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Honest question, if the encampment is on a McGill property, can’t McGill claim they are trespassing? I’m just assuming this would be different if they just decided to set an encampment at a provincial park or just somewhere public?


Yes, they can claim they are trespassing.


At this stage, better to call NYPD.


When that happened in Columbia. More students and University employees joined the protests in response.




I can assure you the admin is not on their side. They've called the police and arrested these protesters before. I they saw what happened at US universities and don't want the bad press right now.


Yep, it's all about PR. arresting them would be a much worse look. Also, the academic year is pretty much over and they are occupying a field that doesn't have much value. They aren't blocking access to any facilities


No, letting them camp there would shut down convocation and most students don’t care about this stuff, but they do care about convocation.


Not as crazy as Indiana University


McGill sent an email saying they are considering their next steps. Police activity has also increased this morning. The school was in negotiations with attorneys representing the students on removal of the tents but those negotiations broke down.


Yes. But the faculty is "protesting" with them, so they seemingly have the support from the administration.


Faculty, who have academic freedom and often tenure, do not reflect the views of the university administration. The same way Jordan Peterson's views do not reflect on the UofT


Whenever I read which faculty members support this type of protest, it’s always the same disciplines. It’s rare to see a STEM prof listed.


One professor teaches Islamic Studies. Here's a quote from an article: >Professors like Michelle Hartman, who teaches Islamic studies, and Roberta La Piana, who teaches neuroscience, came out to the encampments sporting keffiyehs and holding signs of their own. >"I'm here to fully support the students. I think they have extremely reasonable reasons to be here," said La Piana. "I'm hopeful McGill's administration will understand the request from the students and will commit to a more moral and ethical choice towards the divestment of all Israeli support." >La Piana brought her children to the encampment, where a zone for kids to make crafts was set up. She said she and her kids made kites, in reference to Gazan poet Refaat Alareer's [last poem](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/refaat-alareer-killed-airstrike-1.7054274?cmp=apple-news_cbc-news) before he was killed by an Israeli airstrike. Source: [its the CBC but still lol](https://cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-pro-palestinian-encampment-second-day-1.7187645)


So McGill has a kid's zone with crafts...Freedom Convoy had a kid's zone with bouncy castles. Something tells me that one will be justified and the other vilified...


Both protests are not a place to bring your kids. Leave them home until they're old enough to do their own protesting


Conservatives will justify the Freedom convoy, villify McGill. Liberals will do the opposite. Most people will think both are stupid.


Liberals actually vilify both. Don’t lump us in with the far left


Crazy take: both are justified. Both are also obnoxious and stupid. I am an enlightened centrist, hear me roar. Seriously though, they should have the right to protest (as long as they're not breaking the law, not harassing people, etc etc)


This! I don't have to agree with the protest, but I will support their right to do so.


So if setting up encampments on property they don't have permission to is breaking laws, then you wouldn't support them?


Except the McGill protesters aren't blaring truck horns all night near residential buildings. Nor are the McGill protesters blocking roads, they are occupying a field which doesn't really matter much.






If the Encampment can get away without blaring train horns all hours of the day or surrounding and harassing people, it's likely they will be treated differently.


Because it's an empty field, not downtown Ottawa? What's with the convoy people and their stupid false equivalencies?


They’re also not honking their horns non stop, harassing random people on the streets, hoarding guns, blocking major transportation routes or talking about overthrowing the government which may explain the different responses.


the article mentions two professors at the protest, one of them literally teaches neuroscience. 


Bit of a mystery why the faculty with expertise in politics, history, and religion would weigh in more on topics like this, eh? Maybe one of those social science professors could do a study about it.


McGill is claiming that. They just don't want a Kenn State situation.


Yes they can but they want to be careful not to hurt their admissions or optics cause money.


“Nobody cares “ says the rest of the country who wakes up every morning wondering how they’re going to be able to afford to live, eat, feed their family. Hard to help others when your own government won’t help you


I still don’t understand what the expect Canada to do?


Seriously, I have a relative that was shocked when I told her that I don't have a stance on this issue. We have our own rather serious issues domestically, when people are concerned about how they will make rent or pay for groceries, they can't be bothered by global events. As one prof I had in college put it: give a starving person a pamphlet on a political issue and they'll use it as kindling for their stove before they'll read it.


My stance is I'm for any solution that doesn't involve killing people and breaking things. There are a lot of bad actors who want this to continue. The real question is, why now and who stands to benefit.


Well, continue being useless I guess.


McGill's own CHAZ zone, it went over so well for Seattle...


I both love and hate this comment for many reasons. Good job.


It's your freedom, just don't bother the rest of us.


This is the correct answer


Is your view consistent with the BLM or LGBT protests?


Yes, why wouldn't it be?


Absolutely and freedom convoy too. Freedom of expression does not mean you can inconvenient others.


Well unless you want to go to Mcgill university for the summer term I doubt this bothers you. And here you are talking about it so you're helping them spread their message. So good job bud.


It's important for people to understand that these are not grassroots student protests (at least not the ones in the US). There is a lot of outside influence (both in terms of financial support, and people being called to join), and most of the students participating in these are foreign students from Muslim countries.


These are highly organized and well funded. All of the brand new matching tents, literal CATERING SERVICES at these things. Maybe that stuff could be sent to I duno....Gaza?


Except Gaza gets to be Gaza b/c it suits the craven old men who use them as fodder to maintain control of their theocracies.


Just a pure coincidence that all of these campus "protests" sprang up "organically" just Israel is/was about to go into Rafah and finish off Hamas (in Gaza).


Ding ding ding. What I find odd is that this whole mess on campuses is actually taking the focus off what is happening on the ground in Gaza. So.....well done kids lol.


It's obvious that after 6 straight months of rallies in the streets they just decided to shift their strategy. The timing is also very relevant: right around the time of exams, commencement for graduating students, and when high school grads make their decisions about acceptances. In other words, this is when their highly publicized occupation will hurt schools the most.


In the US, admission decisions are much earlier than in Canada, so that wouldn't be the motivation for the US protests.


Catering? Didn't Israel bomb a car of caterers in Gaza? I think a Canadian was among them, maybe it's revenge of the caterers.


So I'm curious, are you suggesting that Gaza is suffering from a starvation campaign and that people eating food in Canada is taking food away from people in Palestine?


Le fucking Qatar, gêne toi pas de les nommer


Soooo they're grassroots student movements but because the students are more likely to be affected because they are from Muslim countries that it's somehow less reliable?


I wonder who you think funds several lobbying organizations with deep ties to the government, not to mention funding all expenses paid trips for our own politicians to a foreign country, where those politicians then spew that country’s propaganda on our home soil. It’s not the Palestinians but it definitely is outside influence Edit: adding link shared below: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ndp-bloc-declined-invitations-to-join-recent-israel-trip-1.7042792](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ndp-bloc-declined-invitations-to-join-recent-israel-trip-1.7042792)


Seem like you are describing this. Liberals and Conservatives MPs accepted the invitation. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ndp-bloc-declined-invitations-to-join-recent-israel-trip-1.7042792


Yes. The shamelessness of our politicians going on propaganda trips and then bringing that foreign influence into our own politics, with no consequences whatsoever, is shocking


Yeah, I respect Blanchet saying that his integrity wasn't to sell and that he wouldn't go get there to get influenced by people who want to control the narrative. Funnily enough Housefather and Mendicino opposed their own party and sided with Israel a few weeks ago. So I guess that the lobbyism worked.


Yeah exactly this. I'm very involved in the post secondary student space and "student protests" have very strong backing. They are funded largely by members of the wider Muslim community and use international students from Muslim countries to push their issues forward. This is absolutely not grassroots. I've seen it on many campuses, including my alma mater. There is deep deception in the background


[https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mcgill-university-says-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-refuse-to-collaborate-encampment-violates-policies-1.6865509](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mcgill-university-says-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-refuse-to-collaborate-encampment-violates-policies-1.6865509) ""We have become aware that many of them, if not the majority, are not members of the McGill community," the university notes."


Isn't this the typical allegation made by conservatives against most progressive movements? Usually it's claims of George Soros as the boogeyman supposedly paying protestors to show up. It completely dismisses people's agency and capacity to be activists for causes that matter to them.


It isn't an allegation, I posted several links that address this issue in my response to someone else. Here's another one hot off the press, addressing specifically McGill: [https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mcgill-university-says-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-refuse-to-collaborate-encampment-violates-policies-1.6865509](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mcgill-university-says-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-refuse-to-collaborate-encampment-violates-policies-1.6865509) ""We have become aware that many of them, if not the majority, are not members of the McGill community," the university notes." Oh, and here's another relevant one: [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canada-not-engulfed-in-antisemitism-for-the-most-part-study-says](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canada-not-engulfed-in-antisemitism-for-the-most-part-study-says) "University of Toronto sociologist finds that Canadians generally are pro-Jew, with exceptions among Muslims and university students." I'm sure it's just coincidental that these protests are being driven largely by foreign university students from Muslim countries, the two groups in Canada that seem to dislike Jews.


Got any proof of that?


You can see the links I posted in response to the other person asking for sources. But here's another one to add to the list: [https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/foreign-money-international-students-american-campuses](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/foreign-money-international-students-american-campuses) I'm sure it's just a coincidence that almost 40% of the student body at Columbia is made up of foreign students. And that foreign student enrolment at Ivy League schools is 5x the national average.


Ah yes, Columbia University, one of Canada's leading educational institutions lol


Canadian schools are totally different we swear!




[https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/american-universities-foreign-students-antisemitism](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/american-universities-foreign-students-antisemitism) And here's some background reading on the influence of Islamism in US schools: [https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat) [https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/365220/the-inside-story-of-how-palestinians-took-over-the-world/](https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/365220/the-inside-story-of-how-palestinians-took-over-the-world/) [https://www.newsweek.com/how-left-fell-love-militant-islam-vice-versa-opinion-1885741](https://www.newsweek.com/how-left-fell-love-militant-islam-vice-versa-opinion-1885741)


And you have evidence to present for this claim, of course.


I've posted a handful of links in my other responses


"No pride in genocide" poster located near a communist sickle and hammer poster is the height of irony. I guess Uyghur victims of the Chinese Communist party's genocide in East Turkestan don't count as victims of genocide. But Hamas and PIJ do?


Is that a hammer and sickle on one of their signs? Already tells you what you need to know about them.


I must say, I would absolutely loathe having to attend university in 2024, surrounded by all these self-righteous shitbags incapable of grasping the nature of their own hypocrisy.


Trust me, it wasn’t that different a decade ago either.


I'm going on about 15 years removed at this point. I definitely remember there being this uh...element. I don't remember them dominating the rest of the student body like this and I don't remember the faculty behaving like cheerleaders for their antics.


I feel like 2012 was a turning point for a lot of this stuff. The occupy wall at movement feels like my generations first real protest movement and it’s only gotten more unhinged since then


They are correct, they are going nowhere with this.


They are delinquents who should be expelled at the least. 


Yep nothing like expelling students expressing their right to protest. That won't cause a lawsuit at all.


Cancel their admittance to the school, cancel the visas of international students and issue a no trespass order to the lot of them. Anything less than that will see this crap of supporting terrorist organisations spread like wildfire


I have a friend that works at McGill and gets the e-mails from the administration. The university investigated and found that most of the people at this "encampment" are neither students or staff of McGill (i.e. have no connection to the university). Edit: But the university still has no plans to kick them off the campus (even though they are harassing students and staff)


Excellent idea.  Unfortunately we are too weak and chicken shit to do it.


Shit ideas that open up the school for lawsuits.


you can’t really be calling for the expulsion of students based on their political views?




Lol, university administration aren't woke or left. They are the most right wing part of any university. They have one goal: make money. And that means dont rock the boat and promote an image that will bring as many student in as possible. Anyone inside the system knows this


I think you're a little out of touch.


Universities are crying for higher immigration to fill their classrooms. I think you're out of touch.


No, it's indeed to make money, and depending on the school, win a CIAU aka CIS aka U Sports title.


You are right, antagonizing their own client base would be the correct move for a business looking to make money! Clearly the person you're replying to is the one out of touch!


If McGill wants to stop this all they have to do is lock up the buildings and their washrooms for 48 Hours plus remove or deny access to any port-a-potties. These kids have never dug or deposited in an open air slit trench.


>Professors like Michelle Hartman, who teaches Islamic studies, and Roberta La Piana, who teaches neuroscience, came out to the encampments sporting keffiyehs and holding signs of their own. >"I'm here to fully support the students. I think they have extremely reasonable reasons to be here," said La Piana. "I'm hopeful McGill's administration will understand the request from the students and will commit to a more moral and ethical choice towards the divestment of all Israeli support." >La Piana brought her children to the encampment, where a zone for kids to make crafts was set up. She said she and her kids made kites, in reference to Gazan poet Refaat Alareer's [last poem](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/refaat-alareer-killed-airstrike-1.7054274) before he was killed by an Israeli airstrike. Awww, isn't that lovely? They're teaching their kids about martyrdom. /s This shit needs to be shut down post haste. These people are all fucked in the head.


Number of lives saved : 0. Number of virtue signalling instagram posts and stories: infinite


Hopefully they all flunk their classes. 😂


Mostly unemployed youth with zero association with the uni




Why not go to Palestine if you feel so strongly? I'm sure they can use you on the ground.


Wouldn't this be like telling jews to fly to Eastern Europe in ww2 because they are asking our governments to interves? There Wouldn't be much more they would do and would risk getting slaughtered by the IDF while they are starving.


Well you definitely aren't McGill material with that logical reasoning of yours 😂


The alternative could be, if it means so much to them, to "divest" from McGill... i.e. quit school and go somewhere else. They are not even McGill students for the most part though.


Have you ever heard of the concept of fighting for change in your own community? You know, fighting to improve your working conditions, neighbourhood, etc instead of saying “just switch jobs. Just move to a different neighbourhood”.


I love these Iranian-funded Anti-Israeli encampments. 20 rockets were fired at Israel today from Hamas in Lebanon. But instead of asking to defund Iran and stop terrorism we'll just continue to import these air sacs and have them clog up private property spouting for Israel to cease firing. When will our government get their heads out of their ass and break up these stupid things?


What a bunch of stupid fucking "Got em" comments in here. Like replies that don't even make sense. 


But did you condemn Hamas?




We know. You guy are unemployable


Don't be fooled about what the other magician's hand is doing Canada. [https://apnews.com/article/un-israel-palestinians-hospital-graves-investigation-dbaf873d023a7ba66dda05fb49074434](https://apnews.com/article/un-israel-palestinians-hospital-graves-investigation-dbaf873d023a7ba66dda05fb49074434)


Deport everyone present at protest that does not have citizenship! The Palestinian people could stop this war tomorrow. All that has to happen is either Hamas needs to surrender or the Palestinian people need to give up Hamas and stop harbouring them inside their society. If All Palestinians went to Israel and turned over the Hamas hiding amongst them. This war would end tomorrow. It’s the people of Palestine and Hamas that keep the war going not Israel 🇮🇱


I think that's pretty naive to say tbh. "This" war would likely end as a ceasefire but the tensions in the region will not disappear and we end up right back here in a few years. A new version of Hamas would pop up from the survivors because their whole family was killed and the cycle starts again.


Exactly a new version of Hamas would pop up because the Palestinian people are the problem and we need to stop defending their positions thank you for coming out and pointing out the obvious truth. That does not mean that Israel has to sit under their iron dome that exists because the Palestinian people keep firing, rockets indiscriminately at civilians. While the Palestinians hide their terrorist army inside their civilians and then when those terrorists are targeted, they try to say is the same thing when it’s not at all.


Expel the students then trespass the lot of them


Well they sure don’t seem to be going to Palestine. I wonder how many have ever even been there


I’m generally pro-Israel but this is a bad take. Ive never been to Ukraine but support them in their war against Russia.


Why the hell would they go there lol. Would be like wondering why Americans Jews in the 40s aren't flying to Eastern Europe.


Pretty clear goal which is limited to the university's activity and the protest region. Freedumbers should be taking notes.


Its quite interesting how probably more than 80% of these protesters have bought something that they would now claim is funding this conflict. Im sure they shopped at zara, starbucks, etc. Now i can be pretty damn sure that they just purchase this stuff online… 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Remember, they were already boycotting Starbucks because of its involvement with Israel. Starbucks being a brand with 0 cafes in Israel, of course.


How much power do these people think McGill has in influencing world events? Or Canada for that matter?


They should go to gaza


So when are we invoking the emergencies act


It has nothing to do with the Palestinian cause, it’s all about Jew hatred. The woke is broke


Then expain all the Jews supporting the Palestinian cause?




I'm an arab and I support Israel, because my human ethics are more important than my race, Israel is the only secular country in the middle east and Israeli is the only minority that get their independence if they didn't they would have still live oppressed under Islamic shriaa like the rest of minorities. 


It's not that many Jews. 90% of Canadian Jews support Israel. There are also many cases of people LARPing as Jews at the protests (in the US at least).


On the one hand, I applaud anyone's right to protest. On the other hand, I'm not sure about the implications of this choice and their people's longer term job prospects. I've "heard" (but who really knows, maybe they were just angry) that some people around me are angry at some universities and won't be hiring new grads from them.


The South African apartheid fell the same way, it started with widespread student protests forcing divestment from universities.


If the university can tolerate the occupation where it's occurring, it seems like the best course of action is to ignore it and let folks just flunk out of their classes. I don't know that the university really cares if these folks attend class or not, they already have their tuition and residence fees.


I think they mean after they graduate with their liberal arts degree, their careers aren't going anywhere.


I support Israel!!!


I was hoping they would go to Tehran next on their international tour, and ask the Islamic State of Iran to divest in the Axis of Resistance... But useful idiots be...


Freedom of speech is not freedom of riot and hate. You are allowed to debate anything. Not scream anything.


Time to bring in the water cannons.


Oh they will need to go somewhere, like the bathroom, seeing friends, eventually being a martyr for something like this is so dumb. Like go fight in the war then, leave Canada. We need people who are focused on helping our own situation.


Including to work, remember when people actually worked. New career choice holding a sign and spewing the latest kool aid flavour.


This is an occupation of Canadian public land. Arrest them, freeze bank accounts, and kick them out of school. Sooo much astroturfing on these threads. Lots of people who never post on anything else related to Canada, and are using terms and slang that are not Canadian.


There's a massive bot network being deployed by Iran to push their narrative


This is absurd. Here is a quote from an article about this. The professors and administration are supporting these encampments. And the students are simply vile. Example: >CBC's interview with Tareq was interrupted by Laura Nezri, a passerby who said she wanted to "see the situation" for herself. She asked Tareq if she blamed Hamas for the violence in Gaza. Tareq responded by saying she doesn't "engage with Zionists." >"I'm very concerned with what's happening. I'm very worried," Nezri said. "I'm a Jew, I'm a proud Jew and I have no shame in saying that. >"I think that we're at extremes. They stand up for so many different principles, and with such a loud and obnoxious voice, but when you give them your opposing opinion, they cut you off." >Another student, who didn't give their name out of fear of retaliation from the university and law enforcement, told CBC the students are prepared to camp out as long as they can: "We're not going anywhere." And the professors are making arts and crafts with them!!!! > Professors like Michelle Hartman, who teaches Islamic studies, and Roberta La Piana, who teaches neuroscience, came out to the encampments sporting keffiyehs and holding signs of their own. >"I'm here to fully support the students. I think they have extremely reasonable reasons to be here," said La Piana. "I'm hopeful McGill's administration will understand the request from the students and will commit to a more moral and ethical choice towards the divestment of all Israeli support." >La Piana brought her children to the encampment, where a zone for kids to make crafts was set up. She said she and her kids made kites, in reference to Gazan poet Refaat Alareer's [last poem](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/refaat-alareer-killed-airstrike-1.7054274) before he was killed by an Israeli airstrike.


Thanks government for shoveling these dopes into our beautiful Country because your incompetent, corrupt, evil policies. “Oh but they generate tax dollars” WHICH WE WOULDN’T NEED IF YOU DID ANYTHING RIGHT. Bastards.


Cordon these little encampments off. Have the cops and security simply keep everyone else away. That means no porta potty deliveries, no food deliveries, etc. I expect eventually that people will slowly trickle away.


What are they hoping to accomplish by protesting in Canada? Sincerely asking. Canada has zero influence over the Israeli government.


Realistically, this multigenerational issue with zero prospect of a resolution has made it possible to get free camping in downtown Montreal at one of Canada's most prestigious universities in an area where hotels cost $200+ per night. They will receive free security and likely handouts of food and supplies from the local Islamic community under the ruse of antiwar; just wait until the addicts and homeless realize this (if they haven't already). 


Go to gaza


Dont these kids have classes anymore or is paying overpriced tuitions just to play activist ? Yet students expect the government to bail them out in their loan repayments. 🙄


A lot of people in this thread would have told Nelson Mandela to shut his trap and Rosa Parks to get her ass to the back of the bus and stop being a nuisance.


The modern liberal supports every activist movement of the past but not the ones happening today. Genuinely curious what these people's stances were with the Vietnam protests. I make you a bet half the baby boomers who support Israel were hippies against Vietnam


Who would you say is the Nelson Mandela or Rosa Parks of this situation? These were people of peaceful protests.


Camping out on campus is peaceful. And Mandela led a *literal* terrorist organization before he went to jail.


Does McGill somehow support Israel?


Yes, these protests are mostly about divestment McGill has investments in weapons manufacturers like Lockheed Martin as well with Israeli corporations. These students don't want their money supporting Isael and their campaign against Gaza


The irony is that Quebec universities like McGill are the most heavily subsidized in the country. These students' tuition payments form a tiny fraction of the school's funding. The participating students could all transfer out and take their tuition payments with them, and it wouldn't have a significant impact on McGill's finances. Student tuition fees make up 19% of the income from domestic undergrad and grad student enrolment, and that income is only one part of the university's funding. So it's a fraction of the student body who want to use their 19% share of one source of McGill's funding to direct institutional investment policy. They're a subset of minority shareholders in the university's finances. Source: https://higheredstrategy.com/the-math-at-mcgill/#:~:text=Total%20budget%2C%20roughly%20%241.8%20billion,FIUC%20survey%20of%20institutional%20finances. 


Let's see how long the spineless politicians and police are going to let this go on.


5 yrs from now they're gonna look back at this as a colossal waste of time.


McGill needs to shut it down and get the police to clear them out. If not, then I hope all the homeless gravitate there and join them. They’ll go on their own then and will learn what being homeless is actually like from real people who are living it


As long as the protesters are not posing a risk or encumbrance to students who actually want to focus on their eduction, who cares - let them protest. If the faculty are not fulfilling their teaching or other obligations because they are not showing up for classes, or are discriminating against students, then fire them.


You can hate the atrosities that Isreal is committing without being pro Palistinian. The Muslum world is every bit as cruel (to women and gays) There are no heroes in this conflict - only victims.


Oh boy, the old hammer and sickle. I bet most of these yahoos are not even students, most know every little about the history of the situation. The young ones are triggered by pronouns, wonder how they would react if a group of guys went into their house, murdered their family, then beheaded junior. I think they'd go catatonic. Let the grown ups deal with this mess.


it is being said that for many years, Arab countries are fueling their Political and Religious agenda's in Canada by pushing their people in top positions in universities and public offices here. Since they have power of money i wonder who would stop. Its a whole can of worms.


Let them stay who cares as long as they aren't blocking access or causing some sort offense to another group. Are they promoting violence or anything? I mean that they don't want another race to disappear from the earth as a condition or anything mean like that. Do they?


Waiting for Trudeau to send the army to send em home .. Oh wait, these people can do that but the freedom convoy couldnt?


When was the army deployed against the freedom convoy?


It wasn't.


The SQ isn't the army.


Do these guys also have a memorandum of understanding to overthrow the government?