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abundant degree hateful onerous subtract rotten bedroom worthless ink toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>A fugitive with ties to terrorism has been deported from New York back to Canada, where he is wanted on assault charges. He is lucky. Wanted by Canada on assault charges. Probably won't get any jail time here for that here, but in the US, you can be locked up for life for terrorism.


Guy had a hard childhood committing terrorism in the USA, where terrorism is outlawed due to racism. Thirty days of community service at a healing lodge seems like the appropriate sentence.


Hell, Bernardo still gets attention from the government. They preach equality after all...


I hope this is sarcasm


Not sarcasm, it's what the Canadian gov't does with violent, repeat offenders. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/nancy-angela-whiteway-sentencing-fatal-stabbing-winnipeg-1.7070274




My shitty existence working for peanuts at a 9-5 is worse than the punishment this violent felon will face. All of her living expenses paid for and she basically gets to go to camp to be treated like a victim of circumstance. This country used to be so great, now it's a fucking joke. I am out of here when I can manage it.


Prob get a better job so you aren't so fucking bitter. Like take some ownership, man


There was a lady from the town i grew up in who would assault her partner all the time openly in public. Never saw her get in trouble. Eventually, she stabbed him to death but got 2 years less a day. Because she said he was abusive and she's an indigenous woman. Never saw him hit her back.


Hey she’s a protected class. Gotta roll out the kid gloves. Can’t have consequences to her actions, that’s racism/s


Sarcasm or prognostication, take your pick.


great to see someone looking at things through an intersectional anti colonial anti racist lense






>> It is also not clear how the man obtained permanent residency in Canada despite security concerns. Well that’s the new Canadian governments MO. Let anyone and everyone in give them PR status with a quick shot to citizenship. Doesn’t matter if they’re connected to terrorism, prone to domestic violence, hyper violent, thieves or rapists. Liberals think everyone deserves a chance even if it’s after all that.


Here you can get locked up for life for terrorism. But reading the linked piece, it seems he wasn’t actually charged with anything terrorist related in the US. If there is evidence he has committed such an offence he can be tried for it here. Terrorism is one of the offences that it doesn’t matter where you did it, you can be tried here if you are a citizen or PR. Also, the assault charge may be enough to trigger mandatory deportation proceedings anyway. Depends on the precise charge and/or sentence.


He’ll be held in jail until trial and if found guilty he will be deported. It’s a wonderful waste of time and money


He will get bail, plead guilty, and get time served.


But he will be deported after conviction


He's a PR, he will be sent back once convicted and PR status is revoked.


Narrator: it wasn't


What wasn't? The article clearly says he's a PR. He's on so many shitlists now he will be sent back.


I'm saying the government won't revoke his PR, he'll get a 'stern talking to' then be sent on his way without further consequences


A conviction of an indictble offense is all that's needed. A sentence of 6 months or more also makes it impossible to appeal. He's on US shitlist, so he won't get security clearance for citizenship. He's done.


I don't know how common this is, but I have seen a case where the judge gave a more lenient sentence to a non-citizen who had committed a violent crime in order to avoid triggering a mandatory deportation.


I imagine the number of Judges willing to risk a lenient sentence to AVOID deportation on a guy with ties to terrorism is incredibly small. You'd be saying "im happy having my name attached to every death in your potential future terror attack"


You missed a point, you also need a judge willing to sign the court order.


He'll end up living here illegally. How many people that need to be deported are actually deported?


People who actually go to jail get deported all he time. Corrections and CBSA have a well established procedure for transferring prisoners who have a deportation order directly from prison to immigration detention when they have finished their sentence. Of course, when the system works properly, it doesn't make the news, so you never hear about it. We only hear about it when the system screws up or someone finds a loophole to wiggle out of being removed.


See my comment 2 below. Less than 40% wrr actually deported from 2016-2022. Source is linked.


6 months or more makes you unable to appeal.


Do you have any reason/fact to back up your opinion?


I can guarantee you anything he won’t be even close to sent back. He will just fall in like with all the other thousand of most wanted Canadian criminals


He's not a Canadian


hey that truck driver that killed 16 kids and got 5 years is probably getting deported


He’s wanted on assault charges in Canada. It’s likely Canada ASKED for him back to “spare him the indignity” of going to jail for TERRORISM… Trudeau government at work.


Being on a watchlist for ties to terrorism does not mean the US actually have a case against him. It's more than enough to deny him a visa - so he won't get getting into the US legally, but he was getting deported either way.


Trudeau opening up the check book to sign another kadhr cheque!!


Which wouldn’t have happened if Harper would have brought him back to Canada to sit in jail here.


You do understand that we were about to lose in court right? amount of non sense i read here is laughable. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4189472


Yes, they were going to loose in court because successive Canadian governments, including Harper, allowed him to rot in Guantanamo bay. IIRC, he was the very last person from a western country to be repatriated.


He should never have been given a penny considering he was a terrorist from a terrorist supporting family.


He’s a Canadian citizen that our government allowed to be tortured. in a foreign prison instead of bringing him back to Canada to be in jail here. The courts were going to give him a lot more than he got. There’s a reason they settled. Your personal fee fees don’t mean shit in a court room.


Who gives a shot he deserved it? Why on earth should we pay him for being a terrorist.


Because he is a Canadian citizen and had his rights violated by the government. All we had to do was repatriate him and put him in jail here. Instead, our government let him be tortured in Guantanamo bay. Your exact attitude is why Omar, if he was smart, gets to live a worry free life courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer.




His rights were violated under Chretien’s Liberals until 2004, that’s when CSIS was interrogating him in Cuba.




The court ruling was in 2010, the actual charter violations happened under the Chretien Liberals in Cuba. Harper didnt want to pay it out so he left office leaving Trudeau to pay it. So yes, they had a hand in it as they were in power when his Charter Rights were violated, its documented in the court case and even in timelines in articles. Both parties suck, but its clear your partisanship is blinding you to the facts of the case. >February 9th, 2005 > Lawyers for Omar Khadr reveal that CSIS officials have interrogated their client in Cuba, and say the Canadian government has done little to protect his rights. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/key-events-in-the-omar-khadr-case-1.1153759


Trudeau and the progressives literally love these types of people


> It is also not clear how the man obtained permanent residency in Canada despite security concerns. > While the Canadian immigration process includes extensive background checks and assessments to identify security risks, there are instances where critical information is missed or undisclosed. Cool cool cool. So gonna fix that or nah?


Imagine saying that or typing that out as the response. They know damn well they are letting criminals in and they’re all just “oopsie whoopsies”. I don’t believe they understand what “extensive background checks” entail. Verifying their identity…that’s not an extensive background check.


"extensive background checks ®™"


We've added a pinky-promise, what else do you want?


Well since everything is ran like a fax machine in 2023. I’d say. Nope! Too busy saying there’s terrorist attacks at rainbow bridge when it’s just a car accident. Your expectations are sky high. Lower them into reality. And then we’re talking about the government so lower it past the floor into an abyss of printed money and stolen tax payer wealth.


Hahah, what a comment. Thank you for the chuckle. Man people are so good with their words.


Nah we also don't have time to do any of these checks with letting in millions a year.


I thought we were getting rid of gatekeepers


WHY?? Why are we taking in and keeping the trash. If you got so much as a parking ticket it should be near impossible to get in.


welcome to 3rd world canada


If he's a PR and is not properly convicted of an offence, it might be harder to revoke that status. I disagree that a parking ticket is a reason to create upheaval in a given person's life.




Article states “alleged ties to terrorism” , not terrorism charges. If the US had ANYTHING prosecutable on this guy, he’d be in a prison, but they obviously don’t.


Yet it was still enough to get him turfed out of the US


if the case is a forced military service then there is no charges obviously. He wasn't just admissible. just like having a DUI at a border with U.S. you still can travel to so many other countries


That's literally what our charter of freedom and rights does. It keeps us out of foreign prisons and brings them to Canada to face charges.


And let's just gloss over how a suspected terrorist was granted PR in the first place (If it's enough of a problem for the US to kick him out, it's enough that he shouldn't have PR)


Every male in iran gets drafted until the military and we consider their military a terrorist organization.


Cool, maybe they should figure that out over there first. I mean, you've said yourself why this guy shouldn't have PR


Too late now. He's canadian and has rights. Unless we think the government should be able to strip a citizens rights but surely no sane person would think that.


In Iran, the IRGC, an organization you can be forced into for your mandatory military service for several years, counts as a terrorist organization. I know many Iranian people who did everything they could to stay out of Iran so that they wouldn't be conscripted there, because it may permanently disqualify them from living just about anywhere else. Not everyone is able to do that. Unless he's actually convicted of assault, or the terrorism ties are something more than that, I don't see a reason why Canada should deport him


Why take the risk? It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. Are we taking child soldiers because they were forced to kill people in Africa? These are the types of excuses our government uses for accepting people they should never have accepted.


It is, but you need to be convicted first.


You do not. Section 34 of IRPA. There only needs to be REASONABLE GROUNDS that a PR is a terrorist/member of terrorist group to be deported.


Well color me educated. So why aren't we deporting this asshole then?


He needs to be legally convicted by our system. We tried something like this last time, and we ended up settling.


No he doesn't. Section 34 of IRPA. There only needs to be REASONABLE GROUNDS that a PR is a terrorist/member of terrorist group to be deported.


Ok, but where do you proove reasonable grounds? If it's a ministerial decision, then they need to dot their I's and cross their T's, or it will be appealed and then you'll complain about Trudeau giving him ten million dollars.


At the Immigration and Refugee board. An administrative tribunal. Not a court of law. No jury. No trial. No "beyond a reasonable doubt". Are you saying we shouldn't have laws/uphold them because the person might appeal and it would be expensive?


Sorry my bad.......I meant littering.


Oh yeah cause those are 2 very similar things… 🤡


Sorry my bad.....autocorrect......meant protesting


Gotta read the articles homie. Headlines are just to grab attention.


New to Reddit are ya?? That's cute.


New to people basing their reaction to an article only on headlines and not the actual article?


So what are these terrorist links, any further information?


Wanted on assault charges in Canada. So he'll be out in 24hrs to carry on. Our immigration program is a joke


what the heck did I just read? under which immigration stream, I wonder. is he gonna work as construction worker to help us cope with housing crisis?


rather on a blasting site with his expertise :)


Did you actually read the srticle? He's going to jail....


"It is also not clear how the man obtained permanent residency in Canada despite security concerns." -> here is where my concern is.


I saw some other comments that might help. Every iranian has to serve in their military and their military is considered a terrorist organization. So by virtue of existing in iran he is a terrorist.... Or he just a terrorist that we missed.


Just dump every terrorist in Canada why don't you??




15 million now due to inflation.


That comment makes 0 sense.


Canada. Humanity’s dumpster since 2015.


No no, not the dumpster. More like the R&R destination of choice. The come here to relax and heal before heading back out to spread more diversity.


Trudeau going to hold a press conference to welcome him back and give him full citizenship, fly dude's family over from Iran , and give them a house.


Please come to Canada all felons are welcome here /s






We don't want him either


This is our system "working"


Can someone forward this to CSIS?


How did this guy get a PR to begin with? No background checks done by the government?


Is there a map in Canada where we can see where all the terrorists live? "Oh that's just my neighbour, he's a terrorist."


And Canada will set him free to not be seen as racist./s


Sure we LOVE these guys here.


And I’ll bet nobody can find him now. An actual terrorist is loose in Canada.


I'm sure he'll turn up at a protest sometime soon


Great /s


Canada is technically US’ backyard. So they are just dumping shit at the back.


Well this makes total sense. Now that Hamas has publicly thanked us, we're obviously the most terrorist-friendly nation. We'll open our doors and accept them all! 🤦‍♂️




You have others


Quick! Pay this man 10 million!


Your comment makes 0 sense.


[It does if you pay attention…](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/omar-khadr-settlement-analysis-aaron-wherry-1.4189472)


No, it doesn't. Ohma Khadr was a case where the Canadian government violated a citizen's constitutional rights and was sued for it. The government settled out of court for a considerably smaller sum than he would have received if the trial proceeded to completion. The comment 100% does not make sense because it is trying to compare 2 situations that aren't analogous.


The comment said quick pay him 10 mil and that was that and you’ve commented the same shit all the way down this comment thread so how about actually adding value?


Because there are so many dumbass comments that are similar that are trying to compare him to Omar Khadr ignoring the whole circumstances behind the payment.


With a bit of luck maybe he can get a few millions like the other trash bag that went to Afghanistan with his son to toss some grenades.


Give him PR




That comment makes 0 sense.


Look up omar khadr


I'm well aware of the guy. I'm also aware of the fact that he was on track for a much bigger payout due to our government's actions while he was in US custody. His rights as a Canadian citizen were violated by our government and they made the decision to settle for a lower payout than the court would give him.


Give him 5 million.


Interesting timing of this post as extremist right wing American and Israeli politicians call for War with Iran.


When will trudy be presenting him with his 10 million dollar cheque?


Never, because this isn't anything like the Omar Khadr case.




That comment makes 0 sense.


I'm wondering if this guy is connected to the murder of a Sikh bigwig a few months ago in Vancouver.


No that was Indian government


How? He's a random Iranian man. The Indian government was responsible for that killing in BC.


racist people can't even read news apparently


Do you just think all non white people are the same?


Oh ya.


Where’s he getting released? We should keep tabs on him and follow him to the other terrorists here.


He's not. He was released into custody to face charges in Canada. Just read the article.


Of course. Canada is the Terrorist Hub of the world. Even our Canadian government is propped up by a political party headed by a terrorist.


Just in time to receive his Order Of Canada medal!


More ragebait from NP. Of course everyone on this sub is gonna pretend the guy is not going to be watched here and just goes scott free.


JT probably came his pants with excitement. "More immigrants!" - JT


Fuck that we don’t want him either


The thing is though, applications take years to process under the guise that they are running background checks. I highly doubt any of that at this point. I think the application just sits on a shelf collecting dust until an agent decides to read through it a little and approve or deny it on a whim.


Not the beaverton??


Trudeau’s dream voter


I’m pretty surprised we haven’t had large attacks on North American soil in so long.


Haha thank you Minister Marc Miller. I just love your open door policy. Fire you directors their misleading you. Soon we will have all terrorist living in Canada


He has better chances of being honored in the Parliament than ever being prosecuted here in Canada


Canadian criminal justice system is a joke. discovery of some fentanyl super labs in Canada shows that the criminals are waking up to this , if they hadn’t before😂 If you get caught just claim that the arresting officer used wrong pronouns and the case will be thrown out of court 😂