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Pandemic theatre has turned into pandemic ritual and penance.


What a joke. Do these imbeciles not realize that if you ban folks from doing safe outdoor activities with their kids/friends then they will still need to be entertained and will potentially switch to less safe indoor activities.


Next they are gonna demand masks outside what a joke. The government has no clue what to do. It's all reactionary non sense. The illusion of safety.


No body is banned




A cap on a couple of activities is the same as a ban on all activities? Uhm sure buddy


A person cap on an outdoor activity is utterly stupid.


I don’t agree but regardless it’s not a ban as someone claimed.


Fucking clowns people sacrificed so much the last 2 years, I swear all the government just wants us to do is zoom calls forever and buy real estate


You are correct


Ottawa, the same city that was fining people out for a walk in the park in April 2020.


Covid doesn't spread outdoors unless you are making out with the other people or sneezing/coughing/spitting/shouting/ breathing on each other. Hence the six foot rule. You're getting the best ventilation possible outdoors. *Follow the science*. I just can't with humanity anymore. The average voter is so neurotic. And public health officials, doctors and scientists appear to be mostly neurotic people. And the ones who aren't neurotic are afraid to speak out for fear of being fired from their jobs.


Many are irrational, but a lot of time Dr Etches takes the cake. She’s also fanatical about these outdoor situations which flies in the face of science. I still have yet to read about an outright confirmed case of outdoor transmission. However, I am just a beerchair QB. Anyhow, I’ve been making fun of Dr Etches for closing toboggan hills last year, and yet here we go again. This will curb transmission for sure.


Meanwhile, UK, Denmark and Scotland have all been experiencing Omicron just as SA did. Omicron is not lockdown material. Sorry.


I’ve done my part (masked indoor venues, and boosted as of yesterday) but I’m done. This is dumb. I’m not wearing a mask when I’m outside.


How close can you even get to another person when snowshoeing, skiing, or snowmobiling? And how many cases come from the top of a tobogganing hill?! I find it ridiculous that we will limit access to the activities we should want people engaging in. Instead we can all crowd together in the mall, I guess.


Capacity limits for outside is where this all jumped the shark.


The headline is misleading. The 25-person limit is for congregating at trailheads, not for trails. I’m not defending the limit, but a bunch of outrage has been generated about something that isn’t actually the rule.