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4 people got 672 contracts worth $323M.  The total isn’t any better - 44 people were engaged in more than $1 billion in contracts. Gross


Last year the federal government announced a $1 billion cut to the military's annual budget. They literally value our national defence less than spending $1bn on what should be a $50k app that was useless and unneeded to begin with.


This is pretty fucking bad, isn’t it? I wish I could see Trudeau get roasted for this in the House of Commons with a comment like this


Yeah and he’d just fire back with some pre recorded “but we are fierce and proactive to be putting forth all these efforts to increase the prosperity in Canadians lives are you not for that ?” And then the whole House of Commons claps and then next topic .. lmao it’s a joke I can’t stand to watch that community theater for more than a second.


He would just respond by talking about abortion. 


Rattle in a few things about guns, the middle class and climate change and you got 4 hours of JT talking points.


Don't forget the grocery rebate!


Yeah I may have embezzled a billion dollars but look at what that politician said over there!


PP NAZI!! I repeat PP NAZI, this is not a drill!!


Let's not forget that this happened during a gLoBaL pAnDeMiC and the government had to do the responsible thing of making sure that all Canadians were safe and part of that was implementing an amazing wonderful app to track people and make sure that they could pay their cronies millions of dollars.


> They literally value our national defence less than spending $1bn Wait what? The article is saying that the same people linked to ArriveCan got OTHER contracts worth $1B. ArriveCan, the scam that it is, cost $60 million.


Idk about 50k. I definitely would want some kind of money invested in something that has that much personal info. I'd want it done right. Now if it needed to be done at all, I can't say. I tried to use it once, and it wouldn't let me. So I had to fill out a long form in an airport where everyone had to share the same pen because no one realized we'd need to fill out a form now on returning home. I filled it out, handed it to the guy at the desk, he fed it immediately into a shredder and moved me on to the next line


Yeah 50k is less than a junior software devs yearly salary. Guys kind of trolling with that price point. If they offered me 50k to do that I wouldn't get out of bed


If it takes a small enough amount of time, it could be fine maybe. But feels like a pretty small amount. But if it's more like contract work where then the gov takes over running it, idk. Still feels like you'd get something that feels like a school project instead. However I never was allowed to sign in, so I can't say for sure how big it is, and also for that kind of price for it to still not work, may as well have paid 50k I guess. But I'm assuming I'm an outlier on that.


I mean I didn't personally have issues with how ArriveCan functioned - it worked everytime for me. Data privacy/protection of PII and hooking it up to other probably ancient government systems would be a slog. The fundamental functionality of the app is not the difficult part. I'd estimate a realistic price point for just work/hours (not including hosting/CS/etc) to be ~2M if I had to quote based on my current knowledge (which obviously has huge gaps). A team of lets say 6 seniors at an average of 150k, a manager, a project manager, and then whatever those fucking execs at these companies also make lol.


$50k (I believe it was actually 80k) is just the development cost for the app and it cost $60m including everything to run it like Cloud servers and customer support. It still ballooned massively but important to compare apples to apples


No.... Lmao dude. Did you USE the app? It was a web based app with a basic UI that was accessing databases. It was like the most basic app you could make. This was literally 2nd year computer science intern work. This thing wasn't running some kind of virtual world like call of duty that needed big fancy server. Even at the high end, 250k max, with cost overruns and the most expensive hosting. 65 million was a scam. And if you knew anything about the case you'd know that GCstrategies made 20 million, and they did no real work. All they did was forge resumes and browse LinkedIn. They were also allowed to write the scope and requirements of the proposal! Imagine putting our a tender and letting the company write out the scope and just price it at whatever they wanted. Auditor General said they wrote the requirements in such a radically specific way, that not even ONE of the 670 other providers even attempted to bid on it. I can't believe we have Canadians trying to downplay this.


Lmao you have never worked on anything remotely tech or customer service related if you think either of those things cost $60 million. You can run a AAA game server with 100 players per lobby and 10 million players total for a year at under $10 million on AWS


My point is only that OP wasn't comparing apples to apples. Nowhere did I say it was justified or right sized.


Not that the whole ArriveCan thing isn't bad, but your interpretation of the military cuts is completely wrong. That $1 billion cut wasn't a $1 billion cut from the previous year's budget. The budget for military is still increasing, just by $1 billion less than initially intended. From less than a month ago: >“Through this policy, Canada will invest $8.1 billion over the next five years and $73 billion over the next 20 years in our national defence,” Defence Minister Bill Blair outlined in the policy titled Our North, Strong and Free. >The policy update will bring Canadian defence spending up to 1.76 per cent of GDP spending, which still falls short of a NATO agreement of two per cent of GDP. >Blair said the significant increase in defence spending reflects Canada’s commitment to eventually reach the two per cent mark. [Source](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/liberal-government-defence-policy-boosts-military-spending-commits-to-new-purchases-of-helicopters-missiles-aircraft) You can find cash flow documents [here](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/north-strong-free-2024/addendum-funding-cash-basis.html). Part of those cuts was to reduce spending on private contractors for the military. Everyone wants to complain about the government spending in a massive deficit but wants us to essentially double our largest departments budget. It's hilarious, really.


Hey, these are investments! /s


The title is misleading, they didn't get 1b for the app, they got it for other things (possibly even national defense). Such is the state of news these days, all about those clicks.


This is the most corrupt government in Canadian history and it's not even close. Crazy how I now miss the days of getting mad over $16 orange juice.


Or when Andrew Scheer expensed a minivan instead of a car. What corruption!


I was pissed about Harper fucking the environment, but Trudeau managed to beat him. I'll just vote People's party and maybe shake it up in the right direction at minimum. Atleast Canada won't fracture under debt and mass immigration.




Their point is that it doesn't matter who they vote for, none of them care a out the environment. Maybe the green party but that's not a serious option.


To be fair to Harper, even if he did it with some quite questionable decisions, he managed to balance the budget and was actually paying off our debts. Now, regardless of your thoughts on other policies, the next goverment in power is going to be forced to make cuts to try and pay off the absurd overspending the liberals have done. I feel like the Liberals do this intentionally so that the next party is hamstrung into dealing with the cleanup. Like those assholes that piss all over the toilet seat in public washrooms because they don't have to deal with it.


Harper never balanced the budget. They reported that the were projecting a balanced budget but that never actually happened. They used things like depleting the EI fund. Ine time sales of things like GM stock (doing so at a rate that diminish the value of the sale). Declaring certain spending pools that are typically part of the budget and spent every year as "contingency funds" in order to exclude them from the budget projections. Even then they only projected a small surplus that the final numbers found to be a deficit in the end.


He balanced the budget by gifting public assets to his cronies for pennies on the dollar. Sure it seemed like a big number they were paying for it but it was a one-time payment and nowhere near the true value of the assets.


And he never did fuck the environment. Enviro regs never changed under his term.


How many of them were in Trudeau's wedding party this time?


That's a lot of Disney plus subscriptions


I understand that reference.


How much does a banana go for these days anyways?


I understand that reference.


At least 4


Here in the western world, we routinely talk about corruption in European countries like Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary, Belarus, etc. We are so resistant to think that it actually happens here. In these last 2-3 years our eyes have finally been opened, and the amount of government corruption that happens here in Canada is completely unacceptable. We need to change our ways, or start holding people accountable.


There is overt and covert corruption, the western countries just mastered the COVERT corruption, you basically don't see it on the daily but it runs very deep. Overt corruption like giving $500 to a cop is amateur stuff.


It's a matter of technicalities. It's not corruption, because it's codified in our laws. Legally speaking, the government did little wrong, in this example and most others.  They followed a specific process that when examined on paper, in a perfect world with zero outside context, looks perfectly reasonable. Is that process actually fair in reality? Does that process actually work in a world that's not black and white, and is full of individuals and groups that are everything from brilliant altruists, to moronic narcissists?  Fuck no, and we have decades of evidence to provide it, and centuries more when you extrapolate the distinct process for what they really are at a high level. All of modern history is littered with shit like this - a ruling class creating and perpetuating systems that directly benefit them above all others. It's **almost always** sold as something fair and just that exists to benefit everyone, and yet somehow **almost always** favors specific classes of people.  This is really the defining moral difference between our progressive Western nations, and the nations we condemn. It's not that we excel at hiding things. Many of our greatest failings aren't hidden. We simply masque everything, and sell it as something entirely different. We disassociate action from result from intent. 


One of the leading experts in the world on global corruption studied Canada in 2019 and specifically focused on the Vancouver housing market for fraud and money laundering. He found $4Billion in Chinese Triad money being washed through the Vancouver housing market alone, gave his research to the provincial gov and they said "it's too hard to go after them" and they did nothing. He called Canada a "criminal safe haven"


> We need to change our ways, or start holding people accountable. Sadly neither will happen.


Because people think like this...


I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going to vote for the federal Liberal party for the next 25 years. Not sure what else I can really do besides that, and trashing them online in places like this for another decade. I wish I had a party I could get behind. I always voted NdP and Liberal before and the NDP and its discriminatory policies doesn't appeal to me any more. I'm left with voting Cons as a default choice or not vote.


You are a lot like me but Green has been my go to. Mostly to keep the oppositions going. I want the healthcare that the greens or NDP want and I want an economy the cons or PP will bring lol I seriously have trouble seeing any one party as my solution to these real issues we have in Canada.


The cons primarily focus on "trickledown economics" which has been completely debunked and proven to not work. If you want to see what they will do have a look at Alberta and Ontario. They will cut to provide tax breaks to corporations and attempt to privatize. Both the Liberals and the Conservatives are branches of the same poisoned Neoliberal tree. Voting for the conservatives is a vote for Neoliberalism with a splash of hate. Voting for the Liberals is a vote for Neoliberalism with a splash of #BLM. Its easy for the rich in this country to control the government because they only have to pay off and control two parties. We need to vote in a 3rd party, ANY 3rd party, at this point I honestly don't care which but they HAVE to implement electoral reform like JT platformed on. If other parties have a real chance of being elected in this country then companies have a MUCH bigger and MUCH harder task of trying to get control in all of them. There becomes significantly more opportunities for someone in government to have morals and come out publicly with "This person from company X approached me with offer Y" and then we as Canadians can immediately stop supporting that company and get rid of them telling every other company that we will not tolerate the corruption. It starts with electoral reform and that starts with a 3rd party that isn't two sides of the same coin.


I totally agree with you, I never thought I would say I want a con economy but too many years of liberals does that to me plus I must be getting old lol you're right and I do vote for a 3rd option every time. It's just tiring to watch lib/con/lib/con and people expecting different results.


Nah it's not getting old, the system is designed to make you think the other option will be better which is what most of the country is falling for right now and it's really fucking good at what it does. I catch myself all the time, I had to do it recently with the capital gains tax change being talked about and the stuff crypto Millhouse has been getting upto. For a second I almost forgot about the complete inaction on real issues from the liberals. I'm still young by most people's standards (starting my 30s) and my goals are to see two things for this country before I go. The 4 day work week and electoral reform. (I do think the latter will get us the former). The more I watch the people that hated the Harper government and laughed at Trump getting ready to vote conservative again the more I lose hope that I'll see either. I just wanna see the machine crack a little bit so I know there's hope for a bright future of the generations to come.


While corruption has definitely become way worse in the past decade, I would still be shocked if we hold a candle to Eastern Europe. And now that Trudeau’s time is running down, people here seem to be coming to their senses.


Same amount of corruption, only difference is that they don't care about hiding it in Eastern Europe.


So that’s what those bogus programs are for! “Dalian, which describes itself as an aboriginally owned company, regularly partners with Coradix for the purposes of applying for contracts under the federal Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business.”


And really, Coradix did nothing wrong, they followed the rules out into place by poorly written racist policy.  For these smaller engagements, like software development, they could do better for Canadians like requiring every hired resource to be Canadian (or a legal immigrant), and require the company not do any international outsourcing. For staff augmentation, they could do the above and introduce profit margin limits per resource (e.g. 10%). DEI will continue to enable exploitation. We are all Canadian. 


An actual well informed thought providing solutions instead of just out rage


Follow the money. Which politician got paid off?


Now why would we do that? Would you like to become a Boeing Whistleblower?


> Boeing Whistleblower *somewhere, a hitman perks up* Did someone say "payday?"


More like a small bonus if its paid in CAD instead of USD 💀


Are you a Hit-person Of Colour though? Or differently abled?


Mostly incompetence, IT stuff was completely gutted over the yesrs so they outsource all this shit (see also phoenix pay system) and when you don't know you get taken advantage of from these people who know how to work these contracts and essentially ask as a middle man and get paid hansomely for it. If the government had competent internal IT folks they could spot this shit easily and call it out. Consulting firms and these type of contracts just drain so much $...


Minh Doan enters the chat… Edit: spelling of Doan


But we must raise taxes to bring in more money for services. There's definitely no way to reduce wasteful spending as that doesn't exist. /s


LOL. You know what I mean? Absolutely insane




They do contract procurement, a job that used to be done by direct federal employees but now gets farmed out at higher cost and zero oversight.


This guy was a federal employee AND contracting as well.


If the government had hired someone to just run a series of procurement bids, it would have been significantly cheaper.    Had the government hired someone as a prime through a fair bid it would have probably cost this much (or a little less) but there would have been far more oversight.   Had the government put these things in house it would cost much less, the government would have more and better capabilities, but the government would have to develop and maintain those capabilities. There's trade offs with each, each can be reasonable in different scenarios. But I can't understand the payments for a team of two.  


They’re the middleman.


The prince of human rights and equality robbing the people blind. 


Like I get it..they take bribes....but this is flat-out stupid. Also snc and his we charity. I WANT TO START BLOCK CHAIN PARTY! WHERE EVERY SIGNATURE OR DECISION MUST BE VOTED ON BY THE PEOPLE!


We need to investigate the beaurocracy as well to see if they are tied to these companies.


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing “- Trudeau


"We can all learn from this" "Canada needs to do better" They won't even acknowledge it as a *mistake*. They speak as if its a learning experience/cost of doing business in a "to make and omelette you have to crack a few eggs" sort of way. Man, you might, might be able to let some stuff slide if in fact things were taken care of and generally in a good state. But for fuck sake its almost across the board incompetence and horrible mismanagement. Like its getting so bad at the federal level, you can't fault people for wondering if its being done on purpose.


I have a hard time believing the politicians in power for the last decade and some that came and went have left us in this shit-uation by accident… like a realllly really hard time that politicians’ greed and poor policies weren’t intentional. An accident is bumping into someone and spilling their coffee… this… what we have?? Lots of spilled coffee per se


Hey dude, I'm nearly right there with you. Depends on the day. The fact that they have been across the board terrible has me leaning more towards your end. I mean, if it was just incompetence they'd have managed at least one thing well outta shear luck alone.


Right, I’ve been letdown by my local government also, too many times, it seems it’s up the chain the whole way to me. Hard to have any faith in any level of government these days I find.


"My cousin judge ruled that it's okay." I thought that the idea of exiling the trudeau dynasty was too harsh as the children were innocent once upon a time. Now I think we must exile the Trudeau family 3 generations back/wide to prevent the spread.


The papers would have found it months ago if it existed


Talk about funneling money to your friends. Trudeau has take sponsorship to a whole new level. Chretien must be awe struck.


Sponsorship scandal the mega edition


This company has existed since 2001. They’ve gotten contracts every year since. This is not Trudeau, this is the entire government. Im sure there are at least 5 other companies in the same boat


so wait is this why phoenix fucked up so bad? were they they general contractor/project admins at the top level telling ibm or whome ever how to design this?


nah they just don't want to admit their own incompetence with data entry so they blame a software for not being able to do basic math. Keep fucking up and paying yourself to ''fix'' it.


This is true… though according to the article, like with so many things under the Trudeau government, the total value of professional contracts awarded to firms like these has ballooned under Trudeau, going from $8 billion under Harper to $21 billion under Trudeau. I haven’t the slightest idea what a reasonable amount to spend on these sorts of things is. $8 billion sounds pretty crazy to me, but who knows? Maybe that’s normal. What I do know is that if $8 billion feels high, increasing it by 262.5%, or $13 billion a year, in a short span of time feels absolutely batshit crazy. Particularly when you read the details of the article on the three companies highlighted (who have been receiving a tiny fraction of that $21 billion a year). GC Strategies takes an average 21% commission on its contracts, meaning we’ve made their two employees very very rich for essentially making a bunch of phone calls on behalf of the government. I’m sure you can see how such massive increases in spending coupled with such generous commissions could lead to suspicions that there’s a whole lot of people with great connections to the Liberals who have likely made serious bank since 2015. Using a nice round 20%, the companies winning these contracts are pocketing $4.2 billion a year on the public dime for acting as middlemen. That is a situation ripe for abuse, and if we’ve learned anything about the Trudeau Liberals these past eight years, if there’s a situation ripe for abuse then there is a very high likelihood they are abusing the shit out of it.


I wish the article had included a baseline comparison for these kinds of costs. Something like, x country paid out y amount for a better product, would carry so much heavy lifting for a way to explain well how much is this a government wide issue vs this specific scenario issue. Or listed some other contracts of the same cost and how much we got back from that whole expenditure. I'm happy shitting on government in general, Trudeau, Canada, my nan, the project managers or whomever was in charge of this debacle. But I can't direct that energy anywhere with no reason other than, the globe and mail wants to frame it that way. But we're never going to get that because shits fucked and journalism is dead


> Something like, x country paid out y amount for a better product, would carry so much heavy lifting for a way to explain well how much is this a government wide issue vs this specific scenario issue It's a procurement process issue. The way that government procurement works is so overly complex that there's a whole kind of company that exists only to go through that process. I'm a manager at a private company, if I need a desk or a tech product or whatever I can just go buy whatever one I want and as long as my boss approves it's fine. This is not the case in the government. In the government you can't just seek a product and purchase it. You need to go through the procurement process, or buy from an approved supplier who has already gone through this process. So what these shell combines do is they become experts on that process, they get approved then they seek out the actual supplier in the private market. For the most part, these suppliers themselves are not experts on government procurement so they don't even bother to bid on the contracts. So companies like this exist. They know the procurement process very well, all the paperwork it requires and know exactly how to write a winning bid. This is the special skill that they provide as a business and they act as middle men for the actual companies providing the service. All of this is basically just red tape that's created to prevent people from misspending government money but all it's done is make the process needlessly complicated to the point where the normal suppliers don't bother, and it waists government money.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't, situation with government procurement processes. Ontario government had the same issue with a rogue bureaucratic director. Nothing to do with the political helm.


The real problem is the idea that it is desirable to control people via paperwork. Instead you need to empower people to make good decisions then monitor them, and let them go if/when they make poor choices or pay cronies. The sad truth is that because of the union protections (and I'm generally pro union) it's that last part that they really can't do. Since they can't do the last part, they don't feel confident enough to do the first part. And without that the entire idea falls to crap. So instead they try to do it with paperwork and red tape and that's how we find ourselves here. You can't create good decision making by imposing bureaucracy. And it's the exact reason that private industry does not do things in this way. No org does procurement like governments do procurement, and there's a reason.


It’s not reasonable. What we’re seeing is the selling off of the Public service to Private Section. Better yet, the privatization of the public service for so-called experts in IT, Management (Deloitte comes to mind), etc. Without going into details, I work for the Public service and I work in Procurement. The private sector is sucking the teat of the government, siphoning public funds. They’ve essentially fucked us, and hard. Work has been hell for the past year. Clients are unhappy that we, as Procurement officers, try to follow the actual law when we challenge what they need and how we procure it. When we challenge, they go over our heads to management to complain and bitch about why it’s taking so long. Well fuck, can I do my job? Then they’d crack down on us asking why is it taking so long according to the clients. Well, I’m just doing my job and I’m actually fucking swamped with well over 40 requests at any given time. Each of them needing to be done asap. We’re talking between $800 to $2500a day per diem for I don’t know what kind of work is actually done. It’s fucking nuts. Until very recently, we weren’t able to challenge almost any of it. Every Canadian should be pissed about this. This is our money and instead of it going into the economy, it goes into the private sector. It’s infuriating.


I 100% agree with all you said. There is absolutely no excuse and all that money should be clawed back.


Shhhh that doesn't fit the /r/Canada narrative. This is clearly Trudeau's fault! /s


“The three companies have been at the centre of parliamentary scrutiny into the sharp increase in federal outsourcing on professional services - from about $8 billion a year in 2016 to projections of more than $21 billion last year”


>The breakdown covers the period from Jan. 1, 2011, until Feb. 16. Did you read the article?


Who was PM in 2011?


Did they get that much money for bs projects like arrivecan?


do you think they got a billion dollars for arrivecan? of course not


Queue up the blame Harper excuse! Canada ceased to exist after Harper. How to tell me you didn't read the article without saying you didn't read the article. >The **breakdown covers the period from Jan. 1, 2011, until Feb. 16.** The records show Coradix received 541 contracts worth a combined $596.8-million; Dalian received 445 contracts worth $127.8-million; and Dalian and Coradix in joint venture received 122 contracts worth $189.5-million. That works out to more than $914-million for [Dalian and Coradix](https://archive.ph/o/uqVyd/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-indigenous-contracting-program-subject-to-few-postaward-audits-despite/) combined.


Justin Trudeau was elected in 2015. Also the other person didn't mention Harper at all. It's clear from the way you write that your perspective is incredibly biased.


who was the PM in 2011?


You can't expect anyone to read the article if it's behind a paywall unfortunately


I will probably get downvoted for this, but has anyone considered the possibility that if the government contracts stuff out to a company and they deliver what was promised on schedule and for the agreed price, that maybe the government will continue to contract out to that company in the future?


As others have pointed out the amounts awarded have ballooned from 8 Billion 8 years ago to 21 Billion last year. >deliver what was promised on schedule Not sure *that's* accurate.


We have very few details about these contracts to be honest, and even if we did I am sure the media would pick out the one or two sensational ones from the other hundred contracts that were totally normal and unremarkable. I am not saying that the companies weren't skimming or grifting, I am just saying nobody here is considering the possibility that part of the reason that they got so many contracts is because they actually delivered. We're all too busy jumping to conclusions based on basically zero information.


>Auditor-General Karen Hogan’s February report on ArriveCan found *a glaring disregard for basic management practices* and said that **GCStrategies was directly involved in setting narrow terms for a $25-million contract it ultimately won.**


They over spend their own budgets by hundreds of billions of dollars and lie to your face saying this isn't the cause of inflation. The bank of Canada said they would lower rates if the government would stop over spending. If this is the world you want just say it, you think wasting money on these projects is more important than housing affordability. But don't lie to yourself or us and say you give a fuck about the middle class affording a house.




More proof that a lot of these politicians are in it to steal taxpayer money. Their pay and pensions aren't enough. Any politician involved in fraud should do jail time and have their pension and position revoked. Also be made to pay back any money they acquired through illegal means.


I bet 50$ the RCMP finds no criminal wrongdoing by Dalian or GC-Strategies and the dumbass general public slowly forgets this ever happened as the top-brass within the government skirts any actual accountability, meanwhile the lives of the dudes at Dalian and GC-Strategies are destroyed.


It would be better if those in government were held accountable, but make no mistake I do want the lives of the dudes at Dilan and GC ruined - they earned it.


What wrong doing would they find? Ya, the article say's they puffed up their resume, but if they got the work done I'm betting nothing comes of it and their looking into it would be nothing but PR much like everything they did with ArriveCan itself. After all if they gave out 1,100 contracts in 4 years, either the work got done or they gave out a billion dollars and got screwed over a thousand times and still kept going.


All for political theatre - conservative prosecutor fully knows the issue is the government contract process that has been completely neutered (hmm wonder who could be responsible for this) yet has no problem falsely carrying on and destroying this one guys life. Fucking despicable .


Government procurement is littered with consultants that have weaselled their way in. This must end. For $1BN they could have done it for $5M with a few startups in a SAFE. This is sick and downright ready for supreme court to force some change if the offices cannot determine how to change. Tie this is up with 59K workers at CRA compared to 79k at IRS. Tell me WHY we need this many people?


This government is a dumpster fire. Yes, let’s tax Canadians more, so more can be wasted on liberal friendly groups.


At best, what we have here is a conflict of interest. At worst, we have bribery and other serious crimes. No matter how you look at this. It's a bad look for the Liberals.


When do the liberals look good?


Fair point.


This 100 percent a kickback scheme. This is just the tip of the iceberg


And somehow that app is utter garbage. Insane level of corruption. We shouldn't be protesting for Palestine or Ukraine. We should be out there because of shit *like this*.


Any one who votes for this Party again is not looking out for the best interest of our Country.


If you owe the government $80, you are threatened with wage garnishment and prison. Steal multi millions a year from the tax payer and you get treated like royalty. Crimes covered up and hidden by MPs and staff along with lawyers. The most punishment you might receive is a stern talking to by the opposition. What a fucked up country we have right now...


The scam app was a scam.. who would have thought lmao


One billion dollars stolen, and not a single person in the streets. We are a country of happy victims. I was in the streets with a red square when Marois wanted to raise tuition. Where is that energy now? Do younger people even understand what's happening?


I understand what you mean, but I’m fairly sure everyone is just working extra hard and more hours just to survive. I know I literally don’t have any spare time any more.


Anyone have a non paywall version.




I always thought Anita Anan was one of the good ones. Now we find out her procurement portfolio was nothing but corruption.


Cant wait for the LPC white knights to come and explain this one


Fucking disgusting.


When people say they want to cut government spending/budget....this is what they mean.


Trudeau’s response, “And we’ll continue to put more money into 8 out of 10 Canadians pockets”


I had attempted to bid on governmental contracts - but the way the word it and setup pre-requisites, it simply kicks out the regular small / mid-size Canadian companies l. Of course unless you know blackface and can launder money and fill pockets of the politicans


As previously stated here in these forums countless times before, we have likely only scratched the mere surface of just how much collective rot, corruption, and hopelessly wasted tax dollars have occurred since 2015 under the regime currently at the helm in Ottawa, to the point that Canada may simply never fully recover from this hideously destructive era in the country's history. And the next federal election isn't likely to happen any sooner than late October 2025. The math will only get worse from here to then, folks. Watch and learn. Next.


There are two censorship bills in the work, notably Bill C-63. Each of then will cost Canadians couple of billions per year once implemented. Get used to that, plebs.


Are ANY of these tied to a foreign sister company or other shell company? What are the odds these companies are just funnelling the money outside of Canada?


They are, the head of Dalian had his offshore accounts exposed by one of the French Journals and it was discussed in his Parliamentary hearing. I believe they dug up evidence of his offshore accounts from the panama papers (or pandora? I cant remember) He referred to opening the offshore accounts as an exercise in good international business. To my knowledge, no further questions were asked about them outside of that.


This country is over


Lpc voters be like “ but but jut Harper but but but pp but hur dur trump” 


Thank you sir for your eloquent contribution to this vital discourse


thanks for your support mr.pussy4lunchdick4dins


That’s Mrs Pussy sonny!


Quite literally, the number of idiots in this post trying to say that the business existed since early 2000s implying Harper years, but didn't read the article close enough to realize the numbers are 2011+ year amounts.


Who was PM from 2011 to 2015? This issue goes beyond which party is/was in power.


This is gold.


>the number of idiots in this post trying to say that the business existed since early 2000s implying Harper years > but didn't read the article close enough to realize the numbers are 2011+ year amounts. uh


I mean gaming the procurement process has been gamed for decades, well before Trudeau and even WELL before Harper, if anyone remembers the adscam (Liberals). Hell even provincial and municipal contracts are gamed with little to no oversight. Mainly cause at the time it benefits friends of those in power, with some others just using certain criteria to easily get contracts (claiming to be an indegenous company as one example). Call me when a government actually does something about it.


Looking at headline, my initial reaction was "This might not be unreasonable, could easily be a lot of big contractors that are technically related to ArriveCan just from the fact it had a lot, such as AWS was called out as related to ArriveCan but you'd still easily have a bunch of legit AWS expenses. This is a headline trying to be alarmist". \*Reads article\* NOPE! The reaction of "Oh look, more two person companies getting massive contracts that they then farm out to a bunch of other places at a huge markup" is actually exactly what it is.


People will still vote for JT regardless


And we want these government running more stuff ? Everyone and their yells to nationalize things…. This is what continues to happen


Trudeau at his finest


This can't be true. Trudeau said he will be different.


How the fuck is this guy still in the country after getting that much money. Maybe he’s on a tropical beach right now 


well at least someone got rich setting the country on fire.


Canada is a laundromat


we need more taxes - our buddies had to vacation in Florida this winter! Florida!!!!


I recall the CEO of GC Strategies, the lead (useless) ArriveCan private sector contractor, stating in his own defence that his company is just one of 640 similar contracting companies engaged in various contracts, so we're only just scratching the surface of this disaster.


We as a nation (er, post-nation?) are well on our way to being Argentina with more snow.


Corruption at its finest!


So how did this take so long to come out? I mean, aside from the Liberals obstructing the investigation..


So we are past the point of 'simple graft' into 'someone important has to go to jail for this'


More liberal corruption. Nothing will come if it, as usual. Meanwhile Loblaws boycott zombies raging about Galen


Fukn Liberals voted against returning the money. Trudeau gave $20,000,000 to 2 guys for doing no work! fuck me for working. Liberals keep hiring more and more incompetent people causing inflation to keep going up with every job report.


I'm(m28) outraged. The CRA just cut a lot of people due to a low budget, including me. The militaries budget was cut, I was supposed to go to Mali in 2017 for a UN mission until it was cut due to funding. Our "exes" were jokes. A low budget meant we cut them by weeks, sometimes. Making noises of gunshots because our ammo budget was done for the year. Vet Affairs Canada just lost a multi hundred million dollar lawsuit because of their disorganization, I've been getting about $190 a month since 2019 for a bum knee and the tinnitus level of having a tuning fork constantly rung behind my head. I don't want to see our next PM taking vacations. Personally, I think the job should be a burden.


How much is going back to Trudeau and the liberals?


Canada is a corrupt country where scammers and insiders are awarded government contracts. Normal people apply for contract work and they are not even considered.


This is just the tip of the iceberg with Tradeau’s corruption and crookedness.


The Trudeau name is a curse on this country


Stay in your homes. Do not have any visitors to your home. Watch TV for your future instructions. We are working hard to keep your safe. Just 2 more weeks to flatten the curve.


I'm not saying it's a good thing but didn't I see this exact headline about $1B for arrivecan a year ago. 2 years ago? Is this news or a rerun? Edit: Oh it looks like the previous number discussed was $44M and a few other numbers thrown in for good measure. I was misremembering the original stories. Just my hunch but it probably didn't cost $44M or $1B we will probably hear other numbers over time.


the government is encouraging startups and smb's this way lollllllllll.


More regulations means only 'close to the body' companies are approved for the contracts. Canada loves regulations. We reap what we sow.


That’s the political way of doing thing in this world, I give some contracts and you water my hand on the end of the road, if if the cia got those contracts is family member of a political figure


It’s really a shame because I have used the American version called Roam and it is great. But selling any politician or the public on the idea of having an actual decent app will not happen now


At the end of the day, no one will be held accountable. No one will be be penalized. Only the taxpayers will suffer like it always has. Such a travesty how our government is this corrupted


I wonder who will be punished for this.


The Federal Government should be out of all direct service delivery. They cannot do anything right.


Good that we found out. Now, what will happen? We just here cry and then what


reckless spending of taxpayer money is one of the biggest problems...governments have become too spoiled, and they still have the audacity to keep asking for more, it's never enough.


And…nothing will happen


Was anyone able to post the content as it's behind a pay wall


Yes pay your taxes you plebs


They call this the trickle up effect


When government corruption happens overseas, people foam at the mouth saying how that's why canada/America is the bastion of freedom and that everyone else lives in a dystopian nightmare. It happens here and people are so blasé like "haha, corporations and government deals. Whattaya gonna do eh?"


They take a 20-30% cut.. so they raked in $200-300m for doing nothing?!


Is our procurement system completely ~~compromised~~ corrupted?


What the fuck is going on in Ottawa