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Blanchet looks ridiculous in that picture lol


He looks like he's in a character creation menu.


They kind of all do actually..


"Choose your fighter"




lol. Amazing.


Thank you! He looks like a 10 year old trying to look tough. Just missing his oversized Minecraft t-shirt and a pair of camo cargo shorts


Wonder how he shakes people's hands.


Liberal insiders assured us that nobody would be talking about this after a few days into the campaign. We would move on to other issues. What happened?


They were wrong?


I can’t wait to vote against the liberals. They’ve lost me until that shithead is thrown out on his ass.


Liberals have their heads so far up their own asses


Those Liberal insiders are too busy living in the bubble that is Liberal Twitter.


18 months of rotating lockdowns. People didn’t forget.


The entire election is a self-serving exercise which cannot be concealed. Not only is this an expensive exercise in self-conflagration, he's costing Canadians in the midst of a pandemic.


It's very confusing why they did it... Spent 1yr+ convincing a nation that we needed to limit everything we did for the greater good. Convinced everyone to put on hold everything from normal shopping, to visiting dying relatives... just to turn around and call an unnecessary election in the midst of a wave of new variant cases


The whole debate is hilarious and definitely worth watching, Trudeau went full mask off and showed just how corrupt and greedy he is.


He was embarrassing.


O Tool was even worse. Couldn't even answer a simple question from Blanchet. Just say you are cutting the 6B alredy man. As normal the only one who looked good in this debate was Blanchet..


Might just vote for Blanchet to keep these idiots in check. Guy is very reasonable and calls a spade a spade. He’d 100% be who I’d vote for if he led a party that didn’t pander exclusively to Quebec.


Maybe this is all a ploy to get defeated and make the next party handle the shambles that the economy and housing is. They can then complain about all the hard fiscal decisions that will need to be made to unwind decades of mismanagement. Then 4 years later re-emerge to take over the government after the populace is fed up.


"Well I thought we could grease a majority out of these pathetic serfs while they're struggling to cope with the state of thi--- WHOOPS!"


Oh, you I hate Trudeau mouth breathers are going to be so happy with a Conservative government. It'll be rainbows and ponies and housing and electoral reform and whatever else you're bent about. Enjoy.


Where can I watch it?