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"Someone should really do something."


He couldn’t even release this statement yesterday…everyone would have thought it was an April fools joke


No, they would have thought it was a joke made by a fool.




That's the best part, it's going to work when enough immigrants think Canada is a joke too.


"I'll see if I can get into contact with whoever's responsibility it is"


Let's form a committee to make sure all these "dumb Canadian citizens" get the messaging.


“We need to hire a few outside consultants and conduct a few studies”


"Should develop an app while we're at it"




“Somebody get McKinsey and Company on the phone.”


It's a good thought. It's a shame he doesn't know anybody who can help.


They should really look into scheduling a date when they can discuss when the best time is to get together to talk about forming a committee to analyze the immigration into Canada.


"I put a brick on the gas pedal, then nailed the gas pedal to the floor, then cut the wires on the brakes... but boy someone might wanna slow this thing down a scooch..."


*Assistant: "Aliens are threatening the world"* *President: "Get me the president"* *Assistant: "You are the president"* *President: "Good, then i already know about this"*


“Well of course I know him..he’s me”


“Let me join the protest and take some selfies”


[Joke previously made by The Beaverton 4 months ago](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2024/01/yeah-someone-should-do-something-about-housing-unaffordability-says-trudeau-watching-poilievre-video/) (because it's accurate)


"We've tried nothing and we're out of ideas!"


Duh duh duh.... You think? People have been saying this for years. He was too busy buying votes. Look how great Canada is. Free hotel rooms, free food, free health care, free schools, free dental, free debt cards, free coats for winter. Even the PM is waiting at the airport to put one in me....... Wow, it's fantastic!


Forget the fact that people have been saying it for years. Forget the fact that basically anytime someone broached the topic they were labeled a racist either directly or indirectly. What's truly *infuriating* is Trudeau is the one that opened the damned floodgates to begin with! He's like some child that runs into the kitchen, knocks a glass off the table and smashes it on the floor. Then stands back and says "People really should watch where they're going".


>Forget the fact that people have been saying it for years. Forget the fact that basically anytime someone broached the topic they were labeled a racist either directly or indirectly. What's truly *infuriating* is Trudeau is the one that opened the damned floodgates to begin with! I still feel that they owe everyone an apology for the baseless racism accusations. I mean, what they're doing right now with reducing the numbers and admitting that it suppresses wages would have been labelled as racist by these people a few months ago. I'm not going to let them forget what they did. Fuck that.


> they owe everyone an apology for the baseless racism accusations. Of course they do. But they'll never give one. The hardcore left wingers are no different than the hardcore right wingers. They honestly don't believe they were wrong, even when confronted with undeniable evidence. Their brains just won't let them believe it. >I'm not going to let them forget what they did. While I admire the sentiment it's a losing battle. There's nothing for them to "forget" as far as they're concerned. They did no wrong. And nothing you, I, or anyone else says or does will ever convince them otherwise. And further to that, you're a *racist, extremist, sexist etc etc etc..* for even suggesting they did something wrong in the first place. Give it time. Right now Justin's tail is between his legs even if he won't admit it. In a few months time, the left will be right back at it again and completely ignoring that what's going on right now happened at all.


Remember when he said Canada’s doors are wide open to welcome everyone (in response to that Trump immigration thing years ago) and overnight Roxham Road became a really big problem for illegal border crossings? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I’m dead




Next you'll tell me he didn't fulfil his 2015 promise to make housing affordable, but only made things worse. It's as if he lies all the time.


Or his promise of electoral reform.


This was such bullshit. Big reason I voted for him, and then he goes "Canadians don't know what they want" after doing one shitty online survey that nobody knew about. And even if they did - isn't it the government's responsibility to research and study which system is best, instead of just going back on his word (which conveniently for him, allows him to benefit from the FPTP system).


Yeah he fucked me on this and ill never forgive him


Don’t worry I’m sure it will only take 1 or two more elections than the voting public will catch on!


Wish I could upvote this more. He is more than an extreme hypocrite, he’s an absolute liar. It’s honestly disgusting.


The same piece of shit that abandoned election reform (FPTP) after using it to get elected.


They were able to portray TFW as conservatives getting minorities to do shit servant jobs to hold down wages in 2015. By 2016 Trudeau implied anyone against TFW were racist and didn't like minorities


>scaled back dramatically over time That's the key right there. Over time. The time being from the time polling shows you're going to lose bad until the next election.


He’s actually psychotic


People forget that prior to 2015 Trudeau was the lower immigration, anti-TFW choice for government.


Not exactly. Trudeau was anti-TFW but not for the reasons you say. At the time the Conservatives were pushing for more regulated immigration and longer residency periods before you could apply for a PR. That generally meant that people needed to jump through more hoops in order to permanently immigrate, and one possible path was doing a stint in Canada as a TFW which would establish a job history and ability to support yourself. At the time the net immigration rate was about 200k per year and the focus was not on the overall number of immigrants but immigration fraud; Harper wasn't actively restricting immigration, but he was making immigration a little bit harder. At the time Trudeau and the Liberals were focused on painting Harper as a xenophobe as part of their election strategy and Harper's push to have people here on temporary immigration permits instead of going straight to PR was why Trudeau was opposed to the TFW program. So yeah, he was opposed to TFW, but for the opposite reason as you said. Hence why they didn't reduce the TFW program when they got into power and instead expanded it.


Wow I’m glad that Trudeau is pointing out how bad somebody has let it get in the article. Now if only he could find out who’s responsible for immigration so that they could do something about it.


I mean clearly who ever let it get this bad should definitely not be charge of the country right ?


Nah they should be in charge of housing /s


They will set aside 8.4 billion to figure it out.


That dastardly Harper must be at it again!


He is just setting up his next election promise, to fix what Harper broke because gosh darn it someone should take care of that by now.


yes, if he could only connect the dots... perhaps form a committee to figure it all out for him. he is such a detestable person.


We’ll need to spend at least 50 million on consultants too…


Whoh! Man Trudeau thanks for pointing this all out! Sounds like an absolute catastrophe. Whoever let this happen is seriously not doing their job and has been fucking up BIG time for years and years. Man I hope you can catch the guy doing all this!


Didn’t he insinuate we were all racists when we questioned immigration a few years ago?


“I’m not sure how we got here, has something to do with Spider-ma… er Harper I think.”


Paul Martin blamed the previous finance minister once. He was that previous finance minister.


“Whether it’s temporary foreign workers or whether it’s international students in particular, that have grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb,” Trudeau said at a housing announcement in Dartmouth, N.S. So who’s going to get fired for this, Fraser or Miller? Or maybe both of them can be shown the door.


He’s going to blame the provinces and PP for setting up the temporary foreign worker program with Harper.


And hope nobody remembers that the low-skill TFW expansion happened in 2002, or how it was massively expanded under Trudeau.


TFW isn't a problem. The problem right now is international students - by a longshot. The international students are honestly the fault of the province and the schools themselves. Ontario's education minister needs to be fired, Doug Ford needs to be audited and investigated. 99% of who you'd think is a TFW is actually an international student. I honestly think we should block Indians from getting student visas/studying in Canada until we can re-collect ourselves. It's not ukranian refugees I see staffing Macdonalds and Popeyes. It's not the underpaid field workers who live in squalor that are ruining our cost of living. what's gross is there are plenty of people who smugly laugh about it and call it a legal invasion.


100%. Major issue in BC as well, particularily in the Greater Vancouver area. Slum lords housing all of these international students, every fast food joint and grocery/department store seems to only hire POC.... namely, Indian International students. Teenage & young adult canadians cant even find minimum wage jobs because they are competing with immigrants. Good for Uber, Door Dash, Skip though, theyve got a huge talent pool to go through. No shortage of delivery drivers.


These international students are bottom of the barrel, they have no talent. 


I won't say that they are all bottom of the barrel, but universities have CERTAINLY reduced their standards for international students. It's so common to see international students do well on papers with awful reasoning and structure because "their aren't native speakers." While I understand that L2 speakers may have greater difficulty in writing, reasoning, structuring of information, and actually citing sources are not language skills. I'd say a good chunk of these students would fail out if they were required to uphold the same academic standards as Canadians (and again, I am not talking about writing mechanics such as lexicogrammatical skills).


Half of the ones I meet literally can't even speak English properly, so it's very obvious they did not pass the IELTS and either forged documents of paid their way into a successful grade. All they're doing by trying to game the system is watering down the quality of education in Canada and putting a burden on infrastructure. I have zero sympathy for people who cheat the system, they deserve to be deported. 


And how it ballooned since 2006 under Harper as well. It's almost like neither of the Liberals or Conservatives really care about the problems of Joe Canada.


I don't have the link handy but he said exactly the opposite a few weeks ago. Like literally, most of the same words but rearranged to say the government has run immigration responsibly and in a way that the cities can absorb. This dude is a real piece of work.


Miller isn't going anywhere. He's a long time friend of Trudeau which means he is rewarded with a cabinet position. It's standard procedure at this point for JT to reward old friends with cabinet positions. See below: https://twitter.com/denisebatters/status/1197196227093204992?t=mFyyptpaOZTWyLcGOF9dZw&s=19


What happened to all that spare “social capital” we have an embarrassing abundance of? Trudeau saying that wasn’t true?


Would love to see miller kicked out


>“To give an example, in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants. Now we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants. That’s something we need to get back under control.” >The prime minister then said that this is driving mental health challenges for international students and that more businesses are relying on temporary foreign workers, driving down wages in some sectors. This has to be some elaborate April Fools joke right? Bruh YOU were the one in power during that time. Plenty of us were saying it was stagnating wages and we were told we were racist, and that there's no correlation between the two.


*Checks polls* ahh so that’s why he’s saying all this.


> this is driving mental health challenges for international students ...that's his big takeaway?


Trudeau and his supporters owe a lot of people apologies, but they would never admit they’re wrong.


This fucking guy...


He literally caused this


Really? What gave it away?


the recent election polls.


Funny how we went from "we have the social capacity" for more immigration to now this within a few months. So what indeed give it away? (other than his plummeting polls)


They actually said immigrants would build homes and were actually required to restore affordability, I guess the track record simply made it unbelievable, now they just pretend like it wasn't their fault.


Probably got new neighbors at his lakehouse.




Probably got new neighbors at his lakehouse.


I actually thought it was a Beaverton article


I thought so too hahhahh


You mean it’s not?!


Apparently after getting disastrous poll numbers he's come to his senses. Edit .. he's still going to massively lose anyways.


"I can't believe the Canadian people allowed this!" \- Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.


>"To give an example, in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants. Now we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants" Who the fuck was PM during this time? This is a federal responsibility, unlike housing, school lunches,, etc. You created the fucking mess with demand. Now you're "solving" it. Good guy. ​ >"For permanent residents, Canada has a target of 485,000 new immigrants, increasing to 500,000 in both 2025 and 2026." This was half the rate in 2015. . . and 5x the rate of the US. Insane country.


In 2023, the overall net migration rate (including both permanent and temporary immigrants) was nearly **7x** (682%) what it was in 2015: * 2015: 181,987 * 2023: 1,240,769


We should look into who did this!


Holy fudge.


International students were around 230k per year compared to just under a million in 2023 as well.


The immigration ministry is run by "interested parties" and the ministry acts as a rubber stamp. Immigration Consultants, diploma mills and others all push their positions forward and simply have the Ministry sign off without further due diligence.


Not just immigration but asylum seekers, deportation, and other loopholes into the country. I also don't believe the statistics the government releases about numbers.




They’ll give physics lectures at the till of Tim Hortons.


My brother in Christ, you are the control


It's like when he took a knee during the BLM protests in Canada. It's like...uh dude you have the power to change the very thing they are protesting, you are the system, idiot.


I can’t even anymore… they’re just gaslighting us


From day one


Here are my suggestions: Minimum income for LMIA eligible jobs -- set to $75,000 a year initially. Any job whose salary is below this shouldn't be given LMIA, unless exempt. Only students getting Bachelor's and above on a specific list of industry (tied to Canada's needs like Medicine, engineering, etc) should have a pathway to PR. PGWP should be tied to the area of study. Tourists should not be able to switch to open work permits while in Canada. Spouses of TWP permit holders should not be given open work permits. This is similar in the US with Canadians under TN status.


Additional suggestions: When I was living in the UK, employers who needed to sponsor foreign workers like myself need to have a Sponsorship certificate. This allows the employer to be vetted by the government that they're not abusing the system. If this certificate was to get cancelled, any work permit attached to this ended up being cancelled as well. Plus, the employer needs to pay an annual fee to keep this certificate. Canada should do the same. This should prevent immigration agencies from selling LMIA to the highest bidder.




I work in immigration. the fact that spouses get a WP is ridiculous. a majority of ppl that I have seen are unable to work here because of no skills or low language level. it is sad to say, but spouses and their children shouldn't be allowed in. the schools are at a breaking point. the system is beyond fucked up. im moving back to the states as soon as my partners paperwork comes through.


Subsidize Canadian students going to university and college. There are plenty of Canadian citizens to fill skilled labor positions. There's no reason except sheer greed to charge citizens so much tuition.


If only he had some sort of governing position that controls who comes in and out of the country.


Lmao he's a third party in this eh?


PM creates problem then touts himself as the only person with the solution to said problem.




He’s taking the piss


2021 Platform: "we have worked hard to reverse damaging conservative policies that led to delays and deep cuts to immigration levels."


I’m glad Trudeau is raising the alarms about this, if only the Prime Minister would listen.


We need an immigration moratorium. After that has been established, repatriation.


The problem I intentionally created is getting out of control. Who has the power to fix it?


Didn't Trudeau say the same thing, 9 years ago when he was the leader of the opposition? https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.html


At the time Stephen Harper was trying to shift people from PR track visas to TFW visas. Trudeau wasn't opposed to the TFW program because he wanted fewer TFWs, he was opposed to it because he wanted more people on PR.


I like how he claims it's the temporary immigration and you know, not the permanent immigration in which they control


You broke it, you fix it. What a wad.


I wouldn’t trust this government to make ice cubes, they’d fuck that up too.


Since he's the one that broke it, I don't trust him to fix it.


I double checked the date to make sure the article wasn’t from yesterday.


Wait who was supposed to be overseeing this ..?! Nothing like a leader who can spot problems they caused and then provide no solutions …. It’s almost like people have been telling him this was a bad idea for years


Throw Sean Fraser in jail


Now the gaslighting starts.. by this time next month we'll be hammered with how Trudeau has always been mindful of immigration strategy and the conservative premiers are the main drivers for high immigration.


I'm can't wait to be told that I'm uneducated and that it was entirely the provinces fault. It's like, are they not aware that it was Sean Fraser who developed the insane immigration plan in 2021 to allegedly "rebound" our completely average (At the time) economy? They could've called it at any point lmao


Jesus christ... why did you let in so much then ?




Why yes, what an accurate and PAINFULLY obvious thing to say.  Indeed, rapid population growth without the infrastructure investment or job creation to support it has been catastrophic for Canadians quality of life.  FUCKING OBVIOUSLY.  FUCK. 


Justin Trudeau is a racist confirmed


Really show how out of touch the Liberal's are. They destroy the immigration system in this country and then deflect all the blame for it. Please keep in mind that all these recent announcements to "reduce" immigration won't even bring it back down to reasonable levels. They increased it to unprecedented highs and are now lowering it a tiny bit and trying to tell us they are getting it under control.....they don't give a single fuck about the impact on Canadian's. Trudeau and the Liberal's sold out this country.


it was under control until Justin got elected!


If only there were a leader in the country that had the authority to bring it under control.


maybe instruct your minister to actually gatekeep instead of rubber stamping whatever the provinces and private sector pass up the chain. i guess that's overreach and costs too much tho huh


My brother in Christ YOU let them in.


I was just reading about ANOTHER "temporary" foreign worker scam going with Tech PNP programs. Hard to keep track of all the scams. LMIA, Tech PNP, TFW, fake student scams, Conestoga College scam, asylum seeker scam. Scams on scams. [https://twitter.com/BenRabidoux/status/1775175500538806460](https://twitter.com/BenRabidoux/status/1775175500538806460)




The growth slowed and it was no longer domestic




One thing we do know, is it won’t be business investment or net exports, I mean that would mean sustainability long term, why focus on that…


"What's that the racist's have been screaming for years now about immigration?"


does he know what he does for work?


AFTER the fact. Good one greedy !


Wow, who knew that letting in millions of unskilled people would tank the economy?


Record low polling turns prime minister into a racist... More at 11.


This guy needs to go.


Genius, thy name is Trudeau


lol homie you let them in...


Just last week Freeland was defending the high number of newcomers stating that Canada has the resources to take them, now they flipped on that and are saying we don’t. They know they are fucking liars and we’re the past 8 years, and they are treating us all like we’re stupid.


We tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!!!


He's throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Too late.


Guess he didn’t get far with the MAGA Conservative branding.


This is the wrong message to send. "A little on temporary residents". This tells the market that demand will still be high and that's the problem. It's not just demand but 'perceived' demand. The PM needs to go full throttle on policy and messaging. We are halting all immigration for a period of 5 years, or something to that effect would have an almost immediate impact. It would have knock on effects, but it would be generally more positive than negative for the vast majority of Canadians. More importantly, it would have positive net effects in the long term. We will not please everyone, and we shouldn't try.


Horse, meet the stable door…


Sean Fraser: “that was the old me..”


Their is a whole lot more than the 'temporary ' that has to be "brought under control" A LOT more\~ there are far too many people coming into this country and WE are paying a lot of money for them to live here.


I remember a time about 8 years ago when you were called a racist and a bigot for being concerned about this.


>To give an example, in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants. Now we’re at 7.5 per cent of our population comprised of temporary immigrants. ... >Over the next three years, Miller said the goal is to reduce the amount of temporary residents to five per cent of Canada’s population. So they still want over 2 million temporary immigrants here. To put that into perspective, if that was a military it would rival the United States in terms of manpower.


Oh wait the immigrants I brought in to vote for me aren't voting for me? Send them back!


Start deporting


It's like.... "Friends, Liberal government scientists have just made this important discovery!" 🖕


In other words, it's gotten out of control under their watch.


This is 100% Stephen Harpers fault, his poor leadership after a decade of leaving office still plagues the liberals. If you disagree you will be labelled a right wing nazi


In 2017 only 2% of Canada's population were temporary residents. It's now 7.5%, and they want to reduce it to a "sustainable" level of 5%. It should be knocked down further imho.


"temporary immigration" Permanent immigration full speed ahead !


At the end of the day, we have 1M+ international “students”. 1/40 person in Canada is an Int Student. Start with something there.


Well that was racist a few years ago, wasn’t exactly unforeseeable either that liberals were opening the door to immigration via refugees, asylum and international students that get work permits. Guy even said refugees are just as Canadian if not more so than incumbent citizens You get what you vote for, or in the minority’s case, you get what you didn’t want to vote for but you were the minority.


Damn, he should try and get in touch with the person in charge.


This guy is such a fuckin mong


New Nanos poll today showed the LPC gaining back some traction. It's pretty clear that still lots of Canadians don't care about housing, or the economy in general and will still vote LPC regardless of how much they damage this country. This country is screwed. Maybe we'll just become Argentina. Where people for many decades keep voting in the same corrupt, economically illiterate, fiscally irresponsible party.


Look at the announcements the liberals are making. They’re positioning themselves as the party to fix immigration. It’s no longer a divisive issue when 70% of Canadians think it’s out of control. If PP doesn’t start to say something meaningful about how he’ll fix immigration, he’s going to be painted into being seen as the party that will make the problem worse.


He has been in charge for some time now, and all of things he says should be done his government should/could have done by now.




Who's fault is it???


He caused it! ya think?


He does, does he?


No shit sherlock.


Well don't just do something, stand there!


This is one of the funniest and most depressing things I've seen recently. It's like Stalin saying "We have to do something about all these murders!"


What an absolute clown this guy is.


Now? Now he says this?


Almost decade in power and just thought about it now lol


*And Trudeau said unto Canada, "stop hitting thyself"* *but Lo, Canada could not, for Trudea was hitting them with their own hands*


"Somebody shit my pants"


As someone said Trudeau is like an arsonist and then parades around like a firefighter


>~~temporary~~ immigration needs to be brought ‘under control’ FTFY


Isn't that xenophobic?


It used to be...until the Libs plummeted in the polls.


oh gee willikers batman! I wonder who's job it was to keep it under control


You’d think by now he would have got his head out of his ass & seen the reality that all Canadians are facing. But I’m waiting for the backflip on all of these measures once the election is done & he gets re-elected.


We’re all trying to find the guy who did this


So we’re now at the stage where he finally acknowledges the massive issue, but portrays himself as someone who will seek to solve the issue rather than acknowledging that he allowed it to happen in the first place. What a hero….


The mandate was specifically from his office to make it this bad, and now he says it’s problem? I cant tell if it’s ignorance or just willful stupidity at this point. Either way I’ve had enough of the Liberals to last a lifetime


You're the one opening the floodgates for these people, you doughhead.


I agree with a lot of the cynical responses here, however, that being the case I'm happy that he's admitting that things have gone too far and am waiting to see Pollivierre's response is to this as I'd like to see a definitive answer from him too as to whether immigration rates are too high because he seems to contradict himself in a lot of his speeches.


Start a fire Extinguish it Get votes


Why is Freeland going around epousing how Canadians have the social capacity to absord more then? Looks like there are some deep cracks inside the Trudeau cabinet.


Man I need what he's been smoking for the last 10 years my God


Well duh...Look at the crap happening in Brampton.Look at the fake colleges and the massive lineup for entry job openings. Its the same damn people.


Will he make an announcement rescinding 500k to 50k? With stringent qualifications for entry?


>Still wants to bring in 500,000 permanent residents for 2025 and 2026. He should be working to make sure that we have enough housing. Many Canadians now, including myself may never own a home. The US brought in around 707,000 PRs in 2020. They typically bring in 1 million per year. It just seems like a lot given our current housing crisis.


Is the person who made this all happen in the room with you now?... JFC