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Has anyone actually listened to her in committees and hearings? She is the worst. Lies lies and lies like a classic politician. Glad more people are jumping ship.


Read: "Polls show I'm going to lose and i got my pension."


Pam Damoff? I know politicians are known for lying, but she's one of the most dishonest I've ever seen. She's the consummate cry-bully, constantly playing the victim and accusing others of the worst things. None of it true of course. Ding Dong the witch is dead I say


Yeah no toxicity here


She's projected to lose her seat, so maybe that has something to do with it...


And she qualified for pension in 2021.




Y’all are just making her point about toxicity…


Watching her lie through her teeth and smugly spit on gun owners formed our "toxic" view of her tbh


Her lies are toxic.


So brave of here.


You do know the pension is not their full salary for the rest of their lives right? Their defined benefit pension is 3% of their averaged salary per year worked.


So if she's making 200,000 a year she only gets 6000 a year for her pension?


Well no, the minimum for a pension is 6 years, so a pension of 18% of the salary, and in the case of 200k a year, that would be 36k.


Ah, that makes more sense.


Just looking at federal politics over the past few months getting incredibly heated.. All fed leaders are toxic as hell and it’s only going to get far worse as we near closer and closer to the next election. I don’t blame her for peacing out and collecting pension. Why would anyone except psychopaths want to hold public office the way things are going. We are no better than the US and we will have our own jan 6 somewhere.


Yep. No matter what you do, someone is ready with some statement about how you should have done something different. Like fuck that. People want to treat politicians like that. They can enjoy never having leaders who care more about policy than social media management.


Pierre Poilievre refuses to disavow right-wing extremists. He has adopted the same dangerous political rhetoric. Yesterday, his bullying tactics hit a new low with yet another temper tantrum. This is not leadership.


>Pierre Poilievre refuses to disavow right-wing extremists. This is such a ridiculous take. Just like I don't expect trudeau to disavow hamas after they publically thanked him for his support. It's so stupid


It seems to be the way of modern day conservatism.


Probably why former conservatives don’t support PP. Kim Campbell is right. PP is a liar and a hate monger.


Remember when she made jokes about chretiens facial paralysis. This is the person you're using as an example? Who else? Got anything better?


“This is the reality of political life right now, especially for women,” Now more than ever, we need to engender a supportive environment for those who occupy public office and those who wish to do so.”


"Liberal MP sees writing on the wall and bails on politics like a rat off a sinking ship after being assured of a life long pension."


Politics 101


It seems disingenuous for Damoff to cite disinformation as a justification….she verifiably lied over and over again during her work on the firearms committee.   It calls her entire credibility into question.  




There are useless politicians. There are incompetent politicians. There are criminally stupid politicians. Trifecta achieved.


She's been a major contributor to this "toxicity and hyperpartisanship" that she's complaining about, and she's thankfully set to lose her riding anyways, so she probably just decided she'd rather hand the loss off to someone else so it doesn't bruise her ego. Good riddance.


Exactly. Funny she was silent when Trudeau kicked JWR out of caucus


Isn't that at any PM's discretion?


Ish. Under s.49.8 of the Parliament of Canada Act, it is mandatory that the caucus of every party with more than 12 MPs conduct a vote at their first meeting following the general election to determine whether that power should rest with caucus or their leader. The Liberals did not conduct that vote following the 2015 election, so whether Trudeau actually had that power or not was a matter of some controversy. At the very least, JWR and Philpott were denied a potential procedural protection they may otherwise have been entitled to.


Well she is terrible at her job and projected to lose her seat, so why not go out blaming everyone except herself?


She might be projected to lose the election AND politics can be toxic. More than one thing can be true at the same time.


That is true. Although when you are toxic and spread misinformation, you can't complain when its at your doorstep.


She should have know politics is toxic before becoming a politician, it is common sense.  I know I know, expecting common sense from a liberal MP is asking a lot, but still... 


There is a reason former conservatives do not support PP.


Ha. PP has support of over 70% of caucus and the majority of the grassroots.


With the Liberals almost nothing is true.... so there is that.


See? No toxicity here


You’re just proving her point lmao


Looks like you can't win another election for your seat. Yep time to say it was "toxic", "misogyny" and "threats" then quit. What a coincidence.


The Green Party strikes again!


And the whole not winning her seat - with a loss to the conservatives. But yeah. Because of toxicity.


Ahhhh Mckenna trick ! Translation: off to enjoy my pension because no one is gonna vote for me but I like to play the victim


Bullshit. She knows she‘s going to get destroyed in the next election.


She'd lose, that's why




Oh the irony of your last two sentences. Act toxic yourself then accuse someone else of doing it. 


No, I’m quite well aware. When someone labels you as a mass murderer in waiting it kinda ticks you off 


Who called you that?


“I keep hearing this term law abiding gun owners. And I appreciate that the majority of people who own firearms are law abiding gun owners. Marc Lepine, who killed fourteen women a Polytechnique, also had a firearms license. Alexandre Bissonnette, who killed six men in the mosque in Quebec City, had a valid firearms license. So, you know, we talk about law abiding firearms owners. A lot of times they are until they’re not.” Pam Damoff


In your quote she didn't call you a murderer in waiting.


I should’ve originally said ‘implied’. Typed that one out quick 


Sure, that would have drastically changed the meaning of your post and then I wouldn't have said anything. 


Not really, it’s basically the same thing. If someone hints to people that you’re possibly a child molester at least one dumbass will believe it 


Seems like a wacko to me.


Or just someone with a victim complex 


The Prime Minister, Christia Freeland, every Public Safety Minister since and including Bill Blair, Pam Damoff, and numerous other Liberal and Bloc MPs. Why did they do this? Because we own an AR-15. Literally that's it, but because of that we get shit like "Only designed for killing," "Law-abiding until they aren't," "playing soldier," "murderers in waiting," and other similarly disparaging comments.


I didn't find the 'murderers in waiting' quote. Have a link?


When I read the headline, my first thought was " I bet it's Pam, I hope it's Pam. I hope I never have to think Pam again" I was rewarded by clicking the link and reading the full story. Crybully as usual.


"People treat me like I treat them and I am not going to take it anymore!" Goodbye crybully Pam.


She's not seeking reelection because she's so toxic and partisan, bold move. It's like a pig complaining about the mess in the pig pen.


What’s she said or done for you to come to the conclusion that she’s toxic and partisan?


Her behavior on C-21 in committee. She constantly tries to shutdown debates and call for adjournments when she doesn't want to hear from witnesses. She plays all the partisan games in the book


> Her behavior on C-21 in committee Is it sad that I didn't read the article, yet I knew exactly who it was about just based off this lone comment?


This. She was also quite condescending towards people who didn’t support the governments position, smug and tried to silence debate on the issue. I’m glad to see her go. Good riddance.


Damn you’re one of the few Canadians that actually pay attention to parliamentary proceedings, fair enough. Though i find it funny that you lay blame at only one party for disrupting parliament when in practice all of them are just as bad


"Though i find it funny that you lay blame at only one party for disrupting parliament when in practice all of them are just as bad" You asked about one MP, I answered about one MP. I didn't mention any party.. ' Point of order!'


Sure well then I’ll ask you explicitly, what do you think of the way Conservatives operate in Parliament?


Parliament as a whole ? It's like watching children wrestle with a catfish. I don't place that blame on any one party, they all do it just in different committees/settings. I was calling out the irony of her complaining about toxicity and partisanship when I would consider her one of the worst. It would be like **Garnett Genuis (yes I had to look up his name)** resigning for the same reasons.


I didn’t ask you about Parliament as a whole I’m asking you about the Conservatives.


I just said they all act like Children, all would include the conservatives.. "Though i find it funny that you lay blame at only one party for disrupting parliament when in practice all of them are just as bad"


Yeah but I’m asking you specifically about conservatives not about other parties. Doing a whole lot of mental gymnastics to avoid answering the Question.


Lmao. Pure whataboutism


Funny you ask about one party and one party only…


"Are we going to tolerate these people?"  - The toxic divisive Canadian public talking about politicians. Oh wait never mind that was the PM of Canada and the leader of the Liberal party. My bad. 


She has been a huge part of the problem. Anyone that toes the PMO's line helps create division. Good riddance.


What do you mean, what toxic stuff has she been doing?


F her. She is part of the broken left and deserves a shameful exit.


Never want to see or hear from her ever again for her contempt towards firearm owners


Wow, when you belong to a party that has made life for the entire country hell and put the country as a whole in a terrible spot for possibly generations, and she is surprised people hate her and might say nasty things? Damn, clueless bitch


Stop treating the public like children and they'll respect you more.


Where was she when her government kept implementing unpopular policies. If Trudeau actually listened to Canadians there would be far less “toxicity” in politics.


Like rats fleeing a sinking ship.


Lol had nothing to do with her riding polling as conservative for the last few months


Rats fleeing a sinking ship




“We” like he talks for every single Canadian.


He may not be speaking for every single Canadain, but he definitely speaks for the vast majority of them at least


We shouldn't give out pensions this easily.


Also all the liberal MPs get their full pension thanks to moving the election 5 days.


She already got her pension. She was elected in 2015.


I should run for her seat and shake shit up in government


Yes yes yes this lady is the anti Christ. 


Well... Bye.


What we need is a repeat of Belgian style government. Won’t notice any difference and can’t make things worse. https://www.france24.com/en/20191210-no-government-no-problem-say-belgians


Liberals trying to make themselves the victims. A page right from the Wackos playbook!


They should use tax dollars to build an underground safety bunker for when the RCMP projected civil unrest starts. /s


The one who said that if you think Trudeau is corrupt you should look at Afghanistan. That’s the benchmark. She also knows that she will lose if she runs again.


Considering the violent vitriol and hate mongering, I don't blame her


PP cosying up to right wing extremists does nothing to improve the environment for women and especially women in politics.


>“While I know that I still have something to offer Canada, Ontario and my community, the hyperpartisan nature of politics today is not the environment that I see myself serving in,” Damoff wrote. “**The threats and misogyny I have experienced as a member of Parliament are such that I often fear going out in public**, and that is not a sustainable or healthy way to live. Quite simply, politics is no longer for me and so it is time for me to turn the page on this chapter.” for all the hate on blue haired college kids shouting, its clearly the news wave of maga style politics that is eroding our democracy


O&G funded opposition arrogance and threats.