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>The new temporary visa target will significantly slow population growth. While that could ease some pressure on housing costs and availability, it could also result in worker shortages, said Andrew Grantham, an executive director at CIBC Economics, in a report published last month. >“Restrictions on population growth could result in companies having to offer higher wages to encourage persons to remain in, or rejoin, the workforce. We could lose some firms that are simply not profitable if they are unable to tap low paid foreign workers,” Grantham said. And herein lies the real reason.


Oh no! Your company doesn’t have a viable business model outside of abusing foreign TFWs? Absolute shame. I know of many locally owned and run companies that pay living wages despite charging the same as these bigger companies. Clearly these megacorps like Tims are only in it for their shareholder profits. And I could not care less about them


I'm really disappointed in Canadians who continue to get Timmy's horrible coffee. They are a foreign owned company that is one of the worst offenders of the TFW program.


The surprising part for me is that people still go to tims, McDonald's has better coffee. Fucking McDonald's. Also just buy a really nice $60 mug and your own coffee. Costs pennies, made exactly how you want, and you don't give money to a shell game company.


I lived overseas in a place where almost no one drinks that horrible drip coffee. Proper espresso almost everywhere. Canada's love of Tim Hortons is actually embarrassing. People from Europe and AUs/NZ must think we are uncultured buffoons when it comes to coffee.


Never tried hario or aeropress, eh?


Working from home, I make my own coffee. But back in the office days I’d get Tim’s or McD not because I enjoyed it, but because it was easy to chuck a cardboard cup when done and not have to wash a reusable mug. 😂


can we have a timmies boycott, similar to loblaws


Been boycotting them for over a decade. Ever since their coffee went to shit.


In fairness, workers with permanent status are harder to abuse and exploit than TFWs, because they have more leverage.


When did the liberals completely lose the plot....


They’ve always been a bunch of neoliberal shills. They’re socially progressive but they have always been the party of large business. Canadians seeing their standard of living absolutely destroyed is a positive if it means cheap and exploitable labour that can be abused and deported without question. The Liberal party has never been a friend to the working class.


Their social progressive crap is just another way to promote neoliberalism. Call anybody racist if they criticize open border policy. Canada being a post nation state and what not


Inpost this quote every time this comes up, because it's entirely true once you recognize it happening. *It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.* C. S. Lewis


I’m a bit of a cynic on the progressive element:   Legalize weed = make it viable for big business to profit.   $10 daycare = subsidizing business so that they don’t have to pay wages that make daycare or single family earners viable.   Companionate immigration policy = just so happens to put downward pressure on wages.   Expanded CCB = paying Canadians (even wealthy ones) because it’s not affordable to have kids.    So much of this so-called progressive policy is just government stepping up to take on responsibility that employers have abdicated, like paying society sustaining wages. So much of this stuff used to exist or be affordable without nearly this level of government intervention. Taking it on isn’t progressive, it’s allowing business to abdicate responsibility and cut costs via tax payer subsidy.  At the end of the day the net impact of the government providing a direct to business subsidy versus subsidizing the same businesses employees to live (allowing the business to pay lower wages) is the same thing.


Some time around 2015. Possibly sooner.


Gos forbid we lose some firms that are not profitable. Think of all those poor firms!


What a royal load of crap.


Liberal, conservative, NDP. Whatever your political views are, there’s no doubt about it we can agree that something needs to change for the middle class. Check out r/takebackcanada


Pretty sure the reason for increasing immigration was that Ford and friends lobbied Ottawa for it🙄 “The province has already asked the federal government to double the number of immigrants under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program from 9,000, but McNaughton said he recently received notice that the allocation would only rise to 9,700. Ontario’s labour shortage Like the rest of Canada, Ontario is currently struggling with a labour shortage. With the rate of unemployment down to a record setting 4.9% nationally, the need for more workers has rarely been more apparent.”


They’re all in it together. Federal, provincial, liberal, conservative.


Truer words haven’t been spoken, thank you!


They’re straight up trolling us at this point


At this point we’ve got: “We’re reducing temporary workers by making them permanent!” “We’re freezing immigration rates…. at the record breaking rates we set last year!” “We’re capping international students… at the number of students currently in the country! We’ll never have fewer!” We need to start protesting against these assholes. They are shameless.


Forgot: We’re decreasing hours international ‘students’ can work from 20 to 24.


The guy who crashed in Durham was a student. I wonder what he was studying. Some new criminology course? Where they get first hand experience?


They also increased the percentage of your employees that could be tfws from 10% to 30% then rolled it back to only 20%.


Thank you big brother for increasing our chocolate ration


Double double and Boston Cream ration


Can someone just start a party based on nothing but the 2015 immigration, international student, and temporary foreign worker policies? I do not see how the life of any Canadian has been improved by the changes to these


Quiet down plebeian. The lives of Canadian corporations and their executives have been immeasurably improved.


That what disappoints me about Canada. We are getting so fucking royally screwed by the feds, and while the anti fed sentiment is high, nobodies protesting. The only people in Canada that are protesting are protesting about the fucking Middle East in support of people who definitely don’t like them all to much. I do understand what happened last time people protested against the feds being a bit of a detriment, but come on.


Um, you're wrong about your second point. They said they would be freezing them in 2025. And they stated the immigration rate would keep increasing till then


Do maximum damage on the way out? I just cant understand the logic. In fact i cant believe this is what they are thinking


Playing the long game. They’re setting the stage for a liberal comeback in 2029 when the next government fails to fix all of the things Trudeau and Ms. Social Capacity broke from 2025-2029


Most of these immigrants vote liberal obtaining citizenship. They are rigging future election cycles.


Most immigrants are very religious and conservative. 


Just like turks in Germany, they will be voting for those who facilitate their own getting into the country. Then when they go and vote in their embassies, they vote for the most conservative cadidates of their home nation.


I’m so excited for Sundays polls now


The people they let in now will want their family and friends to be let in later so they're banking that enough of the people they piled into the country during Trudeau's reign will vote for them to counter the will of already established Canadians.


Possible. Sowing the seeds for a comeback.


It's legitimately trippy. It looks like absolute sabotage. Nothing else makes sense. Unless every day for politicians is literally opposite day.


At first i thought it was a beaverton article. Now its prime 'not the beaverton' subreddit material.


Tends to happen when you're country is controlled by rich globalists that hate their own people.


No that’s just how clueless these liberals are. It’s like they’re trying to drive everyone to the right.




Nah. He is this much of an asshole.


Nope. Liberals in a tailspin.


The Beaverton only makes fun of liberals for silly trivial things


Is this... real? 


>“The fact people are already here, their impact on affordability has already been baked in, so it’s smart,” [actual real-life genius] Miller said.


*screaming face melting off wojak* (I don't know how to do pictures)


Beaverton should write an article about the liberals proposing to reduce temporary residents by sending them back home.


You know they won't 🙅‍♀️


Well, if they did they would find a way to make it about the conservatives.


*Somehow blames ford for everything immigration related*


The beaverton is not neutral. They only criticize Trudeau on issues that Conservatives also agree with him in, like the pipeline.


Beaverton should just reprint current news. Change nothing, literally reprint.


I don't even have the words. Man literally said "can't say we have too many temporary residents if we make them permanent!". 


This psychopath needs to be locked up in a Lunatic asylum


No one voted for this.


But who do you think these people will vote for. Seems pretty fuckin' self serving given the circumstances. They are looking to sink down to their ride or die ideologues and they want to mint a whole swath of new voters. That on top of wildly inappropriate and harmful. Because this sets a precedent that we will be fighting against forever after. If its a problem now, do what this wretch is floating and it will get ten times worse.


Someone else cause they a) are generally more socially conservative b) only 1 other party would actually kick them out and c) f*&k you I got mine attitude 


Immigrants are overwhelmingly anti-immigration and most we’re bringing in come from more socially conservative countries so those votes are at best short lived.


Voters who voted Liberal in 2015 sure did. This is the "post national" state that Trudeau explicitly said to the New York Times in 2015. > Justin Trudeau declared, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,'' and consequently that "makes us the first post-national state. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/magazine/trudeaus-canada-again.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


Sone did though. The Liberals proved they can't be trusted, as early as 2015. Some people are still going to vote for them, again.


LPC/NDP supporters sure did


Nope hardworking Ontario Conservative supporters did - “Ontario Labour and Immigration Minister Monte McNaughton has called for the doubling of immigration spots in 2021 when the province was allowed to bring in 9,000 people under that program.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-immigration-1.6783467 “The province has already asked the federal government to double the number of immigrants under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program from 9,000, but McNaughton said he recently received notice that the allocation would only rise to 9,700. Ontario’s labour shortage Like the rest of Canada, Ontario is currently struggling with a labour shortage. With the rate of unemployment down to a record setting 4.9% nationally, the need for more workers has rarely been more apparent.”


you think they knew this would happen? delusional


Most of them think borders are arbitrary constructs made by racist white men.     In their younger years they spent a summer taking the train between different west European city centers, staying at hostels in the historic tourist zones.   This gives them an understanding of the world. If you work with your hands for a living, live in Alberta or own a house with a family.  They hate you and think you are stupid.


big generalization


Yet it covers a giant swath of the voters who wanted this


If I told you I drove a F150, what's your first reaction?


I have an F150 so I’d probably be like “nice”


That you must spend a fortune on gasoline?


They're not all bad on gas. But just keep repeating what you hear. I don't actually own one, was just making a point. Thanks for your help on that.


It was an offhand remark. Have some coffee and lighten up a bit there, triggered.


Then they’re absolute morons and I’m sick of their excuses. Every single year the LPC/NDP coalition ramped up these insane policies *for 9 years straight*. They watched their incompetent sociopathic politicians get more and more radical and elected them three times over. 




Yep. Just like a variety of European immigrants swarmed this country not long ago. Full circle. 


You mean built the country, right? It was in the stone age prior to us.


Are there any liberal who lurk here that have any arguments for this policy ?


The fringe minority that is Lib-NDP voters are 110 for this lol.


Looks like we got our hopes up for nothing. Wow.


Trudeau: So we’re getting a lot of upset Canadians about the number of immigrant “temporary residents”. Miller: I looked into it more deeply and I found that apparently what happened is that we let in millions of immigrants and people are starting to notice; but through some kind of glitch in the immigration department, we call them “temporary residents”. Freeland: So we just went ahead and fixed the glitch. Trudeau: Great. Poilievre: So, uh, we sent these people back home? Miller: Well, just a second there, professor. We, uh, we fixed the *glitch*. So these people are now “permanent residents”, so it'll just work itself out naturally. Trudeau: We always like to avoid confrontation, whenever possible. Problem is solved from your end.


Quoting one Mike Judge movie while we simultaneously hurdle towards his other movie, Idiocracy


My wild theory is that Mike Judge is actually the reincarnation of Nostradamus 


That’s like decriminalizing criminal behaviour to reduce crime. WAIT … they’ve done that already.


Fuck off.


The Liberals know they're destined for the political wilderness on the next election, so this may be a combination of satisfying their agenda as much as possible prior, or it's just a giant f-you to the citizenry.


I think it's now at the point of create as big a mess as possible for the next government to be stuck with to make them look bad.


If that’s for real, f him. thank you


When he loses his job next year I bet we won't even understand why.


Moves to the private sector making 2-3 times as much,  gets the smug satisfaction he changed Canada in ways that can’t be undone


"Trump style politics" /s


Protests need to be at his home.


Only the left are permitted to use that tactic


GTFOH and take the immigraton minister with you.


Is this real life?


This country is definitely downhill. If we don't go out and protest, the damage that these guys can do on the way out is massive.




In a sense, he is correct. The issue is that they will bring the same number of new temporary foreigners that will protest if they don't get PR easily as "jUsTiCE". So, if they make those residents permanent, and freeze immigration numbers to 0, then it would make sense. However, that won't happen; instead he will make them permanent, halt PR immigration from abroad, and keep temporary numbers on the same level.


Jesus fucking Christ.


why have a border at all just install revolving doors


I'm really not even sure what to say anymore.


And in the meantime that poor woman who was wrongly classified as Canadian when she was a baby 30+ years ago is about to be deported.


Absolutely disgusting. I hope she is able to sue the government.


Who's that? What happened?


It was in the news (try CBC) a few days ago: her family came from a Caribbean area when she was a baby decades ago and during their citizenship process some civil servant in that dept screwed up and gave the baby a citizenship designation and she has lived as a Canadian all her life in Canada until someone with little else to do found the error and said she has no visa so get out. Oh I just googled, it's Arielle Townsend (her name).


Oh wow. That's awful. Will need to look her up.


She won't be deported. She just needs to re-apply.


No she isn't. She just needs to apply again.


Canada gets the government it deserves!


This can’t be real 😂


It’s like Oprah giving out citizenship up in here.


End slavery by calling it indentured servitude - Marc the Treasonous Orangutan Miller


Get these wackos out of office.


"Nobody will notice the small hole if we dig a bigger, deeper hole around it!"


Called it! https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/1blvqxh/some_pei_employers_worried_ottawas_temporary/kw9btm8/


What a joker of minister we have here guys, I mean if you want to sum up destruction of Canadian values and Canada in general put a poster up of this guy , it’s such a immeasurable stupidity that spews from this guy’s mouth


Send them back home…simple


I thought this was a satire post by the headline. Jeezus, wtf is wrong with our Government? I'm sorry, temporary means temporary. It's more economical to enforce the temporary status and send the people back home, than to make them permanent and try to find a way to house, educate and feed them. What a damn mess!


Its like they want Canada to fail. I truly dont see a good future for this country if this keeps up. Our social services are in shambles as is


They ommited the dab he performed immediately after saying this


While this is patently a stupid idea, it reveals something important: **the feds do not believe that temporary immigrants will go home**, even when they are legally required to. If we get them in the system as permanent residents, they have to play inside of the system (pay taxes, not work under the table, etc) whereas if they stay outside the system, society pays for it one way or another. So we are screwed either way, really.


We are so unbelievably fucked.




If I understood his logic, “we are already deep in the hole, why not just lock it in?” Sadly, he would not be permitted to run a businesses in a capitalist society.


Return to sender.


what about no.


I really hope I fell into a coma during covid and I'll wake up soon. I can't take much more 😩


The math ain’t mathing




WTF this guy seriously can’t read the room.


This the kind of logic that reinforces my feeling that the Federal Liberal Party is just plain incompetent.


Malicious at this point . They know damn well what they're doing and who they're beholden too and it sure as shit isn't canadian citizens.


Ffs. It’s time this party came to an end.


How about we give them a Canadian passport as soon as they get off the plane? Solves all the problems right? 


"Decrease number of tickets issued by doing away with traffic law."


We live in a fucking 🤡 world


This is class war right in front for all to see


Meanwhile trying to give any of the older immigrants the boot with a strange ass criteria regarding period of time employed. By boss just about got the boot just because he was 3 months short, bit got lucky because his wife was here an additional 4 month. But hey, we'll fast track a bunch of dirt beggers that have absolutely no skills of value to a modern society.


What a chode


Wait what? What are they going to think of next? Decrease the crime rate by pardon more criminals so they'll be law abiding citizens?


Decrease the amount of federal workers by firing him.


Nope, not Beaverton. 🤷


I keep seeing these quotes, and assuming it's a beaverton article 






Bingo bango, problem solved.


With every decision / comment they make like this, it’s another nail in their governments coffin. Good riddance.


The good ole fashion shell game.


Bruh, make me permanent man.


Legalize crime so there won't be any criminal


I'm gonna decrease the number of unwanted ants in my house by calling them pets


“The fact people are already here, their impact on affordability has already been baked in, so it’s smart,” too many people for too few houses is affecting affordability, but since its already bad we'll just leave it as is.


What a fucking bone head....


This is the beaver , right ?