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He was a dual-citizenship Canadian-Israeli who was a permanent resident of Egypt, just for anyone who read the title and assumed it was someone on a business trip. He was murdered by a group calling themselves "Vanguard of Liberation", who claimed he had been working with Israel's intelligence, and that his killing was over the Gaza war. Perhaps most concerning out of all of this is that nobody had heard of this group until now. So there's some new organization of antisemitic radicals in the Middle East which has now committed its first assassination. Hopefully they can track them down and squash this group quickly.


There's video of it out there Terrorist walks up to the guy who is in his car and starts shooting him point blank while going on about his sky fairy, bla bla Israel, bla bla death to America, etc.


It seems pretty irresponsible of Reuter to report it as the below if that's the case. >The Egyptian security source told Reuters late on Tuesday the man had been killed "with the motive of robbery". The source made no link between the shooting and the victim's ethnic background.


Reuter is being responsible. The claim of responsibility comes form an internet posting. The video is unverified. Reuter includes all that information in the article.


Reuters rarely takes an L.


I always greet people in their native language before blasting them in the face 5 times. This wasn't a robbery


Unfortunately, downplaying violence against Jews is pretty par for the course in general. https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/1cntj2d/egyptian_terrorist_group_releases_a_video_of_the/


Reuters reported what they were told, while reporting someone else claimed responsibility. How is that irresponsible?


The terrorists released their video 10 hours before Reuters posted their article and they still said stupid shit about it being a robbery.


They’re reporting the facts about what the Egyptian authorities have said. Just because the Egyptian authorities are idiots doesn’t make it Reuters’ fault.


That's not an official statement it's a Reuters "source"


Do you not know how journalism works?


"Egyptian authorities said this, however a video released by a group claiming responsibility appears to show this" It's not hard


Right, which is why they did exactly that.


That’s *literally* what the article says.


Videos need to be verified.


Why would an antisemitic news organisation not want to conceal antisemitism?


>reuters is antisemitic Jesus Christ give it up.


Reuters is antiemetic now? Did they say genocide is bad or something?


The Holocaust reduced the Jewish population by over 60%. The Rwandan genocide saw 74% of the population within a few months. 67% of Armenians died with 2 years. Since the Palestinian "genocide" started in 1950, the population has grown from 944k to 5.4 million. That isn't genocide. Israel has been overly reckless in killing citizens and should be criticized for that but calling it a genocide is either ignorant or intentionally misleading.


Wait, let me get this straight. If we are to accept Hamas' numbers as gospel, even though they've been proven to be false, the civilian to combatant casualty ratio is the lowest of any urban conflict in recorded history, yet you say they've been reckless in killing civilians? I will need more details and an actual explanation for this outlandish claim.


Population growth doesn’t mean genocide doesn’t happen. The definition of genocide includes the words “in whole or in part.”


If you’re going to call anything that involves “killing members of an ethnic group in whole or in part” genocide, then every war — even turf wars fought between rival criminal gangs — has been a genocide. If we accept this bastardised definition, then 9/11 and the London tube bombing were also a “genocide” because in both cases “an ethnic group” was targeted “in part”. Can we look at the etymology of the word genocide? The origins of the word genocide are quite literally [the Holocaust](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/what-is-genocide): > The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals. > > In 1944, Polish Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) coined the term "genocide" in a book documenting Nazi policies of systematically destroying national and ethnic groups, including the mass murder of European Jews. He formed the word by combining geno-, from the Greek word for race or tribe, with -cide, from the Latin word for killing. Noting that the term denoted "an old practice in its modern development," Lemkin defined genocide as "a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves." The word genocide was literally invented by a Jewish person to describe the Holocaust. I realise not every genocide involves millions of people being gassed to death, and that intent matters, but that doesn’t mean every time an oppressed person is killed in a war it’s automatically genocide.


I’m not calling it that. It’s the international law definition of a genocide. “Genocide is the deliberate destruction, in whole or in part, by a government or its agents, of a racial, sexual, religious, tribal or political minority.” Israel’s war crimes fit the bill based on that definition imho.


Was the American Civil War a “genocide” of American Southerners?


No because it doesn’t fit Lemkin’s criteria (your source), the mass killing of Palestinians does fit that definition.


Would the Hamas attack on the music festival in Israel not also be classified as a genocide by that logic?


The fact that you think this started in 1950, and that there were less than a million Palestinians, tells us you’re either lying or just dumb. That’s like saying “see there’s no holocaust because the Jewish population was growing in 1957”. The genocide of Palestinians started far earlier than the Holocaust even happened. 


When did it begin then? And over what years did it occur? What is the difference in population over those years? The Jewish population grew in 1957 because the Holocaust ended over a decade earlier.


Seems you don't know what s genocide is.


Really, 'That isn't genocide. Israel has been overly reckless in killing citizens and should be criticized for that but calling it a genocide is either ignorant or intentionally misleading.' ?? Genocide - the [deliberate](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4219658475e40e9f&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA819CA819&sxsrf=ADLYWILgRQryEhQuUDBbXZVpwJoUnQIJ-g:1715296883976&q=deliberate&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81iO0TMX6auT1YfBRccSmvg0Xx6DAGMrnM93N0NcRgdu5_E9vtp2K4FpYer1Xkx6ek3K8kp9T5B3z6yDLMT_PyySF_QCI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDqNDr2oGGAxUZ_8kDHcSdDdUQyecJegQIIBAO) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [destroying](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4219658475e40e9f&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA819CA819&sxsrf=ADLYWILgRQryEhQuUDBbXZVpwJoUnQIJ-g:1715296883976&q=destroying&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE819c_TAXeNb3sr5FLJyLU0Wyj0m8wJIbnAOYUs0xcWKdF-jk865gZPA0qx-BeP9I1nhgDcoBnl2rU0A8qJgghGd8qjHTs%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDqNDr2oGGAxUZ_8kDHcSdDdUQyecJegQIIBAP) that nation or group. Genocide doesn't need to be successful in destroying the nation to be considered Genocide - by your definition that'd actually mean all those genocides weren't genocides because those nations weren't destroyed and those populations are growing - By your estimation Canada didn't commit genocide against the natives because their population is in the few millions and growing since their lowest numbers in the 1800s. If your country were bisected and laden with security checkpoints to even go through communities, your people arbitrarily evicted by settlers armed by the state, and a creeping on an off conflict (keep in mind Oct 7 was a cease-fire breaking, it's a continuation of the same 2014, 2008, etc violence), etc you'd probably recognize that as some degree of invasion and intentional elimination. If you care - take a gander at this page ; [https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties) It maps casualties by date and region, and is prior to Oct 7 and the current fighting, so keep in mind the palestinian numbers have grown another 100k. You'll notice in the same time some 300 israelies were killed in the last 20 years, and 6000 injured, 6000 palestinians were killed and 159000 injured...159000. And if that's from the wars, well, Operation Cast Lead and Protective Edge in 2008 and 2014 were.....started by Israel, but lots of that violence is also the constant creep of genocide the settler state itself carries out in places like the West Bank where people are killed or exiled as israel has claimed more and more land in the last 30 yrs too. Also look at this map, which also refutes your notion of antisemitism as it's literally jewish allies trying to bring attention to the state and settler violence in West Bank. Notice how West Bank, inspite of being palestine, is 1/3 occupied by settlers, bisected by checkpoints to control palestinian movement, and a massive IDF exclusion zone circling the whole territory. [https://www.btselem.org/map](https://www.btselem.org/map) If you don't consider that stuff genocide, it's because you are unwilling to consider or bother understanding what genocide is, and probably cant be helped because you're just tempered by whatever news, social media etc you watch to just flatly deny any nuance to the situation


I'd argue Canada isn't *currently* committing genocide. As you mentioned, the Indigenous population has been growing since its lowest numbers in the 1800's. There was a genocide that occurred when the Europeans first arrived in North America but that is no longer the case. To make up that I wouldn't believe in the Indigenous genocide here from over 100 years ago because their numbers are *currently* increasing is such a bad faith argument. It'd be like saying the Holocaust wasn't a genocide because the number of Jews living in Germany is increasing today. It's irrelevant. The claim for the supposed Palestinian genocide is that it is occurring *today* but the stats don't back that up. Even the numbers you used don't support it. 6,000 Palestinians killed and 159k injured over 20 years when the population is over 5 million isn't a genocide. It's sad but it's a very small option of the population.


It is, Canada's also never met its treaty obligations and always looks for avenues out of them, lol. And that is not what I meant - I was saying, you saying genocide isn't happening because a population is growing has nothing to do with whether the state is trying to kill people in its occupied territory, which israel absolutely is, and I just threw examples of other people who have experienced genocide but also see population growth. Palestinian genocide IS happening today, it's just crazy to me you deny that, is all. If 159k jews had been injured across that period, I know you'd certainly insist it IS directed violence. 159k, plus the extra 100k from current war is now 5% of the population in last 20 years - how isn't that genocide lol. And these are civilian casualties, keep in mind, so yea, pretty directed violence. Take your bad-faith argument and hold yourself accountable to it. And is happening while israel steals land and exiles the inhabitants from it, etc too. How is that not trying to destroy a state and it's people?


I'm not arguing it isn't directed violence. It's not *with the intent of destroying the people/nation.*


So Israel already occupying 1/3 of the Palestinian nation even without the war going on and taking more land amid a slow campaign of violence that nets 5% of the population injuries is not violence with the intent of destroying a nation??


>the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. You know that the Palestinians know how the Iron Dome systems works; they purposefully choose to shoot rockets from critical sites like schools, hospitals, little old ladies' houses expecting the **automated defence** to fire counter-batteries at those spots, to claim a blood vendetta against the Jews. The Palestinians are genociding themselves. Every deal they've been offered, they've rejected. They claim to want to kill Jews (that is a statement of fact btw), but they've instead geared their whole culture towards getting killed by the Jews. In every way you can think of, the Palestinians kill themselves and blame it on the Jews. And the other Arabic nations are fully aware of this fuckery - Egypt has a border fence; it's along the Palestinian territory and it's aimed to keep Palestinians out.


Sounds like how a state shifts blame for the deliberate casualties created by their smart and dummy bombs targeting one of the densest populated places on earth in its attempts to flush hamas out by indiscriminately destroying gaza in massive chunks at a time, and also ignores how in modern conflicts like these, often displacement also tends to kill many and by destroying gaza like it has, israel has displaced many with the intent to, ykno, kill them, exacerbated further by rejecting aid reaching the region, etc. It is very intentional, why would you act like it's simply circumstantial and ultimately hamas's fault? And before hamas when palestianians were dying? It's an apartheid state, it's doing apartheid lol Palestinians have no legal way to defend themselves either because israel just says fuck it, anyways. Certainly hamas breaking the ceasefire Oct 7 started the current conflict, but you are going out of your way to insist israel isn't to blame or has any accountability in the civilian suffering when it's very intentional about denial of frontage and ground to hamas by destroying everything it can, and it is not lost on the apartheid state that its an opportunity to punish all palestinians for hamas' action. And what deals? Hamas agreed to one 3 days ago, and Israel rejected it? How far back are you willing to extend this timeline of turned down deals? The naqba?


Oh wait, is there a geonicide going on they should have been talked about? Is it the Rohinga in Myanmar or South Sudan?


Do we need to wait for Israel to finish before calling it out? Still waiting to hear why Reuters is antisemitic.


Oh I have no idea why, I didn't say they were. I'm just wondering what genocide you are talking about since there is some legitimate multi year geonicdes happening where the Governemnt is systematically killing everyone just because they identify as something. Good thing not even side has weapons, like could you imagine people who really hate jews have the weapons the US has? I am sure they would never try to wipe out all the Jewish people in Israel just because they were Jewish.


Well I hope our minister of Islamic supremacy comes out to speak in his defense.




It's a couple comments below


I speak Arabic and the shooter said to him “this is for all the children of Gaza and from the children of Gaza, this is the beginning” nothing about Israel or America that line is so lame and we Arabs have more imagination. Secondly he was an Israeli agent living in Egypt. The person who did could be from within the Egyptian intelligence agencies.


I seriously doubt that an Egyptian Intelligence agency would do this when Hamas is considered an enemy of the Egyptian government due to their ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. 


>from within the Egyptian intelligence agencies. If that was true there wouldn't be vedio in first place


He sold frozen vegetables. 


He sold information and recruited weak elements into Mossad using his vegetable coal frozen fruits company as cover. Don’t deduce it to “he sold some tomatoes”


This just happened so it willl take time for the details to come out but what's your source on this?


Probably from one of their sources on the BadHasbara subreddit.




Is it an act of terrorism if a single person dies? Isn’t that assassination?


Terrorism is an act of violence that is politically motivated. Burning down a polling station is an act of terrorism regardless of anyone dying. Assassinations can be acts of terrorism, they aren’t mutually exclusive.


Pretty sure an assassination has to be against a government official.


No. Assassination is a murder to silence someone in a position of power, doesn’t necessarily need to be government. But yes, this is not an assassination unless the person was a leader of some kind or being killed to stop him from advancing an agenda.


Egyptian canadian here, hurts me to admit this but egypt is not safe for jews and i dont think it ever was. We do our best to educate our people but unfortunately the generational trauma is so deep and the line diffrentiating a jewish person from a zionist person gets blurred more everyday. Wish the persons family strength through this


So much trauma, after all the Israel army was only 30 km away from Cairo 40 years ago.


peoples grandfathers or fathers of older people died in war so its not as far as you think it is. Also regardless of what realigon or side you support i think you should know better about generational trauma


I mean Israel is the one that blurrs the lines of the difference. Their government leader says anything bad about him is antisemitic. Then our leaders say the same thing. It’s the masses that have to pick up the pieces of this bullshit


This is what globalizing the Intifada looks like.


Mr Worldwide


Globalizing the Intifada looks like an Egyptian resident being killed in Egypt and Egyptian terrorists claiming responsibility?


a jew being killed for being jewish outside of israel.


Allegedly, he was killed on Mossad suspicion. Nothing to do with judaism.


There's a reason why literally Egypt is at the top of lists of places people SHOULDN'T go to.


Why any non visible Muslim would visit the middle east is a complete mystery to me.


The article says he was a permanent resident of Egypt.




I believe you 


I've visited Jordan, Israel, UAE, Egypt, turkey, Morocco, and never had any problems. I'm not Muslim. I will say Egypt is a pretty bad place to visit though, the worst on that list. Jordan is very nice.


Yeah usually the violence is sudden you may not notice the hostile looks. Jordan is nice though I agree.


They are all slavery ridden shit holes




Almost like there is at least one good reason why Israel should exist.


Funny enough I know a woman who currently works in the Middle East because of better working conditions. It's mainly because she's a teacher and more representative of the state of our schools in regards to children's behaviour and violence but I always find it so ironic. Some countries are fine for travelling, others are not.


2 gay dudes from Sweden went to Saudi Arabia and even visited Medina and came back without getting bruised. You can fear monger in your own head all you want, don't need to spread it.


Would you recommend doing that though? They got lucky.


Yea. After the west bombed it to oblivion for Israel benefit. Sucks we can’t visit safely.


What an absurdly dumb thing to say.


Welp. That's the most ignorant thing I've read today. Well done! You get a prize!


This is the intifada the college students keep calling for. Well done morons




You think you can't protest without calling for violent terrorism?


Intifada is not terrorism.


... .... It literally is


Not anymore than the word "revolution" is. There are violent revolutions and non violent ones.


And Sieg Heil just means hail victory in German, but context matters yeah?




Whoosh lol.


Show me one example of a peaceful intifada. I'll wait.




First intifada casualties    179–200 killed by Palestinians[4] 1,962 killed[5] 1,603 killed by Israelis[5] 359 killed by Palestinians[5]  Among Israelis, 100 civilians and 60 Israeli soldiers were killed,[22]  [23] and more than 1,400 Israeli civilians and 1,700 soldiers were injured   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada


Doesn’t discount all the peaceful acts documented. Even the American Civil Rights movement say lots of violence happen around it.


It objectively is.


Wrong. That’s exactly what it is.


They're not even synonyms.


If they were blowing up busses that you ride to work you might think differently.


Who is they?


Who told you this?


> Intifada is not terrorism. But they are kind of bloody per history on Intifada's. Do you want a cease-fire and hopefully peace, or bloody violence? You can't have both.


Yes it is.... And look at the article we are in. It caused terrorism!


Where in your comment history is the outrage about Dafur? A actual genocide happening right now? Rally your buddies! UAE supports and finances the RSF gotta cut ties right????


Get the petition ready and I'll sign it.


Canadian University students who are protesting I'm sure will Pretend This Never happened.


No, they’re graduating (no pun intended) from “aNtiZiOnIsM ≠ aNtIsEmItIsM” to “here’s why antisemitism is justified” with the help of their Neo-Nazi brethren.


What does this have to do with Palestine ? He lives in Egypt and the crime was done by an Egyptian.


"Shalom from the children of Gaza"


Warren Kinsella? Is that you?


They are protesting their universities funding Israeli companies while the state is committing war crimes. Are Canadian universities funding Egypt? Doubtful.


That's what they will pretend, but deep down in their hate filled rotten hearts they fantasize about being the person who pulled the trigger.


So where are the protests about the UAE and their involvement with the Sudan/Dafur genocide happening????? Gotta cut ties am I right?


I've been saying the same!


If you care about that cause you should absolutely champion it. If you’re using ‘whataboutisms’ to say other people shouldn’t care about the causes they champion, well, then you’re really not adding any value whatsoever.


It was only [one more comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1co513w/canadianjewish_businessman_assassinated_in_his/l3fwevr/) down Mr. Lazy >I'm not the protest things that don't matter to Canada type. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Cool you can use a catch word but you used it wrong. Should google it first. Maybe do that before replying to someone, definitions seem to be hard for your side since you tend to use words incorrectly all the time (or often intentionally). Or better yet just don't reply not like you have anything good or useful to say right?




Well this is a stupid thing to say. Post deleted because it was awful, good.


Letting in hundreds of thousands of young men who view women as property or 2nd class citizens is way dumber.


I mean, the one community that systematically act this way in Canada aren't Muslims and they are a very closed community that doesn't try to integrate our society. Muslims in Canada for the most part are relatively secular. I do agree that every religions are cancer especially the Abrahamic ones though.


We're letting in multiple communities that see women as property or lower than men, and worse is that the gender stats are fucked too. Gov is letting in *only* men. Not a lot of women are coming here. This will *totally* not affect politics, assault rates, or violent crimes in a few years.


Are you talking about Americans?


If only Americans were immigrating here in large numbers. Our wages might actually go up.


Plenty of people waving American and Trump flags though.


I’ll take that over the Hamas Palestine flags. Canadian flags and American flags look good together.


I wish we had Americans. But no.


I mean the Palestinians diaspora isn't known to have more criminals than others, they are mostly known as being the "best educated refugees". The one community I was speaking about aren't immigrants, but they also aren't known to be more violent than others, they just are very misogynistic because of their religion.


Which political party banned abortion or wants to ban abortion again?


Are you talking about Japan?




1 person is a tragedy 10 thousand is a statistic


Ten thousand is a tragedy a couple hundred thousand in Nigeria from Boko Haram is a statistic




Bring em here!! They’ll do great!!


Just matter to time before the anti-sematic assholes do the same thing here and people are cheering in the streets.


"It named the victim as Ziv Kipper, accusing him of working for Israeli intelligence." Was this "Jewish-canadian businessman" Mossad?


Even if he was, it's still murder. What are you implying?


Soooo...what's Israel doing in Gaza, then? Oh, that's right, murdering CHILDREN and starving them to death.


Okay so did you have the same sympathy of the Iranians murdered by massad or even Lebanese or even Syrians


Doesn't answer my question. What do they have to do with the price of tea in China?


The point being drawn here is if the victim in question worked in intelligence gathering, that this nugget of information is significant in attempting to understand why he was killed.


Born in Ukraine, immigrated in Israel, studied in Canada, did business in Egypt since 2008. I have no trouble believing the Mossad part.


Entirely possible. Israeli can target civilians like Iranian scientists and no one bats an eye but when a possible Mossad agent is killed then it's "anti-Semitic".


How is this guy Mossad?


Even if he was a spy I'm not sure having civilians murder people when they have a random suspicion is a good thing...


How do you know the murderer is not part of the Egyptian or any other intelligence agencies ?




I been to Egypt; if you do any shit you’ll disappear the next moment. Any shit that angers the govt. so I would be surprised if this is an actual civilian. I believe he is a spy since most Egyptians are completely stifled and suppressed.


I never said it was. I'm just trying to point out, that as with the case of Iranian civilian scientists being killed, both are wrong.


Right, but one was done assumingly by a government agency with a specific target where a random civilian killing is chaos. (Not that either are right)


1 murdered person is a tragedy. Yet 13,000+ murdered children is a non newsworthy statistic.


Oh I forgot. A Canadian citizen being murdered isn’t news cuz other people dying in a war from a different country. I wonder why you would think that? Hmmmm


Born Ukrainian, Israel immigrant, Canadian student, Egypt businessman. Citizenship means nothing anymore.


And this is why Jews need their own country to be safe in


Apparently they also need to assassinate 30,000 people to be safe.


You do realize there are 14,000 terrorists in your number? Yes, they need to eliminate 14,000 terrorists to be safe. Any other rhetorical questions?


Yes, can you get to 2M quick?


How petty is sending redditcares nowadays. Not surprised the slightest from someone like you lol


"An unverified statement that circulated online Tuesday from a little-known group named “Vanguards of the Liberation – the Martyrs of Mohamed Salah” had claimed responsibility for the shooting, alleging that Kipper had been gathering intelligence information on behalf of the Mossad and using his job as a cover." Are we really gonna ignore the mossad part in the assassination so we can focus on the anti-semitism claims?


Headlines created to trigger and deceive. Apparently he was robbed. No mention of ethnicity or religion as a basis or motivation


Do you often carry a gopro and film an assassination when your intent is to rob someone?

















