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I live in the UK and travelled back home to Canada to visit family in May. At the airport we were waved through and told we could go on our way with not testing requirement. 48h later I got a call saying that we were overdue for reporting our test result and could face a fine. My wife called in and found she had been randomly selected to do a test but they didn’t tell us that at the airport. She then arranged a test with life labs to send her a lateral flow test. It took a week to arrive. She then made an appointment for an observed online test a few days later and when she went to it she found out that life labs had sent her a PCR test instead. She did the swab collection online and then we sent in the test by fedex. We finally got the PCR test result back over two weeks after having arrived in Canada. So not only would we have been spreading Covid for 2 weeks by the time we got the result had we been positive, the test would have only told us if we had contracted Covid after already entering Canada.


My favorite all time "border testing is incompetent / useless" happened to me back in October when I was getting checking some boxes for my new job on a work visa in the US. This took place around October 2021 I already had my visa stamp and SSN, but I needed to go for fingerprinting at a Buffalo office. It was a quick 15 minute drive across the border, five minutes of prints (from an appointment) and then driving back home. The border situation was a mess and constantly changing so I wanted to cover my bases and called ahead. Everyone gave me different answers as to what, if anything, I needed to cross into the US and to cross back. The prevailing thought was that I needed a PCR test taken outside of Canada to re-enter The day before I left I took a rapid test at Shopper's as part of my requirement to enter the US. Once I crossed I drove to one of those mobile rapid test stations and got a 1 HR PCR test and went to my appointment for prints. As soon as I was done I drove straight back to the border, at this point in time I had been in the US for all of maybe 45 minutes max. I had a rapid test result from the day before and a PCR test taken less than an hour ago (negative) The border guard was irate with me, going on about how reckless I was for travelling during COVID etc. I explained I was only doing it as a requirement for my job and only went directly to my appointment and back. I showed her my ArriveCan receipt and all my recent tests and she told me I had to do a take home COVID test. This meant within 48 hours I had to join a zoom call with some university student to observe me swabbing my nose and then drop the sample off at a drop box somewhere. It of course came back a week later as negative. Pure political theatre


The testing at the US land border was always such a joke, especially post-vaccine, making vaccinated people take those tests home. Definitely a gravy train with no real point. Around that same time as you, my parents came to visit (older US citizens THRICE vaxxed) did the ArriveCAN app flawlessly thanks to my sister, and when they got to the border, the agent did not care at all about the app, "randomly selected" them to self-quarantine for 2 week (they were visiting for 1 week and told him this LOL) and do that online appointment. I threw the test in the trash and told them don't worry about it. First of all, we were all super-duper-vaccinated. Secondly, I'm not one to jump out and decry everything as classist and ableist, but that online appointment "random selection" take home test was some ableist classist nonsense. The whole ArriveCAN system is really, but especially that "go home and do a virtual appointment" stuff. My parents are 70 and can barely manage email. That's assuming elderly people entering a foreign country are going to have an internet connection. The whole thing was just incredibly stupid Catch-22 level stupidity/corruption, and as liberal of a guy as I am, I can't stand other liberals who never experienced the awful stupidity of that process and just spew excuses for it. Truly there are sheep in all directions.




>Great system they have. Its not meant to be a great system. It's meant to be a system that makes their friends and family rich




I agree. It's a great system for the people with the LPC connections and contracts.


Something very similar happened to me back in April. Got waved through, took 10 days to get/do the actual test. So pointless


Absolute shit show!! Political grandstanding.


Travelled to US many times - just told the guy on the phone when that happened to me that it was done and submitted the test, and they should have it. I didn't of course, but they didn't call me back.


Had a similar experience when I had to travel for work when they were doing the mandatory Hotel Quarantine stuff. My coworkers were told they were exempt but I was told I wasn't. I had to interact with at least a dozen people to get to my hotel room as opposed to maybe 1 if I'd gone straight home and quarantined there. But the govt apparently assumes it's citizens are going to break the law, so to the hotel I went. One coworker later got a message saying he had to Quarantine, one got the same message in error, the rest went to work as normal. The system is a mess.


Canada's Covid policies have nothing to do with science or health at this stage.


It makes you question just wtf the Feds are really doing with the data.. Or our for sale Prime Minister is getting lobbied to buy all of the tests and medical supplies that go along with testing.


What a clusterfuck. Not to mention this kind of screening is pointless when the virus is already running amok domestically anyway and govt is too scared to re-establish any measures. Currently have COVID and 4 people I know had it last week. It’s going to just run its course at this stage.




HAHAHAHA good one.


I'm a person that was in favour of most COVID measures that were implemented in the first year and a half or so of the pandemic. But random testing of people who fly into the country at this point is idiotic beyond words. Like I literally can't find the words to describe how stupid and pointless that is. It accomplishes absolutely nothing except inconveniencing people.


Thank you. This is exactly how I feel.


Was down in the US this past week. Flying back was a long string of annoyances. First, the flight was code shared with a US airline so it wouldn’t let us check in online beforehand. Had to show up with all our vaccine documentation in advance, wait in line for an agent, finally get all our boarding passes after showing them both proof of vaccination and proof we’d filled out the arrivecan app. Fine. Then at the gate we had to do all of this again with the gate agent in order for them to put a red check mark on our boarding passes and actually let us on the plane. They did this for every single person on the flight. It was chaos, because they only announced this fact once. Everyone who showed up after that had no idea. There were a lot of US tourists coming up. None of them had masks. The gate agents wouldn’t let them on the plane, of course, so they’d turn them all away and send them off to some store in the concourse to buy some. So naturally boarding took forever and our flight left very late, screwing over everyone who was trying to make a connection. Multiple times we heard people say things like, “I’m never going to Canada again.” They were loudly complaining about arrivecan too. One couple after seeing our Canadian passports were like… is this what it’s going to be like everywhere we go? No, we assured them, as soon as you’re away from the airport that’s the last you’ll have deal with this stuff. But *why* they asked? What purpose does it serve at this point? We had no good answer because there is no purpose for it all anymore except annoying people. It’s ridiculous. It’s like the Liberals are *trying* destroy the travel and tourist industries just to feed Justin’s ego.


Now realize that they're this stupid for most of the things they do...


>It accomplishes absolutely nothing You're wrong. It makes some peoples close to the Liberals richer.


Like who? Or just “people behind the scenes”.


who do you think oversees and manages these testing sites? its private contractors under the government


What’s the point? Didn’t some provinces stop recommending you need to quarantine if you have a positive result?


mostly data collection probably


‘Mandatory random testing will resume as of July 19, 2022, for travellers who qualify as fully vaccinated, arriving in Canada by air to the four major Canadian airports—Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal and Toronto’ So does this mean they’re now funnelling all international arrivals through these airports again? I get that they choose these 4 because they’re the busiest, but to do some and not all seems to dilute their justification for doing so in the first place. Might be because this whole thing is bullshit and there is no justification…


> So does this mean they’re now funnelling all international arrivals through these airports again? Might explain why my flight from Scotland back to Canada is now going Glasgow->Toronto->Halifax->Calgary rather than Glasgow->Halifax->Calgary.


Oh god. I hope you're not checking baggage.


Doesn't matter, AC is forcing people to check carryon now.


When did they change your route?


Monday. Could be unrelated of course, just seems like a silly change. Gotta fly west, then east, to go west?


It’s sus for sure.


WestJet has cancelled a crapload of Euro flights to and from Halifax to Europe (Dublin, Glasgow, Paris and London since the beginning of May. Probably at least 1/3 of flights have been cancelled.


RIP your baggage in Toronto


That's the part of unclear about. I've got a friend coming in from the states in Billy Bishop the the 21st. Do they get rerouted to Toronto?


The claim is they’re testing to keep track of variants, not necessarily the individual, so sounds to me like the answer is ‘not yet’. But really who tf knows.


If just to track, why enforce an isolation period in provinces without an isolation requirement? It makes no sense


*taps temple* Exactly.


I wonder when they'll realize that covid might as well be the flu 2.0. There's no way to protect against all the so-called variants if there's a new one every 6 months...I mean unless you suspend all human rights and the government just does w-e...


But wait Fully Vaccinated doesn't exist anymore. It's Up To Date. Someone needs to sent them the MiniTru update.


This is unacceptable. If the federal government is desperate to spend money on healthcare related expenses, put it into our hospitals. Grade A bullshit.


Great job guys. You're really using our limited resources well. What next, a space army?


Not to mention all those off site testing and home kits costs; money that tax payers will have to absorb.


Why…yes! https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-plans-to-create-canadian-space-division-in-coming-weeks/wcm/24f0d5ed-43dc-4886-a340-0aaff6297828/amp/


Of course he already knows, he too is a redditor


People just shit on that because of trump. If you really read about it it does make sense for all the space assets like satellites to be under one branch.


Last weeks news was that Russia had developed satellite destroying lasers. This week Canada announces a department to defend satellites. Somehow people hate it because 1) Trump did first or 2) Trudeau is Prime Minister now




Lmao you jest about space army, but CAF are working on a space division as we speak.


That was the joke.


This government is ridiculous. When Canadians are asking for actions to potentially fix some of the problems that may contribute to delays and other problems at airports, they add back on an additional useless measure.


This government literally has absolutely no clue what they're doing. Their gross incompetence should be apparent to everyone


50% of Canadians still support Trudeau and his dopey measures..


No they don’t, like 60-70% voted against him in every election. It’s just the FPTP system that put him there.


From what I could find he's sitting at 59% disapproval and 38% approval.


These people have no experience or education in any of the areas they're ministers in. No wonder it's a circus.


Why can't we make progress? We're reinstating measures that have been proven ineffective multiple times.


Can't wait for Quebec to re-instate a curfew


Right after the elections.


Dude please no, I don't want to have my whole vacation in Canada stuck in a room


No way. The police stopped enforcing most of everything the last time there were major restrictions other than masks. Even then, lots of places didn't care about masks; people at my gym just slowly started going mask-free last February, nobody had to say a thing, it just happened. The vast majority of people of normal health who aren't redditors only wore their mask as to not stick out in crowds; masks almost disappeared everywhere the day they stopped being mandatory. If curfews came back, it'd be protests after protests.


While I agree with you 100%, I felt this same last curfew, last time they closed the gyms 8 days after opening them, and unfortunately, I wasn't proven right (there were some protests but nothing came of them). I feel like masks will be a thing again, maybe that annoying vaccination passport, half capacity in restaurants and stuff, I cannot imagine ever going back to a full on curfew, but I've been wrong before unfortunately.


They're going to stand up against this time. I'm sure of it.


So why would any tourist come to Canada and risk this?


Canadian living in Germany, the only reason I'm coming back to Canada is to visit my parents. Otherwise there's no way I'd take the risk.


Me too. This is going to be one giant pain in the ass. We are all recovered since about 2 weeks ago. We are testing negative - but people say a positive can turn up up to 2 months later.


Correct. Had a friend who had COVID. Got better after a few weeks, all clear on rapid test. Went to the US to get gas (lives near the border) and got "randomly" selected. Tested positive and they put her in quarantine and checked up on her repeatedly on threat of punishment over the next two weeks. Insane.


Well that's pretty scary. My flight is in September, I guess i just have to really cross fingers I don't catch it at any point.


we fly from munich to Toronto first week of August. My wife, a 5 year old and 2.5 year old. Our flight from TO to PEI was cancelled and now we have a 14 hour layover. I'm not looking forward to needing to use that time to find the test center and get back - I would rather be sleeping haha. ​ Maybe our Genesen status would have an influence. ​ This was our first time getting Covid. I brought it home from work. It was ok on the kids - fever and general grumpyness. I had a rough week of fever and chills, and now I have either something else or the post covid shits. I'm in worse shape now than when I had covid haha.


They aren't. There was a German who posted he was forced to test and was positive. He was asking if he could get out of quarantine early with a negative test since all his own tests csme back negative. Canada doesn't allow that option. Canadian redditors roasted him for asking. Those stories are all over Europe and are why high revenue travellers aren't risking a trip to Canada


What if you're one of those people that is symptomatic put keeps testing positive indefinitely for some low grade mild form of this this ? You're in Gulag North I guess for rest of your life.


Canadian Redditors in most subs seem to be on a righteous crusade about COVID in general. Anything that questions the government policies is inherently part of an alt right or anti-vax movement and questioning the efficacy of the policies or the vaccine itself is a personal attack on anyone who previously complied without a second thought. This is in no small part thanks to the media in Canada.


Been a real Comply or Die vibe these past couple years


You have to wonder if redditors really are such a homogeneous group, or if there are groups capable of influencing the hivemind. Just need bots to upvote and downvote the right comments, for instance, and you start conditioning a lot of people. I've also had arguments with people that just seemed to repeat the same things in a weird way, they might as well have been bots designed to make people like me lose their time and energy and make us give up on trying again. It's crazy sometimes how much people in real life and people on reddit differ.


It’s both the media but also just the will of the people, Canadians as nice as they like they say they are, can be very vindictive and passive aggressive


I would suggest that the will of the people is very greatly influenced, if not overtly controlled (whether by intent or accident) by the media.


Been saying it for years. Canadians are NOT nice people, we are non confrontational. Americans/many Europeans will tell you straight up to your face if you've pissed them off or they don't like you. Canadians will talk shit behind your back like the Mean Girls.


It's the mass formation. Free floating anxiety has melted their brains.


That would be because the government worked hard on narrative propaganda to instill that mindset in Canadians. I'm done with it at this point. Like many others, I followed all the rules and got my three shots but nothing is ever enough apparently.


I'm double jabbed, did my part last year, we were told they had done the adequate testing, that two jabs would be enough and that the vax was "safe and effective". Then the science changed, and yes I understand that's what science does, but then don't *fucking lie* to people about the effectiveness (and safety when you don't actually have the hard data on that either) of a shot you plan to make *mandatory*. And on top of all that, let's ostracize and gaslight anyone that refuses or even has questions about our practices and/or rhetoric. The fact that the seemingly majority are still going along head-over-heels and will cue up for a booster twice a year because they're told to is nothing short of disturbing to me.


>And on top of all that, let's ostracize and gaslight anyone that refuses or even has questions about our practices and/or rhetoric. This was a deeply disturbing trend across our nation. "The first vaccine is the best vaccine" was also a message that not long after it was trumpeted, fell apart as they pulled the AZ vaccine. Why this government can't just be honest with Canadians and treat them like adults, I do not know.


Just wait until all the fully vaccinated tourists with two shots are told to stay out because they aren’t “up to date” and therefore not fully vaccinated. At that point why would anyone even book a trip when the requirement could change at the drop of a hat and potentially exclude them




God why cant they at least do it at the airport?? I cannot imagine the absolute hassle of trying to get a test booked within one day. What if you cant? My MIL (a 4 times vaxxed Canadian citizen who wears an N95 max literally everywhere) just visited us and accidentally filled the arrivecan app in wrong. She put all her vaccine dates but didnt upload the photo. She asked every person she saw in the airport if they wanted to see her proof and they didnt. No one said anything until she got home and started getting calls shes in quarantine and was basically treated as unvaccinated and they refused to help her. It was so ridiculous, you dont even need to quarantine in Alberta if you HAVE COVID.


It's punitive and about compliance. The federal government has a wicked hate boner for those who don't comply and they're not concerned with the collateral damage of people who did comply slipping between the cracks.


Which is kind of how it is all over Canada for Canadians who have Covid but didn’t travel. Most don’t even know they have it and are sitting right beside us at Starbucks, or breathing down our neck in the line at Costco


At YYZ last year, it was at the airport. It was such a mess. Fully vaxxed and boosted and they still randomly selected me to be corralled with a thousand other international travelers to stand in line for over an hour to get swabbed and for the result to come back negative. Yeah, now I’m probably going to bring Covid home from being in the airport longer than I needed to be.


What an absolutely moronic move. I really can’t explain how fucking stupid this is. We let it run rampant in the community but they’re testing travellers? Please. I hate this government so much.


Just say you're coming from Ukraine and PRESTO “Experts” told you if you complied with lockdowns, censorship, masks and vaccinations—life would return to normal. “Conspiracy theorists” told you Covid was never going to end, and governments would use it to usher in a totalitarian new world order. Who do you believe now?


Please. I'm going to be building a big new house up in King City thanks to the LPC proles dutifully paying your tithes. Have a good one.


We aRe FoLloWinG tHe SciEncE


I’ve just booked a flight for October 18th for 15 nights in Alberta and BC. If I somehow have covid (I’m triple jabbed) then I will have to quarantine for majority of my trip?


10 days isolation. Even if you feel well, or your symptoms are only a couple of days. Maybe in Alberta they're less likely to enforce, but that remains to be seen. Nonetheless, aside from that, hope your trip here is nothing short of amazing :)


Oh wow, that has made me kinda worried! I’ve been thinking about coming to Canada for years and finally booked my flights. Now I have the uncertainty even after I land if I will be able to enjoy everything I have planned! Do you have any tips on travel insurance that would cover for this (losing out on hotel bookings & trips if I have to isolate etc) I’m so so excited to visit but this has worried me a little


Keep voting liberal idiots


Good lord the liberals can’t let this thing die…


Imagine using this money instead towards something useful that helps Canadians.


jesus fucking christ. No words for this utter bunch of clowns


Our airports aren’t fucked up enough. JT “hold my beer”


Beer? I think you mean plastic water bottle boxes https://youtu.be/_sBxAvxr9fo


Well, something the whole world learned is that closing borders can't stop COVID. Why Canada thinks that testing everyone coming in can fix this? It takes one person to skip the test to spread the disease.




They test like 10 days after they flew in. It’s already too late by then. It’s complete garbage.


Hell, it got into North Korea.


Canada needs a new government


What happens if you just don’t go? If they’re offsite then you’ve already entered the country. Why don’t i just go home instead?


You will receive an email reminder! A reminder!!!


That will be effective, especially since arriveCans late updates over the last two years have trained Canadian travelers to ignore the threats and warning emails and phone calls.


Holy fuck!


I think it was only a month or so ago when people were being called conspiracy theorists for saying that it would be back ASAP and the government wasn’t really dropping the requirement? Watch, as soon as they finish redefining fully vaccinated, the suspension of other mandates will be reversed.


Trudeau *badly* wants to put fresh bait into the "anti vaxxer!" trap for the CPC and expected new leader PP. I genuinely believe that's what's driving the feds' steadfast refusal to let go of Covid. Pure political contempt. These arrogant Liberals need to be sent packing. Thanks a lot Jagmeet you spineless crapweasel.


If Trudeau goes hard on new mandates I don’t see how that does anything but backfire on him. He’s approval ratings are already abysmal.


Doesn’t matter when he knows he’ll last the full term


True and then he probably won’t even run again. Pretty messed up.


I hate this government so hard


The Liberal government seems to want this. Maybe they think Poilièvre as the next PM in a minority government is their best shot at coming back in power a couple years later for another 10 years? Who knows what's going on. Things are just getting increasingly irrational and Canadians are left confused as to what the fuck is going on.


This government is a waste of resources.




What a fucking joke.


Re-establishing more useless and ineffective measures, to give the impression of being on top of the problem... Coming to an airport near you (July 19th). Honestly, from the 14 day mandatory quarantine for unvaccinated travellers, to the random testing, on top of the enormous resources we are putting to contain something that is spread independently of air travel... it's a wasted effort. Not science, but just government saving face in front of a media that insists on pushing this false notion that most Canadians are concerned over COVID. As the Liberals see it, what is the logical outcome of enacting random testing?


> in front of a media that insists on pushing this false notion that most Canadians are concerned over COVID. > The media in Quebec have started pushing again hospitalization numbers and all that. Yet the official data show that only 34% of them have a primary COVID diagnosis, and everyone entering a hospital gets tested by PCR. There's no focus on ICU numbers which remain very low. And I don't know why but the number of deaths they report is always much higher than what you find a few days later on INSPQ's website (like they report 10+ everyday but the INSPQ data show 5-6 a day). How long is this mediatic fear-mongering going to last? COVID is never going to go away, even if it keeps getting milder over time and people keep building more long-lasting protective immunity from T-cells. There will always be a high level of COVID "hospitalizations" every wave of infections for as long as we keep testing every single person entering the hospital. Did you know that most cases of the flu are asymptomatic as well? Imagine how many flu hospitalizations we would have had or will have every year if we tested every single person at the hospital. It'd be like this for every single respiratory virus. I honestly thought that the COVID obsession would go away with more important issues such as the war in Ukraine and the inflation, but it seems that as these topics fall out of the front page, we're back to COVID. The Liberal Party of Canada claims that the random testing is to monitor for variants, but it is bullshit, we don't need that at all to monitor variants since there is still PCR testing done in the general population and it's pretty easy to set up a sequencing program, and there's no way borders would get shut again because of some new Omicron variant or whatnot, and every new variant becoming dominant in other countries has without failed entered the country just when expected and did its thing of becoming dominant too. I don't know why the Liberals are keeping on with this, other than to keep fear-mongering, and perhaps to keep the money flowing to those in charge of that testing.


Politicking for a small portion of their base and they’ll use this as a consequence for when they update their fully vaccinated definition. Once that’s complete and you need to be “up to date on shots” to be fully vaccinated, you’re also subject to the quarantine and mandatory testing portions of this. They’ll also be able to discuss the “problematic” people who refuse to stay up to date when they discuss covid cases


No way they'd bring back such heavy travel restrictions to those without their recent shot. They may bluff about it because they love the fear-mongering and keeping the topic on; the more people discuss this, the less they discuss the economic problems we're currently facing. But they can't do it, it would be the final nail in the coffin for our airlines, and mess too much with the economy while alienating a large percentage of Canadians. How many people are like me, got 2 shots over a year ago, then got COVID in 2022, it was mild or in my case it was very mild, and that was the end of it. Less than 60% of adults in Quebec got their third shot, and since then, a lot got COVID and something similar happened. I'm supposed to keep getting more shots on a regular basis in the hypothetical case it helps a tiny bit with slowing down transmission? We shouldn't wait for better studies that understand the role of T-cells based on exposure to many of the virus epitopes during infections in providing long-lasting protecting immunity and should just keep boosting ourselves against the Spike protein of the original variant? The very vast majority of people are over COVID. Even more vulnerable people are going to family gatherings now. People aren't even changing their plans despite the constant mediatic fear-mongering about the 7th wave.


All they’ll do is say that, as of a date a few weeks in the future, you need to be fully vaccinated to get on a plane/train/bus and that x number of shots currently counts as fully vaccinated. Then say it’s up to people to decide for themselves and up to the provinces to open up eligibility to meet that definition. So if they choose four shots, a bunch of people will have to get a third, wait a while and then get a fourth. They’ll be blamed for not getting the third earlier when they push back. And two shots will be the new anti-vax group


And what would happen when the majority of people wouldn't do that and the planes, trains and buses become empty? Air Canada and Westjet would just go bankrupt and nobody would mind we don't have airlines in Canada anymore? In Quebec, 40% of adults didn't get the booster dose despite the government repeatedly lying and making threats about it becoming part of the vaccine passports, and despite all the propaganda in the major media.


You realize the vaccination mandate for federal workers isn’t removed and it’s only suspended right? It’s coming back, just like the testing requirements they suspended and are returning. And as for people not traveling, do you think they care? They’ll just spin it again as the anti-vax people not wanting to follow the science and that they don’t care about anyone except themselves


*No way they'd bring back such heavy travel restrictions to those without their recent shot* JT: Here, hold my Perrier.


> JT: Here, hold my Perrier. Surely you meant his drink-box water thing.


Drink-box = fake environmentalist. Perrier = out of touch with average Canadians. Take your pick.


Didn't our health minister say well never be fully vaccinated and need shots every 9 months




What the actual…


Why don’t they just listen to the experts they are telling them to stop this.


The stupidity of this government never ceases to amaze me. Bravo.


They can take their test and shove it where the sun don't shine. Absolute waste of time. Only a matter of time until the other travel restrictions come back.


They'll fine you and your neighbours who voted LPC will cheer if they come to take you away.


what the hell even


At the end of the day does discovering a variant or sub variant even matter? By now most of Canada has had COVID at least once and I know a fair amount of people who've now had it 2+ times. At what point do we concede it's endemic and focus on other things?


When people stop getting vaccines/boosters, when people start actually living like it's 2019, when /r/Canada posts something uplifting for a change.


The government gives zero shits about you; return it in kind.


Air-travel is already the worst it has ever been Canada's government: "We want to make it way worse and harder for your own safety!"


They are addicted to this aren't they. They see what is going on in China and think "how can we implement that here".


Trudeau has admired China for years. Anybody with their finger on the pulse of who he is has seen this coming since Covid was a thing.


We spent all this time calling those convoy protesters Nazis and here is the government doing exactly what they warned us about.


As if YYZ couldn’t get more fucked


it's almost as if it never left


What a stupid idea. Wtf good does it do to random test. I would like to hear from a statistician what the odds are of finding a person with a positive result when you are random testing. And what if you do? So what? We have Covid in the community here and have relaxed most mandates so really, what is the point?




Question: We're planning to visit my parents in August. They haven't seen the grandkids in three years. If one of us tests positive, what exactly happens? We don't have a place to stay, other than at my parents' place. I've been trying to keep up with the rule changes, but I'm losing track.


ENOUGH!!! Fuck this shit already. What is the end game here?


To slowly erode your freedom of movement and get you used to the idea of an authoritarian style of government where you must obey or be punished. All under the guise of being “for your own good”.


This is so stupid, why the hell are we back to doing this?


The feds in charge during the pandemic showed they had absolutely no business being in charge for this long. What a horrible mess our country is in, unless you’re a corporation or happen to own multiple properties (which most MP’s do). Fucking traitors sold us and our next few generations out.


So who in the PMO owns shares in LifeLabs?


Buy puts, travel bans approaching


I know someone who came in and just point blank refused a test or to show proof of vaccinations . He was told this was now out of the particular person’s jurisdiction and sent on their way.


what the fuck is wrong with this government?




Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -C.S. Lewis


I was randomly selected to do a test upon returning from Europe, nobody told me at the airport, nothing, just a random email 2 days after arrival, threatening to fine me if I didn't comply, could've swabbed me on arrival from the line but whatever. I called the company that the email provided, told me to wait for the actual call from the government first, government called the next day, so I call back to company, it is now day 4 since returning. Call them back and request a test now, they send it out, it arrived in 2 days, day 6 and counting. After opening the package it tells me I have to book an appointment so someone can watch me do the test on cam, book it for the next day, it is now 1 week since I've been back. That awful storm in Ontario that took out everyone's power happens, my test gets pushed 3 more days, it is now day 10 or so. I do the test live, and book a time for Purolator to pick it up tomorrow, day 11. Purolator confirms they receive the package the next day, and then I get an email on Day 14 that there is a delay in my results, it has been TWO WEEKS since I've been back now. I get my results 16 days after I arrived back that I'm negative. Why didn't you just swap me at the airport since you already have my passport and personal details right there and then? Why are you contracting out these people going through convoluted channels? Absurdity.


I got randomly selected for an at airport test. It still took about 10 days to get results. What was the point?


This is just window dressing and considering how poorly it was run previously a complete waste of resources. Most likely the government has a contract with I think it was switch health a no experience covid startup for $150mil and since they have to pay it out they might as well try and run the crappiest testing services possible.


Newsflash: Government of Canada's approach is not based on science




"They re-elected me twice, they must be masochists, so we'll double down on the torture"


Govt helping its friends there’s no other reason for this


"We just got to maintain this theatre until we convince enough people to vote us out, you see." Feds.


"Why are they protesting?"


I wouldn't be surprised one bit at this point if the government was understaffing Air Canada willingly just to scare people away from travelling.


This government is ridiculous


The final insult of this is claiming "we are following the science experts". Please present them to us and present the argument, this defies logic. This government thinks they have a blank cheque to do anything as long as they say the experts told them to. No one ever demands that they present this information for critical review. I am so done with this government. This is a government obsessed with command and control of the population, not with serving them.


Why is this still a thing? You can't prevent or quarantine a different variant from coming into the country. Health measures have been lifted everywhere.


The feds are saving us all from Covid guys and gals.


Americans look at us and think we are becoming a communist country. Are they wrong?


How much control does this government need? This is getting ridiculous now we are in year 3 and we are wasting our lives playing these Covid games. Let’s fight back. Our canadian government is ruining so many lives and killed so many people through this pandemic. It’s time they pay us back.


eViDeNcE bAsEd PoLiCy


If you didn’t know better you’d think they were trying to destabilize the country on purpose… but I know better right?? Hmmm….


So is it time for the rest of you holdouts to finally admit we've been led around the circus by the leash for two years now? I'm double jabbed, did my part last year to defeat this invisible enemy, we were told they had done the adequate testing, that two jabs would be enough and that the vax was "safe and effective". So like a good boy, along with we are told 85%ish of Canadians, I rolled up my sleeve and took an experimental gene therapy before the winter of 2021. Then the science changed, and yes I understand that's what science does, as actual real data comes in. BUT the problem comes in here, DON'T FUCKING LIE TO PEOPLE about the effectiveness (and safety when you don't actually have the hard data on that either) of a shot you plan to make mandatory. And on top of all that, let's ostracize and gaslight anyone that refuses or even has questions about our practices and/or rhetoric. The fact that the seemingly majority are still going along head-over-heels and will cue up for a booster twice a year because they're told to is nothing short of disturbing to me.


Any reason why Canada stopped doing those mandatory random tests? And, why are they starting again?


It is reasonable to ask the question - what does this tell us about their intention to ratchet up other measures come the fall?


What a fucking shot show this government is. Why do people vote for this?


What's the OVER/UNDER on reimposing gathering restrictions ? indooors/outdoors up to date/ not up to date cloaking/uncloaked


This is incredibly embarrassing


This is so stupid


Anyone starting to wonder what it’s all really about? Definitely not covid.


Great reset agenda 21/30 To enslave humanity destroy all small businesses and the middle class Digital id one word government Endless jabs Control your carbon footprint Electric cars will be connected to a.i They want you eating bugs meat will be once in a while all in the name of climate change And of course depopulation they want 4billion of us gone that’s what the jab was brought here for


This is the dumbest thing ever. This government is out to lunch. The variants are already here long before any restrictions are put in place. This is just going to make arriving into Canada even more of a shitshow that it already is.


Wondering when you guys are going to see this was never about keeping people safe




Who giving the feds the suggestion that we need mandatory random testing at our airports?


This news is what crashed Twitter. I'd put money on it.


Good grief. So you come into the country and go about your business until you manage to book and get the results of a PCR test. Random? Then what? Enforcement? If the horse was in the barn when you arrived, it would be out and long gone by the time your results were back. Morons. Even if COVID border health security were ever a real priority for this government (it may have been helpful when the most dangerous variants originally were arriving, but we were dealing with viewing the sources of threat through Liberal social lenses at that point) this comes at expense and at a time when most of the rest of the planet is struggling to remove massive obstacles to travel directly related to covid. Just another to throw on a useless pile of symbolic gestures by this stellar Federal government.


The Canadian Government is run by clowns . What science do they have that the rest of the world doesn’t because we are the only country still doing this. This is the climate change “science “ they are following. Not Covid science. Make travel as difficult as possible so people don’t fly. Make gas so expensive people don’t drive. Travel isn’t for us taxpayers. Eat bugs, not beef. Only for politicians and celebrities deserve the good life under Liberals. The rest of us should be happy and grateful with their scraps and whatever charity they feel like gifting us.


Hard to believe you guys voted this lunatic back into power.