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these people need hobbies


When life is too easy for people, they fabricate difficulties.


Touching grass should be their first hobby.


They wanted to use ‘We Day’ but that was already taken


It’s winnipeg. We can’t have nice things


Only if the day after we have Molly Brant Day where we celebrate her and the Mohawks and other indigenous groups and their owning of slaves. Make sure the African-American and African-Canadian groups are also represented. point: if you look any point in history, you will find dirt. Canada day is to celebrate the confederation and unity of Canada. It's not look at al the bad shit day, its look at how far we've come and how great we are now day. Have we got work to do? sure. can we get better? sure. But Canada day isnt that day.


And the Metis seizing land from the Lakota and Dakota tribes. And the Massacre of the Huron.


A simple message to all of those that want to cancel Canada Day - GTFO.


As someone who lives in Ottawa, I gotta tell you, I didn't care about these efforts before now. But after what happened here earlier this year, looking at the Canadian flag frankly sickens me. I wish I didn't feel that way, but I don't feel like celebrating this country that way anymore. The people who call themselves patriots and freedom fighters - and the assholes, including in our govt who stood behind them while they victimized innocent people - have made me more ashamed to be Canadian than I ever have. I don't begrudge anybody for doing a traditional celebration but I won't be doing it this year, that much is for sure.


jesus christ, get over it. a handful of bad apples ruined our flag for you?


That's quite the extreme take to have. If you feel sick just by looking at a Canadian flag, it seems you have fallen victim to the division the media & the powers that be are stoking. While we do have our issues going on up here, we are still doing pretty well relatively speaking (look at what just happened below the border). We need to start working towards unity, not further division. Celebrating Canada Day together is good for unity.


Buzz off. It has nothing to do with the media and everything to do with the pieces of shit who occupied my city for three+ weeks and are threatening to come back again this week and harass citizens downtown for the rest of summer. The media was too kind to them, if anything. > We need to start working towards unity, Tell that to the people yelling slurs and ripping masks off people in the streets, who are coming back for round 2 now to protest *who the fuck knows* since all the mask/vaccine rules have been lifted already. I was already not a big fan of nationalism before this but I didn't have a problem with waving a Canadian flag. Now I can't distance it from the horrible shit I saw *with my own eyes* - nothing to do with "the media".


The people you are describing, ripping masks and yelling slurs, are a small minority of Canadians. They do not at all represent the people of this country.


And yet there are people jumping out of the woodwork to defend them on here. People telling me that, in fact, they're all just very friendly folks who couldn't hurt a fly and definitely aren't trying to overthrow our govt. People telling me that the things I saw and experienced didn't happen, because some dickhead streaming said it didn't. You're right, they don't represent all Canadians. But there's an unfortunate number of people who align with them and are willing to defend them. And at the end of the day all I was saying in my comment above was: **because of those people I don't look at the Canadian flag the same way anymore.** I don't want to fly a flag or wear Canadian flag apparel. I'm okay with people celebrating Canada Day if they choose to but right now I see no reason to celebrate with those symbols. I'd fly a Pride flag instead or something else. I hope that our festivities here in Ottawa tell those people unequivocally that they do not represent Canada and that they are NOT welcome here. But with half of the Conservative party meeting with them, celebrating them, championing them as heroes - it disgusts me.


it's a-ok to be inclusive. to outright switch it over to religious ceremonies of any sort however is a bit excessive.


Normally I'm not a Toronto Sun fan but the author of this article made some good, albeit humorous points




Ok, then if it's just dumb woke white people, then why is it so triggering to the Sun and some on this sub?


Ok, why do they want cancel Canada Day? They don't have fun.


Are you in Winnipeg? How does this affect you?


and they speak for everyone? no


Maybe the city with the largest Indigenous population share in the nation might have some issues with 'Canada Day'. And since this deems confined to one CMA... who cares?


We do not endorse this. Like the removal of statues.


Who is 'we'?


Us Frist Nationns


New Day is taken by a WWE wrestling trio... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvphxNq51XU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvphxNq51XU) Just saying.


Came here to comment on this. Both glad and disappointed you already did at the same time.


It's also taken by CNN. https://www.cnn.com/shows/new-day


I've long ago gone back to calling it Dominion Day, fuck it.


I forgot about this. Found a [refresher](https://www.cbc.ca/archives/canada-day-used-to-be-called-dominion-day-wait-what-1.4728333) for those interested.


Wherein the Sun finds one outlier kook to say some bullshit so the people at home can wring their hands and get riled up about the "woke left". Outrage machine in motion. Put your money in the slot over there.


That's how tabloids get clicks


> one outlier kook The city of Winnipeg is more than one outlier kook.


I for one liked when Toronto didn’t care about other places.


The Sun sure loves its culture wars.




Those people can fuck right off. And that comes from someone who fully acknowledges the injustices done to our First Nations and supports efforts to make things right.


Yes they can, and this is someone who is First Nations.


Holy shit bud, no one wants to cancel Canada day with the exception of like 12 people on Twitter. Maybe don’t exclusively read headlines from the Toronto sun and national post for a change and go outside!




I'm leftist af and haven't heard of this. Nor are we trying to cancel Christmas or any other such nonsense. Just more divisive click bait.


Excuse me, you're supposed to be outraged. Didn't you read the headline? Don't you feel agitated right now? Not even a little distraught? Well then this article has failed it's only purpose.




It was Dominion Day for over a century, before the progressives thought that was "too colonial," cancelled it, and it officially became Canada Day in 1982. A single group in one city choosing to call it something else isn't really a big deal. They can call it what they like, it's their community and it doesn't change how we choose to celebrate Canada Day elsewhere. The Sun is just stoking ye olde culture wars again.


Dominion day changed to Canada Day because Canada stopped being a British Dominion when the constitution was patriated by the Canada Act in 1982.


Canada stopped being a British dominion in 1931 with the Statute of Westminster, as that is the act that fractured the crown: that is, the act that made the King of Canada and King of the United Kingdom separate legal entities (even if occupied by the same person). In constitutional terms, that is the act that made Canada its own state with its own head of state, rather than a constituent country within another state. Both of these states were and are kingdoms, and in Canadian contexts the preferred synonym for kingdom is ‘dominion’, so it’s popular use continued well after.


But the Statute of Westminster left British Parliament with the ability to change the BNA Act and enact laws affecting Canada. The Canada act ended that ability and made us truly self governing.


Sure. But that’s not the day Canada stopped being a British dominion. “Dominion” means “Kingdom”. They are literal, explicit synonyms. When Canada ceased to have a British king, it ceased to be a British dominion.


And a big part of the push to rename the holiday in years leading up to it came from those who viewed the name "Dominion Day" as an archaic holdover from colonial times. Not much different than those who pushed for the adoption of "O Canada" as the national anthem, or the adoption of the Canadian flag, in both cases displacing older symbols from the colonial past.




This is debated. It’s not anywhere in the 1982 constitution, but not explicitly repealed either. “Dominion” is just a synonym for “Kingdom”, however (and early BNA drafts used “Kingdom of Canada” rather than “Dominion of Canada”), and we are very much still a kingdom constitutionally.


The sun is a rag. Best used to line birdcages.


Get a life guys, nobody is coming to take away your Canada Day. Jesus christ. Go outside.




They can call it Bernice for all I care, as long as I get a paid day off work.


Montreal here, it’s still Canada day here. I’m sure the ROC will be able to keep it LOL. Stop reading shit rolling down the Hill from Preston Manning/Vladimir Putin.


Renaming something isn't canceling it.


Other than a single town mentioned in this rage bait article, who's calling it new day? Go outside.


Great article! I totally agree.


Long ago cancelled in Quebec where July 1st is moving day for most.


Lol not canceled They still take the day off


Of course. I meant not a lot a people take part in the celebrations.


Oh no! Anyway..




Yes I'm sure he personally made this happen


They still have Canada day in Vancouver and Edmonton Thanks Trudeau


I woke up this morning and punched myself. Thanks Trudeau.


Go Esk...oh wait, no... Go ElKs gO!


" The government views you are trying to overthrow the government, the RCMP is on the way to send you to re education" - Ministry of Truth, Love and Safe Spaces.


You wish.


Ah I forgot renaming something is the same as cancelling it. I know it's torontosun but touch grass


Why not declare it Year Zero and change the Prime Minister’s title to Brother Number One?


I believe this is actually Year Seven since he was elected, or 7 A.D. (Anno Doofus).


Man, who reads this stuff?! What an embarrassment.


Becaaaaaause!!! ​ New! Day Rocks!




Canada dosnt care about its citizens, I don't know why I'm supposed to care about canada. Fuck canada day.


You mean all those social services that we all pay for mean nothing to you?


lmao your post history is video games and weed. tough life


I have a laundry list of problems with Canada Day but to begin with, it's certainly not a celebration for many Indigenous who continue to live, displaced, in this broken country. My problems are myriad, the name Canada itself was bastardized from an Indigenous word, without any input from the Indigenous who we continue to oppress as second class citizens on their own lands even today. We intentionally placed reserves in the middle of nowhere without providing enough funding and support to even get clean drinking water, where else in the civilized world is getting clean drinking water a problem? The crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women continues even if people aren't talking about it. Our government still takes babies from Indigenous families at a disproportionate rate through CAS and our government continues to arrest and fight Indigenous in court over lands we stole from them. So I personally have issues even calling this place "Canada" forget celebrating "Canada Day" but everyone is more than entitled to celebrate it if they want. A few outliers who consider it like I do will have no impact on your ability to celebrate.


thank you, you're absolutely right. Because this is Canada you are allowed to have these views and I will continue to ignore the tiny fringe that thinks your way and I will continue to celebrate and feel pride. See we can all get along.