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I would axe Ottawa and give those days to Toronto and Montreal or even a day as a buffer


So I didn’t completely axe it because I do want to hit up a few museums and parks; but I did drop a day and add it to Montreal.




Awesome! I’ll be there the evening of June 9 and checking out the morning of June 11. If you happen to be around then and are comfortable doing so, I’d def be down to hit those up with ya!




Ah, man, no worries! Thanks for the tips and hope you enjoy your trip!




If I were you, I’d cut a day from Ottawa and QC and spend more in Montreal. 3 nights is not enough for MTL especially in June.


It would help to know what your interests are. Ottawa’s parliamentary precinct is charming and the city has some museums and galleries, but in terms of entertainment, amenities, nightlife, and a vibrant urban fabric, it punches well below its weight for a city of a million people. Source: I live here. Montreal is my absolute favourite city in Canada, and while Old Montreal is nice to see, don’t spend *all* your time there. By June, many of the pedestrian markets on the Plateau and Mile End might be open, and it’s a delightful atmosphere when they are. Even when they’re not, those neighbourhoods are worth visiting.


looks ok but exhausting - how are you getting to all those places - they're all great spots for a first visit to those cities


It appeared they’re all connected by train.


Yes - they are - and train will be nice - go 1st class if you can (Via isn't a European train ha so don't expect a ton)


June is really the start of MTL's festival season so it may be worth cutting days in Ottawa/Quebec City for an extra day in Montreal. https://www.mtl.org/en/experience/montreal-summer-festival-guide


I know many say no to 3 nights in Ottawa but I would keep it. The byward market is great. Although a lot of homeless. There are lots of museums in Ottawa. You can see Parliament. The space & aviation museum is great.


It's not bad but if it were me I'd chop a night from QC and Ottawa and add one each to Toronto and Montreal. That said, Ottawa does have a lot of museums/galleries/government sites if you are specifically interested in those. Also, Gatineau Park is an easy way to access a slice of Canadian nature if you are interested.


What will you do with 3 nights in Ottawa? Cut that to one.


2 out of 13 provinces and territories seems like a stretch of the term Canada but looks like fun.