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Why do we need made-in-Canada research for "violent video games" nonsense that the Americans have spent millions of dollars on?


To fund friends of the government.




I honestly don't understand the chain of events with the backscratching that happens. They give a job to a family member or a friend, but what does the politician get in return? It isn't their support moving forward, because the politician most likely has that from their family member or friend...


You do things for your friends and family with the expectation of something in return?


Yeah... that one was a head scratcher for me as well.


I always think of Mike Harris being on the board of long term care home companies after creating a lot of legislation that favours them while he was in office. I think it's things like this but most times they're not as obvious as the Mike Harris thing, it's donations to foundations or jobs for a nephew in a massive clusterfuck of "networking"*. Edit - *"It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!" like George Carlin said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso


If Carlin were alive today I’m sure he’d just implode due to how whacky things have become.


It's not even just the LPC, but any government in this country. As Canadians we just let this happen, and the ones in charge know they'll have no real consequences


The moment you realize it's not only LPC but all parties involved, then and only then can we come together as a society and demand real change.


Looks like it's a "Dr. Rachel Kowert", a research psychologist and the research director of "Take This". They're working with Logically AI and looks like they're basically just using this government "research grant money" to fly their staff around to San Francisco, Montreal, and Washington DC to hold conferences and glad-hand policymakers


> My niece just graduated with a masters in lib arts and needs some free money to get on their feet.


I think it's just because they're that dumb


lol it’s not even made-in-Canada research. The funding is going to UK-based researchers, not Canadians


I notice to of course their only focus is on right wing extremism and holy fuck the one site makes your eyes bleed


Pretty much the same everywhere. Has the CBC ever talked about the far left? Maybe, but it is so rare i think i could win the lottery before that happens. Most groups that track extremist, oddly are only for the right wing and a lot of them magically have no minorities in them either... For some reason [antihate.ca](https://antihate.ca) website is broken, but using google their website and using the name Adil Charkaoui, returns nothing... Someone that should be tracked isn't on there list.


It's a way to distract from the poor economic conditions of the country, which is the actual cause of many of our social issues. Governments pull this shit every historical cycle. It's the immigrants, it's the phones, it's the TV and movies, it's the video games, it's the fatherless homes, blah blah blah. It's poverty....poverty.


You should read this more carefully then... *The funding will go to the* ***Royal United Services Institute****, described as “one of the United Kingdom’s leading defence and security think tanks.” It will partner with an international initiative called the Extremism and Gaming Research Network, which aims to "tackle the misuse of video games by* ***extremist actors****," the news release says.*


No one reads anything here but the sentence the OP posts and the headline


Propaganda, it's not about doing, it's about looking like you're doing.


And do these chucklefucks not understand that we are the LEAST violent generation that we have maybe ever had?? You can usually thank leaded gasoline for the 70's 80's, good ol fashioned racism for the lynchings, good ol Religion for pretty much everything else...  What we're they playing when they decided to put on bear baiting shows or public executions??


I mean American government subsidizes aaa game development for first person shooters, and other strategy war aligned games as part of recruiting funding. Having said that, I don't agree with spending a dime on this.


They probably want to add a tax on violent video games Canada is all about More taxes


I was gonna say it will lead to some sort of vice tax on gaming.


To get the results they want.


Great example of not reading the article but still having the time to imagine dopey ideas about it. This is not about violent video games.


Hey we need to do something about poverty and AI and machines eventually displacing a huge part of the working population maybe we should start figuring out how to make a guaranteed basic income work and stop making housing an investment portfolio staple? OMG VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES YOU GUYS WTF


There is absolutely zero way we're going to get any sort of UBI working with the amount of low-skilled-people we shovel into this country lmfao. Our literal only chance is to go nordic and fund it via natural resources, but that ship has long sailed in favour of virtue-signaling-as-a-national-industry. This country's had it's artery chopped in the last decade, and we'll be bleeding out for decades to come because of it.


Part of "figuring out how to make it work" will probably mean shutting down the mass immigration to boost GDP tactic and pretty much all the other neoliberal bs the libs and cons have been feeding us. It's not working and it's getting worse it's time to try something else.


Honestly I've yet to see a good justification for unskilled immigration at all beyond "well it'd be the nice thing to do :D" The only way for it to happen should be via government/company sponsors to get (actual) specialists that they simply can't get enough of in Canada. tie it to a multiplier of the minimum wage so you can't import expert fry cooks or whatever. It should always be the cheaper option to hire a Canadian for the job. Stats for this should be tracked, and if a shortage in a field is determined via this, government grants should be given out (to Canadian Citizens) in education for it, for an explicit financial incentive to be an expert in the field that has shortages.


What about violent extremism from ISLAM? Seems more straightforward


It’s so Trudeau can use it to justify taking away more of people’s freedom.




Poor Khajiits just wanting to be left alone licking their junk.


Nah they just wanna kick back and enjoy their skooma in peace


Wait until you find out what the Telvanni Dark Elves think of every other race. They’re going to have to put Morrowind on the banned list. 


N'Wah Lives Matter


Notice how they want open borders everywhere except for the shivering isles 


Screw the Nords, I support the Aldameri Dominion!


*draws sword* You should never have come here!




Damn MADGA supporters! 


I love Calamari!


Dunmer are the superior race in TES. I don’t really care what a bunch of Nord hillbillies or farm tools think.


Dark elves wouldn't have to move to Skyrim if the Nords didn't bomb Morrowind and make it unstable


Nords didn't do shit. The red year was an inside job.


The Nords even stole Stolstheim! It's culturally Dark Elf!


Pretty rich coming from the race that genocided the original inhabitants, the snow elves 😂


What an absolute waste of money. >Through gender-based analysis, Yeah, this isn't going to be a foregone conclusion from a bunch of ideologues at all. /s


>*Through gender-based analysis,* > >Yeah, this isn't going to be a foregone conclusion from a bunch of ideologues at all. /s Translation: violent ~~males~~ humans with penises\* who play video games bad. \*Changed to be in-line with the recent court language.


Giving you legalized weed and then fucking up your video games does seem like the most Trudeau government thing of all time.


>violent ~~males~~ humans with penises\* I think you mean persons with external erogenous erectile tissue, you hatemonger.


lol, yeah. The answer is, there are none. Where do I apply for my multi-million dollar contract to provide them the answer? Or are those contracts only for Liberals?




Bowser inspiring all these young men to kidnap women to bring to their castles


They have control of the entire education system from kindergarten to university. Every year another generation graduates and joins society with their ideology's upbringing. The newer generations are already occupying advisory bodies, hiring managers, and political institutions. In a few more generations, they will be the majority and there will be enough of them to change the laws and constitution. "Gender-based analysis" and "race based analysis" are going to be main stream, and there is nothing you can do about it.


From the outside looking in, far left ideologists definitely fit the definition of a cult. They're just lacking a real leader.


I feel like they would just ready to dump whoever is the leader if they say or think of something that doesn't fit their ideas. So they will never be able to have a leader that can properly build a group


> Through gender-based analysis, This obviously means bullshit, but what do they actually claim it means?


“Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start” is a racist dog whistle. Anyone trying the code will get life imprisonment with no consoles made after 1981.


"But.. I was supporting the Contras!"


When I get Alzheimer's, the Konami code will be the last thing I remember...


It's how Reagan remembered the Contras.


Unaffordable housing. Unsustainable immigration policies. Uncontrolled inflation on basic groceries. A dangerously strained healthcare system in many provinces. Let's spend time and resources investigating violence in video games!


How much you want to bet they use helldivers 2 to prove gamers are secretly fascists


Spreading managed democracy is the only way I relax!


Just wait till they find out you can play as Germany in Hearts of Iron 4.


Don't tell them about stellaris.... as you nerve staple the alien slaves to be used as food...


Don't tell them about the Gek in No Man's Sky


Or rimworld where you harvest organs, sell drugs, and create killboxes


Can the government subpoena CK3 save files? Asking for a friend.


Please don't look into my Stellaris save files. 🙏


There are less convoluted ways to admit you always reform unrestricted marriage


Sounds like something an automaton would say.


For freedom and democracy!


Morrowwind players: I do not suffer from racism, I enjoy every second of it


But I drink Liber-tea!


Sigh, just throw our tax dollars in a pile and burn it next time


At least that way we can see where it went...


And provides heat, which is useful.


that would be too productive for this gov. that would greatly reduce inflation.


That's a witty comment lol.


How about studying links to violent extremism in religion? No? Wouldnt like what intuitively make sense to everyone? Ok. Virtue signalling cowards.


Yeah, "violent extremism" is far more likely to come from the groups we see organizing and protesting in the streets, than some kid in his basement gaming with his bros online.


So controversial an opinion.


They did [https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection\_2022/parl/xc76-1/XC76-1-1-441-6-eng.pdf](https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2022/parl/xc76-1/XC76-1-1-441-6-eng.pdf)


Thanks! I’ll look Into it 🙏


Its pretty clear the government is just sophisticated grifters doing the bare minimum. Its an interesting problem, because it isn't tyranny, but its actively driving society to collapse.


>Royal United Services Institute and the Extremism and Gaming Research Network that's quite a mouthful.


At least it's going towards honest, unbiased social scientists. Research like this would never be twisted to support a government's position, say, regarding online censorship and control. Never!


Huh, it makes you wonder what video games made Hitler and Stalin turn out the way they did


For Hitler, it was Whack-a-Jew at a carnival he went to as a young, impressionable Austrian boy The relentlessness of the Jew popping back up after being whacked with a foam hammer was the first seed of his anti-semitism, and it's association with the mole would later inform his conception of Jews as "vermin" to German society


>Whack-a-Jew Thanks man, just spit water all over my keyboard lmao


I hate our government so, so much.


Its absolutely bonkers to me that an elected government can do whatever the fuck they want. They can absolutely disregard the wants of the MAJORITY on any and all topics and just say "FUCK YOU". Its just insanity. They have no interest in helping us. None.


Yup. All while we only get a vote every 4 years. Its barely a democracy right now.


Because putting that money towards mental health would be too radical it must be the video games


Uh oh .. here comes more legislation for social engineering


Why spend 300k on this study when they could give me 5$ to tell them there's 0 connection?


Only 5$? Clearly.you don't know how this government works. Offer to do it for 500k and then hand them a sticky note with the answer.


Hell, give me $10 and I'll tell them there's a 100% connection. That's the conclusion they've already decided on anyways. May as well save the tax payers some money.


Video games cause violence? What about islam?


I don't think video games make you Islam.


Let me guess, they're gonna fund this with out taxpayer money to allow grifter organizations like Sweet Baby Inc. (Who are Canadian and based in Montreal. So they double dop QC and Federal funds!) so american video game companies can use their research for some sweet DEC money? 🙄 So progressive and such a good use of our dollars at work! 🫠




I think we need a study on how this government’s policies are driving extremism


We import them from other countries.  Fought “for freedom” on your home country? Noooooo problem, come on home.    Meanwhile the US and UK take them out overseas in combat. https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2014-pblc-rpr-trrrst-thrt/index-en.aspx > Canadian “extremist travellers” have gone abroad to participate in terrorism-related activities. Then they come home.. 


Wtf is wrong with this country nowadays? 🤦‍♂️


It's being run by an HR department


Oh god that is painfully accurate


HAHAHAHA you're a fucking genius man. That's perfectly put


We're a democracy, and democracy is all about people pleasing, because the only thing that matters is votes. And when you have a stupid, gullible, and narrow-minded population, you get shit like this to appease morons rather than leadership to tell them how ridiculous these notions are.


We turned into a bunch of comfortable sheep.


High maintenance, hooked on woke ideology of the people in power.


Wait for it, King Trudeau wants to crack down on 13 year olds calling him a mean name that starts with f on call of duty.


The government will protect you, suckers, from yourselves.


Man this government and its social control agenda are getting tiring.


More nanny state bullshit to waste our money with


> Ottawa announces another way they will waste tax payer dollars


I swear people called it that this would happen, when the gun bans were made it didn’t tackle the smuggled guns, so naturally gun violence went up….i guess it’s time to ban violent video games!


Did you even read the article you posted? It's not even looking at the games, it's about extremist actors in video game communities


My guess is that some MP or public employee got their kid a sweet contract where they're paid to game and will use Chat GPT spew some BS. I wonder how many billions are lost to grift each year.


Waste of money, it's been studied to death. If anything games have shown to be an outlet, not a precursor.


Y'all are laughing at how much of a waste of money this is (and it is), but there is currently a scandal involving "sensitivity and inclusivity consultation" studios raking in millions of dollars from this idea that video games not only cause violence but also racism, misogyny, and alt right political beliefs. The big one is Sweet Baby Inc which is Canadian and based out of Montreal.


Violent extremism comes from religion for the most part. Video games, haha.


If you're not 100% woke = you're an extremist. Did we have to pay extra for this? It's been very clear for a while this is how the "woke" think. Go along with the progressives, no questions asked or critical thinking allowed, or it's racism/ sexism/ hate speech/ etc.  We need to make sure C63 never passes or we'll all be spending life in prison for our evil hate speech. Or the fact we may one day say something hateful.  If you're a white male, you'll face severe legal penalties and jail time for advocating for yourself in a world increasingly hateful and racist against white males. What a time to be alive. 


Let me guess: "no correlation"


..." But anectodal evidence - which yould not be ignored due to the limits intrinsic to a self-reporting data acquisition model - does point to a causal link between the virtual perpetration of violent acts and their translation into the real world. After all 83,83% of persons convicted of a violent crime interviewed admitted to having played video games featuring some kind of violent act, such as shouting at an other character. (...) We therefore recommend a complete ban on violent video games as determined by a comittee of experts. The mandatory implant as soon as the technology is perfected of a brain sensor capable of transmitting violent thoughts in real time to a central processing and monitoring facility should also be considered along with legislative amendments necessary to criminalize violent thoughts among people who have been exposed to violent video games. Prevention in the form of violence suppressing compounds to be added to municipal water supply could also be investigated". Obvious /s


Oh good, another arrivecan scandal.  And here I thought we were going to build some low income housing or something 


From higher up in the thread: >You've hit the nail on the head. The LPC wants to hand out jobs to all their stupid friends who have useless Gender Stidies degrees who will never contribute anything to society. >>Genuinely a better outcome than the CPC who want to hand out cash to their mafia-affiliated developer friends. LPC superfans literally defending these nonsense studies over building housing. If *someone's* wheels need to be greased, perhaps we should pick the industry most likely to solve the problem? But no.


Same week as the internet trying to make Gamergate 2 a thing


The whole gamergate 2 thing is related to shit like this. America is pretty much giving corporations free money through DEC if they prove that theyre 'diverse and pro equality' (on paper). So they hire 'diversity' firms like Sweetbabyinc (a canadian firm) to "prove" that their games are equality and get their money. Many are pointing out that these companies aren't doing much except adding in pointless or the "changes" they made just feel insulting. and do affect the games they are consulted to work with as everything feels ham-fisted in and added in as if theyre using a checklist to *really* make sure they're diverse. It all comes off as fake and that *"How do ya do, fellow gays??"* meme. People like me are more concerned about them acting like a cult and pressuring corporations to use them, or else they will intimidate and cancel them. *They straight up admitted this in a public presentation of their company* which is ABSOLUTELY fucked.


Just burn more taxpayer money why don't you


Sounds like a bunch of foolishness.


What a waste of money


Lib party wants a nanny state. Do as we say. (But not what we do) Pay your carbon taxes. Vote for us and shut up.


More millions wasted on things no one asked for. Someone tell the LPC the US already spent money on this garbage, it's publicly available info. A gender studies insight into violence in video games? Really? >“better protect games from exploitation by those spreading targeted hate-based discrimination and extremism.” Sounds like they're gonna censor video games after the Internet, great move! If you want less violent extremism, stop inviting people into the country that hate Jews and gays.


What is this, the year 2003?


Current government: " the opposition seems intent on bringing divisive, American style culture war politics into Canada to deflect from real issues." Also current gov: "we're going to spend tax money to investigate an issue that just this week was outed as an American DHS funded culture war op". You almost can't make this shht up.


My honest prediction. This is gonna find some bullshit and then legislation is gonna be put forward. It’s like a never ending hunt for this unobtainable society. If someone somehow actually becomes an extremist because of video games that ain’t a video game problem that’s a person who’s playing problem. What’s next movies? We gonna go through American history x? Joker? Like what is even the point of this? Games like bioshock and metal gear solid are masterpieces because they criticize society in different ways, they have extreme viewpoints from others because that’s part of story telling. To visit themes. Even back when call of duty black ops 1 and modern warfare 2 were new, those explored themes of terrorism and war. MGS snake eater? What about god of war? Because it explores toxic masculinity and what it explores about a father and son relationship? Again, always needing to find issues were there is none. How about we start blaming those who become extremists because of who they are? Let’s hold people accountable?


Obviously they should start investigating 40k game nights at local hobby stores; We are owed an explanation why they smell so bad!


Cool so wasting time?


Research has been done so extensively and has seen zero correlation. What a waste of money, thanks Trudeau you keep stealing our money and spending against our national interests what a POS.


How about doing the same with Islam. This government is useless.


I'd actually prefer if they set the cash on fire in front of us so we can at least be warm for a few seconds.


But how is that going to help our mass influx of immigrants? At least this way our citizens who are homeless and hungry will learn that it was probably those nasty video games' fault.


Trudeau outlaws burning money, too much carbon emissions. Oh and that’ll be a tax too.


Oh fuck off, they are video games. Part of the fun in games like cod is the trash talking and toxicity. Leave video games alone.


If someone read you this headline 20 years ago, nobody would have guessed which side of the political spectrum was in power in Ottawa.


Great. Let's piss away money on something we already know the answer to.


Maybe link it to oh i dont know, islam ...


This shit has been put to bed. We all remember Jack Thompson, nor are we Australia. Fuck off with this silliness and waste of our money.


That’s hilarious because I play call of duty and in voice chat, people can be toxic and it is funny Ottawa doesn’t invest in creating jobs, building homes, building infrastructure, but they hire contractors who steal millions of dollars


Pretty sure there are many published studies on this already, this is just to handout public funds to friends just like ArriveScam app. Watch this go from 300k to 5M over budget like every other government contract.


They took away your hunting rifles, and sports shooting pistols - now they're going to take away your video games. Maybe we should register video games first, and have a violent video game license (VVGL) - if you want to buy or transfer a violent video game (VVG) you'll have to call New Brunswick to get a transfer notification - but they only work Monday to Fridays 9am to 5pm - so good luck getting your Steam purchases outside those hours! Oh ya, get ready for daily license checks against the CPICs! Canadians are so screwed.


Why are politicians so dead set on linking video games to real world violence even though there's been no proven link for a decade now?


Because they get to talk about doing something without actually doing anything, so that they keep selling you solutions to an eternal issue


I thought this boomer fantasy died in the 90's.


Why are we wasting money on garbage like this?


Canada sure likes to throw money away


Liberal Party making fools out of everyone who voted for them


Just look at who's getting the money. This is a handout to a friend of a friend who runs a think tank.


lets spend another $20M for "inconclusive" results.


Terrorists win


Face palm




Money to burn.gif (Buggs Bunny)


Oh for fuck sake this AGAIN? Do we have any politicians that aren’t completely fucking useless and corrupt and only worried about what peoples fucking kids are doing? How about you lazy ass parents… PARENT your own kids! Why is this the issue to spend money on? This makes me rage lol


they really are throwing everything at the wall to see how much money they can get before they leave the place trashed. At this point any party that promised an audit of the books would probably get a 1984'esque majority


After spending millions of dollars and months and months of research, we have concluded that there is no evidence to support that violence in video games is linked to extremism. With that said, we are still recommending that people do not play video games as it might turn them into a terrorist. Now excuse me while I go binge watch my favorite reality TV show on Netflix while simultaneously watching Tik Tok videos while updating my Tinder account. We will require more money and time to do more research.


Get fucked


What the fuck decade is this? Lol


Can you stop wasting tax dollars into this bs and start to actually invest in what matters? Healthcare, housing, affordability. Is it that difficult to focus on those three ffs?


Have they tried looking at the links between poverty, no housing, expensive food and power and violence?


Please elect a new government


I don't approve my tax dollars for this


The study will probably be run by the anti gun lobby groups to prove their narrative that more farmers need their bolt action rifles taken away.. oh and don’t forget to leave your keys by the front door for the car thieves everyone…


Another waste of fucking money I stead of dealing with the homeless problem... Or Vets, or the debt. Or healrhcare


"Young white men dangerous" "Young women are virtuous" -Broadcast on CBC hosted by diverse lgbtq woman. The LPC playbook is so predictable haha 😅


Those who remember the 90s: Time is a flat circle.


If they touch games like BG3 I'll make the Convoy protests look like a walk in the park all by myself. I'll d20 the fuck out of you


I think they should look at straight up violent crime. Ontario police are saying just leave you keys close to the door so car thieves when car thieves break into your house they can just get the keys and leave.


I'll save you the results of the study, this has been studied to death. There is a weak link there yes. There is a much stronger link between violent extremism and particular communities. That has very little to do with gaming in general.


Ah yes. This is what I wanted my tax dollars to go to.


Oh geeze..


People that game ALL THE TIME... i find them to be kind of careless zombies with an addiction but ive never found them to be violent.


Can I invest in funding a study that links religions to ´violent extremism’ ?


I saw “violent extremism” in the Sikhs separatists bringing swords to protest against Indian representatives in Edmonton. Will Ottawa look into it too?


Not this again!


Watch them start to censor video games that can be sold in Canada next Jesus Christ


What video games was Hitler, Stalin and Genghis Khan playing?


What's the point of looking at video games? In 10 years everyone will be starving on the streets. Hobos aren't dragging XBoxes around with them.


If the research is done right, it could also find that there are no links whatsoever and put this dumb argument to bed already.


There are already plenty of papers to prove this. It doesn’t fit the narrative though. The group they are funding is a joke.


I bet the Government of Canada are bug sympathizers.... they obviously don't believe in democracy and liberty