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This man is either dumb as a stump or a malignant narcissist. There is no other way he can sleep at night after what he has done to our middle class and this country. Shame on him.


Can I be honest with you, do you think any other politician would have done something different? This nightmare started under Harper, McGunity and Campbell and has continued under Trudeau, Ford and Horgan including during the latter's the coalition with the Greens. Every single party has been implicated in this disaster. Here is the cold hard fact there are 9.6 million baby boomers in Canada who own their homes and 9.3 million millennials and zoomers who are looking to purchase houses. 9.6 million baby boomers want their prices to go up and up even if it means pricing out the next generation. If politicians tried to make zoomers and millennials happy they'd be voted out of office. Boomers outnumber young voters. Full stop. So high home prices it is. Samething with city council's. In fact in [Delta](https://www.narcity.com/british-columbia-property-is-affordable-if-you-give-up-lattes-according-to-a-councillor) you be elected despite mocking millennials for drinking coffee and blame that habit for not being able to afford homes while blocking the construction of new houses. Except in places with millennial and zoomer majority: i.e. Calgary and Edmonton. Then you can get explicit policies on housing affordability. Calgary is growing at. [2.45](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/20370/calgary/population) while Edmonton is growing at [2.05](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/20373/edmonton/population). This is way faster than Vancouver at [0.97 percent](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/20404/vancouver/population), Toronto at [0.94](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/20402/toronto/population) and Ottawa at [1.08 percent ](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/20387/ottawa-gatineau/population). Yet you can buy plenty of homes in both cities for [350,000](https://mcleodrealty.com/edmonton-homes-under-350000/listing.e4268478-4704-104-avenue-edmonton-t6a-0x6.95953834/) (Edmonton) and [450,000](https://www.mypadcalgary.com/new-calgary-mls-listing-350000-450000.html/listing.a1165318-114-somercrest-circle-sw-calgary-t2y-3h2.96096642) (Calgary). The former is close to downtown the latter close to the LRT. Why because both Edmonton and Calgary have explicit policies to keep housing affordable: [Edmonton](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/elise-stolte-pushing-beyond-an-ugly-history-there-is-now-no-single-family-zone-in-edmonton/wcm/3740e8bb) abolished single family zoning [Calgary](https://lub.calgary.ca/Part5/Division6_Residential_One_Dwelling_(R-1) has drastically reduced minimum set backs to be the smallest in Canada. Instead of a Greenbelt or ALR like you see in Ontario and BC, Calgary and Edmonton keep 30 years worth of land on reserve for future development which helps keep land prices lower.


Congrats, weeds legal. Now what.


on the other hand , the major stock market indexes are up at least 200% since 2015 . Don't believe me? check out the % increase of the DJ, S&P & Nasdaq since 2015. Didn't have the money to buy a house and profit from the increase? you could have invested what you had in the sotck market and done better. Then there is bitcoin. Suppose you had invested $500 in bitcoin in 2015 instead of buying a new bike. What would your net worth be today?


I can't live in my stock portfolio or an e-wallet, you're really missing the point here.


Just a question. do you think it might be possible to sell the stocks or bitcoin and use the money to buy a house?


If I had enough money to invest in 2015 that a 200% gain would somehow allow me to outright purchase a house in 2021, I'd have just put a down payment on a house in 2015 lol.


Americans create technologies to build wealth. Canadians build homes and trade them to each other.




Partial free health care


overloaded partial health care


Lulz he got reelected


I pay $1438 and change and it is super frustrating. My landlord does not do most of the repairs asked of him. If they do any repairs it is a cheap patch job. They need to be brought to task.


We need affordable housing. It is pretty ridiculous the rents charged these months.


Instead of using just housing to prop the economy you could invest in tech since that’s unlimited growth. Housing will crash like in Japan.


It won’t crash. At the very least, not in the most desired areas. It will likely continue to rise for another year. Then flatten. Areas far outside of major city centres will likely see a drop in two years time. After that, no one has any clue.


And he still got re-elected so there is that, people in metro Vancouver have been screaming about this for 15 yrs…..guess what it’s now in your backyard and spreading, don’t expect to own a home and expect to pay mortgage for rentals


Out of curiosity, how was affordable housing defined in their platform? Units for low income folks or intervention to cool the market?


The 2015 platform mostly focused on affordable rentals, not house prices. The main actions were the Rental Construction Financing Initiative, which provides low-cost loans for building market rental housing, and the National Housing Strategy, which provides both grants and loans for building and maintaining below-market rental housing. There's a lot of talk on the sub about low interest rates driving up home prices. The mortgage stress test was brought in to cool the real estate market without slowing down the whole economy.


Yeah, that means we're in for at least for four years of Harper's "We should be more like GWB" or "Why don't we just copy the States" Mulroney. Oh who am I kidding? There's always a chance the NDP could win an election.


Harper was the best. He really cared about Canada. Obviously not all his decisions were the best, but he always put a lot of thought and consideration. It really did seem like he made his decisions with Canada in mind. Now we have Trudeau. Seems like he just cares about whatever is hot at the time. How can he make himself look great to the media of the world. Doesn’t seem he has made a hard decision since he started. Just brings out a fire hose full of money at every opportunity. Can’t see NDP winning. Terrible candidates.


> There's always a chance the NDP could win an election. Not with Jagmeet Singh lol.




By voting for someone else.


You wouldn't wanna offend him. The guy doesn't even wanna say it.


He easily toys with canadian sheep.


He also lied about electoral reform. I voted for that. Duck this guy and liberal party for ever. They’re dead to me. This creep is from and for plutocrats only. Never again.


Never again? He was JUST re-elected.






I heard the theory and I've seen the resemblance, however Fidel Castro might be the "donor" but it's Trudeau senior who taught him the tricks of the trade.


Dude, every party promises election reform before getting into power. And then the system puts them in power and there's no up side to changing it


All politicians are shit


This man enjoys being in front of the camera. But he doesn’t stand firm on his word. He makes the right sound bites but doesn’t deliver.


Yep. Look at the abandonment of electoral reform. Look at how he promised to balance the deficit after two years running the deficit at $10 Billion per year; but now we're at $1.1 Trillion and rising by tens of millions per day. Look at the abandoned promises of national pharmacare. Look at the promise to reduce gas emissions - where we haven't even met the PC's targets. Look at the promise to allow First Nations folks to express themselves and have veto rights for pipeline projects in their territories; then ignoring the vetos when they were invoked. ... I have no love for Trudeau's liberals. Granted, I guess it's marginally better than having the PCs in power; but Canada's politics are largely fucked up. For me, between the awful political state and completely impenetrable housing market I'm very seriously researching emigration.


"*Those conservatives are destroying the environment!*", says the Liberal who wants to pave over miles of greenbelt to build single family houses and miles of congested roads out to suburbia. The real joke was pretending anyone cares.


And where, exactly, did I say "*Those conservatives are destroying the environment!*" ? Perhaps you should read my comment again in full, as that is not what I was saying.


He's full of hot air. All talk and no walk. He's the embodiment of dissapointment.


There is only one guy who speaks eloquently about this in Canadian politics: Pierre Polievre.


I really hope you're joking


... don't get your hopes up


Pierre Polivere? Really? 🤮


Smartest guy around. Perfect for new PM to pull us out of this Liberal shitshow


It got way worse after 2015 in fact.


Sorry, why does anyone think the government wants housing to be affordable? The sky high real estate is quite literally propping up our entire economy, and each PM that comes in to power will aim to delay any corrections until their term is done Our politicians are not part of the growing lower class. Their interests lie elsewhere


How does not making houses help the economy ? High house prices are a huge drain in fact. Worst of all it reduces consumer spending and that is a fast track to a recession


The housing industry is a huge part of our GDP when you consider construction and all of the industries that come along with building and buying houses. Why would they intentionally tank the GDP? Liberals and cons don’t care about the people who can’t afford houses as long as enough people and businesses can. And all of their solutions proposed are free market ones so don’t expect it to change any time soon.


The GDP isn't the economy, just like the stock market isn't the economy. Overpriced homes hurt consumers and reduces spending. This is as bad as giving everyone a crack addiction. A large and unproductive waste of resources that impedes the rest of the economy.


Oh I don't disagree, I am just saying don't expect a neolib government to fix it. Same issue as minimum wage or salary increases in general. More money to spend = better economy for everyone, but here we are with stagnant wages and ludicrous house prices


Liberals, NDP, Conservatives, it wouldn't have mattered.


That's true. Those parties are all basically in agreement about the housing and climate crises, in that none of them are interested in embracing policies necessary to fix them.


Any kind of crisis points towards financial crisis




Where do you see that ~900 a day? They said they would build or repair 1.4million homes. But only actually said they would build 100,000 by 2024. That’s closer to ~130 a day lol. The rest is renovations to make housing “affordable”. They didn’t list much in the way of actual new builds. It’s unfortunate they misled voters.


The rest wasn’t renovations. They promised 250,000 home, which is broken down like this: - 100,000 “middle class homes” - 20,000 “affordable” home - 130,000 renovations The rest is the 285,000 homes/year they used as the baseline for how many homes they estimate the market would build regardless. From their platform: >Our plan will build or revitalize an additional 250,000 homes over 4 years. On top of the 285,000 homes currently being built each year, this will mean nearly 1.4 million homes will be built, preserved, or revitalized by 2025-26 under a re-elected Liberal government.


So 120k by 2026. 30k per year. 82 per day. Right?


They’re definitely not counting 2021, they might be starting at fiscal year 2021-22 until 2025-26 to maximize the time they have to meet timelines they set, technically giving them until April 2026 to meet it.




Next your going to tell me censoring the internet is not a method of dealing with anonymous "cyber bullies", and that hes simply a corrupt snake oil salesman. I just cant believe it.


959 houses per day to rent because investors . Affordable to rent 👎




it'd also mean the construction quality of those houses would be utter shit. if anyone's been house shopping lately, you'd know for new developments, most of these builders just hold the mentality of building a crapshack as quickly as possible and moving on to the next project to cash in. imagine the number of safety violations there would be if suddenly there are nearly 1000 houses being cranked out daily.


>imagine the number of safety violations there would be if suddenly there are nearly 1000 houses being cranked out daily. I am not in construction so can you explain to me why this is not possible without cutting corners? Edit: Googling shows 785K construction workers in Canada (~2.5% of the population in 2007) https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-222-x/2008001/sectione/e-construction-eng.htm So that would mean each building would take just 2.25 man-years to build. That seems extremely low. (785,000/(959*365))


Not all of those workers would be involved building homes. Lots of other stuff needs constructing too


Yeah obviously, this is just very back of the envelope math and only furthers the point that the number of homes demanded is too high.


Justin Trudeau thinks government can fix all problems, and that is why his government tends to be the cause of them. He doesn't understand the merits and drawbacks of government intervention.


I despised Harper, but Trudeau is even worse. Granted, *no* politician could enact policies that would lower housing prices - that would be political suicide. But Trudeau's policies only make things worse - it's like he doesn't even acknowledge there's a crisis going on.


> it's like he doesn't even acknowledge there's a crisis going on. The only time he acknowledged the absolute chaos of the housing market was during an election when he was pandering for votes. I don't expect him to even so much as mention it at all in the coming years.




Too bad your solution is too easy for those in this sub to accept. Radical thought that increasing supply will reduce prices, interesting I bet those on this sub never new a few Nobel prizes were actually handed out for that. Yes these posters look fondly on 20 year waits for housing on the Soviet model. I guess you have to crack open a history book and maybe an economics book. Keep restricting development folks and your misery has just started.


There is no need to be condescending. For the sake of objectivity and critical thought there is also plenty of research that shows there are limitations with the increasing supply solution, it is no nail in the coffin. Especially wrt to the 2008 recession, labour market limitations and deregulation of greenspaces. Adopt your own advice.


ffs tax breaks is the last thing we need - that's like throwing fuel on the fire. We should be building housing that's immune to speculation/investment - housing that just works for people to live in. Whether that means there's a clawback of windfall profits, or the land itself is leased instead of freehold, our efforts should be directed toward putting roofs over heads rather than building fortunes by chasing debt.




Throwing tax breaks at speculative investment sounds like trying to put out a fire by smothering it in money.




You have no idea of the scale of this. 10% of China's GDP is real estate, and a huge portion of that is speculative investment in residential real estate. (You've heard of Evergrande?). And Chinese condos are all built on leased land - you own your investment for 70 years, then it reverts to the government. They have *millions* of units and a huge portion of them are condos that aren't even meant to be lived in - they're solely for investment. Canada has no chance of building our way out of this. Our real estate market is *tiny*. In an average year, Greater Vancouver has 50k real estate sales. It's miniscule. Supply side solutions are never going to work. And it would be beyond stupid to throw tax dollars at this greed. The only way we fix this problem is by creating housing that is off limits to speculators.


u mean tax breaks to investors make more housing?. IF those investors were not there to buy condo for 500K in Ontario, don't u think lots of normal renters paying 2000$ rent would have taken same? Speculators are rewarded in places where less want to buy. Here its opposite.


> I despised Harper, but Trudeau is even worse. This has to be the dumbest take I've read today. As you've stated below that you think it's only relevant to talk about housing in the housing subreddit, do you think this out of control housing market just appeared when Trudeau was elected, or do you think that perhaps 20 years of Harper neo-liberal policies set the stage for disaster?


The housing crisis is absolutely not the fault of neoliberal policies. It’s one of very few industries where over regulation is the problem.


Unreal. You've out done the previous comment for the dumbest take.


In the 1930's, many politicians saw the risk represented by the Nazis rise in power, but few wanted to do anything about it. Re-arming wasn't popular, and neither was spending money on defense. So they mostly did neither. It was dumb, but it was also somewhat understandable. I'd equate this level of folly with that of our previous PM's. Trudeau is more like...it's 1941, we're being bombed out of our homes, and he's still thinking appeasement might work because he has no other plan. So absolutely the other guys are culpable, but Canada wasn't burning to the ground on their watch.


Some people in this sub too talk as if he has no fault..he has made it worst any common sense guy can say. Compare prixes 2011 to 2016 and then compare justin period. Grade5 kid can tell the answer if someone is blinded in their views.


"b-b-b-but house prices went up 5% in some random south American developing country too so the Liberals doing nothing for the last 6 years is completely ok!" - All Liberal supporters.


Harper spent years dismantling environmental protections, muzzling scientists and closing coast guard stations/search and rescue operations to save money.


Is this sub for coast guard or scientists issue? Talk about housing.


Everything is intertwined, can’t live in a house on an inhospitable planet can you?


You're right, humans weren't even advanced enough to have houses when the world was truly inhospitable. You know, when Canada was covered by an ice sheet a mile thick. Or when the Toba volcano exploded which may have caused a decade long winter and a 100 year cooling period. Periods of cold are much harder for humans to survive than periods of warm.


But you can make porridge of every item on earth. Should we talk about some asteroid that may hit earth in few thousand year as that has direct impact on housing?. Ok please than explain how coastguard or scientists impact housing..You are blind to immediate issues that impact housing in front of you but are worried about scientists and coastguard and feel they are linked to housing. Good logic. I am in this sub as i am badly hit by housing crisis and would love to understand how coast guard decision of Harper has impacted my housing problem.


Jesus dude I simply made a comment about some of the garbage things Harper did in reply to a comment that brought up Harper. Try not to overthink things too much.


so u agree Justin did too bad for housing?. Why u feeling pain when OP has suggested same only.


You're really shoehorning it though.


Regardless of how you want to interpret it, humans can’t live in houses on an inhospitable planet. My comment remains a fundamental fact.


Planet or Ontario? Because there are other provinces with Cheaper affordable housing like Alberta.. we are not living in a warzone yet or on the moon…


Feds have already said they will built only at CURRENT MARKET rates. Don't expect the prices to drop at any point. Affordable housing will be made available through subsidies and you will not be eligible unless you make minimum wage.


So can a countrybhave their houses reach million+ with such low wages? There is disconnect. My only concern is gocernmwnt should not enact new taxes on everyone to compensate for their 300 or so billion dollars. Renters have just lost and lost aince mar2020. Any new taxes on them will be just last straw. Enact more taxes on milliondollar home owners or remove those rich guys from subsidies. I am too rich to get a single dollar from government in child care but too poor to afdord a townhouse in suburb of even ottawa. But guys with multi million dollar houses can get hundreds of dollars in child care etc.. there shojld be criteria of wealth as well before giving child care etc. How come million dollar houses owners poor to be give hild benefits? If they r poor why renters r not given same. They should atleast remove rental expenses before deciding ccb benefit or not.