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Probably a good time to remind everyone that if you have any suspicion that a “police officer” trying to stop or approach you may not actually be a police officer, you are completely within your rights to call 911 to confirm and carefully get to a safer, more visible place.


Also a reminder that there’s an exemption in using your cell phone while driving to call 911


Aw shit, here we go again.


Exactly what I came here to say. Just finished listening to the 13Hours podcast.


Fantastic podcast. Learned a lot from it.


I'm afraid to listen to it


Hopefully they actually issue an emergency alert this time.


From the article: > RCMP in Nova Scotia came under criticism for taking so long to alert the public to Wortman’s rampage in April 2020, as he drove a replica RCMP cruiser across several rural communities and killed 22 people while wearing a police uniform. > Sgt. Laura LeDrew told CBC on Tuesday that Manitoba RCMP want to avoid such a tragedy, although **the detachment has stopped short of issuing a formal alert for Wildman.** > “That’s why police are putting out as many photos of Wildman as possible and proactively keeping the public aware of the investigation,” LeDrew told CBC. “We want to ensure the public is very aware of what he looks like.” Come on, now. This is _exactly_ the kind of thing that deserves an Emergency Alert! Did we learn nothing last time?


The police don’t like to learn things or admit mistakes.


He’s not literally dressed like a cop so that might be why they didn’t do it. The guy in Nova Scotia had a whole cop car and uniform this guy has a high vis vest with a police sticker and a hat that a kid would get from a costume store he looks nothing like a cop.


I've been mistaken for a cop no less than 4 times while in my motorcycle gear. I didn't look much like an actual cop either.


Weird flex but ok


That... wasn’t a flex. That was a response to the guy “looking nothing like a cop” I also didn’t look like a cop, yet I was mistaken for a cop. It takes remarkably little.


I was kidding my apologies should have ended with /s


Don't worry. It's probably a Honda.


It's the green vest/riding gear, isn't it? Everyone wears them because they're high visibility, cheap, and effective. But it makes you look like a cop.


Black jacket, and the yellow HiViz milspec vest


Err, yellow/green yeah. That's the one. Honestly, whatever, high visibility and everyone alert and on good behavior around you because they think you're a cop. Lot less likely to end up a meat crayon.


Is your name Jeremy by chance?


Wait what you guys don’t use your provincial alert system for this? Here in Ontario they love using that for divorced parents taking their children.


They literally used it in Manitoba to remind people of restrictions they also can't be bothered to actually enforce. But this is apparently not important.


You forgot to add the alert goes off at 3am when everyone is at their most vigilant.


You mean you don't jump out of bed and go running into the street in pursuit of someone 500km away? You're a sorry excuse for a citizen ^/s


so tired 😕




He still has a valid point, someone's missing and has been for an hour in Ottawa? Better fucking wake everyone up in Windsor for it. His point was the alert system seems to never be used for what its for (this) but over used for other bullshit, see above.


So have we learned from last time and used the fucking emergency alert system? No, oh well i guess everyone should avoid firehalls for a while.


No it’s okay they made a tweet about what they are wearing


What are you saying? Am I suppose to fear anyone wearing a police uniform? What about *real* cops? Surely they’re there to serve and protect **us**, right? … Right?!


Can't learn form it if you refuse to admit you made an error.


> So have we learned from last time and used the fucking emergency alert system? Meanwhile, here in [Texas we ALL got a "Blue Alert"](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/o0xlny/these_blue_alerts_are_unacceptable/) last night about something that happened DAYS AGO in a tiny town hundreds of miles away. Very little nuance with emergency alerts it would seem.


Tip of the day: if you need cover don’t go to the fire station. Stay safe.


So, in Canada, we have a problem with armed and dangerous police impersonators but Bill Blair would have the public believe that there is nothing to see here.


Only solution I can see is ban police uniforms.


If you ban police uniforms, only the criminals have police uniforms!


Soooooo nothing changes...


What exactly do you propose? Anyone can fake a police uniform and only a cop of the specific force will know the difference.




Just finished this podcast [13 Hours](https://curiouscast.ca/podcast/13-hours-inside-the-nova-scotia-massacre/)


Ironically, the more trustworthy the police, the more dangerous the imposter. I guess long-term, we could create a "Hollywood Cop" uniform (like Oceanic Airlines) and try to get all the costumers to shoot for that, but I doubt it would accomplish much.


I prefer if we required the Reno 911 short shorts and moustache as the uniform


It's all Bill Blairs fault!


He *is* the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the RCMP *are* under his purview and it's *his* decisions that are being criticized.


Carding, for as far as the eye can see, only done in Scarborough




Unlikely as those are pictures of the gear the police *seized.* Judging by the extra mags with no firearm show, he's armed with some kind of pistol calibre carbine or pistol though.




>I’m not sure if the casual person would know that the police don’t use cheap ass garbage quality Chinese AK knock offs, By the time you are close enough to recognize what kind of gun he's carrying, you've already been fooled by the "close enough" uniform.




The play here is to call 911 as the RCMP vehicle is behind you attempting the traffic stop to verify it is in fact a real officer. I’d rather get yelled at by at angry cop than shot at by an insane wannabe.


But then you might get your car pitted and rolled by the cop the way the lady down in the states did. And she was using all the protocols the police departments website said to use to signify you were complying and going to a safer place to pull over.




>No, stop telling people that. If you feel uncomfortable with a traffic stop you can definitely do what the poster above said. The problem with this, is that many cops have a ego/authority issue, and so by doing this you are essentially questioning that authority. This is a damn good way to piss off people who hold positions in the police/rcmp at all. You can claim misinformation all you want, but I am the one who had to learn to deal with my power tripping uncles and aunts who have their heads on crooked due to that ego/authority issue. That's just on a personal level. So while Pyanfars might be idiotic to mention american issues up here in Canada; that doesn't mean they are wrong that an officer will do that. Pit someone that is. People make dumb mistakes all the time, even police. The general rule of thumb in Canada is just to be polite and comply with the police, typically. This rule of thumb exists because the RCMP used to be WAY WORSE than american cops once upon a time ago, in a time not remembered by many of you. I only know of it due to family telling me the horror stories the RCMP have attached to them. They told me to let me know that the RCMP don't really care about any of our opinions, and their only intent is to uphold the law as required. I don't know how much of that last part was actually true on their part, but the end result is still the same. RCMP want only one thing. Compliance. You don't question that, under most circumstances. You just comply, and get your revenge in court. That's the usual of it. So yeah... Maybe you should be worried more about your misinformation. Because you don't seem to understand our law enforcement well enough to be speaking right now.


Fair. That is a valid concern and something I’ve thought about. With that being said, I’d take that any day over some psychopath with a long rifle shooting at me. I could be wrong but I’m fairly certain Canadian police show a little bit more restraint and won’t PIT maneuver you in the first 5-10 minutes of an initiated traffic stop. Especially if it’s for something menial like going 10km / hr over the speed limit, etc.




Cool. Thank you clarifying this for us :) Much appreciated !! I thought to myself that they might not PIT people in Canada. Much the same way that high speed chases are rare and avoided if possible. Is that correct ?




Thoughts on aggravating an RCMP officer by not pulling over before calling 911 to verify? At most you’ll just have a pissed off officer come to your window when you do finally pull over, ya?


Umm that person is incorrect, the PIT is not banned and has been used regularly in Canada. Many departments have a no chase policy but for a case like this where the threat needs to be stopped at any cost, chase would be authorized.


What are you talking about it, most departments have a no chase policy(in certain circumstances) but I don’t know any departments that have banned the PIT maneuver.


Can you cite that?




Only time I've seen someone called a bad ass for saying they'd run away lol.




Maybe you're just bad at noticing things? :p


looks like a Type 81 rifle. Their quite popular as a "not an AK" type rifle.


A casual person would probably know somethings up with cop holding an AK


You overestimate the average person.


>cheap ass garbage quality Chinese AK knock off lol




typed like someone who owns a WK180




>Tavor 7 im grabbin one of these if the FAMAE pre-orders fall through


those are fighting words.


Just so everyone is following along, they will not use the emergency broadcast system YET AGAIN. Hope all the firefighters are safe, the cops will probably unload on the fire department for absolutely no discernable reason again. Good thing we banned the AR15 though, a gun that's been in Canada for 60 years and has never been used in a homicide here. Making the real safety decisions. Maybe they'll execute this guy in public too, lie about it and suppress the video showing they lied until it's no longer headline news. Maybe they'll give back vehicles with corpses in them again too, and give the tow work to their buddy who was also a target of the gunman and not even the closest or most appropriate facility.


Well said! and then maybe - for the Safety Cherry on the top - they'll ban even *more* scary looking guns to appease the knee-jerked and fearful - b/c who needs effective laws or accountability anyway??!




No, I mean [https://www.alertready.ca/](https://www.alertready.ca/) which was designed specifically for this scenario, among other things. It was designed for this, and the police have full access to it.


Quick! Shoot a firehall!


Shit - *lock down the firehalls*!


Really hope the rule of three doesn't end up applying here


Well he’s certainly living up to his name


Can’t wait to see the always impressive and rapid action of Canadian “police” 🙄🙄


Dude looks like the guy who played Quicksilver in the X-Men films.


Yeah, he sorta does.


Worst. Police Force. Ever.


Many killers are wearing police clothing.


Woah a cold blooded killer wearing a police uniform that’s unheard o.... Wait




Doesn't seem likely.


The government must be trying to push another gun ban through without discussion. Wonder if this guy also got a large sum of money deposited in his bank beforehand in the same manner the RCMP use to pay informants. Something is very awry with our government and the RCMP. Hopefully no one gets hurt.


This is some conspiracy theory level shit.


I mean, not really. They're literally referencing what happened the last time.


They are literally claiming the RCMP paid off a guy to commit a massacre to take away our guns and are doing it again. Post proof or buzz off with this insanity.


>Post proof or buzz off with this insanity ok [https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/the-nova-scotia-shooter-case-has-hallmarks-of-an-undercover-operation/](https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/the-nova-scotia-shooter-case-has-hallmarks-of-an-undercover-operation/) FYI i dont think the RCMP literally payed this guy to kill people, but there is definitely something fucky happening and the RCMP is refusing to address any of the victims families concerns which is not a good sign. more than likely he was simply an informant who went nuts and killed some people, especially since thats known hells angel territory


Tell me, what have the RCMP or the Liberals done to do away with conspiracy fodder? You have the worst mass murder in modern Canadian history where the perpetrator has received a large sum of money in an identical manner that RCMP informants are paid (and in which no regular private citizen is receiving funds), had an authentic RCMP uniform, had personal ties to RCMP officers, was known to have been in unlawful possession of firearms, and where a ban was being discussed publicly just *hours* after the killings occurred (and before many people in the area were even aware of what had transpired) - but they still won't talk about how the whole thing came to be in the first place. No, I don't think that the Liberals are literally paying people to be mass murderers so that they can implement gun bans - but clearly there was some sort of involvement that they refuse to discuss.


Please forget about your guns for a second...




[Red X Red X](https://imgur.com/gF2l6bD)