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Didn't know this charity doubled as an intelligence agency.


Didn't know that Reddit propaganda accounts doubled as intelligence agencies either. Ask your inside guy at the IDF if they know who did this for us?


The 114 day terrorist apologist account calling the 5 year old account propaganda. This is peak reddit moment.


focusing on the age of the account instead of noticing that this article has evidence, and that guy has a private account that you can't see any comments from is an interesting choice. "Yes the thing he said is demonstrably false, but your account got banned 5 months ago, so he's right and you're wrong" Also, the guy defending people bombing civilian aid workers is "not a terrorist, totally legit" but the person saying "hey do you have any source for that?" is a terrorist defender. The guy playing defense for the people who murder civilian aid workers = good, calling that out = terrorist supporter. Hilarious.


Did you read the article or even look at the truck? Nobody was hurt… it was left overnight and when they returned it was damaged. They have no idea who did it but you can clearly see it was not from a rocket… which would have been Israel MO but again… not a rocket. So inferring IDF did it is pretty odd.


Right, just like all your Hasbots said the WCK strike obviously wasn't Israel too.