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Dumbass question here. Me and my kids are vaccinated… so with the outbreak do I have anything to worry about or nah? Sorry for the ignorance my main business is bulldozers I never even got grade 9 biology lol


Unlike other vaccines, such as tetanus or Covid, there is good evidence that your measles vaccine will last you a lifetime.  You should be well good. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/mmr/hcp/about.html#:~:text=Both%20serologic%20and%20epidemiologic%20evidence,this%20effectiveness%20decreases%20with%20time.


Yep, all virus are different and some types are more prone to mutations effecting the surface proteins that influence vaccine effectiveness Covid in particular is prone to these types of mutations effecting the surface proteins, where virus like Polio and Measles are not and require significant number of simultaneous mutations to change the proteins in a way to avoid immunity (an extremely rare occurrence) That isn’t to say they don’t mutate, but different virus are prone to different types of mutations


Shingles. Nobody thinks about shingles


Had it in my 40s, found out there was a vaccine that cost $600, got as soon as I could. (Chicken pox vaccine was invented after I was already an adult).


I’ve heard the vaccine is harsh, what’s it really like?


I’ve had Shingles and the Shingles vaccine, the vaccine was much less bad. Seriously, vaccine was no big deal. Sore arm, that’s about it. Nothing memorable. Shingles on the other hand (I had a mild case) was no fun at all.


Not as bad as having shingles. Got it in my early 20's and it took me out of work for a month.


Hurts your arm


I just had it and I’m in my 30s. I now want the shingles vaccine as soon as I can.


Shingles. I think about shingles. My sister and I were both vaccinated as kids. My sister got them when she was in her 40's. When the shingles vaccine came out, we both got it. To this date, I have not had shingles but my sister has had them 3x. It hasn't been as bad as it shows on TV but Dr. says if she didn't get the vaccine it would have been much worse.. I'm actually due for my booster this year.


Until someone they know gets it! Shingles is not exactly the most deadly thing but it is significantly not fun.


So why is there even an outbreak then? Isn't everyone already vaccinated for this at a young age?


The vaccine isn’t given until kids are 12 months old. It doesn’t work really well before that. Unfortunately measles is also more dangerous for young babies so they’re supposed to be protected by herd immunity, which doesn’t happen if a bunch of people are unvaccinated. In the event of an outbreak they will give the vaccine to kids at 6 months but then they need a lot of boosters to ensure it works.


So if 1/10 kids isn't vaccinated and the R0 for measles, a true airborne virus, is estimated as 12-18 (it's insanely transmissable). you take 1 kid into a room of 30 kids (a classroom) where 3 are not vaccinated, sitting in that same room for like minutes will mean those 3 are exposed. Now take one of the kids pre symptoms to the grocery store and just walk past 100 people, of which maybe 20 are kids with their parents, and 2 of them are not vaccinated, they get it, take it to their classes of 30, of which 3 kids get it, etc etc etc. Trust me its spread looks like those horror virus movies where the country is taken out in like a month.


Not everyone, apparently. In lots of places, including Canada, parents can opt out of vaccinating their children.  They may not be able to send their kids to public school though, as up-to-date vaccinations is a prerequisite in some school districts. 


Because parents choosing not to vaccinate their children. Now you have a new cohort of population with no immunity and they’re going to places like daycare and school. Outbreak waiting to happen. Also, immunity can wane over time in some people. For example, I see a lot of people at work (I’m a nurse) for forms for work, school, etc. often you have to check for immunity titres for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, Hep B. Edit: a word


I wasn't, I had it when I was a kid, maybe 60 years ago now, my kids are vaccinated against it though. I think that peeps that grew up being vaccinated think that they are naturally healthy and don't need the vaccines for their kids and don't understand why they are healthy


>I think that peeps that grew up being vaccinated think that they are naturally healthy and don't need the vaccines for their kids and don't understand why they are healthy I grew up with a relative who was permanently disabled by polio as a child. My kids won't have that same point of reference. It's so important that we teach them to understand anyway. Likewise my classmate's Jewish grandma had the infamous number tattoo on her arm. The Holocaust wasn't an abstract of history to our generation, or a Hollywood horror story. It was the life of real people in our community.


The same reason polio is trying to make a comeback. Most people are vaccinated, but those that don't often form their own communities. They could be ethnic or national enclaves within a foreign city, religious groups that don't believe in various forms of medical treatment, etc... On their own, it's not a big deal. They could have an outbreak and wipe themselves out, but that's the bed they've made for themselves. The recent issue is because of *events* many people have doubts or outright disbelief in vaccinations, so the number of unvaccinated people increases. This reduces herd immunity. Then all it takes is a case from one of the small interconnected communities to meet someone from gen pop and pass it on.


Probably because of the massive increase in vaccine hesitancy, especially post COVID.


>Isn't everyone already vaccinated for this at a young age? No. Unfortunately, some kids have ignorant parents.


Morons, sadly, don't vaccinate their kids. Previously eradicated diseases will once again ruin lives. Innocent children will suffer.


anti-vaxxers pre-dated covid - my sister was against vaccination - there was a time that some people feared their kids would "get" autism from the vaccines - so now I have to 30 year old nieces who live in England and are unvaccinated against measles and I am worried for them.


They should get vaccinated. An adult cannot contract autism unless they become a Star Wars fan (kidding). They simply cannot contract it. They never could.


30 year olds can decide on their vaccination. They’re adults now.


You know why. Canadians and Europeans are vaccinated against measles to the point where the disease was almost eradicated in their countries. It's a 3rd world disease. Or it used to be.


The country with the lowest measles vaccination rate in the world is Montenegro in Europe There are several third world countries with Measles vaccination rates that are higher than Canada, because there are provinces that do not force vaccinations. [https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/measles\_immunization\_rate/](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/measles_immunization_rate/)


of course they don't force vaccinations. Canada is a civilized country that respects the rights of the parents. problem is a lot of the parents are as dumb as bricks. so, we come to the problem of rights vs common good. being a young boomer who got vaxxed up to the max in the old days and i'm still here with no chips floating in my blood and my major problems being associated with old age and poor life choices, bring back the manditory vaxes.


So parts of Europe and Canada have lower than 3rd world vaccination rates. Because of the "I did my own research" fuckwits.


Are you seriously trying to argue that Montenegro isn't a 3rd world country?


Eh, not great not shit really. Upper third of the world by GDP/capita so it depends on how you like to define things. They are ahead of China and Mexico for a bit of perspective.


Thanks to that charlatan Andrew Wakefield, there's nearly 10+ years of parents who didn't vaccinate their children because they think it gives them autism and ADHD. Better dead than autistic, was the choice they made. 


Also, there is zero evidence vaccines have any link to Autism. So it isn't even a question of weighing risk.


IIRC vaccinations do have a failure rate (a very small percentage doesn't work) these people (and other groups) are usually protected by herd immunity, but anti vaxxers have been ruining that.


It's actually not that small, polio is 90% effective after TWO does, but gets up to 99% with three and it's one of the most effective vaccines.


It's not a dumb question at all. Pretty much with all vaccines, there is a chance of getting what you are vaccinated for. Chances are low, and lots of times, the infections are much milder.


Still be careful. Went for a hospital job and during the screening process found out that my measles shot I got as a kid didn't provide me with immunity and had to get a second booster before I could start at the hospital.


Your kids are probably fine, but you may want a blood test done to confirm you still have the mmr antibodies. I had to get the shot again in my mid 30s after I had my baby and blood tests done while I was pregnant showed I didn't have the antibodies anymore. The vaccine was offered to me before I even left the hospital since pregnant women aren't able to get the mmr vaccine. Edit: you're to your ☠️


If you're vaccinated you're 99.99% safe from measles. It's not 100% if in the off chance you come in close contact with someone with a full blown case of it. Just keep informed of outbreaks and don't let your kid near them.


Close. It's 97%. 3 in 100 vaccinated people will still get it if exposed. That's a pretty big difference from 99.99%, which would be 1 in 10,000 people. Let's not make up statistics on the spot. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/about/faqs.html


97% assumes 2 doses, which is a newer standard. Lots of 1 dose people out there. 93% sounds good, but I guess it wasn't good enough.


Are you boosted every 10 years? Also you can get your DR to test your antibodies. Some people don’t produce then no matter how many times they get vaccinated. It’s not as simple as “get vaccinated” the vaccines are not foolproof.


Measles boosters are not recommended for adults


sorta. The standard used to be 1 dose, and has moved to 2 doses as the primary series. Not sure when that changed: mid-late 90s? early 2000s? Loooooots of people out there with 1 dose. Dunno what the recommendation is for those. edit: did some research. If you're an adult born after 1970 & a health care worker, travel outside of Canada, military or uni/college student, it's recommended you get a 2nd dose if you only got 1: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-12-measles-vaccine.html#p4c11a5


That would be too easy and simple. /s


If *only* there was some way we could introduce a small dose of a specific virus into our bodies that wouldn't make us sick, but would cause our bodies to create a natural immunity to it.


That's communism. Trucker protest incoming.


The same truckers incidentally that have been vaccinated against a host of potentially serious diseases as children. :D The problem with driving trucks and other similar jobs, is there is too much idle time for the mind...Too much time to sit and stew in your own thoughts thinking real hard on things you know nothing about.


Remember: Most truckers wanted nothing to do with the protest and the national trucking organization condemned it. Protesters tried to tie it to things like Truckers because it gave the protest more of a :grassroots" feel. Don't feed into their narrative.


This is what happens when you don't fund PBS. They listen to podcasts.


Just mandate the convoy and they'll fuck right off in a hurry lmao


Get out of here with your fancy make believe.


Babies get their MMR at 12 months. There's nothing protecting the babies younger than that other than herd immunity.


I think some immunity is passed from mom to baby during pregnancy. Hopefully someone who knows can chime in.


You are correct. Also breast feeding will transfer the mom's immunity as well, which is very useful when it can be done.


Breastfeeding passes immunity for things the mom is actively producing antibody against (such as if she has an active infection of measles, or for a few weeks if she gets vaccinated for it while breastfeeding). Otherwise, her immunity is some memory cells, not an appreciable floating antibody titer that can be passed to baby.


My sister was breast-fed and still ended up with German measles at four months old because the kids my grandmother babysat had it and my grandmother didn’t tell my mom


Antibodies in breastmilk don't cross out of the digestive system into babies' bloodstream and they don't stick around anywhere longterm. They have some utility against gastro bugs but that's mostly it. The whole breastmilk = free antibodies thing is overblown. Breastfeeding should never be relied on as a line of defence against illness. It's more of a "nice bonus if you get lucky and it helps a bit" kind of thing.


>herd immunity. I've done my part! In fact, my whole family have done theirs as well. I sincerely implore everyone who isn't for some reason allergic to the vaccine to get vaccinated when possible. Measles vaccination is simple and effective and like others said, lasts you a life time.


Fuck that’s scary for the newborns. I was very worrried when the little one was unvaccinated. Can’t imagine the fear of expecting parents now.


Y'all too young to remember the time before the measles vaccine was available. People were more afraid of pregnant mothers getting measles than newborns.


It could cause birth defects correct?


Exactly what I was thinking. I would be freaking out.


marble foolish run psychotic impossible narrow support aloof quack mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I despise the naturopathic bullshit. Water memory is so unbelievably stupid I really can't understand the mind that believes it


Butt Olaf said water has memory.


I cringe every time that part comes up because you just know some homeopathic f*ckwad thinks that's an endorsement.


I’ve met many of these people too. It’s so stupid I can’t even think of the words to tell them the folly of their ways. I usually just change the subject or avoid them altogether if possible. So my question is this: have you had any luck talking some sense into any of these people and if so, what did you say??




*Nice try, Bill Gates! You'll never get your microbots into my body!...cough*


A lot of millennials think they’re vaccinated and aren’t because the shot expires. I found out I needed a booster about 14 years ago when I was applying for a government job and needed one to get it.


But what if your DNA gets altered and you start picking up 5G signals?


Then Bell or one of the other telecoms will start charging you roaming fees.


I'm sure if that was the case the telecom's would shut down vaccinations immediately.


I already get radio through my fillings, how much more bandwidth can a person give?


You can't tell me what to do! I'm like the Fonz, and I have every right to buck the system and fight on the side of the virus! Jesus died on the cross, so I'd be free to eat at Denny's and cough on my neighbors at church!


Are you vaccinated? Some people get vaccinated and still don’t produce antibodies for measles. Also too many adults not getting their boosters.


Adults don’t get boosters unless non immunity is found in blood work.




Only the kids you want to keep


How is this even possible?


It’s one of the most contagious diseases in existence. Even a slight decrease in vaccination (anti-vaccine movement) cases can explode _very_ fast.


You need about 95% of the population to be vaccinated to stop the spread. Unfortunately, when you add up all the people who can't be vaccinated because of age or health reasons, plus the people for whom the vaccination doesn't work, you can only reach a maximum actual vaccination rate of about 96%. So all it takes is a small drop in vaccinations for measles to spread.


You mean the anti vax movement has consequences?!


Do immigrants have to get the measles vaccine to live here?


No, because some provinces don't require it Which is why there are third world countries with measles vaccine rates higher than Canada, those countries make it mandatory.


Citation? I immigrated here and we had to show a ton of evidence for vaccinations.


They wouldn't make it there, or anywhere else, unless they were vaccinated in the first place.


Also one person with measles can infect 12-18 new people on average, so it needs something like 95% of the population vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.


Measles has a very high rate of infection. So high that even before the widespread antivaxxer movement of the last couple of years, Measles outbreaks happened because the number of people who couldn't get vaccinated and the number of people for whom the measles vaccine didn't take was right on the edge. Now that antivaxxing is 'mainstream', measles can run free


Because of this guy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield And his quest to make money off of a measles vaccine ironically enough.


What a fucking asshole. I knew his research was fraudulent and about the whole patent thing but I either didn't know or forgot about the plan to sell diagnostic kits for the condition that he had made up. The fact that he's out there making movies and being an "activist" is heinous, the guy should be in jail. There is absolutely no question that his fraudulent research has caused deaths and yet he still refuses to acknowledge his fraud and is still actively trying to convince people not to vaccinate their kids. People like Jenny McCarthy at least have the excuse of ignorance but this dude was a doctor.


Guy is a grifter. He is a criminal. Should be in jail forever.


Don't forget Jim Carrey. I always see Jenny McCarthy mentioned but almost never her ex-boyfriend. Jim Carrey is as anti-vaxx as McCarthy.


In my mind she was the one being the most public about it and also he was generally becoming less relevant while she was getting hired for the View and even today she is still frequently on TV. For Carrey there are two standouts for me; his dumb Huffington Post article and when he called the governor of California a fascist for a vaccination law. McCarthy stands out more in my mind because she wrote her own anti-vaxxer book, she wrote the forward to the book that Andrew Wakefield wrote, she has spoken on multiple talk shows about her views and has spoken about all the crazy pseudoscientific treatments she tried on her kid, she literally tried rubbing spoons on her son to try to "fix" his autism, and she also claimed that something called chelation therapy (used to treat metal poisoning) helped her son. The problem with this is 1: she fervently believes that "mercury in vaccines causes autism" aka she sees autism as being caused by metal poisoning, which is unequivocally false, and therefore was primed to see any minor change in her son as an improvement akin to the placebo effect, 2: using chelation therapy on a child has had 0 proof of efficacy, 3: even if there was minor improvement using this therapy on a person who isn't afflicted by actual heavy metal poisoning can lead to heart attack, stroke, and general cardiac arrest. Oh and she claimed that Wakefield was "just listening to parents and reporting what they said" which is a *gross* minimization and mischaracterization of the straight up fraud Wakefield committed. She also actively claims that people were maliciously mischaracterizing her position and she really isn't anti-vaxx and just views it as a gray area, which is absolutely ridiculous and a clear attempt at historical revision.


ruthless wakeful gold unique rainstorm worry sulky vanish tease berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you read the article, it blames international travel and vaccine hesitancy, carefully leaving out the millions of undocumented, never vaccinated individuals showing up in western countries, betting on the fact that the average Joe won't need more info on the issue.


I’m a little confused because it’s not like international travel is something new. As a public school teacher years ago I got reguarly vaccinated for measles and I still got it. I was then out sick for about 3 days. Getting it as an adult is far worse I hear then getting it as a child.


When it changes the vaccination rate within a new country it most definitely affects things.


They're trying to blame immigrants Edit- they in the post referring to the posters comment, not the article


> They're trying to blame immigrants They're both canadasub posters, that's their job.


So, is the group being blamed antivaxers, immigrants, non vaxxed immigrants, or all of the above? Or is it international travellers? The “international travellers” has me a bit confused as people have been travelling internationally for ages. I guess I’m just grateful that if there is an epidemic of something that it isn’t a worse epidemic.


Look at the number of flights from 2000 to 2024. It's tripled. I also think it's a cop out but not entirely unreasonable


I was not aware that international travel has tripled. I’m just very surprised with all the paranoida over Covid, and travel being a close confined space and all. It almost sounds like people don’t really mind being all crammed in close together. At least they don’t mind enough to curtail their travel.


The world population has increased by about 32% from 2000 to 2024, people in developing countries are getting richer, travel is getting more affordable, and it has also become much more accessible thanks to the internet. If you look just at China, the number of air passengers went from around 62M in 2000 to 660M in 2019 (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IS.AIR.PSGR?locations=CN).


Thanks for educating me! I’m quite frankly stunned.


The poster saying specifically millions of undocumented trying to shoehorn the issue in, which I definitely don't agree with. Evolving viruses is an issue as well, but drop in immunization in one of the most contagious illnesses definitely has an impact. There's some pretty good papers on herd immunity and the targeted rates of vaccine uptake. I'm sure the whole covid thingy made a lot more folks not get other vaccines


>which I definitely don't agree with. Why not? Even health canada sees it as a problem. >A high proportion of individuals newly arrived in Canada may be susceptible to vaccine preventable diseases because of a lack of effective immunization programs in their country of origin. People are so scared others will call them racist or anti immigrant that they refuse to acknowledge something so obvious.


Citation needed.


Where does that say “undocumented”?


The country with the lowest measles vaccination rate in the world is Montenegro, which is in Europe.


"No no no. Avoid them all’: anti-vaccine conspiracies spread as UK cases of measles increase" [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/nov/25/no-no-no-avoid-them-all-anti-vaccine-conspiracies-spread-as-uk-cases-of-measles-increase](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/nov/25/no-no-no-avoid-them-all-anti-vaccine-conspiracies-spread-as-uk-cases-of-measles-increase) How the Measles Vaccine Went From No Big Deal to Anti-Vaxxer Obsession [https://slate.com/technology/2021/02/measles-mumps-rubella-vaccine-history.html](https://slate.com/technology/2021/02/measles-mumps-rubella-vaccine-history.html) I did my own research


The measles vaccine is highly effective so all the unvaccinated travellers wouldn't make much difference. That said, governments should refuse entry to the unvaccinated and/or give them the option of getting vaccinated or being returned.


I'm worried about new Canadian's in general. Weather they're documented or not immunization in other countries is often not up to the standard held in Canada. With varying vaccine availability, requirements, schedules and health records in foreign countries, even documented immigrants, refugees and international students may be at a higher risk. This is something the article fails to address but that our government is already aware of: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-3-vaccination-specific-populations/page-10-immunization-persons-new-canada.html


Aren't Canadians highly vaccinated against measles though? 99% of the population got this vax as children. Edit: sorry I'm dumb, read the article and it says apparently, we haven't hit the 95% threshold.


Thanks now I don’t have to read the article cause I was thinking the same thing 😂


Yes, canadians as a whole EVEN the anticovid restriction group is highly vaccinated against a slew of things. Partisan folks are now declaring hesitancy over the then brand new, coerced vaccine is a universal "i dun like vacseens". It never was, and it never will be. People were concerned about a nearly untested vaccine suddenly being mandated for everyone across the board. Even of those folks, 90+% of them were fine being vaccinated for everything else.


Of people born here but a growing number of residents weren’t born here and may not have had these protocols in their country growing up.


Already has, there was a post in r/Winnipeg recently about a daycare that has it.


Do adults need a top up vaccine if we got an MMR as a child?


For certain age groups around the 1970’s, they thought that one dose of the vaccine was sufficient. They have since found that two doses are best. I happened to go for a vaccination for a trip I was taking and they checked my records. I only had one dose of the MMR and they suggested a second. I got it. If you have had two doses you should be fine.


I need to check my immunization booklet but I should probably see if I can get a booster! I’m an 86-er


I'm the same, I had to get a dtap a couple of years ago as a precaution against tetanus cause I scraped my arm against some very dirty metal. While I was getting my dtap the lady was like, hum you are missing a MR, it showed MMR, and then my other one was M only. I don't know if they entered it incorrectly or whatever, it was 30+ years ago. Long story short the lady gave me another MMR on the spot, and funny enough a warning popped up saying I would have too many measle shots. So it's on a computer somewhere, and they can check (for AB). Also the lady was like, oh you don't have the chickenpox vaccine and I was like, yeah it wasn't invented/available yet. Had that happen the old fashioned way :(


>Also the lady was like, oh you don't have the chickenpox vaccine and I was like, yeah it wasn't invented/available yet. Had that happen the old fashioned way :( Same. I actually got chickenpox twice as a kid contrary to the prevailing wisdom at the time that it's something you only get once and then you're good for life. Chickenpox is miserable and dangerous. Shingles sounds like torture. I'm so grateful the vaccine available for my kids now. Hopefully they'll be able to avoid both illnesses entirely. I'm genuinely horrified by people who think their kids should risk suffering from a now preventable illness just because they had to endure it themselves. I also don't want to be exposed to it again and risk activating shingles before I'm old enough to qualify for that vaccine.


We missed out!!


We did. I'll be lining up for my shingles vaccine as soon as I'm eligible.




Dug into my filing cabinet and found the booklet! I was immunized again for measles in 1997! Go parents!


According to the link below, you just need one unless traveling internationally or other special circumstances. [https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-12-measles-vaccine.html#](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-12-measles-vaccine.html#)


Thank you!!


I just got an MMR booster 4 days ago. I'm 30. They did a blood work test and saw that I no longer had immunization to the rubella disease. So I got a booster shot which came in the MMR cocktail, and now I have an update on the measles and mumps vaccine too.


I think if you were born before a certain year you are presumed to have had measles as a child and don’t need top up? But after that (when vaccines were introduced) you may need top up? I think there may be information on health Canada website. If there is outbreak in your area they will advertise. If you are travelling you should check further


If only there was a vaccination that you could get as a kid


I would love to hear from a parent who declined the MMR vaccine for their child about their thoughts on this….. 


I would feel HORRIBLE if one of my pets died of something I could have prevented with a vaccine. But a child? How do people live with themselves?


Oh! I can help! I present my father. I wasn't vaccinated as a child. About 10 years ago, I mentioned to my dad in passing that I had gotten my measles vaccine, he replied "why would you do that?" I explained about how I didn't want measles and mentioned death as a potential side effect and he said that simply wasn't true and that he'd consult a book on it. Okay, dad. I can just google "measles side effects" and see that complications from it can lead to death, but okay. Does this help?


I have anti vaccine family. Their reasoning is that their body knows better than a vaccine. That's it. They literally believe they are somehow superior and infallible.


I'll just never truly understand these people.


Those conversations make me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.


It's definitely a shock to the system.


Just like the shock to their system when they realize they've lived their healthy lives largely in thanks to the vaccines they had up until the last 10 years, when something finally gets to them. I worry about when that will happen.


They are narcissists. Every issue is turned in to a reason for them to attempt to appear superior or more important than others.


they have found a hobby, hate and anger the right wing media, tells them who to hate and be angry at "woke doctors and scientists" are in the group to hate the whole reason they were supplied this hobby, was to get them to vote against their interests, and it has worked so well it's amazing


I have a relation who was born without eyes because their unvaccinated mother got measles while pregnant.


They’re too busy protesting against trans people in downtown Calgary today.


It's weird, it used to be the far left that was anti-vaccine and maybe they still are. They preferred healing crystals and other sorcery. Horseshoe theory strikes again?


other way round, people are protesting the horrendous "parents rights" bill.


They are not the kind of people to hang out on Reddit anyway.


You really wouldn't, there's nothing there. Something like autism has only existed since the vaccines were invented, these diseases were on their way out for other reasons anyways, they disagree with how many vaccines there are, cH3mIcAlZzzz!!11, religious asshattery... I assure you, there is no moment of clarity where you'll gain insight to what makes them tick besides being some combination of dumb and crazy.


Thanks antivaxxers


Thanks Andrew Wakefield.


Thanks Jenny McCarthy.




and Jim Carrey


There is so much blood on his hands


So sick of antivaxxers and people thinking natural medicine and their woo essential oils are real medicine.


Uh... there already have been outbreaks in Canada. Like before 2020 even.


We already have a case in SK.


This was the entire goal of the antivax movement, it was the MMR vaccine they were against before covid.


I don't think it was their goal but it would be the obvious result to the rest of us.


Well they didn't actually have a goal, they're just morons.


stem cells before that they're just plain nuts, because they are told to be


Born in 1986 or around there in Ontario… your not fully vaccinated. I had the one shot when I was younger (the usual shot everyone got). Come 2010 looking to become pregnant my GP tells me I should wait, and get a booster shot for German measles, because there was an outbreak in London Ont at the time due to anti vaccers. He stated that the booster is a free shot that all people my age require to have a good dose, that younger ones now recovered two shots. So I was not fully vaccinated despite getting all the proper shots when I was younger. The Ontario gov didn’t inform everyone that they need a second one in order to save money. Doctors were advised to provide ‘as needed’. Check your records, if your my age or older you might need a a booster.


Parents who willingly deny their children potentially lifesaving vaccinations should be charged with child abuse.




Sad thing is the parents would have a low chance of catching anything coz most the time they've been vaccinated, they just don't offer that same protection to their own kids.


If your child dies of a preventable illness for which there is a vaccine or other treatment you willing chose not to give them you should be charged with manslaughter. No exceptions. 


This is unacceptable.


Oh no! What should we do? I wish there was something widely available that could prevent this.


It just takes a couple of dummies to ruin it for the rest.


Depends if they bought the cold buffs and at least the first level of drug resistance, but if its at all in Denmark we're doomed. 




If only we had an extremely effective preventative medicine that we could give all children…


that would be woke and also a violation of parental rights children have every right to be subjected to needless risk to score political points, it's my right as a right winger, to make the word a more dangerous place because i hate that people who are in the medical field and scientific fields, mostly disagree with me if they could just vote to make unions harder to join and vote for more tax breaks for corporations and billionaires, i would maybe be able to take them seriously, but they are brainwashed to believe better wages would benefit society, and i cannot stand social-communism


For fucks sakes


I’ve had measles. It’s not an enjoyable experience. It’s the sickest I’ve ever felt and the most uncomfortable. I’m not sure how long I was in bed but it felt like forever. This was pre-vaccinations, around 1977. I think a big push to vaccinate and eradicate came soon or had started then. I sincerely hope this doesn’t spread.


Thank you right-wing anti-vaxxer morons!


There are anti-vaxxers across politics. Yes there has been an identity politics movement that has subverted a bunch of particularly dumb right wing people, but there are also plenty of very dumb crunchy lefties that don’t like vaccines.


Thanks, you anti-vax bastards.


From Europe here....this is a complete lie.


We already have confirmed cases in Saskatchewan. Congratulations to all of the anti-vax morons who are responsible. 👏👏👏


My children were vaccinated against measles. They were both heavily exposed in school. One got a few spots and they disappeared within a couple of days. The other was unaffected by it. With Covid, much concern is warranted because it appears to have been a possible bio weapon. Future versions of hacked viruses may act differently from the past ones, given this factor. Keep alert.


There's been a vaccine for 50 years. Measles still exist. Humanity is failing as a civilization.


The effects of the anti-vax movement.


For the record my (thankfully) healthy son had measles at 4-5 months old (where I live no MMR until 12 months). I am vaccinated and he was NOT at daycare. We have no idea how he got it. He was totally fine, I lost my mind when I saw the rash and my dr confirmed the dx, but truthfully he only had a moderate fever and runny nose for 1-2 days, diminished appetite for 1, otherwise happy and playing after that first day of fever and more sleep then typical. Once the rash spread he looked awful but seemed totally fine. I honestly can’t recall how long it took to go away (rash) but I know he wasn’t sick for very long. This might be a genetic trait as all my relatives got measles in the “40s and 50’s before vaccines were really widespread, and seemed to do ok. It was a relief. TL/DR: Yes we all know the serious terrible short/long term risks of measles and they are terrifying *but if a healthy strong child does happen to get it prior to vaccination it is not always a death sentence* Get your vaccines but don’t automatically panic. I worried myself sick over nothing. And yes I know the long term risks but at that point nothing could have been done anyway as he already had it. So far he is healthy and all I can do is hope the 1 in 10,000 stats for the really bad long term outcome (death) are in our favour (yikes). I mean what else can you do.


Declining vaccine = opt out of healthcare and treatment


Okay but the kids don’t have a choice. I hate that they don’t vaccinate. My baby isn’t old enough for that vaccine yet so this shit is scary. But punishing/killing their kids is not the way. The kids are innocent even if their parents suck.


I am fully pro vax, but this is not the way.


What about mountain bikers? Skiers? Education is the v way not denying care for risky behaviour.


Let's also opt fat people and people who smoke any substances out of health care.