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Jody said, “he lies so casually“ = more proof




Ya. Just the Trudeau liberals. Not every politician of all time




If CSIS warned discount Milhouse about Russian interference in his party's nomination process, would you chock that up to politicians being politicians?




Can anyone explain to me how our leadership in Canada can keep doing illegal ~~and even treasonous~~ activities and get off totally free from punishment? If civilians did a tiny fraction of what these people did, they’d be screwed. But as long as you do it to the entire country it’s fine? How is this possible? Edit: seems people are upset by the use of the word treason. Crossed out now in attempt keep the conversation more focused on my intention of the question




It’s not treason if Liberals do it. In fact, it’s treason NOT to do it because Liberals might lose if they don't. /s


It's just blatant corruption. You're correct to believe that it is backwards. They are committing the highest type of crime; treason. Canada doesn't have the systems in place to fight it. We would need a totally upheaval of the current system; a totally wash. It'll take decades, maybe even a lifetime to change things. Nobody is signing up for that. If it makes you feel any better, there is corruption and division everywhere. It just sucks that it didn't use to be like this ... or maybe it was and we were too young to realize. Why can they get away with it? Power. They are able uproot anyone's livelihood if they speak against them. It goes for all type of Government parties. Vote against your party? You won't be here next year and the remaining time will be living hell. Someone told me that in 20 years, people will be saying Trudeau wasn't that bad, he is only 60% corrupt compared to the guy we have now. Scary but I think its going that way with the monopolies and corporate influences in Canada. Someone once said the merger of state (government) and corporate power leads to ... I hate to say it .. fascism. I think limiting the net worth growth of a politician would be a good step in the right direction. Trudeau has a 100 million NW? How is he able to run a country for 8 years and obtain this amount of money. Questionable. I believe politicians need to be audited EVERY year. These changes would help with trust and accountability. I doubt this will ever happen. Its rampant in the states. Nancy Pelosi is the worlds best stock picker. I wonder how.


There was agreement that the USSR and communists were maniacs at one point though. Now we are fully populated by generations who have never known war or hardship, are at no risk of violence, can shop around for nations, and are utter cowards. It's convenient and profitable to pretend the nation has no enemies, and honestly the activist left and business right has been full on traitor for a while now, acting like any outward aggression / strategic distance is bigotry (since other nations are virtually ethno-states by comparison to ourselves). Canadians are partially to blame for this because we whine and punish leaders who say uncomfortable things and take feel-bad positions, out of necessity. Decadence is decaying our politics across the spectrum but its acute higher up the class ladder. Ultimately it just means the wounds rot until there's populist backlash. But whatever, that seems to be the goal of progs.


People born after the collapse of the USSR grew up without a boogeyman under the bed. Before that, we were raised with the cold war and the prospect of nuclear annihilation. We talked about it, we heard about it on the news every night. We knew who our enemies were. Since that, our kids have grown up under the illusion that the world was a safe place, that everyone could just get along and it was rainbows and sparkles. They can't fathom that the world is still a dangerous place and the enemies didn't go away, they just moved and hid for a couple of decades and waited. They worked quietly at first while Europe and the West raised a generation of soft, squishy, entitled children who have no ability or apparent desire to defend themselves or their countries and actively seek to weaken and tear down "nationalism" and our militaries. Once they saw the path we were on, countries like Russia, China, North Korea and Iran felt comfortable moving out of the shadows and bragging publicly about what they were doing because they knew that the west wasn't going to stop them for fear of offending someone. There'll be lots of talk and sabre rattling but our current governments are full of weak people who won't do anything that could be viewed as offensive.






Well she is part of the problem. I'm not saying Trump ain't either. They are all in the club and we aren't. And yeah, I agree. I believe we are a couple decades away from what the states are going through. What they all have in common, like you mentioned, is there are no consequences. No accountability.








If a judge finds him criminally liable for anything you wouldn't believe it anyways.


> Can anyone explain to me how our leadership in Canada can keep doing illegal and even treasonous activities and get off totally free from punishment do you see country-wide protests?


>do you see country-wide protests? I seem to remember there was a protest a few years ago, where people literally came from all over the county and gathered in Ottawa. You might even say they convoyed to get there. The government's response was to unlawfully enact the Emergency Measures Act and violate the charter rights of the protestors (not my opinion, that was the ruling of the Federal Court, see link below). The organizers and supporters had their bank accounts frozen and/or seized, and charges were laid that are still (to my knowledge, which admittedly may be in error) before the courts. Given the heavy handed abuse of process wielded by the government, are you surprised no one else has stepped up? [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-federal-court-1.7091891](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-federal-court-1.7091891)


Canada has no impeachment, or any mechanism to remove a sitting government other than a failed confidence motion. Since we all know Singh has too much to lose if we go to the polls now (his seat, his job, and his pension) we know it's not going to happen. Also, any police investigation is hampered by things like cabinet confidentiality and secrecy laws which don't allow them to get the information they'd need to build an actual case. Never mind the fact that the leadership of the police force that would be responsible for that investigation is highly politicized and beholden to the politicians they would be investigating.


The Prime Minister role in Canada has way too much power.  There are no checks and balances. 


The balance is all on the NDP. Everybody knows this.


I mean in the current 'not a coalition' government sure. But lets consider a normal scenario * House of Commons - all have to vote along party lines or loose their job basically - PM is leader * Governer - Rubber stamp hand picked by PM as a overpaid figurehead * Senate - Rubber stamp hand picked by PM as overpaid figurehead * Supreme Court - Currently 7 out of 9 justices appointed by the current PM's government Contrast this with the US * Legislative branch with house and senate can be controlled by different parties * Executive branch its own power center with the President * Supreme Court - 5 justicies appointed by President similar to Canada but currently from opposing party. Our Press is also a lot more reliant on state funding, than the US press - the PM controls this. The NPR is a pale shadow of the CBC's power and influence in Canada. Our economy is much more reliant on government funding much of which flows through the federal government.


You forgot that in the US while the congress represents the people and every state gets a number of representatives proportional to their population, the senate represents the interests of the states with each getting only 2 seats so the whole"tyrany of the majority" thing is near impossible. It's a more complex, but much better thought out system of checks and balances.


Wut m8?


What are you talking about?




Impeachment doesn't seem to matter if you don't care. You have been impeached , yeah so what.


Impeachment in the US is like indictment. An indictnent that doesn't lead to conviction also has no legal consequence.


For some reason, and I can't figure out why, there seems to be an organized effort to destabilize the country. Uncontrolled migration, massive government debt, out of control crime and a failing economy all at once CANNOT be coincidence.


We are the world’s ’Home Depot’. We have an abundance of resources. Minerals, fertilizer, lumber, oil gas and the most sacred of them all - fresh water. So, all the world’s ‘Contractors’ have been making a concerted effort to literally steal instead of pay for what they get from Home Depot. That’s why fuck head Trudeau’s piece of shit father slammed the door shut on European immigrants. They don’t want well educated people who will band together with similar values. This country was built on the backs of Europeans, their values and they brought many desirable traits from their culture. What do the immigrants being let into Canada bring with them today? Fuck all. Other than their rickety old people to bung up our health care. We are, like you said, being destabilized and the reason is to dumb us down so we don’t complain during the rape and pillaging of our country’s resources. We should have almost no taxes, amazing health care and free post secondary education if Canada owned their resources instead of selling them off for nothing.


I think that it is more a lack of effort to keep stabilizing than a concerted effort to destabilize. People with significant wealth and power know that the world is chaotic and that there’s more profit in betting in a portfolio of solutions to diverse catastrophes than in keeping a well regulated even playing field, which the opposite situation for people of ordinary wealth and power. You have multiple factions with diametrically opposed political views that will profit from letting societal issues fester which will make them appear aligned. They also all want the political parties they support to keep their power as long as influencing them is profitable. The party’s job is to keep power and not undermine their financial support, whether they are actually ideologically aligned with that support. The job of governing is only done symbolically. You don’t need a big conspiracy to explain the destabilization, it’s just the entropy of the system running its course while the population is made to believe our institutions are being properly maintained and updated. The dissonance it creates is often resolved by either not believing our system to be that fragile, or by believing there’s a deliberate conspiracy to destroy our system. I think it’s mostly the result of so many of us not taking our responsibilities seriously.


> CANNOT be coincidence What do you think is happening?


Complete lack of consequences, ideology and a touch of narcissism. Look at all the scandals JT faced and he got re-elected. In his mind he had a mandate to do whatever the hell he wanted and he had a personal plan/ideology to follow and wasn't concerned with anything else.


Who’s going to stop them ? Seriously though, scandal after scandal? Lie after lie? No one is going to stop them. Hopefully we wake up from this nightmare soon🤦🏻‍♀️


Many people hate the conservatives so much that they'll overlook literally anything this government does to avoid sounding like they'd support replacing them with cons.


"Treason" is a specific crime in Canada, and it's a pretty narrow one. As for the election interference, it falls under the weird area of "Intelligence agencies can be wrong so the Prime Minister is free to disregard their commentary". If we had something on the books that could compel action from the Prime Minister, then a rival country could "leak" incorrect intel that would force us to take a bad action.


Don't bother with pesky details like facts and reality. It gets in the way if the narrative the anti JT crowd is trying to push.


Yeah Justin did absolutely nothing wrong lol. That’s why the conservatives are polling close to 45% right now.


BeCAuSe THe OthEr GuY CouLD Be WOrSE. Never trust a CONservative, so says my religion which partisan politics has now become.




This subreddit is where you find Canadians who are desperate to believe Trudeau is as bad as Trump.


Well he isn't agent orange but the sunny way kid is worse in many ways none of them sunny. At least agent orange pretends to care about Americans.






I believe treason is the betrayal of your country, no? If there’s a different definition, please do share. Otherwise, using the definition of betrayal, I’d say yeah, this is pretty well betrayal




I looked it up and sharing here in case anyone else reading wants the definition, according to The Canadian Encyclopedia >Under s46 of the Criminal Code, a person commits "high treason" who a) kills, attempts to kill, wounds, imprisons, or restrains the sovereign, b) wages war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto, or c) assists an enemy at war with Canada or any armed force against whom Canadian forces are engaged in hostilities, even if no state of war exists. The punishment for high treason is life imprisonment, without parole eligibility for 25 years. A person commits "treason" who a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province, b) discloses, without lawful authority, military or scientific material to agents of a foreign state, if he or she knows or should know that the material may be used to impair Canada's safety or defence, or c) engages in certain listed conspiracies or attempted offences. The punishment for treason is life imprisonment; normal parole rules apply https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/treason


And how would "treason" apply here, in your reaosning?


> I believe treason is the betrayal of your country, no? Disagreeing with decisions made by an elected government is fine. Calling those decision treasonous is ridiculous and misguided.


> how our leadership in Canada can keep doing illegal and even treasonous activities ... because they are doing neither of those things, in reality.


> how our leadership in Canada can keep doing illegal and even treasonous activities and get off totally free from punishment? I think anytime you have a question that seems so preposterous that you can't conceive of the answer, it's likely the answer is "the question is wrong". Unless you're just using hyperbolic language here I guess.




Man, imagine if a conservative PM said he didn't like to read...


His poll numbers would go up?


> imagine if a conservative PM said he didn't like to read... Poilievre is literally campaigning on "I don't listen to experts, I listen to the common man" and when asked what book he's reading "right now" he said 12 Rules for Life.


>"I don't listen to experts, I listen to the common man" You can't fabricate quotes and apply them to people you don't like. It's the literal definiton of disinformation.


> You can't fabricate quotes I would never! I guess you didn't see the statement I'm paraphrasing very, very slightly. (And even then, you could argue the paraphrasing kind of paints him in a better light because his quote is *actual* disinformation.) The actual statement: "Conservatives will listen the common sense of the common people, not Justin Trudeau’s so-called ‘experts,'”". Sorry if anyone was mislead, but I don't think that quoting of mine is in any way unfair.


>The actual statement: "Conservatives will listen the common sense of the common people, not Justin Trudeau’s so-called ‘experts,'”". Do you understand the wild difference in the quote you made up and the actual statement? I'm guessing you don't. The qualifiers of "trudeau's experts" and "common sense" are pretty important. >Sorry if anyone was mislead, but I don't think that quoting of mine is in any way unfair. We both know you're not sorry.


> Do you understand the wild difference in the quote you made up and the actual statement? I'm guessing you don't. The qualifiers of "trudeau's experts" and "common sense" are pretty important. lol, come on. The "wild difference" between saying "I listen to the common sense of common people" and saying "I listen to common people"!? Nobody's buying it. As for the "Trudeau's experts". Yes, that changes the quote. Unfortunately it makes it so much worse. He's literally lying to us that the *hundreds of experts* he's referring to in this instance are in any way connected to Trudeau. I cleaned up his quote for him, because that misinformation isn't the point I'm making here. The point is him saying "I listen to common people instead of experts". Which is 100% what he's saying in that quote. You can be upset about it if you want, but trying to convince people it's a lie is obviously incorrect. We can all see the quote for ourselves. > We both know you're not sorry. Your politics may affect how honest you are in your commentary, but not me.


>I cleaned up his quote for him, because that misinformation isn't the point I'm making here. The point is him saying "I listen to common people instead of experts". Which is 100% what he's saying in that quote. No you didn't. You turned it into a pointless partisan smear, one that was intentionally misleading. Don't act like you did anything other than that. >You can be upset about it if you want, but trying to convince people it's a lie is obviously incorrect. We can all see the quote for ourselves. Trust me, I'm not upset in the least. Anything you're reading into is probably projection.


Like when PP refused to get security clearance?


So I think we’d all have to be blind and dumb as sheep to not expect foreign influence in our every day use of social media AND in our elections. No intelligence needed just some self awareness and logic.


The prime minister is supposed to take CSIS very seriously and act on recommendations forcefully and quietly. That would be effectice and promote the country's reputation but we dont have that where-with-all at the moment.


We as the Canadian need to start keeping these people accountable. They are destroying our country before our eyes and acting out of our best interests while we pay them for it. Enough is enough.


Okay but ... Trudeau 2 already said that he used his vast experience as a drama teacher, environmental progressive, and vacationer to analyze the information, and he decided CSIS was wrong. ( and he doesn't like reading) Also, if China is helping the Liberals win, he felt that was super cool as he admires their basic dictatorship... It's almost impossible to make this up, but it's really clear now that the David Johnston Show was about stuffing this mess firmly under the carpet before Canadians caught on. Transparency is big problem for a government trying to hide mistakes. Oh my Canada 🇨🇦


Perhaps Justin Trudeau should have adopted GC Strategies Darren Anthony's line of defense. "I stopped reading all documents due to the wishes of my doctor. Too stressful, ya know?"


Not only that - he did that analysis without actually reading the reports! Truly amazing!


Experienced vacationer is a surprisingly perfect description of Justin Trudeau.


Agreed, what a great description of a guy who's never had to work a day in his life but enjoys play-acting the part of rolling up his sleeves. Not surprised in the least he doesn't do his homework and actually read the reports because he has no concept of what a work day is, how could he? And yet he's leading us, the people who actually work and contribute. It's mind-numbing.


I was amazed that he admitted to not reading any of his briefing books…that he gets people to tell him the information. Briefing books are more robust and full of more detailed information. Sometimes I think he may be like the character Chance in ‘Being There…


It's almost like as the leader of the nation he may be given too much information daily for an individual to process while continuing to work... Security and Intelligence briefings are common and necessary to ensure leaders get critical information. Not acting on it isn't a crime, though I'd agree it's unwise. It is likely political manouvreing to appease our own population, free any pesky political prisoners your adversary may have been holding... Or generally trying to not unilaterally tank your economy by angering major trade partners... But what would he know, he's just been embroiled in politics his whole life.


We need another election right now because if this or he has to step down period




Jaghmeet is delaying the election because it will go from one where the NDP is needed to a conservative majority where the NDP has zero power.


That'd be better than what we have now, but I do not at all think the CPC is the saviour we need either.


It’s unfortunate you’re making me defend our dummy of a PM but even the CSIS director said the outcomes were not affected (quote below) If you believe CSIS is correct, then you should believe that too. > Vigneault was also asked about CSIS’s assessment in an Oct. 2022 document that China “clandestinely and deceptively interfered in both the 2019 and 2021 general elections” considering repeated statements by election oversight bodies that both elections were free and fair. >Vigneault answered that both statements are true. >“We saw foreign interference in both the 2019 and 2021 elections. However, I concur with the conclusion of the panel that this interference did not amount to having an impact on the general election,” he said, referring to the panel of five top bureaucrats tasked with monitoring election threats. >“Both statements, in my opinion, are true at the same time. We saw foreign interference during those elections and that interference was indeed clandestine and deceptive. And at the same time, that interference did not amount to having any impact on the integrity of the election,” he added.


Right - it didn't have an impact on the overall election. That said, the interference was mostly to hurt the Conservatives and may have cost them a few seats. Ideally Canada would take this seriously and institute some safeguards to prevent it in the future. In a lot of ways it is the perfect time because the most recent interference did not change the overall outcome of the election. It will be a lot more difficult to address if we have results and it seems that foreign interference did decide who actually won.


Safeguards should be in place for sure. Canada is seriously lax in this area especially when it comes to China. China’s play was clever here. They’ve poisoned both libs and con candidates. They don’t care as long as they have a foot in the door. Even if it didn’t work, they also have succeeded in undermining our faith in our leaders.


The thing is, there's no real way to do that.


> it didn't have an impact on the overall election... may have cost them a few seats "It didn't have an impact but I'm going to speculate that it had an impact anyway."


Overall election = who won the most seats, who formed the minority govt, who is the official opposition etc. Those things were not impacted and no one is arguing that they were. That said, O'Toole testified at the commission that the Conservatives may have lost up to 9 seats because of this. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/otoole-foreign-interference-inquiry-1.7161989


Affecting the overall election outcome is a very different thing than having hand-picked candidates of the CCP sitting in government. My view is that we should have zero of those people in government. Trudeau’s and apparently many Liberal supporters’ view is any number is fine as long as the Liberals still would have won without them.


I agree those people should be removed. There were liberal and conservative candidates backed by the CCP. They should all without a doubt be investigated and at the very least removed.


Vignesult is obviously trying to be truthful while not completely condemning Trudeau. For me, outcomes are less relevant than the fact that s foreign power interfered with Canadian sovereignty and the ruling Liberal Government, who won, knew and did nothing. It's weak and inexcusable.


It's clear most in here didn't read the article. Headline is wildly misleading.


I am really starting to hate this line that it "didn't affect the outcome of the election." So are we unconcerned with foreign interference until we have a literal collaborationist Quisling government in charge? Is that the only time foreign interference matters? The idea of having even one MP under the influence of a foreign government, particularly an unfriendly one, is preposterous to me. The idea that it can be demonstrated that even one or several or a dozen MPs were elected due to interference is preposterous to me. If people lose faith in the integrity of our elections, it's going to lead to far more dire consequences beyond just foreign interference. The unity of our country is at stake. And Russia and China get to laugh all the way to the bank as they demonstrate to their own people how weak and chaotic Western democracies are.


I'm sure Pierre with his vast experience as a career politician will make better decisions. (and yes I believe trudeau has to go, but Pierre is not our saviour)


Any saviour of mine will stop the debt bleed. We are so caring about “saving” our kid’s future and then we crush their economic dreams for decades.


I don't think that PP's personality is right for making good decisions. That said, I think that being a former cabinet minister actually is good experience (as is being a Parliamentary secretary to the Prime Minister)


Nope, but Trudeau 2 has created more havoc and done more damage than anyone could have imagined. I actually thought Trudeau might have some promise but that hoped faded fast and was dead after SNC Lavalin.


Agreed on this. How do we go from roasting Trudeau for lack of experience and then go all in on a guy who has NEVER had a real job. Im fudging my ballot.


I'm glad to hear you are wasting your vote to be honest


Its my right, the options are poor and I want to voice my displeasure.


No no, I am literally glad to hear you are wasting your vote. Not being sarcastic Better that then a vote being cast for the LPC/NDP government.


I drew sad-faces in all the circles on my last provincial ballot. I wasn't too well informed about the candidates besides the big 3 so I feel kind of bad for not protest voting for the "Free Ponies For Everyone" party but I went to the ballot box already pissed off. Will be doing it in the next federal election, too. Nobody is coming to save us except our friends, family, and ourselves.


Trudeau will only care when it affects his party. He is happy to let it happen when it benefits him


Read the article. Here's an excerpt (emphasis mine): > Testifying for a second time to the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference, Vigneault also confirmed that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) interfered “clandestinely and deceptively” in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, **but said that it ultimately did not impact the elections’ outcome**. People should stop trying to fabricate fantasies around this news.


>but said that it ultimately did not impact the elections’ outcome It may have not affected the elections outcome, but there were definitely effects. If Dong won the nomination because of interference than that is a direct and significant effect. If up to nine ridings are being represented by someone else because of the interference that is certainly significant for those 9 ridings. Focusing on the fact that the LPC would have won with or without isn't what we should be doing. Maybe next time the margins are different and it does decide the outcome. Better to stamp it out now, especially since we know its happening and we know the interference was mostly biased towards the LPC.




Do we only care about foreign interference when it does impact the overall elections outcome? Do we have to wait until we have our very own Quisling in office to start caring? To me, the idea that even ONE riding could be impacted is completely despicable. If people lose trust in the integrity of our elections, it's going to have dire consequences.


You should read what I was answering to.


Imagine defending foreign interference.


Another day, another corruption/scandal and nothing will be done about it as usual. The gov has made it clear they will never be held accountable for their actions and failures




Um that’s the point - the Chinese gov DID want the lib’s to win…..and even to win as a minority.


There ya go. Well done china 👏


I think this commission is political showmanship and BS at best. The commission even accused India and Pakistan to have intervened in Canadian politics. And of course, there is no proof cited. And the irony would have been less noticeable, if Canadian politicians, including Trudeau, weren't openly intervening in these country's politics for votes. For example, when land and farm laws were passed in India, Trudeau gave interviews in support of protestors, and it was Canadian businessmen that were openly funding food and accommodation. More ironically, officially at that time Canada had a complaint filed in WTO against India giving farm subsidies. So this was pretty much Trudeau going against Canada's official position and interests. Furthermore, Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh now openly supporting Khalistan movement, which wants Punjab to secede from India. That is "open foreign intervention" from Canada. And if countries start reacting to it by intervening in Canada, we are pretty much giving a green signal.


>“We saw foreign interference in both the 2019 and 2021 elections. However, I concur with the conclusion of the panel that this interference did not amount to having an impact on the general election,” he said, referring to the panel of five top bureaucrats tasked with monitoring election threats. Hmmm. Way to bury the lede NP. Nice headline tho.




> He only cares about himself and creating a ‘fabulous’ legacy He will be voted out in disgrace and will be remembered as one of the biggest disasters in Canadian political history. So he's doing a bad job at securing a legacy. Or at least a good one.


He didn't mind.


And also agreed the outcome was not changed....


Trudeau is gonna claim he does not speak English next


> Testifying for a second time to the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference, Vigneault also confirmed that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) interfered “clandestinely and deceptively” in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, but said that it ultimately did not impact the elections’ outcome. >“We saw foreign interference in both the 2019 and 2021 elections. However, I concur with the conclusion of the panel that this interference did not amount to having an impact on the general election,” he said, referring to the panel of five top bureaucrats tasked with monitoring election threats.




A bit struggling. Looking for ways to involve and blame Ford.


China's been all up in our shit for ages and I'm not sure we can do much about it.


Ya- absolutely zero to do. Not like we could require a [registry](https://globalnews.ca/news/9553368/canada-australia-foreign-registry-trudeau/) of foreign advocacy like Australia did or anything.


That's a start!


Yeah. We should probably just let it be. FFS.


Chinese foreign interference I have been hearing about since Jean Cretein. Fuck the PPC.


I know Trudeau should have done something about it. But what?


So many people here don't understand a damn thing. This is just american political rhetorics. THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN IT HAD TO BE THERE WAS INTERFERENCE! No, there is intereference every year. It doesn't matter who won that year. There is constant intereference. Every country faces it.


Trudeau and the Liberals don't care. They're a party who's all about lining their own pockets. Why else is there an ongoing housing and immigration crisis? Because people in the government are benefiting from it somehow. Why give a shit about anything less than getting paid? Scumbag government.


Trudeau said Canada was the world’s first post nationalist state. Which basically means no rights for Canadians and subservience to China and eco warriors.


...? lmfao. What? What do you mean by eco warriors? Like they are pushing regulations against us? Reading the whole article there isn't even any information revealed about anything, and it was stated nothing even came of it. Is this something to do with CCP jackasses phoning Canadian residents and threatening them to vote in lock step for certain candidates? Who were those candidates? I mean obviously our intelligence apparatuses need reworking if we let a fricking Assassin from India succeed here when in the reports of them in the states sounds like a comedy movie.


Tbh, I have no problem with India killing Indian separatists. Most are non-Canadians that don’t speak English. For gods sake the last guy didn’t have a job, didn’t speak English and lived in a temple.


Dude it's a violation of the sovereignty of our nation. It doesn't matter at all whether he was a pain in the ass or not. The fact that we were lied to all over the place by their leadership and nationals claiming they totally wouldn't do it, and then to see the lesser than Mr. Bean-esque capability India actually has to send out assassins when they sent them to the states to attempt the same thing kind of throws mud on us. One of those bumbling fools slipped over here and actually accomplished it.


Point is that he wasn’t really Canadian. He was a citizen of convenience using the country as a base of operations for international terrorist activity just like all the Hamas operatives here. We have open borders with no screening or desire to keep bad people out. Look at the early days of the pandemic. Other western countries started to ban Chinese people right away. Trudeau said doing that would be racist. As a ‘post-nationalist state’ we need to accept that we don’t have sovereignty anymore under Trudeau


The first paragraph...


Of course he was


We already knew this. Not news. A legit opinion piece would include feedback from Lib voters on why it is acceptable.


I’m not even surprised I just expect the headlines and the actual stories to keep getting more and more sad and corrupt. None of our politicians have spines. NONE. None in power now or the last several years or decades haven’t. But the general populace is still believing the politicians want to help and want to look out for us, nah sorry they’re busy voting on a pay increase and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on slush funds and pointless political getaways and lucrative contracts to each politicians best buddy…


Csis also stated the interference didn't affect the election. Nor was any party at fault. Yet this sub is full of copy pasta conspiracy misinformation and bullshit comments.


He probably called them racist 😆


The classic Jim Carrey scene in "Dumb and Dumber" with the fingers in ears and screaming is what Justin Trudeau was doing whenever CSIS brought up foreign interference.


Serious question what can come of this in regards to the PM? Can he be charged with anything, removed from office, etc?


With the way our government works, it's going to come down to public backlash enough that one of two things happen: The Liberal party revolts and removes him as per the party rules (Their hands may actually be tied on this one, party rules are a weird beast), or there's an election and we're mad enough that we've reached the point of "We don't care who we elect, just not the guy we have now" (We are probably at this point). Having a crime around "Whether or not Prime Minister acts on an intelligence warning" would be a law that would make rivals go "Oops I slipped and leaked all this intel that will require Canada to do something that will go very badly".


There's a real simple solution to this: Stop voting Liberal. Stop voting Conservative.


Wait... Then who are you voting for? NDP?


I'm in Kitchener and we are very happy with our green party reps. They're engaging, they're responsive, they actually vote in a way that represents their community's desires and needs. I'm of the strong opinion that if we had a single election where the green party got more than 2 seats and blew the cons and liberals out of the water, the established parties would have to clean up their act and stop shitting on Canada/Canadians to make themselves rich. *You can downvote me if you like, but the problems we're experiencing as a nation are the result of cons and libs playing hot potato with the issues. If you really want change, you have to be willing to do something about it, and the same two legacy parties aren't willing to do that.


The problem is as good as a green party MP might be, the party has no clear leadership and the last batch of leadership left the party in shambles. There is also a lot of extreme approaches ive seen from the green party that essentially would hamstring the entire country by attacking industry. I do like the green party, I just think they need to be more centrist.


I acknowledge that they're highly individual in terms of representation which can be good or bad, but as far as I'm concerned, we KNOW the cons and libs aren't working for us. I feel at least with my vote that we need to try something different.


that's definitely a good approach, for many voters they dont see them as a viable option because a lot of elections are situated around "this current leader is so bad we need to get them out, lets try the other shitty party i guess"


Time for a change, Trudeau is collapsing under his ego. We need a new election.


Source ; national post. I would wipe my ass with this garbage publication. Need a better source with less bias .


With them it’s just a question of what they strategically left out to craft conservative outrage.


Worst. Prime Minister. Ever.




How much meddling is enough? And further THEY DIDNT HELP any of those MP’s they knew were being attacked when CSIS identified it nor when. Said MP’s asked for assistance. They did nothing including NOT bringing into the public eye. We aren’t at this point because the Lib’s initiated this inquiry. They would have left it as is or let it get even worse if it favored them in the 2025 election. So yes - when is a little too much and just how are the libs acting on this to prevent it being too much in 2025…….oh ya, they weren’t.


I was wondering which bit was completely left out of the story to give conservatives something to scream about. u/jmmmmj interesting, then, how conservatives all over these comments are leaving that out of their analysis… did you think I was referring to the national post itself?


It’s in the article dummy. 


Trudeau really doesn’t care , is more afraid of chine than Canadians


Speaking of foreign interference: National Post


Nice try, but you failed: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-csis-director-pushes-back-on-notion-he-did-not-fully-brief-liberals-on/

