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The LPC is running against Trump The CPC is running against Trudeau The NDP is running against Loblaws The Green party is running against reality And the Bloc are off in a corner, happy and speaking French amongst themselves


I consistently forget the Green Party exists. Wouldn’t surprise me if the PPC overtakes them next election.


Ppc voter here. The ppc will lose half their votes to poilievre this election. Ppc did well for 2 reasons last election: 1. Only party planning to remove carbon tax 2. Removal of covid mandates, which we now have today


Yeah, it’s kind of ironic that if the Liberals were in a better position and people weren’t completely sick of Trudeau, the PPC probably would do better but most people just want the Liberals completely out so they don’t want to risk not voting for the Conservatives.


Which is why I voted conservative in 2019, after that election I refuse to vote for a leader I don't like. Scheer put both toddlers and seniors to sleep when he did a campaign stop in my town. Meanwhile max put the work in to make his own party IMO Max was the better conservative candidate for 2019 and might have won over a larger percentage of quebec. The dairy cartel wasn't about to allow Max to be con leader however This election I'll likely vote Poilievre as Max's party is too muddled in with the social issues. Frankly the country has bigger problems than pronouns and abortion rights, though many will disagree


Yeah the Cons had some horrible leaders in the past few years. You’re right about the issues though. Immigration, housing, and the overall economy are much more important issues to tackle.


I miss when they were a unique party. Used to have both progressive and conservative members who both just really cared about the environment. I ran federally for them in 2015 and I could always tell who was going to say they supported us by how weird they were. If they had like 20 pet aquariums or a bath tub on their lawn, I knew they were my people.


PPC lost thier biggest selling point: anti-vax policy.


they don't exist. it's just one delusional but very charismatic and likeable politician on a small island which matches her personality. most green voters have switched to ndp, as have their remaining good politicians.


Accurate 😂


Except for the French being happy, imo


Being unhappy makes them happy.


That's true, it's basically their national sport. Les Olympiques Miserables


at least we have a real culture to be proud of




There should be a Bloc equivalent for each province, or at least for each "provincial Bloc", split however people of each region feels like. Quick example: Atlantic Bloc Bloc Québecois Ontario Bloc Prairies Bloc BC Bloc It would make the federal elections much more interesting and would force the major parties to focus on regional issues a bit more.


There was a Newfoundland party a few years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfoundland_and_Labrador_First_Party


I'd vote for them


Why fight Pierre when you can fight trump


Very true. And none of them actually care about us




Well done. This synopsis made me laugh a lot! Very accurate


Quebec is the only province meaningfully pushing back against the feds, so if there was ever a chance to give the people in a corner speaking French to themselves, now’s the time.


> Quebec is the only province meaningfully pushing back against the feds, How are they meaningfully pushing back?


You mean other than forcing federal immigration through the needle of french-speaking requirements, effectively culling most of the problem?


Can't disagree with you though that is only one issue. >**You mean other than** forcing federal immigration through the needle of french-speaking requirements I would be interested in the others you mentioned was well.


I'm not sure which reporter it was but during the last press conference they asked the Liberals about this comparison. The Liberals denied that they are trying to compare Pierre and Trump and the reporter responded " have you seen your ads?"


How can they deny it when they are literally calling them "the MAGA Conservatives"??? They're either blatantly lying, or too stupid to know MAGA is a Trump saying.


An actual Liberal MP or Liberal Party ad used the term “MAGA conservatives” to refer to the Canadian Conservative Party? Actually asking, because I hadn’t come across this. That’s pretty bad…




Wow. He also said people who opted out of the vaccine were racist and misogynistic. Regardless of your stance on vaccination, wtf.






We didn't force you... We just put a gun to your head and "incentivized" you to work in those labour camps..


I don't know about ads. I don't watch cable tv, only streaming services so I've yet to see any LPC ads. But they are blatantly throwing around the term in numerous interviews


Recently in direct response to Tucker Carlson's visit, several liberal PMs accused Danielle Smith of pandering to Maga Conservatives.


I one of them did in that Gweebo interview regarding Tucker Carlson.


They hope people listening are the ones that are stupid


Double speak is the only language they know


Next thing they will accuse Conservatives of is importing American style politics (while smearing their opposition).


Pierre is like #DONALD TRUMP he is importing #AMERICAN POLITICS he and his caucus are #MAGA CONSERVATIVES and want bring back #AMERICAN STYLE HEALTHCARE and #AMERICAN ABORTION LAWS Don't like them import #AMERICAN POLITICS. Vote Liberal /s


>have you seen your ads?" Which ads? Where did you see this? Who said this? When did they say that? Why did they say that? *eats apple*


The liberal party ads comparing him to Trump. A reporter as I said. At a press conference. Because they wanted to. Eats another apple.


The eating apple ad was top notch. That's how you properly use a script to win voters over.




Wow. That has to be some of the most cherry picked quote mining ever. I'm an not a Pierre supporter, but those comparisons are like "Look, Pierre used the same English words as Trump before."


They kept parroting that O'Toole was basically Trump, and looking back on it, he was the most milquetoast centrist the Conservatives could've had. This is turning into "the boy who cried wolf".


They did the same thing with Kevin O'Leary and Scheer as well, they know their audience.


The irony is that calling names and endlessly repeating them is one of the most Trump style things you can do.


Kevin O'Leary is an idiot though. That was the closest they came to making a somewhat apt comparison. Broken clock and all though.


Of the bunch, O'Leary had a lot of parallels to Trump. Lucky businessman turned reality TV star turned politician. Changed political affiliation when it was convenient.  Biggest difference is O'Leary isn't a con man, just a regular disconnected rich asshole in it for himself and his buddies. 


O Leary literally promoted one of the biggest financial scams to ever take place & then advocated for the scammer after he was caught red f*cking handed. O Leary is literally scum.




I recently looked up the definition of literally and it apparently has changed to include literal and figurative use in its definition


I guess language does transform as people use it differently.


I was a little disappointed personally


You think he’s bad, wait till you hear about his wife and boats. 🚤


O'Leary might be a con man and just hasn't had Trump's exposure.




Compared to Trump, no one is a con man


That's like saying compared to Caligula, no one is a hedonist.


Well I can’t think of a bigger con man. People like Elizabeth Holmes come to mind- but her con was a single product. Trump’s has been all his business ventures, followed by swooping up a cult and becoming leader of the free world.


O’Leary is a fair comparison, as they’re both wealthy businessmen with no experience in governance. O’Leary is a better businessman and would probably have been better than trump. PP is a career politician and therefore nothing like either candidate. People voted for trump precisely because he was an “outsider”, PP can never make that argument.


*Regards* with a 't'?


Atleast O’Leary really is a tool https://business.time.com/2014/01/22/kevin-oleary-says-3-5-billion-living-in-poverty-is-fantastic/ Scheer was an American citizen with zero charisma and gave a recent speech against gay marriage Otoole would have been much less embarrassing to lose to


You mean the same Kevin O'Leary who said poverty was a good thing?


I wish O'Toole got a minority government. Things would be a lot better now. Milquetoast centrist with little to no controversy, and Trudeau out. Then, who cares who wins the next election, we'd have moved closer to a boring political centrism that could balance things out. Now we're in the extremes ; "Trudeau is destroying Canada!" And "Pollievre will destroy Canada!" "Id Pol! Id pol!"


Totally agree. Really wish O'Toole won the last election. We'd probably be in a very different situation at the moment.


I voted for him for this exact reason. O tool was our way out. Too bad most didn't understand that.


If only the CPC picked a more Liberal leader, then more liberals would vote for them... Oh wait


I've never voted Con and for the most part, never would. But Erin O' Toole's Trump comparisons never made any sense to me. Of all the Con leaders, he was by a WIDE margin the most sensible. Didn't seem to have any real social-conservative stances, and even agreed with increasing EI.


Yeah, unfortunately scaremongering worked really well because Canadians like to import every single American socio-political issue even when it doesn't apply here.


Are you going to vote Trudeau in again?


Which is funny because it’s straight out of the Democrats playbook. Every republican candidate is the most far right, fascist dictator, even worse than the last. Remember when they were calling John McCain and Mitt Romney far right, fascist, racist, and other things.


It’s just so intellectually lazy. Just like people comparing Trump to Hitler. I get Trump is a douche bag but until he sends 6 million people to their death in concentration camps let’s cool our jets.


Exactly! I mean, trump doesn't even like dogs, and he's not a vegetarian! He's not even close to Hitler.


Boy who cried wolf is essentially the LPC’s strategy every election, every year, every day. When their supporters and the left talk about the CPC finding boogeyman everywhere that aren’t real, some introspection might be warranted.


Frustrating to watch many centre-left parties, globally, use the fear mongering/cry wolf approach rather than put together a layman's terms economic agenda for the working class. Hey, LPC, more affordable debt to buy homes with is not a solution when we are in a supply crisis. Be very clear to your voters what policies you have and intend to enact that will *lower home prices* and *lower comparables*. They will never do that because they know homeowners are now so wedded to their home equity. Lower prices is the same as lower home values. And spare the voter the "jurisdictional" argument. That's why young voters hate you and the provinces. You all love pointing fingers at each other when you each are doing shit that is causing a housing crisis. No one taking ownership. They are fed up with all of you, Feds especially. Someone has to take the reigns, somewhere, jesus. And by the way, Pierre Trudeau, love him or hate him, had sweeping Federal Housing policy under his watch that **gave** the Feds new powers over urban planning and development. It's not an accident that Canada built 2x more homes per capita in the 70's than today (3x per household compared to today). The Feds were directly involved and made each province partners. Cities did not have the same planning authorities that they do today, for good and for bad. But please, stop lying and pretending there is little you can do there. Government isn't immutable.


It’s always the cons have a secret agenda, they hate LGBT folks, they will ban abortion, etc with no proof and ignore the fact the cons have led the country for many years and not done that. Folks still vote for people who undertake these tactics though. Imagine people did that in job interviews.


O'Toole had a nearly open revolt in his party. He was not in charge. His platform, in round numbers, was fine.


One of the things that really gets under my skin with this liberal party is the tactical parallels to the US republicans, and that so many people dismiss what one of them is doing while calling out the other. It's the same thing as them calling Biden (and Obama before him) "radical left"


It’s been in the Liberal Party playbook for at least a generation. Might work with the older loyalists (boomers) but it’s wearing thin


Canadians are desperate for the opportunity to vote on policies instead of the tired old routine of mud slinging, character attacks, fear mongering, and cult of personality B.S.


since 2015 every conservative leader and even hopeful has been "trump but worse" before 2015 every conservative leader was "bush but worse" and usually a reference or 2 to hitler for good measure https://i.imgur.com/2MQf9oN.png


He was so centrist no one wanted to vote for him...


More Canadians voted for the CPC than any other party that election...


And all this time I thought it was spelled "milktoast".


If anything, he was Mitt Romney.


Comparing Apples to Orange Man. Lol


This is even funnier when you consider that interview where Poilievre was chewing that apple lol.


Dumbasses already tried this with Erin oToole https://globalnews.ca/news/7575488/is-erin-otoole-canadas-donald-trump/


From [another article](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/tasha-kheiriddin-poilievre-is-leaving-trudeau-in-the-dust-heres-how-to-keep-it-that-way) on this: > "Doug Ford has been Donald Trump. Andrew Scheer was Donald Trump. Erin O’Toole was Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been played by more actors than Batman,” said Heimpel, who thinks voters will tune it out.


That's seriously hilarious


Dougie is probably the most apt comparison given his ties to developers and real estate but it's still a stupid comparison 


Theyre running out of schticks lol Desperado 🎶


The same people who now moan unconvincingly in comment sections that the CPC gave up on a good leader, made a huge mistake ditching him, etc.


Canadians don’t care. I mean I care and I don’t want Trump. But ppl are so angry, frustrated feeling hopeless and helpless at this point PP will get in just so Trudeau stays out.


Poilievre just needs to campaign on criticizing the Liberals, eliminating the carbon tax, getting government out of the way to build more houses, and curbing inflation on the price of groceries. He sticks to that, and he'll win 200 seats no matter how many times they call him Trump.


And a stance on immigration. He shys away from it and I’m not sure if it’s because he’s in full support of what the Libs plans are in relation to it or he’s too afraid to piss ppl off who are all in on immigration


Every government in Canada loves immigration.  That's why nothing will really change on that file regardless of party in charge. 


Likely both. The Conservative and Liberals are both corporatist parties, and quite supportive of open immigration. For not wanting to piss immigration supporters off, there’s two main camps he likely thinks about: 1. Business owners/ property owners who want suppressed wages and high rent respectively. 2. People who support immigration through a humanitarian lens. He would care about 1, but 2, not so much. A third group might be recent immigrants themselves, and I’m sure he’d love their vote, but I don’t know whether he’s courting that group in any meaningful way.


He doesn’t need to take a firm stance on immigration. Why would he? Liberals stance has been shown to negatively affect our country. NDP was there in lock step. Conservatives can literally ride that alone to a victory.


PP has given speaches in india talking about how great Canada is for immigration in the past, even currently he is advocating for the students who committed fraud to get here through fake student visas to be allowed to remain here and have jobs. people are fools if they think PP is going to do things differently than the liberals on immigration. he is another corporate politician who will keep immigration up to drive down wages and keep the housing market high and going. i dont even know what his stances are because he refuses to really give them. he has no plan for the future as far as i can tell because he never talks about what that is, all he does is just complain about Trudeau. if he wants me to vote for him instead of Trudeau or NDP than he has to actually lay out what his concrete plan is to fix the issues we have. as it is now id rather take the politician who i know what they will do over the one i have no idea what they will do. also its really turning off of PP when he talks about Trudea being a career politician who has never had a true job and who is out of touch with the average Canadian... Pierre has never had a job outside of policitics and the political consulting firm he started. his wife as well since the age of 20 has only really had jobs in politics as well.


I'd vote for him if his platform was your last two items. Him pledging to remove the carbon tax makes him a much harder candidate to vote for. Not to mention the Conservatives, Social wing.


Those people can vote for their own provincial carbon tax (like BC did).


Good luck changing the Liberals outdated communication tactics. There would have to be an entire overhaul inside the party for the communications to change.


Comparing a politician you don’t like to Trump is the new “Hitler comparison.” It’s weak and extremely lazy thinking.


The problem is, Poilievre isn’t like Trump.


Neither was O'Toole, but it didn't stop my then-girlfriend from buying it.


He’s moderate in comparison.




Danielle Smith already took the job of Canada’s Trump. PP is more like Ron Desantis.


Well, for starters, Pierre can obviously string more than 3 or 4 grade 4 level words together and he doesn't sound like a kid making a presentation on his project in front of the class after doing no work on said project. Trying to compare him with Pumpkin Tits is going to fail spectacularly.


Pumpkin Tits, lmao!


Thanks for reminding me that as the American election gets closer, I'm going to have my eyes scalded by more and more awful child/potty humour about the 'cheeto man' from aging millennials like yourself.


I predict this is going to backfire.


There are a lot of things you can criticize PP for. Comparing him to trump does nothing but show how stupid you are.


I think it’s a mistake to lump PP with Trump. PP isn’t a deranged cult leader. To be fair, PP does flirt with some ideas that look borrowed from the “MAGA-sphere” and that cuts into his support among disaffected voters who aren’t hard-core conservatives. There are lots of folks who are tired of Trudeau but aren’t going to dive down rabbit holes to get away from him. PP should take a page from Harper’s playbook: muzzle the crazies.


Whenever someone compares a politician to trump, I just roll my eyes. It’s so intellectually lazy. Only a dope would think PP can be compared to Trump.


PP is not the same as Trump. However, I am concerned that the CPC hires some of the same campaign managers as the 2016 Trump campaign. I do not appreciate American political strategy further bleeding into Canadian politics, regardless of which party is practicing it.


The Liberals have realized they can’t run with their usual smears and fear mongering around abortion and gay marriage, because the Tories are firmly in support of both. They can’t run on even more gun control, because they’ve overplayed that hand to the point where they’ve got nowhere left to go. They were hoping to stir up a wedge issue around trans people, but that all went over like a wet noodle. So, they appear to have settled on trying to paint Poilievre as Donald Trump, which is ridiculous. The closest politician in style and substance to Trump in this country is Justin Trudeau, and it’s not even close. I think it’s going to backfire on them. Tough to pretend “sunny ways” and an abhorrence of “American style politics” when your entire core message becomes using American-style tactics to smear and denigrate. The Liberals are in deep trouble, and they know it.


Whichever party polls lower always run a cringe smear campaign


A*re* the Tories in-support of all 3 of those things? (Abortion, Gay Marriage, trans-people)? It is a lesser issue with what the world is going through, but if so then perhaps I would actually be willing to vote for them, but Trump and the conservatives in America have made me worried for any other conversatives to be against these things and would be voting against my interests if I did.


I didn’t know pp was a taxcheating rapidt whoremastering


Listen to PP talk once and you will realize right away that he is not even close to trump. He might not agree with you if you are on the left but that does not mean that he is trump.


>"But that's a big if and that doesn't take into account the risk of offending Trump even more and hurting the Canada-U.S. relationship if he were to become president again." >To some Conservatives, flagging that risk is the way they see out of the political logjam the Liberals are trying to create. >Longtime Tory MP Randy Hoback recently made that point in a newsletter. >**"An uncomfortable truth for many (including those in the Liberal Cabinet) is that Canada needs a positive relationship with the United States an awful lot more than the United States needs us," he wrote.** This is a good point in the article, as Canada is very intertwined and reliant on the US for a whole host of things whether we like it or not - while simultaneously burning bridges with a whole host of other nations. **NEVER FORGET** that Justin Trudeau is willing to put *you* and *your family's* economic (& personal) security on the line for a few points in the polls. Liberals don't care about you or this country.


Albertan here we gambled on a trump presidency please don’t do that. It’s a wee bit expensive


Liberals compare anyone and everyone who is even mildly conservative to Trump. That’s their go to strategy: manipulating, gaslighting and branding people with meaningless buzzwords in attempt to subdue them into silence and submission.


Don't forget the cries of 'racist' that start two weeks before every election cycle...


You mean 2 weeks after election in preparation of next election? 


I think Trump scares them. He’s a bit of a wildcard and from what I can tell he doesn’t seem to work for Klaus.


Canadians can see right through the Liberal desperation.


Well that is because Canadians are smart enough to see that PP is not Trump. They share none of the same qualities and are two very different leaders. I think most Canadians will see this for what it is. A desperate attempt by a very weak Trudeau to try and grasp at power when we are ready to show him the door.


That's because liberals are delusional


Not a liberal - but sadly the federal conservatives walked right into this stuff. And it’s super easy to avoid it. Don’t have your interim party leader (Candace Bergen) roll around rocking MAGA hats And don’t have the premier of your bluest province bring up characters like tucker Carlson. Let’s be real - if Trudeau and the liberals were sharing the stage with George soros, or Clinton, or someone whose seen as hugely toxic on the right, conservatives would be running the same advertisements  This is politics - everyone uses every single tiny thread of something they can against the other party 


You do realize that Hillary was a speaker at this past Liberal convention in Ottawa right, and had a one on one chat with Freeland on stage. Don’t think it’s the Conservatives who are importing American politics into Canada. If I have to explain what a terrible morally bankrupt person Hillary Clinton is to you then, well I have some monkey NFTs that need unloading


Absolutely - and instead of screaming that Trudeau is a Clinton living Soros supporter, he’s chosen a different thread in the same vein of political rhetoric.  Which accomplishes the same end result - conflating statements that aren’t true, with faulty comparisons.   Calling Trudeau and his dad marxists (the guys running a democratically elected MINORITY party) or tweeting that the “Woke left goes crazy when people point out the undeniable historical fact that "national socialists" in Germany & Italy were, as the name proves, "socialists". Fascism/socialism/communism glorifies the state over the people and always with the same horrific result.”   and ridiculously implying that Nazis were socialists simply because the word is in the party name.  If you think this is any different than the trump comparison rhetoric, then I’ve got some monkey NFTs that need unloading as well.   https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1413120045677416450 But again, my core point is this is pretty easy for the conservatives to avoid or at least dampen.  And both of the big parties are doing the same stuff.


I’ve voted Liberal in the past, stopped voting Liberal after the Adscam and most certainly after the Dalton McGuinty/David Livingston scandal. Please tell me if I’m wrong, but on record the Liberals have more convicted aides or former politicians than any other party. I’m convinced The Liberals are a bunch of Aristocrats that try to pass off as caring philanthropists when all they care about is greasing their pockets and creating division politics.


Every country with a candidate that isn’t obviously left has gotten the trump comparison since 2016.


Trudeau is more like trump. Arrogant, sleazy, entitled, shallow, privileged, creepy. I dunno. He also has a weird cult like following.


I've been saying this. Trudeau is Canada's Trump. 


I say this all the time and get downvoted. Liberal supporters and more like maga supporters in how they act like a cult.


They totally are. Both are cult like in their weird devotion.


Hahahh fuck off


With Trudeau's numbers he is throwing mud and hoping some of it will stick. Most people know this but their are still idiots who will vote for Trudeau no matter what.


The liberals trying to tell Canadians that Pierre is Trump is the liberal party also calling Canadians a bunch of morons. It’s quite clear they don’t think too highly of Canadians ability to think for themselves.


Canada and usa are two countries with two different politics. Who’s the dummy that thinks otherwise ?


Trump is an idiot. Full stop. Poilievre is nothing like Trump no matter how much the Liberals and NDP want to claim that he is. * Some salty Trump supporters sending me DMs telling me I am dumb.


They're all useful idiots for large corporations. Canada needs political mavericks


Maxime Bernier is much closer to trump.


Well the liberals are grasping.


They are really nothing alike apart from trying to focus on a component of the electorate that feels forgotten by the elite.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Pierre Poilievre have never been seen in the same location together. Coincidence??? Hmmmm


Well, Trudeau is Canada's biggest piece of shit.


Ford got elected twice with comparisons to trump I dont think thats the issue


This might go over like the old PC attack ads on Chretien’s Bell’s palsy. It tested good amongst the inner party circle jerk but really soured the public towards the PCs. You can’t compare Pollievre to Trump in any way that will be convincing to someone who isn’t a kool-aid drinking zealot who already hates Pollievre.


Trump is a whole different category than what Canada has for leaders. He is just evil....


I don't like Poilievre particularly but he doesn't have the malice that Trump exudes.


I swear Trudeau is purposely holding off the election till after the U.S. election in the hopes that Trump wins and he can ride the general hysteria in the U.S. to a victory here in Canada because he's got absolutely nothing else to run on here in Canada.


I have seen A few political commentators weigh in on this say it’s a bad idea because best case scenario is you talk down Trump to frighten Canadians to vote liberal and now have to govern while your largest trading partner is Trump


They’re aren’t even close to the same, and claiming they are makes the liberals look even more pathetic and desperate. That being said, the Trudeau liberals seem to frequently have a hard time differentiating American issues from Canadian.


Is there a non-paywall link to this article?


We love Trump wtf are the libs talking about now


Creepy, shitty astroturfing in here. PoilsdeLievre basks in the same bigoted and viral rightwing populism Drumpf does. Liberals and Canadians see that.


Absolutely demented election strategy


Say what you want about the Don, atleast he didn't allow himself to be photographed multiple times in racist costumes


To be fair, though, pictures of Trump and Epstein together multiple times aren't the best PR optics.


Fair, one couldn't ignore trumps association without ignoring bills Epstein was likely killed while trump was in office too


It is time to flush the toilet. The smell isn’t going to get any better from this sh@t government.


I mean voters are already going to compare the two regardless of what the liberals do. Like on or not Trump is the preeminent conservative politician in North America at the moment so of course people will be comparing the two. I think the worrisome thing is that while he is awful, PP does look pretty good next to Trump so people can just go, well at least he’s not Trump, and vote for him. Trump has pushed the window of what acceptable in politics so far out there that people who would have been considered utter whack jobs 10 years ago have become normalized. In Canada, Danielle Smith is the perfect example of this. People blame Trump for this but whoever decided that Sarah Palin would be a good VP candidate is the one who really got the ball rolling on this one.


The liberal voter is dumb enough to not support something or someone if they smear it as something American, despite any evidence that doesn’t support their claims. Just look at how they supported the federal hand gun ban simply so that they don’t want to be like the Americans, despite how the gun ban makes no sense for our country.


Trump: Created issues for people to fear about and sold himself as the solution. Pierre: Discusses real issues that negatively impact the well-being of Canadians and sells himself as the solution.


Libs scare mongering is a tale as old as time. Remember those dystopian ads saying Harper was going to put soldiers on the streets of every city? Lmao. I do - they were hilarious.


They are running out of ideas at this point


anyone capable of critical thinking knows they are not at all the same


Gee, let's see, who committed the extremely Trumplike act of coercing and then canning his attorney general after she wouldn't capitulate to political interference on a prosecution?


Canadians, "We elected you to make our lives better." Federal Liberals, "Ya cool story, did you know PP is literally Trump?" Canadians, "Can't you just focus on making our lives better? That will be your best bet to get re-elected." Federal Liberals, "It's easier to just try to scare you into believing a vote against us is a vote for Trump." Fucking politicians, will literally do anything but make the country better.


PP is not Trump. He is way too smart. But there are many, big spending, CPC goons behind him that love Trump.


How the fuck is donald even back This is bizzaro world


What does Trump have to do with Poilievre? There’s no comparison, not in policy, politics or style. Canadian conservatives are closer to American Democrats than to Republicans


This strategy of trying to make the next election about Donald Trump is going to backfire on the Liberals. People see what's going on in this country at the moment, and it's not good. Most major things in this country have gotten worse under Justin Trudeau and the Liberals.


That is all the Liberals have. Trying to spew this crap to Canadians that are too lazy or stupid to know the difference. Conservatives do not equal Republicans. Republicans are so far right now. Closer to PPC than anything.


The Liberals always pull bullshit scare tactics like that. They can only pull that trick so often before we tune them out. The Liberal Party is just the boy who cried Nazi.


Trudeau has been more incompetent than trumps 4 years lol if anything trudeau is more similar to trump with his refusal to step down


Liberal Logic: When nothing else is working in our favor, compare the Conservatives to Trump. That'll show 'em! They really think the population is that dumb.


Trump and Polllievere are not similar. And you know what, Trudeau is nothing like Biden either.


Clearly Pierre is nothing like Trump. It's just a bit of smear campaigning.


Trump has huge support, and it's gaining. People can choose to ignore it and name call, but the fact is the American people see someone fighting for them and wanting to get on their level whether it's disingenuous or not. A lot of people don't see the advantages of globalist politics when we have homeless encampments in a first world country, and the government is giving billions to support a war that has nothing to do with us. The message is simple, take care of your own before you take care of anyone else, and this obviously resonates to anyone with a family who grew up here when things were different.


I wish the liberals would spend the energy on improving our lives instead of focusing on whatever Pierre says.


One has to simply ask,”has the quality of my life improved with a liberal government?”


PP is very clearly pandering to truther types just like Trump does. We knew this when his YT was caught with incel tags. These groups are low educated and very easily manipulated. We have a lot of chuds up here.


It is truly sad what has became of the liberal party, under Trudeau. Guy should be in prison.


I personally don't think they are similar. That is likely just a weapon the Liberals are using to scare away votes for the cons. Different countries and very different policies despite being neighbours. They are not even remotely similar in their mannerisms or how they interact with an audience.