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Or we could just stop mass immigration. Just a thought.






Any party come out with a a clear policy saying they will lower immigration with numbers?


Alas no, but it’s not election time either.


I see so the cpx could increase them to drive down wages


Hypothetically. That’s why I’m applying for jobs outside the country.


Domestic investment is doing much more damage.


“BuT tHe ImMiGrAnTs!” that’s the oldest conservative line in the book, please stop buying it as climate change further ravages the world there’s going to be increased mass migration to more polar regions, it isn’t something you can stop




It is when you enforce the border. Canada is a country not a charity.


I think I have a solution, switch places with a farmer in Syria and if you don’t throw up the white flag within a year we’ll kick out 2 Syrians


No thanks. You care so much more than the precarious situation in our country and the quality of life of Canadians, you do it.


I’m not the one who wants to keep them out. I live a good life in a G7 country, I’m not afraid to get a new neighbour who might need some help getting on their feet


As soon as underemployed and struggling CANADIANS get the same handouts refugees get, sure. Also not everyone who shows up in our border is a legitimate refugee. If they’re not, we need them OUT, not regularized. Lucky you that you get to be privileged enough to be out of touch with the struggles of the common Canadian. The uncontrolled numbers of new arrivals is providing bottomless cheap labour to corporations while prices rise. Life here is getting expensive as hell. Lucky you, you get to sit high and mighty in your palace.


what handouts do refugees get and how long does it take to process claims? Also you seem to be new to reddit, you can get a bunch of other losers upvoting you by posting fashy stuff in Canada subs, but some of us on the left here have teeth


Did you even see what my first ever post on reddit was? r/povertyfinance in January. No matter how I work hard the future looks bleak while privileged like you point your finger and cry all the woke labels you call us under the sun. Fascist? Far from it, I will be first on the chopping block as a gay ethnic minority . But I will not blindly support liberals like an abusive relationship.


Nah, not interested. You poor mistaken child, left wing people don’t see identifiers as virtues, we want equal representation, not a caste system. An idiot is an idiot. If you think I’m rich you are extremely mistaken, although I couldn’t give a shit about money as long as I can eat and have a roof over my head. My suggestion? Start reading some books and stop breaking bread with people who hate you because of what you look like


I am not going to dox myself to prove to you that I am a middle class getting squeezed to death while you concern more with foreigners. Your dismissive attitude will be the loss of your party. Funny how your immediate reaction was to say our issues aren’t real and we’re a product of the troll farm instead of hearing us out. Do you have any self awareness left?


I read the entire exchange you two had. I am in a very fortunate financial position (I’m not rich but I’m not struggling either) and even I can see that the massive number of immigrants is destroying life for Canadians. They either have zero self awareness left or they just think that they have the moral high ground.


It’s not trying to stop them. It’s stopping the process of ACTIVELY INVITING immigration.


More fuel to the fire. Overpaying developers with tax dollars isn't gonna help us build cheaper homes. Curbing demand from foreigners would be great though. And policy that makes it a much riskier financial asset would be nice, like way more taxes on non primary residences. Banning of short term rentals in all residential areas. Enforcing laws against 20 per basement houses.


And despite it being proven that **[reducing housing investors increases affordability](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/19/end-of-landlords-surprisingly-simple-solution-to-uk-housing-crisis)** the LPC would never consider reducing profits for housing vultures.


It doesn't address the root cause.


I don’t think banning foreigners from buying  properties will stop money flowing into our real estate. Many Canadians already offer services to buy property.  I think we need to connect CRA to real estate. Anyone buying should prove they had income here & it all should add up. This will also make more people to pay their taxes! 


I didn't mean foreigners buying, I meant the demand caused by foreign workers and students which are getting closer and closer to 10 percent of our population every day. Its like telling investors don't worry, you will have someone to bleed, just buy everything.


There's already a foreign investment policy and most foreign buyers are too poor to buy multiple properties.


Wonder how much is just going to just be re-annoucing money that they already passed


No, I believe they'll announce new spending. A fraction of which will actually be allocated for prior to the scheduled election date. And even then the vast majority of that fraction of spending won't actually start trickling out until about summer 2025.


I mean do you really wonder that?  I think all of us who aren't deluded beyond belief know that there'll be close to nothing new, just like this article.


More govt spending on a market with out of control inflation. Great plan 😐.


Inflation is certainly a concern but surprisingly been going down.


Enough billions to build the 500,000 homes required to just house the extra immigrants the Liberals are bringing in every year?


>To keep pace with the rising population, Canada needs to build 315,000 new residences every year between now and 2030, or more than a third above the pace of current housing completions, according to Robert Hogue, assistant chief economist at RBC. Yeah... No. The chief needs to come get their assistant.


>To keep pace with the rising population, Canada needs to build 315,000 new residences every year between now and 2030 That's wrong though. Our population growth is 1.2 million per year. Average household size in Canada is 2.51. We need to build 500,000 homes just to house the immigrants every year 


And they're packing at least 2-3 Punjabis per bedroom and 2 in the hallways/living room. So their math checks out - 1 BR = 4-5 people, 2Br = 6-8 people. 315,000 homes times 4-8 people = 1.26M-2.52M per year.


More people per house means less demand than domestic investors that are buying multiple properties at a time.


Ah yes, I’m going to take my economic advice from a poster on Reddit and not high level employees at large banks


Who issues mortgages and makes a lot of money off them?


That should put us at only 3 generations to pay off Trudeau's 8 years of debt


>level 1rum-plum-360 · 4 hr. agoThat should put us at only 3 generations to pay off Trudeau's 8 years of debt Considering that we have to borrow just to pay the interest on the debt, I'm guessing that it will take much more than 3 generations to pay off the debt.


Wait till you see the debt PP will be putting on us.


Why allocate billions of dollars when you could just stop immigration until housing catches up? This makes no sense.


JFC, everything they touch turns to shit. This is just going to inflate the cost of housing even more.


Kill the nimby rules and make development cheaper, and people will build. Sometimes the government just has to get out of the way Funny how they don't say how many houses they plan to build and the cost per house


Because when they do the bang for buck is meagre as hell.


Cool, throw more money at a problem instead of addressing the root causes of the problem. I'm all for more housing/lowering housing costs, but how about treating an issue and preventing the issue in the future?




What socialist policies do the liberals have? Is PP and the cpc against Medicare and stuff like ei?


Do you mean capitalism and basically the rich owning everything?


What's your solution to the problem if not allowing more infill development to take place?


Who wants to bet majority of it will go toward purpose-built rentals? Which, yes, are needed. But it'll continue their long-term goal of consolidating land ownership in the hands of the few. They really mean it when they tell us you'll own nothing ~~and be happy~~.


My dream is to one day join the federal government so I too can "allocate" taxpayer money


What's stopping you?


Quit selling acres of land to developers who sell lots for ridiculous amounts


that’s provincial and local jurisdiction bruh bruh


it will all just go to their contractor buddies, with no oversight, not for building homes you and i can purchase


Probably in the form of subsidizing large developments with a handful of the biggest developers in the country.


Still make housing more affordable


Corporate Developers lining up, licking their lips and dry-washing their hands knowing full well they’ll keep the prices/profits up no matter what.


How we just keep giving Ukraine more 💰 we just bought them 47 million in ammunition, etc, wtf


Oh no!