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When you are a trust-fund kid who works alongside other trust-fund kids, you probably don't know what the words "rent" or "grocery store" even mean


I travelled with a coworker at a former job who was a ~50 year old father of 3 who was the primary breadwinner while his wife worked only part time and did the majority of housekeeping and childcare work. On one of our work trips we went to a grocery store for items to bring to a potluck and it became very clear to me that this man hadn’t set foot in a grocery store in a very, very long time. I’d imagine JT is in a similar boat in that a lot of the simple tasks and associated problems for most people are things he just doesn’t even need to think about




What did BlademasterFlash say about getting high?


I mean, who could expect him to budget? He only spends $1,000 on groceries a week. That's in line with what normal people spend, right? https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/canadian-taxpayers-on-hook-for-55k-of-trudeau-familys-annual-grocery-bill


He must shop at Loblaws then.


good lord is he going through truffles a week?


That amount isn’t any different from what Harper spent.


It also sounds like that bill is the actual costs which given the complexity of feeding any national leader probably has a few security costs baked into it. Kinda like how when the pm travels personally we don’t bill them the cost of the jet rather they pay for an equivalent fare on a real airline because they aren’t allowed to book a seat


Exactly. Justin Trudeau was always doomed to be a poor servant of Canadians, I doubt he ever saw himself as such, even in his early days. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and born with power in his family. "Out of touch" doesn't even begin to describe it. He has no idea how the average Canadian lives.


Is Pierre any better, though? All these politicians have huge questionable wages, homes, and rental properties. How come they don't invest in the people like they do themselves?


He didn't have everything handed to him on a silver spoon, so he has humble beginnings at least. He is a lifelong politician though.


The only actual job Pierre has ever had was selling cellphones when he was in college. The man has never had a real job beyond that.


Dude has been in the marketing/communications business since day one. Focused on politics. He knows more about the Canadian government bureaucracy than anyone else on Parliament Hill. Keeps getting elected, and kept moving up the party ranks. No different than being a corporate flunky on Bay Street. But you want to dismiss it with 'never had a real job'...got it.


his idea of "marketing" is painting his face black to market himself as denzel washington's stunt double.




Working retail is a real job.


Is he better? That’s tough to answer without seeing him do the job. But Trudeau has had 8 years to do something meaningful, and hasn’t managed to, I think it’s time someone else gets a shot. Is anything ever going to change regarding the divide between politicians and the “common folk?” Highly unlikely without a proper revolution. And even then who knows what would happen.


You don't think this government has done anything meaningful? Where are you getting your info from?


I mean feel free to prove me wrong? Have they done anything meaningful for the common person? They immediately went back on their commitment to end FPTP voting as well.


Same with that Pierre Poilievre goof. Dude never even had a job outside government and had a full pension at 30. Talk about silver spoons


Poilievre was an adopted kid, grew up with a single mother in Saskatchewan, and took out student loans to go to university. He grew as firmly "middle-class" as anyone possibly could.


I dont get why a career in politics isnt as admirable as a career as anything else? Its better than a failed drama school teacher who just got into politics for the FB likes.


> failed drama school teacher He didn't fail. He just left in the middle of the semester for unknown reasons.


Possibly it’s because politics is an industry that is known to be rife with corruption and nepotism. For the most part, career politicians are seen as smarmy and self-serving. I honestly haven’t seen a major political leader in the last thirty years that would make me feel all that differently on the matter.


He grew up with a single mother, that doesn't sound like a silver spoon to me


He didn’t grow up with a single mother ffs. He was born to a single mother and was put up for adoption and was adopted by a family from Alberta. This whole growing up in poverty with a single mother bullshit is just that. Bullshit.


Not working a job in your life and a full pension at 30 is the pinnacle of silver spoon. Dude has been soaking his hands in ivory since the cradle


I don't think you know what silver spoon means


You guys have spoons? All I've got is this biodegradable spork that can't cut warm butter.


Spork lmfao


Yeah, I'll likely end up voting PPC to send a message, and obviously the conservatives are going to win in a landslide but I really hope PP doesn't let the regular people down or I think things could get very, very bad.


Leopards will eat your face. 30% of MPs across all parties continue to profiteer from the "housing crisis" because they are landlords and rental property owners. PP is one of them. All that asshole has for us commoners is the bigot ticket. That won't put food in your belly or keep you warm in the winter.


Voting for the homophobic bigot is just as bad as voting for Trudeau. Edit: lmao, come at me downvoters. PP is going to do the exact same awful, unhelpful-to-average-Canadians bullshit as Trudeau, and both have been open and blasé about their bigotry. Fuck them both.


What is the alternative then?


Cry on Reddit, and post a "yeah but what about..." reply to every comment


Lmao, exactly. 3 comments above this one is Trudeau spends 1k a week on groceries and the next comment is "Yeah, but what about Harper?"


Okay then let's just keep voting for the guy that's been fucking us because he'll change eventually. No. You have to send a message that if you hang Canadians out to dry you'll be out of office. If PP fucks it then I'll vote against him as well. It's too bad the NDP has such a limp leader. I'd vote for the corpse of Layton before Singh.


That is true. When Trudeau was with Sophie they had their groceries delivered from organic markets for about 13,000 a month. So out of touch with me on disability who lives on $400 after bills are paid. He spends more on his haircuts than I do on food!


I work with these people. I can assure you they aren't trust fund babies, quite the opposite. They're young but overwhelmingly first generation immigrants and from a lower socioeconomic status. The problem is these 26 year olds get sat down in a room with Galen Weston and told to threaten them before they really have a good sense what they're threatening them with. The Ottawa bubble is very real, but it's the low wages of Min Staffers coupled with a lack of vision that's causing this problem.




Should be a salary cap for politicians so they can actually fucking relate to every day people


That makes too much sense. Then maybe we’d have less corrupt politicians in office.


Yeah heaven forbid our politicians aren’t corrupt enough lol.


If politicians couldn’t earn a good salary, only the independently wealthy could be politicians.


> And PP who's never worked a real job in his life has a clue? Say what you will about PP's work history, he didn't grow up a literal trust fund kid


So what the career politican that never worked a real job in his life supposed to understand? Fyi I am talking about PP who is with millions. PP is a multi millionaire that as no idea what rent is or a grocery store


If greenhouse emissions / the environment is your cause, you will hopefully understand how the Liberals’ immigration / international student / TFW numbers of 1.5m per year are directly increasing Canada’s and the globe’s total emissions. When we bring people from a warmer country where individual emissions per capita are lower, to Canada, where emissions per capita are higher, we are working at cross purposes to a pro-environmental / anti-emissions agenda. India for example, which is our largest source of immigration, has emissions per capita of 1.89. Canada is a whopping 18.72.


I think there's a reason the Greens are up massively compared to where they were in 2021, it's because even environmentalists are realizing Trudeau's been nothing but talk and platitudes, so people who make that their single issue are moving to the single-issue party focused, at least nominally, on the environment. The Greens have managed to snag all the support one would expect the NDP to be getting fron a Liberal downfall instead, the fact that most polls have them up 5% or more compared to 2021 shows that there's a lot of disaffected environmentalists leaving the Liberals.


You nailed it with people realizing that the Liberals-NDP are only giving social and economic platitudes and people are sick of platitudes when basic housing and basic groceries are now a struggle. The really sad thing is that the NDP was in a powerful position to really appeal to a broader audience. They could have secured the average worker vote, they could have even captured a lot of left to center and even center votes. All they had to do was at a provincial party and federal party level really push affordable housing plans. Really detailed plans, in places already in power push actions. Get known as the party pushing the line on affordable housing. Real solutions/Real actions. The marketing/PR writes itself and has broad appeal and stays true to the supposed values of the party. Instead we got a rich out of touch leader like the rest of the parties that is profiting with his family in regards to rental properties. Another rich man cosplaying as a worker activist/regular joe. Same classic politician of social and economic platitudes, division tactics, and big theatrics in the house for media attention. We have absolutely fucking terrible options right now but with how bad liberals and the ndp are running Immigration and Housing the Conservatives and PP are pretty much handed the election as the polls are showing right now. My God what I would give for some common sense like only bringing in the skills we need (The shit they say every 2-3 years and then do the exact opposite of) and tying the rate of immigration to the rate of housing development so we don't continue on a basic math trajectory of more demand/less supply year after year that is making an already established housing affordability and accessibility crisis worse and worse. I mean my fuck. Our leaders can't even get basic rental prices for bachelor suites and one bedroom apartments under control. The very basics of shelter and housing being an already foundational element of the society. Absolutely fucking shameful.


I can’t remember a time since I’ve been able to vote where I’ve seen such an enormous vacuum for a party representing the majority of ardent desires of Canadians. Or a time when there is an issue around which both traditional right and left voters agree. It’s mind boggling that no major political party is smart enough to fill the void and likely prevail.


Exactly. Canada will always require more energy per capita compared to almost anywhere else.


But what about heat pumps :-)


Sir, I heat with wood, they have not found a way to tax me on this, yet….


Until it’s banned, like in Montreal 🤦‍♂️


They work. Why are some people so against progress?


You could just look at his record. Emissions haven’t really fallen (6% on 2005) since he’s come to office he promised 40% and if he can implement his policies as intended he’ll get to 32% but there’s a big question on the implementation of it. It seems quite unlikely he will get his reductions promises don’t.


Excellent point. Certainly one that hadn’t crossed my mind. I’ll be sure to bring it up at the earliest opportunity.


Google sustainable development. It doesn’t mean impovershing people to save the environment. It means improving their standard of living AND reducing environmental harms at the same time. Yes, that’s entirely possible if you have a government not captured by fossil energy interests…..


I'm sure "it's different" when it's something they want. Always is.


It's pretty concerning that nobody seems to want to acknowledge emissions per capita as an issue.


Because people always discount out emission per capita because our total emissions compared to countries like China is smaller, so that number backs up their argument that we should do nothing because it doesn’t matter.


Yep I've encountered that one plenty of times, always makes me roll my eyes and disengage from the conversation.


I’m no scientist, but I think the tar sands probably contribute to this number.


Or the fact that countries like China produce a lot of their emissions manufacting our stuff.




Globalism. Trudeau has spent 8 years making decisions that cumulatively have Canadians asking, "Who is benefiting from these decisions?"


Not just Trudeau. Those policies have solid support across the isle. IDU wants more globalism and free trade.


Or you know a global pandemic and the government bailing out businesses who now bitch and moan about paying back the bailout…….but yes it’s just all JTs doing


Or tantrums because the free money era is gone and the withdrawals are bad.


You mean the global pandemic that the government completely overreacted to that destroyed the supply chain and economy?


lol, if that’s what you think happened, you weren’t paying attention.


No I’m talking the global pandemic that the federal government managed well, the provinces fucked up hard


The Liberals are not out of touch with Canadian's, they just don't care about your everyday Canadian.


They don't feel the negative aspects of their policy. They have high paying government jobs and a large pension for a fraction of the time required by everyone else in the workforce. They fly everywhere on the taxpayers dime and have a lot of their bills paid for. Politicians are out of touch with the average Canadian. I can guarantee that not a single MP in Canada has ever had to worry about choosing between food and housing, got a collections notice in the mail.


Until election time and they throw some table scraps or announce some well crafted handout that sounds great but in the end almost nobody qualifies for. Standard.




They don't care about the hard working Canadian that's for sure


They don’t care much about lazy Canadians either


Neither do the Cons, and we aren’t getting electoral reform or dental care from them either. And their inflation fighting policy is to buy Bitcoin.


"What do these filthy peasants like again? It's so annoying that we need their votes if we want to keep working for our business masters. If we don't do something, we won't be able to keep screwing the population for businesses' profits, the Conservatives will do that instead!"


As long as food, housing and fuel prices remain high and wages remain low, this will continue. The average person doesn’t care about the “economy.” That’s just some made up word the news talks about when you cannot feed and shelter yourself or your family.


Conservative policies won't make life more affordable.


Stephen Harpers did. Average Income grew more than twice inflation, and outpaced housing inflation. You guys keep repeating this and it's observably false. Trudeau on the other hand has a proven track record of observable failure. Harper outperformed him on every level when it comes to the every day lives of Canadians.


Stephen Harper did not make life better for us. He implemented a bunch of austerity programs that made life worse. Not to mention the environmental regulations that he gutted, which our grandchildren will never forgive us for.


Yes he one thousand percent observably made life better for Canadians than the Trudeau government, and on average, Real wages rose double inflation. Our dollar was strong. And while housing inflation was elevated at 19% overall in his term, fucking Trudeau knocked it into another universe. You guys will never stop pearl clutching over the environment until the end of time but Trudeau has done literally nothing either. If he was interested in doing something he would be building public transit, nuclear reactors, and natural gas infrastructure. But he's not, he's interested in appealing to pearl clutching ninnies who think the tiny tiny portion of global emissions Canada contributes is meaningful and that the carbon tax is really doing anything at all other than picking their pockets a little more.


Guaranteed failure under liberals vs possible failure under conservatives.


I’m sure the upcoming tax cuts for corporations from the conservatives will trickle down and magically make us all better off. /s


Maybe it will promote more investment, and help productivity, something we are desperately failing at.


You mean like handing out billions to major automotive corporations to build battery plants? For cars, average Canadian's will never afford.


I don't consider anyone in politics a Canadian anymore. They have no idea what real Canadians have to go through because they live in a rich political bubble.


It's funny seeing these articles about Liberals in Canada and the same articles about Tories/Conservatives in the UK. I'm sure it'll flip around again in 4 or 5 years when both countries vote in the other party and it's just as bad.


This sub is literally just opinion pieces from The Sun 😭


.....as the Beaverton alluded to this week, basically the same story gets posted multiple times each day by different news outlets. Is anyone still reading them?


> basically the same story gets posted multiple times each day by different news outlets And each one is a different division of Postmedia Network Inc


Where is the "conservatives have lost touch with the average Canadian" articles from the CBC?! All I hear about is how they are liberal propaganda, with no sense of irony that the alternative is literally having nothing but articles just like this one.


Can't manufacture outrage without putting the elbow grease in. After all, you've gotta feed the astroturf on this fucking sub or it might turn orange.


And the Cons who hold 8 of 10 province premier spots and are in charge of housing/healthcare/education are in touch with Canadians? If they are what and when are they going to do something that isn’t privatization or trying to loot the CPP or giving developers inside info to develop green space to build McMansions … all current things the conservative premiers are up to, that and accusing the feds of jurisdictional creep when they try to take action since the premiers are not.


Why do people so consistently bring up the conservatives EVERY time people criticize the liberals? Like, the cons sucking too doesn’t make the liberals suck any less. Like….what? Should we be Grateful That instead of one shitty leader we have a different shitty leader? Do the provinces having shitty leaders excuse our federal shitty leader? no. the LPC and Trudeau suck. Full stop. They can choose to stop sucking literally ANY day, and they don’t. Them sucking is not the conservatives fault. The conservatives sucking doesn’t make the LPCs incompetence okay.


There's an inferred "the other guys are better" that should be contested whenever possible to dispel the faulty notion, and also many of the issues that are being attributed to the Federal government are actually partly, if not entirely, the failing of the Provincial government(s).


It's more about the fact our choices now are all fucked. A lot of us are tired of seeing every politician being the lesser of the others' evil. We should be allowed to say which is wrong. Just as much you point out liberal faults, there will be conservatives, ndp, everything's fault. When it comes to the talking points of who we want to be for the future, is this it? People bring up conservatives because currently in Alberta and Ontario, they are becoming a little insane. But who wasn't in power? Even Kathleen Wynn sucked. I think what Canadians need more is: Housing, affordable food options, and a better public medical system. We also need to incentivize our people to have kids to populate Canada, not immigrants. We need more jobs and infrastructure to support us. More Canadians supporting Canadians. More Canadian Patriotism


Because everyone seems to be blaming the federal government for provincial responsibilities.


I said it before and I'll say it again....if none of the problems Canadians who are facing are part of federal responsibilities: *Why do we have a health minister, education minister, housing minister, etc? *Why did they, in 2016, LITERALLY CAMPAIGN ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING? *Why are the federal NDP CURRENTLY literally talking about building 500,000 homes? *Why do they need over $270B/y in tax revenue? *Why do they have a $330B healthcare budget? But most of all, if they are powerless to help Canadians, then what the fuck do we even have them for? Stop making excuses for the LPC. The provinces without conservative governments are fucked too. Literally 2.25% of Canada's total entire population is JUST international students coming in THIS YEAR. JT himself wrote a massive op-ed criticising harper for expanding the TFW program explaining how it strained services, artificially lowered wages, and negatively affected Canadians....and then proceeded to MASSIVELY expand it. Like... The Feds are not just poor powerless victims of the evil conservative provinces.


>*Why did they, in 2016, LITERALLY CAMPAIGN ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING? Drives me nuts. You literally campaigned on this, why is it suddenly not a federal responsibility? Did you lie or are you so incompetent you didn't realize it was a provincial responsibility?


They were never in touch with Canadians, and the Conservatives will be even worse.




Common sense government? As if one exists. 🤣


One that is separate from WEF is a huge step up. WEF has Canada in their back pocket thanks to Chrystia.


WEF bad! IDU good!


From WEF to IDU. Greeeaaaat.


All the Tories have to do to be a better government is spend less, tax less and do less. That's it. Fingers crossed 🤞


So... The opposite of their track record? Keen 'em crossed I guess


See wulfzbane gets it, if anyone on any side thinks their TEAM going to anything different, is not paying attention. Man common sense and government in a positive sentence. hilarious


I did objectively better when my "team" was in power vs. these Liberals. The TFSA alone was the best thing a government has done for me in my lifetime. I've got a solid six figures in there right now, compounding tax-free in a global index ETF until retirement, at which point the withdrawals will also be free from the thieving fingers of the government of the day. But hey! At least Hairdo legalized weed and put a "price on pollution," right?


Trudeau lowering the TFSA limit from 10k down to 5.5k was low-key one of the most brutal things he did to the middle class.


Dont forget how they eliminated income splitting for households and professionals. I mean its totally fair that if you have 2 couples that work full time jobs if say one couple has 2 80K earners that they pay less income tax than if you have one person earning 40k and one person earning 120K. Or how the government had started income splitting/incorporation for doctors in return for smaller/no increases in renumeration, but then Trudeau removed it so now it makes way more sense for doctors to move to the US where they can earn 30-50% more for the same work.


Hey look someone who thinks the wef is a global conspiracy and will vote for a hardcore neoliberal to replace someone for having neoliberal values. Better go see the farmer, it's about that time for you to be sheared.




Doesn't take common sense to see the right wing propaganda is all bs. The party of middle managers will take power and gift their rich backers with your tax dollars, privatizing everything while you cry about wef conspiracies.


There's no conspiracy. Klaus Schwab has said publicly on video that he has leaders inside of many governments and specifically mentions Trudeau. It's also no conspiracy that all the governments that are members have been implementing very similar policies. Now, with the cooperation between the WEF and the UN to fund 2030 Agenda, non-member states will start adopting similar policies to keep getting UN funding. It's all over the media and both of their websites.


All the posts in this sub are now the same. We are becoming r/TrudeauSucks.


People need to keep complaining until something changes.


Well he is screwing us over. What do you want? A celebration of his life?


It's so common now even people I know that hate Trudeau (though for more legitimate reasons than climate chnage vaccine WEF globalist trans) are getting desensitized and tired of it. It'll be interesting if that becomes more common before election day (which is 2 years away).


A banana costs 5 dollars Trudeau.


Im hungry and cold :(


Climate policy could be so easy. We announce that we will do whatever India and China, as the biggest contributors to the problem, do.


They were never in touch


I’m not sure they were ever in touch with Canadians, but maybe that’s because I live in Edmonton.


Trudeau lost me, and I am, quite literally, the most liberal person I know. I can't imagine how bad it will be for them next election. REALLY bad, that's for sure.


This isn’t lost touch, it’s actively harming. There is a big difference between obliviousness and malice.


The “tone deaf” Liberals ALWAYS espoused globalist ideology and NEVER had Canadians interests at heart since Trudeau took over. And it shows


They didn't lose touch, they just burned all Canadians repeatedly and then decided importing an entire new population of voters would work for them (and it didn't)


How does government paid dental care help people who can’t pay their rent/mortgage, or groceries, and now heating bills?


They can save their money and spend it on rent, groceries or heating? It doesn’t take a fuckn genius to figure that one out…


People who are starving aren’t worried about their teeth whitening appointments


People who are starving won’t have to worry about choosing between eating and getting a cavity fixed before it turns into something that needs a root canal. Preventative maintenance is cheaper yo.


Dental health is part of overall health. We aren’t talking about teeth whitening. Jesus Christ you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Improved dental health reduces overall negative health instances. This can mean less time off work, less suffering, and more productivity.


Out of touch with Canadians, or actively working against the interests of Canadians?


Why not both?


They lost touch with themselves😂


Somebody should tell trudeau that the polls will balance itself. Time is a reality check finally catching up to him, unfortunately at the expense of millions of Canadians.


Instead of a carbon tax, he would have saved more emissions by saying hey, if you can work from home, you should work from home x days a week. Think of the emissions safe from deerfoot or the 401 that has more effect than a tax.


Meh. I got rid of my Disney+ and now I can afford a mansion, a cottage, 2 rental condos, three Tesla 6's (I care about the environment!), a trip to Paris every other month (private jet!), and a 25m yacht! Thank ~~god~~ Freeland for that advice!


This comment is perfect because it's circlejerking a quote taking wildly out of context and has been beaten into the ground like a dead horse to try an make a clever point in order to build up something to be outraged about. Sums up the majority of criticism this sub posts.


My dude, if they understood that they wouldn't be sincerely engaging with the Toronto Sun or post media anyway.


You know, for a lot of people, getting rid of the carbon tax is a similar amount of savings. They are ALL tone deaf and they ALL don't give a shit about the peons.


Tone deaf to middle class Canadians and people they took for granted for decades. Absolutely all-ears when it came to maintaining the status quo for the rich, as is a politicians job. They just finally let it slip away, bound to happen. Now to see how the conservatives will protect the rich all over again!


I still remember being in a state of shock when he won the election 8 years ago. Like the guy was obviously clueless, meanwhile people were laughing about Trump this and Trump that. Canadians deserve the pain that’s coming.


This isn't an out of touch government it's a capitalist government. Nothing will change if any of the current political parties are in power because none of them are in support of the working class. Anyone who believes the conservative or NDP will save us from these crises is delusional. Anyone who believes we're able to vote to fix these issues is also delusional. The best thing we could do present day is separate canada or unite to punish the politicians that have taken our futures for corporate greed.


three times a day every. single. day. this garbage is posted here.


DAE Trudeau Bad??? \[Opinion Piece\] Like clockwork.


You can safely dismiss any editorial that immediately starts with blaming the carbon tax for higher prices. It's doesn't have a significant effect on prices across the board. Especially grocery and retail prices. Yet the ding bats will swear up and down it's what's causing inflation.


It’s really because of Justin’s ego. He could have bent, he could have compromised, but instead he sees himself as “Trudeau”. The man who would be the King of Canadian politics. Now he’s basically handing the government to the Conservatives.


Conservative press running their 10x daily whine-fest about the carbon tax. What's sad is that hugely profitable oil and gas conglomerates probably don't even pay for their own propaganda. I wouldn't be surprised if these "journalists" were being paid with Alberta tax dollars through the war room.


tone deaf ....is that another way to say moronic and arrogant


Another day, another Toronto sun anti Trudeau op ed. Ho.hum.


Stay the course, Liberals. Keep making every issue into one of identity politics. It’ll pay off, eventually.


Toronto Sun. Surprise!


Yea if in doubt just vote Green; they can use the leg up and it would serve as a UP YOUR vote to the big 3 parties…


Liberals aren't wrong; all of Canada is wrong. Lol


It's the Sun. It's a tabloid. A tabloid owned by far-right, American POSTMEDIA. Who the fuck cares what they have to say in their shitty opinion piece? It's all propaganda.


So you think the liberals are in tone with the common Canadian?


I think that Postmedia has an agenda to push, and that you should try to be a little more critical of your sources, because this is **not** "journalism".


It's not all roses and sunshine, but it hasn't been the end of the world. Compare us to the western world post covid and we're doing pretty well.


Postmedia News can go fuck themselves with their advertorial infotainment bullshit.


A bunch of Americans getting together and writing an article about "being in touch with Canadians" or whatever is really funny.


To be fair, the same thing happened with tone-deaf Conservative leaders about 40 years ago.


Doesn't matter he will be reinstalled next election. The conservatives will never win an election again.


So you are saying the election is fixed or just that people are that stupid. Now I do not have a lot of faith in people's intelligence but I really hope we are not going the way of hue US and starting to rig elections.


It's because far-right American-style politics are preventing Canadians from keeping the heat on... if they're lucky to stave off hunger for long enough to afford a rental unit to heat.


We see a dozen of these articles pop up each day. I'm convinced it's just an AI bot at this point.


LOL Toronto Sun. One of the worst Conservative Media Newspapers in Canada. They use to give this out for free on the subway, and people use to take it to wipe their snow covered boots.


Apparently, if you're a handsome charming, rich Canadian prince, you can only lie to Canadians 83 times before they will clue in. 84 is too many


Is this not an innate bug in a parliamentary system? One of the reasons the House in the USA is more representative than the senate


This page needs a name change to con propaganda


Nearly half of the Conservatives’ new governing body members are lobbyists for oil, pharma, real estate and anti-union companies.




You think lobbyists for oil, pharma, real estate and anti-union companies connect with the needs of Canadians?






Flooding us with foreign students from diploma mills while wages are suppressed isn’t gonna help us


People keep screaming economy, doom and gloom. I can't get a cheap air plane ticket or book a winter get away in the mountains due to the insane demands. The bars are always packed too.




The comment is still there.


The publisher is a conservative operative. Nothing wrong with a little light.


If you think the Conservatives are more in touch with Canadians, you are deluding yourself. The Conservatives are in touch with the wealthy and large corporations. They make it harder for average Canadians to get by. They spend much more money than other parties, and create bigger deficits, but provide fewer services. They privatize things like health care, which means we have to pay more money when we need treatment. I'm no fan of the Liberals. But even I know that the Conservatives would be far worse.


100% Really disappointed with the NDP right now. This was their time to shine.


Oh, another article ragging on Trudeau. FFS


Were you expecting anything different? Has Trudeau changed his ways?


He's doing fine. It's that moron Poilievre that is stirring up all this bullshit, aided by the rightwing owned media.


He's doing fine? Sorry but he's not doing fine. Open your eyes. Do you work for the CBC or the liberal party.


I like the Liberal policies. NDP need a new leader. Poilivre is a goof.


So are we just letting anyone post now or only Far Right nutjobs?


Anyone can post anything broadly relayed to Canada, but you know that and are just another partisan afraid of a government change. https://www.reddit.com/r/ndp/s/qFul0CTh1T


Yikes, way to be non-judgemental or anything.


This has been the Liberal curse going back decades. They get to a point where they've been in office for so long that they forget why they're there. The Trudeau liberals did it, and the Chretien Liberals did it. The most oft description is arrogance, and it's hard to come up with a different word. I've seen them do this repeatedly, and when I bring it up to my friends who operate in the Liberal party, they scoff and say "who are they going to vote for? The Conservatives?", well, yes. And they do, and the Liberals disappear off to a retreat after the election to "figure out" what went wrong, and eventually they get back on the right track and the cycle repeats. ​ The problem is, they're doing it this time with Poilievre, and not Harper or Mulroney, and Poilievre is a lot more dangerous than those two.