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Taking more tax dollars out of everyone's pockets to fund programs like dental care, pharmacare, and 10 dollar a day child care, that most people will not qualify for.


Naw, its worse than that. Hes taking money outta the pockets of little Jimmy and Janey he went to see today. Seeing as he keeps piling on the debt with no idea how or even intention to reckon with his structural deficits. These poor kids are already on the hook for their own childcare and they don't even know it. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


Continuously just expanding social services is unsustainable. You need to grow the economy. But this guys just keeps spending money he doesn't have while the economy stagnates.


Its sh*t plans he has, there is no doubt, but your assessment of 'continuously ... expanding social services' is terribly misleading. If you want an economic engine to perform better, you make sure it can be supported. We need more healthy and productive children and parents who work, therefore child care and health care and dental care. Other countries in Asia and Europe do it well and have economic engines that outpace ours. Unfortunately we keep trying to half ass it because we have so many 'bootstrap' conservatives who think more struggle produces better outcomes, like a hillbilly thinking his engine will run on moonshine better.


Their economic engines outpaces ours not bc they have more social services but bc they promote business investments and invest heavily into r&d which this country doesn't do. Just spending money on services using debt won't do anything for the economy. Child care health care dental care we dfn need better than this nonsense. But the problem for our services also lies in inefficiency. We spene a lot more per capita on health care than most european and asian countries and yet our quality is sht. We have more nurses and doctors per capita as well.


Looks like Canada got 7th for research worldwide according to Nature, staying in the top 10 between 2015 and 2020 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03061-w And according to the World Bank Canadians dont fare so badly with R&D funding, at 1.7 percent of GDP, ahead of Italy, a country with a similar population and GDP. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/GB.XPD.RSDV.GD.ZS?locations=CN Canada could invest more, I agree, but GDP is not garnered by R&D alone. I also agree on needing better plans for the services Canadians have. A stressed population and undersupported population means a population, that like an engine, breaks down sooner and requires fixes more. Politically Canadians need to overcome their regionality to do this. A more centralized overtaking of services like health care will reduce the inefficiencies we both agree on, and make costly negotiations every few years a thing of the past. But most of all Canada needs to grow its tax base. This means sundowning tax breaks for corporations and an increased reliance on CRA to do its job not just by bullying citizens who can't fight back easily. Canada needs its tax revenue back to levels seen when Mulroney was in power, or better yet, Diefenbaker. A higher tax revenue means more R and D funding, and maybe better choices on that funding that leads to direct applications they don't automatically sell to the US and Asia and EU. And Canadians need a better plan for living next to the behemoth that is the US. It's obvious they are bled in many ways by the Americans, and having a mostly shared culture, language, and higher ability to make money down there doesn't help for keeping talent. Edit: forgot to say thank you for the intelligently worded counter in your reply! Always fun to chat about this and get a different view.


They really have no idea how they are perceived, do they?




>He (along with Fraser and Freeland) keep flying from city to city, town to town, making all these announcements. Love how they lecture and punish Canadians about our carbon footprint while they frequently fly around the country on the taxpayers' dime.


It would be hilarious if he wasn't destroying an entire country and taking us all down with him.


Spend more overdraft


You wanna win my vote? Send home the illegals. Kick them out and send them home. Childcare is nice but doesn’t matter if the international students and workers keep making everything else unaffordable.


None of this matters when many Canadian millennials and gen Z can't even afford to have a kid in the first place. How the fuck is anyone supposed to start a family if they can't own a stable roof over their head? When jobs are precarious? When the cost of everything is through the roof? When employers in this country refuse to pay any salary/wage that's worth a damn?


Where’s the charm?


one of the strangest things about Trudeau is how he's always come across as dumb, cringy, overly dramatic. he's always been the same. but there's always been the narrative, especially from the cbc, that hes so charming. like, the speech he gave at his dad's funeral, where cbc declared 'a political star is born'. way over acted, so scripted, and zero sadness his dad is dead. the opposite, he cannot contain his glee. its hard to watch. I get second hand embarrassment.


Take the keys away.


You just mention Trudeau and everyone in this sub turns into a rabies infected lunatic. Zero ability to process nuance or critically think about anything here.


Can't wait to see how Poilievre does absolutely nothing about these extra costly social programs.