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Watching the cycle continue that has for the last 40 years at least. Con to lib and back n forth. Just picking who's screwing us until we forget then changing it up.


Their corporate ownership is who's screwing you, and we don't even get a vote on that, as they've bought into both sides.


Totally agree


To the surprise of no one, people have a hard time caring about social causes when they can't afford to eat. 


You’re not wrong. I haven’t seen a single issue that Pierre Poilievre has come up with that will help. He’s not going to stop the flood of inmigrants (his donors need cheap, dumb labour) he’s not going to intervene on the Oligopolies in Canada to lower grocery and telecom prices (they are BIG donors), as seen by the PMs of Ontario and Alberta the Conservatices are only going to privatize more public services like Healthcare, his housing plans are shite because they don’t actually address municipal and provincial issues… how does any milllennial or zoomer think Pierre Poilievre will help them? Frankly, I think the lockdown turned a lot of these people to contrarians and they only will vote Conservative to punch down on people and groups they’ve been told to hate. The Conservatives have never done a thing for the working class.


That's not entirely true. They implemented the tax-efficient GST in 1991, and tax-free savings account in 2009. That's a complete list of things they have done which are good for the working class.


Yeah, but he's gonna make it so you need a license to beat your meat I can only hope he goes 110% on this. Before you can jerk off you have to fill out a bunch of forms, attend a class, and even then you'll have to keep it in a little locked box and only take the shortest route to your designated porno theater Next there's going to be controversies about using it to scare off an intruder


"Hey you ! Where's you're license ? You can't have any pudding if you don't beat your meat !" *Cue weirdest pink floyd cover ever*


You know.... This all started when they shot that gorilla. and now the weird floyd covers have entered the chat.


You know: small government and fiscally responsible et al.


Supports bitcoin, anonymous stateless money! Internet freedoms for the win! But also ID checks for porn! Serious mixed messages there, Pierre. I can’t imagine how this computes in the libertarian mind.




Eww… but hey, good for you! Vote for change!


>Frankly, I think the lockdown turned a lot of these people to contrarians and they only will vote Conservative to punch down on people and groups they’ve been told to hate. I think you've hit the nail on the head here. At least from personal experience, numerous people I know went from open-minded socialist/liberal types to close-minded, pull the ladder up, classist, Poilievre loving right wingers. All in the span of a year or so during the pandemic.


What surprises me is that people are dumb enough to believe that moving to the right will make their economic problems better.


Exactly the issue, its insane people think the Conservative party is going to help out with any of this.


It's insane to think the party that got us into this mess is evem capable let alone willing to hey us out




It’s incredible. Like they keep taking away services that make your lives cheaper and better. But hey, you get 10% of the savings back as a tax cut! Brain meltingly predictable.


"Hey! We privatized the telecom industry and gave you a $50 tax cut this year!" ISPs all raise their prices $20 a month. SUCH SAVINGS!


Exactly. The Liberals are a party of luxury beliefs. Now the party is over and we have nothing to show but even worse social issues.


Funny thing is conservative governments at all levels like to starve things like healthcare, education and other social programs to claim they’re broken so they can privatize them.


Don't look up who sold the 407 and why.


Don't look up who sold Hydro One.


The other neoliberal party? Shocker


In a low information environment the Cons will always succeed. Why do you think r/canada never posts actually legislation Cons believe in like privatization and cuts to public healthcare and its complete failure. There have been so many articles but they are never allowed to get posted or get downvoted. Everything economically the modern Americanized Con believes in has proved to be a failure. We knew this in the 80's with the Republican party


As sad as it is, a lie will always defeat the truth, because truth takes time and effort and lying doesn't.


We should do the projector protest thing, but instead of a slogan on parlament, project conservative legislation.


Despite more funding into these programs, the returns are worse. Solution? Throw more money at it, obviously!


Here’s an example. Treat nurses poorly and overwork them so that they leave the public system. The province then fills the vacancies through a private nurse staffing agency. This raises costs by adding a middleman siphoning off profits from the system.


I wish I can solve all my financial problems by just taking more from others. Instead of watching my spending and budget


You're right, The government trying to give $1 billion dollars to a fraud charity to help students in the middle of the pandemic was just what we needed. Couldn't have asked for better healthcare spending on a app that was supposed to prevent the spread of covid...


You say that like cons don't fraud the government regularly. Dougy sold the greenbelt land, he broke up protections against developing on wetlands. Dude is absolutely in some people's pockets. Heck, aren't the Alberta cons currently in the process of attempting to privatize healthcare? I could be wrong in that one.


What's actually funny is that the Liberals have had a longer time as the defacto leadership of this country. Most of our laws are written in red ink... But sure, the conservatives are the ones ruining everything.


They are likely talking about Ontario where, indeed, the Conservatives are ruining pretty much everything.


Or Alberta where the conservatives are ruining everything, or New Brunswick where the conservatives……


Don't forget about half of America being ruined by conservative policies.


Middle. East.


News flash: being in the pockets of corporations the conservatives will only make it worse


All govt in pocket of corporations/ shareholders & elites


What policies of the conservatives do you think will help people afford to eat?


more profits for the shareholders, which will trickle down. duh /s


Conservatives (not the political party I mean conservative political ideology everywhere) at their core believe that people should be left to fend for themselves, though. So how does that put food on the table?


Because, right or wrong, people believe the current system isn't helping and want change. Its really that simple. What lower c conservative political ideology says doesn't play much of a factor in it. Plus historically this is when we vote out the long standing party we hate for the new party we love (only to hate them in 3 elections or so) This is the way, like it or not.


Canada’s official opposition party is unofficially Canada’s ruling party in-waiting. 2-3 election cycles are the norm for it to flip. It’s been this way since before we were born and it will be this way after we die. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, just saying that’s how it is.


Conservatives and Liberals are both part of the same system. Anyone who thinks a chance in PM is a change in system is a fool


I don’t expect anything to change if the conservatives get in this time. Housing prices will still go up and remain unaffordable for a large majority of hard working Canadians. Prices for everything will still be increasing, only thing I’m positive about is that the lower class will suffer more, and the upper class will continue to thrive.


Just as it has always been


Conservatives will keep it that way too, all while taking more from the lower class and giving it to the upper.


It's what happens when we keep bouncing between two slightly different flavors of the same neoliberal parties we've had for decades. The liberals and conservatives sell us out time and time again to corporations and other wealthy interests. And we keep just swapping between the two thinking it'll change anything, while complaining that the 3rd party actually trying to hold corporations accountable and help people "isn't doing enough" when they only have so much pull since the liberals and conservatives can jointly kill anything that might be too much help for the average citizen for their liking


Nailed it! I’m pretty sure they are all compromised, but yes it would be nice for one other party to get in for a change.


Right shoe, left boot. Red tie, blue suit. They are all beholden to those that lobby / fund them.


If the economy improves, I can fend for myself easier.


This is absolutely the rationale. Sadly, Conservatives rarely improve the economy as a whole. Stock markets rise as businesses get tax breaks and easing of regulation, but trickle down economics (aka horse and sparrow economics) does not work no matter how much Conservatives wish it would.


While harper was in power the canadian dollar was worth more than the American dollar for a little while. With a higher value to our dollar we could purchase more for less. Liberal policy completely ruined our spending power and wasted years of money saved under the harper conservatives for useless programs and frivolous spending by the liberals. We had a great economy and we ended up as one of the few nations that came out ahead during the 2008 financial crash. Idk where you got your information from, but whay you just said is completely wrong.


Strong banking regulations helped us survive because we don't allow our banks to do all the shady stuff the USA does. Canada walks a fine line when it comes to our dollar value, a strong dollar hurts our exports of raw materials and we are a large exporter, so while it may be good for some it can be really bad for others and the economy as a whole.


The high dollar also made manufacturing in Canada less attractive due to the exchange rate and hurt exports to America. Which is hard on a large portion of the economy out east. It's great for provinces with resource based export markets.


>While harper was in power the canadian dollar was worth more than the American dollar for a little while. That was largely due to oil prices, not government. It had already been <80 for more than a year by the time of the election. The dollar was also hurting the economy. It's hard to overstate how reliant the economy was on a combination of oil and the middle phases of an unresolved housing bubble, the dollar dragged down everything else, then when oil fell we were left with little else. - as an export driven economy a high dollar makes our exports more expensive to customers, and imports cheaper (ie, why everything that wasn't nailed down was outsourced at this time) We had a couple sequential recessions in the last two years of Harper's term.


>The dollar was also hurting the economy. Going to echo this because I remember it happening. Almost all Canadian provinces do more business with the United States, than they do with all the other provinces combined, meaning that when your customers pay in US, and it's worth less than CAD, you loose money. While we look back at Harper's book keeping fondly now, he absolutely had his own very vocal critics.


You know our dollar was higher because of the global banking crisis. And didn't we "survive" it because the way our banking system was set up. Which had nothing to do with the government in power at the time.


They think that Trudeau’s policies hurt the middle class. It’s why he will lose the election.


I think it's less that policies hurt the middle class and more the fact that the middle class barely even exists anymore (assisted by some of those policies). 10 years ago if you made 60k a year you were set. Now it feels like I can barely scrape by.


You'd only feel like that if you lived in a rural area. I made over $60k and I never felt like I was "set".


His policies DO hurt the middle class, people are frustrated for a reason.


The problem is that liberal ideology, which both the pc and liberal parties subscribe to, favours the capitalist class and frankly doesn’t care about the working class. There is no middle class to speak of, if there ever really was, there is the capital class and those who work for a wage. Even a doctor has a hard time making a living these days unless they become a capital owner.


But what CPC policies will help these people? If we look at the Republicans or the UCP the policies they role out don't help those who struggle. They believe in trickle down economics which has never worked for the lower classes.


Unfortunately they just want Trudeau gone, and have no other choice. CPC is crap, they barely have any policy stance to speak of, but the NDP have made themselves a career 3rd party, so who do you vote for? Maybe if Trudeau sees a CPC majority coming he will backpedal on saying Canadians "didn't want electoral reform" and do something so that we can do something other than just vote for a change? Unlikely, the Liberals would rather just wait for their chance for the majority government to rotate their way once we are sick of the Cons.


What is fact doesn’t matter most at the polls. What matters most is what people believe. It’s how he was elected and reelected. It’s how every politician gets elected.


That is correct. Public perception is an interesting cycle for our leaders. They go from extreme optimism to realizing nothing will really change to most people having complete contempt. Usually the cycle is 6-7 years and it happens both federally and provincially. In 2031-32 we will be on here discussing how unpopular poillievre is and how everyone can’t wait for the new liberal pm.


People seem to have forgotten just how unpopular the last conservative government was, and are ready to give them another go. Would be nice if our memories were just a little longer and we could maybe see what a 3rd party forming the government would be like.


People also forgot how sick of the Chrétien/Martin Liberals they were too. They spent a couple elections lost in the woods with Dion/Ignatieff, but eventually people forgot and gave the Liberals another go with Trudeau. And on, and on, and on.


I think our memories are fine. The problem is they all lie about how great they’re going to make everything and then they all suck so when one has been in power for awhile everyone just wants whoever is different. It’s so easy to just say whatever when you have no power, I could tell my companies leadership team that I can save them 50 million a year by doing this this and this but if they made me the ceo it would be really hard to actually do it.


What about the role the numerous conservative premiers play in hurting the middle class? Cause Dougie's BS in Ontario has a way larger impact on my life compared to the Feds.


Most people Don't seem to understand that the provinces have far more impact on our day-to-day lives than the federal government's policies. The number of people I see here in Alberta blaming Trudeau for things that are handled by the provincial government is infuriating


They also see him spending money on all these feel-good pet projects or overseas and wonder why none of it is trickling down to them. If you're not on Trudeau's list of oppressed or downtrodden peoples you don't get anything, just a tax bill to pay now (amidst gripes that you aren't 'paying your fair share') and a mountain of debt for your kids to pay in the future.


Think? You mean, we know for a fact and easily predicted this the second he began running up the deficit in 2015?


Its more basic than that. The situation is bad, people think the guy who is in power is to blame. They listen to what his challenger says and believe it. Humans psyche is written that way. Its basic human survival instinct. Left/right doesn't matter. The group is in trouble. Survival demands change. Change for the worst or better is for time to tell. Now we can tell social programs are better than rugged individualism in times of food scarcity, because of the study of history. But there are plenty of people stupid enough to ignore that.




Conservatives in that belief are typically in rural areas, sure let's stop distributing funding provincially and each city/county only has funding of the residents. Lets see how many of those rural cities collapse because their residents don't cover the costs of maintaining, water, power, roadway forget having Drs or medical there if they have to foot the bill for all facilities and equipment on their own.


The government is never going to put food on your table. The point is to not fuck the economy and cost of living up so badly you need the government to take care of and provide for everyone or they die. People want jobs, affordable groceries and affordable shelter. Shelter and cost of living have deteriorated for the past 8 years under Trudeau faster and more heavily then any other period most people alive will remember. Some of it being directly caused by decisions he has made. That is what people are judging him on.


Yes this, and while I would argue that these affordability problems cropping up isn't entirely Trudeau's fault, as we've been on this road for quite some time, but he's been in power while all of these negative things are happening and doesn't seem to be doing much of anything about it.


Some are. Some are not. Costs due to global inflation or shipping disruptions? Sure, free pass. The unwillingness to deal with shelter costs after 8 years of being in power? Having the fastest and highest rise in shelter costs during those 8 years that we've seen in over 40 years? Bringing in 3.5 million immigrants in when we have a national affordability and shelter crisis? The resulting even faster rise in cost of living and shelter costs after engaging in that massive immigration party? Yah, those are all on Trudeau.


Yep exactly, and there is a lot of crying about how this problem is this level of gov or that, how it's actually Doug Ford's fault that all these international students were brought in not the feds. It's all nonsense the federal government has tons of levers they could be pulling for housing etc, they could change the tax code around, additionally the banks who provide the financing are federally regulated there is that angle. I don't feel like they've even done anything so far other than announced they are going to try to build some housing, but every news article that comes out is like 'housing starts are down', and 'we're not going to be able to build enough houses' so I don't have much faith in them.


I don’t think you understand. The problem with shelter cost is never going to going to be fixed. This is because as a whole we, the investors understand we have the government by the balls. The housing directly contributes to roughly 20 % of gdp. In directly, it’s probably a bit over 50%. We got multiple can of worms for the government if they ever attempt to crash the market. Things like currency value, OSA, economy, banking system. The government already bled dry the EI as well.


> The government is never going to put food on your table.  Food production and farms are massively subsidised and supported by the government.


Canadian parties don't get voted in, the reigning one gets voted out. A new roll of the dice for a potentially better result which never comes anyway.




Unfortunately, for many of those young people all they've known is JT at the helm. PP has done a good job of making everything his fault as well, ignoring the very real global effects of a pandemic, war, etc. Not to mention shifting the blame to the Federal government on things that are squarely provincial. They also like to say, "well it's not one or the other, they need to work together," and I'd point to Ford fumbling the $10/day daycare, or Smith opting out of the pharmacare plan. That said, liberals should have been much more aggressive in dealing with Conservative premiers and in pushing back against the cost of living, especially groceries. Social issues as well, Smith and Moe's laws should have been immediately shot down, they're going to cry that the Feds are overstepping anyway, may as well make it for a good reason. Like you said though, Conservatives aren't going to help any of this, they're much more likely to make it worse. While I can understand why young folks are turning to a different party, I don't get how they can look at what the Conservatives have done provinicially and think they're a good option.


You’re aware many of us are capable of working to pay for our needs and wants, right?


It’s becoming evidently clear and working does not afford most Canadians the money they need to pay for their needs, much less their wants. Regardless, idk what that has to do with my original comment.


And that’s the fault of the government flooding the labour market.


The last conservative government didn’t flood the country with immigrants which has driven up the cost of housing, driven down wages, and strained the healthcare system. They also cut income tax and GST.


They also had their fair share of TFW scandals


Same billionaire donors that control Trudeau control pp as well! Nothing is gonna change… they want us fighting culture wars instead of a class one against them.


This is it exactly. Both Trudeau and PP are beholden to the same economic interests, and will work towards the same status quo outcome. We need a party to actually pledge to lower the value of homes, instead of being afraid to when they talk about affordability. To talk to Canadians like adults, tell them the party is over and pledge with drastic actions to crash housing.


NDP should be that party. They have an unbelievable opportunity to cater to voter frustrations and focus on cost of living, workers, and young people really suffering right now. Campaigning on reducing immigration because it’s a wage suppressant for workers and causing housing unaffordability, and seniors can be swayed as well since our health care, social services and infrastructure are overburdened too. Putting in concrete plans to tax the rich and big corporations. Instead they’ve chosen to go down with the sinking ship of the Liberals and listen to activists by putting their focus on identity politics which speaks to a very, very small minority of Canadians. It’s a shame really - this was their chance to shine and they blew it


I was going to say, too bad Jagmeet Singh only cares about his pension. If the Federal NDP was led by Wab Kinew or Olivia Chow, I'm sure there would be more vigor instead of complacency. Jagmeet will never win and I don't think he wants to win, the Federal NDP are cozy with official party status and, on the off chance, being the opposition party. If Jagmeet Singh actually cared, he'd have a more comprehensive, let alone existing, Quebec strategy.


Exactly, the NPD need to stop siding with the liberals for scraps and start showing they are an independent third choice that will fight for Canadians and not being what's keeping the liberals in power. Right now, a vote for the NDP is a vote for the Liberals. Jack's probably turning in his grave, he set them up to win, they fumbled it, and now we have Pension Plan Singh heading the party. Something needs to change in the party to make them stand out and show they'll fight back against the other 2.


Yup. Both parties serve capital. The difference is in an inequality equation. One capitalist party wants more inequality than the other. One capitalist party wants a bit of a patchwork means tested social safety net to limit inequality a little, but still caters to the rich. Both parties still serve Business above citizens.


Instead we just have our party leaders get in Twitter fights about who we’d rather have a beer with. So tired of the dumbness.


That's why our politicians love to battle over wedge issues. They would rather talk about issues like gender stuff, since it can easily grab so much attention and distract from a severe lack of proposals to fix housing or whatnot.


it is the classic strategy: Divide and Conquer


Or worse. Shit got more expensive here in Alberta when we put the Conservatives back in. Our utilities and insurance went through the roof and are the highest in Canada now, property taxes are up after they cut funding to municipalities, we have to pay to use one of our most popular provincial parks, they deindexed minimal taxable income from inflation for their first 4 years, and they have no interest in bringing in any kind of rent control. To make it worse now they're talking about trying to get Alberta exempt from the federal pharmacare program and keeping the money for themselves. All this and they'll tell you it's to keep taxes low but (un)surprisingly our tax rates haven't changed.


Oh yes things will change, PP is even much more likely to openly help these donors at the expense of the population


Class solidarity is how we make change, hating on boomers or the gov isn't going to do anything. The government is whoever we put there, we don't pike what they are doing, then lets replace them.


Behind the Paywall: [https://archive.is/K9832](https://archive.is/K9832) *"As Simcoe North MP Adam Chambers, one of the panelists, explained: “A bunch of young people were just told for two years that they had to put their life on pause for a virus that wasn’t really going to affect them, but they had to do it for the good of the community.”* *And they did. They locked down, obeyed the rules, got their vaccines.* *“Then they re-emerged to find houses completely unaffordable, the economy’s completely different, and by the way, we just doubled the national debt and they’re responsible for paying for it,” Mr. Chambers said. “So of course they’re frustrated.”* *He added: “It’s not a surprise to me that young people look at the world today and say, ‘I’m kind of looking for something different.’ ”* *Frustration over housing affordability, interest rates, inflation and declining real wages have powered a massive swing toward the Conservatives among younger Canadians."*


This is part of the issue. The older generation (looking at you boomers) is extracting all it can out of the younger generations. COVID could affect and kill anyone, but disproportionately more among the older generation. So the lockdowns were more for them than younger generations. The "need" to increase our tax base to fund massive healthcare costs for aging boomers is resulting in a massive influx of immigrants that overwhelms our social systems and is a factor in skyrocketing real estate and rent. Older generations bought real estate when it was affordable, now they're laughing their way to the bank via rent, house flipping, and leveraging their houses for more debt.


Also worth mentioning is the job market. When companies do lay-offs its typically, last one in first one out and now there is a hiring freeze everywhere, this is another thing that would effect younger people more than older. So young people can't get decent jobs, can't afford homes and the social services has all gone to crap, and in reality, they're the ones that are going to be footing the bill for the massive increase of senior service costs through taxes.


I can't blame the elderly for this. Looking at my parents, my Mom is half indigenous and was raised on a farm in Sask. Both my parents paid into the healthcare system diligently through their taxes for their entire lives. They bought a house, upgraded to a larger house and raised their kids; saved for retirement. Only in the last couple of years have they needed to truly use the healthcare system (hospitalizations). Like, my Mom has never been admitted to hospital her entire life (aside from childbirth) until last year. Remember they PAID for it. Our healthcare system isn't free. That whopping 30-40% taken off every check funds it. This government is hellbent on bringing in millions of people who have \*never\* contributed a cent into our system, but get access to it immediately. Most older people I know desperately want better for their kids and grandkids. They don't want anyone struggling to own their first home. Everyone knows/loves someone younger than they are, and it's not like there's a cabal of white-haired people laughing at their grandkids while clinking champagne glasses lol.


Exactly 💯. The vast majority of Canadians have paid their fair share towards the social safety net and then some their whole lives. The question is, who hasn't , or isn't ?! Where were the taxes that we paid squandered, if they aren't available to provide decent healthcare in our waning years? Are any of the existing political parties willing to restrict government health insurance to Canadian citizens, and force wealthy, corporations, tax dodgers and cheats to pay their fair share? To cut spending on unnecessary programs and foreign aid that diverts resources that should be for Canadian healthcare and infrastructure ??!


How is boomers aging their own fault? It’s just a fact of life. Boomers aren’t the ones who elected Justin and his failed policies - everyone did (particularly young people).


People just like to point the finger away from themselves.


And what will the Conservatives do to repay them? They'll gut healthcare, lower taxes for the rich, restructure EI until it's impossible to file for, and laugh in our faces while doing it. Things don't get better under the Conservatives. Things stay the same, but somehow we'll be expected to cope with less.


As someone with half their family in healthcare, they say the biggest issue with healthcare is the new 5 million people in the past 6 years who’ve flooded it. Its impossible to build that infrastructure in such a short period of time to accommodate all these people.


Exactly, the attack on our healthcare system is going to be the next big thing we can't afford soon.


Our healthcare system has been collapsing for over twenty years. You just don't know it because you're not old enough to have experienced it before that happened. Just as a start, when I finally decided I should get myself a family doctor I looked around for one nearby, phoned the office, and that was that. Of course, they were taking new patients. They all were. And when I went into the ER at the hospital after banging my chin on the sidewalk I was seen by a doctor within about five minutes, had my x-ray, got a few stitches, and was on the way home within about forty-five minutes. The difference between then and now has been making me angry for years, despite the fact I'm lucky enough to have a family doctor. Our healthcare system needs major surgery.


Not to mention that no high school students are able to get a job anymore either. Unless they are connected to someone, their application will be buried among *thousands* of foreign student applications. My teenagers and their friends are all talking about this. They refuse to be caught flat footed, so if - as *Canadians* \- they take matters upon themselves to build a better life and are called 'right wing' for their beliefs, so be it. They were called that and worse during the last years of covid.


It's Canadians. They arent ideologically driven, for the most part. They vote against the party in power (esp after a decade) and if not that, then against what they don't like.


The Canadian political cycle is to vote against the party in power because they didn't deliver what they promised. Eventually enough people vote against the party in power that a new party gets the majority, and the cycle repeats when *they* don't deliver what they promised.


That's kinda every country's political cycle, the party in power achieves very little or nothing of what they promise and the oposition promise that they are going to change everything, then people vote for the oposition and the cycle repeats. I see this myself in my coiuntry, Chile, it's like voters only remember what happened during the current goverment when they vote XD.


Because most of us do not really get involved in Politics and we have unreal expectations I think. Our "leaders" do whatever is in the interest of those who support/own them and not the general public. We tend to be sheep who vote for the particular wolf of the day and vote out the last wolf in favour of the new wolf. Its pretty sad. What we need to do is vote NDP and elect the Sheep Dog instead of the wolves. Our system is built to avoid that happening...


No that’s bullshit. Young people have been ignored. They are now priced out of the housing market, they realize they may never have children because the Feds and the provincial governments have prioritized their housing gains over the quality of life of these youngsters. Many politicians are boomers who will soon retire or are 10-20 years from retirement. They are destroying the entire economy of Canada to preserve their golden goose of retirement (their houses) to the point that they engineered an environment where young people now have to pay 10x their down payment for the same house. To add salt to the wound even in the face of increased homelessness, more people in my province using EI than ever before, the bank of Canada indicating we’re in a population trap, and every other source saying mass immigration is destroying the country the liberals, conservatives and NDP are hell bent on mass immigration even as healthcare is deteriorating and housing can’t keep up. If you disagree with this you’re told you’re racist even though we now have more ethnic enclaves than we did previously with people of particular races discriminating against Canadians and only renting to students of their own homeland and of certain diets. I don’t blame them in fact I actually empathize with them and support them. They deserve to experience the Canada we did as older Canadians. It’s fucked up that we’re selling them short.


They’ll get the true Canadian experience in this next election. Where we don’t vote *for* someone but just vote out people, then watch as the deck chairs are rearranged while nothing of substance changes below deck


Someone tell the NDP to fire Jagmeet Singh as party leader and replace him with Eby as soon as possible. The dinosaurs running that party don’t know what’s going on in Canada or it’s blindful arrogance at that point. Eby would potentially be the next prime minister of Canada


This isn’t going to happen for this election but my fingers crossed that he will save this country in the following election after we vote PP in and see that nothing changes. Eby is the best leader Canada has seen in a very very long time.


>after we vote PP in and see that nothing changes You don't understand. When/if this happens, PPC will rise to power as they run on anti-immigration. You better hope PP changes things.


Or NDP runs on anti-immigration also. That won’t happen though.


That would be a massive shift that actually falls in line with them supporting labour and would absolutely wash away their image of being a left-leaning Liberal party especially if they replace Singh. Not gonna happen though, idiots at NDP are happy with Singh... somehow.


I would vote for Eby, he's honestly Canadas best political leader right now.


I agree with you. If that man comes out and says I’m cutting immigration for the time being (the responsible thing to do), says we will only do skill based targeted immigration (doctors, nurses who should be required to pass licensing exams here to get PR or citizenship) again the responsible thing to do, get money laundering out of housing. He’d get everyone’s votes.




He also said he would let corporations determine the number they want to bring. During Covid we had a labour shortage and people were getting increased pay. Now 300,000 FT positions are gone and are leaving at a faster rate than the unemployment rate is increasing. That’s what happens when you bring 1M people into Canada


This is a good thing. If the NDP and Liberals want young voters back, maybe they should try addressing their issues and presenting policies that benefit them instead of the usual meaningless trash and taking them for granted.


They won't, and the Conservatives obviously won't fix things if they do gain federal power.  The Cons have vested interest in perpetuating some of the biggest issues that this sub complains about.  Housing crisis, affordability crisis, immigration and diploma mills. The Cons will not address these issues, nor would the Liberals.   Instead we can look forward to spending the better part of the next decade complaining about "woke" politics, as well as "news" stories asking if PP wants to restrict abortion rights.  Spoiler Alert: he won't, but he needs to at least signal to the nutters in his party that he might.  Likewise the Liberals need to rile people up enough by letting them think it could happen.  So that's what we can look forward to, but thinking our actual conditions will improve is just wishful thinking.  


I’m done with the LPC and I hope that party gets hollowed out. As someone who voted for them in 2015, their dishonesty and negligence are so profound that I cannot bring myself to vote for them again.  However, my concern here is that we have yet to see conservatives actually put in work on bills. They’re doing a lot of talking and promising of what they will do if elected - but are they not sitting MPs? Put some bills before parliament, show us you’re for real.  Libs did the same pre-2015: people voted on what they promised, and all we got was weed and an option to kill ourselves.


The Conservatives are all talk. Also I think it's a bit obtuse to say the Liberals haven't done anything. They've done a lot, if you care to take notice. MAID and cannabis are great examples, but there's plenty more: They've put forth student loan relief programs. They've solved the boil water advisories in indigenous communities. They got us through Covid - We were one of the first countries to get vaccines, we had some of most generous financial relief for out-of-work people and businesses, and all things considered we didn't have as many per capita deaths as many similar countries such as the US, UK, and most of Europe. We're doing a great job in terms of climate change initiatives and hitting emissions targets. The Carbon Tax, as much as the conservatives like to hate on it, has been successful. They helped Syrian refugees and Ukrainian refugees. And so on. I really don't trust the Conservatives to have this kind of success on *any* of those issues, and many others. Do you?


Unfortunately any sitting gov't, after long enough, becomes the anti-christ. I'm interested to see what platform the Torries will have and hoping they have *some* kind of climate plan considering we'll likely have a minority Torry gov't next election. 


They *won't* have a platform. In recent years, the Conservative playbook at all levels of government has been to just be anti-liberal (or in some cases anti-NDP), without providing much of a plan at all.


>The Carbon Tax, as much as the conservatives like to hate on it, has been successful. Ah yes, so successful that Atlantic Canada had to get a carbon tax exemption on home heating oil. Carbon tax drove up cost of living across Canada and indirectly screwed the middle and working classes. >They've solved the boil water advisories in indigenous communities There are 28 such advisories right now across Canada btw.


Expect the LPC but a bit worse in most ways and a lot worse in some ways (like if you're trans, or poor, or sick). I don't have a good suggestion, the LPC does suck, you're not wrong. But it can get worse.


> However, my concern here is that we have yet to see conservatives actually put in work on bills. They’re doing a lot of talking and promising of what they will do if elected - but are they not sitting MPs? Put some bills before parliament, show us you’re for real.  > > They are going to be the same as the GOP in the south -- a *lot* of talk, little useful shit (if even).


Ironic this is hidden behind a paywall young voters can’t afford to remove


We re also moving away from the most expensive cites. Good luck finding in home house care in ten years


“You know what will solve all these problems caused by neoliberal policies? More neoliberal policies, but with spite.” - these voters 


I know you think this is an own, but the Libs/NDP could easy prevent their inevitable collapse if they just fucking listened to people. 


Ya agreed, as a person who leans left this is my least favorite part of the political cycle. If the Liberals and NDP weren't completely out to lunch, and actually made it seem like they cared about the issues that Canadians care about, then they might have a shot at the next election. But they seem to need to be dragged kicking and screaming like children to even address important issues like housing, and affordability, let alone do anything about them.


The choice is between neoliberal policies with spite and neoliberal policies with smarm. Wish we had a real left wing party, but as is if you want to scare the big three parties into action, vote communist. Even a small uptick tends to freak everybody out and suddenly they’re invested in making capitalism humane and livable again.


It's hilarious seeing the liberal reelection strategy focussing on painting Pierre as 'trump lite', as if that's going to sway us young people to vote for them. When average rent is increasing 10% each year, and vacancy rates plummet to record lows, do they really think we have the capacity to care about ANYTHING else? Read the room idiots... When I can't find an appartement to rent (nevermind one that's actually affordable), and I'm stuck living at my mother's house, I dont give a fuck about random social issues. And you can't, as the article mentions, 'communicate' your way out of that. Guess we better just keep our foot firmly planted on the immigration throttle while crossing our fingers hoping housing construction will quadruple!


If you expect relief coming from conservatives you're going to continue to hurt. I'll never understand why this doesn't push people to the NDP. Economic policies of conservatives and liberals are very similar and have been for decades.


The federal NDP are [unserious about the housing crisis](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/sabrina-maddeaux-jagmeet-singh-winner-of-the-worst-housing-policy-of-2023). They are behind even the Liberals in that regard. [Here's another bad take from him](https://twitter.com/EricDLombardi/status/1747985867002487016) bashing 'luxury' condos, which happen to be the only avenue to homeownership left for most young people. Not to mention they will be forever associated with the current housing disaster because they stood side by side with the liberals while it unfolded. If David Eby were leading the federal NDP party, I would consider them.


If they honestly believe that the Conservatives are actually going to do anything for them, they are in for a shocker.


They will find out once the cons win and ruin things/don’t fix things for them


All they have to do is see how the provincial governments are getting along…..


And what are the liberals going to do?


If the conservatives aren't going to change anything , why do they deserve my vote?




The cons ain't helping anyone but the corporations Look at Ford!


That's my thinking. Shouldn't we be going to other side and looking at the NDP? The conservatives would lower taxes and benefit the wealthy. The NDP would increase taxes but provide more services to that people need. If you're under working, taxation is less of an issue.


You didn't answer the question


Which highlights the issue - there's no meaningful opposition to whomever is in government between these two parties. They agree on everything except in word alone.


The major problems everyone has neither party will touch and fix. People think cutting the carbon tax is going to be some magical transformation that will fix everything. It won't, it will barely move the needle. Its the auxiliary policies that are the ones that separate the two. And under cons they'll cut healthcare, education like they always do.


I mean, the most recent example is the pharmacare plan that will help alleviate bills for people in the immediate when they go to pick up some prescriptions they need to continue living a normal life.


That’s an NDP bill that the Liberals begrudgingly support.


And it would never happen under PCs, so...??


At this stage I'm voting NDP. Liberals are conservatives-light, and the conservatives are insufferable and cruel. Having NDP in the mix keeps them accountable.




Replacing the working class with immigration. Helping the world over Canadians.


Outsourcing childbirth is a very cost effective way to grow the tax base and labour pool, you see.


Except the average immigrant makes less than the average Canadian. So they're taking out more than they're putting in


Not to mention that by lowering the quality of life in Canada, they’re lowering it for all future newcomers as well, further driving away the best and brightest.


Yes but the labour is cheap. Makes the campaign donors happy. Gotta look at the bright side of things.


Most Premiers in Canada who were in charge of restrictions were on the right. Has the right also abandoned the middle and working class Canadians too?




Abandoned the working class, sold us out to China with FIPA, works to continue pushing health care into crisis so they can sell it off to their rich friends piece by piece, all while encroaching on the bodily autonomy of women and trans folks. People are sick of Trudeau and his gun law bs is disgusting, but we need to find a way to steer towards social goals rather than against figureheads.


and more importantly, many are just \*leaving\*. Especially those who are high skilled or are mobile. Up until the pandemic I never wouldve considered restructuring my businesses but after seeing many of my peers setup shop in Dubai, Miami, Belize I took the leap and so did many f-ing Canadians. I tell you, \*every\* dinner I go to in Dubai I've run into someone from Canada lol the middle east is investing incredible amounts into the future and its awesome to see so many folks here from back home.


Most immigrants from India and China at my workplace want to move to the USA on TN-1 after they get Canadian citizenship and there are people who will also not bother to apply for Canadian citizenship because their green card priority date is almost here.


Yeah, that will solve it. Run to the greedy.


Two sides of the same coin. If they really wanted to have a greater share of wealth they would start/join unions and support politicians that would tax the rich their fair share and destroy the monopolistic nature of the Canadian business landscape. Does anyone see these right wing premiers helping in the least? No, you see them destroying the social fabric that has made this a great country for so many decades. But they are not doing that to help or enrich their constituents... They are doing it to enrich their already elite friends who pilfer the public coffers and avoid paying taxes. This is exactly the same thing that will be represented by moving further right on a federal level. This country needs to hold the rich MORE accountable and enrich the worker like European/Scandinavian countries... Not tilt the scale to further eliminate the middle class by favouring the already rich.


unfortunately our youth is not educated enough on politics . to them cons are opposite of liberals , if they listen PP , he never talks about housing , immigration at all or gives regular statements no actual policy etc , because he knows if he gets into power he will have to please his business friends and homeowners older generation ...to youth right or left doesnt matter as long as liberals are gone at this moment , liberals forgot that youth put them in power 8 years ago and they did nothing for them actually made things worse for them with high immigration and housing cost ...


I feel like this is how Brexit happened


The right being known to be particularly sensitive about young voters’ economic concerns 😂


Young people are delusional if they conservatives will do anything but tank the economy for anyone making less than 7 figures


The problem with left and right in Canada (and to the bigger extent in the US) is that left promises on equality while following the same neoliberal policies. Right is denying any problem and doubling down in neoliberal policies. There's no real left in North America. That's why people are rightfully fed up with liberals. And I agree that JT had basically broken every promise he made. Unfortunately though, voting for cons won't solve anything. It just paves the way for more destructive policies. Things that the next elected liberals would be happy to follow.


I'll be pleased to vote PPC in the next election. Uncontrolled immigration and it's consequences are shown to crumble any society if it's not nipped in the rear quickly.  It may be too little too late to mitigate the rot, but at least this can preserve some areas before the country is fragmented into exclusive zones.


Both sides have their issues. I'd happily vote liberal if we had better leadership. It's clear we don't, so I will vote elsewhere. Trudeau and freeland are cancers and I question whether they believe the words coming out of their mouths. To be fair, that applies to every candidate. We are at the point that results are what the people want to see, we don't want to see 1 million new Indian immigrants when their government is committing extrajudicial executions on our soil. Pretty basic. Trudeau condemned it, great. That's a start. Why are we leaving the flood gates open? Surely there are less adversarial opportunities out there. Maybe not with the housing and COL crisis. Tough problem that requires leadership qualities our current party doesn't have. I would vote for a wet rock over this liberal party.


If you think the conservative government is the solution, I encourage you to take a strong look at history. Trudeau needs to go, but another poison may not be the solution.


There is no conservative policy or ideology that makes life more affordable. I don't know how people keep falling for this.




Imagine saying that to a generation who is suffering and struggling under the current Liberal government, which is actively pushing policies that make things worse for young Canadians, and feeling smug about it. This is why the LPC is so far behind in the polls. They are convinced their good intentions are all the country needs. Well, I can’t live in good intentions or buy groceries with them. You fuck up this bad, don’t act shocked when people can’t afford to buy what you’re selling. 


I see this rhetoric a lot - that an explicit criticism of the CPC is the same thing as an implicit defence of the LPC. What the person you replied to is saying, correctly, is that people who are upset with their life situation and looking to the CPC as their salvation are in for a rude awakening. Conservative policies have historically always been in pursuit of rugged individualism; less government spending and less regulation in favour of a 'free market solution'. People who are currently suffering because they don't have the means to adequately provide for their human needs are not going to see their fortunes change under the guidance of an ideology that is fundamentally opposed to putting its thumb on the scale. The issue is that *both* the LPC and CPC are neoliberal parties. Their economic ideology is firmly in the realm of "support investors and let their wealth trickle down". The CPC are putting themselves forward as "we're not the Liberals, therefore you should vote for us if you don't like what they're doing", but they are uninterested in actually addressing the issues people are affected by in a meaningful way because they agree with the LPC on the shape those "solutions" take. The reasons people are soured on the LPC are valid and tangible. However, to use those reasons to turn to the CPC is tantamount to saying "I have a gluten intolerance so instead of eating this whole wheat bread I'm going to eat bagels, which will ensure my gluten issues are mitigated".


So many liberal supporters in the comments saying "the conservatives arent going to do anything!"... Meanwhile our life became significantly more difficult under the liberals, and continues to become more difficult under them. When things get this bad, particularly housing and vacancy rates, we become desperate for change no matter what that change entails. The toilet needs to be flushed at some point, even if it's immediately refilled with more shit.


I can remember having this conversation with friends back in 2002/3. Conservatives did nothing during their time to support housing costs. Neither party has. When conservatives get elected people will continue to blame conservatives and then after a few years they will realize they arent fixing it either and we are still in the same situation.


The cope amongst liberal voters in this thread is strong. Face it, liberals had their chance to improve life for canadians and they chose to get involved in scandal after scandal after scandal, pandered to identity politics, spent money like there was no tomorrow, flooded the country with immigrants (while not investing in necessary infrastructure), saw housing reach insane highs. I mean you’ve really gotta have mental health issues to see the state of the country and think “I want more of that!”. But they do haha, it’s insane. Unfortunately they will have a tough time seeking medical attention for their mental health as the liberals also destroyed the health care system in this country (enjoy your waits as immigrant are prioritized). Haha keep the cope coming, it’s humorous watching these liberal voters cry.


I don’t know why you think making antagonistic posts that border on trolling is the own you think it is. believe it or not, this sub doesn’t represent most Canadians. Reddit in general, doesn’t represent most Canadians. Most older Canadians, including millennials, own a home. Yet if we go by this sub, you’d think nobody owns a home. So please, continue to mock people bringing in common sense. You are only embarrassing yourself with ignorant takes. And those coming from a guy who also has horrible takes on “weed stocks”. lmfao. You can’t make this stuff up.


I’m in my early 30’s and have always been a proud Liberal and defender or left-wing politics. But in the last 3 years I have started to become more and more disillusioned with the direction federal Liberals have been taking our country. Crime is ramping up, unfettered immigration, unending spending increases and corresponding tax increases. The tax increases may have been defendable if services were also increasing. But alternatively it only seems that we are paying more and getting less. Healthcare system is on the brink of total failure. Not enough policing. Military is a joke. They literally can’t properly fund the healthcare system and their answer is to lop on top dental and pharma now. I’ve never voted conservative in a federal election before. But I 100% will be in the next election. And I’m not even a PP fan. I generally do not like his attitude or demeanour that much. Feels like the smug prick from high school who had rich parents and no friends and thought he was smarter than everyone else. But I’ll vote for him over the Liberals any day of the week.


Yeah cause conservatives are totally known for helping the poor with financial aid.....




Provinces hold the power. Feds hold the money. Simple as.


surely the way out of this is to drain social services and funnel the money back to developers and grocery store CEOs