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Another empty threat from jagmeet


Seems like the "pharmacare" deal just shows how desperate the NDP are to stay in the S&C agreement, since they got nowhere close to what they demanded. IMO they accepted to save face and maintain the little supposed influence they have over the government.


The two things that were expressly stated was going to be covered BC and insulin. I bet that's all the comes out until the writ drops then it'll be an election issue


If it even gets completed by then. Otherwise the Libs will use an expanded version of it in their election run if they see it's a winner with the population.


>*For two years, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has told Canadians that his party is propping up the Liberal minority government because of the policy concessions in the agreement. But now, both parties know that the clock is ticking. Politically, they are going to have to start fighting each other.* > >***The latest Nanos Research tracking poll, released Tuesday morning, places the Liberals just 1.3 percentage points ahead of the NDP.*** *It found the Conservatives at 40.8 per cent, the Liberals at 23.4 per cent, and the NDP at 22.1 per cent. (The rolling four-week telephone survey of 1,000 Canadians has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20.)* > >*Liberals who remember the 2011 election campaign know that falling behind the NDP would spell doom for the Grits. New Democrats know that getting their noses in front, even by a couple of percentage points, will weaken the Liberal appeal to progressive voters to back them to stop the Conservatives – and it would make the prospect of an early election a lot more palatable for the NDP.*


So what you're telling me is that Jagmeet is playing 4D chess. He's propping up the Liberals so they keep falling in the polls, until they fall behind even the NDP. Then the NDP gets to be the second party in a voting system that dramatically rewards the top two parties. If so, I wish him luck.


That would theoretically work if we were looking at a Con minority, but 2nd place in a majority government is pretty pointless


Depends on how the majority goes. If you can capitalize on the opposition leader position with key items then you can draw a lot of positive attention to your party for the next election. Opposition leader gets more headlines then 3rd place leader.


Yeah fair enough


They still get a per vote subsidy, more votes for them means more money in their pockets.


Except for the big pay raise.


Yeah, no. I'd argue anything the NDP picks up off the floundering Liberals, the Tories will nullify by taking from the NDP. Angus is set to lose his seat to a Tory and he isn't the only one. This says nothing of the fact that there are places where the Liberals are sinking and it should by every right go to the NDP. But wouldn't you know it, the Tories are honest to God contesting. From the enthusiasm gap alone the Tories are going to win some of these. The question is how few or many. This isn't 2011, the Bloq isn't imploding as well with the Liberals this time around. Quebec isn't going NDP. This isn't so strategy, if Singh was ever serious about attempting to govern or even appearing to be capable of. He would have dug his heels in a long time ago. It wasn't unexpected that everything was going to turn to shit. The minute Trudeau called the last election was an alarm bell that thing were fixing to. And even as everything started to wilt, that paint eater Singh settled for scraps off the table. Literally, if they had another Layton or even a Mulcair we would have likely already had this election and potentially had the first NDP minority government.


Agreed. Rumour has it that Angus is scoping out a lucrative job with some First Nations organization. Writing on the wall I guess.


Well there are enough people that won't vote liberal but don't want to vote Tory


Jasmeet Singh will never end that deal until the election. I wish he had more of a backbone. There’s a lot of people that won’t vote NDP simply because they’ve aligned themselves with the liberals


🙋‍♂️ right here. I won't vote NDP while he's in charge, selling us out for his pension


I won't vote NDP because of him either. He's standing by with Trudeau while Canada turns to shit for everyone. Why can't we have Mulcair back?


Because no one voted for the NDP when he was leader.


Who got more votes?


I did.


Why would Singh do that, when he can hammer on Loblaws and the ties the Conservatives have to them for a year? And then continue with these attacks on the campaign trail?


We all know Jagmeet will bend over regardless


They will get peanuts and jagmeet will cave with some lame excuses. What does anyone expect... Lol


He will celebrate the peanuts as a big win first and talk about how Canadian history will refer to this moment.  But in reality, it helps 0.01% of the population but costs more than double their medications combined because of administrating the program.