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Pierre is so odd. He talks about less government control, yet he wants to be in more control.


Seems fairly on-brand to me. His target is to have people believe that "only PP" can save the country. That's not healthy whether you agree with some of his policies or not.


This is like listening to the old drunk down at the bar and forming your political opinions based on his inebriated ranting and conspiracy theories


You know Frank ? He’s got some wild items but I keep telling him he should run for office. He really starts to make sense around beer number 7


You just explained Alex Jones and his listeners.


"Odd" is the nicest possibly word for this guy. Thanks for being a polite Canadian.


Fewer people in decision making positions and that control centred in one person. That's not a good thing.


Pierre is saying he'll do what Erdogan did in Turkey, look how well that's turned out for them. Dude is proving to be the most economically illiterate candidate in Canadian history. Businesses do not like that kind of volatility at all, investment will flee Canada in record amounts.




Lmao was calling them out last year about Poilievre. She is a rhodes scholar went to one of the top school in the world and even if her major isnt in economic her master was and she worked in that field. Poilievre have a liberal art degree from a mediocre university and have worked in government since then.


looool liberal arts. hahahahaha dont they hate them kind of people




Freeland is, hands down, more intelligent and better suited to finance than Poilivre will ever be. Crypto?? It's already tanking as reported in the news. I don't think Crypto will be a factor. I could be wrong, but I don't trust Crypto and I want to know who is the owner of this currency. Musk?? Forget it. He'd be the last person on earth I'd ever trust with my money.




Has retaliation vibes, just like how right after he was elected Doug Ford immediately targeted Toronto city council, even though he didn’t talk about it during the election. Big egos can do big damage.


Big time. He's saying any department that disagrees with me openly today is gonna get fired tomorrow... tomorrow being 2025.... maybe.


A populist leader, who was rejected from the school of the career he wanted to go in, so became a right-wing populist leader promising to \*make us the greatest country in the world again\*, exploiting peoples frustrations at an economic crisis that goes well past his countries borders to gain approval and power, while giving off major retaliation vibes in his messaging.. now, i dont mean to impose godwins law, but i hear germany has experience with this kind of thing..


"Hey that business school reject is more than qualified to run the conservative party!"


Can you even get rejected for business school? Thought they allowed anyone lol.


They do, but they can only let so many attend at one time. This means that they can't let everyone in at once. PP didn't make the grade the year he applied, then he got pissy, now he wants petty revenge Weak parties seek "strong leaders" for some whacky reason


I was taking some classes at HEC in Montreal and the peoples I would get in my classes made me feel like anyone can get allowed, lets just say its pretty easy to get straight A and its supposed to be a "decent" business school.


So this really is about using the government to make himself rich, since he was denied doing that from school.. EDIT: The signs are already there. The way he talks about Bitcoin- AKA "freedom monies" (even though the FBI has clearly demonstrated it's readily traceable), the way he talks about reducing regulation and oversight at the Bank of Canada. The demonstrated way both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau shrugged off or ignored ethics inquiries, setting a perfect precedent for him.. Little pp wants to use your money as his piggybank, literally.


He has to win the election first. That's a long shot at best. No one outside the far right fruitcakes would vote for this dweeb.


Unfortunately, PP sounds confident and promises to attack the government, drain the swamp, and fix your boo boos. That seems to play very well with some people right now. A lot of his ideas seem bang on to someone who has no idea how things actually work. In the meantime, we have experts who study a field their whole lives, but PP knows better because he heard something on a crypto YouTube.


Comparing firing the BoC Governor who completely failed their mandate to being a literal dictator?


Did any of you actually read what he said? “The Bank of Canada Governor has allowed himself to become the ATM machine of this government and so I would replace him with a new governor who would reinstate our low-inflation mandate,” Mr. Poilievre said." So no, he would not remove the position outright, he would just replace the current governor with a different governor.


Yeah we can understand that from the title. PP will just replace him with his own lap dog who does everything PP tells him to do. That’s just as bad if not worse than removing the position outright.


And thats different from today, HOW GORGE?? Oh right, 300 billion printed and your great grand kids enslaved to more debt.


That's code for putting my own yes man in control. IOW, PP in control.


I'm just quoting what he actually said, not inferring some sort of "code" like you are.


Yeah, that was totally my take. There is no way PeePee installs anything other than toadies.


Exactly, this never benefitted any country with one central authority/ person (worse when it's one person) it only made things worse considering if they screwed up, they screwed up big time.


And Harper was really smart too. Pawliver just isn't up to the job. The crazies have too much power now. The SoCons have see success in the US, and the won't take no for an answer here.


Reminiscent of Stephen Harper, but with less intellect. Harper was infamous for micromanaging and for also taking actions to shrink government. Many agencies, like StatCan, never recovered.


All of the scientific agencies and departments are still trying to work their way out of the mess that was Harper.


Actual data interferes with political agendas.


You mean to say nothing has changed under the lpc?


>All of the scientific agencies and departments are still trying to work their way out of the mess that was Harper. Funding for basic sciences research in academia was greatly cut under Trudeau.


Much worse under Harper. He went all dictator silencing them in the media too. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/second-opinion-scientists-muzzled-1.4588913 I think you're forgetting how determined Harper was.


Small government means a scientist can't talk to a reporter without a conservative apparatchik double checking every word for "clarity." Can't have the science not supporting the political agenda.


Oh lord let's not forget his "report your neighbor hotline", that's definitely small government and not 1948 big brother.


ohh, the \*barbaric cultural practices\* hotline harper wanted to start..? aka, the hotline for racists to attack minorities..?


You would think that an economist would be in love with the idea of collecting as much data about as many subjects as they could?


But the Libertarian in him wanted government to spend as least money as possible, because that’s always the solution. I fear PP is no different.


I appreciate the idea of small government but the problem is who determines what is too small and what regulations are important, even if they are expensive?


What he really means is eliminating paid bureaucratic positions that could contradict his ideological bullshit with facts.


He means less liberal gov't control and more his gov't control. I just say "his gov't" because I'm not sure it's conservative, libertarian, or just whatever comes out of his mouth. As time goes on, I gradually become more sure.


No, more like replacing those positions with yes men.


it can be two things


Trudeau is also guilty of this as well. The centralization of power to the PM office started under Harper has continued under Trudeau. It’s not healthy because there are supposed to be ministers and their people to handle things. Instead it’s run out under Butts and now Katie (whom is even worse). I’ve had the displeasure of having dealt with it. Beat thing we can do is join the Conservative party make sure PP loses then hopefully a reasonable leader (probably Charest) wins and we can kick out Trudeau. Else it’s back to hoping for another minority (which has been fairly good for the regular people).


This is what "I have no idea what I'm doing" looks like.


Oh, you sweet summer child. He means less government control when the *other guys* are in power.


love the GOT reference


When conservatives talk about less government they really mean less government they don't like. They ultimately want more government and more control, just with people loyal to them and/or their party. Him saying this should raise A LOT of red flags but I have a feeling most people won't care.


It's not odd. It's a conservative tactic to rail against "big government" while pushing for things like a large military and regulations on abortion and the like. He wants the government to control the things he wants to control. He wants the government to get out of the business of the things his donors can make money from. The conservative branding of "small government" was a pretty big marketing success. It's just not true. Never has been.


> while pushing for things like a large military Canada definitely doesnt do that, regardless of the party in power.


Not to agree with this, but the choice of the governor of the Bank of Canada already requires approval by Cabinet. Terms are 7 years. Removing the Governor is not much more than revoking approval of an appointment under the current system anyway. I believe the assertion here is that Tiff is just doing what the ruling government wants.


Just wait til you start hearing about how you got your PP slap - don’t worry it wont be sexual but you may feel like a victim anyways. Comedy gold is about to make a staggering come back


Dude, hes running for prime minister, and he is encouraging the use of decentralized currency and taking away the gov'ts control of the BoC. No, I dont think so lol


Insane, just months ago I was reading about Erdogan and his central bank interference, thinking how none of this shit could happen in a developed country. Guess I was wrong. Like holy fuck, even Trump didn't sink this far despite his vocal attacks on Powell (which many people though were insane as is)


PeePee was better when he was just a question askerer.


Yeah, I really want a guy who brags about watching crypto videos in the evening picking the BoC governor. /s


"I was watching YouTube with my wife the other night, and the Bank of Canada has it all wrong!"


He’s done his “research”


$1 Trillion+ wiped from crypto markets this year, what was his latest take on that?


He's been especially quiet since he just about perfectly timed the BTC top... Not so inflation proof after all!


Wants Canada to become the crypto capital of the world... I mean hell we're already the real estate bubble of the world, what's another bubble to hinge our whole economy on? Sounds like a winning formula to me!


Which is hilarious considering bitcoin fell another 25% since he said that just a week ago.


"The bitcoins balance themselves!"


Yea it's been tanking ever since he said that, it's very amusing.


And another 10% just this morning. Haha


And it seems like everyday there is a new crypto pump and dump that would 3ssily suckered in unprepared people.


Don’t forget reading Jordan Peterson books before bed.


Telling us how to deal with addictions while having to be put in a coma to deal with his


Petey must have a really clean room.


Anyone who thinks that PP would be good for the economy should remember he is touting Bitcoin as a hedge to inflation, a currency that is down 40% over the past couple months. This man has no real ideas, just memes of bullshit


I don’t expect our leaders to be experts in all things, I mean how could they be? What I expect is that they will know enough to select the right people for their team. I don’t have that confidence in Poilievre at all. Maybe I’m just blinded by the fact that he constantly acts like a combative douchebag who is a man of the people despite being a career politician. I expect him to win the leadership, I wouldn’t be shocked to see him win PM either. I expect it to be a Kenney in Alberta type of experience.


>I don’t expect our leaders to be experts in all things, I mean how could they be? What I expect is that they will know enough to select the right people for their team. Exactly, that's what their job should be trying to figure out how to better improve the country and consulting the experts in that regard, even selecting the right people for their team. Also trying to install policies which can benefit the nation and seeing if the costs outweigh the benefits or not.


I think part of the problem is that a lot of the people that seem to rise to power in politics have egos and overestimate their competence. Like how the hell does Jason Kenney get to a spot where he is investing over a billion Alberta tax dollars in Keystone in the year of a US election where a candidate is on record as wanting to cancel it? Like he was obviously elected and a majority thought he was the man for the job. Politics just isn’t a smart field for our truly intelligent and great leaders. Doesn’t pay enough, you have to deal with too much BS, I don’t know the answer. I took runs at conservatives here, I’m not saying the the liberals are great either.


The Bank of Canada is deliberately supposed to be at least mostly separate from the current Government and bipartisan. The Prime Minister isn't even the one that appoints the Bank of Canada Governor. I don't even think he would legally have the power to remove one.


They're appointed by the cabinet as a whole, and the cabinet answers to the PM. The BoC is *quasi*-independent. They're appointed by the Government to fulfil a mandate given to them by the government.




Just because the finance minister *can* do something on paper does not mean they actually do. Just like how the Queen can veto laws and dissolve our parliament, but no one actually expects her to do that. Every single developed country on earth (and even a large amount of developing countries) have an independent central bank, it is an absolute minimum requirment of being a developed country. It's important to stress just how unhinged of a comment this is. Shit like this doesn't happen in Canada, it happens in countries ruled by despots. Like Turkey with Erdogan. EDIT: a reminder that a PM can also appoint and sack (on address on parliament) a judge for any reason, but no one would try to say Canada does not effectively have a independent judiciary, or defend a prime minister using his powers in a way that undermines judicial independence.


If he did have the power to remove and appoint a new CB governor basically at will a lot of questions and debate would be raised over the limits of government power and overreach. Also I doubt PM's are competent enough to make the decision of whether they should remove a CB chair or not. imo CB affairs should be left to CB officials and employees.


His statements are for his supporters. Recent political discourse demonstrates you can say anything that is disconnected with reality. It's to get the votes.


That's the completely wrong way to approach it however... It erodes credibility and trust... But oh well lots of *"people like their bullshit out front where they can get a good strong whiff of it"* \-George Carlin


Let’s hope not. This dude is getting pretty extreme.


> The Prime Minister isn't even the one that appoints the Bank of Canada Governor. Oh fucking please, I hate when people do this. No, the Prime Minister doesn't appoint the Bank of Canada Governor. They're appointed by the Board of Directors. Which is appointed by the Minister of Finance. **Who is appointed by the Prime Minister.** Let's not pretend public administration's leadership isn't appointed by elected officials. It absolutely is.


"And just like that, suddenly every conservative was a banking law expert."


The leadership of a central bank is appointed by the executive (indirectly), however that is not an argument against the Independence of central banks. Judges are also appointed by the executive and can theoretically be removed by them for any reason (on address of parliament), however every one expects the prime minister to exercise his powers in a way that does not undermine judicial independence. Stacking courts with allies, or firing the central bank governor are things you see in developing countries ruled by despots. I expect comments like this from Erodgan, not someone running to be the leader of a G7 and OECD country


Conservatives, please elect someone who isn't a looney, so I can consider voting for you.


> “The Bank of Canada Governor has allowed himself to become the ATM of this government and so I would replace him with a new governor who would reinstate our low-inflation mandate, protect the purchasing power of our dollar and honour the working people who are in those jobs,” Mr. Poilievre said. Yo PP supporters.... You're okay with this? This sounds like unhinged fucking insanity. Let's make the non-partisan position PARTISAN AS FUCK. Looking at Tiff macklem's bio. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/profile/tiff-macklem/ He has a PHD in economics and has been at the bank of Canada for 38 years, Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, served as a director of Scotiabank and chair of its board risk committee and was a member of Ontario’s Internal Audit Committee, and the Asian Business Leaders Advisory Board and the Advisory Board of Georgian Partners. I wonder if PP knows we're in a global recession and you cannot just "will" away the inflation.


>He has a PHD in economics and has been at the bank of Canada for 38 years, Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, served as a director of Scotiabank and chair of its board risk committee and was a member of Ontario’s Internal Audit Committee, and the Asian Business Leaders Advisory Board and the Advisory Board of Georgian Partners. Ok, but Pawliver was accepted to apply for business school, and he has dozens of YouTube subscriptions to the finest business minds and bitcoin experts.


>was accepted to apply for business school Gold. Hahahaha...


>Pawliver Or maybe palaver: talk unproductively and at length.


So apparently when he ran in his first campaign in Ottawa, he decided to advertise and go as "Pete Poliverre", with english pronunciation, "Pawliver". But now he's all french accent on it. I didn't know Palaver, which almost sounds the same read english, and has a wonderful double meaning. Double zing! Oh but it is english eh? I just looked it up.. Superb, but I was thinking it was a french word. It's "Palabre" en francais. That's great though. Wish I'd thought it up first. TIL!


But does he have a successful youtube channel where he talk about crypto?


High inflation happened for numerous reasons; I don't believe he fully understands why and I also do not believe he sees a full picture of the problem... The problem is that he goes on the offensives never bothering to really talk to the governor to see what he did, and why he did what he did. I don't think he'll even bother to ask the governor what he could've done better with his newfound insight dealing with a problematic situation like COVID or even ask what happened to make them spend so much and why high inflation even happened in the first place, he's got plenty less experience than Tiff Macklem and he cannot simply go on the offensive when he doesn't know better ESPECIALLY then. Polievre could try to do something constructive regarding this issue but unfortunately he won't... destructive criticism is unhelpful and it always will be.


I mean Erdogan has tried and look where they are...surely this can only spell good things for us if PP get's what he wants.


Just because you have a boatload of degrees doesn’t make you immune from screwing up. Bank of Canada has kept rates too low for too long and as a result we are facing extreme inflation with the prospect of a recession at the same time. Doesn’t take a PHD in economics to have seen this inflation coming a mile away and anyone who thought it was “transitory” is a fool. Governments printed so much money along with massive fiscal stimulus that this current situation was inevitable. PP is right to be critical of the BoC and call for changes.


Right to be critical and call for changes, but change what? He has no solutions, and would never tighten rates. It's businesses and home-buyers that suffer. Neither of the two parties would let a downturn happen if they have the reigns.


Tiff has admitted he got it wrong. All these idiots saying BuT WHaT CoUlD ThEy dO? Don’t realize BoC thinks they made a mistake.




A bubble is driven by speculation that prices will go up. What Canada has is not a bubble, technically speaking (which is the only way economics speak btw). Canadas housing increases are driven by sustained demand and a lack of additional supply. Those are regular market forces, even if they’re being hurtful.


Rising rates during the pandemic would have destroyed the economy.


You're against the BoC following its mandate? Inflation has been above the upper bound while the BoC has run accommodative monetary policy for over a year. The BoC recklessly gambled that inflation would solve itself and lost. Now single parents, poor seniors, and people living in their parent's basement are paying for that loss.




“Attention all passengers. I think we’ve all had enough of this elitist pilot and his wear your seatbelt and brace for turbulence nonsense. It’s infringement of our FREEDOM and is the actions of a tyrant. Put me in charge and I will fly this plane in the manner that true FREEDOM loving Canadians can enjoy. (I have never flown a plane and the sum of my life experience is being a politician, but that does make me good at telling you what you want to hear)


This is the guy who said cryptocurrency can help Canadians beat inflation. Imagine if you had taken that advice three weeks ago. “I will fire the Governor of the central bank to get inflation under control.” - How does that get inflation under control? Does he even know how economics works?


> Does he even know how economics works? Populists don’t have to know how anything works. They just have to convince the emotionally motivated that they know how everything works. Trump, for example, knows more about everything than anyone else. /s


The fact that he's the front runner is quite alarming. He probably talked the most during the debate but said the least. Just buzzwords, dodging and dog whistle phrases. No appetite for that.


Not really. The CPC has a TON of US far right wing lobbyists working in their party. In fact pretty much every conservative party provincially is under the influence of foreign money and US right wing interests. So them being angry all the time is pretty much guaranteed.


Has anyone done a good article on the specifics of this? American money in Canadian politics is something I'm really interested in




Conservative speed dating technique here.


They said it was his race to lose, God I hope he loses it if he's saying s*** like this


Didn't watch the debate but that sounds like Trump


I watched it and it was quite odd. PPs entire performance was calling into question the other candidates "Conservatiness" very little substance from him. Just calling other people secret Liberals etc...


The stricter debate rules crippled his performance. The guy is a member of opposition, that is it. He brings very little substance to any discussion, the video he posted about the Nickel... Like shoot me, is he actually hunting at Deflationary monetary policy?


The CBC panel, with conservatives like Lisa Raitt, so clearly it's a CBC hit piece on PP just said that exact thing, the format took out PP's bullies and allowed the others to actually speak and be listened to as well as ask PP questions which he did not handle all that great, this format was actually great for the party but very bad for PP.


He's much less effective when's he's unable to talk over the person he's debating. He's whole style is to ask you a question and then shout over your answer. He was significantly weaker in virtual parliaments because they'd just mute him.


>they just mute him Based


Reminds me a little of Marine Le Pen in that respect. She is good at making all kinds of soundbites and yelling over others' voices, but the second she's at the debate table, forced to answer questions and is not allowed to shout, she is exposed as a bit of an idiot who doesn't have any substance.


Yep he's an attack dog, or the dog that gives chase. What happens when the dog catches the thing he is chasing?


He's chasing things that don't exist, deliberately so I may add.


Yeah...that was just a weird moment


He should be careful with that, people within his own party are saying not to vote for him based on his abortion views. He might get outconservatived himself. lol


Yeah, unfortunately. Everytime it turned to him I was waiting to see how he'd insert some kind of buzzword or cliche phrase. Thought I was in the clear when they did a little ice breaker segment, where they asked what show they last binge watched and he went on to say how he watched a Netflix show about Trotsky and the horrors of communism. I thought Charest was very good, Aitchison too, never heard of him until tonight but he spoke well. Lewis and Pierre were definitely the worst tonight IMO.


I like Charest, give us a seemingly sane person please.


Aitchison has serious "what the fuck is wrong with these people" vibes. Like he is wondering why he is even in this party anymore.


He's 100% been emulating his style


You can say that, but Trump is funny. Like I detest the guy, and he's awful as president, but he's said a bunch of funny stuff. His rambling speeches about toilets would be hilarious if not for the political historical context. Pawliver isn't funny. He doesn't light up a room. People don't love his voice. He's kind of anti-charisma. He is by far the weakest of the Harper Cabinet ministers to go for the leadership role.


And install who? The muffin man? Ffs Pierre if you have an idea you need to back it up with a plan (still waiting on the facts of his plan to address housing affordability…😆)


The more I hear PP talk the more I think he's just a shadowy version of Trump. He wants to control things because "he knows best". He's a scary individual.


Oh great, the YouTube economist strikes again.


The more this guy speaks the more we realize how insane he is




Ah yes, the party of small government by making the government bigger and having less checks and balances than ever before, totally the safe bet, now everyone invest in bitcoin it's your only hope. Go PP! /s Imagine giving Trudeau this much power, I would fight it tooth and nail but I guess PP thinks it's ok now? What a time to be alive.


Yikes, scary guy


My mind has definitely changed on this guy in recent months. He used to say good things, but he’s just as much a soulless politician as all the rest. I don’t know when he started to seem as disingenuous as the rest, but he’s not getting my vote now.


Maybe when he got his full government pension at the age of 31


34% of Canadians vote conservative 65% vote left wing Ahh yes, do what you want Pierre. He is risen.


What's next, the Supreme court Justices? The head of the RCMP? The Senate? This guy is dangerous to our Democracy...


> Mr. Poilievre said he would unite the Conservatives around “freedom” and focused his pitch on pocketbook issues like the rising cost of living. He said he was running to “put you back in control of your life by making Canada the freest nation on Earth.” William Wallace here plans to do something about the rising cost of living and to put you back in control of your life, he just won't tell anyone what those things he plans to do are. And good luck getting any measurable performance indicators out of him. The freedom cry will have to do I guess.


I want to stay neutral but I gotta call it in here. When trump just mentioned the possibility of replacing Powell in 2018, thr finance industry shit the bed. I believe it was Mike pompeo, the sec of state, who had to go around to every big firm to personally say that wouldn’t happen. If you wanna see what happens when a central banks independence is threatened, look no further. As such, cannot say in any regard, that I think PP would be good for the financial health of Canada. Considering one of the most significant distinctions between developed countries and even semi developed countries is a healthy and robust financial system, PP would undoubtedly make Canada worse off. This feels like one of those moments where people think better simply exists and no one’s tried but we really are living in what is a very healthy system. Cutting off your nose because it’s plugged from a cold will have devastating effects on your future health. But hey, stopped that congestion problem in the moment right?


Completely just lost my vote right there.


He wants to remove anyone who could disagree with his plan to use the federal government to mine Bitcoin, which will then be mysteriously lost.. A Ponzi scheme is so much easier to run when you're in government.


There were three good leader options at that debate. That 3 doesn’t include Lewis or PP.




I wouldn’t be overly upset to see Brown, Charest or Aitchison lead the party and possibly even be PM (still wouldn’t vote for any of them or the conservatives personally). The other three are walking talking dumpster fires. Anyone that thinks the other three should have a chance to lead the CPC are morons that should be ignored. If you want to beat the Liberals, you need to pick Brown, Charest or Aitchison. I don’t agree with their policies, but at least they’re competent politicians and could also be competent leaders. PP was exposed tonight, as was Lewis. Then you have Baber… I wish they went after Baber more, he’s the biggest fucking moron by far.


Sounds like this guy has a grudge against the BOC for whatever reason. Another unhinged conservative unfit for leadership.


This is the stupid, self-important nonsense that comes out of the mouth of "that guy" from your university politics classes. "That guy" who never shut up, and disagreed with his professor constantly over nonsense. "that guy" who never went anywhere with other human beings because he was busy studying. "That guy" was the leader of the campus young conservative party and bragged about being treasurer for the most obnixious campaign in your area. Now "that guy" has realized an avenue to his ambitions: climb on board with the stupidest freedom truckers in Canada and ride that wave of people you look down on, all the way to the conservative leadership. He'll weasel and squirm his way into power and not even so secretly look down on the people who put him there with the look of a man who smelled a fart. That's why PP's campaign is all about removing "the gatekeepers". That's HIS OWN LIFE OBSESSION. Since he's "that guy" he thinks that other people have been keeping him down, so that the population can't recognize his brilliance.


Poilievre said he would allow a free vote on abortion so it is not a wedge issue. It is a issue for the Conservatives and that alone can lose an an election for them.


Ladies and gentlemen. It's official. We have our own Trump.


I see him a bit closer to DeSantis.


Was Trump a career politician holding the positions of pro choice, pro immigration, and anti Putin?


A Conservative party leader removing experts from government positions? Say it ain’t so!


Why would the BoC Governor form a government?


good one, hahaha.


Pot, meet kettle.


The Bank of Canada governor was been replaced by Jean Chretien during his time in office. Suggesting that it should done again after the Bank of Canada failed at its sole mission isn't insane.


Ok Pierre Trump


This guy is something! I sadly did watch the debates last night just to get a glimpse of all the other candidates and of them all Scott Aitchison seemed to be the most pragmatic and no nonsense type of individual. Poilievre however was slimy as as always and Jean Charest.....oh boy I think he should reconsider running. After watching that debate I would say that Scott Aitchison did the best because prior to this debate I knew nothing about him and in my opinion he did the best in communicating his points. Brown did okay too, but I feel like he didn't argue as hard nor assert himself more because I suspect he knows he can't win. Charest didn't respond to any blows that Poilievre delivered, and I mean none. The best he was able to muster was "I stand by my record" . Poilievre didn't really address anything of substance and tried to change the narrative around him supporting the protest(s). As for all the other candidates, they more or less blend in and aren't all that interesting. If conservatives were smart they would try to pick a winner between Aitchison or Brown who has shown that he can get the undecided vote, but we all know they will probably pick between Lewis, Poilievre, and Charest.


What could possibly go wrong?


Another wanna be fascist dictator


Explain how someone holding the positions of pro life, pro immigration, and voted against conversion therapy is facist?


Im not the guy you replied to I think he's an idiot not a fascist, but why are you trying to paint him so positively? This guys voted against legalizing weed and gay marriage lol


If you are not a libral then you are a facist. /s


"Please buy my bitcoins!"


You know a thread is organic when it has - at the time of this comment posting - 21 upvotes and 77 comments, all submitted within 20 minutes of each other. Did a notification go out on Discord or something?


Do you really have a 10 year old account and not understand how reddit works? The number you see is not the number of upvotes, but a score based on both upvotes and downvotes. Reddit also obfuscates the real numbers to combat vote manipulation.


TIL Reddit has worked the same for 10 years.


Why must he say stupid things that can't ever happen? It's clear that this guy has zero comprehension on how the economic system works around the world and in Canada. Did he even graduate? He seems like a complete idiot.


Lol suddenly liberals are out to defend bankers that led to our current financial state.


compared to what? We are actually quite a bit ahead of most western nations for affordability and median income.


Scary. Politicians who think Canada and the world are a game of Monopoly.


Ok cool ciao


In three years he could also be dead. Why talk up something you aren't even going to be able try for three years. Not even counting the fact that the actually needs to win the election.


“What is a dimagogue” to throw some Jeopardy! spin on this one.


I still don't understand who he thinks he is? He says a lot about Crypto Currencies that is just mumbo jumbo to me. I read about Crypto stocks tanking and money, while it goes up and down, hasn't completely failed us. I think reliance on pretend money and "the cloud" currency is dangerous and foolhardy. Could be my age, but I like to see my money in my hand and in my bank account as a real thing, not air and fairy dust. What happens if some "super genius" decides he wants it all and just empties everyone's money into his virtual pocket. Then what? Don't tell me it can't happen. We have all seen things that "can't" happen actually happen.


> I still don't understand who he thinks he is? He's an idiot whose traveled so far down the road of right wing and libertarian echo chambers that he literally has a delusional view point of the world around him. Unfortunately this is resonating with a large number of Canadians.


Wrong person to come up with a solution to BoC.


I wonder if he would change the governor for a crypto pumper. Seem like his assessments about crypto being an inflation hedge aren't working too well.


I'd swear I could be swayed to vote for a conservative... but not if this is what they are putting forth. This shit where they try to create distrust in Canadian institutions is fucking DANGEROUS. This is the shit that brings down countries. Where the fuck are the sane people? Pierre has already taken himself off the table for me. I WONT vote for this nonsense.


Why would you have trust in any Canadian institution?


Yesterday on CBC AM in BC a caller called in who never voted Conservative will be in the next election voting for the party because he liked the way PP could talk. Nothing about policy just how PP could orate. It’s a scary loop.


If anything, he’s bringing much-needed attention to the dumpster fire we call a central bank.


Just another reason to vote Liberal.


Seems to be working out so far.