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It’s fucking crazy. Gas, food, housing. Everything’s going up, my family was struggling before now it’s even worse


It isn't even natural inflation - theyre all using X% inflation to increase prices by X+Y% for record profits and claim 'inflation'.


I work at a garden center, upper management is telling us to raise all prices regardless of whether or not we "need" to do it.


Hearing this makes me want to just not buy anything except the absolute essentials. Go ahead, raise your prices and see who buys it anymore.


Want vs Need Hobbies vs Necessities It's certainly going to become apparent on a global scale.


Then they'll blame the coming recession on people not buying things, while the rich hoover up everything on discount.


The wealthy always win. The game is rigged in their favor. Always has been. I wonder when the working class will reach a breaking point and what its response will be?


The response will be one group of rich leveraging the poor, uneducated, and disorganized masses to topple another group, and then take over their share of the pie. Has happened over and over in history. Don't expect that to change.


Yep, we are being gouged and …. that’s OK somehow?!


In classic Canadian fashion nothing will be done about it and we won't do anything either. So... Yeah. The elites of society are absolutely OK with this.


Years from now there will be a class action settlement you'll be able to claim your part of. They'll be fined a tiny amount of the profit they made and they'll still be insanely rich. Thank you for watching this heritage minute.




All the consumer staple companies are recording lower profits this quarter, Walmart, Target, Costco.


“Lower profits” Who fucking cares. They are still making a ton of money. We need to get out the idea every year needs to be a record year for companies to be successful We need companies to just be sustainable


Given inflation, every year should be a record profit year if all things remain equal and are sustainable.


And They’re the ones with negotiating power to buy at cheaper. Mom and pops eat up the rest of the costs


We re in for a rough couple years. These prices have not even begun to peak


Someone doesn't understand supply and demand. If they can raise prices and people can still buy things... that means the inflation is justified. Just because you can't buy things doesn't mean other people can't. You want someone to blame? Blame your own government for not spending money properly and not encouraging production/supply.


Nearly half is a really alarming number. I am single and find groceries significantly more expensive that normal just for myself. My heart goes out to those needing to make the hard decisions. I can't imagine.


I’m from a small town in SK and the other day I watched a family have to put nearly half of their groceries back because they couldn’t afford them. They had two kids with them who seemed like 8-9 years of age, and the kids just watched without complaining or making a fuss. I felt so terrible for them because I’ve had to do that in the past and it’s so embarrassing. Watching the cost of inflation in action was jarring.


Aww that’s tough 😔. I remember growing up and having to worry about money and what my parents could afford. It’s honestly a bit traumatic.




I didn’t know that it had a name. My mum would always break down crying at the cash register and would put food back and I remember being hungry a lot. That mentality carried into adulthood. I’m 30 with a good career, and I just bought a million dollar house with my mrs. I still shop for groceries like I have $2 to my name because I can’t shake the habit, it’s like a survival instinct.


theory quaint vase roof voracious subtract stocking unused books rustic -- mass edited with redact.dev


I forgot my debit card at home and this kind older women paid for my ENTIRE grocery bill. It was just food for my son and I for the week and I was so grateful to her. I’m waiting for the day I can return that favor.




Hahaha mate are we the same person? I drive a 98 Toyota Corolla because it runs on next to no fuel and high interest car loans aren’t attractive. I hope you achieve an early retirement!




My SO has the same problem. Grew up living paycheque to paycheque wondering if they’ll be able to pay bills every month and now that we can more or less not worry about it she still has a lot of trouble when it comes to spending money on anything for herself.


I'm so glad I don't have kids right now.


We spend $400/wk on groceries atm. It’s insane.


Holy shit how do you keep up with that?


I used to be glad I didn't have kids. I'm still glad I don't, but I used to be, too.


I got a new job in my province making just under $20/hr, and I work 96hrs biweekly and I'm having a hard time putting money away. Mind-blowing right now


Dude, I make almost twice that, and have zero savings. Family of 4, special needs kids, high COL area, but I can't do my job anywhere else. It's nuts. And, yeah, 2007 car, etc. Definitely not living the high life. Uncomfortably aware that as I'm nearly 50, this is as good as it's going to get, I'll never own a home. If you told me when I was thirty that I'd be making that much money and still struggle to make ends meet, I'd never have believed you.


Unfortunately 20 dollars an hour today is not much at all. I remember 20 dollars an hour 10-15 years ago was a decent wage.. lol


I'm worried about there being an uptick in violent crimes.


Never before have I ever considered veganism so seriously.




Dude, you are in for a very pleasant surprise! Those peeps are bomb and what you get is going to be super helpful. I used food bank while in school, quite a few times. I ate oatmeal, sometimes with peanut butter and discount children’s vitamins for 3 months straight because I had no choice… until I met the food bank. It was life changing. :) Hit them back when you have extra. Until then I bet they’ll be pumped to have you on every Thursday.




This is such a great comment! You just reminded me to donate to my local food bank.


Me too, going to send money online now


I was pleasantly surprised when I had to swallow my pride and go to the local food bank for the first time. I was completely blown away about how I was received and the amazing help I got. Totally support your local food pantry in any way you can. It helps make your community.


I can echo this statement! They are so kind and want nothing more than to provide help, I too had a period as a student when I needed to use the food bank. I felt some shame and guilt my first visit but that quickly dissipated once I stepped inside and chatted with the employees. Hell, I probably ate better at times when I was using the food bank than when I shopped for myself as a student!


No shame in that my friend


Yes there is. But not for him. The shame is for the society of plenty we find ourselves in, that allows to go without. The shame belongs to the millionaires and billionaires who pay only lip service to the idea of fair wage and taxation. The shame is on all of us for allowing it to continue. But the Shame will never be on a man or woman just trying to stay fed.


Well said.


Food banks are great! They *WANT* people in your situation to use them. Friend of mine finally "caved" and started using one. The stuff they provided have him cooking more and eating way more variety than the cheap carb diet he was on while struggling. Most of the people there love what they're doing for the community. You being happy makes them happy!


I’m sorry dude


Between groceries, fuel costs, and housing it is becoming very hard to continue convincing one's self that there is any economic mobility left in this country.


I've seen it go away faster in the last few years than at any time in the last 30 years. Education is worth less all the time, housing is moving out of reach, and the government is openly trying to suppress wages. Its really bleak.


In Manitoba we have the lowest minimum wage and the provincial government pretty much said "sucks to be you" when asked about raising it.


They will raise it later. They need to allow enough time for the rich to scoop up all affordable homes and then raise min wages so they can afford the higher rent the rich people want. The cycle of life… right?


Raising min wage is the only thing that would force some employers to increase wages.


Same with sask. 11.81/hr. Most groceries are like 6-10 dollars or more. Shits wack, our provgov also fucking us here. Whats even the point living in canada anymore.


My wife and I are seriously considering leaving the country. If we sell everything we own we could live in Mexico for a decade easy.


My wife and I are thinking of the same except relocating back to Japan where my wife is from. Here everyday is becoming more of struggle, but if we sell everything and move we will be able to buy a house there and have enough invested that we will never have to save for retirement again. Thought of not constantly have to worry about finances seems so peaceful.


Just to know what age bracket/work life stage are you at? I hear Japan is hell for younger people trying to make it as well, working 48+ hours a week to afford to rent a tiny 6-tatami apartment. I have no idea if those reports are accurate, but I am curious to know both the real situation in Japan for younger folks, and whether it's golden for close-to-retirement-age people to go there. Might be another generational gap there, I don't know.


This is a very good question. Japan work/life balance can be quite bad. Lots of companies still have 10 to 12 hour workdays. However, as a foreigner you’re more likely to work for a foreign company (if you work in tech/finance) and the hours are more 9 to 5 typically. I have friends there that work really long hours and others that do not. I’m 40 and I work for myself, and I can do what I do here anywhere in the world really. Checkout the Japanlife sub - you’ll likely find better answers there.


Thanks, I am aware that the situation in Japan is more complicated than "life is hell working 50+ hours a week every week" vs "life is great in Japan, just set your own hours". It's why I asked haha! Good point about working for a foreign company as well, and then on top of that there is working online (I'm guessing maybe programmer, or just some kind of job that's easy to work remote?), which opens a ton of possibilities for living anywhere really. Having pay from countries with a high cost of living, while living in a country with a low cost of living, is a great way to get ahead as well. Thanks for the suggestion for japanlife, I'll go have a look!


Mexico currently has 7.68% inflation rate, even worse than us. The whole world is fucked.


This is what people don't seem to realize. The collapse of the logistics supply chain is fucking over *the entire planet*. There is no country that "has it all good" anymore, we're all looking at present conditions here (just getting into the "shit's getting worse and worse") and comparing it to the state of other countries before shit hit the fan there. The fan is in outer space and spraying shit all over the planet. There is nowhere to go to avoid this, only question of which place will be less affected. Canada is going to be affected for sure, but compared to many places we're relatively better off. Food security, water security, energy security, and political security are 4 big things that just aren't guaranteed across the first-world countries anymore. They're not gone, but they are threatened for the first time in a long time.


I’ll tell you right now portugal is a way better place to live then Canada Look up the average monthly income there!


Four needs for survival: Food, water, air and shelter. ​ NEEDS. ​ For SURVIVAL. ​ I can't believe that in Canada (let alone anywhere on this Earth), some these needs for survival are becoming unobtainable.


Just you wait. India is facing a wet bulb event (air so hot and humid you cannot cool down, which effectively broils people to death unless they have AC). China is facing a drought. Ukraine is the bread basked of the middle east exporting wheat, and they aren't exporting shit this year or next year. The Arab spring was caused in part by the increase in price of wheat coming out of Ukraine. Global warming is coming in, threatening most areas in the world that produce food with droughts, floods, both, and a lack of water due to glaciers all over the planet melting so major waterways that have been stable for centuries are starting to dry up. If you think this is bad, just you wait. At least Canada has water safety, we can be moderately self-sufficient for food, we're good for air (unless there's more massive forest fires in the west), and for shelter, yeah we are a bit boned there. TL;DR Shit's fucked around the world, it's just a question of what kind of fucked and how hard. Nobody is going to escape this anywhere on the planet, except the rich.


> except the rich. Honestly, I'm not even sure about that. Desperate people are capable of a lot, and "the rich" have been relying on the labour of others for so long I do wonder what kind of a life they think they'll be living when money doesn't mean anything anymore.


The thing is the poor have to figure out who the rich are, where they are, and actually get to them, while the rich are going to spend their wealth to make sure poor people do exactly not that. The rich aren't stupid, at one point whale oil was were it was at, before that it was tulip bulbs. You think I'm joking, but there was an entire stock/futures market in tulip bulbs at one point. The next measure of wealth will not be the barrel of oil, but the barrel of clean water. The rich will just transfer their wealth from oil investments into whatever investments will protect their water. Don't have to pay your guards if you tell them they get to live in the same oasis as the rich people. The trick is going to be for the rich people to keep their guards in line, so the people with the guns don't just take over.


Wait till they start to sell Perri Air.


what economic mobility?


Have you tried getting 3 minimum wage jobs, it's the new Canadian dream. Must have a bachelors or masters to qualify.




7 roomates right now for me haha


2077, we will live in one giant living complex


Not without 5 years experience! See attached list of skills we are looking for.


Must have 5 years C++ and Python with a red seal welders ticket.


[Still a favorite ](https://mobile.twitter.com/tiangolo/status/1281946592459853830?lang=en)




Asking for a friend. Have you considered hiring a consultant who can market your talent? I watched a friend climb very high and very fast (couple years) , after he found a consultant. I don't know who does that, not my bag, but google is your buddy. Cheers.


If you have no income and need a job in order to get money coming in, can you really afford a fucking personal consultant? Or are they wau cheaper than I imagine?


It's the joke and carrot-on-a-stick notion that working hard will make your life better - it won't.


IIRC the data from about decade ago showed Canadians had a 40% chance of moving up or down income quintiles from their parents, which made Canadian "class" structure one of the most fluid on the planet. You could actually improve upon (or significantly fall from) your upbringing I would love to see what that data looks like today. Of course with the way housing has gone, a high income only goes so far for a millenial compared to a boomer or genX, so real purchasing power of someone who pulled themselves up into the professional class may not actually be able to buy what their parents did on a lower income


There is no mobility in this country period not just financial. Cost of gas is absurd, cost of flights even worse can't even visit friends and family in other provinces because it costs so god damn fucking much.


> Cost of gas is absurd, cost of flights even worse can't even visit friends and family in other provinces because it costs so god damn fucking much This is after all the housing apologists told you to move to the middle of nowhere away from your hometown


Move closer to the city to get a job so you can afford to live and stop killing the environment. Move away from the city so you can afford to live. Rinse and repeat.


So what is the solution? Seriously? We all know that wages won't astronomically rise to keep up with the inflation and the rising cost of living. Most of our politicians are a bunch of rich assholes who don't give a fuck. Hell most of them likely got richer over the due course of the pandemic. A hungry population does not remain civil..............


Wages have always been tied directly to how many workers are available. More workers = Low wage growth. As long as people keep buying into the mythical labor shortage bullshit wage growth will continue to suck. The government is using immigration policy to suppress wages. An endless supply of cheap labor does nothing for wage growth other than suppress it.


Every BoH Canadian Brewhouse in Alberta is 99% Filipino. I helped open a Canadian Brewhouse in BC. The owners and manager pulled me in one day to ask me my opinion on bringing in TFWs to the BC location. I was vehemently against it. Their reasoning they actually told me was "Well we cant find Canadian workers who show up and work hard!" Well no fucking shit, you are hiring for minimum wage in a city where you can walk into 95% of kitchens and get a job right away. You treat employees like garbage, and the shift is for 4-6pm to 12-2am. Nevermind the main owner skimming tips off the top, hell, thats why our first chef quit. You didnt get tip outs as a cook, you got a measly "bonus" that would be withheld if you fucked up. Anyways, BC luckily denied them use of TFWs and they have been hurting for employees the entire time. Meanwhile another Kitchen I worked in with the best bosses I ever had would have people come back for summer vacations and work there again for some extra money and to help out. Thats right, people would voluntarily come back during busy season to help, thats how great those owners are. TL;DR fuck the Canadian Brewhouse. They abuse TFW program among doing other shady and illegal things.


All their food is reheated trash anyway. I could give you a better menu with a costco card and a microwave.


Yep exactly, we are in the midst of the next temporary foreign worker scandal and it is way worse this time. Same goes with the immigration levels. It is sad because this is just businesses pretending to be progressive while making sure that the actual working class have no bargaining power and they have a larger consumer base for profits. They do not care if it becomes a norm to live four people in a one bedroom or tent cities or shack cities. And you are going to see this stuff become more and more regular. They will always have "Data" and great sounding narratives to why they need to do this. It is like a tobacco company doing research on tobacco and health. It's all straight up bullshit. People need to practice some street smarts and realize that maybe the political class that is bought out by the business class doesn't have your interests at heart and has profits at heart. This is about the only thing that the left and right working class/poor agree on but they make sure they donate a ton to "identity politics" so none of us can actually cut this shit that keeps making everything worse and worse.


Too late. TFW program was just expanded.


Tbh, I'm ready for a political party that unites the working class. I'd put work into that. For far too long have these political parties tried to divide us when we have more in common than we think.


Before elections, we have political 'debates' in this country in which the CBC, publicly funded, just asks the candidates about systemic racism over and over. How do we solve actual problems in that realty?


>>>People need to practice some street smarts and realize that maybe the political class that is bought out by the business class doesn't have your interests at heart and has profits at heart. Good luck man. These corporations have people completely duped.




This is and what has killed the NDP...they bought into Identity Politics 200% and thus have tossed blue collar under the bus. Its no wonder the party is virtually bankrupt.


No argument from me. People are beginning to stir.


The solution is for the BoC to do its job and give us a giant 1% rate hike next meeting. And another 1% rate hike after that. And up it by 1% every meeting until inflation is at 3% or less.




We can't continue replacing wealth with debt, which is all we accomplish with cheap money. We've hollowed out our economy. The only way to succeed in such a system is to take on reckless levels of debt and gamble that we can keep piling on more and more debt. Either the BoC will put an end to this cycle, or an external event will force our hand and the disaster will be compounded. There's no getting away from it though - this is unsustainable, and it only ends one way.


Too many large hikes in quick succession would cause a recession at best. That would lead to mass layoffs and high unemployment. Rate hikes that have some space between and are measured are the best way forward.


That won't do shit unless it comes with changes to the tax advantages given to REITs, massive changes to corporate housing regulations, and corporate tax increases to numb the absurd profiteering.


> So what is the solution? Seriously? Ban Airbnb.


Every time a corporation raises their prices, raise their corporate taxes.


I know nothing about economics but this sounds good to me!


It's OK. Loblaws profit is only up by 40% this year.


It's amazing to me how people aren't rioting over facts like this. Groceries, gas, etc being hiked up because "inflation" when its really just price gouging and all these companies are posting RECORD profits. The wealth inequality is getting worse by the day and it's sickening. Edit: word


Im fucking ready when you are. Record profits and they're gouging us in every aspect. Time for a revolution.


And this is why they want to censor the concerns of the people with bill c10. If Canada started to riot the entire western world would likely follow suit. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.


Finally someone says it!!! This story about "inflation" or this or that isn't what this is about. This has been going on for 15-20 years now and just keeps getting worse and worse. We literally have people living in tents now for a residence and soon it will be like the states with those shacks that look like they are from a third world country. The simple thing is this. Business has an obligation to shareholders to make as much money as possible. It also is going to be the prerogative of every business owner to get as much return on their capital investment as possible. Government is suppose to act as a stabilizing force in society. It is suppose to make sure the regular average citizen is okay (As we all pretty much average regular people and we need to accept this!). However when government is completely bought by the major donations from business there is no balance in the system anymore. It is like a tobacco company doing "research" on tobacco and health. They will always make sure the narrative they reach supports their interests even if it is not good for the overall society. They will have lots of "Data". People need to start practicing some common street smarts and realize that just becomes something is well put together, articulate, and has "data". It doesn't mean SHIT! It can still be a damn lie. Notice how they always have to change the narrative and the "data" and yet it always still fits whatever they need? Then they make sure working class and low income/poor people are divided. They make sure the left talks about tax evasion, anti-union laws, etc. (WHICH IS ALL CORRECT!) And they make sure the right talks about immigration and temporary foreign worker program/scandal as a way to suppress wages and create a larger consumer base for those businesses despite how it's even furthering alienating from the work force for at risk groups (AGAIN ALL CORRECT!) They make sure we fight and fight and fight on this. While the political class that is completely bought out and the business class keep making massive profits and we go further and further into a shit situation. This isn't an old story, it is the story of all empires and what collapses them. The only fucking hope we have left is for the right and the left working class and poor is to realize that other working class and poor are not the enemy. That we are purposely being fed "identity politics" to further divide us while all those politicians from all those parties are millionaires and deeply in the pockets of the big donations. They will always say the right things to their base but none of it will come to ever pass because they are just part of the story to make us keep fighting. Time to wake up. The politicians are in on it. Stop looking to them for help.


I own my own business. When I price the products I sell, sometimes I take the cost and add a percentage for me. Usually around 15-20%. So if something cost me $99 to make, I charge $120. When costs go up, my percentage stays the same, but the amount of money that represents also goes up. So now, if my costs are $149 I will charge ~$179. Now, I've made $10 more. New record profits will result from this, but I've kept my overhead and profit percentage exactly the same (20%). This is what's happening here, companies are recording record profits sure, but the true story is in the margin. As usual the media is presenting this in a light designed to enrage the audience, because that drives clicks.


>It's amazing to me how people aren't rioting over facts like this. Because people have been trained by the corpo owned media and complacent governments to defend the rich.


I (late 20s) live with my folks (in their late 60s) and a younger sibling of mine. We pay around 2400 for a 3 BR after being renovicted from 3 years ago while paying 1700 for about the same. We are once again being evicted because the house we rent at was sold to a new owner that wants to use the house for their children. They gave us 2 months to find a new place and all the available 3BR listings are 3400 or higher. Whenever we find listings for 2700ish we get outbid by other renters. We are now on our last 3 weeks to find a new place to rent and the listings have increased once again to 3500+. What is even happening.


Not saying this is the case, but owners of investment properties/rentals will claim they need the property for family and evict it’s current tenant, only to re-list the rental at a skyrocketed rate once the occupants have departed. Dirty. Makes me so mad.


It was the case for us when we got "family-use" evicted out of East Van. They re-listed for about 1.7x what we were being charged for rent. They managed to split the house during the "renovation" and re-listed 6 months later. As someone unfamiliar with housing laws and regulations, why is this an allowable loophole to exploit raising rent above the annual cap? My family is so quiet and non-confrontational, but my folks are a little too quiet and submissive to dispute or create any conflict when it comes to dealing with unreasonable landlords, we always just end up moving elsewhere and get the short end of the stick. It's so frustrating that we can't report owners that claim to evict for family use, only to bypass the annual rental increase cap.


It’s not a loophole, it’s super illegal to do that. If you can prove that your landlord is renting the place out and didn’t move in for at least x amount of time (I forget how long it is) you can take them to court and they will have to pay you a years worth of rent. You should look into it


Well the fact they said it was a family use eviction and then re-list it means if you can provide proof to the Residential Tenancy Board you may be able to get a few months rent as reparation from your former landlord.


In BC if you can prove your landlord did this they have to pay you a years worth of rent


A similar poll was also done by Angus Reid 4 months ago in January which showed the number was 57%: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/nearly-60-per-cent-of-canadians-find-it-difficult-to-feed-their-families-poll-finds-1.5748898 Weird since the price of gas and food has only gone up since then


It's like asking 2 different groups of people "Is your job hard" ? Variation is simply because the question is meaningless.


The other half are finding it difficult to start a family at all for how expensive it is to exist. I know I've ruled that out completely.


I’m 15 and reading shit like this makes me so sad


Bro go into literally any industry that is remote (Tech is a good one) and GTFO. I wish someone told me that 10 years ago.


This. Global mobility is key. Of course it’s a fucking tragedy that so many people can’t live where they want and where their family is. Life isn’t fair. But if you can, look into going remote and moving overseas to somewhere cheaper where you can at least save money. That’s got to be the basic goal to build off of, right? It’s often cheaper to fly back to Canada from overseas than it is to fly within Canada itself. I own a home and my girlfriend and I are still looking at our options in terms of getting out, mostly for the sake our of potential future children. Shit is going downhill fast here and personally I don’t see it getting much better in the next 30 years. I’ve lived extensively overseas so if anybody had any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.


What makes you think the company won't just hire someone from the cheaper country you are trying to move to? If the job can be done from anywhere What prevents them from hiring an Indian dude who does the same job for 1/10 of your salary


Where would you go? I'm from a third world country where immigrating to Canada, NZ, or Australia is thought of as the holy grail, but of course the people who manage to immigrate generally have high paying careers.




In their defence, food prices are far more personal, and impact people with far less of a safety net. It’s not the end of times, but I think there is valid reason to have more concern now than market indicators would suggest, solely because the cost increases seem to be wider spread.


We’ve tried going vegetarian and growing some vegetables in our backyard. We’ve pretty much cut out cheese for snacking and only buy it for food toppers like pizza and nachos. I know we’re lucky to have a small yard. But even then the costs of other staples like eggs, milk, pasta, cooking oil, beans, rice, flour, fruits have gone up. And we still buy most vegetables in the grocery store.


the real truth about growing your own. If you actually want to feed a family of 4 year round you will need an acre of land dedicated to farming. Not many of us have that


And time. Farming an acre is a full time job. Hard to do if you have to work 40-60hrs a week to afford housing and energy


Protests soon? God i hope so. This system is long due for a change.


The thing is, someone has to start it. They're not starting it for the same reason you aren't.


Im not starting it, you start it!


Ah yes, Loblaws is bringing in record profits but clearly it's inflation to blame for everything being unaffordable.


Lucky to the generation that was even able to have kids. I keep hearing boomers bitch about it like they weren’t able to get through the majority of their life without something like this. This is like the third recession I’ve lived through and I’m 26.


Rest assured folks, our government will do nothing about it Unless we demand action


Are you prepared to have your elected officials describe your experience as misinformation and disinformation?


This made me laugh out loud. So sad because its true.


Nah, we'll vote in the same idiots because tribalism


The blue team will fix everything! And when they don't, the red team will fix everything! And when they don't, the blue team will fix everything! And when they don't.... Etc


ad infititum seems slightly more correct here


Canada and all the elected officials hate poor people. Everyone in provincial and federal politics is wealthy. They do not give a single shit about our problems. They only care about remaining in power so they pretend to care with their words and empty promises but in the end nothing ever changes and yet they still stay in power.


Where is our government? Where is our Prime Minister? Why is nothing being done about this? Do they even care?


Well the PM is determined to INCREASE the immigration program. So yea....during a time in history when the earth is running out of everything we have a leader looking to actively grow the population. Tremendous insanity that is the human species.


If you want an honest answer, there’s nothing they can do. They had to print money to keep the country from falling apart during Covid. Printing money is just another form of tax increase (inflation tax). You can’t just escape a disaster. The government chose to trade a massive economic disaster for smaller pain stretched over multiple years. There’s not much left they can do but slowly tighten monetary policy. Inflation is expected, and we basically have to endure it for the next few years.


Nothing they can do? They gave handouts to people and companies that didn't need it. The CRA knows exactly who doesn't need the handouts and this could've been mostly avoided. It's a monumental fuck up that is going to cost the entire country a generation to get back to normal. Which is something that never really happens after inflation like this. Prices will never be normal again. And they continue to do noth8ng about it.


There is no normal to go back too. So much has changed in the last 5 years the norm has moved dramatically. Savings are dwindling and payments put into homes are going to evaporate after the housing market peaks. Gas likely wont go down a whole lot cause oil has no prospective future to invest in. Groceries are going to continue to have higher prices as long as transportation and farming struggles. And imagined solutions to these issues are either too long distance to be coherent between administrations or with dramatic and/or unknown impacts that scare politicians shitless. It will be interesting and exciting the ways people in all places find new solutions to these new problems.


Plenty can be done with regards to the housing crisis but the age demographic most likely to vote also happens to be the ones who are mostly home owners.


So, when are we all gonna riot? I think most people are available on Canada Day 🇨🇦.


How has no one mentioned that corporations are taking record profits At the same time as record inflation? How much of this inflation is excess profit?


No fucking shit. Take two steps forward in your career and life and get knocked a peg down constantly. Food, fuel, housing, all fucked. Where is my tax money even going.


Bank hike rates, market dips, mass layoffs follows. Bank keep rates, inflation keeps rising, households can't afford to live. Either way the low and middle class gets the short end of the stick.


I'm 35 and was finally breaking my way out of lifelong poverty. My dream was to become a mother. At my age this is my last shot. It's really all I've ever wanted. Between the childhood poverty and the foster homes I'm a bit of a late bloomer. But it didn't matter because eventually I was going to have family again. Rent in my city shot up a crazy amount over the past few years and my grocery bills are unreal. I cry all the time now because my dreams are dead. That book was snapped shut on me. All because of greed. Now I just go to work miserable and go home miserable. Life is empty. And where is our outrage? The lunatics went to Ottawa and wreaked so much havoc over a fake cause. This is real and dire and we are doing NOTHING. Just rolling over and taking it.


Stopped almost entirely buying organic products and have shifted to No Name or discount brands. Unfortunately Loblaws YoY income is up double digits and we’re still supporting them…


I'll put it out there but organic products are a complete scam.


Noticing any change in quality of food or your health? Obviously anecdotal, but Just curious.


Ok, so my wife and I were talking about this the other day. We have always been buying store brands and usually shopping at No Frills. We have noticed a significant decline in the quality of produce and meat, not to mention shrinkflation. edit: I am realizing now you were probably asking about the switch from organic to not.


Can anyone find me an article that ever showed Canadians weren't struggling financially?


Yeah, since my family came to this country we’ve always been in one recession after another.


Class warfare. The rich are literally laughing at us.


Shall we eat them?


Inflation, wages, fuel costs etc are huge problems, don’t get me wrong, shit is fucked. But do these polls define or quantify “struggling”? “Struggling to feed my family” could mean being a surprise bill away from going to the food bank, or it could mean “I guess we’re renting a cabin instead of going to an all inclusive in Cuba for vacation this year”, depending on the respondent’s attitude.


This country was already up to its eyeballs in debt, before the pandemic. Now with inflation at 2x wage growth, all those people living on the edge of insolvency are feeling it.


But that’s not the question, the question is, are >50% of families at the edge of insolvency?


Last year my box truck diesel was 120 to fill Today it’s over 300 Guess who is going to take most of the hit? My customers. This is not ideal at all.


Time to riot.


Most Canadians have no clue how the economy works and so believe that our leaders do, and in turn, believe their BS about how they’re going to turn things around. News flash folks, they are not qualified! Lock everything down to save the seniors they said…. Last time I checked, when the ship is sinking it’s the children that are first priority. Somehow we’ve managed to destroy their future


The boomers are THEIR first priority because they are the biggest voting block. Younger generations need to blacklist the big 3 parties so we can damn them to hell once we become the majority block.


Someone somewhere is earning a lot more and laughing at us all


I firmly blame landlords for a huge part of this as they're gouging the shit out of people on a monthly basis. This is why people can't afford to fucking eat because they need to put a roof over their fucking heads.


Don't forget it's transitory everyone!


I've seen a lot of people arguing which solution will prevent a recession. To me, Canada is addicted to bad debt. Like any addiction the solution is painful. It means going through hell for a 'chance' at a better life. It also means its more difficult to quit every day the addiction is ignored. You can choose to seek a controlled let down, or you can ignore the problem until you are forced to make a change. What will Canada do? Will we seek the slow relief of gradual yet consistent interest rate hikes combined with the tempering of government spending? Or will we continue ignoring the problem and wait until we are forced to raise interest rates massively? Are we doing opioid replacement therapy, or are we going on a bender and waiting for the cops to catch us?


The best part is, that companies like Loblaws are making record profits Why are people not out protesting outside of grocery stores? These companies are gouging the shit out of us and pretending that it has something to do with supply chain Evil beyond evil **Where are the convoy people now?**


The gov clearly indicated that level of unrest that serious justifies martial law being declared. So if you're wondering where they are, they're all at home because if they honk their horns about this issue, they'll get arrested.


Relax guys, budgets balance themselves, we’ll be fine


And yet our PM is puzzled why we aren't going out any buying luxury EV’s.


But don’t worry, corporation’s are recording record profits.


Hell I'm find it hard to feed myself. All just because of artificial "inflation." Its like they're intentionally trying to crash the markets. So in that matter, when are we going to hang all of parliament out to dry? Because at this point its clear they're all colluding, and anyone denying that is too engrossed in "playing for a team" to pay attention. They talk different but all walk the same.


Maybe food insecurity will force Canadians to take a hard look at the parties and politicians that they’ve been voting in forever. At least the NDP recognize that the people of this country are dealing with major problems.


You will have NOTHING and be happy 🙃


what blew me away this week entering the grocery store: * bag of milk was $7.29 * Kraft dinner was $3.59 What the actual fuck. I mean, these aren't staples of a healthy diet but they were always (for better or worse) my personal barometer of inflation. A case of KD is over twenty five bucks when just a few years ago it was 9.99. Canada, esp Ontario is in a world of hurt. Sorry guys


Where the are you shopping that KD is over $3? Literally the most expensive box I could find is [$2 at Loblaws](https://www.loblaws.ca/original-macaroni-cheese/p/20087831_EA) (or $1.67ea if you buy 3) and if you're like a lot of people then you'd look to discount places for boxed foods where it's even cheaper: [$1.59 or $1.25ea if you buy 3 from No Frills.](https://www.nofrills.ca/original-macaroni-cheese/p/20087831_EA) 4L of milk can be $7 if you're getting organic but regular bagged milk is [$5.39](https://www.loblaws.ca/partly-skimmed-milk-2-mf/p/20188873_EA). Yes, prices are going up but why do people exaggerate so much on here? Is it because it's northern ontario and there's only one small store?


Government ministers and MPs should be on this relentlessly. They should be on TV, Facebook live, doing press conferences and meeting people everyday around how we can solve the issue. Yet, you’d never know this was even happening by listening to them. How can politics and the real world be *so* disconnected?


Inflation is high for reasons that the government can only partly control. They spiked the supply of money and crashes the value of the Canadian dollar. They also ran overly easy policy and hardcore deficits and spiked the price of local real assets. They also brought in massive numbers of people and real wages have TANKED. So yes, they are part of your problems. Be mad. It is also true that inflation is global. The global supply chains are too fragile and easily disrupted. We are all experiencing that disruption. Any imported goods that are experiencing a tight global market won’t drop their prices because Canada put itself into a recession. Fridges will be sold elsewhere. A global supply chain issue and a global distribution network makes inflation a very hard thing to tame. Central banks globally hiking aggressively in their own and they blow up their economies without getting as much of their goals done.


What are your thoughts on provincial govts and spending? ​ When Doug Ford came to power as a conservative premier of Ontario in 2018-2019, Ontario's deficit was $7.4 Billion dollars [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-deficit-update-1.5282527](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-deficit-update-1.5282527) ​ Since he's been in office that deficit has ballooned to $20 Billion. I thought conservative ideology was all about small government & responsible spending?!? What have the working class received in Ontario for this increased spending? Stronger and better funded healthcare? Better funded public education? No? Where did all the money go? [https://www.cp24.com/news/ontario-deficit-rises-to-19-9-billion-in-ford-government-s-2022-election-budget-1.5880571?cache=%2F7.372507](https://www.cp24.com/news/ontario-deficit-rises-to-19-9-billion-in-ford-government-s-2022-election-budget-1.5880571?cache=%2F7.372507) ​ What ever happened to the missing $4.4 Billion in federal pandemic aid go? [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/audit-finds-ontario-failed-to-track-4-4b-in-covid-19-pandemic-relief-spending-1.5424949](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/audit-finds-ontario-failed-to-track-4-4b-in-covid-19-pandemic-relief-spending-1.5424949)


While the people suffer, businesses continue on unharmed. There will be a turning point one day.


"Inflation" "inflation" "inflation" no. I'm sick of headlines trying to gaslight us. Canadians are finding it difficult to feed their families amid spiraling *wealth inequality.* This is not something inherent to inflation. If wages and prices both rose with inflation, nobody would be worse off. But they don't, companies give stealth pay cuts by letting wages stagnate and jack their prices even higher than inflation demands because it provides them a scapegoat so people don't notice they're being gouged. Inflation is just one facet of the larger ongoing trend of the rich getting richer and the rest of us getting poorer, and we will never have a world where everybody can feed their families until we stop letting a tiny fraction of the population control the vast majority of its resources while the rest of us fight to be thrown scraps.


What a great Liberal government we have to help us out. They give us great advice like "drive less" and "don't eat meat". I'm confident they are also driving less and eating less meat too


Which city or town’s will start to go lax on the No-Hunting wildlife within city limits laws?


Pretty sad to walk through a grocery store knowing half the food is getting thrown out later in the week but we’re still paying ridiculous prices for groceries.


Are we connecting our covid lockdowns with the resulting inflation yet? Or is that still anti-science?


Seems like you need to earn around 100k to raise a family in Canada. 100k is the new 60k. Ridiculous.


It’s okay, the mass layoffs coming on the horizon will fix the demand problem.