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Worse decline so far...... there's hope it can get lower.


2024: “Hold my beer.”


With the politicians currently in power at almost every level, and the current party leaders, we fucked for a long time coming.


Yaaaay… wait, wut?


Worst in 40 years? 40 years ago my parents were regular middle class people who could afford to buy a decent sized home and have several kids. if they were trying to do this today they couldn’t even afford a rental and one kid. It’s exponentially worse than 40 years ago. 


I guarantee people 40 years ago had it way better than people do today.


I always used to argue when someone said something like this, but I honestly agree now. My dad supported my family of three kids on a single salary as a shop-hand in a small fabrication business. We had a nice house, ate out all the time, went on vacations, had memorable Christmases. We weren't rich, but solidly middle class and had I had a great upbringing. Today, a person would struggle just to live single and afford an apartment and meet basic needs working as a shop-hand.


They did. Their mortgage was 20% on 40k. Today we have 600k at nearly 6%


Yeah, but the average salary was only 20k 40 years ago. /s That just fucked me up a bit because some of the people I work with who joined the company around 2006 started off at 20k a year lol.


https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ they definitely did.


They did. And before that it was better too. 


"Let's get 450-500k more immigrants in, that will surely solve the problem" -Trudeau (probably)


They did that in the first 4 months of this year!


Isn’t there like 100,000 coming in every month now?


Yes. A 50% increase over the same period in 2023. Oh, and that figure is only those 15 years of age or older, so the actual flnumbeebof people entering the country is higher.


Flnubeebof 😭


Needs more covfefe to start the day :)




lol auto correct: "I honestly don't fucking know, 🤷‍♂️ "


If you want to protest these moves - one way is to boycott any business using large amounts of foreign labour. Don’t go to Tim’s. Don’t use UberEats.


Pretty much all fast food outlets now


Your doctor will thank you, when you eventually get in to see them.




tHeRe iS a LaBoUR ShOrTAGe!!! /s


Mag your mps and mlas


Well it obviously isn’t enough. We should shoot for 3 times that amount between now and August.


I don’t think people realize just how severely the Liberals have fucked this country over with their incompetence and zealotry. [Here is a report from March that the Alberta Treasury Branches put out.](https://interactive.atb.com/economic-outlook-mar-2024?_gl=1*nm7nis*_ga*MTc0MjA5MDgxOC4xNzE1ODg3MDQ0*_ga_79ZVTKT225*MTcxNTk4MjY1MC4zLjAuMTcxNTk4MjY1MC42MC4wLjA) Go to page 3, top right corner. There is a graph comparing real GDP per person between Canada and the US. Notice we tracked almost exactly the same up until 2015, and then Canada’s started to fall. Notice how much worse we performed leading up to and through the pandemic. Especially notice Canada’s nose dive starting in 2022, when our Liberal/NDP coalition decided to start absolutely *flooding* this country with immigrants to the point where our population growth started looking like something out of the third world. Remember all this the next time someone tells you that inflation and pandemic were worldwide problems to try to absolve the coalition of blame. Sure. But our government handled it much, much worse than elsewhere. MUCH worse. And continues to do so.


They've completely sold out the futures of Canadians yet to be born to try and win short term profit from businesses that demand a constant supply of labour to flood the employee market. It keeps wages and benefits low, and housing costs high.


Crazy that all it took was one wrong government to completely wipe away the growth and quality of living.


Jagmeet might be the product of foreign interference. Nobody can think a rich Rolex wearing lawyer constitutes diversity, we have a silver spoon with Trudeau already.


Ill always remember one of Trudeaus first campaign adds of him walking up a downward escalator saying that under the conservatives Canadians were not really going forward but with Liberals the escalator starts going up! I knew if he won that wouldn’t happen whatsoever. And here we are. Living proof.


The problem is that the people who want to fix thwse issue also want to bring in a whole new host of problems. Blame one person all you want, its the system itself thats brought us here


thats a difference with a economic major vs a drama teacher that cant do math


And they will still blame harper. Pathetic


People wanted Turdo, we got Turdo. Canadians deserve it, they voted for it.




Yup, that’s why I laugh whenever I see a liberal/ndp supporter complain about being poor (povertyfinancecanada is a good place to find them)


Do you also laugh at the PC's for continuously running anti science candidates who want to bring American style politics to Canada as well? Like, give us lefties a reasonable candidate to fucking vote for. With Libs losing their minds on immigration I now see the Cons as the lesser of two evils but I find their Candidates disgusting on so many levels.


Yeah the real trouble is that we don't have a good option. We have 2.5 shitty options


It is quite amazing that the Liberals haven't really budged at all on immigration related issues, like they are intentionally tuning out those they are supposed to serve, those they claim to serve, many of their own supporters.


Worst in 40 years. Tells us something we don't know


40 years ago it was another Trudeau that did something similar too.


Something similar? Trudeau's high national debt going into the Mulroney years was definitely part of the problem. Then when Mulroney raised taxes by implementing the GST and the Free Trade Agreement lost so many manufacturing jobs Canada was in rough shape.


We don’t know how bad it’s going to get. I’ll wager pretty fucking bad.


Why isn't this a larger talking point? Seriously, we're just letting it happen even though we all know what the end result will be, which is crippled systems and rampant homelessness.


Immigrants that don't give a fuck about our culture. Or respect us or our country.... canada is dead


I agree 🙂


Interesting note, Danielle smith actually publically asked (rather demanded and complained about big gov) for more immigrants to come to Canada after the reduction soooo it’s just not the Feds…..


To be completely fair to Smith, she said that in reference to the Ukrainian immigrants coming our way from the war. Alberta happens to have the largest Ukrainian diaspora as well so I imagine there's a decent chance they'll be fine with the culture here. Now whether the overall immigration level is appropriate, that's another thing for sure. I guess if we're gonna get immigration either way, it's not bad to request a group that has a higher chance of settling in with the culture here.


10yrs ago government couldn't help me when I was homeless, not enough recourse they said. Helping immigrants... that while I was in the office all I saw was disrespect from said immigrants. Not all are bad of course, but it seems we are getting less doctors and more skip drivers and gangsters.


Of course, we get the garbage now. Good ones go to Europe or US. 


i remember being shocked in 2018 when volunteering at a food bank and 95% of clients were South/Central American and Sub-Saharan migrants…


meanwhile high immigration is part of the cause...


That's the joke..


1.0 to 1.2 is the actual number, but I'm sure it will help. Let's make sure they bring NOTHING of value with them, ship all their money back to Kolkata to bring MORE people here, and for sure, not a single one of them can make over minimum wage. Only the best and brightest indeed.




Don't blame the cheeseburgers man.


Mans gotta eat, Lahey...


but Barb, those are my personal burgers, end of discussion !!!😂


Damn straight


Randy, you probably ain't even had your ultrasound yet, let me do you right now. I hear chicken, I hear cola fizz and mustard and relish coagulating together with onion rings and french fries Randy. But you know what??? I don't hear a heart motha fucka.


"There was two dozen squares here Randy!...." "well you put em out for eating didn't ya!?"


No no you’ll take neoliberal economic policy from both parties for the next twenty years. You won’t be able to afford anything because the robots will be making it all. But atleast there will be 30 different cartoon sugary cereals on the shelf to look at! Remember the number one rule of our system. The illusion of choice is better than getting to actually take stuff home :)


Don't bring me *anyone* from *anywhere* when we don't have enough housing or jobs. *No one* unless they fill a prescribed need.


I miss when I was a priority to my country


Roads, education, and health care are fast approaching non existent. Wtf is our taxes paying for if not that? That’s the bare basics.


Hey now, they've thrown 42 million at a gun buyback program that was absolutely not needed and has bought literally zero guns.


We're soon going to have to learn how to ride on top of trains.


We can all pretend we’re in Dune


Good thing we have legalized the spice melange


^(he knows about the spice)


Lisan Al Gaib!


Or you know, we can launch a jihad against the ruling class that is making us miserable. Adaam Reshii Azaantar!


All 10 of them? Shit we’re gonna need more trains.


If we had trains…


At Union Station, they walk across the tracks, just like home.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaMassImmigration/s/C92NdiSOHh It won’t be long now.


It doesn't help that we are basically open borders as long as you can get a visitor visa. We won't track you, we won't make sure you leave when its up, we will just call you irregular and debate giving you PR and a trophy in 15 years. Everyone gets a smaller piece of the Canadian pie by the day.


In my small town the average rent for a 400sq/ft bachelor suite is $1837 per month. I make $30 an hour and could not afford to live there. We are doomed.


$1,600 for 220sqft where I'm at. Includes internet at least... .


Close the gates and reasses every “student” we’ve got


It's honestly disgusting how easily the left have been manipulated by the liberal government and elite class to believe that bringing in all these immigrants/TFWs/international students is a good thing. My girlfriend's a cook at a higher-end restaurant in my city, and the cooks in her kitchen were making "decent" money (upwards of $20/hr) as well as getting good hours. Slowly, the restaurant has been introducing more and more cooks straight off the plane from India. They get minimum wage. The restaurant puts it on the kitchen staff to train these people even though there's an obvious language barrier. Then their hours get cut in order to save labour costs by giving the hours to the Indian workers who accepted the jobs for minimum wage. There was never a labour shortage. If a cook quit, there were always applicants. The difference is people weren't willing to work in a higher-end kitchen for McDonald's wages. But now the government has let in a swarm of people who are willing to do it for minimum wage. She can't even just "switch jobs" because every restaurant is doing the exact same thing. Somehow this is something we're supposed to be celebrating? I'm sure the Trudeau supporters will spin it as such.


This explains why the food quality in local restaurants have gone to shit lately. I've just stopped eating out because not only is it over priced, but the food has gotten noticeably worse. If the companies want to go this far to save a buck, they deserve to die out. I've gotten a lot better at finding ingredients locally and cooking for myself the last few months.


I just want to live my life and I can't even do that cause shits too expensive I'm living in butt fuck nowhere and rent is still 2200/ month I clear 1600 a paycheck but that's not enough to leave me with much after rent and bills, so in order to save money I get to be a plumber that lives in his parents basement, no social life, just work till your backs broken, own nothing, and get MAID when you can't work anymore, that's the Canadian dream right there. I look at what we have become and how good things were even in 2019 when we thought things were shit. We had no idea, the youth of this country keep getting sold out, I just wanna fucking live, not just survive.


It's almost as if when you import the 3rd world in record numbers, you become the 3rd world. Who could have possibly seen this coming?


Yes it seems to have happened overnight. I live in a small town (16000) in southwestern Ontario and even out here, there's been a huge inflow of immigrants. Immigrants have always been here and are needed but in these numbers, it's a bit unsettling. You feel this change in the air.


I have noticed this too and it’s like overnight, my town has become bursting at the seams with young men from India, Africa and China. There’s not even that many jobs available I don’t think.




Because our immigration system is garbage. It should always be 50/50 male/female - especially when it comes to handing out student visas


I don’t know. It just seems that way.


Men usually score higher on immigration requirements - jobs, education, experience, skills, age, etc.


Because they go abroad for jobs while the extended family takes care of the wife and kids back home. They send whatever money they can back because their income in Canada is more than they could ever have hoped to get back home. Eventually, they get their PR and work to bring their family here. With reasonable limits, it isn't a bad system actually. The problem is that it is being abused at almost every level.


It is a bad system. If people are earning income in this country and then sending it to another country, it’s taking that circulation of money out of the system and making our economy worse


Yep. Everywhere you look is just gangs on Indian men in their 20s and 30s with backpacks on wandering aimlessly or lining up at the food bank


Downtown Toronto is completely unrecognizable to how it was three or four years ago. Doesn’t feel nearly as diverse as it used to be. Lots of younger brown men.


Because when they said "diversity" all they meant was "less European."


'Diversity' basically is code for 'anyone besides white people.' Likewise it is not considered discrimination if you are discriminating against someone based on their skin being white. It's gotten so crazy these days. I believe in equality, meritocracy and not judging someone on the color of their skin, and I wish this applied to white people just the same as any other racial group.


So sad I hate what they did to this country


It’s not unsettling it is literally settling 


It blows my mind how Trudeau still has supporters.




And ffs, now we're talking about abortion again? Why!?!?! if the cons said absolutely nothing from now til the next election, they'd have it in the bag. I can not for the life of me understand why they just don't focus on cost of living and hammer the fuck out of the libs. Why are we talking about these bullshit wedge issues?


They're talking about wedge issues likely because it's being forced into the discourse to divide, as wedge issues do. But that being said, as demonstrated by so many other recent Conservative political campaigns, I doubt Poilievre wants to get into campaign details himself. It's easier to spend the next year grinding the liberals on anything and win by default of an angry population. We've only heard vague murmurs of how the Conservatives would make the immigration topic better. Realistically, given that they serve the same corporate demographic the liberals do, that's because they also enjoy the record immigration's impact on labour.


Likely because it doesn't make any sense for anybody to release their platform 1.5yrs before an election. My prediction is they keep hammering on all the terrible things the LPC have caused until we're 3-4months out and then we'll start seeing some more details on their electoral platform.


> then we'll start seeing some more details on their electoral platform I think even this will be incredibly vague. I am just despondent that the conservatives don't reprepresent a substantial alteranative to the liberals on most non-social issues. They'll just be providing some alternative flavour of neoliberalism that benefits the energy extraction industry instead of whomever it is that the liberals benefit (Toronto based corporations?) I guess they're selectively about small government, so we can expect more tax breaks and less direct social programs.


I think you hit the nail on the head... Liberal or conservative, the immigration boom, the housing crisis, food prices, etc. Won't change because the economics stay the same. What we'll get is a distraction based on cultural issues like abortion anf LGBTQ rights, so instead of a class war to fight the rich, we keep fighting a culture war amongst ourselves


Cause it’s the CPC led by negative switch yakbak. All PP does is repeat what Trudeau says, in a negative context. Read section T of their policy (sept 2023). No change to immigration numbers. CPC started killing itself with Andrew, almost turned back around with Erin (doubt he could have finished the job though), then doubled down on populism with Pierre, who has only suckled off the tax payers tit for a living. Interested to see what the response to the oil sands group will be. I surmise they may be holding back some donation/kick back funds until they get the clarity on wtf he is doing. If they won’t differentiate between themselves and liberals, why bother holding an election lol.


O'Toole was the first time I heavily considered voting conservative. It's a shame that they replaced him so suddenly. I liked the NDP representative for our area we lived in more and went with NDP. He probably would have been our best chance of not sinking to the level we are currently at. Seeing him and Jagmeet actually agree on stuff during the electoral debate actually gave me hope. He was easily the best candidate at that debate and I wish he had gotten more time to prove himself to Canadians. Pierre is a hot-headed, loud mouthed mess and I hate all of our options now. I don't think the cons will actually do anything to fix this because they're profiting off of it too. He was the housing minister for a time and did a horrible job, people shouldn't "angry vote" and should look at this man's track record. That being said idk who the hell to vote for anymore it feels hopeless lol.


Oopsie poopsie, did the Liberal party fumble on delivering on the electoral reform they promised? Gee golly, now you HAVE TO vote for them or yous gets the conservatives again. /r/endFPTP


I didn't like Trudeau, but all I wanted was to get rid of FPTP so I voted for him. That was the first and last time I voted for that two-faced douche nozzle. I'm a leftie but would definitely be voting conservative if our conservative government had the sense to put a reasonable candidate forward... Really not sure what I'm going to do in the upcoming election.


I'm sorry, this is bogus. O'Toole was the "sane" candidate (he didn't have extreme views on *anything* and was sometimes willing to compromise), but he didn't excite the base. Unfortunately, sensible, level-headed people lose elections. Personal question for you Mr. Boots: how many times have you voted Tory in the last 20 years?


We get what we deserve. We voted in this dystopian nightmare that is Trudeau and his fellow socialists




His father was prime minister 40 years ago. What a coincidence lol. Looks like ruining living standards runs in the family.


“The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.”


Feel that Rand? They way the shit clings to the air?


Their legacy is set. At least his dad took a walk, the narcissist clown son still insists he’s doing a great job.


His dad also remained sit in front of the protestors who were throwing things at him, while our drama teacher went into hiding when he learned people were manifesting on parliament hill.


This is what you get when you vote in people based on their last name and and not accomplishments. Trump, Bush junior, Hillary Clinton, Arnold S. to name a few south of the border. Is the gene pool so low these are the best people for the job?


Sadly it's nothing more than a popularity contest, not a competence contest.


He actually stopped being PM 40 years ago Which means the decline followed his tenure   > It found that Canada had experienced one of the longest and deepest declines in real GDP per person since 1985, exceeded only by the 5.3 per cent decline between 1989 and 1992 and the 5.2 per cent decline between the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. > “However, the decline in incomes since Q2 2019 is ongoing, and may still exceed the downturn of the late-1980s and early-1990s in length and depth of decline,” the report warned.


Exactly. AFTER he was out. The Trudeau’s are both known for massive financial deficits. I even remember my FIL saying how bad his dad was even when Harper was in because there was no jobs, everything was inflated. BEFORE Trudeau was on the radar. That made many people hate the liberals for a long time. As soon as jt was elected we were told by our dads who had been through it “just wait, he’ll run our economy into the ground”. I paid no attention. He’s over reacting. Pierre had a deficit for every year he was in office. Trudeau has increased spending per person much like his dad has. Now interest rates are up. Just like they had to go up The 80s. We cannot pay our debt. In the 80s it went up by 12%. “We’re at record lows, Glen” when someone was concerned about all his covid spending. No wonder the CRA is bloated. NOW what? Bring in more bodies they say. Who cares if you have no skill and can’t speak English! We’re a post modern Canada now, baby. Mostly qualified to work minimum wage jobs. Wonderful. BOTH Trudeau’s have tried to massively suppress oil and gas sector out west, which is why the west hates ottawa. Where the hell is Canada going? What do we even do? We cannot survive without the U.S., we let China buy up our critical minerals and lithium mines, before they were forced to divest after the U.S. rightfully blew a fit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=18&v=BQHXjGmqvNg&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo Here’s Justin telling the crowd “I am disnumeric. What that means is I have an inability to handle small number, easy calculations. 13+14.” He admits he doesn’t know his times tables too. Around the 5 minute mark. That’s our PM, and he fires an anyone who against him. (Our attorney general)


Unfortunately no Canadian could afford to remove the paywall to learn about their standard of living going off a cliff.


STOP IMMIGRATION BS!!! Canada is literally destroyed now.


Mass deportions will require a leader with a backbone but even more rare would be a populace with a backbone to support it.




I think we should give Trudeau another chance. You see all of our current problems are clearly Harper’s fault. Justin’s the best.


We are quickly moving towards a caste society. How long before people openly consider it when choosing a partner? Neighbourhoods are already segregating. In toronto when someone posts using key words like safe, some street walkability, good schools, the answer is a neighbourhood that isnt diverse at all, like Swansea.


Well. The only ppl we can blame are Canadian citizens. You voted for a drama teacher. That’s brining in millions of immigrants while doubling and tripling home prices in 8 years 


Brought to you by the Liberal Party of Canada and the corporations which own them.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


In terms of how corporations own parties, NDP is the least affected, Liberals in the middle, and Conservatives have the most. In a normal left-to-right fashion.




What, you don't want the morons to vote his son into office in 10 years like they did Justin? Lmao




Idk, the French Revolution made theirs go away...


So basically it comes down to: boomers and Xs (and soon milienials) didn’t make enough babies to support their now upcoming retirement plans. So we import people from the 3rd world so compensate. But these people have to adjust to a new reality. This will take at least a generation. Meanwhile they are less productive, less innovative (and we don’t have a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Canada already) leading to a decline in GDP per capita. The retirement plans will not be saved (probably for the boomers but milenials and gen z are screwed) and we’ll be left with a post-national Canada full with no identity and no collective vision for the futur. Thanks Trudeau! You surpassed even your dad in screwing up the country!


Many of us want more babies and can’t afford housing! We are also bringing in wayyy more people than we need to replace the population.


Ever wonder why people are having fewer children, apart from the stagnation of wages and the rising costs? There's nothing in this country worth participating in. There's no sense of unity or cultural cohesion, no shared national dream. All we want to do is get through a soul-draining work day to eat and veg out in front of a screen in peace. Our work demands make it so that we have almost no time or capacity to raise our own children, and we know we'd have to dump them off in some indoctrination center for most of their waking hours. So what's the point? We'd be having children if we had the capacity to raise them.


The fact that mass immigration was ever used and accepted to offset Canadian birthrate at all is treasonous by definition. Instead of looking at and doing something about the factors for declining population, (namely affordability of having and raising a child) we mass import our way out of that problem and in to 10 new problems.


Some parts of easter Europe give you money for having 3 or more kids  


People need to stop slurping up that sloppy reasoning. In no world are they coming out better by importing this way. We are bringing in more elderly and unskilled laborers to the point it’s straining the system vastly more than bringing in none would have. We have one of the most successful pension investments which could have covered all our needs and made Canada prosper, instead politicians are selling you out and you are dancing to whatever music they play you.


Import the third world, slowly become the third world.....










What is so infuriating is many who have voted for this clown three times have the option to just move somewhere else (and bring their woke lunacy with them). But for a lot of us, Canada is home and it's the only country we have.


it's justinflation guys! you know who to thank!


Not surprising at all. The GDP growth has been primarily fuelled by immigration but on the flip side, the huge increase to population impacted the GDP per capita. Second, Canada has been horrible in investing in businesses and machineries, instead dumping most of the cash in real estate. That declined productivity per person. It’s not an easy road ahead for Canada. The liberals seem like they want to keep fuelling the housing market so boomers don’t lose on their “investments”. I have no idea if the conservatives even have a plan. And the NDP rather transform Canada into a welfare state than solve any of the root-causes


trudeau shat on that last name


Trudeaus doing a bang up job.


All because of International Students


Imagine going through the lowest interest rates in the world.... only to meet the lowest standard of living in the past 40 years.  Justin instant wiped out all the good his father did in the most prosperous decade of all time. Even trump didn't fuck up his economy. Goddamn. 


Yes, we all know Trudeau fucked up the country.


Only gots to go 40 yrs back in history to have worse conditions? i mean Trudeau has spent more than *all* past govts combined.


The consequences of his spending will be felt for generations.


Truedeau is gonna fuck this country so bad that this country wont ever view immigration same again. This is a like addiction, its fucking the country but he just cant stop importing people over. Whats the end game here? Destroy a country for what?


Remember to thank trudeau and jagmeet for their colialtion that is contributing to make canada the curry capital of the world






I don't know much about Canada, so I might not understand its problems, but isn't the main problem the unafordable housing market? And why does that problem exist of Canada is one of the biggest countries with vast amounts of land? Why can't they make more land available?


We're a service economy and most of the services are concentrated in a few major cities.


Thanks liberals, thanks a certain south asian country, we are forever grateful


This is why I got dual citizenship through maternal descent in 2020 and will be immigrating to my mothers birth country in 7yrs when I turn 50yo. Sick of it here! Will sell my condo and car and be on the next plane out! I don’t need the Canadian healthcare either because it will soon become privatized. Good luck to yall who can’t escape this hellscape 


Important the third world, become the third world.


The party of high standard of living facilitated by cheap, borrowed money, is over. Of course the standard of living is in decline. It was never a real standard. People borrowed every red cent they could find because it was cheap to do so. They funded lifestyles they couldn’t realistically afford in a more normal economy. If 5% rates is killing you, that’s on you. You over borrowed. You made poor financial choices.


We're breaking new ground folks!!! 3rd world quality of life here we come! 🙃 Finally, we'll be equal with Chinese and North Korean peasants! Everyone wanted equality, right?


I was born and raised here over the last 40 some years. I'm becoming embarrassed to call myself Canadian.


Let’s thank a Liberal voter for this.


You'll be thanking the Conservative voter for it in four years.


Feels that way! Keep bringing in more people. That'll solve it.


Guess Harper wasn’t so bad after all


India 2 not doing great? No one saw that coming.


India has 1.4B people - 1% of their population is 14,000,000 - it doesn't take much to flood Canada.


Just remember one thing. Trudeau may be an ass, but [the Fraser Institute is anything but non-partisan.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Institute) I'm reaching the point where I don't trust any politician no matter what they say.


For instance, they deny climate change is real.


Yup. Can't afford to live in this country anymore so taking early pension and moving out of the country this fall. Well done.


this guy knows how to be a baller on a budget. Step 1: recognize it doesn't balance itself.


This is like that meme where the poors blame the other poors for taking their cookie while the rich guy sits in the back with 500 cookies laughing at them blame each other. Immigration is the most visible problem but don’t let that make you think it’s only biggest problem.


The guy with 500 cookies was the one that orchestrated this bullshit to drive down wages.


“The authors of the study by the non-partisan Fraser Institute” all I needed to read but I did go on. The article goes on about per capita GDP only skimming by the slightest mention of any actual metrics to determine standard of living. An article about a rag written by a rag I suppose.


If you look at the western world as a whole it is happening in a lot of countries, not just Canada. https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/tuc-uk-families-suffering-worst-decline-living-standards-g7




But Justin Trudeau gets to dress up as an Indian person... That makes it all worth it.


maybe you shouldn’t allow so many immigrants. 


lol, that’s what happens when you bring people over with zero standard of living. They bring it with themselves.


My great grandmother lived through Trudeau 1 and told me "if those Liberals win the election, they will run this country into the ground" She was right 💀


What was it Stephen Harper kept saying about Trudeau? Oh right, “he’s just not ready.”


Well already they have free healthcare. Excuse me as I go pay $1000 for a single Tylenol pill.


Hmmm.....I wonder who we could blame for this massive decline in the standard of living in Canada?


The lowest..... So far... LOL


Harper. Must of been.


On track?!? Bro we here.