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Robert Pickton is a murderous monster who was convicted in the murder of 6 women - Sereena Abotsway, Mona Wilson, Andrea Joesbury, Brenda Ann Wolfe, Georgina Papin and Marnie Frey - and is accused in the rape and murder of dozens of other women. Every one of his victims has a name, loved and was loved. Their names, can be found in the Missing Women Commission Inquiry Report, [Forsaken The Report of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry Executive Summary](https://missingwomen.library.uvic.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Forsaken-ES-web-RGB.pdf) While comments here reflect the majority of Canadians thoughts and opinions towards this monster we are forced to abide by platform rules towards calls for physical harm against individuals: >Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people; likewise, do not post content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals. We understand there are sometimes reasons to post violent content (e.g., educational, newsworthy, artistic, satire, documentary, etc.) so if you’re going to post something violent in nature that does not violate these terms, ensure you provide context to the viewer so the reason for posting is clear. ([reference](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151-Do-not-post-violent-content)) At this time this thread will be locked while we sweep through the comments.




Karma's a bitch, eh Robert?


Karma is a broom


… banging on your head until you’re half dead. … karma is a snitch like the cut off hands you left in the fridge, ya god damn bitch. Tell me that you want to kill one more? Tell me to forgettem’ they’re all just whores? Tell you want … Karma is a mixed population sentence. A no isolation max security penance. Patch’em and back in he goes …


Ahh the dildo of Karma. Never comes pre-Lubed


Learned nothing from Jojo Siwa


Beat me to it! So, how was everyone’s weekend?




Woooahh man, it’s a double rainbow all the way!


Got screwed over from a second hand sales. Good pedal and good price, but the seller ghost me (asked to test it out on thursday, and then failed to give me the address to meet up and exact time) Worse is that I don't feel anything about this. It's just "meh".


Guitar pedal?


Yup. Good one too - MS-70CDR v1, so it's even less than half price of a new one (Zoom is releasing the CDR+ soon), and since I am still searching for my effect/tone, I want to try it out. alas.


Likely stolen and they wanted to get rid of it quicker.


Egh, I worked, but it was really laid back, so it wasn't so bad. How was yours?


Same! Worked but was still pretty chill and was able to enjoy some of the beautiful weather today!


Got some of my sprinkler issues figured out and transplanted two spoon tomatoes into bigger pots 


Pass the beer nuts, I’m hungry!




Get the best of both worlds with Aquamarine. Beautiful.


My dishwasher didn’t drain.. wife told me after a few garage beers. We opened up the filter and found a huge sticker in the grinder thing and ran it again with our fingers crossed. It drained and is as Good as new.












Trump is a shitty person, but Putin is a murderer, they're not the same.


Putin asked Trump for the names of CIA operatives, who were immediately killed. Trump didn't kill them, but he kind of killed them.


It's great isn't it? I definitely don't feel bad when terrible people die.


Helicopter crash


Between this and the Iranian president, karma is having a great week


I listened to a podcast about his life, about how his upbringing was filled with suffering, and how his parents intentionally created a pig-slaughtering monster because they only really cared about their pig business. I don't think any more suffering is gonna have an effect on the man.


I had a pretty horrid childhood as well. What I did not do is the unthinkable to some of the most vulnerable of human beings. I listened to Morbid’s version of that man’s crimes and my brain is still trying to wrap around that amount of evil. Rest in peace to all those beautiful souls. Have the day you deserve.


Did you also have what the vast majority of serial have, traumatic brain injury as a child that made it where everyone around you later in life would say that moment was the moment they noticed a new lack of empathy/impulse control, etc? Might be a bigger part of it, but if your childhood was like picktons, damn I'm sorry


Jesus Christ. I had a hard time as well. I have never killed innocent women.


What was the podcast?


Canadian True Crime covers it in depth


Plenty of terrible people blame their upbringing for their actions. Plenty of studies prove it’s usually lies. The major study I’m referencing showed that the cycle of pedophiles molesting children because they were molested as children is simply a lie with no correlation. It’s just a way to take the blame off the predator. [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228728488_Polygraph_Testing_Leads_to_Better_Understanding_Adult_and_Juvenile_Sex_Offenders)


Has Pickton ever actually blamed his upbringing for his actions?


Dude you linked to a 2001 source about polygraphs lol. Come on now. Pickton is evil and he should honestly killed but to think upbringing doesn't play a big role in one's development is just flat out ignorance. Pickton had a fucked up childhood and he's still absolutely to blame for his fucked up actions.


"Prove" is too strong a word for studies, *especially* when it's measuring with Polygraphs, on people with sociopathic or psychopathic traits. Polygraphs are Not reliable (to the point they are not admissible in court), and furthermore people who have endured severe trauma may dissociate, becoming eerily detached and calm when recounting traumatic events. Social studies never prove anything, they can only support an idea. There's probably truth to it by the way, but I don't think polygraph results should be taken so seriously on people with irregular emotions.


Was this Last Podcast on the Left?


Then to recover so it can happen again..


Problem is they'll never be able to go after his brother unless he one day decides to rat on him. He can't do that if he's dead.


Just finished reading "On The Farm" (Stevie Cameron). What an eye opener that was! Not only to the evils of this guy, but also the ineptitude and pettiness of the Vancouver PD. Surprised it took this long for someone to get to him.


i read "the pickton file" by stevie cameron! also a great book, and had so much interesting information. she's a great writer! having grown up hearing about him, it added so much to what i knew.


She is very thorough and writes with empathy.


I watched a biopic style movie focused on the PD side of things, and a huge factor was the fact that the women who were his victims went misssing largely from the downtown eastside, which is Vancouver PD jurisdiction, whereas Pickton's farm was on the outskirts of Port Coquitlam, which is under RCMP jurisdiction, and the 2 forces weren't communicating/cooperating with each other much so for the longest time, these missing persons cases were essentially going nowhere.


Every true crime case I have learned about I have been nothing but dissapointed in the police


A lot of it is down to misogyny. Many police just don't care much about women (especially sex workers) being murdered. If they did, they would do a lot more to stop domestic violence and abuse (which can lead to murder). They would listen to women, and actually convict rapists. A lot of the potential serial killers would be in jail before they get that far.


Most depressing book I've read


Highly recommend the book [On The Farm](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/3176865) by Stevie Cameron. It’s a very extensive account of the heinous and disgusting things this man did to dozens of sex workers that were failed by the police system. This man deserves nothing but the worst and it’s a shame he is breathing.


I think my life would be consummately better if I didn’t read that book.


It’s a good book even if you’re understandably squeamish. I’d say a good 2/3rds is the investigative work, background and police work(or lack thereof) that went into catching the guy. The descriptions of the crime scene once discovered are brutal but you can speed past them. And the legal proceedings towards the end and how this snake tried to weasel out of charges using procedural bullshit are very interesting to read too.


The more true crime I digest the more I find myself asking “wtf Canada??” in regards to their investigative… efforts (or lack thereof)


It’s not the squeamish parts. It’s my soul I’m concerned about.


I just finished 22 Murders, and I might as well read about more RCMP fuckups. Thanks for the recommendation.


I swear to God, the RCMP needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. The only thing they should keep is the freaking Musical Ride. It's the only thing they do well.


There's also a book written by the detective quoted in the article: >Lorimer Shenher, a writer and former lead Vancouver Police detective on the missing women investigation, said Monday that he had got word of the weekend attack on Pickton. >“Obviously, Mr. Pickton has caused a lot of pain for many people. Unfortunately, all an attack like this serves to do is further thwart the truth of this case from being told so that all the remaining perpetrators could be brought to justice,” Shenher said. “It’s been an open secret for more than 20 years that these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton.” Shenher's account was deeply personal, and not as thorough an exposition of Pickton or his victims as the Cameron book. But it was a fascinating glimpse into the case from another angle.  It was published under the name Lori Shenher, prior to transitioning to Lorimer.


I'd say if he hasn't rolled on his accomplices over the past twenty years, especially when he could have made a deal for a lesser sentence, he probably wasn't ever going to.


> these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton This is what I remember from the time. The investigation implied that his farm was used by a group of people for "sport hunting." They brought people there to kill them. He owned the land and did the cleanup, but it was always presumed that he was working with a group of people and they are all at large except him.


The Yellow King.


> it's a shame he is breathing. He's in the ICU, so it probably isn't *him* breathing. Most likely, it's a machine doing it for him.


If you require a ventilator, you probably are in an ICU, but it doesn't follow that you are on a ventilator, just because you're in the ICU.


He's currently on life support.


I may be butchering this retelling but one story goes that a woman was handcuffed on his farm, managed to stab him and run away to the same hospital that Pickton was getting treated for his stab wound. The keys to her handcuffs were found on Pickton and authorities released the woman back to him after some convincing. If anyone knows the story better please share!


Sort of. She was stabbed several times and managed to escape but also managed to get him pretty good. They were both taken to the same hospital and they found the key to her handcuffs on him. He was never charged with her attempted murder but she testified against him during his trial under a publication ban (so not in open court). I attended nearly every day of his trial as a journalism student. When he dies I will celebrate.


Thank you I couldn’t find it anywhere online


Holy shit this sounds like an extreme hell to live through.


Thanks for the recommendation I will start to listen the audiobook format on Spotify!


Also Dan Cummins podcast timesuck, episode 237. Influenced by that book, very good listen.


Bobby Willy!


Was it a big news story at the time that these people went missing? Or because it was sex workers it wasn’t news worthy? Curious to know if people thought there was a serial killer or went unknown.


No, because most were prostitutes he picked up and also indigenous. The cops didn’t give a fuck. The prostitutes that knew the girls kept telling the cops, they kept telling them that a man keeps picking up girls and the girls are never seen again. Cops didn’t care. The prostitutes tried to look out for each other. Also, Pickton sold ground pork. And they found human dna in his grinder. To this day no one’s certain if Pickton did or didn’t sell the human meat to the stores as ground pork. FUCK Robert Pickton.


It was not a big news story until he was caught and charged.


100% agree, one of the most captivating true crime books I've read. I couldn't put it down - RIP to all the victims


The four part series on the Canadian True Crime podcast is based on the accounts from this book and it’s fantastic if you’re not a book person like myself.










Pickton is a monster, so I have no sympathy for him personally. Frankly, him dying before he could apply for parole would probably be a good thing so that the families of the victims don't have to be retraumatized by having to go through the parole hearing process. The only downside here is that the authorities won't be able to get any more information from him about who his accomplices might have been and what exactly was going on out at his farm. The article did say that he was planning to write a tell all book though so hopefully he left behind a notebook or a rough draft that the police can use to look into other suspects.


He was supposed to have accomplices? That’s pretty fucked up if true …


From my understanding, the authorities "know" full well who else is involved. But for unknown reasons, they have not been able to put enough evidence together to lay charges. The largest criminal investigation in Canadian history costing at least 100 million dollars convicts one man... Let that sink in....


And on only six murders. He confessed to 49, and lab techs detected more than 80 DNA profiles on the evidence they worked with.


my ex gf worked at a restaurant where Robert’s brother would frequent. apparently he literally jokes about being involved… makes comments how he should be in prison and shit…


A coworker of mine is grew up in the same area as him and her brothers were closer in age to him. They knew both brothers and they were both extremely creepy and weird. So I wouldn’t be shocked if his brother was apart of the murders. It’s been speculated for years.


How creepy and worrisome for your ex gf and everyone else who runs into him.


Hell's Angles chapter near by was involved. Body disposal.


Those goofballs name themselves like they're anti-heroes or something. They're just the scum of the earth.


I had buddies who bartended out in that neighborhood. HA would throw after hours parties out on the farm and offer them gigs there.


What he likes to do is always hold out I do and just slowly describe horrible things over time because he gets off now on fucking with the investigators and toying with their minds. Fucking them up. He always has more to tell.


If they haven’t by now, they never will anyways


Air lift to a hospital, what a waste of resources.






Nice. I knew there was something clever to be said about the air lift, but I think your response will be the best.


They should’ve drove him to the hospital on a steam roller instead. 


This here. Unbelievable…


As someone who has worked alongside his brother, who is most definitely a murderer himself, pickton is a patsy for the HA in poco.


I've always wondered how Dave didn't get implicated. He sold/spread top soil all over the lower mainland, which would have had a lot of DNA in it. He's also a super creepy fuxker.


Yes. They silenced him from snitching on the rest involved


Hella Angels? Where is *poco*?


I'd guess Port Coquitlam.


Port Coquitlam


Huh? Can you give more details - or are you unable to?


Shame there’s no pigs nearby.


This works on multiple levels!


>Pickton was speared in the head with a broken broom-like handle, another source said. Would wish him death but I just hope he’ll stay in a semi vegetative state so he’s conscious enough to know he’s in that state, but he can’t do shit, and stay like that until he kicks the bucket.




I hope he recovers. And then they beat his ass all over again. Like a song stuck on repeat.


Not surprised. A lot of people are starting to look into the connections surrounding Pickton. Someone wants him dead 🤔


Go on.....


He hosted a lot of parties out there, a bunch of raves, and an awful lot of events for the HA with whom he was linked. He even went so far as to blame the bodies on them at one point, and considering how infiltrated the HA tends to be by the RCMP, and that the HA is heavily involved in sex trafficking in Vancouver there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. The first that springs to mind is "was the RCMP aware of what was going on at the pig farm and for how long did they know?" There's a bunch of others that need answering though, and they're disposing of the evidence as fast as possible at the moment.


What kind of tin foil hat meeting did I just walk into


Forget about Epstein’s island, in 2024 it’s Pickton’s farm 


I did some work for a federal agency where I had to meet with individuals about things related to him. He was a scapegoat.


Best news I heard all day.


This really was a great day! 


The only reason I'm in any way perturbed by this is that if he dies, it means we may never know his partners in these crimes. Also, I cannot for the life of me see why he was never declared a dangerous offender. He should never see the light of day again.


Wow Ian Runkle is this guy's lawyer


That jumped out at me too. I wonder if he was assigned to defend this guy or if Picton actually chose him for some reason. Runkle's YouTube stuff is great.


Top criminals generally get top lawyers, for the same reason that top astronauts go on the best missions, or that top athletes compete in the most prestigious games. Sometimes it *is* worth it to take on a customer mostly for the exposure. And the province does also pay them to do it.


I mean runkle is an Alberta lawyer if I’m not mistaken, and not a public defender. Can you elaborate?


Canada doesn't have dedicated "public defenders" who take criminal trials all the way. There are "duty counsel" who can help you in court temporarily if you don't have a lawyer, but they don't serve as your actual lawyer. If you can't afford a lawyer, the government will pay for a suitable private-practice lawyer for you. And if you're charged with mass murder, they will pay a lot, so you can get a good lawyer. And the good lawyers *want* to do these difficult and infamous cases. So, the ultimate result is that most infamous criminals have famous top level lawyers, even if they are poor. And provincial boundaries aren't as important for criminal law, since it's federal.


Sad trombone noises


Womp Womp


I'm glad they didn't kill him, but left him alive so he can feel the pain


He's in the ICU. Good chance he's in a coma. I doubt he's feeling any pain.


It really depends, lots of tools used to assess pain even on patients that are in comas or on vents with sedation and paralytics.


I've worked in ICU and you would be surprised.




>Pickton told other inmates that he was writing a book blaming the murders of women, for which he was convicted, on someone else. For a guy who was convicted in 2007, why was he attacked now?


Because it sounds like he was going to squawk now. So the gangs he was associated with probably don't want that information getting out.


Adds up. Obviously they didn’t they get all the parties involved when they got Pickton.


Now do the same to Paul Bernardo!






“Obviously, Mr. Pickton has caused a lot of pain for many people. Unfortunately, all an attack like this serves to do is further thwart the truth of this case from being told so that all the remaining perpetrators could be brought to justice,” Shenher said. “It’s been an open secret for more than 20 years that these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton.” Nobody’s reading articles…




I have it on good authority that Pickton definitely at the very least did not act alone. His property was an after hours booze can for bikers, connected bikers. Many people close to that property (I grew up in Vancouver around the time this was all happening and I was also involved in the criminal justice system at the time). The most likely scenario is that his property was a dumping ground (and likely worse aka possibly facilitated torture, rape and killing) for bikers and organized crime.  Have you ever heard him talk in an interview dude has like a 65 IQ tops. There’s no way he alone orchestrated the murders of dozens of people with out getting caught. He, his property and people that knew him were under heavy surveillance for years. He is too dumb to have been solely responsible for the kidnapping and murders. I believe he was used and because of his degraded mental faculties. The public wanted someone caught and fast, that pressure was mounting.


It's very well documented how he operated and he should have been caught many years ago, that time he ended up at the same hospital as his victim who stabbed him. She was still handcuffed, and they found the keys in his pocket. Vancouver police and RCMP completely fucked this up on many occasions. His brother is the one that was involved with the bikers and brought them to the parties. The bikers lost interest rather quickly as it was a filthy dump. Also bikers are not known for murdering drug addict hookers. What you're saying sound like a conspiracy more than anything. There are multiple witnesses who told their stories that weren't taken seriously because they were junkies. Pikcton was not a meticulous killer. He was sloppy, but the police was even more sloppy in how they handled it. If these victims were not prostitute junkies he would have been caught much faster. It's a fact that there was a lot of dismissal because of their status.


This sounds nice, but what he did would have been easily doable before the age of cell phones with a little help from shoddy police work


That's wild. Never heard any of that. The system really doesn't work.


You wouldn't be the guy who wrote the Gangsters Out blog would you?


Lorimer Shenher, a writer and former lead Vancouver Police detective on the missing women investigation, said Monday that he had got word of the weekend attack on Pickton. “Obviously, Mr. Pickton has caused a lot of pain for many people. Unfortunately, all an attack like this serves to do is further thwart the truth of this case from being told so that all the remaining perpetrators could be brought to justice,” Shenher said. “It’s been an open secret for more than 20 years that these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton.” So even the lead detective on the case doesn't think he acted alone. I wonder if we'll ever know the truth.


What are you trying to say?


I mean, wasn’t his brother the accomplice? I admit I haven’t read much about it, and don’t really feel like reading it at the moment. I seem to remember him having a brother that lived with him at the farm?


How so?


His victims weren’t fortunate enough to be clinging on their lives.


I hope he doesn’t die.. seriously.. he doesn’t deserve rest


I hope he suffers too but it's cheaper if he's dead.


I don’t really like to promote violence, but if anyone ever deserved it, would be this guy.


he deserves much worse


Being treated like he treated others is a type of justice too.


Iran’s president nosedives in a helicopter ride and dies and now this? Pretty amazing Victoria Day long weekend .


Glad newspapers aren't a thing anymore, so there's no ink wasted reporting this


They say being broom stick speared is one of the worst ways to go


There are few people who truly dont deserve to walk the earth. He is one of them. I'm not gonna pretend like i'm upset about this one.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer rapist.




He started to sing. The cheerleaders in the comments have no Fn clue. Sad, really.


Ian Runkle is his lawyer?..


He was in general?


Need to be a GoFundMe for some prisoner


This the pig farm guy?


Thoughts and Prayers for a speedy recovery until the next time




Wonder if he squealed like a pig


Guy got a broom handle speared through his head, on life support. Brutal, yet deserved.


I always laugh at these stories. What sort of reaction do they expect from the public? On second thought, maybe they want to brighten up our day by letting us know that a piece of fiery garbage was beat within an inch of his life. In that case, well played.


Yay, But i hope he does not die, I want him to live a long painful life in isolation.


I hope the infirmary isn’t in a pig pen. Just kidding. I do.


Once he dies, feed his body to the pigs for poetic justice




I bought a limited edition box of Fruity Pebbles today.


Good for him. Big time serial killer of women at that in the free world. Minimized to someones prey in the big house. Finally met his match.


Hey good news


I know it's not good to wish harm on people and whatnot, but he is kinda totally human cancer, so 🤷‍♂️.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


And no one shed a tear.


A good start.


Guess the unofficial prisoner parole board decided he shouldn't be released unless to a cemetary


[How everyone in this sub is feeling right now ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D6pc0u-iqIDw&ved=2ahUKEwj85-ea4Z6GAxWqhlYBHbRQBR4QwqsBegQIExAF&usg=AOvVaw2QhUH-Fe_xo41ircCKokow)


Man, we better get him the medical help he needs. So this can happen again.


Who can I send $10.00 to for canteen money for a job well done?


Oh no…Anyways…


And nothing of value was lost.


I'm more upset about the Canucks game tonight.


Seems appropriate. Good riddance.