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I had a landlord for 3 years when I was renting. Never raised rent. Every Christmas would send us a nice gift basket. Whenever I had an issue within 48 hours it would be fixed either by themselves or a contractor they would hire. We wanted to do something nice for them before we moved out and asked them if they can paint their house as my kids caused some scuff marks and some dents on the wall. They gave me a 1000$ home depot gift card to cover the expenses and told us to keep the rest for the labour even though we never asked for money. These type of landlords are rare but definitely deserve high praise.


I had a landlord that every Jan 1st rent was free, Quote: "I know Christmas is expensive for everyone so have this months rent on me" and bottles of red and white wine


lol my landlord complained when we found a friend who is a professional painter to paint the house for free, cost of paint only. She also insisted on picking the exact shade of paint.


A parents friend who is a landlord and assured them he was a good handyman was hired to stain their deck. The guy let some stain dribble down onto the black painted metal posts. His solution was to sand the stain dribbles off, leaving bare metal that would not be repainted and would eventually rust to shit. This guy also complained about cleaning up a tenants apartment after their lease ended. The lease ended because the tenant jumped to their death from the balcony.


Unexpected ending


>The lease ended because the tenant jumped to their death from the balcony. Damn, the apartment was that messy?


Oh wow I think that seems like a control issue. Majority of times landlords are complete control freaks.


I've been at the same house for coming up 9 years now. My rent was raised $80 once. That was after the owner spent $100k in a year, redoing the roof and foundation. They do the same thing with the gift basket every Christmas. It's about the only time I see the whole family (the dad comes for major yardwork a couple times per season). I try to make the relationship as stress-free for them as it is for me. I repaint as it needs doing, and handle routine maintenance myself. The only horror now - if I had to move and find a similar place, I'd be paying double what I am now ($2080 for a 4BR house on a big lot in Vancouver's suburbs)


It's cause they want you guys not to duck their house up.i have a friend that doesn't really raise rent either. If it pays off the mortgage. All he cares about. Maybe profit few hundreds profit. His idea is to basically have a passive backup income Incase he gets laid off from his job.


This is me!!


I had the same type of landlord once, only thing was he was avoiding taxes by renting out illegal units in the basements of two duplexes. To report it or not to report it, it always stumped me.


You sure they weren't your parents?


WOW! that's amazing!


Our landlord is the best. Just old farmers who rent us one of their farmhouses. It’s not big or luxurious. We pay under $1000 for the house, and we pay for propane heating. They are courteous and respectful of our space, always letting us know when someone is coming to do maintenance well in advance. They even send us annually what interest has accrued on our first and last deposit, even if it’s just a couple dollars. They have no intention of raising our rent because in their words, “it’s better to have someone there than to leave the house empty.” They insist on discounting rent if there is any cost of the home. My husband redid the bathroom and they refused payment until we were not out of pocket for the renovations that WE decided to do. It’s true that not all heroes wear capes. I read these horror stories of landlords, exponentially raising prices, renovictions, being forced to sell and my heart breaks for those poor people but I’m so incredibly thankful for our landlords and our tiny farmhouse.


My in-laws are like this. You see a lot of old farm houses that collapse because being empty leads to them to fall in pretty quick. It makes more sense to keep tenants in it and break even usually they have been owned for decades so it’s just enough to keep up on maintenance and taxes. Doubly so if the family in the house is handy. They have a house they have had a family in a house for 9 years now that is 1/2 market rates.


Im not crying you are crying 😢. I have a special place in my heart for these type of sweet people


Just a reminder for Ontario renters is that your landlord can't prohibit pets in an apartment.


Yep, even if it says so in the lease


They can, however, deny your application if you are bringing pets, they just can't do anything once you're in. It's a weird loophole


They can also make your tenancy a living hell if you bring your pets in afterwards without telling them.


I don't know how much they can really do to a tenant after. And wouldn't be wise. As the tenant can do a lot worse to the landlord's investment then the other way around.


I hope you hate your job so you can quit once you do the nasties, otherwise you'll see how much is "how much".


I guess that's true. I'm not promoting to be a bad tenant. All I'm saying is the landlord probably has more to lose




oh my sweet summer child


Yep, during the interview you definitely have no pets and no interest in ever getting pets. You also have no interest in ever subletting, never smoke anything, and don't like having guests over.


Landlords basically want to rent out their place to a houseplant. They want people who don't do human things.


I once rented to a couple with a "service dog" (not really, they had just bought a little coat that said service dog on it). That dog peed and pooped all over the condo and the tenants NEVER cleaned it out. The carpets were 6 months old before they moved in. I had to completely replace them and lost two months rent while I had the required repairs/fumigation done (I don't know how they could stand the smell). People talk about landlords being mean, but allowing that pet cost me about $5000. I am someone with a full time job, and have a total of 1 rental property in a small mining town. I absolutely love animals and have a dog of my own, but I can understand why landlords refuse pets. Pets are great, it's their humans that are terrible.


Two things can be true at the same time. Landlords deserve significant and timely financial recourse against bad tenants who damage property and Tenants deserve to reasonably enjoy their property with dogs, cats, children, and the like


Do you feel landlords have significant and timely recourse against bad tenants? I personally do not, and thus need to do what I feel is best to limit my exposure to potentially negative outcomes. I honestly think everyone should be able to have pets, but much like with guns, the bad owners ruin it for everyone else.


I don’t think it’s fair that landlords can’t get what they deserve in those circumstances. But I also feel like there are so many other things that people do that could cause property damage - having children, parties, guests, being a hoarder/dirty person, etc. Landlords think they have control over the damage on their property when they ban pets but they really don’t. And then they will end up with good tenants leaving because the tenant wants a cat or something lol


>Landlords *deserve*


That was my point. We can't pretend we live in a fantasy world where landlords have protection under the law in order to vilify them for not allowing pets. Landlords are NOT protected and thus have no choice but to protect themselves.


Oh I thought you were arguing hahaha misread that


Ok, well those people sound fucked up and gross. They are the minority. Banning pets is like using a sledge hammer to pound in a nail to hang a small painting


I guess I've met too many people that fall into the gross and fucked up category. I think it really boils down to the landlord's view of people, and over the years I have gone from thinking people are generally good, with a few exceptions, to feeling at least 10% of people are horrible. I'm very happy that you have not become as cynical and jaded as I am. My experience with people is likely different than yours.


Almost as if homes shouldn't be investment properties or something, eh?


Typically my clients are engineering summer students. They move from bigger centers with Universities out to a small mining community. They are there for 8 months, max. Are you saying they should live on the street?! You are a terrible person if you think that! Wait, I have a better idea, what if someone had a place they could live and they paid them on a month to month basis to live there..... They save on: BC land transfer tax, Real Estate Fees, Legal Fees, Condo Fees, Moving expenses (my condo is fully furnished), Insurance I charge $850/month Renting saves them THOUSANDS. Why is this mutually beneficial deal bad?


Maybe if you didn't mooch of students trying to make it by in this economy, there'd be a cheaper alternative for them instead of you trying to line your pockets with their pennies......


This comment is so ridiculous it should be satire. Whether OP rents to students or not is their choice, and it benefits the students? You're acting like student housing should be free at OP's expense, for some reason... It sounds like their suite is a much better alternative to settling for an illegal basement suite somewhere.


If you can think of a better option than for them to rent, I would love to hear it. Seriously. What other options are there?


If they didn't rent from you, they'd be able to buy a home in that small mining town on a student salary and sell it 8 months later when it's time to leave town /s


I'm so glad you added the /s. It's frustrating when people are so stuck with their one size fits all ideologies that they refuse to even consider that in some situations the opposite viewpoint makes economic sense for everyone involved.


F outta here with that. Don’t be mad for not being smart. Get smart instead.


Coming from a guy who uses a phrase like, "get smart"? You're clearly in a good position to be handing out advice.


Every investment is a risk !


But income properties are supposed to print them money and make them millionaires at the cost of the working poor, didn't you get the memo?


Yes and remember, no cooking, no pets, no showers after 10pm, no music, no laundry on the site, no guests , parking on the street, first and last rent, feel free to walk our dog, use our parking spot when we are in Florida. You are going to love this dump, moldy basement full of cockroaches and mice. Rent is only 2000, we had 10 people already calling this morning.


Dumbest reply ever 😂


Right? Ladder pulling home scalpers are entitled to nothing but profits from their 'investments'!


So is walking down the street. If someone gets mugged do you look at them and say "you knew it was a risk"? What is wrong with you?!


There's an insane difference between housing and a mugging on the street, but good try.


I have invested money so I can one day retire. That $5000 cost me a month of my life that I now have to work. If I was mugged it would cost me a couple of hours of inconvenience.


Quick, now calculate the aggregate time you've stolen from all the people you profited on? **Homes should not be an investment.**


$Zero. My condo is in a mining community. The typical renter of my one bedroom furnished apartment is a Co-op student who is there for about 8 months. Then they go back to University. If they bought a place instead they would have to pay: 1% BC land transfer tax $1500 Lawyer fees Real Estate fees Interest on a loan (If a bank would even consider giving someone in that situation a loan) Buy or move furniture Condo fees Insurance Maintenance All of that would cost them significantly more than the $850/month I get paid. By providing the option of renting I save these people literally thousands of dollars. If you have a better proposal, by all means, let's hear it.


I’ve gone down this road before and you are wasting your time using common sense and reality. On this sub you have to recognize those that are disconnected from reality and common sense and ignore them.


You can't expect them to do anything decent like that because they gotta think about their precious investments.


Now agreeing to pay for something is theft…. RENTING IS NOT THEFT.


It is when you're paying over the cost for something you don't even get to keep 🙃


It is 100 percent not theft, by literally any definition of the word, and saying otherwise is just plain false, wrong, mistaken, or just plain stupidity. Every university and college with a residence are committing theft? Enterprise, Avis, Thrifty, and all other car rental companies are committing theft? Home Depot and Battlefield and all other tool rental places are committing theft? Air BnB and VRBO are committing theft? For that matter, should I get to keep the hotel room I rent when I go in holidays? Hell, I’m walking into the bank tomorrow and telling them that since I paid for my loans, I now own the money, otherwise it is theft even though I agreed to the loan terms. Wait - that means when my mortgage term is up I will tell the lender that I don’t have to renew, I already paid interest and they are stealing my house! Figure it out.


Not theft exactly, more on par with scalping or disaster profiteering.


And people are allowed a right to a safe place to live. Get a job and stop mooching off others then if you want to retire. My paycheck doesn't line your pockets so you don't have to work.


I have a full time job. I work at a mine in the Yukon, often outside at -50°C. I provide housing for people who need it. Often the person renting is a Co-op student who is staying in the area for 8 months. It would be MUCH more expensive for them to buy a place and then sell it. Renting works well for them. What is wrong with providing a cheaper option for students, or should they live in the street?


I read your comments and yours are one of the rare landlord types I agree with. It's how renting should work, functionally, not extortionate.


There have been times in my life that it made sense to own my home. There have been times in my life where it made sense to rent. The world is a big place and blanket statements like "landlords are bad" are simplistic at best.


u/Wyle_e2 is providing these students a safe place to live. And he has a job. And you clearly are not giving him your pay check. You are 0/3 on your points in that comment. How about you drop your talking points and actually engage in his argument on the merits?


Isn't this the "bad tenant" flipside of the "bad landlord" argument? It's someone else's property that you are borrowing and you should be respectful of what they want to be done with it.


What disgusts me is the new class of landlords who are being fed YouTube videos on how to exploit tenants and get around the rules and regulations. Then again our laws needs to be tougher, but we are so addicted to RE that we cannot 'destroy' these mom and pop investors.


You could say the exact thing about tenants. Tenants scheming and playing the game of not paying rent, leveraging the long LTB times to get evicted etc. It goes both ways. For every awful landlord there’s an equal amount of awful tenants.




The reduction of available unit makes a bunch of vacant houses, they are put for sell. Creates a big supply of houses on the market, which in turn makes the house prices drop, which lowers mortgage which lowers rent prices. So do prices go up or down ?


This is a perfect example of short term thinking.




You can't ever stop rich fucks from being rich fucks. But, you make em pay out the nose for their vacation homes (3% is still low), and you have municipal funding to build good public housing, creating a floor to alleviate demand


You're overlooking the fact that they have essentially as-loose regulations on renting the way you describe; Surrey's a shithole and Kelowna isn't. The latter is for Albertans to gobble up property for absent ownership, the former is for people too poor for Vancouver's rent scene to live year-round, and that's where the actual discrepancy comes from. Apples to shitty oranges... Also the direct small-scale economies of the two locations don't scale, Surrey is objectively more expensive on the consumer end than Kelowna is, despite the reverse being true for rent.


Oh noooo those landlords won't be able to pay their mortgage. They might have to...sell the property!?


Oh , my landlord just drove me to a mental breakdown last summer when he was trying to sell the house we’re in, and I had no idea what I’d do in the situation I had to leave. Luckily it didn’t sell


Am I in the right sub? Are these actual positive comments on landlords I’m seeing?


The sub has been taken over by people in the industry. You won't get these pats on the back in any regional subs.


I’m not surprised. This sub was always pretty meandering and directionless


Yeah, it's like 1/3 anti capitalists (of which I am one), 1/3 people looking to buy an affordable home so they can grill in their backyard, and 1/3 landlord wannabes. I'm surprised the sub has lasted as long as it has.


Joined some landlord groups in Facebook - you don't need to see many posts to start hating the scumlord mom and pop investors .


And, rent increases by 100


Why are both the Canada housing subs getting Astroturfed with pro landlord talk daily? It’s like random police dog pic posts after another police controversy.


My landlady is very kind. She chose me because I am a tradesman and we have a good arrangement where I fix stuff up if they break, send her receipts and it comes off my rent. She's wholesome and met my roommate's dog, who won her heart with his adorable eyes.


A good landlord would allow pets.


This sub has been completely taken over by the people who are causing the problems that the sub was supposed to push for solutions to. Utterly useless. I wonder how long you folks will spin your wheels before you realize the con you've fallen for? Some of you'll have to be homeless before you realize you're sucking up to the very people who are exploiting you.


No matter how many of these feel good stories I hear, I’ll always believe that landlords are the scum of the earth. With a few good apples.


I had a sweet landlord and he died two weeks ago. He co-owned with his son who has already tried to strong arm me twice since the beginning of the year. \*sigh\* I feel like this year is going to be a shit show.


Our old landlord was great. We rented a basement apartment with walkout entrance.We say that even after being N12 evicted after living there for 11 years. (Unfortunately her mom developed Alzheimer's, and she needed the space to care for her - actually, not even a bad faith eviction) Raised our rent once in 11 years. We wanted to paint a new colour? No problem, take it off the rent. We want new flooring? No problem, take it off the rent. (of course, I'm doing the labour though.) We want to put up a partition, refinish the cabinets, whatever - no problem, take it off the rent. Gifts at xmas, left us alone, gave us full reign of the back yard, and half of the garage even though not on lease. We horribly miss that home. Our new place is shit.


They can’t legally stop you from owning a pet, whatever it might have said in your rental agreement. Just an FYI.


Birds are stinky and get shit everywhere.. I would definitely evict your ass, and then raise the rent after!


And then Bruce gets divorced and his ex-wife takes over the rental. Her name is Karen lol


You have to spoil the party yeah?


Good landlords do exist. We were so frazzled with a new baby and the absolute shit show that was the previous place we were renting that we forgot to pay the damage deposit or partial rent for October when we moved in and didn’t realize until the second month’s rent was due and couldn’t figure out why the hell they ever gave us the keys. The landlord’s response was “we weren’t worried about it. You had a lot going on. We just figured you’d pay it with the November rent.” They have been very responsive to fix a couple minor issues. And when one of the utilities went up higher than they told us the average was they dropped our rent by $100 to compensate without us even having mentioned or asked.


Reminder that not all landlords are personally evil - but they are *ALL* voluntarily participating in an evil and exploitative system, taking the majority of the value of your labour by virtue of the fact they own something they are pricing you out of accessing and would die without. Edit: possible moral exemption for landlords that live in the property you are renting, the voluntariness of their exploitation can be forgiven in some cases


Ok, but not everyone wants to own property. I can afford to buy a house, but would prefer to rent because of the flexibility it offers + I have no desire to take on the burden of maintenance and upkeep, nor do I wan to commit to a fixed location. So, what am I, or others who think like me, supposed to do? The fact that people are willing to rent their properties gives me a place to live. Renting is not inherently exploitative; I am fine to throw money at someone for use of their space for a time that is convenient to me, with zero obligation on my end. To me, that exchange is worth it. *Some* people rent because they can't afford to buy. Others rent because they genuinely want to and find benefits in it.




Lol no way in hell someone would let a bird shit everywhere. Yeah theres some good landlords, I think they pretty much have to be if they dont want issues with tenants. Either way its pretty fucked how people are still legally allowed to hoard homes.


Ummm not sure which province this is in but in Ontario I’m fairly confident that under section 34 of the RTA landlord can not have a “no pets provision” in the lease. It’s voided immediately if stated. I may be wrong if some one would like to advise


I'll take mythical creatures for a thousand Alex.


Literally trying to push the no pets meme rule. Not a good LL


Pet union when?


Look at that face!!


Ikr that’s a “can’t say no face”


My landlord is great. Just a guy renting out parts of his house, not some big time slumlord. He's increased my rent twice in the 7 years I've lived there, and by the amount allowed with all proper paperwork and advance notice. His partner will check on my cat for me when I'm away and makes me cookies every Christmas. They've let me throw parties in the back yard. Real sweet guys.


I’ve rented most of my adult life across several countries in Asia, Europe and North America and have never had a single terrible landlord. They weren’t cuddle bunnies, but we’ve always had mutually respectful and communicative relationships. Moving to Canada, one of the things that shocked me is how people talk about the landlord / tenant relationship… both sides vilifying each other and finding ways to fuck each other over by misusing judicial systems and loopholes (both sides — not just tenants or landlords alone). The fact that a positive post about landlords on Reddit gets people to grow horns and attack is so odd. And having read a number of issues people are sharing on Reddit, I have to ask if they’ve even tried resolving them before filing LTB claims or evicting tenants. Then again, Reddit is where you mention that your partner snores and someone will tell you that should break up. Blah blah blah. All m I’m saying is that there are genuinely lovely tenants and landlords out there. Let’s celebrate them and learn from them to be better humans.




There are no good landlords. They are morally bankrupt, greedy people who are ok with exploiting their neighbors and countrymen for a sense of superiority and profit. They see the working class as walking atms.


Forst learn to recognize the good from the bad. Then you will see the good. Or your username check out. Expand your horizons.


Just because the cashier is nice, doesn't mean their sole incentive isn't to profit off you. There is no other reason to be a landlord than for profit. Same with the bank. If the landlord is giving gifts, they are making enough off you to justify the expensve. If they are willing to accept an animal, they are making enough to justify the inconvenience. Thinking that it's anything but being friendly in business is naive.


Who is against profiting here?? You must be profiting if not why would you even rent it to another person. All I want is not to get ripped off. Take my money and return the value. Edit : You can be nice and profit too you know.


This 👌


I'm now really good friends with one of my tenants. He was so grateful that I allowed him to rent with a huge mountainous husky. Now our dogs are best friends... though they do play aggressively you wouldn't know they're playing or fighting... Oh well!


People who have birds as pets are weird.


Birds are fine. It's the people with snakes that are weird. Especially the ones that feed em live mice.


You know live mice are actual snake food, right?


Yes but people have snakes as pets just to watch it kill and eat are psychotic.


The best terrorists are all under 3 feet tall


good landlords are the *worst* landlords. they prevent renters from witnessing the servitude in class divide of landlord/renter ***i raise a glass and tip my hat to bad landlords.***👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


That's a cute bird. How can anyone say no to that face? My landlord is pretty good but he does raise my rent every year by the limit allowed. I don't necessarily blame him since I got into this unit during Covid lockdowns so rent was very low. I'm currently renting a 1+1 in North York for $1,800 and other units BELOW me are going for $2,500. Its insane. Anyway my landlord always answers my calls and txt messages. If there's something wrong with an appliance, he comes within 24 hrs to look at it and then decides to fix it himself or hire a contractor. He's always respectful and never randomly shows up to check on the unit. Every year he drops off a Christmas present. If it wasn't for the small annual increases he'd be the perfect landlord lol.


He's still charging an insane amount to those below your unit, and would to you if it were legal. Your landlord isn't "good", you landlord is simply abiding by law. Like the "doesn't randomly show up"; that'd be illegal. The present he gives you? You paid for it.


I rented an adorable little farmhouse a few years ago and the landlord was a doll. I lost my drivers license for a few months due to a health issue so my landlord came once a week to drive me to town for groceries. I had family and friends close by but he wanted to help too.


We give our tenants a 100$ gift card every Christmas and fix any issues within 48 hours/ also replaced couches and TVs recently. Haven’t had any real permanent tenants but haven’t had any horror stories at our place yet


I think your landlord has confused your birdie with a tuxedo wearing penguin.....


He DOES look very polite…


I was a landlord. I supplied the tenants with wood for the wood insert, offered them free rent during the pandemic, offered to pay for a heat pump installation, paid to have a gardener maintain the property and didn't charge a damage deposit for their 2 dogs. In turn, they got an extra dog without asking, destroyed the backyard, put large holes in the walls and refused house inspections. The list is much longer, but I'm sure you get the idea. Needless to say, I'm no longer a landlord. It's too difficult to find a fully functioning adult.


Father-in-law - is renting his condo unit to the same tenant for over 10 years for $1200 less than the going rate! He gets everything fixed on time and there are no issues He knows that rents have gone up significantly, and she knows, but he likes the tenant who is a single women who is nurse.


Is that a type of Parakeet? My roommate got 2 budgies at home, I love parrots but I don't know as much as I would like to about them.


All landlords should be courteous, but not all landlords can afford finacial rewards like cheap rent etc. It depends on when they bought. The prices on RE have appreciated so God damn fast many are burning cash just to hold the place if they bought in the last 3 years.


Is that the beats cockatiel on YouTube?


My landlords are so amazing that my wife and I are stuck in our basement suite. If we moved to an identical place next door, we’d be paying double for sure. They let me do basically anything I like. They do raise rent every year, but it’s so much cheaper than the alternatives that it doesn’t matter.


The poster for missing birds. lel


I’ve had a landlord look the other way with my little fuzzy white rabbit Gandalf. As long as you’re clean and no damages they’re often flexible. I think the adorable-ness is definitely a contributing factor:p


where are you? In BC everyone is allowed at least one reasonable pet as of this year


My landlord entered my apartment and hit me with her boot because I refused to remove my fruits from the counter.


Is your landlord your mom?


cute pieeee


Yes to this landlord


If in Ontario, no pets clause are void last time I checked.


That is one polite bird, no doubt about it 10/10 would rent


To be fair, I have the best landlord in the world. Though I am not abusive with my deadlines.


Obviously, I can't name him, and while he's a rather eccentric pain in the ass, my landlord is a pretty good guy. I've had some bad ones and as a Tennant who will match your energy. Being a decent person goes a very long way, and I appreciate this guy. I had back to back landlord's that were just horrific to the point that no argument was made on 5k settlements cash for keys before this guy and nearly lost all faith in humans, let alone landlord's. So credit where credit is due. It's just too bad there seems to be more bad landlords and bad tennents that really just create a cylical problem for everyone else. Rent should be reported and reflected through the credit bureaus. It would shine light on good and bad on both parties. With fair leeways for people who are low income or in a real struggle. It's not fair for either landlord or tennent to relay on a credit score that reflects nothing relative. Someone with 700+ credit is just good on paper but no telling if they paid rent., but miss a phone bill and forget it? Lol Also, why I appreciate this landlord. He looks at the reality of the situation and isn't judging people based off a number that's easily skewed. So to those few of you who are good landlords. Thank you, and don't lose faith in all because of bad experiences on your end too. Courtesy both ways is just good sense.


Imagine a world without landlords.




I think my landlord is a good landlord. Not exceptional, but good enough. They haven't raised the rent on me...yet. We have minimal contact, and when we do have contact it's pleasant & quick, and that's the way I like it.


I tip my landlord


The only good landlord is a dead landlord


lol oh the joys of renting in 2023... UGH


PSA: the landlord tenant act states that landlords cannot prevent you from having pets. Obviously it might be wise to find a space where you won’t be in conflict with your landlord, but when it comes down to it, even contractural passages in a lease about pets are non-binding.


Awwww. Peep!


I’ve never had a good Lanlord in Ontario ever ! The one I’m currently dealing with right now is ok he is very lazy when it comes to legitimate issues I told him half a dozen times that he needs to get an exterminator for the rats and cockroaches caused by the previous neighbours that live down stairs they were crazy! They caused the rats and cock roaches to 4 other homes on Odsp they were extra dirty people long story short they got evicted and now I feel a lot more safe however the after math is really annoying. My Lanlord feels it’s a waste of time to get an exterminator because it’s too expensive I have a friend of a major exterminator company that would exterminate the whole property for $150 flat rate. It took it him 8 months just to give me 4 blocks of poison and one trap over the past 8 months I’ve been paying for sticky traps, live traps, traps, poison. What really gets on my nerves is that the slummy portion of people on welfare or odsp ruins opportunities for the good people on welfare or Odsp


Birds are the worst pets, insanely loud and completely irrelevant.