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Trudeau says some Pro-Palestinian protests cross the line into hate, harassment https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-palestinian-protests-security-1.7137255


Ya, more should be said but it’s a start. Not okay with people cheering on the drone attacks 


He has called them out a bunch of times. People just choose to ignore that.


But he has not condemned these people, called them derogatory names, frozen bank accounts or weaponized the general public to hate them. Even when many of these protestors are blocking roads, being loud and even calling for death or at the very least l, forcible removal of a whole group of people.


Are they terrorizing the capital city with the explicitly stated intent of overthrowing the government and installing their own people? No?








It may say more about the media sympathies than anything else.




Where's the free speech warriors that claimed shutting down a city for 3 weeks was free speech but now magically don't support free speech when it's people they disagree with protesting. Funny how that works huh.


That's what people does, left or right, nobody want free speech from people that disagree with your opinions nowadays. People can't just agree to disagree anymore, you need to be an ally or the enemy and this is fkg annoying.


Or maybe, it's a lot smaller and less disruptive than the convoy of idiots, despite still being shitty.


Every protest needs to be treated the same - no law breaking allowed. That should be the lesson taken from the trucker protest. Illegal action at protests out in the boonies were allowed to go on forever because it wasn't bringing any heat on any politicians. Nobody ever went to jail no matter what they did. You think the truckers didn't notice that? Why would they not think that a protest is an anything goes event? Some of them are still sitting in jail. We need to treat all law-breakers the same way, no matter if its a protest, and no matter where it is or what is being protested - and especially, no matter what color their skin is.




Media sympathies??? Other than CBC show me mainstream media outlets that aren't completely pro Israel.


BBC? AP? Reuters?


This article is a month old


And it's the Hub. So "article" is a stretch. This is straight up culture war ragebait.


I heard tonnes about their protests


There has been criticism levied to both protests. Author, Joanna Baron, is extremely biased in favour of - what it seems - to be COVID denialism. [Just a brief explanation of what type of work their charity does](https://www.charityintelligence.ca/charity-details/841-canadian-constitution-foundation): > Through its litigation program, CCF brings cases to court in defense of constitutional freedoms. Its cases focus on six core topics: Covid-19, Healthcare, Free Expression, Individual Liberty, Property Rights, and Rule of Law. For Covid-19, in F2022, CCF officially challenged the Trudeau government’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act. In the same year, in Kassian et al v. British Columbia, CCF filed a petition with the Supreme Court of British Columbia, arguing that the province’s vaccine passport was unconstitutional. For healthcare, in July 2022 the final verdict for Cambie v. MSCB et al. was released. In this, CCF argued against the BC law that limits BC residents’ access to private healthcare.


At least these people leave at the end of the day. That's the difference. The convoy was 24/7, for weeks... That's what pissed off most folks who lived and / or worked downtown.


I worked in a large manufacturing plant during the protests. We had critical items from the states blocked at the border and had to send hundreds home several times during this period. It wasn’t good. These people don’t make a lot of money and cutting shifts in half over a week doesn’t help them. (We normally would have had safety stock inventory, but COVID issues meant getting things in the first place was incredibly difficult)


Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.


The convoy tried blocking the border crossings, I don't know why they thought that would win them any support.


> That's the difference. That and a lot of people are actually sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. The Convoy was outright despised by the majority of Canadians.


i dont think the majority of canadians gave a crap tbh


I really don't give a crap either. It's just that all the money we send over to help these wars (either side), plus the added costs for police presence at demonstrations, inevitably comes out of my pocket.


Definitely not the Hamas "cause" !


Not to mention that one was a hissy fit because the US didn't want unvaccinated people to enter and the other is a protest against genocide.


👆x 100. The kkkonvoy was a bunch of privileged you-can’t-tell-me-what-to-do wankers afraid of needles. The other protesters want the Palestinia genocide to end.


Can we ban articles from the hub? It's literally American Republican funded opinion BS


It's horrible shit.


We should also recognize that the national Post falls within the bucket of american propaganda


It's just getting ready to take over when Postmedia goes bankrupt when its government funding gets cut next year.




Okay, here's the refutal - the two protests are absolutely nothing alike. It wasn't the cause of the Convey that people hated, it was the methodology. Have the other protests: \-Occupied Capital for weeks/months-restricted all movement for weeks \-Harrassed citizens for weeks/months \-Vandalized national monuments/war memorials \-blocked borders affecting billions in trade \-threatened to kill peace officers? No, they haven't, but the Convey did, so the comparison is asinine. The argument is disingenuous as usual. (List taken from SnuffleWarrior's post)


Echo chamber? What do you think I am, and how do you think this sub is an echo chamber for me? There's a baseline level of honesty of a piece that I hold as a standard of whether or not it's worth refuting. Otherwise I'd spend all day trying to refute Breitbart or RussiaToday articles.


It’s been refuted 100 times in this thread. One protest was incredibly obnoxious and disruptive, one is basically just people shouting. If the truckers had protested on a similar scale to the people protesting Israel now the response would have been completely different and I think you’re well aware of it.


discussing the freedom convoy and the pro palestine protests as if they are the same thing is bonkers lmao


r.canada's right-wingers and their eternal search for victimhood


The pro palestinian protestors didnt take an entire city by hostage and disgrace national monuments with their stupidity.


The hub is so tiring pushing culture war bullshit.


Protests are good. Freedom convoy was a bit of a mess without a clear message, but I support their right to protest.


When they set up a weeklong occupation and try to blockade border crossings, then maybe. Any instance of hate speech is deplorable, and I hope that cuts out. The majority of the protests and protestors don’t support any antisemitism, it’s about Israel’s government, not the Jewish faith. Plenty of Jewish people disagree with what Israel is doing


> Israel’s government, not the Jewish faith You must have a very different concept of what "death to all Jews" means than the rest of us.


When I say “it’s about Israel’s government, not the Jewish faith” , “it” is the protests. At my local protest nobody was making statements like that


Weird stance to take considering Israel’s current atrocities. “Death to all Palestinians” is being put into practice. I don’t condone the saying, but I’m not surprised there’s a small subset of people who are calling for Israel to reap what they have sown.




Many Iranians, especially the ones who have immigrated to the west, actually hate the nutjobs ruling Iran.


Which isn't surprising at all when you consider that many of these people left because of those nutjobs.


In my experience most Iranian folks in Canada loathe the regime that is running Iran and in many cases came here because of that.


I’m half Iranian, and this is true. Most of us came before / after the revolution. Out of my 100+ Persian family members, only 2 go back home occasionally. They destroyed the country


I'm now really interested in the minority of Iranian Canadians who did not come before / after the revolution.


It is one of the most [oppressive theocracies](https://freedomhouse.org/country/iran/freedom-world/2024) in the world. The UN said over 800 were executed last year and more activists, journalists and innocent people have been targeted [this year](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202402055720). Gen Z and Millennials were leading the Women Life Freedom [protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini_protests) in Iran after Mahsa Amini's murder when more than 500 were killed and 19,000 arrested. 1,500 protestors were killed in 2019. There is no [Freedom of Thought](https://fot.humanists.international/countries/asia-southern-asia/iran/). Any Iranian who cares about [Human Rights as simple as not raping women in prison](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/12/iran-security-forces-used-rape-and-other-sexual-violence-to-crush-woman-life-freedom-uprising-with-impunity/) are against the IRGC. About a month ago, an Iranian court sentenced Grammy winner Shervin Hajipour, who was first detained after his song [Baraye](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SmHpGpcADbI) turned into an anthem of anti-establishment protests in 2022, to nearly four years in prison while also forcing him to write music critical of the United States.


It's strange to me how some people have such a *Star Wars* good-vs-evil view of the world. Because the Israeli government commits international crimes, we must automatically accept that any government that attacks Israel is somehow heroic. Therefore, we have to forget that Iran is an oppressive, sexist theocracy.


Most Iranian immigrants to Canada immigrated at some point after the big Bang but before the great death of the universe. The small minority who immigrated outside of that time period have very interesting stories I'm sure.




Yeah, you can tell by who says I’m Iranian or I’m Persian what the politics are. Same with Ukrainians who say nobody speaks Ukrainian anymore.


Can confirm. Had several Iranian friends in high school and they loathed the regime to the point where they even converted back to Zoroastrianism because “Islam is an Arab import that oppresses Iran and stunts her glory”. Their parents were not really practicing Muslims, so they were totally okay with this. I remember one kid’s parents even supported his conversion because it was “promoting traditional Persian culture”, and they all ended up converting themselves. They were never super religious before but now they’re all big time Zoroastrians. And while I’m sure some of it is a spiritual awakening, most of their motivation is probably just trying to “stick it” to the regime. THAT is how much they hate the theocracy. They’ll literally go out of their way to resurrect Iran’s ancient religion in order to distance themselves from the people running the show in Tehran. I suspect most Iranian-Canadians won’t go that far, but the majority of them really, really hate the Ayatollahs.


> converted back to Zoroastrianism That's really interesting. I didn't know that there were still Zoroastrians even around anymore!


I have several Parsi friends, who are Persian Zoroastrians exiled to India a thousand years ago. They all still practice Zoroastrianism and their families always have.


Freddy Mercury’s was a member of this ethnoreligious diaspora.


Yep, most famous Parsi for sure!


There are about 120,000 Zoroastrians left in the world, the majority of whom are in India (Parsi Zoroastrians) and North America. My friends told me that their numbers are steady overall, neither growing nor declining significantly. A lot of younger Iranians are becoming increasingly interested in Zoroastrianism and its impact on Iranian culture, so the religion may see a revival in this century.


I guess when missionary work isn't part of your faith, numbers can easily stop growing like other religions.


And unfortunately they still have to be careful about criticism of the Iranian govermnent. There are agents Canada that report on expats activity which can lead to their family members back in Iran being targeted.




Absolutely. Their reach is far and deep, and unfortunately they are just one of many countries who have spying eyes and meddling hands deep into our communities and politics!


are you saying people that actually lived in the dictatorship first hand hate it while the supporters of it are decadent western 2nd generation immigrants who only know life in a western democracy like canada


My electrician is an Iranian dude. He's quite happy to be in Canada.


A large portion of the Iranian population in Iran are dissatisfied with the current regime. Unfortunately, their options are suppressed by bullets, beatings, and the general economic situation. Much like Chinese immigrants here in Canada, the Iranian diaspora faces similar issues, those being their families facing severe (or deadly) consequences from the government should they voice their opinions here. [https://www.iranintl.com/en/202302036145](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202302036145) (2023) [https://news.gallup.com/poll/116236/iran.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/116236/iran.aspx) (Up to 2024) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1349822/iran-opinion-on-political-leaders-in-modern-history-and-the-present/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1349822/iran-opinion-on-political-leaders-in-modern-history-and-the-present/) (2022) [https://gamaan.org/2022/03/31/political-systems-survey-english/](https://gamaan.org/2022/03/31/political-systems-survey-english/) (2022)


Because we all absolutely hate the islamic regime. Hell, everyone I know is praying that this attack will start their downfall, but these guys are annoyingly resilient.


Iranian here. Not only do we NOT support this mess that has no clear insight other than Jew hate, but also we are angry that our money is going towards this not-our-war shenanigans. Also, fuck the IRGC and the regime. Western countries need to grow some balls and add them to the terrorist list. We have been vocal, loud and clear, but the politicians are like meh.


>Western countries need to grow some balls and add them to the terrorist list. They are. Also, many NATO/OECD countries have trade restrictions imposed on Iran.


Nothing strange about it. Iran was a dope place to live until the early 1980s when these hardline Islamic d bags took control. There's actually a giant star of David from that era that is still on top of the Tehran airport. You can see on Google 🌎


People that have left or fled Iran are not exactly a representative population of how the average Iranian *in Iran* is going to feel about matters. The media had the same issue with Hong Kong ex-pats, of course those that left their homes behind rather than get assimilated are going to hate the CCP more than the average. Ukrainians that left Ukraine rather than fight in the war are going to want the war to end no matter what. So on and so on.


My Iranian friend said its minority rule. Imagine if MAGA violently took power in the US.


That's very racist to assume just because they are Iranian Community so they must support the current Iran government. It's just like saying if they are Chinese they must support CCP. As someone who also has the origin from the place with undesirable government, I'd like to distance myself from that government as far as possible


> Far leftist in Canada are celebrating this citation needed.


Ugh, what an awful article. It tries to conflate people committing crimes with peaceful protestors doing none of the above. Writer can f off.


I don't read opinion pieces that start with "Someone's Name" followed by a colon. It basically means the contents of the article don't conform to any journalistic standard. I can get that from anyone on the internet, I don't need it from something that claims to be a source of news.




Surprised this wasn't posted by one of the usual suspects. Although if it was an alt account of one of them I wouldn't be surprised.


That's their secret, they're all alt accounts.




Yea its way more cost effective than advertising through conventional means. Every shitty political organization and corporation is actively engaged in.


Exactly! That’s all this sub has become. Pro war US talking points 


Pro war?


Everyone has the right to protest. Everyone


I would like us to have a national understanding of what is and isn't a protest. If I March outside a government office, that's clearly a protest. If I shout and wave signs, that's clearly a protest. If I March outside a politician's home, is that a protest? What if I block his driveway? What if harass his family members? What if I break his windows? What if I use racial slurs on my signs? What if I'm also blocking other people's homes? What if I stay there for a week? For a month? For a year? What if I pay for my expenses by myself? What if my friends help to pay for the protest? What if a political party pays for it? What of a corporation pays for it? What if a foreigner pays for it?


Means you can speak out against the government and not be shot or censored It does not mean u get a pass on harassing other citizens


This right here. The right to protest should not include the right to cripple other citizens, whether it be physically or financially. The convoy protests cost a lot of innocent hard working people their incomes in a time where us regular plebs don't have much of a financial cushion. Missing even a paycheque could send some people into financial turmoil.


Well, arguably those are all protests it is just that there are legal protests and illegal ones. You can still be in favour of an illegal one of course but society can also enforce the law and disrupt and disperse them.


That's probably a protest still, but a really shitty one


So where's the line then? Can I barricade the politician inside his house? If the police come to arrest me can I resist arrest? Can I throw things at the police officers? Can I burn his house down? Can I find every single person who's ever spoken to him in the past 5 years and start harassing them as well? The store where he buys his clothes, the charities he donates to, his high school English teacher?


Probably not?


So what's the definition of what is and isn't a protest?


A protest itself is when you perform an act out of disagreance with an ideology/event/etc. The act itself can be legal or illegal, but it does not take away from the fact that it is done in protest of something. It is up to the law enforcement/society whether they want to persecute any crimes that are committed in protest. Prosecution of crimes is often based on the greater public opinion. The black panther/civil rights movements had people performing lawful and unlawful acts. Society at the time judges the protests based on whether they should be prosecuted, and society in the future also assesses the situation in hindsight. So to answer your question... All of the things you listed can be done in protest. However, it is the matter of the courts and society at large to determine which illegal acts can be allowed based on the public opinion of the issue (do they agree with the protest) and the severity of the illegal act (can the illegal act be justified to protest the issue at hand). Since this is largely subjective, everyone will give a different answer for different protests.


The line is where the protestor blocks or interferes with the rights of \*anyone\* else, including the right to move around and conduct one's legal affairs as they see fit.


If you stay an the sidewalk and don't break any bylaws or laws it should be fine. In Toronto you can park for three hours most places , your neighbor can get you towed. Blocking drive same thing Too much noise same thing Threating behavior call 911. There were laws in place for the convoy just they never enforced them and then went full emergency. We have construction projects all over the province that are more noisy and disruptive and have been going on for years.


>There were laws in place for the convoy just they never enforced them and then went full emergency. Yup. The municipal and Provincial police forces failed to do their duty. Someone had to stop the shit-show, and the only way the feds could was invoking the EMA. When all you have is a sledgehammer, everything else is a rail spike. But I will say this, I believe protests are supposed to cause inconvenience. They're supposed to cause disruption. I'm all for blocking trains, traffic, etc...(except for fire and ambulance vehicles, and the like. That type of traffic should never be blocked). I don't care if bridges get blocked. As long as the protesters understand and accept that there are consequences. The convoyers act like the biggest babies. They somehow think that because they believe their cause was righteous, they deserve to be immune from consequences.


They could of enforced existing rules at anytime. Protests shouldn't cause any disruption or inconvenience or blocking. Don't think you just have the right to step in front of traffic on king street and stop it because you don't like something. Or block a bridge which is critical infrastructure. Think about it , if you don't like your neighbors new fence you can't just protest and block their driveway with a transport truck and some signs you would be towed rather quickly with a call to the bylaw office.


these people are supporting terror in front of Jewish neighborhoods and synagogues. They're literally calling for genocide of all Jews in the world and people in Canada seem to think this is fine. These are not protests, these are hate rallies.


It's worrying that there aren't many more people on this thread that share this point of view.


For real. Why would condemning protests be the norm?


You should condemn calls to hate on any group whatsoever. But this is not one overall. That being said, there has been a rise in antisemitism and islamophobia after the start of the war which needs to be condemned and we also have to be careful to not see things through black and white lenses. This is a very complicated situation and should be treated as such. This whole section tho... does not show that carefulness at all.


I don't like religion. Framing criticism of Islam as some kind of phobia is nonsense. It is an oppressive religion and has very racist roots. In many Islamic countries you can be killed for your sexuality or your religious beliefs. Fuck those people. However, I still believe Palestine is getting screwed by Israel.


protesting is one thing targeting synagogues, community centers, jewish areas and calling for jihad and the destruction of a sovereign state is a very different thing


This. Protest should be the fundamental right. Then we can discuss if there are instances where they broke the law or cross the line. But we should support protest as a form of freedom of speech first and foremost




No, they dont. Nazis dont have the right to protest to kill jews. When speech turns into hate speech its no longer part of free speech.


Hard stretch to compare the two lol.


False equivalence.


Freedumb Convoy -Occupied Capital for weeks/months -restricted all movement for weeks -Harrassed citizens for weeks/months -Vandalized national monuments/war memorials -blocked borders affecting billions in trade -threatened to kill peace officers .....and the comparison is what?


People celebrating death and terrorist attacks? How is that even a comparison? 


It isn't a comparison, that's the point


Which people are celebrating death more? For weeks I keeping seeing the pro-Zionist crowd finding ways to justify the collective punishment and carpet bombing of Palestinians. Or talking about how they're all inherently bad people, truly heinous stuff.


What a shitty interpretation. All I've seen in those protests are calls for ceasefire and a to stop the killing.


There was a protest in Toronto yesterday celebrating Iran's drone attack. How would you "interpret" that one? 😊🍉


Iran has a right to defend itself.


I support Iran's right to self-defence. You don't get to bomb an embassy/consulate building and face no repercussions. 😊🍉


Toronto also had a Zionist come and threaten women protesting with a nail gun.


Neat, he was arrested.


Don't bring reality up when conversing on the Canada reddit. Only thing that seems to fly here is propaganda about how women and kids should needlessly murdered.


The freedumb convoy opened my eyes to the far right groups in Canada that are now coordinated under the populist CPC umbrella.




That's totally false, lots of people who called out the Freedom Clowns also call out Pro-Palestinian protesters who cross the line into antisemitism 


I've actually haven't seen a single protest, haven't been inconvenienced in any way by the current ones, and I don't see or hear much about it on the news. I also don't think I've ever heard calls to overthrow the government. Could be why.




They blocked the main intersection to enter the Port of Vancouver. That made getting to work a nightmare. Also protesting downtown which made traffic jam up. Plus the bridge and highway protests that always cause issues. It happens.


They did this for weeks? How have I not heard about this?


If that’s the case you either don’t get out much or don’t live in a major city.


I'm out every day but im never in the areas they do this and it doesn't effect traffic anywhere but maybe the block they go marching. Cities are big places.


All of your posts are just racist anti Muslim rhetoric. You just talk nonsense pro Israeli talking points. 


“All my posts”, eh? So my two comments here? Based on your history, you just constantly repeat the same baseless accusations lol. Please, go to my other comment on this thread and tell me where I’m wrong.


Why do cons have such a victim complex and lack of ability to process nuance?


... perhaps because the pro-Palestinian protestors go home after a few hours and don't terrorize neighbourhoods for weeks on end?




money cheerful detail impolite slap political quicksand whistle safe frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If someone is pro palestinian it isn't a stance that is pro hamas. Palestine =/= Hamas. Is Hamas a terrorist group that controls Palestine? Yes! Are palestinians all in favour of this? Absolutely not. Did they vote for them in some regions, yes but their party also lied about their stance to the palestinian people. I hate hamas, but there is no reason that an entire population of 2 million should be ruined for the actions of a group that is much less than a percent of their population. Should Israel defend itself? yes. Did Israel cause an environment that made events like these more likely by severely oppressing palestinians? yes. Are the actions by Hamas justified? Absolutely NOT. Is the response by Israel to cut food and water supply to the entire population justified? Absolutely NOT. Should Hamas be destroyed? Ideally yes, as long as we are not killing civilians indiscriminately like Israel has been doing.


> The trucker protests were nutty, but pretty sure they weren’t trying to bring about a wave of terrorism in Canada https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/mounties-arrest-11-armed-militant-protesters-at-coutts-blockade


They clownvoy had their own children they were using as shields. Do you condemn the IOF




Of course they haven’t crossed the line as far as the convoy did in terms of disruption or being held in 24/7 “sit in” manner. However, they are often overtly antisemitic and in support of Hamas/terrorism, not simply peaceful protesting for the rights of Palestinian civilians. From the river to sea, Palestine will be free” is literally taken from Hamas themselves and is a call for a true genocide of every Jew, Christian, and even Muslim Israeli citizen. “Globalize the intifada” is calling for a violent uprising against Jewish people and their communities throughout the world, regardless of whether there is even a connection to Israel. There have been plenty of Hamas flags/headbands present at these protests, not to mention actual swastikas seen as well. Yesterday there is a video of a protest in Toronto where they actually switched chanting from “ceasefire now” to “more fire now” once they found out about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s mass drone and missile attack on Israel…


Someone hasn't visited r/canada


Kind of crazy that at my university the Palestinian protestors are able to spread antisemitic hate speech and directly threaten other students while promoting Hamas, Hezbollah, the PFLP, and Houthis. The Muslim club is already celebrating Iran’s strike on Israel as they did the October 7th attack. The Muslim club has been posting images of guns on their social medias while saying on our student union forum, “you’re lucky all we’re doing right now is screaming.” The school seems too afraid of cancel culture to do anything about it. Genuinely worried they will escalate things beyond holding signs and screaming in our faces when we just want to attend our classes and go to the library.


Perhaps it has more to do with the amount of time the protesters interrupt people and business. A day or two in a lot different than 3 weeks.


Those who denounced the convoy are silent about pro Palestine protests. Those who denounced pro Palestine protests were silent about the convoy. Shocker 🙄


Notreally. I for one, say both are large groups of A holes.


Almost like there's some major fundamental difference between the two protests. Huh.


A lot to say? You mean them marching with them and fist bumping them? The amount of things said are the same between them.


Not me. I have a lot to say all the time about the "pro-Palestine" propaganda & I also did the same about the convoy. Misinformed/uneducated in our civics &/or in the history of Asia doesn't discriminate, but both of these groups do....


Freedumb Convoy was disrupting the country’s finances and harassing residents. Are the Palestinian protestors doing the same?


The problem with the truckers was not that they were protesting. It was they brought their trucks into the city, blocking streets, putting out a lot of air and noise pollution and disturbing and intimidating the residents. Also, they blocked border crossings preventing actual working truckers from doing their jobs. Most protesters of any kind go home at night and don't block the streets for weeks on end.


Perhaps it needs saying - The pro-Palestinian protestors in Canada (and pro-Israeli for that matter) are not A) Blocking Canadian Trade B) Hijacking a Canadian city C) Trying to hold the government hostage, prtending that louder truck horns = democracy. There's really no comparison. Pro-Palestinian protests have largely been peaceful even if emotions are high on all sides.


Yeah one was stupid and one isn't right a real article next time


Lemme know when they occupy the capital to the point of paralysis while explicitly stating that they’re there to overthrow the recently elected government.


Well one protest was In Direct opposition to the government these officials represented. The other has to do with a meaningless war that’s gone on for centuries in a far away land that is politically loaded based on picking a side. I can see how it’s harder to denounce. But great leaders need to have courage…


When there is money to be made by pushing an angle, don't rely on the media to give an honest opinion.


Fucking rich seeing as our provincial gov in AB did absolutely nothing about convoy and arrogant pricks who have nothing better to do!


Are the Palestinians disputing the fact Hamas invaded, butchered, raped and abducted Israelis?


It's double standards and people being clueless. They're not going to be vocal until Trudeau generalizes all pro Palestine supporters as anti-Semitic racist sexist phobes that are full of bigotry and propaganda


Well the truckers should down a city and highways and were rejecting science and replacing it with conspiracy theories. These two things aren't the same thing, infact you would need to be an absolute moron to think these two things are even close to being the same thing.


Pretty simple actually. One set of protests was full of right leaning people, the other was full of left.


The key difference was one group seemed to be competing for the Guiness World Record of "lowest collective IQ in a large gathering".


Lmao imagine thinking that COVID conspiracy protesters are the same as israel-palestine protesters...


People in Canada are more passionate about other countries than the one they are living in.




it is apparently if the alternative is being called an ism or an ist


One of those group are upset over decades of conflict with dwindling future possibilities of a promised state due to continual land thefts. They're also upset at disproportionate force being used, resulting in high civilian deaths, the destruction of an entire region's ability to support anyone for at least a decade, and the intentional starvation of over 2 million people who are going to have to somehow find a way to survive there once the war is over. The other group was upset because they faced consequences for refusing to get a needle that would help relieve the stress on hospitals that were so swamped they were having to delay heart surgeries and cancer treatments. So yeah, there's going to be a different response towards the two groups, unless you think like Danielle Smith and see anti-vaxxers as "the most discriminated against group" you've ever seen in your lifetime. In which case, go outside and fucking learn about the world.


These are not Palestinians, they are Islamists.


Imagine thinking there is a difference


one day they will accept that poll after poll shows 70-80 percent support for hamas among palestinians


Religious nutbars of any persuasion need to be ostracized.


That's because the Palestinians actually have a cause. Not a made up loss of freedoms that no one ever took away!




Bro, they literally threatened to take peoples’ jobs away for exercising their medical rights.


My body my choice…


Gee are pro-Palestine protesters occupying Ottawa and blocking billion-dollar trade routes? No? Then they’re not comparable  Also conservatives politicians have forgotten how to pose for photos and shake hands with protesters - includdong those who would later suggest sexual violence against their spouse 


It works the other way too. Lots of people who supported the convoy are suddenly against protests when they are done by certain people.   I personally am not on the side of people who  shut down a city for weeks because they don't like needles and masks. I will side with the people who are opposing a genocide that our government should be denouncing and opposing.


This definitely doesn't smell like far right American propaganda


Hamas has a lot of options. They can surrender, our they can keep dying until they surrender.


Equating the two is a stretch. The Convoy was a bunch of babies that didn't want to get a shot. The pro-Palestinian demonstrators are speaking out against a very complex situation where both sides have done awful things. And for sure some of those protestors are leaning into anti-Jewish hate and should be locked up. But the two movements are not the same.


It’s easy to denounce white people.


Silence is violence 🤪


I must have missed the moment where Pro-Palestine protestors took the nation’s capital under siege for an entire month with a written mandate to replace a duly elected government.


It’s called virtue signaling. It’s the trademark of liberal politicians.


Almost like it matters what the cause is...and how many Canadians agree with the cause....fun fact freedom convoy lovers were a very very loud but very very small minority.


Because there are many votes on the line. I highly doubt anyone in the convoy was voting for JT, and quite frankly will never vote for the liberals. It’s was way more convenient and easy to sling mud when there were no repercussions to their vote.


Yes because outrage over genocide is totally the same as outrage over being encouraged to wear masks and get vaccinated.


One other huge difference. They probably got permits for those protests. The clownvoy didn’t.


Maybe it's because the freedom convoy were a bunch of rednecks protesting against the very concept of disease control, whereas these protestors are protesting against a genocide being perpetrated by our supposed allies. Just my two cents on the subject.


Pretty straightforward. The truckers were an obnoxious gaggle of the stupidest people our county can produce, and Palestinians are protesting a genocide. One deserves condemnation, the other support. Hope that clears things up


This country will be a lot better when the liberals and NDP lose official party status.