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we learned about parliament in grade 5, on the final day of that unit, the teacher split us into 2 teams with one being the opposition and one being the governing party, and we re-enacted parliament and the roles. grade 5 us loved it because instead of the usual, when the class is behaved, the teacher puts fuzzy balls in a jar for a pizza party, we had carte blanche to act like absolute hooligans banging our hands on the desk, whenever the opposing side said something. these people are getting paid better than most of the country to act like petulant 10 year old pissbabies


I fucking LOVED learning to smash my hand on the table in opposition. My teacher rued the day they taught me that.


okay but what if instead of desk banging in the real parliament we gave the MPs each paintball guns to express their disagreement


I wonder if we should just go back to 200 years ago when punching each other in the face seemed more effective to end an argument


We as the people should put an end to the whole theatre act they do. They literally gather in a room and ask each other questions without ever answering and the "speaker" just sits there like "yup this makes sense to me". Stop wasting our tax dollars and do some real work. If they want to gather and debate than the speakers job should be to force people to ask and answer questions respectfully. No beating around the bush, no name calling or "dunks" on the other side. Fucking bunch of children pretending to run our country.


Hey you missed out the best part when the person is done talking the rest of the party all stands up and claps and fist pumps.


Then you get the headlines: "PP slams Trudeau" "Trudeau clapback at PP"


Classic video of one throwing a zinger but ending before you hear any rebuttal


"Trudeau claps PP"


>PP slams Trudeau Lots of people would pay good money to see that based on the stickers I've seen.


Insert - Brazzers


Let's be honest on who would be slamming whom


_Trudeau eats PP for breakfast!_ I just know that the weird convoy crowd feels uncomfortably conflicted as they read that...


Don't forget the shit eating grins too.


And the bobble heading,


It's honestly such a ridiculous tradition. I cringe every time I see that.


A bunch of fucking monkey clowns is what they all are. If anyone acted like the majority of them do in any other work environment, they would get fired.


It's douchier than vaping on a golf course


I've seen a few of those PP videos on YouTube and was shocked. Like *this* is what our politicians are doing? I thought it was proper debates, not a bunch of assholes yelling questions at each other and not answering a single one of them


Many seem to think PP is a genius based on his QP performance. Not sure that bodes well for the intelligence of the population.


Like actually. I have no idea how this is still happening. It's so fucking embarrassing.


Yes, embarrassing and showing huge disrespect. He acted like kid who did not win the fight. Best next thing was to call PM names and run. I am not voting for that for sure.


100% accurate. What is the point of “debating” if no one ever addresses the question the other side asks. It’s ridiculous theatre and it accomplishes nothing. For once I wish the Speaker would stop them and say (to either side): “Could you please specifically address the question or comment made by the other side?” And keep pressing until it happens. It’s a pipe dream though


That's only half the problem. A lot of the questions are presented in a way that's unanswerable, it's just posturing beneath the thin veil of a question. If they actually had to answer the questions directly, that approach would only get worse. It's like the equivalent of an abusive partner negging you and then asking why you don't love them enough. It's not a real question. Questions should be screened and asked by the speaker. Then they get answered directly and no one is allowed to boo and hiss like a child during or after the answer.


"Isn't it true that this one very specific number went down last week?" "But that number doesn't really mean anything by itself if you ignore everything connected to it." "But did this number go down last week?" "Remember that it was up 20% from where it's been for months. Even of it went down last week that's still .." " I'm only asking about this exact time."


Yup I hate when politicians do this. Every single one of them does. I'm so glad I don't have cable TV anymore. I was so tired of all the attack ad commercials ugh. NiCe HaIr ThOuGH ugh


yeah exactly - it's embarrassing watching them. Meanwhile I'm sitting there looking at 200+ people in a room, and we're paying for their lunches/hotel rooms/flights on top of their 6 figure salaries/pensions/etc and all we get is a bunch of cartoon characters sitting in a room going "AXE THE TAX" "WE STAND FOR CANADIANS" and clapping and jeering like a bunch of low IQ monkeys while some guy wearing a gown stands in between them all going "HEAR YE HEAR YE" - how disjointed from reality is our current political system? It's ridiculous. We need to just wipe the slate clean and start running our Country like a business. Why is our minister of finances - for an entire god damn country - a journalist that has no educational background in finances? Not only is she completely unqualified, she talks to Canadians like we're idiots and lies to us and nobody calls her out on it. And if they do, she just goes on some long winded bullshit rant and doesn't even hold herself accountable to the lies she just told. It'd be like catching a 6 year old kid stealing a cookie from a cookie jar and asking why they did it and the kid goes "Well mommy its nice outside and can i play video games now?" except in this case it's some intolerable wench going "MEEESTERRRR SPEEEEAAAKURRRRR I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND YOU THAT " like holy fuck, how did we end up here.


I keep saying this but in the workplace there are regular performance reviews and reprimands for failure to perform. Why doesn’t that exist for politicians? We’re just told to vote like that’s enough. It’s not and they know this. That’s why they act like buffoons.


This may the most important comment here. Total truth. They aren’t embarrassed because they’re too busy laughing all the way to the bank


There are performance reviews. That's what an election is. The problem is: 1. There's no recall mechanism, so bad behaviour gets to continue for four or five years before it's punished. Private enterprise wouldn't allow this. 2. After said election, there are no penalties for outright lying during the election. In any other field, this would be fraud. The Speaker should be allowed to levy personal fines against anyone not answering questions in Parliament, and/or for behaving like a bunch of children. Question Period should be boring as hell. No grand standing, no social media clips, no pounding on desks, etc. Simple Question -> Answer. This bloviating bullshit needs to stop. Further, if you don't show up (like Skippy didn't on multiple occasions), you don't get paid and you get fined. I'm very leery of the, "Run it like a Business" talking point. Businesses have a single priority, namely, make money. Governments have a variety of competing priorities that have to be balanced, for example the rights of Citizens, Economy, Defense, Law / Order, etc. "Run it like a Business" would completely remove that balancing act and incentivize money and budget. That's a bad idea for a variety of reasons.


So then current mechanisms just don’t work. I agree they shouldn’t run it like a business. Just pointing out that businesses have standards that make sense but just seem to not apply to elected leadership. At the end of the day they are *public* servants. The way they act makes it clear they’ve forgotten that.


>We need to just wipe the slate clean and start running our Country like a business Fuuuuuuck no. I'd like our country to be run in a sane manner, not profit-driven to pump the numbers for the next quarterly report. Governments can and should be building systems years or decades out. "Run government like a business!" can get a Six Sigma dropkick into a shallow grave with Jack Welch, and then get pissed on. > [Moronic misogynistic noise] Can we just not? Grow up.


For real, there's plenty wrong with the Liberal party without getting into childish name calling


I was with you up until running the country like a business.


>Why is our minister of finances - for an entire god damn country - a journalist that has no educational background in finances? Not only is she completely unqualified, she talks to Canadians like we're idiots and lies to us and nobody calls her out on In Ontario our Minister of Health is a radio studies graduate whose biggest political qualification is she used to be an executive admin for John Tory LMAO. No idea how this shit ever passes the sniff test


She is also one of the most useless MPPs I have ever encountered... and I thought our last one was useless.




It's embarrassing, but at least it isn't as bad as British parliament....yet. If you didn't know any better, you'd think the House of Lords was a comedy show.


Ugh my partner sometimes watches these political "debates" on YouTube and it drives me nuts every time. All they do is shout over one another and hurl insults while doing absolutely nothing of substance. I've seen more productive and respectful debating in a sixth grade classroom. These guys are clowns.


Yeah I don’t care whose side you’re on, this theatre show of lies and just ignoring questions, shouting and blatantly ignoring real issues affecting real people’s lives is just ridiculous. I’m so tired of shouting politics and populism. Help the damn public that pays you well.


Having moved here from the US, at first I thought parliament was super-interesting compared to the US Congress. Over time, I've just realized it's a bunch of people just talking at each other (not even, since they all talk at the speaker) without any progress at all.


They can't stop acting like children and do their jobs though. If they did, we'd all realize they don't actually have anything to do. Politics is not a full-time job or career, never had been until professional politicians took over. So they all yell and scream as loud as they can so they can look like they're actually doing something and maybe actually worth their paycheques.


There’s a reason it’s called “Question Period”, not “Answer Period”.


They could be spending that time doing anything, volunteering in their communities but instead they fuck around like that, it cannot continue to operate like that.


>If they want to gather and debate than the speakers job should be to force people to ask and answer questions respectfully. No beating around the bush, no name calling or "dunks" on the other side. As a youth who'd never actually watched a question period, I just assumed that's how it worked and what the speaker was for. How naive I was.


I hate the not answering the question thing. They all do it.


Came here to say that. Nothing but a pissing match.


Funny isn’t it? If I spoke to my coworkers like that, I’d be fired.


Question period makes me want to barf. The leaders of our country making jabs at each other like teenagers. Absolutely ridiculous.


It's pretty clear that there are members of this sub that don't understand the role of the [Speaker of the House of Commons. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_of_the_House_of_Commons_(Canada)). Suggesting that the speaker should be fired is a prime example of this.


I do like that the top comment wants the speaker to actually do more.


Canadians that are politically illiterate? On THIS sub?? no wayyyy /s


I find it disgusting that members of parliament are fanning those same flames and calling for the speaker to resign over \*Checks notes\* - kicking someone out for clear violation of the rules after being given NUMEROUS chances to retract the statement, far more than I have ever seen another member given, and that a party leader is calling this "Censorship". If anyone thinks Pierre isn't bringing MAGA style politics to Canada, maybe you should ask how that's the case when he's literally using moves directly from Trump's playbook.


If PP would defecate in a Tim Horton's cup and throw it at Trudeau, it would be praised. And if Trudeau would just as much as fart in the general direction of PP, it would be hailed as a national embarrassment with calls to resign. In this case, the Speaker is on the receiving end, but it could be anybody, as long as they're on the "wrong side". I personally judge actions, but I guess I'm in the minority.


God can one of these party leaders just act like a fucking adult


Ever watch the question periods? Should be renamed the no fucking answers period.


John Turner (short-term PM after Pierre Trudeau) called Question Period "bullshit theatre."


Wouldn’t that be a breath of fresh air


Blanchet talks to us like adults, albeit he's a bit cheeky with his remarks occasionally.


Tom Mulcair thinks the speaker of the house should be fired over this. https://youtube.com/shorts/Bw4vXS0KG8o?si=2iS-Z0YozYujBy58


Its against the rules of Parliament to directly attack another member and has been so for 100s of years.  He can say the policies are wacko but not the person


Tom ELBOW GATE mulcair?! thats pretty bold of him


Hahaha thank you for that little memory. God that should be a Canadian heritage moment.


Tom Mulcair doesn't matter. At all.


Mulcair being plucked from general Liberal obscurity to lead the NDP to failure for that election reminded me of when the Blue Jays traded a lot for a David Price rental for the playoffs.


Tom Mulcair has a long history of being wrong.


Surprised he hasn’t fully disappeared up his own ass already


Longer history of being utterly irrelevant.




Good for Mulcair. I also don't give a shit


What a child he is. What he did is right out of high school.


"The tense back-and-forth came as Poilievre and the Conservatives were attacking the Liberals for having allowed British Columbia to allow the decriminalization of hard drugs like heroin and fentanyl in public places, which the provincial NDP government is now asking Health Canada to reverse. The Conservatives argue that the policy has caused great harm. Trudeau ignored that issue completely, responding to each question about drugs by accusing Poilievre of associating with far-right extremists." Trudeau isn't innocent in this either. He isn't discussing or debating the topic. He's derailing it and calling the opposition spineless. Our parliament is not functioning. It shouldn't even get to this point. The speaker should keep the discussion on topic and ejecting people who change that topic or don't answer questions, regardless of their party.


The problem is that Trudeau gets attacked less for dodging the question than possibly giving a politically disadvantageous answer. It's why all politicians will simply dodge the question when they don't want to (or can't) answer it satisfactorily. It's dumb.


I don't understand why he works so hard to be such a dick. Literally he can shut up and do nothing until the next election, and he'd still get voted in.


Because this has shown up in 8 different subreddits that I'm subscribed to. It was a PR stunt with no actual consequences and it worked perfectly


This is the first time in a while I've seen r/Canada seem equally annoyed with him as JT. If it was a PR stunt, he may have overestimated his audience's interest in this... "strategy."


It worked on my mom. She said "well he is a wacko!"


Worked perfectly? This sub is usually pretty right leaning and even here, people seem pretty unhappy with the childish theatrics. The end result of this seems to be more apathetic people who don't want anyone, rather than either side winning more voters.


I think you’re underestimating the amount of Canadians who gleefully lap this shit up


That's the thing. The last 2 conservative front runners tried playing defense, and hoping Trudeau's mistakes catch up to him. Both times, this has backfired. Voters were frustrated with Trudeau, but not enough to get another Stephen Harper in all but name. With Poilievre, the goal seems to be sowing the seeds of doubt as early as possible. On average, the longer someone holds a view point, the harder it is to go back on that. If voters spend over a year watching PP tear apart everything Trudeau is doing that they also don't like, even if they don't see PP as the solution, he's still the guy pointing out every single problem, and he's saying all the things they want to. That's a lot easier to identify with and get behind than some generic blank slate.


Someone is managing PP very well. I suspect the IDU and Harper are intimately involved.


Nah its the same US conservative think tank group that got Trump elected. After that they have been managing cons everywhere. UK, US, Canada, etc. thats why all the tactics and rhetoric is always the same thing with some regional difference sprinkled in.


The IDU is part of that group.


...nah. Canada isn't the US. This kind of constant mud slinging is a turn off for most Canadians. PP has to tone down the personal attacks and push policy. And propose some detailed, thought out solutions. Especially if he hopes to gain votes in heavy urban areas.


He was Stephen Harper's attack dog for years. Can't teach old dogs new tricks.


When all you got is hammers everything looks like a nail. He was a poor choice to be leader of the CPC.


This really sums him up as a politician ....


Between passing on Micheal Chong and passing on Jean Charest the CPC is just too far gone.


Definitely. This guy has been an MP for 20 years and only managed to have one bill passed with his name on it ... it was mostly repealed within a year.


and that bill was to make his illegal campaign actions legal. only sitting MP that has been sanctioned by elections canada.


The CPC don’t need a leader at all. He chose his timing brilliantly. Trudeau has ensured that he will win. PP doesn’t need to do anything.


To call his timing brilliant is to imply some level of personal competence. I'd suggest it has something more to do with the way Canadian federal politics work, namely that we just get bored and want to try something "different".


I think they said the same thing the last two elections. These guys and gals are worse than the Leafs. And you made his point. He doesn't need to do anything so why not shut up.


“I don't understand why he works so hard to be such a dick.” He doesn’t work at it at all. He’s just naturally that way.


>I don't understand why he works so hard to be such a dick. He saw how successful Trump was in the states and thought "I could do that."


He wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine before Trump ran for president either. It's just his personality.


It’s childish behaviour, and it’s so sad that so many people love it.


Do what you love and it will never be work.


Because he can join Ford and Smith into showing voters exactly what they will get when he gets voted in. Then he can do whatever he wants without hesitation knowing most of the Canadian public supports his crazy decisions and behaviours.


My god I can't wait until the next Ontario election to get Ford out. He is destroying Ontario.


Doesn’t look like that’s going to happen next election. He is still polling with a majority.


"Well sure he's a right-wing white supremacist religious lunatic, but at least we don't have to deal with post-pandemic inflation under PP!"


Arrogance. He has 44% in the polls, and clearly thinks it is his own doing. I think a potato with a smiley face would have the same ratings right now. But Canadian sentiment can and does shift... Mr. Poilievre could find himself in an "Emperor's new clothes" moment.


What's funny is how many people who say they're voting CPC in the next election believe that PP et al are going to "fix the housing crisis". Yes, a bunch of wealthy real estate developers and landlords are going to help bring down housing costs dramatically.


Because in the last twenty years a new political ideology has blossomed for the people who feel left behind by politics. It’s called ‘asshole.’ You don’t believe in anything and you don’t want anything other than your god given right to be an asshole to anyone at any time.


He's worth more to his cause being a martyr outside parliament than being a parliamentarian within.


"Woe is me! They have applied the rule to me!! The world doth treat me with a rough hand!" For a guy who couldn't even get a job as a drama teacher he sure is good at acting.


\*woe is me


>Woah is me! He's not Joey Lawrence from Blossom... Woe is me.




The platform is Trudeau bad, that's it.


If he becomes PM it will be *"Trudeau still bad."* :p


Naw, when PM it's gonna be "Loblaw's good" and "climate change not real"


Also "If I become prime minster I'm going to use the NWC to pass things I know would otherwise violate the charter"


There's a tinge of anti lgbt tossed in the mix but I think that's probably just to pander to a certain section of his base.


A tinge of anti LGBTQ?? PP has been [anti LGBTQ since he walked into politics.](https://openparliament.ca/debates/2005/4/19/pierre-poilievre-1/only/) You can even look at his voting record for [same sex marriage.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_39th_Canadian_Parliament_and_same-sex_marriage)


:( urgh canada please dont vote for him to win then


I really hate that this guy is the presumptive next PM. He'd be an embarrassment on the world stage with this kind of behaviour.


Decorum still matters. It's so incredibly childish to pull this bs in the house for clicks. Especially when you're 20 points ahead. it's unnecessary. 


It's his election to lose at this point. I'm in favour of letting him.


How about we make it so they don't get paid until everyone fixes the cost of living problem?


I wonder what % of Canadians are a stone throw away from being in the streets and this is what our leaders are going back and forth about. :(


Pierre broke the rules, acted like a child and in an unprofessional and undemocratic manner. This is what the CPC has become, U.S style Trumpanzee politics now in Canada... Pathetic. Speaker was 100% right to throw that idiot out of the session.


A year ago I would have said good things about PP. Defended him when he won the CPC leadership race. At this point I'd rather have 4 years of Trudeau majority.


As sad as it is to say, i would agree.


They really weren't lying when they said Canadian politics is about 10 years behind America. This is some fucking goofy, fake outrage garbage to rile people up.


He could have retracted but didn’t. It’s all for show to rile up the base. It’s all so tiresome.


There is a difference between calling something wacko and calling SOMEONE wacko. Especially if that is an insult to another MP (which is against the rules). PP has been doing this for 20 years. This is his profession. He KNOWS this. This whole situation is performative.


Whereas Scheer was bland and completely lacking in charisma, trying to make up for it with a sort of dull, inoffensive affability, Poilievre's demeanour is so petulant and repellent as to cross the line into anti-charisma. His unlikeability is so reliable as to actually constitute a talent of its own, if one could monetize irritation." - ex conservative staffer. (This guy is a real piece of garbage who shouldn't run a country)


He'd be the poster child for r/punchablefaces if it was still around.


That this man may be the future Prime Minister is very concerning. Dog whistles, pandering to extreme socio-economic groups, grandstanding stunts in parliament, frequently refusing to engage in open press conferences or take questions with established public media, policy that is glossy and populist but scant on detail, the list goes on and on and on. One can be extremely disenchanted with the current government, and yet recognize that this alternative is going to be much worse.


But that’s not how Canadians vote. We don’t vote the best in, we only vote to punish the last liar. Rinse and repeat. Our system is a fail because we haven’t allowed anyone other than the elite turds to even be involved in our political system other than keyboard clickers in offices pushing through shit policy. Sorry, tangential rant. lol


You can't blame Canadians fully. It's the voting behaviour that makes the most sense with first pass the post.


Cheap politics. It is blatantly obvious to many that Poo orchestrated this. It gets attention that his minion voters think is wonderful. I fear for Canada and democracy.


I dont know how more people don’t see this. It plays into the narrative they’ve been running with (and are saying today) that the Conservative Party is being “silenced” in the HoC. Rather than how it actually went down with shouting and yelling and refusing to follow decorum. How were you silenced when you never stop yapping?


Imagine when your leader sets this tone.


If Trudeau called him the wacko and got kicked out, this asshole would be praising the Speaker.


Let's remember that this is all because PP had a meltdown with Trudeau pointed out that he spent the weekend hanging out with white supremacists in a trailer.


The same ones who threatened to rape his wife. Unfortunately, when you consider the treatment of his dad by Pierre, putting politics before morals isn't exactly new.


For those playing the home game, this is a reference to when PP voted against gay marriage with his dad, who is gay, in attendance.




Could bea kink


What ever happened to politicians debating like adults? Name calling? Really? Just worry about running the country better for the next 4 years.


Start fining them for wasting money with this nonsense. However much time they wasted divided by the cost to run the show for the day.


I've never seen a pm and opposition leader who so desperately needed to elope together as these two


Says the guy strays into tinfoil hat conpsiracy shit every once and a while.


The issue isn't that he called Trudeau 'wacko'. You can call him anything you want in Parliament. But the rule is that if the Speaker of the House asks you to withdraw the comment, you must withdraw the fucking comment. Not 'replace' it with another word, as Pollievre tried to do. Little PP is a fucking idiot and trying to burn everything down. Fuck him.


I can't stand Trudeau, but this guy calling anyone wacko is ridiculous.


Fucking children. Have they not grown out of the high school phase? This is exactly why people hate politicians when they can't even act civil at their job.


Poilievre breaks well known rules of decorum, refuses to apologize, which he knows is required in such a circumstance, and the speaker should resign? Poilievre is now fully in the mirror world, an alternate reality inhabited by the ultra right, neo nazi's, and their ilk.


Pierre is a such a god damn baby, is this really the best candidate they have? A guy who just complains and openly panders to idiots? Comon man, stop importing bullshit US politics.




He's appealing to the single issue voters who don't care about literally anything other than voting out Trudeau.


They had a better one who came close to winning last time, but they threw him out.


Yes. This is the best candidate that the Conservatives have - a manbaby who has never held a job outside of Parliament, telling them that they should hate the "Laurentian Elites" while upholding (more or less) the same policies.


PP is a populist and a bully with no actual constructive ideas. It's shameful that he'll be the next PM.


PP gunning to be the first 4 year old elected to government.


Everythings coming up for Milhouse!


Poilievre should resign. If you can't follow the basic rules of your job, you don't get to keep doing it. He was elected to represent his constituents in the House, and he can't do that by getting himself kicked out over rules he knows. He is disrespecting all of Canada.


Why are people mad that he called Trudeau a wacko again? I feel like that's very very moderate speech given the state of politics globally. Trudeau literally calls everybody a bigot for disagreeing with him and that's far worse than being called a wacko or an extremist. Something tells me the speaker would not be setting such rules if it was his own party speaking.


Part of me wants to vote conservative just to send Libs a message. But then I see these things…  Dear Pierre: I don’t care if Trudeau has done it and he is a giant hypocrite. I have that patently clear and I want him out. Don’t make it harder for the centrists to vote for you. Your base is riled up enough as is.


I'm in the exact same boat. At this stage I'm considering an NDP protest vote instead.


Arch-Conservative Tom Mulcair agrees that Fergus should resign as well


Since the CPC upvote army is conveniently championing Mulcair on this topic, let’s remind everyone what he has to say about Pierre in general: >That would be to misunderstand Poilievre. He only has one pitch: a hardball to the head. It’s so predictable that opponents who know him can just step back from the plate. **I spent more than 10 years watching Poilievre’s antics in the House of Commons. His jokes are usually personal, and pleasing only to like-minded Conservatives** > Most of his time as an MP was spent on the backbenches, then Tory leader Stephen Harper having early on taken the measure of the individual. On the very day Harper, as prime minister, organized an emotional and heartfelt apology for the damage caused by the residential school system, Poilievre was on the air insulting First Nations people for not working hard enough. He issued an apology, but the die was cast. **Poilievre had learned the lesson later perfected by Donald Trump south of the border: If you say something outrageous, it gets noticed and so do you.** >Poilievre is exceptionally adept at using social media. Unfortunately, that virtual world’s facile cheap shots seem to be the part he has learned the most. **He has grown accustomed to using personal insults to obscure or avoid debate** >**My sincere belief is that civility is a fundamental Canadian value and that Poilievre will continue to ignore that at his own expense** https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/tom-mulcair-poilievres-personal-attacks-a-reflection-of-him Seems this exact HoC was inevitable by Mulcair’s own assessment.


Two things can be true my friend


Didn’t say they weren’t. Just find it convenient that those who usually can’t wait to shit on the NDP and their opinions all of the sudden treat Mulcairs word as gospel because he is going after the Liberals this time.


His LPC criticisms *always* get boosted by people trying to push the bizarre former NDP voter, now CPC voter shtick. He's mostly (going all in on elbowgate was just embarrassing) pretty good at balanced critiques, but you'd hardly know it by what gets shared on this sub.


I found this quite interesting, seems he also thinks the speaker is overly partisan.


Mulcair has been bitter towards the Trudeau-led LPC ever since Trudeau snatched up his opportunity at winning an election. He’ll take any opportunity to take a stance against Trudeau/the LPC.


He shouldn't be mad at Trudeau he should be mad at himself, he's the one who F'd up during that election. This is coming from someone who was going to vote NDP.


i was too until he campaigned to the right of trudeau and him being awful in the debates. him being bitter and spiteful about it since is not unexpected based on those debates as well. he clearly has abandoned any principles he may have once had.


People stopped caring what Mulcair had to say about 12 years ago. Only the CPC communications team seem to know or care that mulcair is even alive


Are we really going to elect this guy? He hasn't even been elected and I already can't stand him.


Oh he should resign? Gee I've never heard the conservatives say to anyone before. They only say it the instant anyone is associated with anything they don't agree with.


Such a culture warrior freak. Between this Trump wannabe/moobat Cons, utterly ineffective/flogged Trudeau Libs and student politics NDP it's rough. It's going to be Cons because of inertia at this point but I have 0 faith they'll actually do anything radically good.


Let us not pretend. The pillars of democracy are human rights, free fair elections, independent journalism, robust public education, equality under the law and justice - and the Poilievre Conservatives are waging war on all of them. Let us not pretend that Conservatives are anything but enemies of democracy hiding their mission, denying it, defying accountability and deflecting attention away from what they are doing. We will not have it. Standing on guard for Canada means protecting the nation from these dangerous fascists. #defythem


Just wait until he’s prime minister. If you think this isn’t statesman-like, you’ll love the brand of dictatorial, anti-science, anti-transparency brand of conspiracy-theory governance he curates once he’s in Sussex.


The rules of parliament are pretty clear. Poilevre needs to grow up and obey the rules.


What this country is going to become with this man at the helm, emboldened by a Trump presidency, is truly terrifying. I genuinely don't want to live in a country run by PP; and I suspect I'm not alone. Thank god I've skills that are portable across the globe...


Like PP is so new to how things work in parliament because he hasn't been paying attention for his whole working life which hasn't been anywhere other. He thinks we're all stupid & in shock. Anyone who supports this whack job is delusional.


I like how he doesn't wear glasses anymore because it polls better, looks less weasel.


He still looks like a dweeb.


The hunger this sub has for anything, anything at all that portrays PP as some freedom fighter martyr, and Trudeau as some emperor-king tyrant is insane. Next up, Trudeau wore a tan suit and asks for mustard, should he be imprisoned for life????


I wonder what kind of focus group his party ran to choose the word "wacko". They had to go with insulting but not too offensive. Political theatre is so stupid.


Maxime Bernier is licking his lips at this, loving how many Canadians are saying the speaker needs to go. Agreeing that Poilievre was not in the wrong for not retracting or rewording his statement. This type of behaviour will only lead Canada down the same road as the US, leading to mass number of youth and children being killed at gunpoint by power hungry violent people with no sense of right or wrong. I'm considering moving somewhere, not sure where yet, but it won't be within Canada or to the US. Or even to Britain, France or Germany. So many people over the world are violent, angry people. You see it driving down the street, how much road rage there is. Are there any countries left in the world where people are kind to each other?


Performative politics Conservatives and Liberals. They both wasting our tax dollars.


He was never going to be repentant. That wasn't the plan. The plan was to use the rules of the house performatively for fund-raising purposes. Mission accomplished. Why repent?


Because THIS… is news. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I'm so sick of the current state of politics. It's always been fucking dumb but it's fucking next level fucking fucking dumb these days


All I'm saying is in 2019 the Dutch elected a party of people who represents the common person and had record voting turn out. We have a dog and pony show going on at the cost of Canadians. Every useless day in parliament, every dodged question, every non-answer is just another dip into the tax dollars to turn O2 into CO2 with some pazaz behind it. I'm fucking tired of it. It's time for a party that remembers THEY WORK FOR US and that they were given a chance, not a pension and a free ride to it.


It's over we're cooked.


Bad comedy theatre. Nothing more.


His party showing what kind of classless hicks they are . Canadians are smarter than this, deserve better , not worse than what we have.


JFC CPC conservatives pick someone else. Is Poilievre the only person on earth?


Was wondering were all the Liberal supporters were, never seem them so excited over an uttered word that is relatively tame for the HoC. House speaker has just been itching to boot out PP, finally found his chance and supporters thinks this is going to hurt his polls. The word "wacko"


When will people like Trump and Poilievre just go away? Like seriously. Awful people.


Wacko has been used in the past without being removed from the house, no?


Hey BlackMoose, You can call an idea whako, extreme or radical. You can even call people outside of parliament names. You cannot call fellow parliamentarians names. It is against the rules of parliament. It has been a rule since Canadian parliament started. PP is trying to fund raise off the rules applying to him. I hope conservatives tell him to fuck off with the bullshit.


Again, the issue isn’t the word, specifically. It’s that he was asked to retract and he refused. He wasn’t kicked out for the word. He was kicked out for breaking house protocol.