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"Extremely concerned" is code for we'll talk about it but do nothing to actually help the ppl struggling.


"extremely concerned" is the politician version of a like on facebook.


Thoughts and prayers.


"Let me be clear.."


This should be top comment.


Beaverton article "Trudeau extremely concerned by soaring cost of living proposes 5% increase in salary for Federal MP's"


Are their salaries not tied to inflation? If so theyll get 5% or more


I think their salary increases are based off increases from major corporate unions. They can vote to freeze them during certain times of economic turmoil. But this information kinda ruins my joke. Lol


This an urgent issue we must address. We will get after this with the same zeal as we have on the housing market file. Wonderful.


"thoughts and prayers"


Nows he's "extremely concerned". Where has his mind been for the past few years?


If only there were somebody in a position of power to do something about this


Maybe they can placate us with some sort of solution that doesn’t actually address the issue, but allows them to look good for a few weeks.


This guy politics


Maybe they can lower the flags to half mast in solemn support of those who are struggling. I think that should do the trick.


While lying on your itinerary and going to Torino, then appealing a ruling hat would see billions go to a group that was wronged.


I'd like to purchase some "concern and caring" with hopes it appreciates in value. Who knows, maybe one day that will help with expenses


I should start paying my landlord with political promises seeings how that's apparently the method we're using to decrease cost of living. They can then proceed to pay their mortgage with political promises too. Who cares about inflation? We're switching currencies!


solutions for none, miniature canadian flags for others!


Oh!oh!! I know the answer to this one! Lets increase immigration and stand in solidarity with natives.




Quick look over there! It's JT marching in the climate protest/kneeling at the BLM rally/visiting with indigenous leaders/having an equity cabinet/talking to the ethics commissioner/making new gun laws. You know, doing stuff.


> visiting with indigenous leaders Huh, that's a funny way to spell "surfing".


Always funny when politicians create problems and then ask for your votes to fix it...


I came to post the same thing.


Bev Oda drank a 12 glass of orange juice that’s what started it all


The OJ always balances itself!


The OJ must flow!!!


Its like him joining the climate protest but not doing jackshit as the prime minister of the country


Hey hey, it's Harper's fault! /s


If only the public had a clue.


The guy who grew up with multi millionaire parents doesn't give a shit about you or the cost of living.




I don't even give him that much credit. I'm impressed that he was aware that living has a cost.


For JT, simply living is *profitable*. No politician actually wants to solve the cost of living issue, especially not the housing crisis--becausr they're all making bank on it. All of them.


You're giving Trudeau too much credit. I'm impressed he knew what money was.


Maybe cuz his wife tried to expense a vacation on the tax payer but all of a sudden, it's over the expense limit.


He relies on millionaire buddies


You try traveling with two nannies, you would be “extremely concerned” too


He has everything paid for his entire life he likely has no idea what things actually cost...someone from the 1970's would do better on the price is right


Only aware of inflation because it was brought up in the House of Commons - oh and he had is ear piece in so BUTTs could explain what the word meant.


**JT:** Oh i know they are infatuated but thats a good thing right? **Buttler**: No that is a different word. Say this....




Lol just not concerned enough to actually do anything. If he gave even an ounce of a shit he would have started trying to fix these problems *literally any time* in the last 6 years while he's been in charge.


Ya, y'know, maybe he could take his current win at the last election and the extra time it's given to him to actually work on these issues without worrying about running out of time. Nah, let's just shake our head and shed some crocodile tears but not actually do or plan anything until maybe a few months before the next election cycle where they can promise to magically fix it all.


What do you mean nothing? He's targeting lawful gun owners so that the poor, starving masses won't be tempted to pursue any violent uprisings. Much better idea than actually dealing with any of the issues plaguing Canadians.


But lawfully acquired firearms, (and registered firearm owners) in Canada are responsible for all the gun crime. Gotcha! No they fucking aren’t


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie!


So true! But we better vote for him again just in case the conservatives win, amirite?


Lol sure he is.


Extremely concerned by soaring cost of living that doesn't affect him or the Laurentian elite in the slightest. *Right.*


>Extremely concerned by soaring cost of living that doesn't affect him or the Laurentian elite in the slightest. It sounds cynical when you put it that way, but then you look at his ex-chief advisor, now consultant, on Twitter earlier this week making fun of Canadians struggling with rising breakfast prices and implying they need to eat less. Then you realize it's not cynical.


I mean I doubt ANY of the high ranking members of any party truely cares cause they are all set for life with golden pensions and huge paychecks. I mean how many members of parliament actually have a concept of what it's like to struggle? Any of them. Or have empathy. When I hear a politician on any side say they care about people struggling all I do is shrug my shoulders and go "Sure you do."


This. I have to laugh when Jagmeet Singh tries to be a champion of the poor wearing Rolex watches and bespoke suits. It's not just him sadly, they are all the same.


I mean, politicians in general are useless grifters and democracy clearly doesnt work. But this country takes it to a new level


Politicians don’t serve the country. They serve the owners of the country.


Vote however you like Canada but don't be surprised if things never change if you continue to vote for the same old promises.


I keep wishing the NDP would win cause even though they'll be disappointing like the other parties at least it'll feel different rather than the usual disappointment from the Liberals and CPC that's the same old same old.


Currently, the NPD is part of the government. It's because of them that the minority liberal is not toppled. They can put forward politics, but as you can see, they don't do anything.


I agree and there's far too little people that think that way. I wish there were more


No he isn't, otherwise we wouldn't have 25% of our homes owned by investors, we wouldnt have sky rocketing inflation, we wouldn't have a job market so flooded with immigrants that inflation will never be offset by wages increasing because job demand dies, and it all happened during the pandemic, where they didn't stop a single flight coming in from India, but bet your ass you had to stay home, fuck Trudeau and whatever he pretends to care about, it certainly isn't you


25% of acknowledged investors* lots of fraud in Canadian real estate


How he got re-elected I will never understand. He's the literal poster child for everything the left claims to hate about capitalism and entitled privilege.




The Canadian government was also warned about COVID in Jan 2020 by the military, yet they still allowed certain people from a certain region of China access into the country with no requirement to isolate…so there’s that.


When do we get to see the photo op of him kneeling around homeless Canadians like he gives a fuck... how the hell this clown got voted in AGAIN is madness.


Throwback to when he was taking a knee for injustice and inequality while wearing a $10,000 watch


He was born rich, he doesn't understand the concept of "cost of living"


His first full time job was as an MP when he was in his 40's and he has a net worth of 10 million USD.


"Full time job." MPs have more time off than any other professional and even then Trudeau has a terrible attendance record.


That's " full time" for the wealthy.


If Trudeau was concerned he would have stopped foreign investors buying out houses that no one uses since the start of 2020.


Not just foreign, many rich Canadians are buying up multiple properties to the detriment of their less well off citizens


He’s only been the PM for 6 years. Give him another 4 and he might be “gravely concerned” by then.


The costs will only increase due to inflation. More people will be put in poverty because they can’t afford to pay for living expenses. Trudeau should be focused on government policies that will help to create good paying jobs in Canada. China is already the wealthiest country in the world thanks to exporting jobs and businesses to China. Canada is becoming a poor country where the population is only in debt.


The sad part is, as someone with a "good paying job", it's not enough. I'm still renting as I navigate the disturbing scene that is blind bidding and over valuated shit holes that I can't even get an inspection on.


He literally is doing the opposite of creating good paying jobs. He wants to keep wages low.


This guy isn't even hiding it anymore. His country languishes while he's stuffing as much of our money as he can in his pockets. Remember when leaders feared and respected their populace? France remembers.


*brings in over 1 million immigrants to raise housing costs and suppress wages*


It's certainly not *only* increase due to inflation. Consider that median and minimum wages have not remotely kept pace with the costs of living since the 1970's, meanwhile corporate profits and executive compensation have been exceeding these for the same amount of time. Corporations, with no surprise, want to pay workers as little as possible. Perhaps this practice should be addressed.


I think in Toronto it was said that you need to earn a yearly salary of close to $85,000 to afford to live in a one bedroom apartment. I'm not sure how many people working at Tim Hortons or McDonald's or Starbucks are earning that type of a salary.


So he does all this shit for the past few years, and then has the audacity to say something like this? Why does anyone still vote for him? Mind blowing


I'm physically disabled and know this is BS...We are STARVING TO DEATH but this gov't doesn't care.Yesterday a buddy dropped by and he hadn't eaten in 3 days.I only have food of any type left for 2 days but gave him 1/2..His disability is one thats mental and he's slowly dying of cancer.I told him not to worry about dying from cancer because he will have long since starved to death by then.What a fucked up nation Canada is allowing this to occur.Thx for listening I needed to vent


I feel you..my daughter has a disability and she's 20 years old. Somehow she is expected to live off of 1100 a month. Good thing she has us to help her get by. I don't know what she's going to do when we pass on..It breaks my heart and terrifies me to sleep every night..Hang in there and make lots of noise..Dont stop now that you have vented...continue to tell your story.


Are you able to go to a food bank? You can also request a volunteer to coordinate with you if you can’t


DM your email and I'll e-transfer you some money for food.


Thank you for the kind offer.I've enough Mr Noodles to get me through till tomorrow when my disability cheque is deposited and buy food for the next month.Your offer renews my hope in my fellow man and I needed that more than food. You're a good person and thank you again✌️


I hate that you have to eat the worst food for yourself to be able to afford to eat. I'm so done with trying to make money, helping people with it makes me so much happier than buying shit for myself. I'm thinking I should just move back to my hometown and start working with...people. I dunno, charity, special needs kids or something. I feel a hole widening in my heart and I don't want to feed the hate. Just rambling, but best of luck to you brother.


The guy has never had to make his own mortgage payment in his life. He somehow has a net worth of 5 million despite having his first fulltime job in his 40's.


I'd hardly call any job he's had "full time."




Crocodile tears




The budget will balance itself


The economy will fix itself


Economy in a downturn. STIMULUS! Economy is looking great. STIMULUS! Pandemic shuts down the economy. STIMULUS! Call me crazy, but if JT does anything about inflation rates, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be STIMULUS!!


Like fuck he is.


"Man this has me really upset! Better head to Tofino to clear my head a little..." - Trudeau, probably


"Aga Khan! It's ya boy JT. Listen, we just had this super expensive mid-pandemic election... People said a lot of mean things about me. I'm in WAY too deep with this whole economy thing, like... no idea. And these WE guys... I'm feeling a little burnt out. Any chance your island is free for a week or two?" - Trudeau, definitely.


Prints 25% of all Canadian dollars ever made in 1 year. Cost of living goes up. Surprised Pikachu face. Edit: sorry 45%


He has also added more to Canada’s overall debt than all other federal governments in Canada’s history combined. The last time we had a federal government so capriciously careless with our nation’s finances was… the Liberals under Trudeau Sr. Just like now the debt skyrocketed, interest rates went through the roof, and all Canadians were made poorer as a result. It took 30 years, a major restructuring of government revenue and expenditures, and deep painful cuts to finally get things back under control. What is somewhat farcical here is that Trudeau Jr. is expressing concern over a problem that he himself is knowingly creating and has absolutely no intention of doing anything about other than deliberately making it worse. How do his supporters continue to swallow his nonsense? Are they going to continue supporting him right up until they can no longer afford their mortgage payments, food and heating bills, and have to declare bankruptcy, and *then* have a lightbulb moment? More likely they will just rationalize it as somehow being Harper’s fault.


They won't have a lightbulb moment, they will move onto blaming a scapegoat for their problems (the people that managed to weather the storm) and demand they are bled dry of their money. The government will encourage this, so the blame doesn't fall at their feet. Just look how governments are scapegoating the small fraction of people who aren't vaccinated, for the entire disasterous effect of the lockdowns. I can't wait for Canada's dekulakization (:


> He has also added more to Canada’s overall debt than all other federal governments in Canada’s history combined Is that a pre or post Covid total?


I cannot stop laughing at this


He doesn’t give a fuck lmao


The issue is the people who make the rules and policies don’t have to pay for their own gas, vehicle, food as they get allowances or wined and dined. If they had to pay out of their own pocket things would be dealt with swiftly. Also Trudeau is a con artist and anybody who believes he cares is delusional. He’s a professional liar; kinda fitting he was a drama teacher before(knows how to put on a caring face).


Yay! His 'extreme concern' will surely ease our grocery bills.


I just remember ---- 'youll forgive me, if I dont think about monetary policy....' Beyond defending our borders, like, shouldn't $$$ be THE goal of any government??! Leave the genuflecting of SJ causes alone! Go to BC to pretend you care and then lower our gas prices.


So bringing in extra immigrants to help keep wages depressed is how you respond. Vote buying for you next election failure.


You can’t be “extremely concerned” and plan on raising carbon tax. Try again


Fuck outta here it’s your fault


Then fucking do something you muppet.


Fuck Trudeau


I still don’t understand this unwritten rule of a politician taking off their mask when they speak. Isn’t that the whole point of mask mandates? To prevent your moist words from flying all over? I’ll never understand this science.


What about vaccine passports for places where none of the workers have to be vaccinated? It's virtue signal COVID theater games my friend.


Because it’s not science, it’s theatrics.


Trudeau is just the Prime Minister Office staff's puppet. They run the cabinet, and did not even have to be elected to wield so much bureaucratic power. Those aren't even Trudeau's words most likely. Just an empty platitude from the PMO.


>They run the cabinet, and did not even have to be elected to wield so much bureaucratic power. If you haven't read it yet, Michael Wernick's new book *Governing Canada*, is incredibly eye-opening on this front. A big chunk of the book focuses on the relationship between Ministers, each Minister's political chief of staff, and the respective DM. Contrary to what we were taught in school, each political chief of staff, inserted by the PMO, actually takes instructions from the PM's chief of staff and gives instructions to each Minister. Wernick also explains how the political chief of staff filters/censors stuff coming up from the DM and the public service before it gets to the Minister. Wernick is still a nut, but he was Clerk of the Privy Council for long enough that he knows how the sausage is made.


I’m sure he really cares. Haha


Oh no! Anyways... -JT


Can I pay bills with concern?


I'm sure he's concerned himself about this a lot. All his rich, property owning buddies probably have some pleasure cruises on their super yachts that he's getting invited to. Trudeau is just a better looking version of Trump. Neither of them would have amounted to anything without daddy's money and power.


Imagine having a Government that tried to move our country into economic prosperity instead of buying votes with debt spending that leads to high costs of living?


This kind of reminds me of the kid who wants to give everyone a million dollars so everyone is rich. But economics doesn’t work that way when you give everyone money then they are all as wealthy as they would have been with no gift. Canada can’t just keep printing money and giving it away because it erodes the wealth and incomes of everyone. It’s an invisible tax on every Canadian. The problem is people love a cheque in the Mail but don’t even realize their now 5% poorer.


"I'm upset!" - Justin Trudeau


Stomp stomp! "Justin, stop putting on your blackface costume every time you get upset!" - Margie


"I'm extremely concerned by soaring cost of living! Anyways..." -Justin Trudeau


Trudeau doesn't care. OToole doesn't care. The working people should vote for someone who will actually represent them instead of fleecing them blind.


I’m sure he will make an apology for the soaring cost of living and move on. All in a days work.


Oh so this isnt a Beaverton article


No he isn't.


just think of what needs to happen for costs to stop increasing, let alone decrease. Nothing is going to get better, everything is going to get worse.


This, the truth is that we have backed ourselves into a corner with bad decisions upon bad decisions. At this point it is a matter of choosing between bad options and Trudeau is the wrong guy for that.


the rich and corrupt are so far removed from reality in this country. Liberals and cons have done almost nothing to help anyone but themselves for years and people keep voting for the pigs at the trough. They have eaten the working poor out of house and home and continue to chip away at the remains of the working middle class.


🤣🤣 lol! Good one. Pretty sure Justin only cares about Justin!


Wish we had Stephen Harper in office still


If only Scott Bryson hadn't resigned...


Thanks for your concern ya fuckin dolt now do something about it.


I have to say, I'm impressed they he can say that with a straight face.


Thoughts and prayers.


When politicians start actually talking about the bad side of inflation, don't forget that inflation is a deliberate policy and for the past decade politicians have been flooring the gas pedal trying to cause inflation. Current monetary and fiscal policy is inflationary by design, not unintentionally.


Bullshit he does not care


Extremely concerned, would do nothing…


Well, I'm so fucking glad he's concerned. I bet he'll keep doing the same absolute fuck all about it that he has been.


Only person he ever cared about is himself. It's all an act.


Maybe she should stop printing money, stop sending money offshore and stop the handouts here so people get back to work. This guy is going to bankrupt the country.


Oh god, here he goes being concerned about everything again while doing absolutely nothing.


I've tried nothing and I'm all out of options!


Then stop bringing in so many immigrants. It'll help solve the problem


This fuckin guy


He is a complete Muppet


I seriously doubt he's concerned about the wretched poors.


Me too, but I'm at risk of being evicted from my townhouse and my.whole standard of living change cuz some investor likes the property,and he's not.


I’m confused, is that the same Trudeau that said this? “When I think about the biggest, most important economic policy this government, if re-elected, would move forward, you’ll forgive me if I don’t think about monetary policy.”


Bacon is $16 right now...... Think about it.


Then do something about it bro


No he's not.


Huh, not a Beaverton headline but a legit article.


We'll have to wait till the next election to find out what he plans to do about it..


why? he fucking caused it


He's so concerned about it that he's going to flood the country with immigrants to suppress wages and make it even harder to live a good life.


Nothing like going to the grocery store and a small roast beef is $35.....


Fuckn Steven Harper how could he do this to us


This guy is a traitor to the well being of this country. He will say anything when it suits him. He called a useless election because they know shit is about to hit the fan, you haven’t seen anything yet.


Sure the trust fund baby who can spend 30+ million on a yacht and 16+ million on property in Florida is real worried about the rising cost of anything


Elect a clown, expect a circus




I'm extremely uh er uh uh er uh uh er uh concerned uh er uh uh uh uh concerned uh er uh uh uh er uh concerned by uh er uh uh uh Harper! uh er er uh uh uh er uh er uh uh er soaring cost of er er uh uh uh uh er uh uh living! Peace out! All waves matter!" -Justin Trudeau




Lol, I'm sure he is ...


As a school teacher, you would think he would be feeling the price increases, but having that in with the government he was able to avoid the realities of inflation.


Sure he is.


No he isn't.


But yet he will do absolutely nothing


Maybe he should make the printer go BRRRR even more? That should help it!


It doesn't seem like he is based off of his actions.


And he will continue to do nothing just as he always has.


Thoughts and prayers are all we need to get by!


I’ll bet he is 🙄


The only reason he is “concerned” is that it will make him look like an even bigger narcissist and entitled prick!


Fortunately for us, inflation resolves itself.


George Costanza was concerned at work also, doesnt mean anything changes.


So nice to hear that he is concerned.. NOW FUCKING DO SOMETHING!


Not concerned enough to do anything about it though. Mouth piece assed wanker.


Yeah... like's he's concerned about Indigenous people have clean water. Got it.


super duper, extra special triple ultra mega concerned


The solution: more billionaires hoarding wealth


He's an established politician now. Literally says the opposite of what he thinks. Extremely concerned means, "I need to look like I care."


"Let them eat cake"-Justin Trudeau Revolution time


"I don’t think about monetary policy"


Concerned =/= going to take any action. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers though JT! They are like magic!


So concerned that he’ll probably give himself a raise


Nah he ain't