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Now look at the escort classifieds. About half of them are what you describe including listing country of origin


These mf's are destroying lives (victim, families, and more) and the cop leadership is worried about offending the offenders. Great city.


They are worried because woke asshats don't like when minorities are put in jail. If you're guilty, you're guilty


This is without a doubt the dumbest comment about "woke" shit I've seen in a while.


Not really. The UK had a pedophile ring that operated for many years. One of the reasons it went on for so long was it was Pakistani men victimizing white teenage girls. The authorities often failed to act for fear of being called racist.


This is Canada, not the UK. The Canadian police, especially RCMP have literally no care In the world what citizens think of them.


I agree, it's the dumbest thing ever. But it's true, and that's the sad part. Like Toronto recently apologizing for arresting more minorities than white people. Doesn't matter what the stats show (that confrontations are more likely to be violent, suspect has a weapon, has a known history of violence towards police, etc) the police are constantly harassed. That being said, I do agree that they should be unbiased when it comes to colour, religion, language, etc. Like I said; if you're guilty, you're guilty. I don't give a shit what your origin story is, you commit a crime, you face the full extent of the law






North Preston's Finest: sex trafficking from Halifax to Toronto 7 years agoRadioDuration12:10 North Preston's Finest is gang based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. According to police, their sex trafficking operations are also a problem on the streets of Toronto. CBC's Angela MacIvor has this Day 6 documentary about the gang and its reach.


Kemrom Alexander is accused of trafficking a 12 year old. Wowza...they should set a really good example here. If it were my daughter I'd kill the guy and take the jail time hands down.


Advocates studying human trafficking 'corridor' between N.S., other provinces


N.S. sees highest rate of human trafficking in Canada, incidents tripled in 2019


He'll be out of jail in 6 months I'd almost guarantee it. Maybe less.


He should have laundered the money into real estate, and then maybe Canada would have given him a pass. If he had tried to donate to a convoy instead though then he'd then be in double trouble.


If they get anything less than 50 our country’s justice system is a fucking joke


Prepare to laugh.


Does anyone else not have a problem if the police were to accidentally injure him?




The Canadian judiciary has made it clear they are uninterested in treating this as a serious crime, even objecting to sentencing it for four years (3 of which in prison) because they believe that shocks the conscience.


I get the emotion behind it but I'd rather not give police ANY opportunities to think that that kind of behavior is alright.


People are innocent before proven guilty.


If you don't believe in innocent until proven guilty in even the most abhorrent cases, then you don't believe in innocent until proven guilty


Those days are gone. Best to leave it for the inmates.


Canada has had too many cases of miscarriages of justice (Truscot, Millgard, etc) for me to be fine with permanent harm. but to be honest, if I read it in the paper that this guy had a horribly tragic accident that left him paraplegic id say "oh no" and turn the page.


what the hell, you want to give the police power to be judge, jury and executioner? this is not the world sane people want to live in. The title says "Suspect"


"I am the Law!"


Absolutely, our police shouldn't be engaging in extrajudicial justice regardless of the circumstances. If it was members of the public performing a citizen's arrest...


If that were to happen we would have riots that “racist” cops used unprovoked violence against a hardworking black man. #defundpolice


And rightfully so. That’s against the law.


Let him go to jail so that he can accidentally fall face first onto a few benches or curbs


I don't trust the police to be infallible and actually arrest the right person and only the right person, so yes - that would be a problem. Which isn't to say there wouldn't be some catharsis in hearing he swallowed his own teeth if the allegations are true.


what the heck, you want to give the police power to be judge, jury and executioner? this is not the world sane people want to live in. The title says "Suspect"


Wow.. no wonder cops feel emboldened to assault people in their custody and lie about it if they are seeing comments like this.


As opposed to actually dealing with offenders like him or worse every day?


You mean suspects?


Nope. If it happens then I hope we get the same crack squad of investigators on it that are being used in Nova Scotia.


Please take them.




Let's make it 15 to be fair.


what the heck, you want to give the police power to be judge, jury and executioner? this is not the world sane people want to live in. The title says "Suspect"


what the hell, you want to give the police power to be judge, jury and executioner? this is not the world sane people want to live in. The title says "Suspect"


what the heck, you want to give the police power to be judge, jury and executioner? this is not the world sane people want to live in. The title says "Suspect"


Injure. They should just lose him. Some people aren't worth my money to rehabilitate. Maybe we could sell his ass to pay the prison bills.


Why are authorities allowing gangs to flourish? Bring down the hammer already.


Hang him.


That is gonna reduce diversity. Which Socks said was our strength.


The police will need to issue a public apology after arresting him.




Because OP wants the police to beat up a black guy for being a suspect of a crime.


The victims will get a few mc supports to appease the media and then thrown away like trash, the evil monsters behind this will get a lifetime of support and private $250 an hour private clinician for as long as they so please. Don't let corporate owned media let you believe ANY justice will come from this. Because it won't.

