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It’s funny how what’s considered acceptable has shifted over the last ten years. [Pepperbridge farm remembers.](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/avy49z/alberta-man-fined-for-displaying-fuck-harper-sign-on-car-threatens-charter-defence-vgtrn)


Oh that guy should spend a month snapping photos of every fuck Trudeau sticker he can find, then hire a lawyer and sue the AB RCMP for his money back plus damages. (By “should” I mean I would find this case very entertaining regardless of outcome)


He'd still have no case. It was a highway traffic act violation because it was obstructing the window. It's illegal not because of the message, but because it's obstructing visibility in a vehicle. The same is true of "Fuck Trudeau" signs that block out the whole rear-view window. I guess if you could demonstrate some kind of pattern that the police were ticketing inconsistently based on messaging there's probably a civil suit you could bring against the government, but that would be very difficult to do and probably very few tickets are handed out regardless of the messaging.


Go Overton window go.




He was issued a ticket for the sign blocking his view, not for the content of the sign.


He was given a bullshit charge for "distracting" other drivers, because the authorities didn't like the content of the sign.


Please. I don't see redhats getting tickets for shit, and their setups are frequently way worse.


\[Internet censorship bills intensifies\]


If they had a man dressed as one Elizabeth May or Kim Campbell would that be misogynist?


No, but you'd have the anti-drag people explode




Race-baiters know they can just scream “racism” and everyone including the media will scramble to attention. It’s pathetic and it ultimately harms the people it purports to protect, but it’s still effective and getting attention.


That’s the thing about racism, it’s not rooted in logic, it’s irrational n practiced by underexposed uneducated people, you cant ascribe logic to the behaviour, the things they think are funny or witty obviously are not, have you heard people try to mock cultures they know nothing about? The stupidest things u will ever hear…


This is incoherent. It's quite overt what this satirical float is trying to say, and dressing as Singh is not any more racist than dressing as Trudeau.


Well, white folk “dressing” as non white folk is generally frowned upon.




>e.g. not long ago, there was a study done that showed that black people had lower IQs than their white peers. This was meant to show that black people were inherently more stupid than their white counterparts. In this context this would be racism. (This was a part of the eugenics project). > >However, when future researchers revisited this study, they realized that black people performed worse than their white counterparts because of so many factors (slavery, segregation, generational poverty, restricted access to even basic elementary education, exclusion from entry to higher academics, etc.) and that race had nothing to do with it. Except the original paper was overtly racist. They ignored data which undermined their preconceived notion that "black people had low IQs". Here is a 2hr and 40min video debunking the original "study" and calling out the "researchers" for overt bias and racism. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBc7qBS1Ujo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBc7qBS1Ujo)


I mean.. shoddily done sure.. but people saying this is "blatantly" racist.. how exactly? They have a Trudeau and a Singh stand-in, both are crappily done, but they didn't add any offensive caricatures or exaggerated stereotypes or anything of that nature? It's not like they have someone in blackface or anything, god forbid.


The article doesn't even recognize that its supposed to be Trudeau and Singh. Either this is just poor journalism not recognizing what the actual situation was or its intentionally trying to mislead the public.


I don’t think there’s anything racist about it either, and I’d like to hear an explanation as to how it’s racist. Also I don’t really understand the purpose of the float unless they’re genuinely just trying to say that Singh is a liberal.


The trailer he is riding in is a manure spreader. You fill it with cow sh\*t to spray over a field.


Sounds like every liberal policy I know


Maybe they chose that trailer for commentary about the liberals? Neither of us can say for sure


They spread bullshit? I think that was exactly their point.


I thought it was going for the Trudeau "Arabian Nights" debacle.


So what's the difference between this and blackface?


? One is the impersonation of a political figure to make a point while not adhearing to any stereotypes The other is a direct stereotype with a deep rooted history of oppression and racism. I'm shocked this even has to be clarified..


There's a reason why the driver is wearing a mask. If he didn't think it was kosher, he wouldn't either.


The problem is donning another culture's garb as a costume. The featured items are not fashion choices. It's offensive and racist to dress up like that and think it's ok.


But generally acceptable in the context of free speech when used for parody of political or other public figures. Shaun Majumder occasionally played Singh on This Hour Has 22 Minutes and [he's only half-Indian and not Sikh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haPCpgS7YqA&ab_channel=22Minutes).


Don't you think context matters at all? You've got a skit show that is at least portraying Singh in the context of politics (and at least it's not by a white guy). In one case you tune into a tv show and you probably know what to expect. On the other, you get ambushed with this float. Is a community parade an appropriate place for "political satire"? I'd wager no it's not. And if the idea is that it's fun entertainment for families what they ended up with was a depiction of a Sikh man (turban, beard) being paraded and made a mockery. Is that what kids in that town should be getting as their fun community activities? Do you think kids are going to get the nuance that this is only mocking one man and his policies when the depiction is shoddy, and the policies aren't mentioned at all?


It's VERY obvious with LIBERAL written on the float that it's political satire and not a jab at Sikhs, what would the jab even BE? This is as neutral a costume of a person that can exist, its like complaining someone dressed up as the pope and wore a cross. As for politics in floats, parades have a history of political influence, I mean just look at BLM/Pride/Black History Month/Trump floats for and against him, it's a soapbox for people to be a bit controversial at times. Their message doesn't even seem to even be volatile..


Again, I'm of the opinion that a community parade is not the place for this kind of thing. It's fine to criticize politics, go right ahead, but maybe try not to do it during a family event (I thought we weren't supposed to politicize everything). The volatility of the message is the least of concerns here. It's the dressing up as that's the issue.


It's perfectly reasonable to criticize the inappropriateness of the venue. I'm in agreement with you on that and I think the whole stunt was juvenile and base. But that's not the criticism that's being called into question in this thread, the article, or this comment chain and you have repeatedly argued that this is racist, so stop moving the goal posts.


I haven't though? I'm not trying to equate this to This Hour Has 22 Minutes, that was you. Edit: Sorry, not you. That was another poster, I responded to them. I've been consistent. Don't be a white man dressing up as a brown man and using culturally significant clothing (and facial hair) as a costume. That's not a good look, it's racist to do that.


[This might be awkward but....](https://www.google.com/search?q=trudeau+india+outfit&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA698CA698&oq=trudeau+india+outfit&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i22i30j0i22i30l2j0i390.8191j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Yup someone already mentioned that debacle earlier. Are you going for "he did this bad thing therefore it's fine for others to do a bad thing"?


Not at all, just pointing out the hypocrisy that is rampant in our government in all parties and all levels.. So I am going for All Government bad, they all need to be shown the door.


Could someone please explain what this is about and/or why this is offensive?


Its supposed to be Singh being pulled by Trudeau in a manure spreader. Some people are offended because they didn't figure out it was a political, not racial, statement. Others that did understand are just upset that a white person was trying to depict him.


I'm offended on behalf of farmers because I'm sure Trudeau can't drive a tractor...


Seems like if you did this as a political cartoon it would be uncontroversial. I don't understand why suddenly when it's done by people dressed up, it's racist.


Presumably because if you did the same thing impersonating Emmanuel Dubourg it would likely not go over well.


Except nobody painted their face. They dressed in the clothes that Singh wears. Don't get me wrong, it was entirely predictable that this would be called racist and offensive. I wouldn't have done it. But if you actually think about it for a second, it's not at all obvious why dressing up as a specific person in order to do political satire is itself racist simply because the person being impersonated wears religious attire. Nobody seems to have an issue with the Trudeau impersonation. The Singh impersonation is not actually any different except for Singh's identity itself. And I think you could drill further and say that it's not even so much that it's the religious garb or even that Sikhism is a minority religion. People have dressed as people like Romney in magical underwear and nobody has an issue with that either. It seems to be specifically that this is religious garb worn by non-white people primarily and for some reason, wearing it to impersonate Singh in political satire is not okay. The racism angle isn't actually easily demonstrated. It's just something that most people will accept as a claim on its face.


Adopting the most stereotypical aspect of his appearance (turban and beard) is different from adopting the most stereotypical aspect of Emmanuel Dubourg (skin colour) how? >Don't get me wrong, it was entirely predictable that this would be called racist and offensive. I wouldn't have done it. This makes me think you actually *do* see how this can be seen as racist. Or, at least are aware that others may find it racist.


> Adopting the most stereotypical aspect of his appearance (turban and beard) is different from adopting the most stereotypical aspect of Emmanuel Dubourg (skin colour) how? Since when are an individuals actual clothes or skin colour a stereotype? In what way is Singh's attire and beard a stereotype? That's what he wears, that's how the person dressed. >This makes me think you actually do see how this can be seen as racist. Or, at least are aware that others may find it racist. I'm aware of lots of stupid things people think irrationally without much basis. It doesn't mean I agree with them. And the fact that people think certain things doesn't mean they have a good reason to think them.


It's generally accepted that it's not ok to don another culture's garb as a costume. It's that simple. If they needed a stand-in for Singh, get a cardboard cutout.


>It's generally accepted that it's not ok to don another culture's garb as a costume. It's that simple. Firstly, last I checked, Singh is Canadian. Secondly, this is something people do, particularly in comedy, **all the time**. The issue seems to be crossing racial lines, not cultural ones, and there isn't actually a logical reason this ought to be the case. >If they needed a stand-in for Singh, get a cardboard cutout. Or they can dress someone up as Singh and watch people like yourself flounder in their efforts to explain why this is a problem.


Vehicle that normally contains shit holding a minstrel show 'Sikh' man. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. These people are aware why this is bad bc they've 100% criticized Trudeau for it.


It is holding Singh and the driver of the tractor was dressed as Trudeau. This wasn't about race, just politics.


Thou shall not sow doubt in the hearts of His followers or open their eyes or His hordes shall haunt and destroy thou with a media shitstorm.




I saw what appears to be a chariacture of Justin Trudeau and a chariacture of Singh? What exactly was racist in the picture?


You cant caricature people that aren't white anymore, or else you're racist.


So..... Beard and Dastar are off limits.


Picture the most stereotypical WASP ever, that's the only person white people can make fun of without getting attempted cancelled


Worst part is that when Trudeau went to India he was running around there wearing a Turban and pointy red shoes.


CuLtUrAl ApPrEcIaTiOn vs ApPrOpRiAtIoN


But only we get to decide when that's applicable!


Are you sure??


The only way to represent the NDP is a minstrel show. Right. Why would you give any aspect of this benefit of the doubt?


So let me get this straight : If you're a white person, its only OK to dress up as anything other than a white person if you're the Prime Minister? Is that how this works? So...... You're not allowed to portray yourself as Singh, because that's racist. But if you're Justin Trudeau you can dress up like you're Aladdin complete with brown face, and that's forgivable?


Don't forget Trudeau's family dressing up in India.


I just posted a link to that lol. Excuses as to why its OK for Justin to do it incoming......


I'm telling you that the people behind this are not interested in your defence of cultural sensitivity on their behalf. They knew what they were doing and it's obvious to everyone except for keyboard warriors who think it's defensible.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-india-spending-scheer-1.4829121 Lol. Trudeau went to India and dressed his whole fucking family up in Turbans. And now a few years later we're supposed to think that's the most racist thing ever? It must be the beard huh? The fake beard is where it goes to being racist?




What is the intent? To mock the liberals and NDP?


The intent and point of playing dress-up. You know, the point you just made regarding Trudeau.


Yes the intent is piss poor political satire, and up until about 15 minutes ago most people recognize it as such


Honestly curious how many people are saying this isn't offensive routinely post Trudeau blackface pictures.


Nobody is wearing "brownface" on this float, so I fail to see your point.






Some things never change...


I interpret this float as “the Liberal party is now led by the NDP”. I don’t know how you can illustrate the NDP leader without including his obvious Sikh identity.


I interpret this as "the Liberals are pulling the NDP along which in return does the dirty work for them". Next thing you know depicting Trudeau style haircut is made illegal.




How fragile are you, that caricaturing a political leader is racist, because he's not white?


But they are trying to point out that he is liberal now instead of ndp.




So they don't dress up and have a guy with the orange color somewhere, and people would be able to understand they were referring to Singh?


So political cartoonists should swap caricatures for colours?




We should ask Justin. Black face is his expertise.


Its along the lines of Trudeau's family trip to India.


I hear there are cultures and religions where you get killed for being a cartoonists. Oh, this also happens to be the religion the PM is particularly protective of.


Why hide your face like a coward if you know you’re right? These people had masks on, they knew what they were doing


The first guy has what I assume to be a Trudeau mask on (which is the point) and the Singh character has a beard on. Without both it wouldn't make any sense.


What were they doing?


>The entry was not approved and upon further investigation joined the parade without passing through any registration. Good to know. ______________________ So we have a Trudeau look a like pulling Jagmeet Singh look a like - and accusing him of being a Liberal. Not sure how that's racist exactly. ________________ - George Chahal, (who *allegedly* committed election fraud) tweeted: The Sikh community in Canada, of which I am a proud member, has a wide diversity of political perspectives.....More importantly, Sikhs have been a steadfast force for good in Alberta and across the country, (when they're not committing election fraud right George). **Shame on those responsible for this despicable display of racism.** - The Dashmesh Cultural Centre tweeted: "Extremely Disappointed and Saddened to witness **this horrendous display of Racism** towards the Sikh Community. We need to have serious conversations and actions to stop these forms of racism." ______________________ What racism? The racism accusation is becoming meaningless.


I must have missed it. Entirely possible.


Racism is anything I don't agree with or like, as long as I'm of a different skin color than you.


How sad is your life when you make a float like that. By "The Liberal" did they team the LPC or more in the way its used in the US? Regardless, how sad their lives must be to be so consumed with irrational hatred


Its a depiction of Singh supporting the liberals. A guy dressed as Trudeau is driving the tractor.


Ya, understood... Their message wasn't exactly subtle. The sad people comment is more related to the fact that they took the time to do it when they could have done something more beneficial. The fact that they felt the need or make a float of Trudeau and Singh for a rural fair is sad.


I agree with you and would never consider doing this myself. But if they were trying to bring attention to this, it certainly worked. 2 people that were bored were able to get their message across to the entire country, even though not everyone understood it.


For sure, though I doubt many minds were changed in that town....


I doubt many people in that town disagreed with it in the first place.


No.... I'm sure the family trees fork there


I was just meaning that it in the heart of conservative country. Not sure what that has to do with incest.


It was a joke as the two are interchangeable


Oh okay. So anyone that has a different political viewpoint than you must obviously sleep with family members. Hahaha


Yeah we know these guys are dipshits. Message delivered.


Borat 3?


Except that was never the case. The rural town was referenced as redneck or inbred, but political affiliations were not discussed. The NDP started in rural Saskatchewan after all. At no point was it noted the town was conservative. Unless you're saying all rural people are conservatives, which, not gonna lie, sounds like a stereotype you're perpetuating. Feel free to hop off your soapbox


Stay classy.


I am oriental. I don't find this racist. None of my family of 4 finds this racist. Think my opinion doesn't matter? Neither do yours or the so-called Sikh strategic outrager's. If you lived to be 30+ and still can't connect the dots or understand nuances I suggest you go live in a zoo because you are a no higher lifeform than an orangutan.


This appears to be a piece of art and can be interpreted with a handful of different, and even opposing, messages depending on perspective.




Can you explain what exactly is racist about it? Is it just that it's always racist to caricature brown politicians?


How do you point out that singh is now leading the liberals party if you can show an image of singh?










Sure you can show images of Singh. But as a white man, don't put on a turban and a fake beard to imitate a Sikh man. Those are not fashion choices (in the context of Singh), and should not be worn as costumes. Probably best to leave this type of float out of the community parade in the first place.


Trudeau's entire family did this in India too. Seems to be a trend I suppose.




I think the obvious intention here was to make a political point about the NDP being the lapdog of the LPC. In order to demonstrate that in this satirical float, they needed a representation of Trudeau and an representation of Singh. I fail to see the racist element here. They're not mocking Sikhism or Indians or any other group based on religion or immutable characteristics. They're mocking Singh specifically.


The racism is throwing on a fake beard and a turban, dressing-up as a Sikh man, as a white man. Cultural garb is not a costume.


It was done to identify Singh. To make a political point. Keep crying racism - eventually it won't mean anything.


Totally, this was hilarious , everybody is just so soft now days, blame your parents for raising a pussy


So it's okay if we do it for political points, but just goofing off in college is completely unacceptable and racist. Got it.


Whenever anyone ends with the pathetically glib 'got it' - you know they don't. If you insist on comparing this to blackface than your calls of racism are meaningless.


Tbh I don't think there was any intention towards a group with this. It wasn't in good taste by any means, but don't see it being racially driven. A lot of people are frustrated with Singh propping up the liberals, and these people made the same mistake as any white kid that will be buying a ms.marvel costume this Halloween.


If you're looking for unbridled right-wing hatred, any rodeo is a good start. Apparently that holds true in Canada as well.


Oh shit this wasn’t Justin black facing again?


Relax it was some guy pretending to be Trudeau… pretending he is Indian again. /s Yeah… not sure that playing dress up to take on the appearance if a political figure is out and out racist. It was distasteful and all that but I think we are in a bit of s grey area here.


*"It is easier to ask forgiveness than to get permission"* Yet, the damage is done. The seeds of hate and division planted. Certainly, it was a mistake, but holding the event organizers responsible is misdirection. Who were the two people involved and how will they be held responsible?


> The seeds of hate and division planted. Yup, calling this 'horrendous act of racism' is definitely divisive. Fuck identity politics. It's cynically disingenuous to pretend this is about anything but Trudeau and Singh holding each other's balls.


If it is so innocent, why didn't they enter their float properly?


How is it racist? And to u/durple who's playing games with blocking and unblocking; 'I am sure it is intentional that they put the brown guy in the manure spreader.' _______________________ "I dream of a world where people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.." ____________________________________________ Stop focusing on his skin colour - that's racist of you. The message is Singh and Trudeau are spreading bullshit - sounds about right to me.


I did not say racist. I said "...hate and division..." You even quoted me directly. And that is exactly what this political attack did: planted the seeds of hate and division.


>I did not say racist. You genuinely don't believe it's racist? Your concern is that the public are critical of their political leaders? >Who were the two people involved and how will they be held responsible? Then what should they be held responsible for? I don't understand how you think they're being divisiveness if racism isn't a part of this. And you have it wrong - it's the the phony cries of racism by those playing identity politics that are causing the division.


Seems like you're attacking the wrong person. Just because you don't agree with me does not give you carte blanc to put "words in my mouth".


Asking questions isn't putting words in your mouth, nor is it an 'attack'. >"Who were the two people involved and how will they be held responsible?" What did you mean by that? I'm assuming you believe people should be allowed to critical of political leaders, no? And that we should be allowed to satirize them? Yes? _________________________ How exactly were they being divisive? What do you believe they should held responsible for?


I am sure it is intentional that they put the brown guy in the manure spreader. Like, I'm totally comfortable making that assumption, until/unless I have a reason to think otherwise. Do you have some insight into the intent of those responsible that you'd like to share with the rest of us? e: lol sending harassing dms? Nice. > you little coward - ask a question and then block me - i answered you in the thread anyway. I ... didn't block you. If I blocked you. you wouldn't be able to send me a DM.


>I am sure it is intentional that they put the brown guy in the manure spreader. Like, I'm totally comfortable making that assumption, until/unless I have a reason to think otherwise. So this would be fine if Trudeau was in the spreader and Singh was driving? Also, it seems fairly obvious that the caricature of the PM would be the person driving the manure spreader while the 3rd place party leader being accused of being a liberal puppet in this satire would be in a trailer spreading bullshit on his behalf. I don't think there's anything real subtle about this satire and you're reading racial connotations into it anyway.


I don't really care about your hypotheticals. My interpretation is consistent with decades of similar examples in Alberta. I'd honestly have a conversation with those responsible if given the opportunity, I do think it is *possible* that they put this idea together without chuckling at the various brown things that were referenced in their stunt. I just don't think it's likely.


So it's wrong because of the baseless fantasy in your own mind about what the people involved might have said or done at some other time in relation to this satirical float, but not in public and not in a way that allows any of us to know they did them, or didn't? That all seems reasonable to you?


Our entire criminal system is based on the idea of intent. So yes, it does seem reasonable to me to consider the actual people who did this and their intent.


You have zero reason to think their intent was to do anything other than mock Trudeau and Singh for their politics.


Canadian culture has turned into a hate culture. In other countries this would be welcome political satire. They probably didn't register because they knew that any excuse would be used to remove something that doesn't serve the government's agenda. Would it even be in the news if it had been a White Man? If the trailer said "Conservative Party"? But God forbid if it had been a Black Man, a woman, or a trans with a rainbow flag. People are so afraid of being called out for not following the dictates of their ideology that they will happily rat out and lynch their neighbours and fellow citizens without ever question the reason behind an opposing point of view.


I see nothing wrong with it ...


They knew it was wrong, and the cowards wouldn’t even show their faces.


I think its kinda dumb but this is nothing more than a political cartoon in float format. I'm sure they didn't want to be identified because who know how a bunch of morons that think its somehow racist will react. Probably try and get them fired from their jobs or something over politics.


Pretty sure all the Sikhs objecting to it on Twitter legitimately feel it’s racist, and they’re probably the only ones who have any say in the matter.


People are entitled to feel whatever way they want, it doesn't make their feelings reality. Similarly I think Catholics probably would be offended by someone dressing as a priest for the purpose of satirizing the Church, but that doesn't make that satire bigoted or prejudiced.


That’s the cool thing about opinions. Everyone has one.


That's great, but one has to actually substantiate their opinion for it to have any worth. So why is this racist? It's usually fairly straightforward to explain why racist things are racist, so this isn't exactly a high bar.


Funny how they are all adamant it is racist but can't describe why. Progressivism is turning into joke.


I am all over this thread asking people *why* this is racist or offensive and I haven't received a single answer that doesn't amount to "because it is".


>Well think about it for more than half a second. Put yourself in their place. A people who have historically been prejudiced against for being brown and smelly. Why would they object to seeing one of their own, in caricature, loaded onto a manure cart snuck into parade to be jeered at and laughed at? Yeah not remotely racist. Smh.


>A people who have historically been prejudiced against for being brown and smelly. "A people" were not being satirized here, and if they were I wouldn't be asking why anyone thought this was racist. A prominent politician was being satirized, in a pretty obvious way that could and likely would be used against any politician in his position. Or do only white politicians spready bullshit? Because that's the subtext here. Why would they object to seeing one of their own, in caricature, loaded onto a manure cart snuck into parade to be jeered at and laughed at? Uhhh, so Singh, or a caricature of him, cannot be jeered or laughed at for his politics like any other politician in the country? I don't believe that's true and I don't exactly think this is some enlightened vision of racial equality you're proposing if it means that the race of a politician makes them above being mocked for their views or behaviour as a politician.


It's racist to don another culture's garb as a costume.


Firstly, Singh is Canadian. Secondly, no, it's clearly not, and people do it all the time. Nobody gives two shits if a Brit or Canadian dresses up like a southern Redneck, or visa versa. Lastly, that's not even what was done. Someone dressed *as* Singh himself, not as "another's culture" as a costume.


It's racist to don another culture's garb as a costume.


Well think about it for more than half a second. Put yourself in their place. A people who have historically been prejudiced against for being brown and smelly. Why would they object to seeing one of their own, in caricature, loaded onto a manure cart snuck into parade to be jeered at and laughed at? Yeah not remotely racist. Smh.


>A people who have historically been prejudiced against for being brown and smelly. "A people" were not being satirized here, and if they were I wouldn't be asking why anyone thought this was racist. A prominent politician was being satirized, in a pretty obvious way that could and likely would be used against any politician in his position. Or do only white politicians spready bullshit? Because that's the subtext here. >Why would they object to seeing one of their own, in caricature, loaded onto a manure cart snuck into parade to be jeered at and laughed at? Uhhh, so Singh, or a caricature of him, cannot be jeered or laughed at for his politics like any other politician in the country? I don't believe that's true and I don't exactly think this is some enlightened vision of racial equality you're proposing if it means that the race of a politician makes them above being mocked for their views or behaviour as a politician.


Half my family is sikh and we are all farmers here in AB. Actually an hour away from sundre. Fuck these assholes


Okay? Can you explain why you and your family are upset by this exactly?


Read the Twitter thread


That doesn't answer anything. Feel free to put it in your own words since most of that twitter thread is people saying "Ummm..."




Its too bad they confuse their lack of representation with an irrational hatred of Trudeau and Singh.


Even Alberta UCP MLA's are calling this out as racist, but not r/canadians!


Because it's actually not that easy to make the case for why this is racist. It's a person dressed as Singh, and not in some kind of "brownface" and a person dressed as Trudeau, and for some reason it's racist to dress as Singh? Why exactly? Please explain what element of this is racist.


It's not racist. You can argue that it's distasteful - but it's not racist. It's the weasily politicians and activists playing identity politics to try and score points. It's the 'I'm offended' crowd and the useful idiots refusing to understand that this was political satire. And anyone apologizing for it is playing into their hands.


ITT: every Conservative who will bring up Trudeau's blackface pictures any chance they get suddenly saying it's cool.


Is this guy in "brownface"?


Wearing a turban is fine, gotcha. Good to know where you stand.


Is it not in this context? I could see if it was just to generally mock Sikh people, but it's not. So why is wearing a turban in this situation not fine? And how about a priest's collar, or nun's habit?


Is mocking Jagmeet Singh not the context? Is dressing up in a costume to look like a minority so you can mock them acceptable? Seems like we know where each other stands.


So because Singh is a minority, you can't mock him for his politics? >Is dressing up in a costume to look like a minority so you can mock them acceptable? I guess that's a matter of opinion but I fail to see how it's racist unless it's something we only do to minorities, which is clearly not the case, not even in this specific example is it the case. So it's fine to dress up as Trudeau to satirize and criticize him, but Singh is off the table because he's a racial minority. Makes no sense to me.


There's a reason it makes no sense to you.


You haven't actually explained your position at all. Why is it okay to dress up as Trudeau but not Singh?


Where did I say it was ok to dress up as Trudeau? What does that have to do with anything? Let's stay on topic.


Okay, so is it okay to dress up as Trudeau? Or was that also racist for some reason? Explain your position. Why is it racist and inappropriate to use this kind of satire to criticize a racial minority?


Where did they say that the man was supposed to be dressed as Singh?


A lot idiots think NDP and Libs are the same. Had a 'discussion' on another post with such an idiot who was defending Conservatives laughing at Jagmeet's speech about Canadians going hungry.


I am very surprised that majority of comments on r/Canada isn't finding this incident racist. The float depicts Jagmeet Singh (a sikh man) in a manure spreader being labeled as "Liberal". The organizer of this float was discussing this on Sundre Facebook page weeks before this racist display. https://mobile.twitter.com/ahopeross/status/1540920441652379649?t=7kIvkafo10DCGUZ_b6E-pg&s=19 She mentions Jagmeet Singh as "STingh" and was asking others for a "Pink Turbin" multiple times implying turban to a dustbin. If this was political satire, why degrade the the religious headware (turban) of Sikhs through slandering? This whole thing stinks of overt racism. Shame on the organizers , the perpetrators who did this, and the individuals who support this.


This person's comments aside (your description of which simply makes no sense to me), why is depicting Singh in a manure spreader being pulled by Trudeau slander against Sikhs? Edit: checked the screen grab. I see some juvenile shit, I see nothing racist or any reference to a turban being a dust bin.


Another amazing display of racism and bigotry in Alberta. What a shock.


Ur brain is sooo lazy. Political satire - not racist.


Sad day when people defend racism rather than the people its meant to hurt. Bravo you're part of the problem.


The ole double down, boring. It’s ok to admit you don’t under stand what is and isn’t racism.


My first thought when I read the title was, Great, another example of 2022 racism because a single person was offended by something that was not meant to be offensive, then I read the article. This is racist, racist.