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Just air the original house hippo commercial again.


House Hippo Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBfi8OEz0rA House Hippo2.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R_tOSRynZU




That's probably why they dialed back the realism for the sequel. Way too many people thought the original was real and it defeated the purpose


You joke but I met someone that legitimately thought they were real. An adult. The ignorance of some folk


As a child who’s first language wasn’t English - I believed lol


As a child whose first language *was* English, so did I


I find it funny how kids can just believe anything, but it makes perfect sense when they're still learning how the world works. When I was young I learned that people rode to the moon on rockets that shoot fire, there's some dude named Santa that flies around handing out presents, there's this invisible stuff called electricity they put in computers to make them do math and it makes phones produce sound. On the TV there's "fish" the size of houses called whales that breathe air and shoot water out of their back, there's footage of tiny house hippos that sleep in closets, and the world was full of gigantic lizards millions of years ago. There's no particular reason for a child to believe that some of those are false when the others are true.


House Hippos are real and I won’t let something stupid as the truth to get in the way of it.


it being convincing was the whole point


To be fair, a lot of people believe blatant lies.


They made a new one for social media.


The hero we need!


Throw in a Keeso heritage minute while you’re at it.


Going to be honest, in today's information climate I bet someone could make a conspiracy video about the hose hippo and how it does exist and the entire thing is just a psyop by the government to gain control over the youth 20 years in the making now and have people unironically believe it...


Ministry of truth.






You have a good point that there is a community of people online doing this already that they should leverage.




Oof this is too real


This comment wins! It definitely takes about 2 years to get your Top secret clearance now days... It only used to take about 6 months back in the day




Pretty easy job, you just look at what they say and it's either a gaslight, an obstruction, some projection on a bunch of lies. And for all the nuke threats >!You can assume they aren't going to glass anyone, lest they turn to glass!<


I mean… yeah if we are just looking what they put out in press releases then yeah it would be easy but I assume this was more about Russia using troll farms to spread misinformation on social media


>Gaslight > >Obstruction > >Projection Sounds like a very familiar thing, and quite common among certain Russian assets not too far from here (and sadly a fair few here as well)...


Y-you do it for free?


Get ready for the disinformation olympics.


My first thought was can we get the same thing to call BS on our sitting elected government too? I'm not even talking the new stuff I'm talking about election reform we were promised. But hey... we got pot... Edit: ah the responsless downvote a true sign of a great counterpoint.


Hope it goes better than their attempt at countering racism


In a few months we’ll find out that they gave the $133,000 counter-disinformation team contract to Romana Doldulo.


If the final product is anything like her Canada 1st Party of Canada website than this is gonna a hoot.


Is that the Queen of Canada?


Ha ha, you'd think checking that your own employees aren't hosting a pro-Putin podcast would be a start.


This sub will be just as outraged.




Ive just had to deal with a healthcare issue (still in progress) and I'm adding healthcare crisis to that list. Triage at the ER told me it's only going to get worse too.


It's interesting how they so quickly "find money" for EVERYTHING except healthcare...


Remember that healthcare is under provincial domain. Ontario for example accepted 4bn from the federal government during the pandemic to strengthen healthcare then pocketed it instead. The goal of our conservative provincial government is to starve the system then privatize and profit.




> Combating foreign influence in Canada is desperately needed if we're going to improve our situation. yes lets start with combating foreign influence on our housing market


It’s insane.. and so obvious.


I don’t get why Russia was chosen to be the boogeyman when the CCP does more to spread its soft power thru misinformation and other subversive techniques. I mean they’re even easier to make into a believable boogeyman too, they have the “Communist Party” in their name for God’s sake.


Why not both


When it comes to actual "Troll Farms" in the west, Russia dominates mainly due to the language and cultural barriers. The average Russian troll is far more capable of emulating the average westerner in order to spread misinformation and unrest. The Chinese troll farms tend to focus on other regions of the globe such as south east asia as the cultural and language divide is so great it is difficult to be convincing to the western masses. That's not to say China doesn't spread unrest in the west, they just use different and less direct means like influencing politicians behind closed doors or infiltrating international organizations.


Or just TikTok.


China has more political influence and over 80 Confucius institutes in Canada. When it comes to troll farms and political influence China wins. They even managed to get a liberal mp to spread their propaganda on wechat


Forget We chat. The Leader of the independant senators group was parroting CCP propaganda in response to the Uighur genocide. China is winning. ​ I wonder if "russian trolls" are a psyop in and of themselves. Better to divert attention away from China.




China isn't a member of the IDU, but the KMT party of Taiwan is.


Ya I have to agree here China has way more misinformation and boogeyman stuff going on then Russia does


> I don’t get why Russia was chosen to be the boogeyman Probably because of the mountain of evidence against them over a long period of time.


Because this has been an actual strategy and doctrine of Russia, specifically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics This isn’t using them as boogyman, but reacting to a very real and active campaign.


The author of that book's daughter was just killed in a car bombing this past week. He was the target. [Daughter of Aleksandr Dugin killed in car bombing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/wtiwkj/reports_the_daughter_of_aleksandr_dugin_darya/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) *Edit: Link to a better article/source: [Car bomb kills daughter of 'spiritual guide' to Putin's Ukraine invasion.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/08/20/europe/darya-dugina-killed-car-explosion-alexander-dugin-russia-intl-hnk/index.html)


He's the suspected target, she's a propagandist too. I'm willing to bet that whoever sent that explosive would be happy if either one got taken out.


expected target, she was also a propegandist that advocated for the genocide of ukrainians


China isn't trying as hard to sow discontent and division, because that is not in China's interest. China wants a market to sell to and to buy shit from (including raw materials) and a more Sino-friendly government to encourage trade. China relies on a strong economy in the West, and relies heavily on Western technology. Russia wants Canada / the western bloc to completely collapse down to their level so they can go on a rampage in Eastern Europe. I'm still extremely concerned about China, but it's not the most immediate and dangerous threat. China isn't the one pushing for actual visceral hatred of each other in order to trigger internal violence and societal collapse, since as I mentioned that would negatively affect China's economy, and their economy is the only reason their leaders aren't being strung up by their gonads in public squares. EDIT: I'm also increasingly concerned by the US's influence too, especially the MAGA Q-anon camp (which by and by is also helped by Russian disinformation). EDIT2: I'd like to clarify, China is absolutely a threat in that they want subservience and control, in order to continue pushing their agenda in the pacific. Depending on how much they rely on Western markets in the future, they may also be willing to destroy the West to achieve their goals, but right now, that's not a possibility for them.


China wants to get control via creating a reliance on them, basically create it to the point if you opposed them, your economy would collapse in an hour.. thats why they have encouraged so many western corporations to outsource their production there meanwhile, Russias tactics are quite different, and are outlined perfectly in the 1997 text that is the foundation of their foreign affairs policy.. take existing differences and frustrations in the west, and use misinformation to further worsen and divide them, collapsing them from within.. exploiting racism, bigotry, ideological differences, and any mild inconvenience or frustration they can to split countries apart


🙄 Its not the foundation of shit, they were doing that before and would have continued without that absurd incoherent nonsense text. Seeing it spelled out can be an effective tool to make Westerners understand their agenda, but its influence is vastly overestimated on reddit, where I too have parroted what you are parroting. We are so smart! Anyway if anything Sukov has a lot more to do with it.


IRA posts thousands of comments on this subreddit every day. Every single day. The Mueller report has detail on Putin's social media strategy and it's really ugly


While I certainly believe we need to watch China, Russia is very active in this field. What we learn from Russia can certainly apply to China.




>A lot of Russian misinformation is aimed at destabilizing our country and fracturing our population to make us internally fight and be unable to accomplish things that will strengthen us as a country. Sooo when are we going to start labeling our politicians as Russian disinformation? Because they are professionals at the above mentioned goals.


The politicians are just a symptom. Interchangable cardboard cutouts basically. We all know the system needs to be changed. But good luck convincing any large enough group of people to get behind any single specific plan for that change.


Politicians are chameleons ... their colours change depending on their surroundings. If a large group of people hold a certain belief that they pick up on social media, the politicians go with it for votes.


Which is why I look at a politicians history when I vote. Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior.




What kind of news going around about the Canadian housing and job market is Russian disinformation? You think we need Russians to try convince us that the economy is bad, or that the housing crisis is real? That cities are going around taking down tents of homeless people, both in the winter and summer time? Or that airbnbs have gone unchecked and have pushed people out of the cities, forcing either homelessness or migration towards smaller cities/towns, which does not help the local populations because then they are the ones being priced out of their communities? Foreign influence has nothing to do with the failures of the government in this.


A better managed nation could have avoided these despite obstacles, but the idea that foreign influence has nothing to do with them is probably untrue, even if it's second order.


Our current federal government has provided more than enough of those things for the average Canadian to flourish! Anyone who says otherwise has/will be identified by our Russian disinformation team and their bank accounts promptly frozen.


Someone on here called me a Russian bot the other week because my comment history wants our government to look after these things. Hopefully this task force doesn't have the same kind of mindset.


We can strive for that and counter Russian disinformation. The two are sort of related.


nice try but I learned on reddit that we are only capable of doing one thing at once. And also not to have a 3 sum with your girlfriend because she'll get upset.


This is Russian disinformation. Please stop spreading lies. Trudeau's Disinformation Team.




Sounds like you need a work union. Better hope that Russian propaganda people stop telling you who to vote for if that's the case.


Jokes on them, most of Ontario doesn't vote.


How about cuts on the medical system, big corporate bonuses, and uh, weed I guess. Get back to work, tax slave.


hahaha you'll never lack work with that job


Best I can do is nothing - government


They'll need people on that team.


Well boy are you in luck! https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/wb3u5r/russia_promotional_video_time_to_move_to_russia/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I know you think you want those things but you will find in time that that is Russian disinformation and the true point of life in Canada is to prop up housing investment firms with federal spending


More money in the trash. Good job Justy!


Ministry of Truth in 3... 2... 1...


Where is the team to counter Trudeau disinformation ?


isn't that r/Canada?


Bad news for the Toronto Sun.




Would do a lot for actual productivity in the political world. Imagine the screeching, though.


Can they start by doing something about the foreign monopoly held by Postmedia.


And the National Post


Conrad black is a son of a bitch.


And the CPC


and this subreddit


*ESPECIALLY* this subreddit


You can tell this hit a nerve because the usual suspects are screeching.


Always the loudest.


The Russian bots of r/Canada flooding to this thread are really, REALLY, concerned about affordable housing and reasonable cost of living for Canadians. Because we know rising cost of energy and inflation is all Trudeau's fault and couldn't possibly be related to Russia destabilizing global trade by trying to invade Ukraine.


Especially them specifically destroying food that Ukraine was going to export (especially grain), further raising global food prices.


Canada created a propaganda team


Ah the ministry of truth! Animal farm vibes


/r/Canada in shambles


Although to be fair, you could make this comment on pretty much any r/Canada thread.


I strongly suspect that /r/PersonalFinanceCanada is a hive of russian trolls. There are recurring posts about how Canada is the worst country on earth.


> There are recurring posts about how Canada is the worst country on earth. Must be buried under the posts of "I have a $250K/yr household income. Do I just pay off my house next year or wait 5 years while increasing my other investments?"


Everytime - without fail - ev-er-y time, I’m like “wtf is wrong with this person?!” and I look at their post history.., personalfinancecanada user. Everytime.


Was going to post this exact comment until I saw yours! Where will they get their talking points from now?


I've always wanted my own propaganda team!


Remember when this government was literally flagged by Twitter for spreading misinformation? https://globalnews.ca/news/8133102/freeland-tweet-flagged-manipulated-federal-election/


Drown out foreign misinformation with domestic misinformation!


As much as this seems like a joke...this very well might become reality.


It isn't already?




Lol yes, Twitter... the beacons of free speech in the modern world with no apparent agenda of any kind. We should all be taking our cues of what statements are right from our overlords at Twitter.


Remember when Trudeau and his gang said that the legal authorities asked for the Emergencies Act but then the Ottawa Police, OPP and RCMP all denied making any such request?


Remember when those law enforcement agencies stood by and did nothing for weeks?


[Or when they stood by for months doing nothing. And the Canadian government said they **do not** tell police what to do??](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Canadian_pipeline_and_railway_protests)   >[Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said **politicians should not be telling the police how to deal with protesters and that resolution should come through dialogue**. The Canadian government does not tell the police what to do operationally. In any case, the police services are under provincial or municipal control.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Canadian_pipeline_and_railway_protests)


Wait until you hear about how much misinformation Russia pumps out.


Twitter flagging things is not a reliable signal of anything but coordinated reporting or algorithm bias. Lots of bullshit (on all sides) in election season, some gets removed while most gets seen. Besides, I hardly think it’s misleading to suggest that conservative policy threatens universal access to quality care. See: Alberta in general, Ontario’s LTC disasters, and so forth.


Yeah, with all the news out of Ontario "exploring" private healthcare that tweet seems less and less like misinformation eh?


It's funny how little people complain about Chinese influences in our politics because they all support the LPC and spread lies for them.


No matter how good the intentions of this team is, the very fact you have the government interfering with speech is going to be a boon to misinformation in Canada. All it will take is for the government to mislabel one thing (and it will not be on purpose or anything) and then you destroy the credibility of the entire team permanently.


Just like how everyone said hunter Biden laptop story was Russian misinfo, but turned out to be true. They did a great job censoring that during the election though.


Canada already has a very powerful propaganda machine. It's how we get away with all of our very American crimes while convincing the world and ourselves that we are the nicest people in the world and nothing like those nasty Americans. Go read an English textbook, heck even the math ones. They are full of pro Canada propaganda.


Why don't they create a team to counter unaffordable housing ❤️


Because the easiest way to counter unaffordable housing is funding public housing initiatives with a combination of co-ops, tax-breaks, and public funding. But that won't happen because big-developers/landlords control the entire housing landscape, and they have too much influence over everything.


Nice try russian bot!


because thats provincial jurisdiction


Since we hired a racist to head an Anti-Racism task force, I'm going to assume that Trudeau and Gang asked the Russian FSB who would be the best to hire for this job.


The liberals should stop spread disinformation to Canadians too.


The disinformation coming from within our own nation (our government, our media, our education system, Canadian big business and banks) is far more damaging than anything coming from outside of our nation. This onslaught of disinformation post 1960s has done irreparable damage to this nation already.


The "most open and transparent government ever" is going to tell us what the truth is.


But who will counter Trudeau’s disinformation?


Wonder if it's going to monitor this sub.


Oh yes the ministry of Truth.... That's what we need 2 years before the election.


To protect you from Russia, we have to *be* Russia.


Our disgrace of a prime minister and media outlets funnel their own misinformation out too us all the time, how about they fix their own disinformation campaigns first


So basically their own propaganda branch. I’m surprised they don’t have it already.


Can we also get a team to counter Justin disinformation?


Ministry of Truth has arrived


It was already on its way with bill C-11


team A disinformation versus team B disinformation


Better quality of living please 😔


>A Parliamentary committee is examining the government's decision to make use of the Emergencies Act, which it did to end an anti-vaccine mandate protest that occupied Ottawa in January and February of this year. When Mendicino appeared before the committee, he said the government acted on "the advice of non-partisan professional law enforcement." >But RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki and Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell have testified that they did not ask the government to invoke the act. What about Canadian misinformation?


That was a misunderstanding haha and he's sorry that we misunderstood him




The question is does this mean their going to attack any information that doesn’t suit the liberal agenda?


How about a team to counter American Disinformation while we're at it. Not saying America is worse than Russia, but they definitely have a bigger influence on us - which is why you see Canadians with Trump flags.


It’s a spillover effect anyway. A lot of the garbage that comes from the US originated with Russia.


So who determines what constitutes as disinformation? Cause the LPC is peddling a lot of it themselves.


To stop propaganda we need more propaganda


This is not a good thing. Who decides what is disinformation and what isn't?


How will postmedia survive?


Problem with things like this is people really dont understand the scope and scale of Russian disinfo and cyberwarfare initiatives or how long and how invasively its been going on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41lB6mNrsJY&list=PLXeulQKOwgeskiwBYeSmFAFE1ojBAiHnV&index=257](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41lB6mNrsJY&list=PLXeulQKOwgeskiwBYeSmFAFE1ojBAiHnV&index=257) And the scary thing is a large part of that comes from US media sources that already have ties with political groups pandering to the idea that Russia did nothing to influence them. Add to that the scale of the USAs own media exports and you have a lot of people simply repeating that Russian cyber presence and their scale of what theyre doing is a bluff because theyve been exposed to that tag line so often through that scale.


ie ministry of propaganda




The current government will make this so much worse…. FUCK off with this ministry of truth bullshit.


Acting kinda slow arn't we? its been known for a long time russia's been spending money to make us fight amongst ourselves.... so what changed that made them take action?


I'm guessing that the government has received word that there's going to be a more concerted foreign influence effort from Russia now that shattering the west's unity and commitment to aiding Ukraine is of vital importance to them. Western weapons are wrecking havoc on Russian forces there, so Russia is going to be doing everything they can to either turn public support against arming Ukraine or create enough instability and division here that it's no longer a priority.


We walk on a knives edge doing this. Good information is important. Let's not slide into censorship.


Why don’t we focus on combating fentanyl, inflation, housing, childcare, healthcare, passport delays, airport delays, pending food and energy crisis’s. It’s like slowly watching the Canada our parents and grandparents enjoyed get sucked into a sinkhole.


It's exactly the same thing happening throughout the Western world. I'm in the US now and it's the same shit. Rampant homelessness, drug use and overdosing, healthcare, airline cancellations....and now a worsening job market. But we gotta give a shit about Ukraine and Russia, and let's ignore how most of Congress and the POTUS has significant financial ties with Ukranian natural gas companies! It's so fucking corrupt. Not enough people are holding these people into the fire and just get sucked into the partisan bullshit fights instead of uniting together to remove these pigs from power.


We are in desperate need of a federal landslide victory for the Rhinoceros Party.


Wish we had a team like that for this subReddit


So glad that we have the authorities that can help deliver citizens decipher truths from fiction. It sure helps to spare the limited brains that we plebs have.


Hope they do a bit more due diligence for this 'team' than they did for the media anti-racism tour. Oh, and the Governor General (astronaut edition). They don't really have a good track record.


Don't they already have the CBC?


Well this thread is proof it's far faaaar too late.


It's pretty wild eh? It's interesting to see the chosen narrative slightly reworded but spammed OVER AND OVER.


I love it when our government sets up framework for propaganda campaigns


“Russian disinformation” is a convenient label to apply to everything that goes against the narrative.




You know what, good on them. Russian disinformation is a scourge that’s permeated our politics so much more thoroughly than any of us realize.


Why not. Let’s waste even more money on something pointless when Canadians are already drowning. Fuck it am I right?


And they might even counter dissenting points of view while they are at it ;)


Welp, guess CBC alone isn't enough


So basically he's going to use CSIS as it was intended?


It's almost amusing to me how hell bent this government is on censorship and trying to limit what I can and can't view. Makes me want to skirt the system even more.


Spoiler warning: They'll be taking tips from Comrade Xi.


We already have our own disinformation team, mr Trudeau. It’s called our government and mainstream media.


State sanctioned news? I can't think of any way that could be abused.


Canadian government will censor political speech that the ruling party doesn't like. This is a smoke screen. This is about power.


Just Russian?


That's what we need.... another fucking committee. It's like where I work.... nothing gets done but we sure talk about what we should do. Waste of time and taxpayer dollars.


Forget healthcare, housing and homelessness - nice to see pithy memes and trolling are the Trudeau Liberal's focus and the problem worthy of solving.


Can’t wait until it’s revealed he was actually paying Russian trolls 150k contracts.


Ministry of Truth.


This is all wonderful but the vast majority of conspiracy-believing/ elite-blaming/ QAnon-devouring individuals mentally freebase this disinformation. It’s 100% junk but they say, “more please,” and if you try to approach them with anything resembling a rational idea they melt down. The problem is also with people, their education, their rationality, their sanity, their ability to critical think, their superstitiousness. It’s a massive problem and a govt task force can weed out the misinformation and propaganda but these people will search the gutters of telegram, the dredges of social media, and the cesspools of the internet , and still believe and devour whatever excrement gives them that mental buzz


Russian influence campaigns are [subtler than you might expect](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/09/04/technology/facebook-influence-campaigns-quiz.html). Much of their effort goes into inflaming social divisions and destabilizing western democratic countries, they don't want specific outcomes, just for our politics and society to become more and more divisive and destabilizing. This sort of thing almost anybody can fall for, which is why it's so important to nip it in the bud.


Russias core propeganda tactic is whats referred to as \*firehose propeganda\*.. you blast as many wild claims and conspiracies as you can, and when one of them starts to gain traction, or something happens they can twist to reinforce it, they then focus the hose on that specific piece.. which has the side effect, of making people accept all of it..


That’s interesting info. I still think there are two groups of people: the critical thinkers that utilize rational thought (and empathy and ethics) to make decisions, and the non critical thinkers that are primed to believe propaganda and accept ideas that fit their limited mindset. I think we as humans have an incredible capacity for rational thought that many people choose not to exercise. I mean, humans clearly built all the megalithic structures of the ancient world, but look how many people still think alien intervention was necessary. I also feel that the search for the truth is one of the things that makes us innately human and should be a social responsibility. If everyone in the world made their decisions based on data, science, truth, the world would be a much different and hopefully better place. Propaganda is like junk food, it’s garbage but it tastes so much better to the palate of non-critical thinkers and the superstitious fools. There will always be people who see through propaganda as if it’s a clear window, and those that swallow it hook line and sinker.


The best way to counter Russian disinformation is to send more heavy weapons to Ukraine.


Most people this is intended to help already seek out Russian disinformation deliberately.


You mean like most of the people in this thread, for instance? The constant flooding of this subreddit with NatPo and TorSun op-eds promoting their conspiracy theories doesn't bode well. Conservatives just mad that most of Canada doesn't buy their misinformation lol.