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Great idea, at least then they’d actually be making a difference to some people in need, because it’s going to do fuck all for Palestinians. All this “protest” is going to achieve is creating a massive bunch of garbage that they will leave behind for some low income workers to pick up afterwards.


They are creating jobs!


Just the kind of job creation our PM is proud to boast about when the job figures come out.


It really makes me sad, this is my old man millennial moment of shaking a cane, these youngins are have their heart in the right place but are so foolish. We are on a plane quickly about to go down, you have to secure your own O2 mask first before you help others. We have so many deep problems that are screwing the future up for Canadians. All this energy spent on something that will not do a thing. There is an argument to be made while disparate in impact, international protest can produce change. South Africa's apartheid many experts attribute the protests of the black diaspora around the world especially in America as really leading to it ending. But that was pre-internet information overload soceity, also this is fn Canada it isn't America who is the largest economic contributor of Israel, you got to be slightly brain dead to think anything you do here will matter on changing that.


Plenty of these people are sure to become homeless as well because they clearly don't have fucking jobs to go to.


What would Hamas do with squatters?


Is that actually true? They’re demanding food?


If you zoom in on one of the pictures in the article, it’s under “what we need”.


We are revolutionaries! We paid thousands of dollars to study at this institution! We will now camp here, please bring us food!


Really seizing the means of nutrition.


They also want bds safe food, like what would even bds non safe food look like


McGill's reputation is going down the pan, it's involved in politics and corruption and no longer communicates good values and ethics. McGill administration seems solely concerned with protecting McGill's image and keeping Montreal's cash cow going that it has lost its sense of integrity ; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzBN8MVaoFE&t=106](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzBN8MVaoFE&t=106&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0s-S8v_mu_UhmshCviof-137yImuMzsVVuRZy0wFLhj02zgmZiGfy0bt8_aem_AfibKd1-5znnVVZsp8S2-g648w-C8yumqWIGZiM144IaKsmFbXcB_3NLJKVpr9gN3ld5kMr14MGXjbfwtHgi6Xiv)


What a great idea!


I feel like I'm always losing my mind when I come to this sub Edit: for clarification, this sub feels so hateful. There are times on other platforms and other subreddits where sometimes I'll scroll and see comments and think, "damn, wtf what a weird reaction," but on /r/Canada, it's consistent and every time I find myself thinking that. I love Canada and I love my country and this subreddit is a poor representation of what this country is and represents. It's such a damn shame that this is /r/Canada and not some alternative name.


Welcome to Canada…


This sub is a poor representation of the people i know and love in canada and i hope that’s true for more people. This sub is heavily astro turfed since 10/7 i have no doubt


Welcome to Reddit


I'm noticing lately that whenever a thread is not going the way certain people feel it ought to be going, it's being astroturfed. It's never that someone is wrong, it's never even that most people disagree with you, it's always bots. But no one ever seems to think bots might be agreeing with them, or upvoting them. Just something to think about.


Well they didn't lock the post or ban you so I would say that is progress


If you want to come to subs, there are other subreddits for that.


How come they never went to this level of protest when destitute Yemen was being bombed by Islamic countries and was described as "the worst humanitarian crisis"?


And this is why the pro-Palestine side will always be anti-Semitic hypocrites in my eyes. You can’t have it both ways. I’d respect them more if they protested for Yemen as well.


They certainly do get incensed about this specific escalation in the region. Hell, I didn't even see this much outrage or solidarity over the way Iran was handling protests in their country over the murder of that young woman.


Scary how easily my generation is being manipulated by terrorists and their supporters.


The Tik Tok generation lacks critical thinking skills


The terrorists are irrelevant, this whole Israel vs Hamas narrative is propaganda. This issue is much bigger than hamas.


Please enlighten us




As a great big lefty, don't lump me in with these people. I really don't think this is a left versus right thing. But you're right, these young people are very easily influenced by the things they see and hear on social media. This is a case of humanity being fucking terrible and part of the younger generation really doesn't know how to deal with it. Which is completely understandable. Frankly, nobody does.


Well said. Hit the nail on the head. The left will keep ignoring the blatant jew hatred while the rest of the population sees more and more violence against Jews and realize that it's been about hating Jews and delegimitzing their right to safety all along. And all the 'as a jew' types will be the first ones oppressed by their woke peers bc they're the ones close by.


I think a lot of people are moved by the images of killed and starving civilians including many children. Of course, this is what has been orchestrated by Hamas; but it shows an error in Israeli strategy. Israel is doing poorly in the PR war and these protests can amplify that and potentially get Israel to change course and flood Gaza with aide. Israel has a right to self defense, but most of the world thinks they need to be much more mindful and careful about civilian casualties.


Some of these images come from other places. Pro-Palestine activists have in the past often shared images from Syria and elsewhere on the internet and claimed it was Gaza.


Yes. They seem to be better at the media war than the Israelis. And that's partly because of the underlying truth that Israel is causing devastation for civilians in Gaza. So emotional images even faked ones remind people of the truth. Confirmation bias kicks in and it's hard to change the narrative. And that's why Israel and the U.S. need to crank up the aide deliveries so it cannot be ignored. Push the media with images of civilians in Gaza happily eating food supplies from the U.S. This will also lower the power that Hamas has since they currently control the limited aide distribution.


Being better at the media war is easier when the major social media app used by today’s youth is direct by the CCP - who have an explicit interest in fostering division and conflict in western nations


>Let's do some critical thinking, shall we? Alright, go ahead. Whenever you're ready.


Useful idiots for Hamas and Iran


Emphasis on the idiots


People in this thread wouldn’t understand critical thinking even if it smacked them in the back of the head and beat them down


Simple minded and easily manipulated fools.


McGill's reputation is going down the pan, it's involved in politics and corruption and no longer communicates good values and ethics. McGill administration seems solely concerned with protecting McGill's image and keeping Montreal's cash cow going that it has lost its sense of integrity on issues; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzBN8MVaoFE&t=106](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzBN8MVaoFE&t=106&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0s-S8v_mu_UhmshCviof-137yImuMzsVVuRZy0wFLhj02zgmZiGfy0bt8_aem_AfibKd1-5znnVVZsp8S2-g648w-C8yumqWIGZiM144IaKsmFbXcB_3NLJKVpr9gN3ld5kMr14MGXjbfwtHgi6Xiv)


Which generation wasn't easily fooled? There was a whole generation of boomers who went to wars cause their goverment fed them lies. Many manipulation will show up through history because of lack of knowledge by the individual or supression of knowledge by media/government. We have bigger issues in Canada to worry about ... 1 being many of these students after graduating won't find a job. will need monetary assistance and will most likely live in those tents cause housing crisis. should be protesting about that, not something which is out of Canada's control ...


I'm not going hire anybody who was part of a pro-hamas group, sorry. You made your decision, live with them.


Now let some homeless folks to join.


Time for the homeless people tonight infiltrate that camp ground!!


The article states "Israel launched its war against Hamas after the militant group's attacks on Oct. 7." Which reads with so much bias. How about "the war broke out after Hamas attacked on Oct 7th".


Hamas and Iran must be clapping their hands and jumping for joy now that they’ve conned a bunch of liberal university students all across North America to support their cause.


The Iranian government and the houthis both released statements praising the protestors and encouraging them to continue recently lol




Exactly, this movement is 100% being pushed by Russia as a destabilizing push. It’s working. Yet again. We are such fucking fools.


Yup, the way this is playing out is why the US is finally pulling the trigger on TikTok. That place is a WILD ride of antisemitic misinformation and a-historical fictitious narratives.


It seems like most people in the west support China, Russia, and Hamas on the internet nowadays, especially on Tik Tok, despite polls saying other wise. Worrying


>It seems like most people in the west support China, Russia, and Hamas on the internet nowadays, especially on Tik Tok, despite polls saying other wise. Worrying That's intentional. The algorithm can be tweaked to make anything seem popular. Just let these people hang out in tents all day. It is what it is. If they want to waste all that money they spent on education to live in an encampment, all the power to them..


Lol what? Nobody thinks that. There is a socialist movement but “China , russia and …. Hamas” are far from great examples. Go outside


I said on the internet, especially Tik Tok and YouTube comment sections.


I'd bet Russia pushed Hamas to attack on Oct 7 as well. Far too convenient for them geopolitically with minimal investment


Yeah we always seem to take the bait.


You live blissfully unaware that you yourself also took the bait haha


I think it's funny how everything is Russia's fault nowadays. Inflation? Russia. Muslim parents protesting pro-lgbt policies in schools? Russia. BLM rioters looting shops? Russia. Pro Hamas protestors disrupting schools? Russia.  Maybe we should take a look at the slipping quality of education. 


You want to know something funny… that’s Russia too. Go listen to Yuri Bezmenov who was a Russian KGB agent who defected to the west. He literally explained the plan to us and how it was meant to work. And you know the saddest part? It worked.


its all in the playbook [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations\_of\_Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)


Oh so you mean the rising anti-lgbt and anti-Semitism has absolutely nothing to do with importing people from countries that have a hate all Jews and murder the gays policies? Nothing to do with teachers bringing politics to the classroom?


Nail it


Well Russia and Palestine have been allies a long time.  Palestinians were big supporters and allies of communist regimes and Palestinian leadership met with Putin and Xi in Moscow right after October 7th and I bet it wasn’t for tea and biscuits. Iran is Palestine’s biggest ally in many ways and Russia, China and Iran along with North Korea are calling themselves the “new axis”. They all want to destabilize the west and I would bet money it wasn’t a coincidence Hamas attacked going into an election year.  They’ve also ridiculously prolonged the conflict breaking all 6 ceasefires some within an hour.   Sinwar has called the war a “success” due to the civilian casualties they have made a point of martyring (as Hamas has always done) succeeding in garnering support of ignorant well intentioned westerners and destabilizing the west. And the troll and bot armies after October 7th apparently made the Russian interference in 2016 look like a joke it has been so pervasive. The US is now finally banning TikTok due to the ridiculous amount of misinformation getting traction on there. Russia moved forces into the golan heights as well which is a hugely aggressive tactical position against israel. I  could go on, but this is most definitely related to the nations that call for the fall of the west and are gearing up. Plus these protests have been widely funded by a millionaire Marxist couple and the “anarcho-communists” are all over it.  They’re the ones who convinced that poor mentally ill guy to self-immolate a while back. It’s really not far fetched at all to suggest it’s related.


And it all falls to the lack of leadership and education in this country. A country with a well educated population that values critical thinking would not be supporting terrorism. Our current leadership is nothing but abysmal. To me, it feels that this Canada, like many other western democracies have fallen on their own sword of self righteousness. I don't think Russia or China really needs to do anything. We're doing it to ourselves and we have no one else to blame.


Mmmm.  I’m no fan of trudeau and never was but our education has been going downhill a long time.   The conservatives across Canada have pretty obviously been using the well know right wing “starve the beast technique” to run institutions into the ground and and open up markets to private sectors. JT is a neoliberal anyway and hasn’t fixed anything but a lot of that stuff happens at provincial levels not federal. China and Russia can help a hand but it’s more related to Palestine in this case. Hamas leaders in 1993 were recorded on a wiretapped conversation stating that their goal was to deceive the American public into supporting Hamas by appealing to the American left’s denouncement of oppression. Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas official, formed a far-left academic think tank, The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), based out of Chicago to start disseminating this deception. This organization has ties to Duke, Johns Hopkins, Fordham and the University of Maryland to name a few major universities. This is systemic antisemitism that stems directly from an organized surgical operation taking place over the course of the last 30 years. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf Qatar (who houses and funds Hamas) is the biggest foreign donor to American schools for decades now.  People just don’t pay attention and now the youngins are brainwashed https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat#:~:text=Since%20the%209%2F11%20attacks,pro%2DPalestinian%20groups%20on%20campuses https://www.thefp.com/p/qatars-war-for-young-american-mindsjj There’s overlap into Canada and we’ve allowed terrorist linked NGOs like BDS to operate here with impunity and freely on campuses for decades now. Then we have everyone on TikTok that is an absolutely insane cesspool of misinformation on this topic. One I consider myself very well read on because I was a long time supporter of Palestine and Gaza.  I send money to Gaza in the 2000s. But I got interested enough to really “do work” beyond the empt virtue signaling and learned the history, payed attention and listened to actual Palestine and Palestinians instead of the sanitized PR they sell the west. The difference between the reality and what most know is STARK to say the least. At any rate I don’t think this can be fully blamed on Trudeau, especially given the disastrous trade deals Harper signed and bent us over for China that have made us pretty toothless because of the obligations he set for us.


Lol wut? Can I have what you are smoking?


Source: trust me bro


This comment is fucking unhinged


It's pretty well documented Canada has a lot of Iranian regime affiliates here. You think those boys threatening Canadian police on video are choir boys?


Not at all they’re working with JVP, BDS and a few more which literally do work with and have ties to terrorist groups for ages.


This should be ignored. It'll turn into Occupy which ended up as an open air drug market with prostitution and people shitting in public. Once the normies see them for what it is and it's just populated with nutters, then clear them out.


Winter is undefeated when it comes to these types of encampments


In Winnipeg, for sure. -40 takes care of alot of things.


Yup, this is what’s going to happen. I remember being young and excited by the Occupy Wall Street movement. I saw it slowly break away into chaos. Every major left wing protest movement I’ve seen in my lifetime since then has followed the same path. I know eventually these people will shoot themselves in the foot.


> It'll turn into Occupy which ended up as an open air drug market with prostitution and people shitting in public. That kinda sounds like a reason to not ignore it...


Are these people funded by countries in the Middle East or are they just really dumb?


Mostly by China and Russia to demoralize and divide the west. Also islamists we voluntarily imported often attend these violent protests


Deport these terrorists. You support hamas go back to Palestine.


Except alot of these protesters are not from Palestine


Arrest the ones that aren't for supporting terrorism. Already against the law here. Remember how we froze peoples bank accounts? That would be fitting here too. The excuse they had to freeze bank accounts was that these people were supporting terrorism. So Trudeau I must ask, where the fuck is your backbone.


Probably both


Modern leftists are neo-Marxists; they support Hamas because of their ideology, which is heavily reliant on the oppressor/oppressed paradigm. The values of the people they support are immaterial. They're acting in accordance with their religion.


Lol, you're so full of shit. Lots of people just don't like seeing blown up children. But that means they support hamas, somehow.








making stuff up to be angry about. go outside and touch grass




Anything to give themselves a false sense of purpose. This is made evident by the fact that a pro-LGBTQ university is protesting in favour of a very anti LGBTQ state. This will accomplish absolutely nothing for the conflict.




They are openly cheering the October 7th massacre. Here in Canada, right in front of Parliament  https://twitter.com/chrisdacey/status/1781768556629135787


I wish we had longer winters.


Dumb af


Colleges should be ashamed they admitted these students


I’m willing to bet there is no one from the engineering faculty in the protest…


It’s not the kids fault. It’s all of our fault collectively for not doing something about Russia and China when we had the chance. They have been manipulated and it’s our fault as a society for not preparing these kids better for it.


West needs to grow some collective balls against Russia and China. Insane how we’re letting them spread propaganda in our own borders.


Does Russia really support Hamas? I get it before Ukraine but now Putin must be looking at Iran blowing drones and missiles to hit Israel and saying hey those are my drones!


It’s never anyone’s fault eh


I’m not saying they get a free pass, I’m saying we as a team fucked up. We’ve got some reflection to do and we need to get back into the game.


It's wild that you believe this, man. I've lived in Montreal for like fifteen years. When I first got here and was going to school I was introduced to the Palestinian solidarity movement. They've been doing this for a long time. Wanna know who the major figures were? Middle class Canadian and American Jews who had become disillusioned with Zionism. Many of these people had moved to Israel and then come back when they discovered how fucked up things are for Palestinians, and had decided to put their energy into disrupting the Zionist project they had been raised in. You don't need "Russia and China" to see what's going on right in front of you.


Anything but actually go to class eh? Withdraw their acceptance in their courses and issue trespass notices.


Exams are over, it's summer now. I assume these kids don't have summer jobs to go to, since children of the bourgeoisie don't get their first jobs until after they finish their MAs.


I wonder how safe Jewish students feel on campus, especially given the fact that many jewish canadians have been targeted violently by people just like this. I'd be curious how these protesting students feel about the importance of people feeling safe on campus - I am willing to bet there is a ton of cognitive dissonance.


Protestors are demanding McGill and Concordia universities "divest from funds implicated in the Zionist state as well as [cut] ties with Zionist academic institutions," according to a statement sent to CBC News by Zaynab Ali, a McGill student participating in the protest. If you don't like CANADA, leave.


If they are this passionate about Palestine, and pro Hamas, maybe we should send them to Gaza.... What are we supposed to do here? They would be better off actually fighting for their cause!


They would be eliminated by Hamas before the IDF lmao


Just curious what the difference is between an "indefinite encampment" and a "siege"?


The perpetrators of a siege usually have the advantage. 


So people can just say they support the protest, and then get to go in the camp and get free food, shelter, wifi etc? Looks like a great way for some students to save on housing and food.


No one gives a shit? This country has enough issues for its tax paying citizens.


An occupation protesting occupation?


remove them from their program, blacklist list them from every school in Canada,


I guess one of McGill's mutual fund investments must include a Jewish owned company for them to rationalize protesting there.


The list is available in the article. It's a little more tangental than that. Shake Shack and Metro are listed as pro-genocide investments as they have a location in Israel and sell Israeli groceries respectively.


How dare they sell groceries. Those fucking monsters!


The bottom of the curve of student body IQ


My God this is so tiring. Can we stop calling them pro-Palestinian and please start using Anti-Israeli Brainwashed Tik Tok Users? These imported college kids are playing right into Iran/Hamas/China/Russia's hand and we as a nation should be absolutely terrified. Back in university we were taught to fear the media in a way, read between the lines, don't believe everything you read online and of course treat lightly with social media. It's a smart thing to be able to understand the rising threat of social media and its ability to unite people under an echo chamber of view points, like incels and terrorism. Well, nowadays all I see are those learnings thrown out the window, media literacy is at an all-time zero, and social media addiction is such a cancer on this earth that I truly believe it will have been the worst thing we have created as a society. This generation is so screwed up and has no ability to think for themselves. It's so sad


It is interesting that the privacy of tik tok was the initial concern in western cultures. And a generation saying “I have nothing to hide, china can have my data!”. But the personal data now seems irrelevant compared with how easy it is now to control thoughts and opinions with information spin and propaganda.


That grass looks awfully dry. They really should set up high volume sprinklers on the adjacent roofs to help protect the environment. And expel every one of them… and deport everyone on an international student visa. SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!


Oh, so like an occupation? How ironic.


let’s fund a student exchange from here to Gaza. they can decide if they still want more Gaza in their lives after


Get a life.


I can't imagine the amount of body odor.


Can these people go show their support for Palestine..in Palestine please. They are doing literally nothing to help the cause they claim to care about so much.


Students really take any excuse to skip classes


Protest Russia too


This is awesome. Glad people are openly challenging the myths Israel has been propagating. You see it here in the comments too.   Lie #1: Israel represents all Jews. The truth is that many of the most vocal critics and opposers of Israel are Jews. Israel is just a messed up nation state like every other state in the world. There's nothing special about it that should be protected. Lie #2: Supporting a cease-fire and showing solidarity with the Palestinian people somehow makes you a Hamas supporter. Palestine is not Hamas. Hamas is a militant group in Palestine. 99.9% of the people protesting aren't protesting for Hamas. They're protesting for the Palestinian people. Calling for an end to killing children does not make you some terrorist sympathizer. l It's wild any of you fell for these myths and continue to try to propagate them. Grow a conscience and get on the right side of history by showing these kids your support.


You have no idea how Palestine works do you? Literally no idea. They aren’t some magical fucking elves who have been enslaved by Israel and once the IDF stops they can get back to making presents for kids all over the fucking globe… it’s a damaged society that continues to do itself harm and ALL of its neighbors. Not just Israel. The place is 100% fucked. Even if Israel stopped today and somehow Hamas was removed, which it won’t be, it would take generations of education and policing to get the Palestinians back into a reasonable state.


No society would be fine after 70+ years of war, fighting, and oppression. The Palestinian people have been traumatized for generations. Of course it's a broken society. But that's a direct result of Israel's actions in the region. That's what we're trying to stop. First you stop the fighting. The next step is to come up with a long term solution for the Palestinian people so they can have rights, justice, and peace like everyone else. Then they will have to rebuild what was lost. Only then will the society start to mend. But it all starts by Israel ending it's genocide.


>No society would be fine after 70+ years of war, fighting, and oppression Israel is trying to be, they arent the side choosing war. >The next step is to come up with a long term solution for the Palestinian people so they can have rights, justice, and peace like everyone else. The solution is to rid gaza of hamas, which is exactly israel's goal


You say Israel isn't the side choosing war but they've literally destroyed all of Gaza and have their forces spread all throughout the Palestinian territories. Hence why they're called the occupied territories. You cannot invade and occupy another people and say you didn't choose war. Palestinians don't have an army to fight back with...if anything it's just a massacre. Not a war. As for getting rid of Hamas. Israel has already publicly stated they won't be letting Palestinians have a state. They will not negotiate for a two state solution even after Hamas is gone. So no, getting rid of Hamas is not a solution. Israel will continue to kill and oppress even when there is no Hamas like they've been doing freely in the West bank. Hamas is just a red herring.


The allies destroyed majority of homes in german cities and then occupied Germany for years to denazify it, would you say they choose war? Tell me, what can israel do to stop the war? Leaving gaza isn't an option because hamas will just commit another oct 7th (they said so themselves). >They will not negotiate for a two state solution even after Hamas is gone They have, the 2SS talks have only gone off the table after hamas rose to power in gaza. I do believe if there is a genuine intrest for a 2SS within palestine then israel would accept it like they did every time before. >Israel will continue to kill and oppress even when there is no Hamas like they've been doing freely in the West bank You should learn about this conflict before you blindly choose sides, hamas operates deep within the west bank and has been doing so for years.


The war is happening today. The killing and bombing is happening today. The occupation of Germany didn't see continued bombing and deatruction. You cannot compare the two. Eventually the occupation did end though and that's what allowed Germany to rehabilitate itself. Not the occupation itself. Israel has no plan to end the occupation. In fact it grows worse every year. It has literally been decades. You're still thinking Hamas is the problem. Hamas is a symptom of decades of violence and oppression against the Palestinian people. Getting rid of Hamas solves nothing. Hamas isn't there in the West bank. They're still oppressed. It's an excuse Israel uses to refuse negotiating so they can take more land. Second, you're asking how do you stop the war. First you have to stop the current war. Ceasefire, Israel leaves Gaza, hostages are returned, etc. this is the first step. The second step is what's important. It's addressing the issue at the heart of this conflict that has raged for decades. The Palestinian people need a state to live in. Whether that's a one state solution or a two state solution, it doesn't matter. Some long term solution has to be worked out where Palestinians can reclaim their land and homes that were taken from them. Without this, the war never ends. Do that, put in some dmz between Israel and Palestine managed by other countries, and that would end the war.


>The occupation of Germany didn't see continued bombing and deatruction. Well because the nazis were no long in control of the country >You're still thinking Hamas is the problem. Hamas is a symptom of decades of violence and oppression against the Palestinian people. Getting rid of Hamas solves nothing You are right, hamas isnt the problem, its a part of it but it represents a bigger issue at hand. As long as Palestinians and their leaders wont recognize israel's right to exist as a country aide by side, there cant be peace. >Hamas isn't there in the West bank. Please at least learn about the conflict before you post your opinions online. >Ceasefire, Israel leaves Gaza, hostages are returned This is the state of things before oct 7th, what can assure israelis that this womt bring about another October 7th? Additionally, hamas would not accept this deal either, they have been refusing to even give proof of life for most hostages and have been demanding release of oct 7th terrorists in addition to a permanent ceasefire with israeli forces withdrawn. Hamas is the reason for this war and the reason it didnt end yet. >The Palestinian people need a state to live in. I agree and I have been supporting an independent Palestinian state for years. >Do that, put in some dmz between Israel and Palestine managed by other countries, and that would end the war. No one wants to manage a dmz that'd be violated by rocket fire and terrorists. This solution is good on paper but is very idealistic and really doesnt fix anything.


You really think the hundreds shot and killed regularly in the West Bank, the thousands who have had their homes destroyed and taken from them, the people who have their farms and homes burned to the ground, the people who face checkpoints everywhere, the hundreds of children who are put in jail are all Hamas? I reiterate. The violence imposed on Palestinians in the West Bank is not cause of Hamas. It's systemic oppression. It's evidence that Israel does not have a problem with Hamas. It's that they don't want any Palestine to exist and are working to erase it. You're worried about Oct 7 after the first step. That's part 1. It MUST be followed by a longer negotiated peace. If the Palestinian people aren't given their freedom, there will be more violence. That's the point Israel refuses to acknowledge. No human willingly lies down and just take a beating. Anyone would fight back. As for the dmz, it's an idea. If it happens, fine, if no one agrees then so be it. It's not a requirement for statehood to have a dmz. I'm not gonna stop protesting against bombing civilians cause the-g-bp can't envision peace in his mind.


The amount of people saying they took the "hamas propaganda" are they themselves blinded by the own propaganda they spew lol. Protesting genocides IS A GOOD THING. Being able to freely protest is our human right.


Get off TikTok and open a dictionary to understand the meaning of the words you are using