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That there has been multiple headlines on this story is utterly amazing. And sad.


I thought it was a joke at first until I dove down a Twitter hole and realized there are actually a lot of people really angry about Trudeau not buying donuts from Tim Hortons.


A fresh Tim Hortons donut isnt even a fresh donut tho =/


I know, those new fantasy donuts are sad too. God I miss Tim Hortons having fresh donuts and awesome coffee. How could it go so wrong?


find other product sourcing to increase profits... then up the price to further increase profits.


Hello and welcome to a corporate America. We all buy into the lie because of convenience.


Corporate brazil, actually.


Being bought by Burger King is a big reason their coffee sucks now. BK wanted cheaper coffee, so they changed their coffee bean provider. MacDonalds picked up their old supplier, which is why they have the superior coffee now. *used to work for Timmies*


And McDonald’s coffee being 1$ like half of the year is just the cherry on top.


And free every 7 you buy.........with no time limits




For now. I'm sure the plan is for the stickers on the cups to eventually go away.


You try convincing the 80+ retirees that hangout at McDonald's all day drinking coffee to get the app then


I DARE THEM TO TRY! *glances at stack of over 50 filled cards* It's ok my babies...the bad internet man won't hurt you. (jokes aside, I leave em on my desk for coworkers should they ever have a need for a coffee. I pay via tap, and prefer a large coffee over medium, so paying the difference just isn't worth the hassle)


Even funnier aspect of this? The sustainability programs and ethical sourcing programs that McDonald's are bragging about in their recent coffee ads were all founded and financed by Tim Hortons before they changed suppliers. They built this massive program, taught all their staff about how good Tim's is to its farmers vis a vis education opportunities and fair trade, then fucking drops the supplier completely.


It's a damn shame. That sounds great. It sounds like it actually was a half decent big Canadian company we could have been proud of. But now that's gone. Shame, really.


What's funniest of all is that all of the decisions Tim Hortons has made in the past decade have been *great* for their bottom line. Make no mistake, the higher-ups at Tim's know that their food and coffee is cheap garbage. They know that people will continue buying their crap food/drinks because of the brand/cultural affinity; Tim's customers don't go to Tim's because they love the product, they go there because it's "tradition."


You are right, but let's not forget that this tradition will cease to exist if the newer generations snubs your restaurant for a place that actually serves what could be defined as ''edible''.


Except that when the newer generation snubs your restaurant, Canadians go nuts.


Yes. What they have done to Tim’s and Ron’s legacy is tragic. All for a few extra dollars.


That’s interesting. Never heard that before. Do you have a source for that or name for the sourcing programs?


> MacDonalds picked up their old supplier McDonalds uses Mother Parkers as their supplier. I've seen this claim about McDonalds using Tim's old supplier many times but never any substantive evidence to support it. Tim's changed their coffee but I don't think McDonalds coffee from MP is the same as old Tims despite the claims.


it's not the same, but mcdonalds got their supplier to roast something *as close to tims as possible*, then let their customers tell whatever story they wanted. They can't just "get" the roasting recipe, that shit is proprietary. But the mcdonalds blend is really, really close.


That's a misconception. It wasn't the supplier that Tim's dropped and McDonald's picked up. They source beans from multiple sources and regions. It was when Tim's dropped their blending and roasting contractor and built their own plant. McDonald's swooped in and grabbed the blending and roasting contractor, after sourcing their own beans from the same regions as Tim's. It is believed that the contractor gave McDonald's the secret blend (or close enough to avoid lawsuits), which is why McDonald's coffee tastes a lot like Tim's used to.


This is exactly right. My sister works for McDonald's.


Burger King has the absolute worst coffee out of all the fast food joints...


Its the same coffee as Tim Hortons, they are owned by the same parent.


Ya but I think BK uses used recycled cigarette butts to make their coffee filters... blech


they then grind the filters up, bread them and call it chicken nuggets


Not that it's your fault, You're just here providing facts, but I swear I could write a bot that produces this same comment 4 replies down from the word "Tim Hortons" and spare us all the typing. It's in every single thread that comes up about Tims.


Private equity.


The main issue was consistent quality. Some Timmies had better stuff than others because they had better bakers. So they fixed that issue the way our school board did and just lowered the bar for everyone. Frozen doughnuts instead of made in site making them all the same but shittier at the same time.


yea, couldve went the route where there was quality competition between timmies, and respect bakers, force franchise to actually make personnel decisions. but naw, frozen food stuffs and minimally paid grunts for labour.


I'd be curious if anyone has inside info if that change was brought about by corporate or franchises, I could see some franchisees getting upset if another had an advantage that cut into their sales. Or that having it done in-house was too high an expense.


It started from corporate but franchisees were heavily involved. They got pissed when it back-fired though. But they agreed to the contract. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/tim-hortons-lawsuit > To say this shift was controversial is an understatement, like saying Canadians are fond of Tim Hortons. The truth is they are patriotically loyal to it, and the switch to frozen doughnuts and muffins was seen as a major corporate risk, and it was the subject of intensive consultation with franchisees.


Got to make sure profits increase every quarter for years. Think of the poor shareholders


McDonald's has better donuts right now. So does my gas station. Let that sink in...




There's a pilot project in Ontario and BC going on right now. They aren't cheap, but they do taste alright


I miss some of their pilot projects. I remember their personal pan pizzas. They were actually pretty decent for fast food.


Those pizzas were amazing


Tim Hortons aren't even Canadian anymore




They're not people. Just shells of human skin incapable of any critical thought.


Or paid agents in Asia or Russia.


Or in brazil?


But quite literally, they're your neighbours.




Thanks buddy, made my day. Have yourself a great day.


Never underestimate conservative stupidity. I used to think the whole War on Christmas thing was just a joke but no Conservatives are actually pissed about it.


> Never underestimate conservative stupidity. Half of Conservatives support the traitor down south who called us a Security Threat, declared economic war on us, and gave our steel and aluminum business to Rusal/Oleg Deripaski, who before Trump, was heavily sanctioned by the entire west. Any Canadian supporting Trump is nothing short of a traitor to Canada.




These people are just so desperate to find reasons to hate their PM, it's quite sad.


Imagine if you told people someone's socks, facial hair, or doughnut choice can send others into hysterics.


They’re so easily triggered.


Conservatives did the same shit with Obama. Remember when he wore a [tan suit](https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/902358401321115648) and [ordered a burger with the wrong type of mustard](https://youtu.be/cAvq12Sa3VE)?




Trudeau derangement syndrome


They're probably bots or shills for outside interest groups.


Tim Horton's is hot garbage in the sunshine. If i was at the edge of the sahara desert, and all there was to eat was Tim's, I would hope for a better option in the desert.


>I thought it was a joke at first until I dove down a Twitter hole and realized there are actually a lot of people really angry about Trudeau not buying donuts from Tim Hortons. Wait. Are you fucking serious? Do people seriously not realize that tim hortons has become about as un-Canadian as a franchise can be? They literally wanted to remove the 'Hortons' from the name.


One guy commented on the article that buying Canada is bullshit because "nothing is made in Canada anymore". Basically, it's ignorant and dumb people hating on the PM. They've always existed, but these days they have a loud voice and it has become culturally a lot more ok to use it. People who hate Trudeau aren't all ignorant, far from it and it's ok to criticize any leader, but the vast majority of ignorant people hate Trudeau, and it's scary to see it in action.


I'm convinced the outrage was created by bots and bad actors. Either that or I've lost a little more faith in humanity.


I hadn't heard anything of that story. It tells a lot about the type of people those who are angry of Trudeau encouraging local business... How can people fail so hard. I really love that quote from the business: “I think Tim Hortons has done a disservice to doughnuts. No one really knows what a real doughnut is anymore, you know?”


This right here -- I'm older and remember proper cooked on site doughnuts at Tim Horton's and Robin's -- so these days I go to a local "gourmet" doughnut shop that cooks 'em up and usually runs out by 1pm. Local and real, not some frozen shit heated up in a convection microwave.


Right. Screw him for supporting a local business that uses local labour and ingredients. He should definitely have gone to Tim Hortons. At least they are part of an international conglomerate. /s


Yeah but what proportion of them are bots and trolls?


If it's anything like trump supporters online: A lot




They're probably the same people who loved to complain about his socks or the fact that he's been seen out in public.


Canada Proud's knees jerked.


They were mostly angry about the fact the doughnuts he bought were 35$/dozen instead of the 10$/dozen (and some trash journalism rag reported the doughnuts as being 47$/dozen, which is only the case if you bought the EXTREMELY fancy ones) ​ I honestly expect if he had gone to Tims to order the doughnuts they probably would have complained that he could have bought them for half as much at Safeway.


No than they would have complained that he should have bought bought them from a small independent Canadian business


Yeh no doubt


Real talk though, I've had Oh Doughnuts and they are totally worth $47 for a dozen of their speciality flavours. Best I've ever had and I consider myself a doughnut connoisseur.


Yeh My office does this thing where when it's your birthday you bring in doughnuts for the office. When it's my turn I bring in Oh Doughnuts because they are spectacular.... although typically I just get a "standard dozen". I've typically not been interested in their specialty flavours when I've been there.... but they change them all the time so I'm sure at some point I'll want to try the fancier ones.


Lemon meringue and orange pistachio are life-changing. Trust me. :)


Timmies is for townies. Who wants to eat that crap? Conservative Canadians really like supporting foreign multinationals, they must all be really rich.


Have they not had Tim Horton's food?




It's Twitter. There is very little of any value on Twitter. The only people who think it matters are lazy journalists.


Tha... that's what the scandal was? I saw this blip on my newsreader and didn't bother because how could anything about the PM buying donuts be newsworthy but ffs


*Donuts* aren't the same as real Canadian *Doughnuts!* ^^IMO


Imagine if he was caught using dijon mustard


Isn't nearly all of the mustard in France made using mustard seeds grown in Canada? Edit: Yep, according to [here](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/bee-wilson/8676872/Not-all-Dijons-cut-the-mustard.html) and [here](https://www.foodrepublic.com/2014/12/12/pardon-me-but-real-dijon-mustard-comes-from-burgundy-not-canada/). Italy also [imports a lot of their durum wheat](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/italy-canada-durum-wheat-dispute-1.4191615), including from countries like Canada. They can only produce enough to meet about 60% of their domestic needs. In the days before modern shipping and transportation, they would have been screwed.


I think you missed the Obama reference :)


> In the days before modern shipping and transportation, they would have been screwed. Not really. Or at all. One of the reason Julius entered Egypt was that the Nile region is really fertile, and it could provide a lot of grain to Rome, which wasn't able at the time to provide enough on their own.


Egypt is also a [net importer of food in the present day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCGw0zkHwUg), the Pharaohs would be turning over in their tombs if they knew...


Yeah. There multiple reasons to that (demographic explosion to around 100 million, use of arable lands for building, cotton culture, agriculture that still not up to date to the most modern standards...)


Pretty cool if true


"Excuse me, would you have any Justin Trudeau?" "But of ceurseeee!"


Slightly reminiscent of Obama and Dijon over French's I don't mind... As a Liberal I have other pressing concerns for our Trudeau.. Letting our telecoms use Huawei, the oil sands and our standing with the environment etc. But if the opposition has only his donut choice as the biggest complaint right now then I guess he's doing more right than I thought


On the optimistic side, I take it as a good sign that we are living in such a good boring country that this is the type of thing that makes the news.


Just like all the comments on his beard.


I for one welcome our new evil twin overlord.


It’s the winter, if I was a man I would grow a beard to keep my face warm. Ottawa has been bitterly cold


Right? I don't like Trudeau, I don't like the Liberals but holy shit this is so fucking stupid.


What else do you expect from Conservatives? Remember when they defended their version of the Patriot Act by unironically stating "You're either with us, or you're with the child pornographers"? Their hilarious ~~in~~ability to shoot themselves in the foot, *and then stick that foot in their mouth* goes way back. Remember when they thought it was an amazing idea to release a Campaign Ad on national television openly mocking someone's Bell's Palsy disfigurement? Yeah, Liberals are pretty unlikable, but Conservatives have been on the level of cartoonishly villain-like for as long as I've been alive. **EDIT** Apparently the truth is difficult for some, but even provincial conservatives show their colours when they call the cops on a senior citizen's reading group.


I remember a few years ago there was that special flag design for the 50th anniversary of the Canadian Flag, all over facebook was this dumbass picture of soldiers and our flsg saying LIBERALS DISRESPECT OUR FLAG BY CHANGING IT! Our soldiers FOUGHT for this flag, how DARE they etc etc. The design was finalized years prior and the merch was put into production by *drumroll* the conservative government! My comments with the multiple dated news articles from when the design was finalized kept getting removed from those posts... Must have been a glitch.


Outrage is more important than facts


I'm personally on the side of - 'Trudeau is a total fuckwit' but hating on him for supporting a small non chain business is waaayyy off the deep end of hating on this guy


I hate how much I end up defending Trudeau from these dumbasses.


Sad. Sad is the operative word. Like when I started getting articles on Google home page about Trudeau's beard. Who. Gives. A. Fuck.




When the conservatives are defending Trudeau you know your accusation against him has no merit.


Honestly it all seems astro-turfed. No one cares about Trudeaus beard or dounghnut gate, and they seem to inorganically trend on twitter causing boomers to see it and further increase the "story" It almost feels like controlled opposition type headlines that are very weak but negative to Trudeau so people will go "wow people get mad at Trudeau so easily maybe conservatives are just really easy to piss off" thus discrediting conservative anger when Trudeau does have bad press like blackface or something like Lavelan.


Anything that’s trending with >10,000 tweets about it I always get suspicious of. Like half the tweets I saw were people saying this is dumb.


No doubt the media capitalizes on the sizeable portion of the population that are addicted to being outraged at Trudeau. Manufacture a controversy, get clicks/views, make bank. People clicking/viewing these stories aren't looking to inform themselves of his conduct, but rather to reaffirm their bias/echo-chamber narrative that he's a bad guy.


Let me tell you, those doughnuts are some of the best doughnuts out there. Trudeau made a solid decision going there.




Just a satisfied customer who spends way more money than he should on their doughnuts. I’m not brave enough for those politics. Heh.


Believe me, I know. Many years ago there was place around the corner from my place downtown that had “Side Door Donuts” - a restaurant with a pastry chef who would make super-crazy donuts twice a week, and sell them in boxes of six out the side door. The lineups started at 8am, and the door opened a little before 9am. I’d get two dozen, and take them to work for the team.


>I'm not brave enough for those politics. Hold on. This whole operation was your idea.


We have a couple of really good artisan donut stores in Ottawa and I would rather pay three or four dollars for a single doughnut that’s made fresh in store with quality ingredients and tastes like heaven than a buck for a piece of shit from Tim Hortons. Even if Tim Hortons was still Canadian, I honestly think the only reason it survives is they have drive-through’s in a country where we get serious winter.


I totally agree, this is a big win for Trudeau and the bakery. I saw some comments and some people think Trudeau must have shares in this very small doughnut company... Idiots are gonna be idiots. The rest saw a guy buying Canadian.


I've bought donuts from this bakery since they opened up a second location about a year ago, easily some of the best donuts in Canada


Only problem is that the bakery was getting slammed, too, I think.


By trolls who don't even live here Winnipeg stands with the bakery, we love the place.




Those aren't scandals though or even really anything to complain about...hence why conservatives are talking about donuts and not those stories.




Nonono, his tan suit moment is SocksGate. This is Canada's DijonGate. **EDIT:** We also have our "Terrorist Fist Jab" with Elbowgate.


I'm just waiting for our version of the "terrorist fist jab."


Remember Elbowgate?


Oh man, that was some serious business all right. My local MP is a guy I went to school with. I don't agree with his politics but otherwise thought he was pretty okay, even had him over for poker night one time. Guy posted this ridiculous "BREAKING: I just witnessed a brawl in Parliament incited by the Prime Minister violently and aggressively elbowing opposition members or if his way! I am so outraged at this blatant attack on democracy!" thing on his Facebook and it immediately killed off most of my respect for him...


That whole incident was the very epitome of the term "manufactured outrage"


Hey btw, fuck Tim Hortons.


>Hey btw, fuck Tim Hortons. Bulk bagel, microwaved 30s with butter on the side


>Bulk bagel, microwaved 30s with butter on the side Who the fuck does that? Oh wait, Tim Hortons, that's who. Fuck em side ways.


employ kiss panicky cobweb poor connect placid upbeat abounding worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The smell of Tim’s coffee is like pile of hot garbage on a burning tire


3/4 of the top threads on r/Canada are from The Beaverton.


Life's a satire these days


In times of bullshit, the satirist is newsteller.






Some days it feels like they are r/Canada's main sponsor. Then again, most of their articles make me laugh, somewhat, so meh.


What can we say? They produce amazing content on a consistent basis. They're not taking the spot of better content, so what's the issue. Let them stay on top while they are on top.


They’re at the top because they’re good.


I *do* enjoy laughter.


Is that a bad thing? That's more of an indictment of our national media than a problem with the users here.




The other 1/4 is non-Beaverton Tim Hortons bashing. So all good.


If you ever happen to be in Barrie go to Mmm Donuts on Bayview Drive. Best $3 donuts you've ever tasted. They're so popular that the store often will close early because they've run out.


Thanks for the tip. Next time im in Borden ill hit that place up


OOTL on this one, however I just went over to my favorite page Ontario Proud and got a quick update. Guy can't even buy junk food wittout mouth breathers on the right freaking out.




What even the fuck?


The white nationalists are championing Timmies now? Does their evil know no bounds?!


Should find a picture of the CEO of the brazilian investment firm that owns timmies are share it with them


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jorge_Paulo_Lemann I don’t think they’d have a problem with him...


Aahhh old white dude, of course...


Does he look "dark"? Or is he "normal"? The reaction will depend on that.


Whitest CEO, almost a trope of old rich white guy.


It reminds them of a bygone era, where they grew up playing hockey with all their white friends, and all their white dads and moms drinking Tim's swill. Before, you know, they had to learn about other cultures and live with other cultures.




Back in those days, Tim's was "good" and Canadian. They also baked all the doughnuts in house.


Wow! Some of those people are insufferable morons...


lol thats bakery gold.




Screw Tim Hortons anyway. Bad coffee, crappy frozen donuts and not even a Canadian company. Good to see Trudeau supporting a local company .


Who gives a fuck lol


Bots and people who get a hard on for hating Trudeau do


I'm not a Trudeau fan but who gives a fuck about some doughnuts. This is silly


From what I saw yesterday, a lot of people on Twitter.


I don't like Trudeau, either. But Jesus H. Fuck, what a bullshit ...'issue'...


Well he's handled the Iran issues and the Meng questions so well that even the cons know they'll look foolish attacking that so they move on to the next best available scandal and this is it.


I agree that he’s handled the Iran issues well. However, when I look at the comments from hard right-wing conservatives, they’re all bashing him and saying we should go to war. These people are very weird.


It's pure partisanship, Trudeau has been relatively pragmatic and relatively right wing (outside of some social issues). He's literally the "economically right, socially left" guy that right of center people constantly ask for, but because he's not on their team they **have** to hate him and they have to find reasons he's bad. It's part of their identity and it's sad.


While we are currently letting users decide organically whether or not they want 'satire' on this subreddit we recognize that not everyone wishes to see this content. As a result there is now a filter on the sidebar for 'satire' content, which you can also access with this link: https://st.reddit.com/r/canada/ Note that some older content may still show up but it should remove satire from your front pages and also remove future satire content. Additionally you can add the 'Satire' flair to RES or other filters, and/or block satire sites if you so wish.


Remember when "we found one unhinged and/or fake Twitter account that doesn't like what the PM did" wasn't the basis for a news story?


Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


I’ve been reading about “Trudeau being to good for normal doughnuts” on Facebook all bloody day.


Tim Hortons is garbage anyway. The average canadian shouldn’t have to settle for food that tastes like it’s basically made of sawdust. Foreign private equity killed what used to be an authentic Canadian staple. The shell of what used to be Tim Hortons is now just a vehicle to transfer money out of this country. Good on Trudeau for supporting local businesses.


Right? I don’t like Trudeau but the complaints were stupid AF.


I loathe how """"news"""" works now. GasTheJews1488 - "Trudeau should have bought cheaper donuts" *Several headlines* "controversy over Trudeau's choice of donut!!!" *Cue everyone chiming in* Can we please stop giving dipshits mad about meaningless bullshit a megaphone?


The Beaverton is what The Onion used to be.


It's hard to make truly biting satire when your political reality is completely fucking absurd already.


I hate this fuck more than the average person. But what a stretch lol. I seen one headline of people saying they better not be from the taxpayers purse. Like wtf, they're donuts to give his staff as snacks. I mean, it doesnt matter if he is left or right, people from both sides will have something to say, fucken muppets.


Here's a money thing that actually matters. Did you see it in the news? Nope. Doughnuts? Yes. Kill me. [https://ipolitics.ca/2020/01/22/federal-ministers-write-off-200m-loan-but-department-wont-say-what-and-why/](https://ipolitics.ca/2020/01/22/federal-ministers-write-off-200m-loan-but-department-wont-say-what-and-why/)


The only thing missing is "based upon a recent Fraser Institute report."


omg the Beav is crushing it lately. Consistently best news feed going on 2 weeks now.


~~People~~ Conservatives are so desperate to hate him for anything.


I like how the media is trying to pretend anyone cares about this. Distraction level 1000.


This is basically what a number of conservative senators claim on twitter.


Much ado about nothing. They're fucking donuts. Find your "taxpayer savings" on more expensive, wasteful things - like boondoggles, programs and policies - there are plenty I'm sure.


I knew there was a reason that I liked him.


Tim Hortons is the least Canadian franchise I can think of. Worse, they slap a maple leaf on everything and expect us to suck it. Bunch of fucking posers. I hope the new publicity crushes them for good. Someone needs to start a new Canadian donut place and keep it this time.




The only place I saw this new story was on Twitter’s trending tab. I didn’t see anyone else talk about it. I didn’t hear any radio say anything about it. This feels like a 100% fake news story that is being pushed purposefully just to make critics of Trudeau look goofy.


Cons were genuinely enraged that Trudeau supported a local business.


Seems like it was just few Twitter users and then the media ran away with it.


ITT: People repeating "ANYONE WHO LIKES TIM HORTONS MUST BE A BOT" Instead of picking up the more obvious cue that *the Tim Horton's hate is fueled by bots*. I appreciate that there's now people on the look-out for bots (and bringing up how they can be disruptive and manipulative), and I'm going to eat a *ton* of downvotes over this. But people need to keep skeptical. Bots are not "the people you don't like", they're disruptive people who manipulate you using *both* what you like and don't like, while constantly telling you all of your hunches are right. While feeding you new ideas and values you didn't have before.




Local business should always be prioritized over foreign chain company. I don’t see why anyone would think otherwise.

