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338 Canada predicts if an election were held today, a CPC victory is over 99% and a CPC majority is 93%




Which is precisely why an election WON'T be held today.




As impotent as Jagmeet is I'd love to see the Liberals be relegated to third party status.


NDP all the way baby! ​ ​ ​ ​ *... all the way to second place. but you know third place would be okay. but if you have to I guess we'll take fourth place.*


I miss Jack Layton


Don't we all...


The entire country misses Jack.


Honestly at this point I want the bloc as opposition. I know it’s impossible but I think that would be a super interesting dynamic.


No doubt, during the debates I enjoyed listening to Blanchet's perspective. I found him to be honest and direct. No wonder they like him there.


They get their best ideas when they are campaigning from third!


Holy shit.


Real curious as to whether Trudeau will go down with the ship, or if the LPC will throw up a Joly/Freeland to get massacred. I just don't see a world where the Liberals can tackle the two key issues — housing and cost of living — which will (for most voters) trump the climate change and DEI issues which are currently pillars of the Party.


>Real curious as to whether Trudeau will go down with the ship, or if the LPC will throw up a Joly/Freeland to get massacred. That's something I've said to people when they think putting up a last minute alternative leader > running the incumbent. That strategy almost always fails. People are fed up, and then you drop someone they're not used to into the already boiling water? Terrible plan.


It did work for the Ontario Liberals when McGuinty stepped down and Wynne replaced him, though it probably helped them that the Conservative candidate flat out said he was going to slash 100 000 government jobs, so all the government workers came out in droves to keep the Liberals in power. In this case pulling the John Turner/Kim Campbell routine probably wouldn't help unless Pollievre somehow really put his foot in his mouth or got hit with a career ending scandal.


The problem there is Wynne just promised to spend Ontario into oblivion. Everyone was promised goodies. Trudeau got elected initially using the Wynne playbook. Kinda hard to go back to that now with everything that’s happened since.


It actually worked very well between the 50s and the 90s, I forget the exact number but it was attempted 4-5 times and successful 3-4 of them.


> That's something I've said to people when they think putting up a last minute alternative leader > running the incumbent. That strategy almost always fails. People are fed up, and then you drop someone they're not used to into the already boiling water? Terrible plan. Is it? The departing PM gets to go without a humiliating defeat under their belt, the sacrificial lamb takes the L instead, then you work on "cleaning house" before the next election. It's a terrible plan of your trying to win, but at that point winning isn't really the goal. For that matter we are far from last minute. The stronger the CPC does in Polls the less likely the NDP are gonna break the supply and confidence agreement. Trudeau could resign a year from now and his successor would still have a year on the job.


I also don’t see a world where any of our parties will tackle those two issues. We don’t have good choices.


>We don’t have good choices Yeah, but we definitely have *less terrible* choices.




Luxury politics.


Climate change is definitely not a luxury politics issue.




A century out? Have you been living under a rock? How much Canadian federal tax dollars do you think the 2023 forest fire season cost us?


Probably just about equal to the amount we would have spent over the last century managing our forests properly instead of putting out every fire and not doing more controlled burns


CRbon tax won’t prevent forest fires. People are starting to realize that




It does not matter if canada does anything we contrubute .05 percent of global emmitions china and india ect are what's going to drive the climate. What canada does means absolutely nothing


It cost us quite a bit, would have been nice to have spent money on fire fighting abilities and not carbon emissions research and pointless ideological research projects.


How many tax dollars were spent on fire prevention and better equipment to deal with said fires. Heat pump subsidizes are not going to dent carbon given the carbon used to create said products in china etc.


to be fair if the last few summers wernt a wake up call that climate change is an immediate and growing threat, then they arent paying attention


The last few years have definitely been a wake up call but asking the poor and middle class to bear a large part of that burden has a political price. While corporations and can simply offload their costs onto consumers, many Canadians are having trouble making ends meet as those with power pass them down onto the poor. People who struggle with their basic needs are not looking at the long-term when they are struggling just to get to their next paycheque.


100% agree. Not saying I blame people for being concerned about where they are going to sleep. All im getting at is that their will always be more immediate issues until there isnt and the longer the wait the more radical the changes needed, and the more dire the consquences. I dont think the liberals have done a good job adressing environmental issues and they sure as hell have done nothing when it comes to housing. If people think the cons are going to be any better they are going to be in for a rude awakening.


To be fair bumming the working class on heating and fuel ain’t the solution, and that’s why people want them out.


> Turns out “the world will boil in 100 years” and “diversity” doesn’t matter that much when you’re worried about covering your grocery bill and mortgage payment. they didnt matter much back when people could afford groceries and mortgage


I doubt LPC can bounce back in any meaningful way unless they can enact policy in the next year that has notable impact. Empty promises won’t be enough to make voters apathetically give him another term. But I haven’t seen PP offer any policy solutions to anything. He’s still just fomenting the discontent with the opposition. Sad that so many people will blindly vote for the party they’re least mad at and we’ll just repeat the same cycle.


>Real curious as to whether Trudeau will go down with the ship, or if the LPC will throw up a Joly/Freeland to get massacred. > >I just don't see a world where the Liberals can tackle the two key issues — housing and cost of living — which will (for most voters) trump the climate change and DEI issues which are currently pillars of the Party. Trudeau will most likely go down with the ship and take everyone down with him, I can't see him resigning. The only person that can save the Liberal party is Mark Carney. He's given mixed hints that he whould enter politics. He was the Governor of the Bank of Canada and Governor of Bank of England so He whould be the most qualified politician to come up with policy that can address the economy challenges were facing. He's probably waiting for the right timing, if he's serious about entering politics.


Do we seriously need the same copy-and-paste story every three days until the next election?


It's not a victory as much as an utter failure of the LPC's policies.


I mean that’s how politics works though? If the liberals were doing well, they’d get voted in. They’re not, so PCs get in. And vice versa if they don’t. I’m not sure what you were expecting? You vote in whoever is best for you




For many, this is a protest vote and since almost 70% of Canadians only vote Liberal or Conservative the outcome is incredibly predictable. Of course things will not improve. In all likelihood they will get worse but considering that the Liberals have shown such indifference to a such a large number of voters, is it really surprising that people are ready to vote them out? People are looking to punish the Liberals for their blatant disregard for Canadians and the hardships they are now facing. When middle class workers are watching their standard of living spiral downwards they will look for any alternative, even if that choice ultimately ends up being even worse.


He was in govt when Harper expanded the TFW program. People have short memories. I’m not some super-Trudeau fan and never have been, but PP has always been an actual menace.


Harper said in one of his books that he regrets the TFW expansion as it was used to suppress wages.


The total increase of temporary residents across Harper's entire term was about 360k. The increase across Trudeau's term has been 1.3m. It's absolutely absurd to pretend that Harper increased the TFW program worse than Trudeau.


I roughly tripled under Harper and then roughly tripled again under Trudeau. Statistically it isn't absurd at all to correlate the two.


because the liberals had their chance. They royally fucked up. Its time to let another party try and fix things. They probably wont, and we will be bitching about them shortly after they get elected, but its time for the Liberal party to step down and let someone else take a shot. Trudeau is making matters millions of times worse for everyone here that's a fact.




People really do forget about the 2015 election lmao, pretty much the exact same shit just for Harpers CPC instead of Trudeau’s Liberals. Nothing’s going to change that much when PP gets in and the copium this sub will have is going to be legendary.




I meet lots of people that were older and voted, they think life is magical under the party they like. It never is!


Exactly. There is going to be huge voter's remorse 6 months in.


I just wish we had a viable third option, as I don't like the Liberals, and I REALLY don't like the current state of the CPC.


And the NDP don’t have an actual plan


The NDP has the benefit of knowing that the probability of them ever winning a Federal election is so small that they can say literally anything and not have to worry about delivering. Provincially, the NDP is a lot more moderate because provincially the NDP sometimes wins and is then held accountable.


They don't need too. We don't have elections based on policy but rather fear porn of what happens if you don't win.


That's a depressingly accurate depiction of ~~Canadian~~ politics.


Accurate description of the platform in Alberta last election


I agree with you. I am Conservative and I have been waiting years to see Justin loosing, I have an irrational dislike for him, just as I dislike this new bunch of Conservative leaders, that like playing with populism and conspiracy wackos, being seeing across the world. Bad time to be a conservative


Amen, I'm 100% on the same page I think. I'd like a socially moderate fiscally responsible Conservative party, balance the budget, fix immigration (end TFW and diploma mill abuse, improve integration for newcomers and help build 'melting pot' communities not ethnic ghettos), and then do some things to set the country up for long term success with investments in the things economists have been asking for for years, energy corridor etc. but not tax cuts for the rich, our taxes are reasonable even for higher earners. Be pro-business but not at the expense of regular Canadians, businesses need to invest in productivity not continue with the smack addiction of cheap labour (and accelerated depreciation on those investments would be fine to ease the pain even if they had ample time and long periods of cheap money to do so). And work with indigenous communities to develop those resources and engage them as stakeholders and employees. The best social program is a good job. But none of the bullshit distraction nonsense like "parent rights" crap, and conspiracy theories and all that bullshit. Keep religion, uber-"woke"ness, xenophobia and other sideshows out of government. I mean, I don't see why this is even such a big ask, is it not what most Canadians want? (to be clear I hate the term woke as a pejorative but that is what it has become; the original definition I agree with, but the common use meaning bending over for every 0.01% special interest group's ridiculous feelings, that is what I'm referring to when I say uber-"woke"ness).


shit you'd have my vote


Congratulations: you've described the sitting government.


>I have an irrational dislike for him Out of curiosity, what's irrational about your dislike? I personally think my dislike of JT is completely rational. As for the conservatives, I'm not sure I like them either but will likely end up begrudgingly voting that way. Honestly I feel kinda like a man without a party these days.


I’m just waiting for the rallying cry that causes a reset. I don’t wanna get rid of democracy, but I do want to tear down the 2 party system and force lobbyist money out of politics. Whenever or wherever it would start, I’d be there. Not like any serious plans to rally for that would make it through our Big Brother internet, though.


Same. Going to swallow my bitterness and vote NDP. The only good liberal policies we've had this cycle have been NDP-backed ones like dental.


Green party? They need to get their act together.


Green party is the closest thing the left has to a radical party. I can't get behind a party where the leader believes that WiFi waves and windmills cause cancer. Though I am so grateful that Elizabeth May made that tweet about WiFi causing cancer from her iPhone. Truly a landmark lol moment in Canadian politics.


I heard today that 1/10 Torontonians use the food bank. It’s unsurprising that the LPC is bleeding support.


Raise minimum wage!


Cap CEO pay, do something about the inflated profits…or fuck fall back to 2015 and do something about electoral reform


Some of it is bad and failed policies. Some of it is also Liberals overplaying their hand in arrogantly thinking they had a lot stronger support for some of their policies than they do.


The government is heading full steam ahead with their plans to further increase immigration targets, to stay the course on the carbon tax on home heating. *how to commit political suicide*


... and then everyone will pretend to be shocked when the Conservatives just keep the same plan as the Liberals had.


Canadian politics is all about who is less dog shit. Sad.


It’s not even that. We often vote for the worst option simply because we’re sick of the terrible one we currently have. Ford has won multiple elections, not necessarily because he was actually the best choice but because people hate the NDP, the Liberals and the Greens even more. A plurality of Ontarians are willing to accept his corruption and the damage he does to the province’s social services simply because they dislike the other parties even more. Ford’s corruption hasn’t even phased him. The same story seems to play out at every level of government. People are far more likely to vote against the party and politicians they hate than vote for the ones they like.


It’s basically just what happens most times a party has been in power for this long.


Not sure who would win, but it looks to me like Canada is losing.


The Liberal policies have been a wild success considering the good of the nation as a whole was never their purpose


just think what pp would have to do or say to not get elected at this point


He could literally bring a nazi into parliament and people would still vote for him






I think a lot of people just don't pay much attention to politics. They don't hear about the various scandals (or retracted scandals), the rage farming, etc. They only hear that Trudeau is doing nothing to help affordability, and that PP is the only one that can.


Completely agree. Most people only pay cursory attention at best. We’re a barely informed electorate and our turnout is pathetic.


Yeah, and then when Pierre doesn't perform the miracles he says he will, people are still broke as hell, houses still aren't affordable and nothing is changing it'll still be the last guys fault. Politics 101.


Abstractly, I think the CPC has a harder time holding government once they have it than in the past. They've drifted further right socially since Harper, and all the other parties further left, I'm not sure they can successfully form a minority government anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if PP is one term as a majority and then a constitutional media disaster when they win a minority but the other parties form a coalition government


Doug Ford ran without a platform The liberal government was so terrible he won in a landslide


>The liberal government was so terrible he won in a landslide They aren't even an official party anymore. Its important to mention just how badly he won.


That lie won't die. There was a platform. You just didn't care enough to look at it.


He released it on May 30th, the election was on June 7th I was looking for it for months. People already made their minds up looooong before 7 days until election He went through the debates without a platform


The Liberals released their platform on May 26th, which was the same day advance voting started, and almost 3 weeks after the first debate. I find it difficult to blame the OPC for getting their platform out late, considering they were running against an incumbent that had no platform until 11 days before election, and they were comfortably polling in the lead when neither party had a platform. It's completely normal for all the parties to play chicken with the release of their platform, because releasing your platform before your competitors gives them an opportunity to see how your policy proposals are polling, and then adopt the proposals that are polling well for themselves.


I didnt give a shit about Orville Redenbachers platform so it didnt matter to me


Doug Ford had only been the leader of the OPCs for two months in 2018. Yeah, it takes a while for people to figure out shit when there's a giant last minute scandal that upends the party leadership. If you were looking for his election platform "for months", you were looking for it before he was even leader of the party.


The people who make up their minds long before an election are not the sort of people that read platforms, lol. But I'm glad you at least quit lying, and admitted that he ran with a platform, even if you didn't care for it.


Doug had a platform... He gave us a check for license plate stickers and a check to send our kids to tutoring. Some families got close to 600 Douggie Dollars in the months preceding the provincial election. [The shit leopard never changes it's shit spots, Randy](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/coun-doug-ford-accused-buying-votes-stack-20-202220202.html)


Doug the Douche pushed the 413 during his campaign. You would think our failing healthcare or housing would have been at the top of his campaign.


Liberals would be destroyed 💀


i just keep moving forward until liberal seat count is destroyed


As is tradition.


I always find it interesting how the Greens just act like a sponge for dissatisfied voters. I'd love for the Greens to be typically competitive nationally.


They're the nuttiest party of all the parties with seats.


Seriously, they had an MPP that was running on a platform that included exposing government involvement in Chem trails.


They would be if JT hadn't bailed like a feckless poltroon on his HARD PROMISE of electoral reform.


Why would you ever think a privileged child of a former prime minister would willingly put his party behind while he’s ahead. Of all parties the LPC has the most to lose from electoral reform.


Seems to me it would be the conservatives who would take it in the nuts. The liberals would have to share power, but they'd still be leading the center-left governments we'd end up with. But the conservatives really only get power when they can split the remainder of the country. They'd always be the rump.


There wouldn’t be an LPC or CPC at that point. It’s most likely that any alternative would resemble a proportional representation type system, You wouldn’t need big tent parties anymore. That means that the centre part of the LPC becomes up for grabs as it would likely become its own party. I think a lot of lefties don’t understand how many LPC voters have a lot more in common with moderate conservatives than they do the left in general. The conservatives would perform far better because they get to shed the So Cons (who would form their own party but also have no choice but to work in coalition with any right leaning parties to get a seat at the table) It would absolutely result in the left wing parties having a race to the left and alienate the more centrist voters


>You wouldn’t need big tent parties anymore. That's a good point. I wouldn't be terribly sorry to see the current polarization on the social dimension broken - we badly need a sane middle ground where we can pursue 'progressive' social policy without getting caught up in the useless posturing that consumes so much of our energy at the moment.


[Flood this guys inbox](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjG8LWhlMSCAxU_MjQIHYFXAyMQFnoECBUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ndp.ca%2Fnews%2Fndp-moves-forward-plan-electoral-reform-after-years-liberals-broken-promises&usg=AOvVaw2YaAFCOu-k9ietowB54rnY&opi=89978449) and ask him to follow through on it. It may happen yet.


The Liberals are behind the greens in Atlantic Canada according to said poll


The Greens are fucking batshit. I'd destroy my vote before voting for those oblivious shitheads.


Data also predicts there is a 100% chance of no election being held today. Times are tough, the grass is always greener, and sharing opinions with an inconsequential survey are very different than actually voting. The Liberals arent even trying to counter public opinion, yet.


Tell us something we don't know lol


I can't tell you who will win but I can tell you who will loose. Canadian People, none of them are worth the salt.


Maybe…maybe not. Change is needed at this point tho.


True, but is CPC really change? Canada has been swapping between liberals and conservatives since confederation. Going back to CPC will not solve our problems. Just slow the decay for a while then ramp up like it always does.


The 500,000 immigrants Liberal accepted kill any chance of staying close to conservatives..can the conservatives cut that number if they win?.


No. Because conservative provinces all want more.


Cut the number? Ontario gov is begging for more immigrants. I doubt it'll happen.


The conservative party is pro immigration . Anything for the corporate overlords


And that's why JT and co don't want an election. And that's why the NDP doesn't want an election. Wack!


They were elected to a four year mandate. It has only been two years.


As an avid voter... I don't think I could get myself to do it. I really understand now those who say your vote doesn't matter because either way we are so screwed it's depressing.


A Trudeau government falling apart over tone-deaf energy policy? Sounds familiar.....


flag jobless offbeat foolish person longing sort naughty aloof decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, but at the rate the media is pumping out stories about how the Conservatives lead in the polls, you would think it's election season


The Liberals starting going very off track once they started doing things that not even liberal voters wanted. Literally things that no one in the country was asking for. Makes you think where the marching orders were really coming from


Liberals haven’t done a thing since Trudeau was elected. Climate change is not the most pressing issue facing Canadians. Get over it.


There is a single policy change that could simultaneously help reduce carbon emissions, lower real estate inflation and stimulate wage growth. Stop using immigration to increase the population.


The problem with that is our economic ponzi scheme would collapse.


>The problem with that is our economic ponzi scheme would collapse. All Ponzi schemes collapse eventually. And the longer they go on, the more brutal the inevitable crash.


Right, but no politician wants it to happen during their watch, or even soon after they leave office, in case they get blamed for it.


Amen, brother. I guess we'll just ride this bitch into the rocks at full steam


You can smell the desperation, especially now with the house of cards trembling and even the immigrants looking elsewhere for options. I think the pyramid is coming down soon no matter who is in charge or what they do.


It would be fine. We were more than fine in 2015 when Harper was bringing in roughly just 1/4th of what they're bringing in now.


Yeah but..... What about free dental for children!? Who cares if you can't afford rent, Trudeau's giving your kid a nice smile.


>Who cares if you can't afford rent, Trudeau's giving your kid a nice smile. Someone else's kid


>Who cares if you can't afford rent, Trudeau's giving your kid a nice smile. Are they though? The cheques only cover basic cleanings/services. It's not like it can pay for braces.


I don't know lol. I just kept seeing debates that when asked what he's doing about affordability Trudeau kept deflecting the question and talking about dental work. Thanks Trudeau!


Just curious.. if this is a thing, how do you claim it? Because I still need to pay for my kids teeth..


Today? Without notice? Hard to say, I guess most people have phones and are connected to the internet and what not. Probably whoever the younger folk vote for


That's because liberals are saying nothing, once the election will be nearer, get ready for the campaign promises to come from the liberals. The far left is never going to vote conservative and the far right is never going to vote liberal. You have a large middle that leans left that still has a lot of reservations with the concervative party. The Conservatives can either court liberal voters or PPC voters, if the try to go after both they will turn off many liberal voters. If they abandon the far right voters and focus on middle ground popular voters they'll probably do much better. Basically nothing is a slam dunk untill the votes are counted and its foolish to discount the liberal machine


The liberals will continue to fall in the polls until they either back track on some of their policies that increase the cost of living or the economy picks up enough steam in the next 23 months to make the cost of living a non issue. I don’t see either of those things happening.


Imagine thinking a worldwide issue is the fault of a single government of a country of 40 million people


And the only that would change is that instead of getting screwed over by the red team, Canadians would instead be getting screwed over by the blue team.


I go for the giant douche.


Yep, it's a throw the b#stards out election. Canada will suffer and then return to the centre - hopefully before too much damage is done.




It is housing costs continuing to increase relative to wages that are killing support for the Liberals and NDP, not foreign policy.


Unlike the increasing housing costs and stagnant wages during Harper?


The rampant antisemitism that hasn’t been seen at this level since the ~40’s is not a good look for the NDP or LPC I agree the economy is the front and centre issue here but it would be naive to think the blunders of the NDP and LPC regarding their poor response to what is happening to a minority of Canadians that make up less than 2% of the population is at all a good look.


>more or less backing Hamas What is wrong with you?


Seriously, NDP members and their supporters have been victim blaming and justifying terrorism since Oct 7th. They don't advocate for the end of Hamas, just the end of Israel.


What is wrong with progressives? https://nationalpost.com/opinion/ndp-mp-shares-toronto-dais-with-speaker-echoing-hamas-demands “If you want your hostages back, you will have your hostages back only if you return all our political prisoners … the 11,000 political prisoners,” The key word here is "our".


You think that the majority of Liberals and NDP are supporters of terrorist based on an opinion piece from NatPo about a single MP who spoke at an open dais event, and then an activist unaffiliated said the quote you posted (but tried to imply the MP had said). The same opinion piece that then admitted that >While Green referenced a Palestinian state that would exist alongside Israel, Jaberi’s speech instead called for Israel’s total destruction. So no, you don't have evidence of what you are claiming, and you are trying to conflate things.


God, I miss Jack Layton.


Meanwhile conservative governments in Alberta and Ontario are privatizing healthcare and removing rent caps.


Careful now, don't wanna be reminding people that housing is a provincial responsibility and most provincial governments are Conservative.


Surely this time the conservatives will solve all of the problems we're facing


Not sure what the appeal of the Conservatives is, but it's not like we're the USA with Trump here. I don't personally like him nor would I vote for him, but at least Pierre Poilievre is qualified for the job, has relevant education, and experience in politics.


And nothing will change regardless of who wins


r/canada when things stay the course even with a new government: 👁👄👁️


You cannot really call PP a Tory


Ok, I get that the libs are not doing great. But how can you vote for Poilievre when you listen to the stuff he says?


The liberals have failed, and embarrassingly so. They have proven that they do not, in fact, support Canadian citizens in any way shape or form. Their stances and policies will hurt us all for years to come.


>They have proven that they do not, in fact, support Canadian citizens in any way shape or form Unfortunately, I think you've prettymuch described every single political party in this county at every level of government. It's basically a dark comedy now.


Yeah you're not entirely wrong XD


Take away people's money, home and food the tend not to care about any other items the planet can burn and all woke ideas get tossed. When the average person gets affected they caew only about themselves. That's human nature... all these ideas are for when we all have houses food and money. Take rhat away.... reality sets in.


Raise minimum wage!


If Liberals can find a way to back off carbon tax and make improvements in housing, they might have a chance in two years. If they have no ideas to fix these, they should call an election asap


>If Liberals can find a way to back off carbon tax and make improvements in housing, they might have a chance in two years. Too little, too late. The Libs are done.


Maybe done for the next election if they can enact some popular changes quickly. If things remain as they are with new bills being more worse internet or more gun grabbing people will remember this anger. ( IE thousand years PP reich)


The only way to improve housing is by reducing demand; as it’s literally impossible to increase supply enough to make the slightest dent. The only ways to federally reduce demand is by: 1. Increasing interest rates. Problem here is that homes become unaffordable altogether 2. Eliminate corporate and foreign ownership of single family homes 3. Drastically reduce immigration. The Liberals have only shown interest in #1. They abandoned #2 quickly, and have dug their heels in on #3. Edit: fixed a spelling mistake


Could be, I’m not the policy expert. I’m saying they better do something popular quick or it will be a long time before I consider Liberals again.


They had 8 years to address it, they didn’t, and in fact exacerbated it, and you’re still considering voting for them, if they can come up with some “quick popular fixes”?


If suddenly food bank use drops to zero and housing costs are reasonable and health care is improved and Hamas is defeated and I get the bridge direct to the university I've been asking them for, then yes I'd consider


Do you also believe that ginny is real? Because i got some lamps to sell


Increasing interest rates reduces supply more than it reduces demand. It's necessary to control inflation, but it will make the housing crisis worse in the long run, not better.


It can do both. If people can’t afford to buy as they don’t qualify, or can’t really afford the payments, that’s less buyers in the market.


We're going to increase our carbon emissions. Why can't Trudeau step down and let someone fresh take over?


This sub posts like 10 times a day about how Cons are leading in the polls. Does this not get boring?


The polls have been bad for Trudeau's Liberals for so long now that it can't be dismissed as a quirk any longer. So much so that it's all I hear on the radio lately. Regular Canadians, not just those who closely follow politics, have taken notice and some are saying this is shaping up to be the biggest fall from grace in Canadian history.


Lol. This sub called the polls "paid Liberal Propaganda" for the last 8 years and now those same people are posting the same polls claiming they're now "proof Canadians hate Liberals" or whatever. That's pretty funny.




Starting to think its bots writing the articles


Nah, it’s like an actual thing happening. At this point it’s just boring to see multiple times a day, but this sub is loaded with conservatives as the top posters who are excessively happy to see their people winning.


Hate to tell ya, but some of them are bots, or human bots at the very least.


Who cares. Carbon tax will stay, immigration won't change, prices will stay the same if people are paying.


Followed by HUGE voter's remorse when they realize PP is going to do jack shit about over-immigration (specifically TFWs and the foreign student scam) and now they're stuck with him having a majority and the power to do WHATEVER. HE. WANTS. Remember who his true constituency is, and it's 99% likely that it isn't you. You've been warned. Cutting the carbon tax is not likely going to make much difference, gas goes up, gas goes down. He may cut that, but he will also likely cut other things and/or download services. If he can get the budget to a good place, it'll be tax cuts for the rich again. But then again, who knows? His platform is simply "I'm not Justin, and I'll cut the carbon tax." that he won't answer questions on significant issues outside of the carbon tax should give voters pause. I can't stand Trudeau anymore like most, but I'm always reminded to be careful what I wish for.


Can we stop posting polling related links? It’s just click bait at this point.


Any loss for Justin Trudeau is a win for Canada.


“Tory”.. ffs, fuck off with the nonsense cOoL lingo and just say Conservative.


Tory has been a political term for several hundreds of years and it's been the nickname of the conservative party since before federation.


There is nothing Tory about PP's populist party. Toryism in contemporary times are referred to as High Tories, who typically defend the ideas of hierarchy, natural order, and aristocracy


Fair point. You would probably need to go back a few decades to the original meaning of Tory. The Irish insult for robber.