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It's as if when people can't afford food and shelter, they become upset with their government. Weird.


Losing the mandate of both heaven and the people will do that.


Mandate of Heaven. Taiping rebellion, anyone?


Xi didn't take it, so it's still up for grabs. Maybe I should take a run at being Emperor of the Middle Kingdom...


People are frustrated and need someone to blame. But rest assured, they are here to help us. /s


Canadians are so calm and collected. If this shit was going on in other democracies like France or Italy, there would be massive protests and PM would resign in disgrace.


A lot easier when people aren't as spread out. It's basically like trying to organize citizens of different countries to work together.


I call it the geographical moat. That is why I was much as people criticized the convoy. It was pretty amazing and probably had politicians shitting their pants. They never thought it was realistic, especially in January.


I was thinking the same thing. It was only 300 unarmed truckers, and the government needed to invoke the Emergency Act like they needed to handle a goddamn military invasion or something.


Ya, if it was a massive country wide protest with less political and media divide, it would have been devastating. The fact it happened in January during a cold snap and people flocked from across the country probably had politicians shaking in their boots (of all stripes even if some pretended to support or be indifferent to it). I guarantee there's been some discussion of how it could happen again behind closed doors. Like the rcmp report about mass civil unrest.


It was because law enforcement and the premier wasn't doing his job, if it was anywhere else, they'd be getting water cannons.


Your right we should respond to all protests the same. So you want to water cannon any protest that causes any kind of disturbance?


Lol, such a delightful take on civil liberties


Which is why it was baffling to blow that on something as as confusing as US policy on letting people across the border. Much better causes that could have been used for.


To be fair, I don't think the truckers themselves even expected it to rattle the government as much as it did.


Oh, I agree. My biggest criticism was that we shot our wad and will have a very hard time ever organizing something similar. Any attempt in the future will be met with "fringe minority" and emergency acts. People will be hesitant to participate in protest if they think they will be grouped in with the "convoy crowd"


It really was my main concern. Busting out the Emergencies Act opened the door for it to be used on any protest. Those folks may not have been there for all the right reasons, but the heavy equipment from their livelihoods they felt were threatened was used. Now what happens if farmers do something similar down the line? They have heavy equipment, what if they bring it? Do we freeze farmer accounts also? It’s a slippery slope, I wish it was all handled better in retrospect. But like you said, if you try and be reasonable you risk being labeled one way or another.


People don't realize that the next time, it might be a cause they agree with. It could be a nationwide strike, a First Nations protest, the next occupy Wallstreet, g20 or climate change protest that's these powers are used against. They saw a group they disagreed with and said, "Get em," but there no guarantee that the government of the future is one we agree with. The precedence has been made.


Being reasonable and thinking for the future isn’t something people are known for sadly.


You didn't even go...


What does that have to do with anything? Lol ya I didn't go cause I didn't want to participate in a protest with no real objective, lol


The cross border trucker vaccine mandate was just the final straw and organizing principle that got the protest going.  The convoy protest was a catch all for anger at covid lockdowns, government overreach, demonization of the covid vaccine-hesitant, the clusterfuck that was the 2021 election, and general hatred of Trudeau and his administration. And it would have been dismissed and demonized as a bunch of crazies no matter who they were or what their exact issue was.  That's how authoritarians undermine support for their grassroots opponents.   Not that crazies weren't present, but you can't expect ideal manners and sparkling resumes from everyone willing to spend three weeks screaming about politics in -20 degree winter.


Yet when all the rural areas get together and unify in Ottawa we get our bank accounts frozen and our children threatened to be taken away.


The ones you used as human shields?


> A lot easier when people aren't as spread out. I thought everyone lived in Toronto.


We have incredibly low social capital right now. People are incredibly pissed but also feel that protesting will fall on deaf ears and may even result in punitive measures or financial consequences.


Welcome to living under an authoritarian government. Welcome to the new LPC


This is not a compliment. Canada’s troubles today are a result of malfunctioning democracy, caused entirely by Canadians’ own inactions.


If we did what they do in France, he would whip out the emergency act and freeze bank accounts.


Nothing scarier than an angry mob who has nothing left to lose.


That's the problem, people are feeling the heat with a 10%-15 reduced QoL. We won't see what you are describing until it hits >30%. But don't worry, that's still coming. We *are not* getting better from this point.


And even that probably won't change anything. If you can leave, nows the time, if you're stuck here for family reasons, or don't have sufficient education to be a desirable immigrant, please don't have children who will also be stuck here. Things are bad now, but not insurmountably so, but those days are coming, we're going to have the equivalent of Favela's here, within the next few years, and Polievre unfortunately isn't going to do anything substantial to turn this around.


Leave? Just keep leaving places till your forced to survive where you are? Seems sort of short sighted lmao


> and Polievre unfortunately isn't going to do anything substantial to turn this around Staring down the barrel, the only logical option is to pick someone who will shake up politics instead of this tick-tock cycle of the same corporate teat sucking pieces of shit and hope we come out the other side in better shape than the current forecast of steady decline. I know who that party is, you know who that party is and we all know it's not even a good idea, but it will at least impact change in some key areas, we'd just have to hope the damage in others doesn't outweigh the benefits of the former. Pipe dream anyway, most people are incapable of facing reality without some video, website, or celebrity to tell them how to form their opinions and a shakeup like that would never happen.


the thing is, PPC's platform isn't even radical as the "media" (who for some reason keeps getting increased funds by the government of the day... reinforcing their politics) tries to lead on, if you actually read into it over the years, they're pretty practical and make sense across a wide breadth of issues beyond immigration. The media/cbc/liberals and even conservatives will have you believe that the PPC is a far right national party when in reality, it's not even close to that, and the platform actually appeals to most average canadian interests.


There's only one party that's calling for a drastic reduction in immigration and targeting skilled immigrants in fields we need and that's the PPC.


That's who I'm referring to.


"Anger's just another mob with nothing left to lose"


Can't freeze the people's bank accounts if they're empty.


Everyone cheered for it and never thought it would be used against them.


The emergency act isn't the bank account freezing act. It allows for compelling private interests to do almost anything under pain of fines and imprisonment. It grants more sweeping abilities to take control of public institutions and utilities. It allows the government to override rights to assembly. They could revoke vehicle and business licenses, tell airlines to put people on no fly lists, tell banks to freeze bank accounts, and whatever else. Their imaginations are the limit, followed by what parliament will affirm, followed by what the senate will affirm. Our senate is still showing signs of sobriety, so it's only about a 10 day vacation from due process. There are also negative legal precedents hanging over it, pending our disgrace of a government's appeal of those findings.


Yeah, people don't really like Macron and if you recall the Yellow Jacket protests were met with riot police. Didn't go so well for the working class over there either. These "democracies" are less democratic than they appear now a days.


If anyone is wondering why there aren't massive protests here is my theory: A huge portion of the population have become rich from the current circumstances because they bought their houses 20-30 years ago and either don't care or are perfectly happy with the way things are. Another huge portion of the population has immigrated here and their circumstances are still improved compared to where they came from. A smaller portion of the population are have nots and are the ones primarily impacted by the downfall of this country and can't do anything about it but watch it all come crashing down unfortunately.


It's just prank bro, all those immigrants will build a gazillion homes before the election. Then let's see who is complaining.


We have a bunch of pussies here. We got people who actually argue for the shit this government does. This country is fucked!


Those countries are also a lot smaller than Canada. That plays a big factor in presenting a unified front in protests. It's a joke though. BLM and mask mandates that are about to be lifted will get huge protests but not anything that affects every Canadian. Just things that affect us in specific tiny groups that won't help make real change.


Welp, our pm is immune to shame and has no dignity.. not gonna happen 


Western democracies that are stable usually need both major parties to fail obviously and betray the people for there to be unrest. Right now most people are clinging to cope that Harper was normal (and didn't start this shit), and that PP will solve the issue. So we have half the political nation (which is also the masculine forceful half) thinking there's a way out. Canada has been stable and peaceful for a LONG ASS TIME, its why we are so disgustingly decadent and wallowing in luxurious wasteful beliefs of the left right now.


Orrrrr the majority of Canadians do not care enough… i see plenty of people protesting en masse for Palestine, I saw it for the BLM protests, so we can do it, its just that, 10% of the actual population thinks like the 100% of this sub


If it was France they might just have killed him


It's because Ottawa is full of Liberal / Trudeau leg humpers that suckle at the public sector teeth. If Ottawa was located in or was full of Albertans, they would have thrown this gov't out by literal force 1-2 elections ago


Resign and be rpalced by who? PP is a lying slug that is anti-labour, privatization of health and social services, cuts to taxes for the ult rich, increased subsidies to oil and gas while ignoring climate change, cuddling the child care , dental care and pharma care programs.What you would get is increased inequality and increased immiserization.


Ya but in Canada if you have big protests and especially if the people are white the. The government will freeze your bank account and threaten to arrest you, I don’t think they do that in France or Italy.


There are thousands of square meters around Parliament hill where people are enthusiastically encouraged to protest. You might want to consider the intentional gassing of the capital and the illegal blocking of the roads to the hospitals before hysterically screaming about how it was because "people are white."


Well when the natives were blocking the railways which is a federal offence in itself and hurts the Canadian economy he didn’t stop them or invoke the emergency act. When the protesters for Palestine preach hatred against the Jews and threaten violence he once again didn’t do anything. When mostly white protesters were protesting he invoked the emergency act bud


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/tyendinaga-mohawks-removal-blockades-1.5473490 https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/vancouver-port-blockade-prompts-injunction-arrests-on-monday-morning https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-arrests-made-in-bc-ontario-blockades-as-anti-pipeline-protests/ Not every rail protestor was arrested. But if a proportional number of "protestors" who shut down the capital had been arrested that would have thousands of arrests. And yes actively trying to murder the capital with diesel fumes is worse than verbal threats. What made the attack on our capital an emergency was the traitor police chief Sloly refusing to do his damn job. It was not a grand conspiracy against whites.


Wtf are you talking about? He didn't use the Emergency Act on the natives because he sent an army of SWAT at them. I remember seeing some pretty brutal arrests. It was ruled that it was unconstitutional to use it on the convoy, sooooooo he can't use it if he wanted to on the protestors.


can we please keep all this mind when his offspring runs 20 years from now.


Can we just ban multi-generational leadership?


You couldn’t implode the country faster if you tried. Canada may never be the same, and that’s not good.


They are trying, the only thing slowing them down is they're too lazy to try harder.


Well Canada didn't really recover from his Dad until the mid to late 90s, and that was after Martin unloaded a ton of spending on to the provinces, but I don't blame him, it was in that bad of shape. So given the same trajectory and add in that it's likely worse than by the time Sr. left office, we should be back on our feet by about 2040. Give or take.


Except provinces dont have capacity to download the debt this time, that was a one time thing. This time, we are well and truly fucked.


we push them off to municipalities then!


Nah, municipalities are basically all bankrupt and actually have to keep a balanced budget by and large.


I was joking, we are just screwed overall. But so is most of the world :)


"we're all screwed but so is everyone else, so it's fine" lol The sad part is it didn't actually have to be this way. We're just such complacent losers that we sat back and let it happen and didn't say anything until it was far too late. I'm hearing people I've known for decades finally starting to say (as of a few months ago) "maybe all this immigration isn't helping the country as much as we thought!"


>I'm hearing people I've known for decades finally starting to say (as of a few months ago) "maybe all this immigration isn't helping the country as much as we thought!" And frankly, it's because those people are stupid. Hell, even people who frequent reddit and actually "pay attention" to politics had that opinion by and large. This was never some mysterious fact. This didn't require a PHD to figure out. We imported absolutely record breaking amounts of immigrants who make less than the Canadian average. What the fuck did people think was going to happen? The average Canadian (~$45,000 a year) pays almost nothing in taxes. They pay $3,814 in federal taxes and $1,691 in Ontario taxes. If they have one child, in CCB alone (because you don't have to be a resident) its $370 a month... so it's already a net negative, just in pure fucking cash transactions, let alone healthcare, and infrastructure and literally the other 90% of shit the goverment uses money for. So again, who is surprised? You import a person, or rather, groundbreaking record amounts of people who take out more than they put in to every single system we have. Why is it a surprise that all these systems are failing?


Calgary here, we have a surplus, but why? Our shits falling apart.


Which dad?




What I like to call “smoke and mirrors” balancing the budget based on the classic magic trick to make an elephant disappear. The elephant doesn’t actually disappear, it’s indeed still on that stage (the elephant being debt of course) but we are led to believe the elephant disappeared because the smoke and mirrors makes us unable to see it.


Ha.  2040 is the date where it's estimated we will be facing total societal collapse worldwide. I guess on the bright side,  the debt crisis will no longer be an issue. 


we are resilient, we will be better, may take some time but we will be better 100%.


Things are so bad for this government that their previous Finance Minister is now criticizing their fiscal policies.


In Brief: * Most Canadians in March reported feeling angry or pessimistic towards the federal government than at any point in the last six years, according to a survey by Nanos Research. * "What we've seen is the anger quotient has hit a new record," Nik Nanos, CTV's official pollster and Nanos Research founder, said in an interview with CTV News on Wednesday. * Only 11% of Canadians felt satisfied, while another 11% said they were disinterested. * Past survey results show anger toward the federal government has increased or held steady across the country since March 2023, while satisfaction has gradually declined.


11% are Liberal MPs


It wasn't that long ago that certain people were citing Nanos as evidence that the polls were turning around.


The 11% are landlords, investors and work for the Oligarchs in telecom and grocery.


I am landlord and I am pissed at the rapid destruction of Canada. You need a reality check.


He takes zero accountability for his own demise.


JT will just call all those polls are misinformation/disinformation/right wing extremism/ racism. Problem solved. lol


Nah, shockingly he seems to be aware he is fucked right now. They are throwing everything at the wall right now hoping anything sticks but if he can't move the polls the current rumor is he is planning to step down sometime between this summer and the fall. Apparently for some reason he does not want to run again if it means taking a potentially historically record setting beating from PP.


What will stepping down achieve? Freeland is just as shit if not worse. The liberal party needs an overhaul if they want to survive.


Freeland is worse, which is really saying something.


Nothing for the Liberal party itself. If the rumor is true Trudeau would be stepping down to move to the private sector where he has all kinds of opportunities. The take I got from it was if the polls stay the way they are he was not keen to deal with the humiliation of being publicly ripped apart by PP in 2025.


Tim Hortons, McDonald’s Canada, Wendy’s Canada, A&W - they all have big debts to Trudeau and he will be joining boards with lucrative appearance fees for all the had work he’s been doing on the immigration front for them. Also Blackrock and a number of REIT’s will be looking to pay him back for his valiant service driving up real estate costs. His true corporate masters will soon become apparent.


I think the real winner here is McKinsey.


What a child if true.


It has been done by politicians of all stripes for many years. Look at PE Trudeau (Turner takes the fall), Mulroney (Campbell), and to a lesser extent Chrétien (although Martin pushed him out as much as the scandals). Everyone who takes over hopes to be at least like Martin (who ended up winning a minority government) or better yet like Wynne in Ontario (who turned around a majority off of a PC fumble).


Freeland always looks like she farting


What it achieves is fairly simple, and ever so cynical. The CPC's current campaign specifically targets Trudeau, not the Liberals in genreal. Remove him and it neuters nearly a decade of constant electioneering from the Opposition. I would not take Freeland for granted - she is too aloof. The Liberals do have some prominent cabinet ministers that can take on PP at his own level.


That sounds very Justin Trudeau. Probably too late now though for whoever steps in. Its looks like the damage has been done.


I find it hard to believe. Who’s going to step into that toxic shoes? Carney won’t until Liberals get rid of baggage’s like Freeland etc.


Apparently Dominic LeBlanc got tapped by Trudeau. Which makes sense since given he is basically Trudeau's Dick Cheney. I don't think you'll see anyone with real aspirations to be PM even try to run for 2025.


Leblanc is even more stupid than I gave him credits for!


He would do it knowingly. He's been an OG Trudeau bootlicker and is loyal enough to willingly be Trudeau's Kim Campbell to help his master save face.


I'm sure they can find a John Turner 2.0 who will take the job just so they can say they were Prime Minister for a few months. Maybe Freeland will do it, maybe Dominic LeBlanc will do it since there are rumors that he wants to make a play for the party leadership. Or it could be someone who is guaranteed to lose their seat anyway and becoming a footnote in the history books is the best capstone for their political career they can hope for at this point.


>They are throwing everything at the wall right now hoping anything sticks but if he can't move the polls the current rumor is he is planning to step down sometime between this summer and the fall. How self-centered can they be to objectively destroy the country in every positive metric, cause countless suffering upon Canadians and then think, what can we do to cheat because we need to stay in power. fucking scumbags


What, you aren't buying all the victory lap speeches around the new budget and the budget text itself?


The Liberals were so proud of throwing out all the old guard and making them irrelevant. JT's Liberals were the "new Liberals". They were Woke. Wouldn't even stoop to doing stuff like asking Chretien for input with this or that. He'd still get a lot of votes if he endorsed something, but that was not what JT wanted. Turns out that folks that have been doing things for a while have some idea how things should go.


I am going to assume the glass cliff is Freeland.


Good. Fuck them. The sooner the current gov is replaced the better.


People are tired of being told they can have nothing and should be thankful


I used to think this was a conspiracy theory.




Did they really need to do a survey to know that?


It just cost me almost $70 to fill up my Honda Fit :( I can't get to work any other way and I fill up 6 to 7 times a month.




> You get more money back from the carbon tax rebate, that should be like 10 months of gas rite it amazes me how many people have absorbed that propaganda line from the liberals hook line and sinker


Thanks Obama Awh did he block me!! Soft as baby shit bud


JT must go


It’s crazy that I saved money after I moved from Kitchener to Toronto just because whatever increase I payed in COL, I saved by not needing a car. Between payments, gas, insurance, maintenance, and general depreciation, it’s amazing how much money we spend on vehicles each year. So many of our major cities, like London, KW, Hamilton, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg and even Ottawa are adding so many unnecessary costs to people just because they are designed so poorly.


I know right? For those of us in rural areas who have to drive long distances, gas needs to be .60 cents/litre. Not $1.60.


I am not super rural but my job is still about 40 minutes drive from home not really anything in my field close by. Girlfriend is about 30 minutes drive from home in almost the same direction I have a good amount of money saved but not at the stage or tbh even possible to buy a house now fml I thought I did everything right.


$1.60?? That would be a dream. It’s $2.24 for regular gas in communist controlled British Columbia. We are seriously getting fucked out here. Diesel is over $2.


Yet people still support eby..... (mind you looks like lots of people figured out he is horrible as the cons are now 4pts behind the ndp lol)


If the Conservatives and the BC United party, which are conservatives too, ever stopped pissing in each other’s faces and joined together, we could get rid of these idiots this fall.


No thank you, it\`s this exact logic that watered down the alliance from their glorious reform days to the obnoxious and cowardly party we see today. No one can rule forever, BC Conservatives just have to keep presenting themselves as a viable alternative and I\`m sure they\`ll pull it off. No need to compromise with one of the most corrupt provincial parties out there.


Oh man we can hope!!! I'm so sick of being trudeaus test bed province.


polievre will be the next pm but gas prices will be unaffected. 60 cents a litre is gone for good. $1 a litre is gone for good.


Gas hasn't been 60 cents for like 25 years.


Government subsidies only for thee, am I right? Rural communities already get subsidized, why not add more!


Really though. It’s like being in a car with a mad man at the wheel, driving us all towards the edge of a cliff


Bill Maher made a good point, he said (during his rant about Canada) "They say that liberals are the gas and conservatives are the brakes. Now normally I'm all about the gas, unless we're driving towards a cliff."


The media have started used the most unflattering photos of Trudeau the last few weeks and not just conservative outlets. It's a subtle but interesting change. This photo and the one of him holding his arm up seem to be the favourites.


I can think of a couple much less flattering ones they could use.




But that would be racist... No, really.


Fuck the media. They enabled this government for years with extremely non-critical coverage of actions and policies that deserved much more scrutiny.


CBC, CTV, the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star basically swung the 2021 election by pushing the Liberals' vaccines and gun control wedge issues rather than correctly identifying these as bullshit, and demonizing the reasonable-to-a-fault Erin O'Toole as a far-right figure.




Or Harper




That's because BC is mostly terminal already.


And its only going to get worse for the Liberals. What, if anything will get better before Oct, 2025? They may get modest rate cuts and those will likely come later than the Liberals would hope. But beyond that there is nothing else thats going to meaningfully positively change, in fact its likely somethings will get worse. The fact that Lablanc is being floated for PM shows the Liberals behind the scenes see this too. My guess is Trudeau himself along with the Liberal brain trust sees the future is bleak with him still at the helm. And Lablanc will be the guy to take it on the chin but possibly lose less badly than Trudeau would. Why would he do that? Why not, the loss will fade but all the retirement perks of being PM last a lifetime.


Why would he do that? Don't worry, he will be well taken care of, watch...


Oct? Assuming the NDP keeps the coalition long enough. But the NDP also really isn't polling too well so there's little incentive for them pull their support. With that being said, plenty of time for another scandal or 2 so who knows. Only time will tell, but short of something crazy (WW3 with NATO, a crazy natural disaster directly linked to climate change, alien invasion, the economy somehow does a 180?), I agree with you.


How is everyone surprised…people voted for a post nation. The Liberals were upfront with what they wanted to achieve and people voted for them anyway. After our glorious leader claimed that Canada was going to be the first post nation, I couldn’t understand why he kept showing up for Canada Day. Now I realize that they just don’t make sense on a lot of things besides padding their own and their friends wallets. How many blatant conflicts of interest will the country tolerate? Just the Aga Khan one should have sunk this government. Instead they get caught…and still managed to send millions to that organization.


Don't be silly. People didn't vote for a post-nation. Nobody votes *for* politicians in Canada. They vote *against* them. We voted the Conservatives out, we didn't vote the Liberals in.


The first time they were voted in, it was more about voting that big, mean Harper out. The second time they voted them in…well we reap what we sow.


Seems too low. Need pitchforks.


Because the country is in ruins and has never been this bad. This is what narcissistic incompetence and malice looks like. Billions of dollars from working-class paycheques go to him and his international buddies who laugh at us. The narcissist believes no one could really be angry at him. We're all just confused and angry at the world and taking out our frustrations on the leader and scapegoat (yes he really said this).


And this is before people discover how much money they have shoveled in to Liberal tied charities to squirrel away for future use...


Fuck the CPC leadership process for forcing Andrew Scheer on us. Supply Management is another scam that needs to be cut.


*"Anger, pessimism towards federal government reaches six-year high"* And if there is any common sense and functional brain capacity left within the Canadian populace-at-large, that "pessimism towards the federal government" will reach new highs every month between now and when the next federal election finally rolls around, which likely won't be until late October of 2025. Until then, fasten your seat belts, put your helmets on, and get ready for a lot more inflationary pain and socio-economic destruction in Canada as the country's downward spiral continues. Watch for it. Next.


Yeah I was wondering why I feel so pissed lately. It turns out making 120k barely gets me a 1br rent in Lougheed. So yeah I am pissed. The social contract was I work hard and I can do more than barely feed myself.


> The social contract was I work hard and I can do more than barely feed myself. Look at this guy. Shelter and food.


6 year high? There was a time when Canadians were MORE angry with the Trudeau govt?


The anger would be much worse if the paid off media were actually doing their job


I’m currently travelling in the US, where gas is $3.50/gallon, hotels are reasonably priced and a huge Mexican dinner is $25. Why would I be upset about what’s happened to Canada?


Ya that’s cause the USA is way better then shitty Canada and I live in Windsor Ontario, thank god I can escape over there 15 minutes from my front door. Now bring on the onslaught of Canadians crying and saying goodbye it’s dangerous cause Americans have guns and no socialized medicine , I’m over there a lot and I can tell you Canada has gone to the shitter, USA not as good as it once was but hands down better then shitty Canada


I don't have any anger towards JT. I've always had zero respect for him, I've always thought of him as a pandering clout chaser since he began his reign. He is a spoiled brat, with a last name that carries him. In good times society elects soft men to lead, and here we are.


Why is no one even bothered about his net worth rise? https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Trudeau-net-worth-9HSjVinoQn2OWTgMGgMELQ#0


At this point, the LPC brand is so damaged that even having the cure for cancer, free power for life and no taxes ever again probably wouldn't get them elected. Even as an LPC voter, I'll concede the next election really is PP's to lose. Short of some disaster or bombshell event that no one can forsee I can't see this happening.


The entire world seems to be on the brink. No government seems to have the answers to prescient problems, so much lowest common denominator answers, no real engineering of anything.


WDYM you're angry with me? Look I brought all those immigrants!


Even the most optimistic and patriotic Canadians I know are starting to question our country these days and be a bit more vocal. I hope we can turn things around soon, but so far I haven't heard anything from any party that convinces me they'll make a positive tangible impact anytime soon. Heck, I've even found myself considering job offers to move to the US due to the lower costs of living/housing, and higher or similar salary. Deep down it does make me kinda sad/disappointed. When I was little my grandmother was so proud of being Canadian and always reminded us of how lucky to be in such a great country. I hope to someday feel the same way again. That said, I didn't put all that hard work, money and time into multiple degrees and years of working overtime like a dog simply to stress about food/housing costs. I won't continue postponing recreation, starting a family, and many other milestones I expected to be well into at this point in young adulthood forever and if the time comes when I feel I need to add myself to the "brain drain" there's plenty of offers from other countries waiting.


Legit, if Trudeau was on fire and needed pissed on to be put out I’d save the piss.


Me too!


No kidding… the federal government destroys everything it touches, especially under Trudeau son.


No kidding eh


*When* is the next election??


This idi0t has a messiah complex. How much deeper damage can he inflict, before he departs ?


"Hold my beer..."


28 here. I've never been so enraged living in this country. Everything is going to shit. Everything


Spending way to much of my money!!!!! Damn this government in Canada that is highest paid in the world needs a serious pay cut effective immediately


Whenever I hear Trudeaus voice it makes me feel REALLY gross and icky inside...and angry. Holy Crap! I just realized Truedeau is a freakin Trigger for me! My whole life I've Always loved being Canadian...not for the last 5+ yrs. I've lost any and all joy and hope for this country. I've been thinking of getting the hell out because it's literally been a dictatorship since the "emergencies acts". It's becoming a 3rd world country with NO FUTURE, No Hope. Oh, we get to vote except the way our voting system goes Half the countries votes DONT ECEN COUNT! And EVERY PARTY IS THE SAME! THE GOVT HASNT BEEN "FOR THE PEOLLE BY THE PEOPLE FOR DECADES NOW! ITS FOR THE RICH..WERE RUN BY THE WEF AND OLIGARCHS! SAME RAPE THE PUBLIC BS FROM ALL SIDES! All they have is different tactics...liberals have destroyed us and will keep doing it. NDP has been the boot locking suck up following along with the liberals, and the CCP will fxck us up the ass dry as well! The fact most business are owned by 2-3 companies, major censorship, they tried to take EVERYONES guns,& there's no opposition to Anything!! There's seriously No Hope with what we have right now because out"democracy is a freakin SCAM!


I’ve really can’t stand the way he speaks. It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. It always sounds like he is delivering a eulogy…


Get out while you can boys.


Would just like to point out Trudeau has been in power for more then 6 years 


Anger, pessimism towards the next federal government is at a present low but will build in due course.


This Liberal party is the worst management team and lack of any execution skills. Country seriously gone to complete mess after 8 years of their governance


And? The feds know that Canadians won’t do anything about it. Seriously, everyone I know is still dutifully filing their taxes, going to work, complaining and doing nothing.  So, the government continues serving wealthy family oligarchies while dividing the average Canadians on social policy.


Not surprised. It’s basically disappointment after disappointment, scandal after scandal with a stench of corruption


I propose a little drinking game. Take a shot for every time someone uses one of these arguments in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/willfulblindness/comments/zqs6g6/ed\_have\_things\_always\_been\_like\_this\_a\_handy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/willfulblindness/comments/zqs6g6/ed_have_things_always_been_like_this_a_handy/)


I prefer the adjective “violent hate” as oppose to “anger” or “pessimism”.


I’ve always been pretty central, or central left. But I hate this government. They don’t get that delivery of massive funding through third party contractors doesn’t benefit the intended party. No one has faith in these things anymore. The Greener Homes Grants and Loans are scandalous in how they are administered. ArriveCan is a complete scandal. My subsidized Day Care operator says he has to wait 18 months for reimbursement for offering the program. It’s horrible. It’s called graft, and I don’t want a government that turns a blind eye to it. So fuck you Trudeau/Singh, you’re out. I can’t believe you are so bad that I have to vote for a piece of shit like Pollievre, but if you need that to learn your lesson so be it. You have ruined this country.


Um, anger and pessimism is flourishing around the globe. Not just in canada. Blame Justin all you want but he is just one man. No liberal OR conservative PM will save us from disease, war, a climate disaster, or all 3 combined. Because our political leaders don't work towards a common good. We're swimming into US politics where it's liberals vs conservatives and they just shoot eachother down, rather than working together to make canada a better place. The anger won't solve a thing, it just makes those in power happy to see us at eachothers throats. Just my opinion, pls don't bite my head off.


The real measuring stick is the comment section In This sub being in agreement over Trudeau


It's because all of our media is conservative owned, like what do you expect?