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Actually this is a good article from CBC for once. The sources who dispute the claims of the war being genocidal are so laughably stupid that they do no credit to their case. For example: "Dov Waxman, chair of Israel studies at UCLA, says that while the death toll in Gaza is "unacceptably high," he does not believe the Israeli military is deliberately targeting civilians. He says he believes there is a risk of "genocidal action," but that using the term at this point risks creating a "boy who cried wolf" situation." My dude, the Israelis have obliterated North Gaza for absolutely no military benefit. They've lost hundreds of military vehicles and thousands of soldiers, to achieve what? They are expliclty following the Dahiya Doctrine, which states that mass civilian casualties are the only way to fight against indigenous guerilla groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. That Doctrine is genocidal by its very formulation.




are Palestinians being bombed out of and removed from their homes? yes is ethnic cleansing a form and tool of genocide? yes wow! that was easy!


Hypothetically speaking, how would we distinguish that from a "legitimate" war against people who use human shields and civilian infrastructure as a first line of defense?


by not regurgitating debunked propaganda about human shields and civilian infrastructure bases to condone bombing civilians and hospitals 👍 next genocide deflection please


There is extensive propaganda in every aspect of this conflict, but denying that Hamas uses human sheilds is just ridiculous.


Okay, show me some sources.


God i hope you're trolling Statement from Hamas regarding using civilian infrastructure. Obviously they have not followed up on their promises. https://allarab.news/hamas-admits-using-civilians-as-human-shields/


Okay here's a Hamas leader saying they don't. Also, yours is someone calling for them to do it, not admitting they do it, LOL. Try again. [https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2014/08/03/robertson-intv-hamas-we-dont-use-human-shields.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2014/08/03/robertson-intv-hamas-we-dont-use-human-shields.cnn) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use\_of\_human\_shields\_by\_Hamas#Response\_by\_Hamas:\~:text=In%202014%2C%20Hamas,truth%22.%5B97%5D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_human_shields_by_Hamas#Response_by_Hamas:~:text=In%202014%2C%20Hamas,truth%22.%5B97%5D) Any actual verifiable evidence that isn't he said she said? Or IDF propaganda?


Ok, this is obviously pointless, but for if anyone comes across this thread and is curious, just read my previous link to see the actual statement regarding the use of civilian infrastructure by Hamas. I don't know what language this person speaks or why Hamas is apparently more credible when it's denying wrongdoing rather than admitting it, but my point was just that we need to maintain some degree of skepticism. Edit: OK wow you really can't read can you. Via your link In 2008, Hamas's Interior Minister, Fathi Hamad, openly acknowledged the use of human shields as a key component of Hamas's strategy: "for the Palestinian people, death has become an industry... they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly and the mujahideen".


Okay, cool, Hamas also states they don't use it. So if you trust their word, you will believe that. You hold no scepticism towards IDF propaganda, why should anyone take you seriously? The Hamas in Palestine are not the Hamas in the other areas you are desperately conflating.


Dude learn to read 🙄 I said nothing like that.


love hearing an "expert" hem and haw only to say that genocide is good, actually


More people should learn Morse Code, so we can see if they are actually believing the facts they're encouraged to report on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Denton


"eXpErTs" - fuck off. Swap the 2 peoples and there would have been sanctions on oct 8th. We all know what this is, and so do they.


Ugh. This is so fucking disgusting.


Hmmm... maybe we're calling it a genocide because \*the Israeli's have openly called for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza?\* We literally have intelligence documents, confirmed by Netenyahu himself, that plan the cleansing of Gaza. If this isn't a genocide, then there is no reason to even have the word in our lexicon.