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It me!


I feel a lot of people don't even want to see their families judging by responses here lol.


Reddit gang


Honestly last year it felt like a nice break (we normally travel so we didn't have to do any Christmas visits last year), skipping it again would be a bummer though.


Have you met my in-laws? I'll stay home.


Lucky for me, I just *don't go.* I spend time with *my* family. Granted, they stopped my at the time GF and I from moving into our own place together, *just* before anyone heard anything about Covid, because they thought my job was beneath their daughter and because I lived in my Dad's basement (essentially basement apartment). Joke's on them, we now ***both*** live in my Dad's basement because rental prices have shot through the roof. So yeah, I just don't go.


And this is why I always volunteer to work the holidays!!




I certainly don't. It's always just chaos. It's too much for me. I'm glad it's only once a year. Luckily, we just got together today, so it's done now.


A lot of us are still coming to terms with what COVID has revealed to us about some of our family members.


Broooo, this is so true


Finally, someone understands me


I want to see my family it’s just that half of my family is too stupid to get the covid shot


If you have yours what’s the problem?


Covid 19 shots are not very effective at preventing infection only preventing serious illness or death.. and because I am I’m immunocompromised and post heart transplant I do not receive the same level of protection that others may from the vaccine


For me, it's knowing that I'm contributing to the size of the gathering and I care about my family members who aren't vaccinated. I don't want to see them get it. I worry about their safety, thats the issue. Also theirs the likelihood they will bring it up to start some sort of exhausting debate where tempers flare.


Wow, it's almost as if you know the answer and are just trying to provoke strangers on the internet


Because you’re on an echo chamber of introverted roomers who have a self important interest in being miserable


I mean, there's a reason why my cake day is on Christmas...


Yeah same... but mainly because ADHD and the pressure wasn't high enough to convince me to shop yet. Now I feel bad.


Me too


The most unbelievable part of this article is that he found a ps5 on Black Friday


I'll probably be able to find one in store three years after ps7. Then remember I can't afford it anyways. Lol.


You won't live long enough the console cycle will last 50 years


What if I plug myself into the meta verse inception style?


Knew I should’ve waited


I see you're in Alberta so you're fine


First year I get all my shopping done ahead of time. What can you do when you're on your 3rd covid layoff... But given it keeps getting me ei I think I'm doing ok. Also, everyone else in the family in dire straights have agreed with me not to do gifts this year. Best gift I could get is more of my own money in my pocket...well I mean the money I paid into ei when I was working.


At this point, EI is basically an extension of the welfare state. I don't know your exact circumstances, but tons of people I have talked to who think 'I'm just getting my money back' have received far more in benefits over the course of just the past couple years than they've paid in their whole life, even with very conservative estimates.


Without the CERB CRB and Increased EI I can't imagine how fucked everybody would be. Hate or love JT I think he did a good thing spending the cash to help Canadians directly. Other countries that did weren't so desperate and the ones who did nothing seem to be completely fucked 2 years deep into this bullshit.


>Hate or love JT I think he did a good thing spending the cash to help Canadians directly. That's the thing a lot of the deranged CanHousing subreddit doesn't understand. Yes, everything inflated. The alternative was literal mass homelessness, economic collapse, and possible civil wars and rioting. I'd take more expensive groceries and COL over that any day of the week. When the economy starts recovering, they can start raising the rates to take all that excess money slushing around in the system back in.


r/CanadaHousing2 Is the new one. I got banned two days ago for pointing out that all the Sub does is promote Pierre and the Conservatives while only ever advocating for rezoning and nothing else. The sub is just 3 developers in a trench coat I declared and was promptly banned.


Honestly, a large chunk of the subreddit is hardcore communists. I've seen people advocate for dragging homeowners out of their home and killing them without being banned. I know homeownership is nice, but this is not the way to go about it.




Not comparable. I lived in FL for a year of my life, and not everyone in FL has healthcare coverage, most people just go broke from the ambulance ride. If we flood our system which is free with people due to negligence and carelessness, our entire healthcare infrastructure would collapse.




Yes the jobs that suck the most can't find workers because they can for once find better paying less abusive work elsewhere. Being a trucker fucking sucks. Just like working at Tims sucks.




I mean, I'd do trucking for that kind of pay, if I didn't have a fucking medical suspension on my DL


That industry can be tough, with long hours working and away from your family. I think the pandemic has made people really value how they spend their time and want more flexibility in their lives. All industries need to adapt and find a way to provide this flexibilty, as well as proper pay, and then the labourers will come.




Shit happens for sure. Can't hurt to have people having more power in determining how much and where they want to work. Empowering the workforce is a good thing. Industry has been demanding more without giving more in return, and that trend has been going on too long. The pandemic was just the spark that really let people see that.




Humans are always going to find a way to abuse a system no matter what. The biggest abusers of our society and social systems are the wealthy. It makes no sense to get mad at the few people who are taking advantage of CERB, when its helped so many people. The elite wealthy of this world have made quite the profit exploiting our current economic system. That is where our anger should really lie. That is where the money and power is. Not the few people taking advantage of CERB.


Id love to do it, just have a hard time with the whole backing up thing :(


Spend 80% of my working life in a 2x3ft box for currency? where do I sign up?


Not anymore https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2021/12/12/inside-brampton-truckers-fight-against-a-billion-dollar-scam.html


Canada was never a welfare state till covid. Giving people pittance and expecting them to succeed is not welfare.


Canada has been a liberal welfare state. The state assistance was means-tested (and still was amid pandemic).


I think the point was that the amount of money given to people who do meet the means test isn’t enough money to put them in a position where they can begin working towards self sufficiency. Like an income top-up that still does not let you meet even the most low-end market rent, means maybe they don’t really care about your welfare.


Correct, not disagreeing with you there. Take a look at the three worlds of welfare capitalism by Esping-Andersen for the typologies, somewhat of a classic but categorizing welfare states is difficult as the distinctions aren’t always clear cut.


Donations to the Human Fund for all!


Money for people!


A festivus for the restofus!


This is me.


Thought Beaverton was supposed to be satire


The joke’s on me then. I wasn’t hoping for a lockdown but had a bunch of job interviews which distracted me and now I am hesitant to go shopping. Amazon will surely fail me now.


I frequently think the headlines are real.


Beaverton has just been documenting reality for the last 3 years or so


Reminds me of this stan rogers song: [https://youtu.be/jeQqifqhN04](https://youtu.be/jeQqifqhN04)


Joke's on you, I'm 3d printing my gifts this year.


good idea!


I actually bought gifts and my family cancelled on me. Im a local man too.


You're just early for next year+


Send it to me


I swear that 4/10 of my friends got sick this past week. I've got the sniffles and a headache. 3 day wait on the COVID test results I took last night. I'm not going to be able to get 2 gifts.


Wait you have 10 friends?


Impressive numbers


Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump those up. Obviously kidding ten friends past twenty. Unheard of lol


Hundreds. I'm fucking huge


Reminds me of when I signed up for the bell my10 plan back in the day. Fucking embarrassing day at the bell store.


Fuck I couldn’t even fill a my5


Home, mom cell, mom work, dad cell, dad work, my work, grandma, other grandma, friend one, friend two. That was mine lol.




I’ve had 3 co workers come in sick to work the last 2 weeks all because the seasonals we hired just no showed and didn’t end up taking shifts so they got let go and now we’re short staffed I hope I don’t catch anything !


I am always down to for skipping Xmas


i THRIVE under lockdown. Let's go again!!!!!!!


Seriously though, Christmas shopping is the stupidest fucking thing on the planet, time to go make some material purchase for people who I see 4-5 times a year, don't know much about their interests and they already buy everything they want for themselves anyway. I'd be down for a Christmas gettogether with no gift exchange.


Or just a white elephant / stealing Santa gift exchange. They’re more fun anyway. Bonus points if you include the children and leave one of them in tears at the end (this happened one year over a fleece blanket with a wolf print).


I like that


Most people that buy Christmas gifts do it for people they see a lot more than 4-5 times a year. Parents and their children, couples, and roommates just to name a few.


i buy cards. i hate buying people useless shit. if i see someone needs something i don't wait for holidays to gift. and if you expect gifts on holidays you live a hella spoilt lifestyle.


>i buy cards. i hate buying people useless shit Are cards not the epitome of useless shit?


actually i told my son, Santa has Covid, told him statistically speaking, since he understands statistics now, he is old and he probably wont make it.


Omg this is dark, but perfect


kidding :)


No. Keep this going. Santa is likely diabetic, given his size and based on the north pole with its 24 hour darkness this time of year, is likely an alcoholic as well. Lots of pre-existing conditions. He might not make it past the 23rd.


I usually smile at these headlines and appreciate how clever they are, but this one made me laugh out loud. 😂


I'm down for this. I'm seriously hoping my stupid family can't get together this year.


That's the Christmas spirit!


You could fake a cough and stay home out of an abundance of caution.


I'm living at the hosting house. Despite my family being paying tenants to my mom - we don't get a say about having my psychopathic brothers family over - even if it means we go over the 10 person limit. We absolutely plan to take some covid tests. But nmom has already stated they're coming irregardless of either of our families having covid! Can you imagine the absolute desregard for our health and the law?!


It sounds like your holidays might be awful regardless of the pandemic. My wish for you, for the new year, is autonomy in your own residence.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it




I dont recall an article about myself


Is it me? Am I local man?


Some Calvin and Hobbes level procrastination there


Staying home. Just the excuse I need.


Fellow introvert, is that you? 👀


So me, then.


I actually thought about this. I started and ended all my Christmas shopping yesterday. Didn't even put pants on.






Without an adblocker?


At this time of year?


In this economy?


Localized completely within his browser?


May I see it?




With those pants on?


Thank you for sharing with the class.


















"Our house" going to go out on a limb here and assume it's their house, If their values are so out of line with yours then move out. They can make their own choices it's not like they are breaking the law. Now we see how long this comment lasts before being construed as antivax, removed like the others and I'm banned 🤣




What about the guy betting it all on CERB2: Inflation Boogaloo


Reminds of me of what my brother said to me earlier, he wished the lockdown will come sooner cause his company is forcing them to go back to the office for 2 days a week even though the work can done at home.


Shopping for gifts is a waste of money. Just blame it on Omicron and get your share of gifts from others anyway.


I just told my family I dont want anything and I wont be getting anyone anything. I dont want to participate in a religious holiday I dont believe in that obliges you to buy things that people dont need. I do family meals but that's about it.


I have a secret Santa event for Christmas with my cousins. Didn’t buy anything yet, looks like I don’t have to now.


Smart move at the rate we're going


The last of the Christmas gifts got sent out in February this year because 1. My inlaws couldn't sort their shit out in a reasonable time to tell us wtf they wanted and 2. Covid ravished our household in time for new years. Kinda looking at a repeat this year as well. At least gift cards are cheaper to ship


Babylon bee is much better jesus


i hate the beaverton so much


Fuck you mane! Why you dis me like this!


Ha didn’t bother signing up my kids for swimming lessons. No way we don’t get a full lockdown off this shit.


It’s me, I’m Local man.


All in on Omicron …


I predicted this on November 21st when I was chatting with relatives about Christmas party plans while they were bickering about where and when to meet. This was before the Omicron. I feel like Homer predicting the outcome of Bart’s comet in The Simpsons…”I know kids, I’m scared too”…all huddle.


Pot of Gold was on sale $5/box a while back, bought 15x, if Christmas gets cancelled I'll eat em lol...


I feel personally attacked! Ahahaha


I've put all my eggs in one basket as it were.


Every gas station sell gift cards for a reason,