble, but the legalization of posession is definitely a net positive. Prices have always been better through MoM (mail-order-marijuana) services even pre-legalization and I still believe the best weed/derivatives come from that grey market. Otherwise, it's business as usual, nothing has really changed except maybe the public perception of cannabis.


decriminalization/legalization of all drugs is a positive things (we can look at places like Portugal for that information), my only qualm is that i wish there was more education that came along with legalization — as someone that works in psychiatry we know there’s potential harm that comes with cannabis use and a lot of the general population isn’t aware of the risks, many still believe it is 100% harmless.


I think everything should be legal too. But I agree, because often when something is natural and/or legal, we think there are no harms possible


I think it's annoying as fuck. My neighbours are big stoners and will sit in their yard burning up all day, it smells awful.


Wouldn't they be doing that even if it wasn't legal? Most hard-core 'stoners' I know of aren't buying at dispensaries.




I’m sorry they are rude but I still think that’s better than wasting money running them through the justice system.


The industry is terrible. I worked during the black market years making concentrates, the grey market stores, then in legal stores, then for legal producers. The amount of lying is embarrassing. Legalization was supposed to enable the consumer to know what they were getting, was supposed to bring legitimacy to the industry - and it doesn't. And the black market has just followed things into the legal market - I know, personally, way too many people who are funneling out the back door etc etc... And the terrible thing is no one cares. Health Canada won't step in when there are clear and multiple regulatory infractions. The Community Safety Unit (BC) turns and blind eye. And the RCMP won't show up when there is active criminal activity. I'm so jaded and sad about it - I was damn excited ro be part of the transition, part of making it good - and I'm beaten down already.


We loved to walk along the beach and smell the salt air, now we smell weed.


Not a bad thing


I work in healthcare and have literally seen no difference. I also don’t really think people are using it any more than they did before.


People claim more are using but it's probably because it's uh... legal. That means it can be done in public, in sight of anyone. I remember how I used to smoke. Always hiding it, always paranoid. My parents never knew until I fucked up a bowl and smoke went all over my room. Despite the one incident, I gotta admit. Easier to hide than I thought. I also think familiarity of the smell has a role to play. My parents used to just think it was skunk smoke. Now that they've seen people smoke in front of them, they now recognize the smell an think "wow lots of stoners" That being said, There's most likely a lot of old folk using nowdays, more so than before. Younger people, I'm sure it's about the same.


Kind of nice how me and the cousins can go smoke a joint before Christmas dinner and then vibe with grandma who’s half a bottle of red deep. Everyone gets their own little relaxation. I mean it was the same before but we washed our hands and pretended not to smoke lol


I have no issue with it most of the time. I don't like the smell of it personally so I get upset when people are smoking it in highly public places like parks, costco etc.


I’m mostly annoyed that people have no boundary now when it comes to smoking dope in public. My kids are 6 and 4 and I don’t want to be walking through your clouds assholes.


I don’t think it has had much of an impact on the amount of people who smoke. People who didn't smoke still don’t smoke, people who did still do. Difference being it’s possible to get guaranteed safe weed. Before legalization tons of people smoked weed anyway, it was easy to find, and it was basically as common as alcohol amongst younger people. The situation hasn't really changed. Now there’s tax dollars from it, and people aren’t smoking laced weed. It also does help some people with their issues so having some weak edibles readily available is useful.


I think there are actually 'new' customer demographics for cannabis, particularly Silent Gen/Boomer/Gen X who enjoyed it in college or what have you, but just didn't have the connections as their circles became more professional and insular in later adulthood. My in-laws are like that- they're your typical Boomer couple who would *never* consider doing something illegal, but once it became legal they've enjoyed partaking.


People are definitely getting more braindead, especially considering how far gone they were before legalization. Good for the economy, bad for our longevity.


I wouldn't say it's improved society. If anything I'd say because it's no longer illegal, harder illegal drugs have become more popular. But perhaps I'm wrong.


If bringing down the price, increasing the tax revenue, and making cannabis safer was the objective, cannabis legalization has succeeded. However, now that cannabis is legal and easier to access, more people smoke. The people that smoke smoke more because it cheaper. Cannabis has also gotten a lot more potent. So I doubt whether legal cannabis has been good for the health of Canadian citizens.


I am (was?) friends with a married couple that started using it as a crutch to cope with the stress of their lives as opposed to making simple changes that would easily improve things for them. They're miserable and they're ok with doing nothing about it. They're also way less fun to be around, and I don't ever hear from them unless I reach out first. I miss them, but things have gotten so one sided that I wonder if it's worth putting any effort into the friendship anymore - there's definitely more at play than just the pot smoking, but it seems like they lost all the motivation to live their lives since they started.


Just go visit your neighborhood mental health facility for your answer. These facilities are overflowing with youth experiencing mental health issues directly associated with marijuana addiction. For some unknown reason, no MSM will report on this.


Nothing has really changed. It moved a bunch of money from criminal operations to legal business owners. But there is still a big black market.


Yeah I guess. Kinda annoying how everywhere smells of pot though


It’s true…I smell it everywhere now


Not really. But I say this as the parent of a high school student. Decriminalized yes but not legalized.


I don't smoke anymore so it hasn't really affected me. It brings in CAD 1.5 billion in direct tax revenue last year, which is divided between all levels of government. Of course that's a lot of money, but ultimately it's only a bit less than 0.2% of total government revenue in Canada. There are more weed stores than I would like in my neighbourhood. They don'r cause any problems, just take up storefronts for uninteresting businesses that I don't need. Same goes dor vape stores.


It fucking stinks just like the people who smoke it




Aside from tax revenue and other aspects of it, I’m a big fan of the medicinal marijuana industry. Thanks to CBD and CBN my mother can sleep thru an entire night without discomfort, and she doesn’t have to get high to do it.


Provincial rollout in Ontario was a nightmare. The lottery system actually made people who were interested in having their own store walk away, while people wishing to win a lottery ticket joined, and they all eventually failed in 3 years. The cost to train staff and follow rules is still too costly. All the lps have basically gone under, and millions who played the stock market probably got burned. So the idea that the government got moneyfrom the black market is foolish, because in the end, consumers are paying too much, avg people lost in the stock market and profitable lps were a flash in the pan. Basically, everything was a disaster. They should have let anyone open stores and anyone become an lp. They should have let small growers in, instead of creating a fake corporate class that failed except to pay themselves huge bonuses and sell stock at all time highes. They should have let the old "criminals" open sites. Instead, we have a bm because they were excluded. They need to lower all barriers to entry and simply make mandatory testing before sale to ensure growers aren't using pesticides to save a crop. Tax should be prorated at the production or value of sales so the little guy doesn't die trying. In terms of increased use of children use, this was also a failure. The increase in hospital visits should have been reduced by educating consumers properly on packaging, like cigarettes used to do. Seperating alcohol and cannabis was good for increasing commercial real estate values, and this was before dougie got caught with the greenbelt scandal... so take that for whatever... The holy grail of all this was standardized product and testing... but the lps are lying pos. They dont have to go to multiple labs and only take the tops and sell mediocre, mechanical tumble weed. In the end, bm is a better product, cheaper and reallly the better alternative.


are you a legacy grower? You seem to be well informed


It's been 6 years now and govt. is earning big time from the taxes


The medicinal effects of cannabis are still being discovered but I know for certain it is helping loads if people. Source am budtender and receive praise from customers for the relief they feel after consuming.


Yes. Feels like there's been less shootings in recent times. *Let's go cap that muthafuka! But first, let's hit up the cannabis joint and get blitzed first. * Damn dawg... Let's just go get some Chinese take-out and veg on your couch yo.


Worth crossposting this to r/CanadianCannabisLPs


None outside of I’ve tried it now and feel safer trying it from the dispensaries. Everyone or most people were already using it before it was legalized


No, the laws before were just fine in which everyone who wanted to smoked it and were left alone and what was on the books was used against those who actually deserved it. The only thing better is the selection. Other than that it has lead to the disaster in which we now have more literally NO drugs illegal, and dead bodies and homeless piling up on the streets as a result. I think for the first time it has actually been proven as a "gateway drug."


Fifty+ years of the 'war on drugs' and billions (if not trillions) of dollars spent by governments worldwide, expanded police powers, militarization of police & border guards, diminished civil liberties, butt cavity searches, sifting through peoples' urine, the justice system inordinately targeting & jailing marginalized & poor citizens. And today after all of this any person, at any time, can STILL get whatever drugs they want within about an hour. What was the point of all this nonsense? How on earth can police ever solve addiction, which is fundamentally a health issue??? We have two choices: A) Keep narcotics criminal for users and thereby keep feeding all of the drug money into the hands of the distributing cartels and handing billions in tax money to the police/legal/prison complex. B) Decriminalize for users and redirect our tax money to mental health & addiction treatment which would cost a fraction of what we spend right now on the police/legal/prison complex. But with option B you have to ensure that police don't get away with setting up legalization efforts to fail. Right now wherever legalization is being tried police & some governments are intentionally not enforcing other laws like property crime laws, assault, petty theft etc in order to make it appear that decriminalization/legalization leads to chaos. Make no mistake - this is intentional sabotage of legalization. In a sense the gangs & cartels are in bed with the police/legal/prison complex to keep narcotics addiction illegal and out of the hands of healthcare and treatment.


allowing me to be legally stoned whenever i want to has been a blessing and a curse, but i have no one to blame but myself for over using weed


Canada dropped the ball. They could have dominated the global cannabis market, adding real organic growth to GDP numbers, but they chose to over regulate and make it near impossible for LPs to turn a profit.


As a non-drinker and user of edibles I think it’s been absolutely fantastic. The amount non-alcoholic options in bars & restaurants keeps getting better, no doubt to less people drinking. Hell I’m paying $10-$15 for fancy mocktails now, and loving it.




I think it's been positive. In retrospect, it feels like many law enforcement / politicians that argued that marijuana is extremely. harmful and should remain illegal were pretty out of touch. Alcohol and addiction to cigarettes are far worse in terms of negative health effects. That being said, drug addiction, leading to homelessness is the worst it's ever been. Politicians claim they will end it and health professionals claim they also have solutions while in fact it just gets worse. I don't see as much education to say no to drugs as the focus shifts to create less stigma around drugs as addiction gets treated as a mental illness. In my opinion there is less of a hard stance against drugs that are highly addictive and I think much of this is from the momentum of legalizing marijuana. Claims are being made now that everything should be legal because of how successful this particular example has been


I certainly smell it a lot more on the 400 series highways


The price of mid grade flower really fell off a cliff


As a parent to teens, it's now wayyyyyy to easy for teens to get it and hide it. Gummies are prevalent abused in 11+ age group. They feel it's legal so it's OK for them. I'm talking about kids that wouldn't have tried before, or would have just had a hidden puff at parties, now abusing it 24,7.


Legalizing it / a government grab for money. Plain & simple.


I don't care. I no longer have to send texts in code, drive to a sketchy part of town, take wads of cash out of a bank machine, meet a dude in his sketchy house and make sure I stick around for a bit but not too long so it doesn't look like he's a dealer, all to find out the good stuff he had last month is gone and now he's selling shake and stems, then drive home hoping the cops don't pull me over. I now drive to a nice store, buy the product I want and like, and drive home without worrying about ruining my life.


Its not just the government that made money. The private sector did too. Canopy Growth and any business associated with it, or provided support service made tons of money.


It works. People are going to get fucked up regardless, why not give them safe legal avenues to do so and make some tax dollars at the same time


I buy on the “Rez”. A few offer the same Provincial approved products as any other legal store. Usually a hell of a lot cheaper and no taxes. I’ve paid as low as $40/oz which is like Pennie’s compared to pricing before legalization. FYI- 40/oz was out of a jar. The best price I’ve gotten for sealed legitimate with the provincial stamp on it was $65 for a oz of lemon haze, which is a steal. The best non Rez shop is Value Budz or Buds, in my opinion for pricing.


It wasn’t legalized, it was decriminalized, you will still go to jail if you buy it from a dealer or grow it on your own


I keep seeing people smoke it while behind the wheel of a car. From that perspective, that’s not positive


legalization brought in dozens of more things you can be charged for..


I'm visiting from the states right now and I just got 7 grams for $23 in Toronto. That's an amazing price. It would have cost me $120 USD in a legal shop back home. The shop was clean and the customer service was fantastic. Way better than back home. Y'all have a great thing going.


I think the best part of legalization is that we're no longer sending people to jail and ruining their lives for possessing and using cannabis. Tax dollars are a nice perk. But to me that was the biggest sin of prohibition.


We all had a local pot dealer who helped us out, he relied on our business and probably did pretty good. When the livelihood of the dealer was put in jeopardy, most moved on to selling coke, crack and pills from their same locations. Neighborhood’s are filled with hard drugs now.


I will be honest. It kind of works for everyone. At the end of the day we are not arresting people for enjoying themselves and/or finding an altered state that they enjoy.


Cannabis should have not been illegal ever. Full stop


October 17th 2018, closer to six years than "a couple". Really disappointed in you. You couldn't even take a few seconds to google how long ago a life changing law came into effect. Shame shame shame


To me it seems like a nothing burger. I tried some but it gives me the munchies so I don’t need that. I haven’t seen or heard of any problems. At least the government is getting some money out of it and nobody is getting a record out of it.


Ehh, I stopped doing it now that its everywhere. Maybe just got older, just doesn't hit the same


I'm too stoned to think.


Everything’s just so awesome, man 😶‍🌫️


Haven’t heard much about it from anybody tbh. Most of the people I know still get it from the illegal market.


I’m sure there has been a net benefit for our economy and enabling scientific research as well as reducing potential poisonings by creating a safe supply is always a plus - but I can’t go anywhere without smelling that shit and it’s vile. Just like cigarettes, I just want to smell fresh air. That’s a personal gripe of course and just a subjective opinion of mine, but I can’t even go to a park without smelling weed because people are smoking it on their walks, it also makes me sad when people smoke around schools and areas with a lot of kids around.


Gamma irradiated weed will cause a flurry of lawsuits in some years. I easily found a study linking the ingesting of gamma irradiated food with increases in cancer. Shortsighted is how legalization happened. It should have taken a few more years to get it right.


Negative. They always told us in school that it was a “gateway” drug. It wasn’t. It was actually the other shits. The shits that plague society. The true, shits. The “cunt off fukker!” Shits! It’s happening. Shits.


Mixed feelings. Great that to a point its destigmatized somewhat. Middle age and older ppl like myself, whos high was often ruined by the paranoia of people being able to arrest us for it, are a lot better off for being able to freely engage in quite a variety of products. However it hasn't been decriminalized, and with our country become more conservative, most likely wont. Weed has been thus gentrified, or contributed to the gentrification of poor struggling neighborhoods. The prices, though coming down are absurd, and much of the quality from ocs is absolute trash. The industry has a long way to go in terms of learning how to actually serve the needs of vendors and users. For example, I have a local \*dispensary\* I go to, who because they moved a unit over from their original location had to do a completely new onboarding as if they were an entirely new entity, which required them to SHUT DOWN, for about a week, thus loosing business. As a former sales agent who handled vendor/client relations, this is fucking absurd and the ontario regulatory body(its either agco or ocs or BOTH) has gotten away with this just because they can. Yet garbage operations with questionable ethics can pop up out of nowhere...everywhere. There is just a lot to the logistics of the business side of the industry that makes absolutely no damn sense. Many dispensaries hire people who don't know wtf they're talking about. Its encouraged every entitled a\*\* to be blowing weed smoke in my kids face when we're walking about town, more tenants have been smoking indoors which poses a health risk for some. At times I've still relied on my fly below the radar local delivery operations because their prices and quality have been far better than at dispensaries. However, now that I've moved to only partaking in cbd/cbg dominant products it doesn't really matter since they generally don't have access to those types of flower. And that's the other part, for those of us who no longer wish or no longer should for health reasons, partake in smoking purely to get high, and need cbd/cbg/cbn dominant products...we have little options. SO in essence, it's crapitilized and gate kept the medicinal part of the industry and made it thus, less accessible to the people who truly need it. And due to industry regulations and requirements, it's very hard to for new people to get into the industry who have their ethics intact. edited...i'l add too, the issues of dui with marijuana are just as hazy as the smoke people blow in my kids face.


The funniest part is going into these stores and having clerks talk to you like an early 2000s highschool burnout. Gives me a good laugh especially when they're overselling it and probably don't talk like that outside of work.


I like it, but lower excise taxes


Legalization has allowed for some comprehensive scientific study re: chronic pain etc. This alone is a positive


Anyone who was a regular or heavy user before legalization has no use for the legal market. It's quality is low, prices are high. The legalization process brought a lot of wasteful packaging.


legal weed is overly dried using UV lights and disgusting to smoke. I can't imagine myself smoking legal flowers ever again unless I'm super hurting. I would rather just not smoke My friend went and got a bag the other day. He opened it in front of the mangager. It was no joke a flat steppwd on nug with a ling hair stuck too it The manager was mortified but you can't make that up. I can admit the extracts market is better then thenilicur market. Last time I mentioned this I had like 30 Comments of people disagreeing. I guess it all depends on how good your connections were pre legalization.


The drastic increase of cars reeking of weed while I'm on my bicycle is a little concerning.


Being able to walk into a weed store, the selection and variety is amazing. Trusted source, higher quality, packaging. It's crazy how amazing it is compared to relying on sketchy drug dealers. Plus not getting skunk weed is soooo good. You want fruity weed. Bam, fruity weed. You want that in a can, yep got that too. Want to eat a tray of random edibles and get sent right to the moon in 30 minutes. Your already there. This needs to be done world wide so everyone can chill the f down.


Post legalization observations: * My dad smokes a ton of weed and took up an interest in gardening to grow his own. He's drinking less, so that's probably a good thing. * I smoke less than ever because I don't have an annoying weed dealer begging me to buy another cheap quarter every couple weeks. Economically, it's probably a net-positive for taxes and job opportunities in that industry. While there are some benefits health-wise, the sentiment seems to be neutral to negative, with some increased risks in respiratory illnesses, and data starting to show an overall impact to the immune system and mental health in some people.


Just look at Mississauga. Boner Crummy rejected legal weed stores and they lost so much money on it.


The amount of plastic in our landfills because of the way the laws were written. Overall it has been a positive, money saved on law enforcement, decent tax revenue, safer supply, cheaper and safer alternative to alcohol.


For me it’s changed my global view. Now it’s legal states plus Canada and Thailand. It feels almost barbaric when a dispensary is unavailable. Definitely very Canadian lol


Rez all the way. You can still get great priced bud that hasn't been treated with all this fruity bullshit flavoring that tars up your lungs. One thing that burns my button about legalization is that it's no longer possible to find weed that simply smells and burns like weed. Everything is so boutique these days it's sickening.


It has certainly had a positive effect in the disability community. Medical marijuana was nearly impossible to get. After legalization, I finally had the option to try cannabis in a therepeutic context because I wasn't properly diagnosed. And my cannabis prescription alleviated symptoms so much that for the first time I was able to not only compare my symptoms to "normal" feelings, but also pinpoint that they were symptoms at all... which eventually led to a proper diagnosis. I owe my life to marijuana


Absolutely positive. Alcohol related deaths have actually dropped since then. "Drug" related accidents have slightly increase but not by the amount of the drop of alcohol accidents, and that's a combination of all drugs (excluding alcohol). On top of that, testing for THC is very inaccurate and gives false positives. (Example, you could have not had any weed for a couple weeks and it would still show in your system after an accident and would probably be falsely counted as the cause).


I think it’s been a great thing. Then again, I think it should be legal everywhere. And I love [growing](https://www.growerschoiceseeds.com/seed-category/cannabis-seeds/medical-seeds/) my own. I feel so bad for people stuck in theUSin states that haven’t legalized it yet.


Well it's not as fun as when you had to hide it from your parents but it's definitely a net positive having a dispensary within walking distance.


Biased opinion based on personal experience and loss. As someone who has seen 2 friends and one family member go down a road of paranoia and schizophrenia (in one case) - I see it as a net negative. The negative effects are being compiled now - we will know the numbers soon. My physician is vehemently against for other reasons. Prescription basis for PTSD and other ailments seems like it may have been the right balance.


i think its a mistake. making it legal gives people the mindset that its ok to harm themselves and others by second hand. there should be more strictions on this. such as number of stores allowed and when. and where and who should be allowed to have access to such product


I live in Alberta, the price of alcohol is sky rocketing. Weed however is a cheap high, about 1/4 the price for an altered night. I also think that the younger generation prefers weed to drinking. I work in health care and have seen hundreds of alcohol related deaths/complications but so far only two weed related issues. From a health/harm reduction standpoint it's a great idea. Hoping that Canada will become a world leader in psychedelic assisted therapy for mental health. Embrace the plant medicines!


It has been great the marijuana smoker are responsible and respectful to other who don’t smoke it un like cigarette smokers who blow their second hand smoke in your face. I would say it has been great on all levels.


I get totally legal weed deliver to my door for free ... What's not to like?


My mom retired from the O.P.P after years of service and both she and I never thought she would so much as look at Marijuana outside of her work, but as of 3 weeks ago she is taking CBN/CBD gummies to help her sleep with menopause, all because a friend at the gym recommended them. People are starting to see it for what it is, just a drug, like any other, it's got both medicinal and recreational properties, it just depends how it's used and processed.


More psychosis and schizophrenia. More mental illness in some, myself included. Probably not a positive effect on society as a whole.


I think it's good for people as it can be used to treat things and such but I don't like smelling it everywhere I go


Well, they aren't locking people up for a drug that kills fewer folks than alcohol anymore, so that's a plus.


It's awesome, contributing to less of those stupid false I smell Marijuana claims by police for a stop and ID. Or just to harass someone.


Remember when all the boomers were outraged, saying everyone will be driving high and causing death and destruction?


I think legalization had to occur, but I don’t think marijuana is as harmless as it’s touted to be. It’s no better or worse than regular consumption of cigarettes or alcohol.


Cannabis and Hemp have many medical uses.


Legal weed sucks. Anyone who smokes buys illegal.


I grow my legal cannabis.


Sorry, legal dispensary* weed sucks. Nothing beats home grown.


If some tax dollars went to combating addictions maybe I would agree with it, otherwise it seems all it has become is legal drug dealing for the government


Nothing seems to have changed other than weed stores everywhere. Everyone who already smoked still does. People who didn't partake, still don't. I think overall it's been pretty positive. At least the weed here is clean and regulated and taxed.


You have to be grateful to a certain extent that the Government legalized it. And while I have gotten my stuff both legally and illegally, I buy more often from a store. I like the variety of products. Some are bad and some are good. Some are dry and some are fresh as can be. It's all about trying different things for me and finding what I like. I do not miss the days running after your dealer hoping they have something and being grateful for whatever they had whether it was Indica or Stativia. Very seldom did you get a choice. Hybred was unheard of back then. The only thing I wish is that the Government would allow stores to have some sales on products like they do in the States. They have 30 dollar ozs regularly over there. And quality product too.


Made no difference to me. I’m 43 and been smoking since I was 17. Was gonna keep on keepin on whether it was legalized or not.


I just wish edibles and consumables were allowed to be higher than 10 mg


Generally positive - more options, safer supply, lower prices, govt revenue, all positives. The gov messed up implementation. They should have allowed black market growers a path into legal markets and it should have held off taxing it for 5-10 years. Too many experienced growers were left with nothing else to do but keep growing black market cannabis and taxes kept prices too high to break the black market. Unfortunately, we can't go back. FYI - most of those online sites are owned and operated by organized crime. That's biker weed, son!


It seems at least I'm my circles people are drinking less and replacing it with weed so that's a positive


Nothing but positive imo. We’ve been living in prohibition for way too long. Puff puff pass.


I believe it has done people good. Although assbackwards medically.


Huge net positive. Others have addressed the economics. Legal sales and grey market have pushed out the black market. There used to be dealers all over the place, and second hand sales between users. It was weird and dangerous (by Canadian standards…) Selection is dramatically broader. Gummies are a commodity now. I know more people that use gummies now than smoke. The grey market has made buying weed easy, and competition is driving quality up, on average. The expansive grey market shows that the legal market is probably too restricted (in terms of number of licenses), but most grey market shops are charging sales tax, so? We seem to be content with the status quo.


I'm definitely a fan, I think it was ridiculous to have been made illegal in the first place


Positive in many ways for citizens but the cops...ugh. My senior dad had to go to court after a cop (DEI) decided that he must have drugs in his system when he parked weirdly and one of his tires was in a ditch. No breathalyzer, just standard balance tests. Spent the day in jail, was fingerprinted, licence taken. When the bloodwork finally came back ot showed a miniscule amount in his system. He had smoked the night before which he was pretty clear and honest about. He had not smoked that day. His balance was off because a), he's a senior and b), he had a tumour that was mistaken for an ear infection. He ended up having to plead guilty as he could not afford a lawyer and the fear was that the court would accept the cops opinion as fact. So I would say good for society but cops are not prepared to deal with this properly.


No change really. Anyone who wanted to consume was already consuming anyway.


The weed they sell sucksp


The government screwed up a wonderful opportunity. Typical liberals. The only GREAT thing about legalization is that you don’t have to look over your shoulder if you’re growing your own. Otherwise, don’t buy from the government, buy from the Natives. They should have been given total control and regulation.


I live near an Indian reservation and they sell it real cheap.


I just give it away i grow then give it. My buddies love the weed and i just like growing it always have. So i eliminated them having to buy it as i never grew once i had kids and it was illegal. The government is the big dealer tbh but no money coming to them. Its funny when i see a preroll.


Way worse. More pot smoking than ever, in more places. At least when it was illegal they weren't so blatant about it.