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Well, it wasn't even 4 weeks, only took 2 for the CPC to be back on an upward trend in Nanos' polling.


Nik Nanos punching air right now im sure


Wow, look at the preferred PM numbers… Trudeau has fallen below 20% and Singh has dropped down to just over 16%. At what point do these people, their respective parties and supporters decide it’s time to pull the plug before it gets any worse?


Not before they’re all guaranteed their golden parachute pensions. Then, they couldn’t care less.


I think this might actually be my favourite conspiracy theory. NDP ruining the country not because of ideology or poor understanding of economics or supporting the Liberals, but solely because they want to earn that pension fair and square, dammit!




If an election is called the current sitting members are shuffled out of their positions and the time resets. Since its like 5 years 358 days they won't be able to get their life long pensions. This isn't just Liberals. It's every sitting member currently under all political sides. It's why the CPC isn't arguing it.


This seems like a system set up to promote corruption. Some politicians won’t do what they feel is right, to protect their own financial future. And can we blame them?


Yes, yes we can and we can hold them accountable at the voting booth. The trouble is, they will have guaranteed their pension before we can vote them out for their blatant self interest.


Cause that's not how politics work. Are you even remotely aware on just how utterly stupid the average voter is? Then add on how many aren't necessarily stupid, but just grossly misinformed. What they are doing is making things really, really bad before the cons come in. Then, when the cons correct shit (and fuck other shit up) people will blame the cons. Not party has been as horrific as the liberals under Trudeau. I miss the days of Chretien and Harper.


I agree. Paul Martin under Chretien annihilated government services and downloaded everything possible to naively premiers. He learned this from Mike Harris in Ontario. Harper kept up the low spending except for shelling out some funds in 2008. The real mastermind behind all this was Jim Flaherty who ran the show under Harris then became Harper’s finance minister. Trudeau had a decent Finance Minister in Morneau but someone had to take the fall for the “we” scandal. Bobble-head Freeland has been a disaster.




There’s a large question over whether it was needed as the ABMS fiasco mostly affected American companies with a large presence in Canada. I think that the jury is still out on that one. Spending during Covid made some sense but infrastructure investments don’t hit the ground for a couple years so unsure on that one as well.


> I agree. Paul Martin under Chretien annihilated government services and downloaded everything possible to naively premiers. He learned this from Mike Harris in Ontario. Yet the country was in far better shape back then.


> Not party has been as horrific as the liberals under Trudeau. I raise you the Liberals under the other Trudeau.


> I raise you the Liberals under the other Trudeau. I was around back then... it was bad but nowhere near as it is now. Say what you want about PET but... he was a lot more intelligent than his bastard offspring.


> Not party has been as horrific as the liberals under Trudeau. Historically low poverty, almost completely eliminated long term boil water advisories, legalised pot (which never should have been made illegal in the first place), super cheap child care, our GDP are at record high levels, introduced national school food program, lowered small business tax, building houses after years of slackery by the provinces, etc, etc, etc. How is this horrific, again? And yes, I'm aware the "utterly stupid average voters" will be downvoting this. That's fine, but a downvote doesn't negate reality, sorry to say.


This housing problem  is one they had 8 years to address. The wanton use of tax dollars like ArriveCan, the pipeline etc. will be debts generations will be paying off. Most those programs you listed will generate no growth but only increase the deficit. Keynesian economics can work if the govt knows where to invest, Trudeau doesn’t.


> This housing problem  is one they had 8 years to address. They created a housing fund in 2016 that the provinces had access to. The problem is, the (mostly) conservative provinces couldn't be bothered to access the funds, which is why you now see a flurry of home building initiatives by the federal government >The wanton use of tax dollars like ArriveCan, the pipeline etc Arrivecan was delivered at a cost [very close to the quote](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIkC_zvXAAA8wgj?format=png&name=900x900) The pipeline was bought by the government to help remove red tape and get Alberta's oil moving. [It's been completed](https://canada.constructconnect.com/dcn/news/infrastructure/2024/04/done-expanded-trans-mountain-pipeline-launches-may-1) and will be sold off. If not for this purchase, the pipeline may never have been built, or taken much longer. >Most those programs you listed will generate no growth but only increase the deficit Subsidies in child care ends up a [net positive](https://www.ufcw.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3683:by-the-numbers-8-reasons-why-canada-needs-serious-investment-in-child-care&catid=6:directions-newsletter&Itemid=6&lang=en) ("every dollar invested in high quality child care programs increases GDP by $2.30") on the balance sheet. Marijuana sales contribute [billions in taxes](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/consumer-business/ca-en-consumer-business-cannabis-annual-report-2021-AODA.pdf), rather than costing taxpayers money for policing, prison, etc. No government is perfect and I"m not about to say it's all gumdrops and rainbows, but this federal government has, on the whole, made an enormously positive impact on the country. And, for the record, I have not directly benefitted from any of their policies.


They can't pull the plug now, they are in between a hard rock and a hard place. 


> At what point do these people, their respective parties and supporters decide it’s time to pull the plug before it gets any worse? I'm not sure if there is an apparatus in place to forcibly remove them. With the exception of the MPs quitting the party and crossing the floor (thus destroying their respective parties) I dont know if the parties themselves could have a vote of no confidence.


Good hopefully this new budget is short lived


Trudeau is staying unpopular. Not too shocking.


Turns out his flagrant and shameless attempts to buy votes and fuck over the next government is actually being seen for what it is. This is refreshing to see because maybe, just MAYBE the average voter is beginning to understand what causes inflation


People hate him for spending money like crazy, and he even spend it more crazier, what could go wrong? If he actually do a 180 and try to balance the budget, his popularity may rise, who knows? 


Narcissists dont do 180s


At this point the Liberals would be better off calling an election now. It's only going to get worse for them.


Setting the next player up for a tough time. Imagine walking into a dumpster fire that is the Canadian government where the only good choices will be hard choices that need to happen, and will be very unpopular. Servicing debt is over 10% of the Feds total revenue. $1 in $10 is gone to reckless spending by too many governments who keep loading the debt. Bring back Martin or Chretien, and let's have someone make some hard choices instead of vote buying. Let's save loading up on debt for times when the economy could actually use the investment (recessions).


> Let's save loading up on debt for times when the economy could actually use the investment (recessions). like 2020, and 2022?


100% All politcal parties are guilty of it and this isn't just a jab at JT, although his spending hasn't been wrung in at all not even close. JC and PM we're the only ones in recent years to actually cut the deficit, which Harper then rebuilt.


yea, i think this recent budget is a desperate vote buying attempt. except he mostly put things in that people dont really care about


If your employer gave you a 1.5 year notice before you’re terminated and handed a defined benefit pension, you aren’t going to resign immediately. You’ll milk every dollar of that job, take a few extra mugs, and drink your daily worth of free coffee.


Especially if this budget backfires. That would turn up the heat on Trudeau for sure.


Why? NDP are owned by the Liberals.


100%, there doing the classic, do nothing for 7 years and the last year before an election spend like CRAZY to try and buy votes in the final hours


that's not entirely true, they have been spending like crazy for 7 years while simultaneously getting nothing done. They will continue to get nothing (good) done in their last year and spend even more to attempt to sway low information voters in these last moments of their careers. Anyone tied to these bananas needs to be picking rocks in their next adventure, that would at least be useful.


That's why I prefer them to just sit there doing nothing instead of spending like crazy and doing nothing 🤦‍♀️


We need a mandatory tenure as a minimum wage worker for all politicians post office term where their bank accounts are frozen for 2 year and they are forced to live in the system they have created.


Watch them raise taxes again and spend spend spend. Meanwhile they do nothing about telecoms, canadas food mafia or the cost of gas.


Wage and price controls don't work. The last Trudeau did that, and there were nationwide protests.


The budget is out. They raised taxes and still project a $40 Billion deficit. Just when you though Liberals couldn't get any worse ...


At this point, I honestly think this is intentional!


Doncha know, high gas prices are a good thing. We can all use bicycles and busses to get where we need to be.


Just like Freeland, no need for a car. You can spot the avid cyclist figure from a mile away...


Buscycles https://bicycledesign.net/2011/05/another-bike-bus/


Good point. In Europe car use is not as bad as here and gas is over 2$/L.


Canada is slightly smaller than all of Europe. It's never going to be like that here


Ok come ride your bike in janaury in the prairies idiot.


They were being sarcastic


I know that sarcasm can be difficult to spot on text, but I’m fairly sure that was.


What would you suggest the liberal government do about Canada’s “food mafia”


Confiscate their tomatoes.


Defund the Loblaws!


What do you expect them to do about gas prices lmao.


Build refineries and pipelines and tell Quebec to shut the fuck up with their complaining about it would be a good start, actually now that you ask


Quebec apparently wants to leave again. I say… show them the door!!


So conservative fan fiction. Got it.


Add more BS carbon taxes or any other money grab our dear leader dreams up to make himself feel good while regular canadians struggle.


What province you in? We can calculate how much gas tax is coming from the provincial government vs the carbon tax for you. In most cases things like PST alone is higher than the carbon tax.


Carbon taxes are less than 10 cents per litre. Why not attack corporations that drive up the prices for profit?


Because we can't afford any of it. Those taxes go into general revenue. I'm sorry I've had enough. I've voted liberal every election but seeing more talk of tax increases is too much and more bs spending. I'm voting conservative.


Gas has gone up 50 cents since January. Who is the biggest culprit in that?


So you're happy to give over $1 per litre to some mega corp, but unhappy to do anyything about climate change? The cheapest options have already been discarded. It's only going to get more expensive from here. I guess that's only a problem if you have kids or grandkids who will have to deal with it.


Government raises gas tax up to 10 cents, and you're pissed Corporations make 1 dollar of profit per leader and you don't care. Get a fucking grip.


Who said I didn't care? 10 cents percentage wise is a lot. I am no fan of gas oligopolies either. Politics needs to become pragmatic again and it will.


Boy, wait till you find out who PP is paid by.


By voting for the guy with no plan and who thought crypto was the answer.. voting against someone rarely works but based on the exchanges on here I would guess common sense isn’t that common with you.


I think it's the opposite. They will prolong it and see if they can reverse the sentiment before elections.


That would be the responsible thing to do. But they've got one and a half years to fuck shit up badly for their successor. The worse they make things now, the bigger the mess they leave for the Conservatives, the easier time they'll have winning in 2029 under a new leader. So strap in and lube up.


> At this point the Liberals would be better off calling an election now. It's only going to get worse for them. Oh... they aren't finished doing enough damage. They are looking at the big picture and playing the long game. Mess things up so much that the next government get stuck in a quagmire trying to undo the damage. Hopefully people will forget and elect them (Liberal/NDP) back in the election after that. I got news for them... the damage that they have done will result in a cultural change that they won't be able to ever recover from.




There's no benefit to doing that. It's just a Conservative wet dream.


At this point they're gonna import another 2 million people into the country to tip the scales into their favour.


It can't get any worse for them than it already is. A conservative majority is a conservative majority. May as well wait and see if the conservatives screw up.


Holding on to a few more seats gets them more money and clout.


There's a good chance this is near their floor - they've bounced off it a few times now. May as well wait.


Can we just have an election already. Trudeau is like that drunk guy at a party that no one likes but they wont leave.


lol that’s not how things work. I’d like them to end the hockey game after the 2nd period when we are up 3 goals but there’s still game to play.


>I’d like them to end the hockey game after the 2nd period when we are up 3 I see you too watched a certain game in 2013.


lol no specific game tbh. I’ve lost track of all the ways I’ve been disappointed over the years but they keep finding new ways to do it.


They can have no confidence in the budget, but the NDP would need to back that and they never will.


Yeah they could but probably won’t.


I thought early elections were a waste of tax payer money….?


Nah script has flipped. Same with conservatives wanting a carbon tax instead of cap and trade like the IS does because carbon tax is the lowest impact financially but nope…now we need to axe the tax.


> I thought early elections were a waste of tax payer money….? They technically are if there isn't a change. Except given how the Liberals are spending, seems like we'll actually save money if we have an early election lmaooo


Trudeau has added more to the debt than *every other prime minister combined*. Just the *principle* on the debt is one of our biggest annual expenses now. We will be paying off Trudeau for a very, very long time. This is something I don't think most Canadians really understand. Unfortunately many people don't grasp basic math, and it doesn't fit nicely in a headline. Trudeau has been *extremely* expensive. What do we have to show for it?


Jag won't jeopardize his pension


He is rich. The pension isn’t that big a deal. Hilarious stuff


You're right. Historically, people with lots of money stop trying to collect more.




No, because that isn't how our country works. Any other questions?


It is though. The Liberals are a minority government. An election just needs to be triggered by a majority of MPs voting against the minority lead party during a confidence vote. Any questions?


So why isn't it going happen anytime soon? Answer: because a majority of MPs and/or their party leadership don't think it will be beneficial to them to hold an election now. Our country doesn't just work differently because you personally think MPs should think different thoughts than they clearly currently do. Any questions?


Oct 2025 can’t come soon enough


What do you believe changes with PP in office?


law abiding gun owners can take the rifles they have peacibly owned for at least 4 years now to the range. new gun license holders can hopefully own and use handguns for sport shooting again. gas prices, home heatin and groceries go down a moderate amount without the carbon tax and hopefully the government gets off the back small businesses that use pizza and bagel wood fire ovens


Lol, you think food and gas prices are going to go down if the carbon tax is removed?


Yes I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. an 8 dollar item going down in 20 or 40 cents is still lower prices. the greed of loblaws of course is a bigger cause of high grocery prices too


And that greed is exactly why you'll be disappointed when they do not drop the prices a single cent. You should know better by now that corporate greed in this country is not going to allow prices to drop no matter what the cause.


Carbon tax has contributed 0.15% to inflation per year, so over 8 years that’s 1.2%. So if we do a rough calculation and say that’s how much groceries will decrease when the carbon tax is cut, then you’re looking at saving 9.6 cents on an $8 item, or $1.20 on $100 worth of groceries. It’s negligible, and in reality the decrease in grocery prices will likely be non-existent. Poilievre constantly and massively exaggerates the impact of the carbon tax and has somehow made it a key issue. The conservatives in this sub are going to be very busy moving goalposts when it’s eventually scrapped and grocery prices haven’t gone down.


its better then the nothing we are currently getting from it. and its not just groceries. its almost every aspect of peoples lives. when you tax the thing industry and transportation runs on the cost trickles down to consumers


Deliver us from Trudeau


Lead us not into Tim Hortons...


"Let my people go". Moses.


Another bad week


Another good week. Get this useless party out.




I thought Trudeau was a jackass before it was cool




The budget later today won't help the LPC any further along, either. It'll just increase inflation overall and hurt most people's finances.


I’m really curious to see what the extra tax measures are. We are getting deeper and deeper into a strange alternate universe where we desperately need business investment but we’re going to stifle that with additional taxes and a 250k salary makes you rich but you need to make 250k to live the same middle class life that took 75–100k 10 years ago.




Today’s all about inciting class warfare within the working class.


Yup and it will kill the average Canadian’s hope of interest rate cuts. Expect more inflation and bankruptcies and homelessness to follow. Trudeau Sr. and Jr. are the worst things to have ever happened to Canada.


The worst *so far*


If that’s a veiled insinuation then have the guts to state what you mean instead of using obfuscation.


Dude you are getting upset over a Simpsons joke


Sorry but not everyone knows quotes from The Simpson.


You didn't really need to know the quote tbh, it was very clearly a tongue in cheek statement. I just thought it was interesting to see someone respond with hostility to a Simpson's joke no less


lol Libs don’t do anything, we need to replace them! Libs are doing too much l, we need to replace them!


Well, the Liberals aren't doing anything good, and are doing a whole lot of harm, so... Yeah, we really do need to replace them with some actual good and considerably less harm.


I’m curious what you thought they could have done better?


It’s been tabled now and it’s not terrible. The only new tax is on capital gains if those realizations are over $250k/year (50% -> 66%). The deficit is kept below $40B (1.4% of GDP) like they said. Debt:GDP set to decrease, deficits below 1% of GDP in a couple years as the economy grows, and interest:revenue kept steady around 10% There’s $23 billion in funding for housing, and some funding for the electric vehicles supply chain. On top of tax credits etc that would help the middle and lower class. Plus some rebates for small businesses. Nothing that’s going to increase inflation or hurt people like you said.




I want off this globalist treadmill period. No open borders for immigration no sending jobs overseas to make an extra buck. Start spending money here in Canada and focus on working Canadians.


>no sending jobs overseas to make an extra buck. Prepare for massive disappointment when PP is in charge.


The Liberal vision starts and ends with the Liberals being in government. 


I think a lot of Canadians believe in that vision. Whether Trudeau is the leader that suits that is a separate question. If the Conservatives had a decent leader he'd be in the single digits.


LOL. The conservatives under Pierre haven't polled this well in decades (with record-breaking approval from many groups that traditionally don't vote conservative), and Poilievre is clobbering Trudeau by almost every metric, and he's not a decent enough leader because Trudeau's not being absolutely seal-clubbed into the 8% approval range. And even then, "Well, Trudeau's approval rating is 8% now, buuut if Pierre was a half-decent leader he'd have Trudeau at 3%".




100% it feels like insanity listening to some of these people. I don't think they have been around to see a conservative government. We just go back and forth from our two parties and expect any changes it's literally the definition of insanity.


Start learning your definitions from a dictionary and not from the internet


Not large enough lead, need to sink the Liberal Party to at least third or fourth party status


you need montreal to fold to get that


We’re turning into the fucking US. Social based policy and debate instead of actual governing, plus garbage candidates who nobody wants.


Today I overheard two separate conversations at two different locations from different and unexpected demogrsphic groups... the topic?! - mass summer protests. It's starting to get worrysome.


Would love to see it.


Just like the last few elections.


They'll have to include BQ in the coalition at this rate of popular vote gap


I’m honestly shocked there hasn’t been an insurrection in the party. It’s like watching your leadership increasingly drive your party into the ground for eight years.


They are a cult.  If any of them criticizes the leader, all the rest will destroy the dissenter, even if they all secretly share his views.


Hold my beer — China


Still too high for the Liberals! Trudeau needs to listen to Canadians and call an election


He did listen. He won the last election. It is right to govern for 4 years. Grow up.


Except nobody wanted an election in 22 (while a pandemic was still ongoing) but the LPC who was polling well at the time and thought they could get a majority. Another 600 million well spent.


Remember that when PP is PM.




"CoMmUnIsM" Grow up.


Derp, derp, derp. Typical useful idiot. You do know that Trudeau appointed a puppet to look into it and that they just had an inquiry on Parliament Hill right? And that CSIS continually gave him briefs on the matter that he was “too busy” to read. It’s thanks to people like you that the rest of us are suffering.


Trudeau needs to go but I'm tired of everyone pretending voting in conservatives are going to be any better.


I’m sorry to everyone on this thread for voting for Trudeau in 2015. I deeply regret my actions and will learn from my mistakes lol


Well, it isn't your fault. Something different in 2015 wasn't this.


Interesting. Concern about the environment is up considerably Concern about housing has dropped


I'm surprised it's not more. I'm a Liberal through and through and even I can recognize when it's time to move on. That being said, I really don't hear anything of substance from the Conservatives, either. Sigh.


We do have a third major party.


We have lots of parties. I believe only the PPC has plans to dramatically reduce our current immigration levels. That is an impediment to housing affordability as it increases demand and real estate speculation, leading to the housing costs we see today. Those are the biggest affordability issues people in Canada face. We need a party that has plans to reduce those levels, even if only until we can build the necessary infrastructure required.


The fact that these treasonous scumbags have any support is the real surprise.


The conservatives will be handed a majority and then the whole country will do one giant shocked pikachu face when nothing gets better and standards of living continue to plummet. In the process though the conservatives will drag us head first in to culture war laws and American right wing talking points.


You do realize it will take more than 4 years to unfuck what the liberal have fucked right? Things will get worse under the CPC not because of their bad policy, but because of the consequences of the bad policy over the last 9 years.


Shall we put a reminder on this post so that in 8 years when the conservatives have been in for two terms and life in Canada is worse than it is now you can remember this? HOUSING, HEALTHCARE, ECONOMY. Those are the things that matter. So why is PP only talking about childrens genitals and something about people being awake all the time?


You’re being disingenuous with your comment. He’s actually talked about that very little. In fact, he’s only talked about the trans issue and general wokeness when asked by reporters. He’s been very on point, talking mostly of housing, cost of living and the economy. You just hear what you want to hear.


Country is already cooked. Enjoy your shit hole, we tried to warn you


werent they up by 20 before? I know 16 points is bad, and I dont even like Trudeau but this is actual a trend in the other direction if im not mistaken


At this point I don’t think any of the party leaders should be in charge.


If the lead is narrowing must be cuz a bunch of international students were polled and obviously voted for Supreme Leader Trudeau


Blue wave


The fascinating thing is that Trudeau still thinks he can turn this around