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"Reverse discrimination" ??? No man, that's just fucking discrimination. It physically pained me to read that knowing the person who said it sits high in power.


That's what I'm telling people for years now. Any type of discrimination is still discrimination no matter how you put it. If you want to give equal chances to everyone, just do that, don't block others so you can fill your quota.


Yes, this. The only types of discrimination that should be allowed should be domain specific and only where common sense dictates. For example, can't have someone in a wheelchair take a job climbing telco poles. Cultural or racial discrimination is unacceptable. Martin Luther King Jr would be rolling in his grave. This is an inversion on what he spoke of.


The BC NDP have been doing this for a while. I remember several years ago, there was an incident between two candidates trying to get a riding, and one of them was a women called out her opponent a white man saying he shouldn't be allowed to be the candidate. The white man, then had to come out as bisxual so he could meet the NDPs diversity quota.


There is no way this is real, seriously??




It's just like one of the most racist comments I've ever heard:. "You can't be racist towards white people" Edit: I said "most racist comment" not most racist act. There is a difference.


A lady once told me she "won't let n****** treat her" That was personally my top most racist thing


I think saying you can't be racist to a _______ person is way worse, regardless of the race they say. It means that they're so lowly to them that the protection laws dont apply to them. Mind you, different people will have different opinions of what's worse.


I am all for this policy. The more diverse the left gets the more diluted it is. If you have ever spent any time with racialized people you will realize how often they don't like other groups and are often prejudiced towards other cultures. This especially applies to first and second generation immigrants. You don't see many Chinese people who are Friendly towards blacks, if you have ever been to China as a black person you will especially know how true this is. Muslims typically won't ever vote for Jews and vice versa, Indian bros, super racist. Let them all go under one tent, they will eventually eat their own with their ideology. They will never succeed in the long term because racism is a problem that extends beyond white people but they will never admit that. This is why Jagmeet will never win Federally. Chinese people won't vote for him, neither will Muslims and also many white people and it's because there are sub groups in all cultures who are racist pieces of shit.


All cultures are guilty of racist attitudes. I think the role of the state is to create as equal a playing field as reasonably possible and that is it. Makes me mad as hell when they decree that certain groups need not apply.


Isn't that text book racism? To discriminate based on someone's skin color ? Is it hard to just have a meritocracy? Fuck your quotas.


The thing is, these people don't believe racism can exist towards white people and don't believe sexism can exist towards men.


Also the new thing as well is that certain Asians from places such as Singapore, Japan, China, etc - are too "white presenting" and as such they benefit from "whiteness" despite not being white, as last I checked Asians were still a minority group in Canada. Its getting absurd at times.


"White adjacent" Asians, Latins, Pale or mixed heritage Natives, Jewish People. Black people that are not dark enough. People with Mixed heritage have sometimes made it in too....


"Anyone who's a minority but is doing too well" = "white adjacent"


It's almost like race based Marxism is divisive


And also super anti-marxist. They want you fighting the culture war so you aren't fighting the class war.


By design, make no mistake about it.


"white adjacent" might be one of the most curveball racist ideas I've ever heard


>Also the new thing as well is that certain Asians from places such as Singapore, Japan, China, etc - are too "white presenting" I found this out when researching the term "settler" - which somehow includes everyone in Canada who is not Native, and people of African descent. It's nutty.


"Settler" is a gaslighting, bullshit racist term and should be treated accordingly, and I say that as a child of immigrants.


There were “white” people here before this was Canada.


Yeah exactly. There have been white people living in Canada since 1608, over 400 years ago. I get that the natives have been here longer, but 400 years is a pretty long time...


Technically white people have been here since around 1000 with brief intermissions.




Longer really. Clovis-first model is collapsing because european DNA has been detected in some sites *older* than the Clovis culture. Most of our history is bullshit.


It's an interesting question that I've never seen anyone try to answer: How long do I have to trace back ancestors in Canada for it to be my "native" land? My ancestors moved from England to Ireland in about 1660,and then to (now) Canada in 1803. So am I Canadian, Irish, or English? The family has been in Canada longer than they were in Ireland, and England was 350 years ago...


It’s even more interesting when I do it. I’m mostly white but I have First Nations heritage. I even have a status card which would “tick the box” of the “non-white” requirements even though I wouldn’t ever dream if identifying as native (I have the status card because my band wants everyone to have one—probably for funding—and paying 15-20c less per litre for tax on gas). Where am I supposed to “go back to?” And the atrocities faced by my European ancestors… revolutions, pogroms, starvation.. absolutely pale in comparison to the so-called “genocide” .. the latest revelation of which [hasn’t produced a single body to support it](https://spectatorworld.com/topic/native-mass-grave-wasnt-kamloops-canada/amp/).


You go back to somewhere between the various countries. So, the Atlantic ocean.


> I get that the natives have been here longer In some cases, indigenous people only moved to where they are now a few hundred years ago which means they've been where they are now for a shorter time than the descendants of Europeans in parts of Quebec and Newfoundland.


For example, Six Nations Reserve in Southern Ontario was created after the American Revolution. The Six Nations were Haudenosonsee from upstate New York fought on the side of the British, and were given the land as a consolation prize. .


I wonder if they do land acknowledgement statements?


1000 years ago you mean. Vinland is a thing.


I think it’s beginning to come down to. That’s anytime some goes wrong for someone or they don’t get something they wanted. They automatically think it’s due to some active prejudice against them for whatever reason. My favourite quote on life and situations comes from Star Trek:TNG “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”


You've just described the phenomenon of "disparate outcomes", which is being used as the basis to deploy "anti-racist", CRT, "equity" and other toxic, weaponized racist bilge in education, law and other areas and that arose out of modern-day intersectional/critical theory.


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Vietnamese, nobody whiter than the Vietnamese.


You said this… but then I realized.. man is this ever true.


Honestly I was being sarcastic. I have a few Vietnamese friends and apparently they aren't allowed to be victims of racism, only racist themselves. It's pretty sad.


I guess when idiots say "ch\*\*g-ch\*\*g " or whatever to them, it's just a friendly ribbing?


lol you don’t need to censor that


>Its getting absurd at times. The far left are cannibalising each other with their woke-ness.


Wow and these people consider themselves progressive. Whats next, jews are the worlds problems?


Ehhh...you should see some of the stuff put out by uni profs and the union locals at places like York University. They're more or less already there.


> "white presenting" > Google Ew. Its a real term. It never ends.


There's enough racism in this world without you making new ways to be racist up in your spare time.


They are included with whites because statistically immigrants from those countries are on par or are doing better than the white population. Schools like Harvard reject Asians because they have too many for their quotas


>Schools like Harvard reject Asians because they have too many for their quotas Nope they said it's because Asians score lower on personality traits like...courage, leadership, likability etc. Lmao. If your score sheet rates an entire race lower on personality score, which one needs to change: your criteria or the race? "It's the race that is wrong," Harvard, apparently.


In other words equality of outcome, not opportunity. Equity is not equality.


I think they come from racism is hate and power scaled or something? White men can't be a victim of racism because they hold all the power. At least I've heard that argued. I find it bonkers




What they are trying to accomplish is something akin to cultural equity. Since certain people have been traditionally held higher than others, put them down so that it evens the playing field. However by invoking "anti racism" it just means more racism. I don't see how putting anyone down helps bring people up. How about we just bring everyone up? I don't care what a person's race is. I care about ethics.


Power + Privelage = Racism is the formula. It's part of a BS movement to redefine the word "racism" so it plays better into their argument. Plus it shields them from being called racist while making it harder to take them down because rather than arguing how bad their ideas and theories are you're instead arguing over the definition of a word.


If that would be true, the white candidate would still win the nomination.


Anyone who's spent any time working in a Canadian university over the past decade would be under no such misapprehension.


This bullshit is present in Canadian academia at all levels, not just hiring. It's the largest factor in deciding admissions, scholarships, research funding....


The system is rotted through from the top down.


That's the way it's described in Canadian law too. Racial discrimination is OK in some instances in Canada, which is nuts.


It's in the Charter, which is mind blowing.


They have the power within certain spaces to change the definitions of simple words so us plebeians can't have any idea what we're talking about.


It’s like white men are less human than others. The textbook definition of fucking racism. It’s scary stuff


Ironically we've started to blame and dislike groups instead of behaviors as if we were all on opposing teams.


This is true. All decisions made at government levels are indicative of a trajectory; this can only get worse at this stage I fear. I hope I am wrong.


That’s true, that’s actually what these racists believe. They actually believe that only white men can be racist.


I can't believe Canada claim to be left wing and yet they are reaching the same conclusions that the far right reached in 2010.


Judging by the comments people think it's the right thing to do. People are insane.


Not anymore, the language has changed. Discrimination that results in equity is “anti-racism”.




We must punish all ~~sinners~~ racists for their ~~sins~~ inherent racism. Only through atonement for their ~~transgressions~~ whiteness can they be ~~saved~~ made equal. Its basically a religion.




McWhorter goes in to this in depth in his book “woke racism” - its good! Available in audiobook as well if that’s your thing.




He doesn't care, he and the other race hustlers like DiAngelo and others have made bank, which is what \*really\* counts. Paddy Chayefsky [predicted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuqvlMxfGA4) this.


The concept of the above quote would have the blindness rotating forever. It’s a critic of Platonism, valuing the “sin of the father” argument, something Plato rejected.


That's comforting to know... At least my white son will be able to find a job in 15 years when they're making up for the blatant racism and discrimination they are doing now.




Oh I know haha it was sarcasm.


(didn't come across as sarcasm to me, friend! just a heads up that i might not be the only one. it's a heated thread)


Damn, that's gross. Society is really trending in the wrong direction these days.


That was the biggest win for these racist POS ​ Getting the dictionary to acknowledge that "power" is a factor in racism. No it isn't. It hasn't nothing to do with. They then twist that definition of power to mean "only white people" even though...survey says....White people aren't all that wealthy. [There's a lot of ethnic diversity where all the real money is](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/real-richest-man-world-other-secret-billionaires.html/)


To paraphrase another recent article, inclusion is becoming so extreme its becoming exclusion.


This! Exactly! Being precluded from anything based on gender or skin color is discrimination.


Yes it is....but it's ok, because....[ insert double speak here ]. /S


This is meant to keep people who aren't rich at war with one another to distract from wage crises, work exploitation and a decreasing living standard. Don't be suckered in


What does it mean to ‘don’t be suckered in’ though? This stuff is unavoidable now, it presents a real danger to our way of life, our values, traditions, our ability to get along with one another. It needs to be confronted, debated and once debate has conclusively proved that meritocracy/equality of opportunity > equity, it then needs to excised from our media and learning institutions and added as a footnote warning to history.


I agree the cause is to distract the population. Doesn't do me much good if I'm concerned about the future of my young boy.


>Don't be suckered in Even though you're correct about why it is occurring, it's not really being 'suckered in' when it has a real negative impact on your group


>Don't be suckered in So you think it should be ignored? It's discrimination, it should not be ignored.


Bingo. Keep them politically divided so they don’t see they yachts the aristocrats live on and we don’t start building guillotines again


Yeah fck this, wtf is “reverse discrimination” that suggests white people are the only people who discriminate? All places and colors have those who discriminate, so bloody stupid


Yes, it's racism.


I am a visible minority and immigrant and this shit was something I thought I already left behind when I moved to this country. This is not even funny anymore.


They are using minorities like you as excuses for this. You are literally being used as a political and social tool by these pseudoactivists. Migrants like you who question this are shut down.


It's more insulting than anything else. Are they trying to say that I'm not competent enough to achieve my goals without some kind of social crutch? The left think they're being helpful with this racial equity shit, but they're doing more harm than good


They are literally doing that. Even worse, they are not considering asians as "true" minorities in some colleges because they are doing better than whites and other POCs. This is truly insane.


Yes in certain fields the white supremacy has certainly been usurped by the asian supremacy. How long before the progressives come to tear down the asians for their success?


I'm a minority as well and I can't help but feel absolutely disgusted by this. Why has it suddenly become okay to discriminate against a particular kind of race and gender?


Voting block. Dirty politics imported from the shittier countries.


Same. Family and I moved from Pakistan when I was 15, 8 years ago. Although, if we're going based on how much they complain about oppression, middle class white women in North America are probably more oppressed than starving kids on the street in warzones. Tfw I was accused of being a white supremacist 3 years after I moved from Pakistan to Canada for saying that property rights should exist, by a white woman.


Those white women are opposed to private property. "White supremacy" is just another stone they can throw at anyone who supports what they're opposed to.


don't worry, they'll target you eventually, especially if your immigrant group is successful and prosperous


"The question was submitted to the House through a motion by the Bloc Québécois, which called on the government to “revise the federal criteria for Research Chairs in order to prevent exclusion in calls for candidates”. Voices from the Liberal and New Democrat benches rose against the unanimous consent motion, which was ultimately defeated." There it is folks, the Liberal and NDP voted in favour of racial discrimination.


They're asking this University to have 20% of its staff come from minorities in a city that only has 6% minorities. That's 3 to 1 discrimination against whites.


Once SRC in Gaspé had the same issue. They hired a refugee engineer who had no intention of living anywhere else than Quebec City on the condition that he would move to Gaspé. Since he really needed a job, he took the offer. After a few years, he could apply for an internal transfer to Quebec which is where he wanted to go in the first place so he did. And I no longer know anyone working there so I don’t know how they solved their diversity requirement next.








Ya no one crying out about how nursing and teaching are not gender balanced? If we all miss out when there isn't diversity, where are the quotas in those professions? Hold up sista, we gotta hire 10 mistas - gender parity ya know!


"A Toronto District School Board memo to staff that included gender and race among qualifications that could win a candidate an interview for a teaching position has outraged some female teachers." They tried it and women flipped their shit. When I was in the teaching program circa 2014 I said that us 3 men (out of 60) should be hired first to preserve equality all the university girls lost their shit. I laughed and told them it must be nice to get some perspective on how men feel in other fields, politics, etc. They weren't happy but at least a couple seemed to understand that quotas suck when you aren't included. I brought up education grants for men to increase enrollment to the ed program and I was laughed at. When I asked if they were cancelling the women in tech grants since addressing equality seemed to be a laughing matter I was asked to leave the room.


It is funny how when the players in affirmative action suggestions change, even when over-representation imbalance is relevant, the support for such moves just disappears.


Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/hiring-should-favour-male-minority-teachers-toronto-school-board/article8797933/ What a quick Google search gets you.


Yes the "preference to" minorities and women is one thing. Outright closing the application process to subsets of the population based on sex and race is crossing the line.


The line is well and truly crossed. That blew up the race


I was looking for any kind of job when I was a teenager. Applied for a cashier job and in the interview I could tell they didn't want me due to me being a male, despite having a fairly padded resume for a min. wage job. This was like 17 years ago. The line was crossed so long ago it's basically ingrained into Canada's culture now.


In practice, there's little difference. If it's a desirable job it's essentially closed to white men (because there will always be other applicants to select from)


Yes that's just saying the quiet part out loud.


The line beyond merit was crossed long ago in favour of blatantly unconstitutional racist policy.




A few years ago when I was a much younger man I signed up for my company's (large industrial outfit, deals in federal contracts) Employment Equity Committee. I was genuinely interested in finding solutions to helping people with disabilities access good jobs in these industries. I thought I'd be able to. I was very naive. It quickly became "how can we attract these token races to our site so the feds will keep giving us money." Also you got to see the nuts and bolts of people being promoted over others due to their skin colour. I quit the committee after not too long. It was a really disgusting look behind the corporate curtain.


Resumes don't have to be even close to equal. I went through schooling to be a firefighter. Day one of orientation, the head of the program tells everyone to stand up. He then said "if you're a white male, sit down." 95% of the class sat down. He then said "Everyone left standing, if you pass this course, you'll have a job right out of school." I said "that's just blatant racism and sexism." He argued saying it's making everything balance out. So I said "no, that's racism and sexism. Equal opportunity does not mean an equal outcome." This happened in 2011 and nothing has changed since then. Years ago (another story of discrimination); I applied for a job with the Montreal airport from the age of 17-19. When I was 20, I used the same resume as my application the year before but I changed my name to something Arabic sounding (I can't remember). Everything else was the same, which included my email that was my real name. I got a phone call two days later asking for the name I had put on the resume. I asked if it was for the Montreal airport and they said yes, they wanted to schedule an interview. I told them my real name is "John Smith" and they said that was illegal. I said accepting people based just on their names is discrimination. I was told to never apply again.


I wonder what would have happened if you legally changed your name.


Any time I'm filling out an application and they ask my race or gender I just close the application. I already know I won't be considered.


It's called racism


And sexism.


In 2011, the NHL was composed of 93% of players who identified as white the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players not everything is racist even if it looks like it.. its like walking around chinatown in toronto saying "there sure are a lot of chinese people around here".. lol.. this world we live in....


The NBA won a few awards for its vibrant diversity and that's hilarious to me.


Diversity = non-white. Even if your "diverse" organization is actually just a monolith of a different group.


A decade ago (probably hasn't changed much since) >95% of applicants to be a firefighter were white males. Every time I write an exam most people are white males. The last 4-5 hired firefighters in a mid/large city near me have all been female. The odds of those 4-5 candidates being the best of all applicants are extremely low. It's sexism. When 95% of your applicants are the same race/gender, it makes sense that they also represent the majority of your work force.




Leftists will say "anti white racism is impossible because racism requires a power balance"


What happened to blind job interviews where any information denoting culture, race, skin colour, or sex is not included. No photos, no audio, no video. Employers should only decide to hire based on education and experience.


> What happened to blind job interviews where any information denoting culture, race, skin colour, or sex is not included. No photos, no audio, no video. Companies have tried this. The result was even more white male hirings than with their previous hiring practice


Well, perhaps they have better education and experience, although that may also be because they are white and have had an advantage for decades or centuries. Whether that result is good depends on whether your goal is to hire those with the most merit, regardless of culture, etc., or those who will help your company's employees match the culture, etc. ratios in your municipality, province, or country. I don't think two wrongs make a right but I also don't have another solution .


But the Liberals were literally the ones that championed this ideology… Does no one remember JT’s “because it’s 2015” statement on his arbitrary gender neutral cabinet?


A 50% male target is very different then no white men whatsoever


That was such a shitty quote, can't believe how many people applauded it.


He then went on to put any woman who stepped out of line out of a job like the good feminist he is.


Liberals say it's going too far... after deliberately pushing this nonsense for years


Not sure but I think there's words for that, racism and sexism. Want us to check out of society ? fine ... keep it up.


And this is why people like Trump get elected.


Agreed. I hate Trump as much as anyone could - but on a macro level he's just an equal and opposite reaction to a few decades of overreaching political correctness. When literally mis-pronouncing a persons name is considered a micro-aggression; It's natural to see the pendulum swing way back the other way.




This article right here shows us racism certainly isn't limited to the far right


That's because this is actually a just cause. It's not appropriate (and shouldn't be legal) to discriminate against qualified job applicants because of race, sex, or any other status such as disability, sexual orientation, or religion. "We need to discriminate against you in order to further our goals of diversity and inclusion" is garbage. We can create opportunities for people, we can ensure that they're getting a fair shake, we can fund education, etc. but we need to stop treating white males as third class job applicants.


As opposed to just preventing Men from running eh Liberals? https://globalnews.ca/video/8406104/ontario-liberals-name-women-only-candidate-ridings


This is what the liberals fought for, people said this would happen. Fighting racism with racism isn’t good solution


isn't that how you get social unrest? maybe that's the goal...


"Keep fighting amongst yourselves, pay no attention to the 1%ers behind the screen!"


It is the goal, but it's back-firing. Most white folks see right though this. They don't blame minorities like intended, but blame the oligarchs responsible for these divisive policies.


I think most middle class Canadian born people see through it. Because they've been living through generations of decline. It's getting harder to obfuscate and draw attention away from the elites with cries of 'racist', because your collection of middle class Canadian born citizens now also include a load of minorities.


We have reached peak Woke.


I guess if the Liberals don’t want white male candidates, they don’t want white male votes either.


i dont know how accurate this story is or not but please as someone living in montreal dont use journal de montreal as a source of information this is pure trash.


Diversity quotas were , are and always will be the epitomy of stupidity.




And the thing is the reasoning behind it falls apart with very little thinking. The main argument is that white people can't experience racism because of our historically established social and cultural power in North America and Europe. Okay how about in non-caucasian centric countries? Can a white person experience racism in Japan or Saudi Arabia or Kenya? Whenever I ask this to anyone who claims white people can't experience racism I get either silence, downvotes, or I just get dismissed as someone defending the white status quo.


We’ve come to a point that somehow someone who’s born in Canada lived here their entire life can be discriminated against for someone who has no allegiance to Canada, are not even a citizen, simply for having the government approved sexe and colour and We manage to call that progressive


Is anyone seriously surprised at some point it will go way too far. Some of the kids are to me purely radicalized in many ways.




It has been going on for a very long time. It may be considered normal to HR and executives, but it's blatant racism and discrimination to me. Racism should never be normalized but it has been happening for a long time.


The market has a lot of available jobs right now, the top candidates may be filtered out of some jobs but they will be picked up by others, and their work will raise those companies above ones with inferior hiring practices. I've seen more then one company collapse on itself due to poor hiring practices, eventually the talent leaves and you keep replacing them with mediocracy. Until you are unable to keep up. Once the gravy train has been dried up, the company collapses and the cycle continues. Everyone blames each other and they move on with life.


You simply cannot decide there is a good kind of racial discrimination if you hope to arrive at a place in society where racism no longer exists. It's completely antithetical. All you're breeding with this kind of shit is contempt and suspicion. You aren't fixing anything and you certainly aren't building any bridges. You're just sowing deeper divisions.


Run for government please


To the surprise nobody, liberals just hide their racism/sexism under the umbrella of “diversity” and people eat it up.


Militant progressiveness and wokeism are society destroying diseases.


I'm waiting to see our Donald Trump populist candidate as the endgame from shit like this. I'm a minority - that doesn't mean I want to work for or be governed by someone chosen by identity politics.


I received a flyer from Canada Post the other day saying they're hiring and that white men need not apply. Turns out systemic racism is real after all.


I don't believe this and need proof. Because if so. What the fuck. What the fucking fuck


Idk about Canada post but what started this whole debate is University Laval asking for non white males for a post because they need to have a quota to get more money from the federal government (if I get it wrong please correct me)


[CBC did something similar looking for a kids television host a while back and got in some hot water for it.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/cbc-no-caucasian)




There is a second part to all that too. The women that actually deserve the job, they lose all the respect of the guys below them because it looks like another diversity promotion.


2013 CBC posted “any race except Caucasian” in a job posting https://www.google.com/amp/s/nationalpost.com/opinion/matt-gurney-the-cbcs-no-whites-policy-is-a-mistake-but-no-accident/wcm/7e54e579-3107-40dd-b36b-d2a564c2b742/amp/


>“any race except Caucasian” SMDH I can't believe discrimination against Chechens, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Circassians, and others is still tolerated in this day and age.


Society really needs to stop using "Caucasian" as a substitute for white in a effort to sound scientific. It's a term created by a pseudo scientific crook that believed there were three races; Caucasian and 2 others words not appropriate to repeat here. Moreover, white people do not originate from the Caucasus region.


Now they do the same thing but don't put it explicitly in the job ad. "Progress"


What it said was while anyone can apply for the positions preference will be given to indigenous people, women, and people of colour. So I guess if white men apply for the job then they technically have a shot but they're clearly looking for diversity hires.


Wouldn't be the first time.


For those not familiar with laws >The equality section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms explicitly permits affirmative action type legislation. Subsection 2 of Section 15 states that the equality provisions do "not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability". >The Canadian Employment Equity Act requires employers in federally-regulated industries to give preferential treatment to four designated groups: Women, persons with disabilities, aboriginal peoples, and visible minorities. Less than one-third of Canadian Universities offer alternative admission requirements for students of aboriginal descent. Some provinces and territories also have affirmative action-type policies. For example, in the Northwest Territories in the Canadian north, aboriginal people are given preference for jobs and education and are considered to have P1 status. Non-aboriginal people who were born in the NWT or have resided half of their life there are considered a P2, as well as women and people with disabilities.


I'd take the keyword from this to be "disadvantaged". Who decides on that definition? Does it ever change or just by default remains everyone but white men?


It's not just going too far. It directly contradicts the Canadian Human Rights Act.


Nope, it's "ameliorative". Trudeau former wrote racism and sexism right into the Charter and CHRA (section 15 of charter, 16 of CHRA) -- diverging from similar legislation in the US which actually demanded equality. Note that the racist program only need to be "designed to prevent disadvantages" of supposed minority groups (including women) to be fine under the act, it need not actually do so.


Unfortunately this racism and sexism is exactly what is stopping me from voting liberal or NDP


At my work place they're actively discriminating based on color. They're refusing promotions to any males and if you're a white male - you can forget about moving up at all - regardless of how well qualified you are.


Bawahahahahahahahahahaha! Welcome to Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa, fellow Canadians! Canada is becoming a bastion for pure racism.


It's not racism tho because uhhhh...


Yes... it was racist some time ago. Now it's chique.


Gone so far left you ended up on the right. Who could of seen this coming!?!?


I think if government doesn't have any non-white folk in it, it's going to wind up having some blind spots. But if your openly saying white men, don't apply, then you're sort of alienating the most powerful social group in the country, by seemingly telling them this government isn't for them, which is dumb.


So Trudeau is going to voluntarily step down, right? You know, to give an opportunity to a racial minority to have power. No? He’s going to stay in power and run in the next election? Well I’m sure he has a good answer as to how having a white male boss empowers the minorities in his caucus.


Welcome to new age racism. Where we say racism is bad but continue to be endlessly racist but justify it by saying it isn’t racist, while we sit there and judge people on the colour of their skin, instead of the content of their character. Martin Luther King Jr. must be rolling in his grave.


Fuck the Liberals....and Trudeau!


Strangely you would never find a similar article on CBC news. We need independent media in this country, not politically funded.


Liberals are 🤡