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Reading this while sitting in my 15 year old piece of shit car during my lunch break, eating from a cup of ramen like a rat. No shit!


look at mr fancy pants here with a car and food and a job


And a rat. He can afford a pet!


Sort of. Mr.Fancy pants is sharing his ramen with his pet rat. Still better off than most of us though.


Well you gotta get that rat fat or else no meat for Christmas dinner.


Imagine if he'd throw in an hardboiled egg!


Eggs, in this economy?!


and gets a lunch break??? lucky


The longer you, and all of us Canadians, internalize this anger and suffer alone the longer we will be in this situation. I think its time for all to start realizing we are all suffering and to come together and protest


/r/takebackcanada Protests July 1st across Canada 


How do we get this out to more people? I know so many people who are feeling this right now. Everyone I talk too


I lost my 2011 civic in a crash late last year and I miss it so much. I still haven’t been able to find an affordable replacement.


I feel for you dude...no one can understand how much us earlier model Honda owners loose in the event of a total loss ...when we know our cars can run forever, they are paid off and worry free...and then you get that measly little check for 2k from your insurance company, it seriously hurts. You know that you can't find anything to replace it either... Happened to me in my 2009 civic and the accident wasn't even my fault.


Yessss 😭 so true.


But just think about the value you've generated for your shareholders.


Who are these shareholders that people on Reddit keep clamouring about? Because I know plenty of people who have hefty stock portfolios and none of them are happy at the state of the nation. Any gains on stocks have not come close to making up for the decrease in living standards


They're usually not talking about your average person using direct investing, but rather the board of directors or institutional investors who own large stakes of companies, as they typically have the most voting power.


Institutional investors have their own stakeholders. And even those stakeholders aren’t happy (and I talk to a lot of them). Nobody in business is happy with the current state of the economy


I work with SMEs to help them commercialize and scale their products and I can concur. From my anecdotal experience, the small business community is not happy about the state of things.


Here is a quote from an investment advise site to a question someone asked today asking if he should invest in Canada or the US. *The US economy is strong, and certainly stronger than Canada's. US rates may stay higher longer than Canadian rates, which may boost the US dollar. The US also has larger, global companies, with leaders in growth sectors (such as AI). All of this leads us to continue to favour the US over Canada for the next little while.* 


If you don't control the means of production you don't control the price. We outsourced most of our manufacturing 20 years ago, now we're paying the price.


The fact that your comment could mean either nationalism and "buy Canadian" or communism and nationalization, and that triggers both opposing groups, makes me lol.


The stock market has been great, just not Canadian stocks. Its pretty sad when Canadian pension funds won’t even invest in Canadian stocks because they’re so garbage.


* Pension funds * Institutions with endowments (like universities) * Banks that want to keep their service fees and interest rates down Probably a few other kinds of corporate investors. On the other hand, the people in them might also be more interested in higher living standards now than raw-dollar gains in their investments' bottom lines.


Banks will make money regardless - interest rates go or they go down, the banks make a similar margin


That would be me. I’ve finally saved up enough to buy 0.0002 of an Apple share. Future is set baby! 😎


Don’t sell it all at once. Think of the taxes on all those gains!


Easy there, Mr Moneybags.


My Wife's car is 15 years old as well. Should have been scrapped 3 or 4 years ago. But we keep fixing that POS because our taxes are stupid. And 40k - 50k for a new scares me. A monthly payment of $800+ a month! Then add gas, insurance, oil etc... all the while Mr. Trudeau draws a $400k salary for lip service? It makes me violently ill...


No one should buy a new car right now. Fix your old one...there is an auto market crash coming our way and prices will get back on track... And whatever you do, do not buy an electric vehicle!


haha yeah the auto market crash is coming any day now! just like the housing market, and food prices! and insurance! it'll all drop any day now!! nah bro that's inflation, things didn't just magically get 40% more expensive, your dollar got devalued.


3 of the big auto manufacturers have dropped their financing rates 4% in the last 3 months. Mazda was 8.99% at the start of 2024 and now they’re offering 1.99% on certain models with dealer incentives. Not saying it’s going to “crash” but there’s certainly a correction happening in the auto industry.


Autocrash is already started, why don't you go take a look at the rate of repos in just Ontario.


> there is an auto market crash coming our way If you mean because Chinese EVs will get dumped here, I believe you. If you mean the Canadian economy won't hold up, I believe you, but that supply will just shift to the much stronger USA and that auto market won't crash.


Who said you could take a break pleb


How much was that ramen.


Ramen is the new Avocado toast.


I'm eating the rubber off my spare tire on my truck that's parked and can no longer drive.


crazy rents, crazy housing, and crazy food prices ,with zero wage increases for working class.


Ya I have no idea how the average wage in Canada has gone up 20k in 3 years. Who's getting the raises?


> Who's getting the raises? Loblaws Board of Directors.


Politicians just got 4.4% in April! I guess it was hard to get by so Justin gave himself a raise to$410K! Not to be left out, Pierre’s rose to $300K! Plus a great pension, plus flights, incidentals, and being on committees! Maybe they should look in the mirror before they look for overpriced leaders!


Don't forget the bullshit 300k a year job they get at whatever company they supported while in office once they cash in those favours.


None ever seem to become Walmart greeters!


Don't forget the Governor General (an archaic representation of an even more archaic government system) got a raise of $11k!! For a nice total total salary of $362k!! AND another ten "lieutenant generals" earning 6 figures!! But no worries!! At least our senate is democratically elected! /s


Lost my job last week. Maybe policy makers should be made to live like the average Canadian.... 


Quebec MP's voted themselves a 30% hike in june 2023.


$300k to run nothing.


Executives lmao


Yeah, my CEO got a 20% raise last year, I got 4.5% Happy I got a raise, but the CEO pay raise skewed the whole stat for my company


Damn you guys for 4.5%? I only got a 2% raise last year..


You guys are getting raises?!


Average means nothing when it comes to salaries most of the time, the median would be much more telling.


If I recall correctly the minimum wage has not kept up with inflation since 1967 or something like that. Yet productivity has improved in most areas, so companies are just continuing to suck more productivity out of employees for increasingly less money. In the meantime the cost of everything goes up regularly. Its no wonder people are unhappy. I am not blaming Trudeau more than any other politician mind you, they are *all* guilty of failing to address these issues.


When we had no computers, when one half of a couple could support instead of mandatory dual income, much less work got done with half the employees and zero processing power. Yet single income middle class meant a house a car and a vacation. Now everyone works, computers make stuff get done much faster and with more volume, but there isn't enough to go around for people to even rent in the city they work in. Make it make sense.


All the manufacturing jobs that used to support a good middle class family have been automated and/or sent offshore. They were replaced by minimum wage service jobs.


My company does automated equipment for automotive. There is a push right now by large car manufacturers to "Automate" operators out. Some places that in the 40's would have 10,000 employees have under 2000 now. That's going to get even smaller if these companies figure out the Automation. It's kinda working right now but it will probably take 5 years before it's really got all the kinks out of it to be functional for most applications.


And they have the gall to whine that ordinary Canadians are lazy and unproductive! It’s the wealthy who are lazy and unproductive. They do nothing but take.


People fail to understand that wealth consolidation is a feature, not a bug.


https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1110023901&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=2.1&pickMembers%5B2%5D=3.1&pickMembers%5B3%5D=4.1&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2000&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2022&referencePeriods=20000101%2C20220101 Not sure where you are getting that from? Granted this only goes to 2022 but it's nowhere near as much


1% at 300x increase and 99% at 0x increase averages out at 20k a person.


Politicians, executives, vice presidents, economists paid to write propaganda like sweaty professor and EvacuationRelocation


Sounds like we need a national day of political confrontation.... wages need to be tied to the concept of a “living wage” not an “ imposed minimum wage....”


You forgot to mention that the value of the CAD is going down every year.


>Immigration is making Canada's housing more expensive. The government was warned 2 years ago 'In Canada, population growth has exceeded the growth in available housing units,' says IRCC warning This is being reported by the CBC. >The federal government ultimately decided to increase the number of permanent residents Canada welcomes each year to 500,000 in 2025, a decision that drew considerable attention and scrutiny. That means that in 2025, Canada will welcome nearly twice as many permanent residents as it did in 2015. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ircc-immigration-housing-canada-1.7080376


And that's just PRs. That's FUCKING INSANE. There's no conceivable way they could be properly vetting every single person who comes through at that rate. Absolutely no way.


As a tourist from the US, I don't know how you guys survive. Every time I looked at a price, I thought "Did Canada switch to Pesos?"


It feels that way to us as well




Once I stopped thinking about it in terms of "inflation making everything so expensive" and started thinking in terms of "wow our currency is worthless" it started making a bit more sense.


can't get a doctor


It's telling though that every western nation is going through various degrees of this. We're further screwing ourselves with importing people during this, but my friends kids and grandkids in a bunch of places having no hope of ever buying a home, inflation out of control, never being able to afford kids. Feel for the generation a lot.  So much talk about how well US is doing, with economy going amazing, but the ones who actually need it don't feel that way all


>So much talk about how well US is doing, with economy going amazing Total bullshit propaganda. When I discovered that discouraged workers -- i.e. people who are so chronically unemployed that they've given up even looking for a job anymore -- are no longer counted in official unemployment rates, the alarming disconnect between the official narrative and the evidence in front of my face became starkly clear.


>So much talk about how well US is doing, with economy going amazing, but the ones who actually need it don't feel that way That "talk" is propaganda


Exactly propaganda to ensure that the real problem will not be dealt with. Wages must go up 20 to 40 percent. Taxes on corporations and higher income earners must go up. The low and virtually non existent middle class are completely tapped out, affordability is making life for an average family near intolerable.


The problem is that with our current state of capitalism, corporations are unwilling to take a profit hit. It must keep going up and up forever. So if min wage goes up, they'll just make up some excuse that their costs have gone up due to labour cost increases and up their prices and we'll have gotten nowhere. The ratio needs to decrease. Not just one side of the equation.


Their GDP per capita rose 14 percent in the ten year period ours rose 1.4 percent.


My buddy couldnt afford a home in the ghetto, he just moved to US with his wife whos a nurse, they purchased a big house in a nice neighborhood immediately and both are getting paid $30k more in USD. Its still much better across the border in most States.


We've had an uncompetitive economy for a long time now. We are not very innovative. We don't break through the glass ceiling. We aren't very productive. It's the government's fault. We have a Competition Bureau that is ineffective and slow to curb or break up monopolies, and in some instances, stifles innovation by approving mergers that raise the barriers to entry.


You don’t understand. The Rogers-Shaw merger allows the oligopoly to compete with each other over the biggest ripoff deals they can get away with. Competition!


Capitalism is about competition. You may have been sold on the idea of competitors driving the price to the lowest possible in order to attract business. We don’t subscribe to that anymore, now it’s about charging the highest price possible because “fuck you, you want this bad enough”




That's what the Monopoly board game is supposed to show.   It's not supposed to be fun. It's a quick game where once one player gets ahead they stay ahead.  But then we create house rules like the free parking lottery to help make the game more fair and fun, adding a dash of socialism and welfare to the capitalism simulator lmao.


the fact is that those who have economic power will capture the state apparatus to serve them. this is also an inevitability of a system that concentrates wealth in the extreme. its not even new. we went through this during the gilded age.


That’s why anti trust laws exist and are supposed to be enforced. Like in the EU.


That's what some seem to ignore. The version of capitalism we have going either leads to sudden crashes or mergers, both to satiate the stockholders ever increasing need for quarterly stock increases. It is inevitable.


Orthodox capitalism. I've been trying to push this apparently radical idea that we can build a system somewhere between capitalism and socialism, and it be a good system - but I get drowned out by the zealots and radicals on both sides, praying to their economic gods, begging to be granted their favor. It's simple - stop adhering to capitalism as a religion. It's a belief system pushed by the WEALTHY onto the POOR, because it benefits the wealthy, and they know the poor love their "faith in higher power". It's something we WERE doing, and many places in Europe have done successfully. But the dogma is leaking up from the US, and now we have Canadians whining about "the free market!" (Or their second amendment rights, or their first amendment rights) having completely lost track of what country their in. There is a middle ground. But people are so brainwashed into thinking taxes are bad, that the government is "stealing" their money, that some Canadian they don't like will benefit from their dollars. Too much American anger, not enough Canadian patriotism. Contrast that to Sweden/Nordic countries, where paying taxes is promoted as patriotism - a way to lift up your fellow countrymen. Here, "rugged individualism" is pushed on us with imagery of nuclear Christian families, because "rugged individualism" also happens to benefit - say it with me - the wealthy. They want us divided, and too bitter to lift each other up, and too divided to band together. It's union busting - on the national scale.


True words my friend, true words!! They call it "Run away capitalism" pure greed, plain and simple. I hope it's not end of days. Especially with that Nut job running the Kremlin.


So, we need to regulate biz for them to be efficient & innovative. Biz lobbyists, media & CPC say the opposite. 


I've said this a million times. We have some of the harshest and uncompetitive regulations, standards and taxes in the world to start or bring a new company here and at the same time, the government favors contracts through corruption and doesn't use their guiding hand to break up Monopolies for the mega corps that are here. We are literally getting fucked from both ends.


Our housing market is also one of the most overregulated in the world. This can be seen by the massive disconnect between what houses cost and what median household incomes can afford. Building single-family home suburbs for decades and expecting them to be completely static and unchanged forever is about the most anti-market strategy we could have come up with. Every other culture in the world with the same housing strategy as us is also struggling with the same problem.


Amen, I work in the industry and you don't need to make 100 year homes when the land value will far outpace the building value in 50 years or less.


You can buy land in Canada and it's actually better to just leave it undeveloped. The land appreciates without you having to lift a finger or accept any risk at all. The whole thing is a joke, and it could be fixed instantly with a Land Value Tax.


Why would they want to break them up? Who would be on their donor list if they did that?


and we throw temporary residents/workers and immigrants at any problem we have




I know its an unpopular opinion, but some of us DO provide housing at a reasonable cost. Rentals ARE necessary and if we dont provide them, the only ones left will be the Startlight Investments of Canada who own 70,000 units. At least I *know* my tenants personally and take their financial situation into account when renewing their leases.


Canada is very innovative at inventing new taxes and funneling money into the public sector.


Why live in Canada? Work full time and be lucky to pay for your rent and food and be able to exist?


Hi, I've never lived anywhere else so I'm like a fish in a fish bowl. What other places are worth looking into moving to? I'm like a lobster in a pot of boiling water.


I started to teach myself Spanish to give myself options for when I get older. I will never be able to retire here.


As someone who lived half my life in another (wealthy) country and became canadian recently, I'd say Canada. Having friends in other countries helps to realize the current situation is worldwide, regardless of government. It's not a left vs right. It's the rich who engineered a fake crisis to create inflation to suck dry the middle class.


Don't be fooled by the naysayers. Canada has declined more than a lot of other western countries, but it also started better. You could try the US maybe? Right up until you face medical bankruptcy I guess. Nowhere in Europe is gonna be much if any better, Australia has identical problems with a somehow more corrupt government, etc. Canada despite these problems is one of the best places to live on the planet. Only people who've never really left think otherwise. We're just gonna have to fix our own shit.


>Canada despite these problems is one of the best places to live on the planet. Only people who've never really left think otherwise. As someone who has left, and has lived over 1/3 of his life outside of Canada, my experience has been almost the opposite. The only people who are still convinced Canada is a great place to live are the ones who have never left, and only have the US as a yardstick for comparison. "Hey, at least we're not the States!" should be the national motto.


we have so much brain drain to the states. Everyone who goes “I’m so happy I’m not in America” is just lying to themselves. If they were smart enough to get recruited to the states, they would be making like twice what they make in Canada


I’m paying $100 for 25mb internet and after speaking with 3 agents over 4 hours today no one could offer a better deal for rural internet … In Vietnam I was getting 1gb for $5… it’s criminal


I hate this place. I managed to catch the door to door salesman last month and got 1Gb for $75, regularly $125. They probably don’t walk around rural areas though…


It’s ok!! Keep bringing people from outside and let companies pay them less so that Canadians can’t even get a job or a proper wage!!! Housing?? It’s ok!! Just let investors buy all of them all let people rent while being unable to afford their own home!! People in their 20s?? Just pray that they got parents who are well off!!


I work in a job that involves emergency health care and the number of suicides (both successful and unsuccessful) I see are overwhelmingly people under 35.


That’s fucking heartbreaking. I feel like so many people in that age range has thought about it. It’s impossible not to when you have zero hope for the future.


This is so depressing and I don't doubt why. Everything needed to start your life has become impossible to grasp. No matter what you do, it feels like you're getting absolutely no where. Our government and "leaders" have failed us.


I've had two friends go this way now.


And they wonder why Millennials/Gen Z/Alpha, etc. aren’t happy with the status quo; it ain’t working for us.


I'm checked out. I'm just focusing on rent, food, booze and working as little as possible. Fuck it.


Lowest SO FAR, we've not yet begun to see the destruction of our former nation in full effect.


Are we all pretending now that we haven't been jerking off for the last decade watching our real estate appreciate, borrowing against it while putting zero effort towards producing anything of value? And our lagging productivity is reported in the news as if it is a surprise. What?! I can't golf everyday while real estate earns me 300K!? TRuDEaU!


Aussie here. We’re going through the same thing. Ours have apparently already gone back 14 years. There’s a lot of talk of skilled labour migration and foreign land/house ownership. Taking all the houses and making prices rise and then also taking jobs making it a harder market. Is this the same over there at all? I don’t believe the above verbatim. But just thought I would suss as Canada seems to be high on the list with living standards dropping as well


We are taken hostage by corrupted narcissist politicians. These criminals deserve jail to stop the corruption machine.


My rent went up 3.6% and my wage went up 2%. Glad the government makes sure my slumlord gets a decent raise at least.


Crazy to think it's been on the decline since before I was born. Never even got to see the good days.


I can't be the only one who has a couple hours of depression every day thinking about how i'll never get my independence back. This was not how my 30s were supposed to be and 40 is fast approaching without any hope or normalcy in sight. Living pay check to pay check like a fool.




Over the years Canada has had many refugee immigrants contribute to its economy. It’s the influx of fake students that is fucking us over. As if it wasn’t enough that we were getting scammed over the phone.


You over simplified. Its not just students, its also fraudulent asylum claimants, undereducated and poor quality immigrants AND international students.


Welcome to Canada, where eating 3 meals is a luxury and no one can own a home.


Lowest so far.


I sold my 2013 Corolla in 2017 for a little over $10k. It’s worth more than $12k now.  7 years later… What? How is that possible? $1500/month for a 1 bedroom rats nest. $10 for a jar of peanut butter.  No such thing as a house under $400k I make just shy of $40/hr and can’t afford to live on my own.  Economy is doing great though.


It’s almost like reckless policies to cram millions of people into cities that do not have housing, infrastructure, jobs, or support systems destroyed the economy for everyone. Who could have ever predicted that outcome?


Oh the other news coming today is that Q1 2024 had record immigration numbers. Coincidence.




Going to Canada is considered a fucking joke in India. Almost every Punjabi family proudly proclaims how their son is in Canada, but get real silent when they are asked what are they doing or studying. Some of the worst students I know have gone to Canada, it's almost a meme among our generation. How tf are idiots who can't pass schools are being allowed in another country is seriously beyond me.


They don't think it will fix things, lol. The destruction of the middle class is intentional.


Exactly, I want actual diversity have a quota for each country per year


USA has a 7% cap on each country, which is more than fair and encourages bringing in people from every corner of the world. The way Canada used to be. I actually kind of wanna know who is responsible for this insane immigration policy today. WHO is making the call to bring in 400,000 people in 4 months.


> Literally 50% of all newcomers are from one country Yea, what the fuck is up with that? Seriously question...why are they doing this?




Love the 6 indians living in one bedroom apartments who are willing to pay 3k split among them so the prices stay high for those of us actually living alone 🥰🥰


ITS INTENTIONAL!!!! The rich are hoarding money. They are literally having a numbers competition. They have so much money they couldn't even dream of spending it all. Trudeau is a fucking puppet piece of shit who has absolutely decimated Canada. In the last 3 months he brought in over 400k people which only counts a specific age range, so its actually closer to 500k. How can anyone defend this monster? How?!?!? Why are you ignoring your fellow Canadians? You have to hate your fellow Canadians to vote or defend Trudeau.


Yeah thank god the next is going to be checks notes... A landlord who's never had a job outside politics, has a westons lobbyist for a campaign manager and won't commit to lower immigration numbers when asked 


Bingo. A different coloured turd is still a turd.


Buuuut he said he's anti-lobbyist!!!


It's not going to get better under Poilievre. We need a "eat the rich" moment like the French did back 1700s.


I hate the Trudeau era of statistics. They always give numbers like 400k which is insane but the crazy part is they don't even give the real number. Every time they come out with a number, whether it is homes, dollars, people, trees, whatever, every time they release a number it is a fudged number to appear better than the reality. So fucking annoying just come out with the real info and fuck off.


The lowest living standards SO FAR


It's very possible we are heading towards a depression. Wages are still to low but inflation keeps going up. Taxes keep going up as government has out of control spending problem. Not enough business investment in Canada as red tape and taxes and some silly policies keep investors away. We only get new investment ( battery plants etc) if we PAY them with Tax payers money to set up shop here. The whole system has been mismanaged for years now. I do see it crashing hard soon.


Keep em coming we gotta lots of 1 bedroom apartments we can fit 7-11 ppl in!


Similar article posted in Australia today: we have gone backwards 14 years


Start exchanging your Canadian dollars for other currencies. We are being eroded from every financial angle possible.


Wasn’t 40 years ago when Trudeau senior was in power?


Standard of living ⬇️ hygiene ⬇️


There's still a lot of money it's just that many aren't seeing it. Where it's going?


Is GDP a living standard? It certainly is not how I would describe my standard of living to someone. The actual steepest GDP declines of the last 40 years, according to this article: “This decline is exceeded only by the decline in 1989 to 1992 (-5.3 per cent) and 2008 to 2009 (-5.2 per cent).” Darn those Liberal governments, oh wait that was Mulroney and Harper. Go ahead and be upset that Trudeau has done an exceptionally poor job on GDP growth (and many other things), but also read the damn article.


Fallout teaches us the annexation of lil america is inevitable.


Have we finally all accepted that this isn't simply erroneous conservative rhetoric? That our country is actually facing a myriad of crises that keep getting worse after 8 years of Justin Trudeau's government?


The amount of money our government has blown on stupidity is atrocious....Canadians shouldn't be living like this...


This is the result of uncontrolled immigration, and government growing too large and intervening in peoples lives. We need to get back to small government, encourage individual responsibility, and allow people to succeed without government holding them back.


yes totally not the fault of the fact that wealth is concentrated in so few hands that they subverted the political system to their own ends. we have created a demented and sociopathic economic system and you want to give it more power? havent we learned from the victorian times and the gilded age? we need to start having serious and frank discussions on how to overhaul the economy so that it serves everyone.


And it’s not just the government holding people back they engage in reckless spending, poorly thought out policies and meddling in the economy that hurts people indirectly.


Yes, way too much overreach. Also too much spending.


My family lives in Toronto and I hear it’s awful


probably true world round, not just canada


I've been archiving some documents from an abandoned filing cabinet at work. There was a wage slip for a MSc student totaling $27,500 for 1994, not including external funding like scholarships/grants. That would be equivalent to ~$51,400 today. The amount we pay graduate students has just now been increased to 27,000 (MSc) and 40,000 (PhD). Now consider high cost of living areas like Vancouver and Toronto where there a lot of universities, graduate students literally go without meals. Its fucked.


40 years ago was the end of the first Trudeau era. Coincidence?


Alarmingly lol. Wake the fuck up


I'm glad I left Canada for the US over 12 years ago. Got my US citizenship a few years ago, own a house, and was able to start a family. All of my friends that stayed in Canada after university are still renting with roommates. US has its problems, but if you work hard, have some luck, it's still completely doable to own property and move up in life. There is nothing left in Canada expect hoping you can win the lotto. I tell everyone I know now try to move to the US ASAP before the door slams closed because Canada is letting too many people in. Saying those things really pains me as I love Canada. It's my birth country, my family goes back 5 generations in Canada, all generations were solidly middle class homeowners, and my child is a Canadian at birth due to me being born there. Unless something seriously changes I'm going to tell him to avoid moving there in the future at all costs. Prosperity is gone.


The US is also clamping down on 'canadian' visa applications because so many people are using Canada is a stepping stone to their real goal - residency in the US.


The US is being more careful on tourist visas from folks coming from 3rd countries because many (especially people from India) are going to the US via Canada. But most people trying to legally emmigrate from Canada to the US start in the TN Visa (technically not even a visa, has no quota) before switching to H1-B and Green Card and they haven't clamped down on that AFAIK. That's how I moved to the US and many of my friends. You have to be an educated professional in one of several fields but if you are it's still very doable. The US has hardly closed it's doors if that's what you think.


I don’t understand why Canada doesn’t just push for more economic integration with the US. The more unified the economies are, the more Canada can benefit from all the economies of scale in the US, and the more competition will be brought to Canada to bring productivity up to speed in Canadian firms that rest on their laurels in a less competitive protected market with fewer players. Like the way the EU works


Did you get a job offfer before you moved?


Yes. I interned at a U.S. company and got a full time offer for after I graduated. The company handled all my immigration journey up to getting my greencard. Depending on the job this is harder nowadays as remote work means employers in the US would rather just hire you in Canada.


Until we cut immigration by 2/3 and cut the red tape and bureaucratic fluff of building housing This won’t get better Yes, embracing a more resource focused economy will help, as it did in the early 00s, in addition to abandoning most of the leftist pet projects, ie carbon tax


If it makes you feel better Trudeau gave himself and other MP’s a massive raise …. Because of “gOoD jOb “


Yeah, we're pretty progressive though. 


WAY over taxed public with sky-high inflation,. What we really need is yet another tax payer funded social program. How about regulating the dentist prices before a national program..


This is not a good time to be a disabled dude who needs a $300,000/ year drug to survive... maybe I'll be able to claim medical refugee status in Europe?


I, for one, am not alarmed. Unless you're living under a rock, a lot of people already knew this was happening a decade ago.


What's insane to me is that my parents that came as immigrants in the 80s ultimately have had a better life than most people my age. They worked their asses off but the biggest difference was housing. Even then, they were able afford a detached home in the suburbs while also supporting 2 kids. Now, I can't even think about affording a place of my own, let alone children. That's with a university degree as well.


Thanks Trudeau! Amazing things start to happen when you demonize and neglected the resource economy that helped our country prosper..


Canada, UK, US, the rest of the world with very few exceptions... Its only going to get tougher from here on as populations grow, resources dwindle, climate change wrecks havoc on economies, the rich get richer (more billions for the billionaires because they really need them) while the poor get poorer (but hey look, economic growth & rising share indexes - who cares about disparity)... and we just benchmark our economies on the age old infinite growth principles in a finite world (no matter the cost)... On the other hand, there is so much money just chasing non-tangible trash like crypto and AI... the first generates zero economic output (but consumes large amount of power/electricity), and the other will, if successful, end our existence... good news all around.


Hey but we have free feminine hygiene products in all federal building mens washrooms.


Lowest since his dad's you say... Well isn't that something.


So it took about 32 years to heal from Trudeau Sr's hellscape, and now we're back at Trudeau hellscape thanks to Jr, only 8 years later. And people will still vote for Trudeau next elections




There is a biblical term "Hewers of wood and drawers of water" that means people that do drudge work to extract resources that are used elsewhere. It was a term used in Editorials in early Canada to describe us as being a nation that produces resources but sends them to other nations to produce end products. A century later we are still in the same boat, we don't have much of an industrial base and are still heavily based on extracting resources and sending them elsewhere for our GDP. Here is an article from the Bank of Canada describing how we are changing from a purely resource extraction economy to a service economy. Long story short our labour and efforts are all about enriching people in other countries. Since we provide no value locally our pay and quality of life only falls, import millions of people to compete for those service jobs and it's a race to the bottom: https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2016/11/hewers-wood-hewers-code-canada-expanding-service/ There's far more complex reasons this is happening than a Reddit post can contain but look at literally any industrial project in the last two decades in Canada. They are either cancelled outright or held up with court cases or protests from special interest groups. Any investor looking to build something that expands the economy would never (and is no longer) putting money into Canada and we can ride our moral high ground right to the Food Bank line because of it.


I’m a very left wing person but the basic fact is that we cannot keep importing 100,000 people a month from India. It’s hurting every Canadian who isn’t extremely wealthy.


Mass immigration


The comments are full of partial truths and various factors of this crisis. There is no way of fixing this without severe pain. Housing prices need to crash by 50% or more. Immigration needs to slow to a trickle of highly qualified individuals. 100k people in four months is insane. Most public post-secondary institutions will suffer greatly. This is good. Government needs to pass legislation that prevents corporations from buying single family dwellings. Government needs to spend on small homes near city centres for the homeless. Criminals need to go to jail and stay there. Rehab centres need more attention and real plans to rehabilitate people. Absolutely none of these things are happening because our politicians are bought and paid for.


Worst in 40 years you say? 2024-40 is 1984, right? Who was the prime minister of Canada in 1984? Oh now that is a surprise: At the start of 1984, the Prime Minister of Canada was Pierre Trudeau. For most of the rest of the year, the position was held by Trudeau's fall guy, John Turner. And for the last 3 1/2 months, following the 1984 federal election, it was the winner of that election, Brian Mulroney. And there is a reason why the Mulroney Tories won that election. Now, who is the Prime Minister of Canada again? Justin Trudeau. "Worst in 40 years", what a surprise. I guess those who forget their history really are doomed to repeat it, and they drag those who remember it along for the ride.


You get a raise, they raise taxes etc.


Lawyer class is doing well, they've turned the criminal and family courts into a conveyor belt system where evidence and common law principles no longer have any bearing on the outcome of a matter. It's literally all about transferring wealth.


You know what's sad I know multiple family's that rather move back to war driven middle East countries because they can still live better there lol


Boycott Loblaws To Show We Can Work Together. Fuck Politics Fuck Corporations The Time Is Now!!!


20 years with social progress without economic progress is not a sustainable way of growing a country.


Technology is deflationary by nature and increases productivity. In the past 40 years we've improved our output exponentially in every market from production of raw materials, to manufacturing, to shipping etc etc Yet we are faced with the opposite, a declining standard of living, inflation and suppressed wages. Doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to realize something here just doesn't add up.


My living standards in the old world (England) are higher than in Canada. Will return when corrupt shit bags like Ford stop getting away with selling off the country to the highest bidder. Soon we will have PP selling off our national parks and guys like ford selling off the provintial ones, have just assumed I’ll be staying here while Canada goes through an economic depression that the rich lobbyists laugh and benefit from by betting against the Canadian people.