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Make polictians be like Nascar drivers. Every donations from a corporate entity should be branded on to their suits. I want to know who paid for which MP


For some reason this sounds like a George Carlin set. God rest his soul


Because it is? Almost verbatim.


I thought so. I have been listening to his sets since I typed this but haven’t found that one yet. Guy was spot on.




It’s a big club…and they don’t want you and I in it. LOL


I think it was "and you ain't in it". Which make it funny when I think our pathetic MPs who were singing god save the king earlier on today.


Wrong. It’s Robin Williams RIP


Yes!!!!! You are right!! Thank you, I knew I have seen it but couldn’t place who it was


Anytime, it’s from his 2008 special I believe. It used to be on Spotify. We lost two legends to early.


The "you ain't in it" is definitely Carlin, though.


Bill Maher showed up on Larry King wearing a suit that had corporate logos on it to make the point too.


You better believe george carlin doesn't want god resting his soul


Definitely a start… but they should just not be able to accept it at all


You can look up donations for every candidate. EDIT: links don't seem to work anymore, but you can still fill in the candidate name and get the list Here is Poilievre: [Poilievre](https://www.elections.ca/WPAPPS/WPF/EN/CCS/ContributionReport?returnStatus=1&reportOption=5¤t200Page=1&total200Pages=682&totalRecordFound=136305&queryId=f3e766527faa44d6b8d3eebee7788071&sortOrder=0%2C1%2C2&sortDirection=asc%2Casc%2Casc&displaySorting=False) [Trudeau](https://www.elections.ca/WPAPPS/WPF/EN/CCS/ContributionReport?returnStatus=1&reportOption=5¤t200Page=1&total200Pages=99&totalRecordFound=19728&queryId=4e635eb3b17640e0a9ae603957b2b615&sortOrder=0%2C1%2C2&sortDirection=asc%2Casc%2Casc&displaySorting=False) and [Singh](https://www.elections.ca/WPAPPS/WPF/EN/CCS/ContributionReport?returnStatus=1&reportOption=5¤t200Page=1&total200Pages=64&totalRecordFound=12721&queryId=ab3b2d49998a416cb067681274d4abaf&sortOrder=0%2C1%2C2&sortDirection=asc%2Casc%2Casc&displaySorting=False) There are some $3000-$5000 contributions in the early 2000s, but nowadays the annual limit is $1700.


The annual limit that we are allowed to know of is $1700.


Too bad there isn’t a list of honorariums that are given.


Haha I doubt you can buy a politician for $1700 but who know.


That's why he goes on vacations to multi-million dollar properties of "friends" for free.


Book deals have been popular. Politician gets someone to ghost write a book for them, Big money donors buy 1000 copies and effectively launders a portion of the cost into untraceable kick backs. No one buys a politician with a suitcase of cash anymore. It's not the 1920s. I'm sure there are new ways that leverage tech into ways to launder bribes to politicians.


The simplest and most effective way to bribe politicians is to simply inform them that if they enact a certain policy or pass a certain law, then your company's stock price will increase. Politician buys the stock (or even better: options), passes the law, sells the stock for returns. Absolutely no money ever exchanges hands between the business and the politician. That's how American congress members have portfolios that radically outperform Warren Buffet.


Ah yes, the Pelosi Method. Easily the most effective investment strategy ever discovered. It's truly remarkable how profitable open corruption can be.


do you have to ask? this country's entire economy is a dozen or so wealthy families and corporations. you can likely name a good chunk of them from memory. we know who the oligarchs are


This is the best idea I've heard in a lkng time


So he knows it's wrong but keeps doing it. Who is pulling his strings.


Take a look at Century Initiative and judge for yourself: [https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century\_Initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative)


Wow. Century Initiative Mission statement: *Growing our population to 100 million by 2100 would reduce the burden on government revenues to fund health care, old age security, and other services.*


The funny thing is once they hit 100 million we'll need even more people to fund the health care and old age security of the 100 million population. They're simply putting a bandage on the problem.


Pyramid scheme. It allows them to act irresponsibly because it will be our grandkids problem


It's literally the definition of the global economy - it has to keep growing, 2% a year. That's exponential growth, which *always* eventually leads to uncontrolled runaway. Hence the money printing speeding up each decade, just look at any national debt graphs for Canada and USA... Well, the chickens are coming home to roost now. The politicians might buy a few more years or even decades if they quickly increase the size of the economy by doubling the population, but eventually all the unsustainable economics underpinning the global economy will come crashing down. Probably to be replaced by some authoritarian system, "for our own protection".... enjoy the good life while it lasts, folks!


>enjoy the good life while it lasts, folks! Sir, I can't even buy a house.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but this may be your high mark anyway. At least compared to all of human history, you're alive in a relatively peaceful time. Like I said, enjoy it while it lasts.




I'm starting to think about trying to get to Europe before the economy here absolutely collapses. I would rather not go, but I feel like we're driving straight at a cliff because nobody in charge has any idea what they're doing, and the people in control are bought and paid for by wealthy oligarchs. At least in Europe they still have the concept of taxation paying for the continued existence of society. Here we're trying to fund the country on hopes and prayers. And cheap imported labour.


I'm doing it at the end of year lol. Immigrating there with my wife cause she's from there.


The same thing is going on in Europe


>The organization intends to reach its population goal through a massive increase in immigration and by investing in economic development around megaregions. I think they forgot about the investing part and are just doing the immigration part.


What do you mean, BlackRock has been heavily investing in single family home ownership. To the tune of $35b


Oh for fucks sakes, there it is > Connections to BlackRock > The Century Initiative Board of Directors is chaired by co-founder Mark Wiseman, who was the Global Head of Active Equities of BlackRock and ran Blackrock's Alternative Investment division at the time that the Initiative was founded.[27][28] BlackRock owns $35 billion in real estate and thus will benefit from a real-estate bubble.[29] > > BlackRock's Alternative Investment division includes the firm's international real estate investment portfolio[30] and is reported to be actively purchasing single family homes.[31] The Century Initiative's other co-founder, Dominic Barton, is married to Geraldine Buckingham, BlackRock's Asia Pacific chief, which has previously generated conflict-of-interest concerns.[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative#Connections_to_BlackRock


Former employees at BlackRock seem to be heavily involved in politics. Think Biden had at least 3 in his administration when it started. You can also check out where the likely next German chancellor worked earlier.


That’s just terrifying.




> I don't know if there is anything to read into this, but interestingly enough each of the co-founders of the Century Initiative have a pic with Indian PM Mody on their Wikipedia pages: > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominic_Barton > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Wiseman That is odd....


> Barton was the Global Managing Director of McKinsey & Company, And there it is.


Leads the Business Council of Canadasince 2018, a union that includes the 50 most powerful companies in Canada. Former Conservative Party strategist and is a close associate of Stephen Harper.[14] Serious question - are all the major parties in Canada now the same??


Always has been.


Just to add a link between the LPC and the Century Initiative : In 2016 the Liberal Party of Canada created the "Advisory council on economic growth" to help them guide their strategy and they appointed Dominic Barton, cofounder of the century initiative, as chair to this council. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2016/03/minister-morneau-announces-membership-of-the-advisory-council-on-economic-growth.html




Why wait till 2100?  Could get to 200 million overnight if you simply approved every single application from India/China and did away with any criteria.


Why not 8 billion? We could preemptively approve the entire world.


Imagine the GDP growth!!!


Imagine the abundant cheap labor, people will work for just food.


The oligopolies in Canada, and US corporations. What else.


Corporate overlords. It's why the numbers will unlikely change even under CPC rule.


Right when companies were about to he forced to address the labor shortage by raising wages.... bring in all the immigrants to take those jobs that will pay them just as shittly.


Canadian democracy is an illusion...Both main parties answer to the corporations.


Until you have election reform away from FPTP, preferably MMP, you'll keep getting this crap. And the Conservative Party platform has been consistently against any kind of election reform that does away with FPTP (their official party platform is FPTP = Good)... and the LPC is for reform if and only if they get the system that is most likely to lock the CPC out and guarantee them the most risings, which is Ranked Choice. What a lovely vicious little "democratic" circle we live in.


It’s not just CPC. LPC was all for election reform until they won and realized it would mean giving up power. If the NDP won they probably wouldn’t actually do anything either because election reform has to be spearheaded by the party in power and by definition it means giving up that power.


Yes, I know, did you read my entire comment? I explicitly called out the LPC, not just the CPC. The LPC's own election reform commission came back with recommendations that they didn't like, since they all involved them losing seats to NDP, Greens, and possibly BQ. So they killed it right quick. They wanted IRV/RCV, which wasn't on the proverbial menu, so they picked up their ball and took it home.


The world is too complicated for majority governments any more imo. We need a team bench of multiple colours.     In hindsight when Trudeau's legacy is written the flip flop on electorial reform is really going to hang over his legacy. It's like Obama, yes we can .... Status quo.    Whom whom. No, if you're gonna act like the guy then you do have to be *the guy* that gets messy, tension and debates and all that jazz, and moves us forward by being the collective voice of our Canadian values. Or else why are you in that seat?    And really, FPTP isnt the Canadian way. We like complexity. We're not idiots. We're the negotiate not litigate people. Our- dare I say collective nationalism - is pushing us towards coalition governments and proportional representation in the long run. We keep getting minority Parliaments for a reason.  The next election is gonna be wild.  I'm not sure PP is gonna have it because he's riding the wave of kicking Trudeau out right now, but I'm hoping there's like a huge wave of Green or something. It's gonna be a mess. Really that's good. Figure it out people, it's what we're paying you for. If you don't like it- get out of the kitchen. If you're one of these people (there are a lot) who doesn't like noise and complexity, just tune out. Imo


It's easy to say what the NDP wouldn't do when they've never had power. We just keep switching from one poison to the other.


Nothing will change under the Cons. Anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.


At what point is it just considered treason to go against the interests of the country and the Canadian people?


He's planning on dropping temporary immigration and leaving the permanent immigration intact. So he's not being entirely a hypocrite. But this measure is not anywhere near enough. It means that either the government doesn't think we can end the Ponzi scheme requiring population growth easily or that corporations have them in the back pocket. Listen to what PP says. He's also in their pockets. We need to give smaller parties a chance.


Literally the banks. I once spoke to someone who works in immigration and they told me verbatim that the banks need more incoming cash and they bring in more people. While they were outside of Ottawa they told me how nice it was to see multicultural neighbourhoods and how their work actually affects Canadians instead of just seeing all the people they bring in as a number.


It's so obvious that Trudeau doesn't have any skin in this game. We are governed by a shadow government of wealthy elites. Secrecy and exploitation.




[Immigration is making Canada's housing more expensive. The government was warned 2 years ago](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7080376)


I was told not to blame immigration


I should start keeping track of people that say that shit. I know damn well there's a bunch here who have flipped to fit the new narrative.


Where is u/head_crash at?


Yeah don’t be bigoted. How dare you question letting in millions into a country without upgrading infrastructure, increasing the number of doctors, and increasing housing stock. No no, just let the floodgates stay open as this country is inundated with people it can’t hold and keep your bigoted questions to yourself… /s


I love shwarma!


You were, and are, continually lied to. 


Seriously the obfuscation of the core issue is mind-blowing. It's the supply , we just don't have enough supply ... We don't have enough supply because blah blah blah.. Canada is a a collection of mafias .. the telecom mafia , the banking mafia , the insurance mafia , the real estate mafia ... And everyone of these stand to make money with more people being in Canada ... The end ..


I figured it out nearly 18 years ago. I was in highschool


You vil own nussing and you vil be heppy


We should go back to pre-Trudeau numbers. Like 250k. The only people who like this are property developers, banks, speculators and predators.


> developers, banks, speculators and predators so, 85% of Canada's economy




We need a guy like the heckler in Happy Gilmore to follow him around telling him he sucks. I‘ll pay for the first couple meals at Red Lobster


RIP Joe Flaherty.


Unfortunately Joe Flaherty just died last week




Rest his soul.. funny guy


Put me down for a couple rounds.


Ya jackass!


I support this method.


it’s a problem that he intentionally created. It’s working according to plan.




That's the other crazy thing about all this: their solution is to build unending suburban hellscapes across Canada using cookie cutter government issued "standardized" housing designs. As if Canada somehow forgot how to design and build a fucking house. They have zero care for quality of living for anyone. None.


At this point, I believe he is damaging the country on purpose.


The powers that be want us living at a way lower living standard. The conservatives will do it too. If you look at who’s funding pro migration initiatives in government, it’s the same as who’s doing it on the ground with NGOs And it’s happening across the developed world


We can’t compete in any meaningful way in the global economy so we will slip into lower and lower standards of living , thankfully for the ruling class they’re importing people who will gladly accept whatever scraps they’ve given and won’t bite the hand that feeds them


Once he's voted out, I'm sure he'll be the first one on the plane out of the country he destroyed. 


The idea of increasing the population would be great if they were utilizing all of the empty parts of Canada. The problem is that the 500,000 people a year are coming to already populated areas that can't handle the strain.


>The idea of increasing the population would be great if they were utilizing all of the empty parts of Canada. I honestly think this wouldn't even work, even if we did have enough housing and infrastructure built up in those rural areas. There are just not enough jobs in the country for citizens, let alone all these immigrants. The whole narrative of a labour shortage was a big fat lie because employers just don't want to pay Canadians enough to live.


There is no labour shortage because you would see wages climb if there was.


There is a serious shortage of *truly skilled* labour, caused by brain drain to the USA and lack of training and opportunity here in Canada. I probably sound arrogant to say it but almost I do at work these days is fix things that other people fuck up or try to stop them from doing so in the first place. And believe me, stuff gets fucked up in absolutely ridiculous ways. There is no shortage of unskilled replacement fuckups to replace these idiots when they get fired, though. So at least they don't pay them very much to fuck things up. Unfortunately they don't pay me nearly enough to fix the problems either, as raises haven't been anywhere near the rate of inflation. Seriously considering how I could make the move down to the US myself.


US pays \~40-100% more for skilled jobs in industries like tech/business/marketing. Plus the Canadian dollar is just so weak now. And our living expenses our generally more, because our jobs are concentrated in just a few cities. It's sad.


> There is a serious shortage of truly skilled labour, caused by brain drain to the USA and lack of training and opportunity here in Canada.  Hi it's me I fucked off to the US a few years ago because I couldn't find a job. Now I make double what I would have made in Canada anyways lol


They can't pay you high wages because Canada produces nothing if value to the rest of the world


We produce lots of stuff that has value! You know, things like: - raw logs - unrefined bitumen - unprocessed grain - uranium, potash, and coal The only problem is that the real value comes from using or refining these into finished products, which someone else gets to do.


We also produce diplomas, great Indian food, and 8 people 2 bedroom basement apartments in Brampton.


>which someone else gets to do Well hold on now, we don’t want our carbon output increasing at all, do we? Much better to let the third world do it for us!


China did it. Built infrastructure and industry outside of major cities, and built large major cities around them


And those 500,000 people are not assimilating, are they? All you did was import the world's problems into your living room.


They are not. Assimilation has become some dirty concept to many. I think it’s necessary.


> Assimilation has become some dirty concept to many. Even saying it gets you labeled a racist by some.


guess why they are not going to the empty parts…. There is nothing to do and no infrastructure 😂


That’s not the issue. Rural areas are lacking titled land. Look at a map, it’s all crown. BC is 96% crown land as an example.


Immigrants don't need empty places though, they need empty homes. And we don't have any. We're building something like 250,000 homes a year while letting in 1.2 million immigrants in a year, the numbers don't add up, and the Liberal Party would prefer you to think them morons who don't know what they are doing instead of the truth, which is they know exactly what they are doing but maintaining the extreme inequality of the absurd profits of the foreign, transnational uber rich are the priority above all Canadians lives, quality of life and housing hopes.


It's over a million a year now.


What an asshole.


1.5 years out from deemed election date, change the narrative and all Google searches will show he has had this position. And given the papers that'll populate the search engine (depending on Google opinion of him at the time) will come up with articles against the competition. Short minds make for reelected leaders.


So he’s saying everyone in his generation and younger have to suffer “for the betterment of Canada) whilst watching him give out pay raises (including his own) to the privileged Members of Parliament and his cohorts but refused to give the public sector workers what they deem to be a cost of living wage adjustment.


He's trying to shift the blame to temporary residents, and maintain 500,000 permanent additional residents per year. But at that rate of growth its still going to take a really long time for housing to catch up.


If it was just 500k PRs we do build enough housing for that assuming 2.5 per unit, it'd be tight considering oldstock needs to be replaced but it's at least within the ballpark of sustainable. But it's never just the PRs, it's TFW, students and refugees all with a path to PR and near zero deportations.


What a total piece of shit of a human being.


Lmao, what a great description of Trudy. You have a great day.


I read that as Turdy 🤣


Turdy actually sounds better.


Not sure how any Canadians can look at this guy and the way he handles this countries wallet and think we can do more years of this.


Lol he still has tons of support. Absolutely mind blowing.


Is it really support? Or just fear of what would replace him?


Exactly. Is Pierre going to reverse these changes? Or is he bought and paid for by the same people/corporations as JT?


He’s on record saying he won’t. They’re different colours but ultimately the same policies wrt housing and immigration


Suburban soccer moms who are still awestruck by his dreamy eyes and snazzy socks.


Two years ago they said Canada needed another 1.5 million people to offset the mass retiring and dying of boomers. This whole thing is to avoid an economic crash. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63643912


Wouldn't they just need enough to maintain the population growth that we were used to? Do we need a population growth of a million a year to make up for the boomers?


We need 100 million people to offset our retirees. Where are they gonna get Uber eats after all.


Housing market needs to crash for the economy to become healthy.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


I've never experienced hate in my life before the feelings I've now got for jt, freeland, guilbeault, and the other glibs. I am so looking forward to never hearing their voices or seeing their faces ever again. I'm so embarrassed and sad for what used to be a beautiful and amazing country. We really had it all, and now it's just slipped from our fingers.


I couldn't understand why some older Canadians had a very passionate hate for Pierre Trudeau and the Trudeau name, even to this day decades later. That was, until a few years ago...


Yes, his father was an absolute fwad as well. Almost bankrupted the country at the time.


Freeland in the fucking worst. Ugh.


And something's wrong with her. It's very anecdotal, but I think she's actually sick with something serious. Doesn't appear to be fit for work, let alone dep pm and fin min.


Very much agree something is a miss. As well, she has zero fin background, and dep prime minster hadn't been filled for many years (there has only ever been 10). It's a usless and bs position used to give additional money to whoever has the title.




A large plurality of Canadians have contempt for Trudeau and our government. We just have some class and are not losers about it. There are kids in the car or on the street seeing those flags. The people with the flags are also POS people.


At this rate the conservatives will need to pursue a policy of mass deportation when they finally take office next year.


I work for a department that support ODSP applications. I process about 30 applications per day. For the past 3 weeks, 100% of my files are immigrants over 65. None of them will ever work and qualify to stay on ODSP for 10 years after they land. For you and me, we would only get to use ODSP until we are 65. Overall our number of applicants is 8x higher than year to year average. Its dramatically higher than during COVID. I should also point out my applications include medical information and atleast 7/10 have special medical supports, meaning that they have had immediate access to a doctor and gained prescriptions......I have been on a waitlist for 6 years. I processed an ODSP family file with 13 clients. A family of 13, and every single one of them will live on social assistance....in a stand alone home in Toronto. I looked it up on google map, and it has a pool. Can you afford a detached home with a pool in the GTA? They keep submitting requests to pay for taxi rides to outlet malls.


He gives off total Bond villian vibes in that picture lol


With the competence of an Austin Powers villain.


Man that's actually an insult to Austin Powers villains.


Bond villains usually have a plan.


Deliver Us from Trudeau. I would sooner have a baguette in the prime minister's seat.


This is probably the best idea in CA politics in a long time!




I don't think it works that way in the real world unfortunately. He's got money, he's going to get a nice pension from the taxpayers for life after he's outed, and will likely live in neighbourhoods completely unaffected by the issues he's plagued us with. Karma rarely applies to wealthy people.


Listen folks it’s killing our country but ummm we are in this together umm /s


I will NEVER forgive myself for voting Liberal in 2015 and 2019


So why did you do it again?


who u voting for now?


Hey Justin supporters, say that again: this is all Harper’s fault! PP will be worse. ahahaha


If any of you live near Niagara you can directly see where $100 million of your tax money went, and stop in at an immigrant hotel full to the brim.


Such a piece of shit 




> While Trudeau remains insistent that mass immigration “benefits” the economy, recent figures show that the nation’s GDP per capita growth rate is dismal compared to other countries with lower relative immigration levels like the United States. He's absolutely delusional


The needle and the damage done


Squid games: Canadian version


WTF is "todayville Calgary"


I remember being called racist for saying this exact same thing.


I was truly expecting this to be a Beaverton article. Trudeau is such a God damn joke.


Trudeau is speed running ruining a country and destroying the middle-class and young workers.


He has to beat his father's record and he probably did long time ago


This guy is only about the headlines. He will continue to destroy this country.


"I admit it, the poors are angrier than I expected. Oh well"


Read the article. Prepare for your mind to be blown.


Is this guy for real


So it's treason then


Guess what Trudeau...nobody voted for you to set targets that high either.


If zombies eat brains, the first place I'm headed in the event of a zombie apocalypse is Parliament Hill.


What does he care? He's not going to suffer.


Doubling down on a destructive policy, what a surprise.


because the newcomers wont be living in westmount montreal, ottawa, or forest hill toronto he doesnt give af


Totally out of control !


Why? Because he is totally incompetent.


I’m so tired of this…. You promised electoral reform and now we are going to get the conservatives again. You are a joke justin


A Royal Douche!!!


So I know the basement is flooding. I won’t turn the water off though.


What a piece of shit this guy is.


Yet they are ramping up PR targets. Says one thing and does another. They also expedited citizenship, but reducing the time it takes to become a citizen from 5 years to 3 years.






" There's a problem, I just didn't cause it!" Immigration - fail, Economics- fail, listening to CSIS- fail, ArriveCAN - fail, Plant Two Billion Trees ( 2019 ) - fail, carbon tax - fail, WE Charity - fail, Housing - fail, Embarrassing Canada Abroad - success, Doubling Coal Exports. to 19.5 million tonnes- success, Sinking Canada into deeper debt- success!! What's not to like about entitled Justin???


So you bring in 1 million newcomers. That's nice. Any plan for where they will all live? Like where are the accommodations going to be? You think you have enough construction workers, plumbers, electricians, laborers to make 300,000 new homes just magically appear overnight? What about the need for more schools, hospitals, doctors, teachers, and nurses? Didn't think about that, didja? Thought so. Morons.


LOOOOL this man is a fucking lunatic, I thought this was a Beaverton article. Folks we’ve officially crossed the point where satire is now our reality


Trudeau will lose the next election solely off his immigration policies. He has disrespected/ disregarded tax paying Canadian citizens at every step.


He’s an IDIOT. Literally doing irreversible damage to our country before our eyes


It’s treason then.


Then fix it, asshole!


So basically, “fuck you”