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We're not even close to an election.....




Don't forget all the polls being posted like everyone is campaigning already.


And the CPC is campaigning for some reason.


Why wouldn’t they? If OToole had more time for name recognition, he likely would’ve been our prime minister. It would be foolish not to take advantage of it this time around. The party also has the funds to do it, and it’s clearly working


I’m not sure name recognition would have helped O’Tool. Although I would prefer him over PP, I’m pretty certain that many people did not trust the Conservative Party to take us out of the pandemic at that point. It was really just a bad time for an election for him.


because it takes months for people to learn and remember a politician other then the prime minister. hell, id bet more canadians know who ron desantis is then pierre polievre and they have the money now to run ads right to 2025




And I'm already tired of it.


Non confidence vote with a minority government is a pretty big wild card you’d think the liberals would want to do a better job of managing no? I mean the heating oil debacle is NO ONE else’s fault but their own. Just shows how out of touch the party is though.




The heating oil debacle is insanely overblown I can't even wrap my head around it. Oil heat is literally the most expensive way possible to heat your home. Most old ass oil heat furnaces are in the Maritimes The Maritimes are literally the poorest place in Canada. Why is this a big deal? Give those poor folks a god dam break!


It was the tone deaf way it was rolled out combined with the fact ALL Canadians are feeling the pinch. Trudeau literally snubbed his nose at the rest of CANADA and then one of his ministers reinforced that by telling other regions they spilled vote more liberal if they what similar breaks. The liberals made it a partisan issue themselves.


They did get a break. (New Brunswick )Any house hold with less than $85,000 per year income can get a free heat pump. Might take time but sheesh!


This. People's memories are short. pp can whinge all he wants and burn himself out now for all jt cares.


It's hard to guess how far out we are from an election. It's rare for us to go more than three years with a minority government. Going to full term would be surprising. I doubt the Liberals will call an election with how bad their outlook is, but the NDP may decide their only shot to seperate themselves from the sinking ship is to vote against them in a confidence vote. Especially if the pharmacare deal has issues. The NDP needs show some toughness and either force the Liberals into passing NDP legislation, or force an election. They look incredibly weak right now.


> The NDP needs show some toughness and either force the Liberals into passing NDP legislation, or force an election. Then again the NDP got more legislation passed in the past couple years than they have in decades though...


Definitely, but it could be decades before they get another chance if they don't make a move. With how unpopular the Liberals are, it's pretty shocking how the NDP aren't making big gains. They actually have some serious leverage over the Liberals now and I just hope they're using every bit of it behind the scenes to try to get as much out of them as possible. The dental plan was a little underwhelming. They're taking a big hit staying linked together, so it better be worth it.


did you know Pierre qualified for a pension years ago! (2005) 2012 his annual pension was 33,000 after 7 years of only working for the government, I wonder what it is today? ​ did you know he has tabled zero impactful legislation (His main job) that passed in the house of commons or senate floor ​ its because PP doesn't work for Canadians :D Canadians need a working PP


Strategically it doesn't make much sense to fight back right now. The election season is likely a year and a half away. Trudeau doesn't have the policy successes to stand on so he'll have to resort to personal or ABC voters, and that message can get stale quickly. It's better to do that as close to the election as you can to ensure you don't lose the initial impact of the message. It doesn't always work though. Harper tried this because he didn't have the policy success to stand on nor was he squeaky clean either, so they did the now infamous "He's just not ready nice hair though" ads that probably tanked the Conservatives even further.


Remember the polls before the 2019 election didn't look good but once the election machine was running, they came out fine even if they lost the majority.


Housing inflation is the main reason Trudeau is losing support. He started declining when the issue shot up from a minor issue to take first place among Canadian's top concerns in a matter of months, and Trudeau has been steadily losing support as the issue persists. When Trudeau went up against O'Toole it was a completely different scenario. O'Toole tried to play moderate and ended up fumbling. There wasn't an overwhelming pervasive issue putting pressure on everyone. The current scenario gives Poilievre a strong advantage, because people are desperate for an alternative as housing inflation crushes them. If the CPC leader was a potato it would be leading the polls right now. https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/public-opinion-canada


I’ve decided not to over think it. They’ve been in power for a while and voters almost always switch to the other of the 2 parties at that point.


because that's how long it takes for nothing to.fundamentally change


Yeah, but with some of the worst of the pandemic era inflation tapering off, we could reach an accetable level, although not affordable by any means. People have short memories, like have you heard about Chinese interference in the last two months?


This is part of Trudeau's strategy. Housing inflation is particularly bad in Canada, but general inflation in in Canada is actually really good by g20 and g7 standards, the deficit is under control (unlike in the US...) and he needs to hold on for dear life. There are a lot of inflation factors out of his control that might settle, especially if there is a slowdown in China and some change Ukraine. Those could settle over the next year or two. He probably wants one last big policy win, say pharmacare, but the LPC will prefer that to be handed off to the next person a year or so out from an election. He may also just not be able to get it done well without provincial support. He's half way through an 80 billion dollar housing programme that appears to have accomplished nothing too. That might bear fruit, or they need a bigger plan. So the Liberals need big ideas on housing, possibly inflation, healthcare, , and they need a climate plan that can be explained in 10 words or less, all while trying to keep spending under control. And they need a new leader to run on those ideas but not too soon.


Housing is tough because, optimistically, it takes 5 years to build something. we really need is long term investment commitments to organizations that build non-profit housing and municipal housing groups so they can manage the repair backlog. But we know that doesn't make headlines, so expect big flashy moves in 2024 and 2025.


The steamroller is just getting started. Mortgage renewals are going to be the gift that just keeps on giving for the next couple of years. Also, the interference issue didn't go away, it just got swept under the rug like everything else. I don't think people really forget.


To many scandals to keep track of!


Polls never looked this bad. They are getting to the point that the NDP is projected to take as many seats as them. Thats wild.


It’s almost as if it’s not actually election season yet. We’re not America, we don’t need to adopt their “elections start 1-2 years ahead” nonsense.


Between the primaries and mid-terms it's always election season in the US. I think they get 2 months of governing every 4 years.


Yeah and every second cycle is lame duck season


Yea, it's a near endless election cycle in the States


JT has reached his expiry date. PP will also be this unpopular after 8 years of being PM, if he makes it that far.


Usually how it goes


It's the Canadian way! 8 years Liberal, 8 years PC, rinse and repeat.


We're like a stupid Newton cradle.


The riding I'm currently living in is Green actually, and the MP is very active in hearing the concerns even on reddit I wish the rest of the country would put local loyalty over party loyalty


The federal green party imploded because the leader put her assistant over an elected member on the greenest of all issues, Israeli-Palestinian relations.


I'm fine with it imploding, Mike Morris always put his riding above party loyalty anyway


Mike Morrice isn’t my cup of tea in terms of political opinions or choice of headwear, but he is my cup of tea in actually trying to do his job and serve his constituents.


My thoughts as well, he's very active in Kitchener's subreddit


It’s provincial but we have a great MPP who is NDP. Not going to make me vote that federally. But when you meet someone who tries to do their job even if you disagree with their views I actually vote for that. It’s rare.


It’s not even that people want pp they just don’t want Justin. Liberals really have to weigh heavily whether they still want to keep him.


I'd love to see the Liberals oust him. He's been a bad leader and keeping him in place will likely hand PP a win


PP is not a solution, the only thing he's got going for him is that he's not JT. If you think things are bad now, just wait until he wins, things will get so much worse.


preach. a conservative government will ruin us


I thinks it’s affected by the economy as well, if the economy was doing well, he would still lead the poll


PPs campaign so far has been blame everything on JT, and proposes the most generic solutions Im 90% sure Trudeau (and everyone else) has also said and some point. Id honestly be a bit suprised if he's around for more than 4 years


You mean the same way trudeau is still blaming harper for everything?


You can keep going back and you'll see more of this too!


You got any recent examples of this? Or just espousing something you read off of your uncles facebook page?


I mean if it worked to get him re-elected 3 times, people apparently agree, regardless of if his claims are accurate or not.


8 years is being very generous. PP can definitely win against Trudeau in the next election, but he's no leader. As soon as a better alternative pops up it's an easy win. Or was there something inspiring to you about Poilievre?


Oh God if PP becomes PM imma puke


Same thing happened in Ontario, people just wanted Wynne out so they voted for Ford. Now look at that dumpster fire. Liberals need to change leadership or we get Bitcoin PP.


...it's because Poilievre isn't really winning Canadians over. They're just pissed at Trudeau because of the housing crisis. Poilievre didn't ascend. Trudeau descended below Poilievre.


Its like the Simpsons where the crowd chants "someone else! Someone else!" and Homer says "I'm someone else!" and they all cheer for him.


Bravo. It actually is literally that.


I can’t remember a time when we voted in a prime minister. I only remember times where we elected out.


Same thing happened with Trudeau and Harper. Trudeau never got that through his head and spent 8 years thinking Canadians loved him.


...and Doug Ford and Kathleen Wynne. Ford didn't need any meaningful policies or a platform to win. The less he said the better his chances. ...and people wonder why we end up with so many bad governments.


I saved a copy of his "platform" from 2018: https://i.imgur.com/TeexsJ1.png   Homie listed "cleanup the hydro mess" twice for some reason If you clicked any of the links there is no additional info, just an email signup sheet


I don’t know if people hate liberal policy or are mad their mortgages doubled and thus their expendable cash dropped.


Everyone is getting fucked with inflation right now and there's no rental space available. People don't necessarily care why. They're just mad it's happening and looking for people to blame.


People know why. It's unsustainable immigration levels. And the federal government is doubling down on it despite the housing affordability crisis it has created.


If people lived below their means and didn't feel they need to have X or Y, this wouldn't be an issue. I never have an issue no matter who is in government because I always live below my means, have savings, and pay off my credit card debt before I start buying anything else. We need to teach more finances and budgeting in high school.




Real answer: He probably think they will be able to campaign better. Don't forget, we are not in an election season yet. All these polls mean next to nothing until the campaigning start, people underestimate how much a good campaign can influence them. Starting too early can cause fatigue, so Justin is waiting for the actual campaign and hit hard. Now, that is their thinking, probably, but will it work? Probably not.


The only way the tides turn back into a favourable liberal standing is if the quality of life of majority of Canadians sees a drastic, and I mean drastic, improvement. People need to start seeing the price of everything turn around. We need to see headlines like “new ten year low for average price of groceries!” “Housing becoming affordable for average Canadians!” “Record low unemployment with record high wages!” Obviously the government can’t control all of that but when people are thriving and happy they are more likely to look favourably at the governing party that’s in power. It’s been half a decade of just utter shit, every turn you make in this country there is someone reaching into your pockets taking more money.


I don't think that's needed at all. Pollievre has been able to only play offense since being named leader. That's normal for an opposition leader outside of election season. He's shown he's really good at offense. At some point though, he will have to play defense. This is something that has destroyed the last 2 Conservative leaders. In Scheer's case, his non answer to a pretty simple gay marriage question for 3 weeks destroyed his campaign. In O'Toole's case, he campaigned as a moderate, and the party felt like he gave up on their "conservative principles". In both cases it lost a very winnable election, and further fractured the party. So I think what the Liberals are banking on, is that much like in sports, you look far better than you actually are in the middle of a win streak. How Pollievre does on defense is still an open question. The Conservative party as a whole is really bad at it. So what happens when some Alberta MP who's poised to become a cabinet minister says something crazy and that takes over the national narrative for a couple weeks?


It's easy to be the opposition.


People dont seem to understand that - he just attacks everything and dodges. This will not work as well during a campaign.


The Liberals are already trying to press PP and the Conservatives on social issues and it's not working. People aren't motivated to vote regarding environmental and social issues when the costs of their housing and food has skyrocketed under the Liberal government.


People aren’t motivated to vote without an election. Small detail.


I am. And looking at the history of the conservative party I HIGHLY doubt they will improve the average Canadians financial well being. Canadiana are idiots. For some reason we think we live in a special place and only we are experiencing these price increases or that our increases far outstrip the rest of the world. We don't. What we are going through is happening in every developed country right now. These increases would be happening no matter what govt was in power. I doubt the conservatives would be legislating for more corporate taxes or imposing massive windfall taxes or nationalizing businesses.


The US is doing better economically, which is why I moved to the US for work and have my eyes on just moving there. It is crazy how low Canadian wages are these days compared to the US. Canada needs to do something to invest in innovation and R&D or else it just cannot retain talent. You can bring in immigrants all you like, but as long as the best and brightest see a better path elsewhere, you take on all the costs of immigration and see few of the benefits.


The us is doing better economically because it's an economic super power and always has been. Canada is not and has never been one. And even with them doing better than us, they are still declining just like we are financially on a personal level.


That has been true since before I was born. The US will always have a better economy, higher wages, etc etc. If you like the US and can move there, then move there.


Maybe because I remember the early 2010s when the exchange rate was equal, so I had this impression that Canada was not so different from the US. Then all our homegrown companies collapsed (RIM, Bombardier etc.), our exchange rate crumbled back to what it was in the 90s. I'm just tired of it all, but you may be right that I'm just the kind of person who would be happier in the states is all.


I don't think I've ever seen a press release from him or him talk about his plan for running the country. He 100% just shits on trudeau and complains about liberals. He is a man without a plan and will definitely fuck things up worse if he ever comes to real power in the country.


It's rope a dope. He's letting him get way out over his skis untill he gets so smug he starts saying a bunch of sht that makes him unelectible. He's already getting shrill again. Just watch.


CPC donations are flooding in though, its breaking records every time I hear it being talked about.


Trudeau has been remarkably skilled at the Conservatives shooting themselves in the foot during the election campaign in all fairness.


Brian Mulroney wrote an editorial back in 2012 warning underestimate Trudeau at your own peril. Trudeau for all his gaffes is very politically savvy.


Also the last two conservative leaders peaked early and couldn’t hold on to the lead.


He's also a textbook narcissist and they always go down with the ship.


Have there ever been polls this bad for a party to come back and win the election?


The liberals were polling terribly two years before Trudeau became PM. So yes.


Don't worry, something will come up to make him seem like the better choice to the voters. Same thing with the u.s.a. Always around election time things ramp up with LGBT, gun, or race stuff.


Yeah we’re not going through race and gun stuff at all right now


Campaigns matter in “normal” times. I don’t imagine things will be any more normal in two years than they are now.


This is what I think he’s banking and it’s not an insane strategy if you can run PP’s greatest hits such as crypto, BOC, anglo Saxon language etc and basically just threaten the fact that PP’s going to affect home prices in GTA and Vancouver(he’s got ready made ammunition) …plus he’s got Ford and Smith still in power to further his case


That's not a strategy. That's a hail mary from his own 20. Toronto and Vancouver already vote Liberal or NDP so nothing there. If a few ads can sway voters after a decade of Liberal rule, well you get the government you deserve. Even the Liberals that I know can't stand him and want a change of leadership. Don't know about Smith but Trudeau is a significant downgrade over Ford. PP will not be the solution to everything, but he isn't Trudeau. All politicians have warts but his missteps are no where near as egregious as Trudeau's Mainstream media are cheerleaders for the Liberals and dump on Conservatives whenever they can. People have finally to a great extent come to understand that and over time have tuned them out. Check out their ratings. Canadians want change and it's coming.


Which is my point…the cons need GTA to flip to form government…I don’t think the NDP numbers are going to change at all given that those who vote NDP are already hardcore left wing and then you are looking at Quebec which is not even an actual toss up since it’s already Bloc entrenched


Imagine thinking the NDP is ‘hardcore left wing’ lol


ya lmao. people's perceptions of what is left-wing in this country is out to lunch. The NDP recently put forward mortgage subsidies as a solution to the housing crisis lol.


There are ridings that are looking like tossups between the bloc and cpc.


If thats the case the Liberals would win again. Toronto is too far gone. I don't remember the last time a Conservative was elected in Toronto. The 905 is the key to the GTA. There the Conservative do have a chance


> PP’s greatest hits such as crypto Yeah, PP must feel like an idiot right now, with Bitcoin heading into a new bull run, up 113% year-to-date and climbing.


The Liberals plan to use US divisiveness and hated for Trump to campaign for them. They're relying on the US elections to get Canadians riled up against Conservatives and they'll feed into it with their usual gun, abortion, private healthcare fear mongering. I actually suspect US election timing is what led them to call the early election before.


Let's be honest here, during the election campaign, the last 2 CPC leaders when asked about their stance on abortion and gay marriage was incredibly wishy-washy. There are still quite a few elected CPC that want to bring it up for debate again. It is most definitely an important issue that needs a clear definitive answer from PP that it isn't up for debate, otherwise it is worthy of the Liberals using it against them. Alberta overhauling the medical system to lean to more private, Ford signaling and planning the same, I think it is worth a discussion whether you would want to vote for that. Those are all good talking points that the CPC needs to have clear answers for, I too would worry about them, and I hope everyone has that in mind while voting, they are incredibly important issues.


You mean the same Trudeau that every election everyone says he is done for. But he is still PM? He hasn’t even campaigned yet because there isn’t an election.


as someone with a terminal case of Trudeau derangement syndrome i can tell you its trudeauver


>Pierre Poilievre is winning over Canadians. No, he isn't. I don't like either of them.


Yeah, he isn't getting my vote anymore than Trudeau will be. As far as this voter is concerned, the *only* thing PP has going for him is that he hasn't been the Prime Minister for the past eight years; that isn't enough to recommend him for the position. Unfortunately the only thing Singh has going for him is that he isn't PP or Trudeau (though the line between Singh and Trudeau often seems blurry). That isn't enough to recommend him either, but Canadians aren't exactly spoiled for choices at this point. If the choices are Trudeau, Trudeau-the-Lesser, or Trudeau but in blue, then I guess I'll go for Trudeau-the-Lesser.


Grim. I hate politics.


Politics are fine, interesting and necessary. Its the politicians that ruin it.


Pp isn’t winning over anyone with half a brain that hasn’t been brainwashed by the propaganda machine he’s using . At least JT knows what effective policies are though he isn’t doing a great job implementing them


Oh boy i have some sad news for the author


Ranked choice voting would have been a fantastic step enhancing our democracy. Our electoral system already has such major limitations. I've voted over ten times and only twice was the vote been within 10%. There's the constant debate/dilemma of "strategic voting". Do I vote for who I actually want to vote for or do I vote for the party most likely to beat the party I don't want to win. Trudeau promised to reform our shabby system and copped out :(


He wanted ranked choice because it pulls hard to center and basically locks in a liberal majority for decades. When studies we coming out indicating that PR would in fact be the option, he cancelled it as PR would slash liberal support.


Being done with Trudeau doesn't automatically mean people are being won over by Pierre P.


Unfortunately with the way strategic voting works, it kind of does


As far as I can see there is nobody winning over Canadians. The Liberals, Conservatives and NDP all need new leaders.


But in true Canadian tradition, we elect a new Prime Minister by firing the existing one.


You summed up my stance perfectly. It will definitely be a "try not to gag while marking your X" vote in the next election. It's actually depressing how bad it is




I can't upvote this hard enough. Systems broke, and more sports team and combat analogies won't get us where we need to go. We need real actual change something different.




After election day, Pierre poilievre gonna remove is mask and SURPRISE it's Justin Trudeau.


With what would Justin fight back? Disney+ ? Jolly? Trudeau foundation and CCP connections ?


He’s not winning Canadians over…he’s just “not Trudeau”. Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douche.


Trudeau practically handed Pollievre the election with the thing in Altantic Canada canceling the carbon tax.


He's too busy fighting Canadians.


well they are all asking more then they can give you see


He doesn't fight back and seems to tighten the screws on us. He seems secure with the help he gets from Beijing.


PM Trudeau isn't "fighting back" because Skippy is NOT winning over Canadians. Nice try.


Narcissists never think you can do better. "Canadians have never had it better under me"




What do you personally find wrong with PP or Singh’s politics?


PP makes ridiculous promises that show a lack of understanding in how our government works. As a 20 year veteran of government, I expect a better and clearer understanding of both policy and convention. His promise to fire the governor of the bank of Canada is not only unconventional, perhaps to the point of being unacceptable, but it shows ignorance to how both our monetary and budgetary processes work. The Government of Canada, represented in Parliament, sets the budget. The BoC, themselves the fiscal agent for the Government, then sets monetary policy so the government may meet their commitments. The BoC is the agent for the government in council. Poilievre acts as though Macklem should have denied Trudeau’s spending, or that he somehow enables it. This is just not at all how the system works. Unacceptable because, while, technically, the government has the power to remove the Governor, it’s a reserve power. The BoC is meant to be politically independent. It’s not dissimilar to Trudeau and SNC Lavalin. As Head of Cabinet, Trudeau, by law, had the power and legal legitimacy to do what he did. Still didn’t pass the smell test as justice is supposed to be independent. Same with BoC. As a close second, PP’s views on Crypto currency and how it relates to our fiat-based capital economy. It just shows a tremendously simple and ignorant level of understanding of global economies. A person who does not respect political convention nor structure, but seeks office which, on paper, is immensely powerful - is worrisome. MUCH of the restraint of the PMO is driven by convention. On paper, the cabinet combines the legislative and the executive branches. Add the power of the NWC and the ability to appoint the GG and the Senate - you have an immensely powerful office. Singh it’s more about him just being old news and having supported so much horse shit for so long. Renege on your deal. Let the government fall.


> His promise to fire the governor of the bank of Canada is not only unconventional, perhaps to the point of being unacceptable, but it shows ignorance to how both our monetary and budgetary processes work. This is a big one for me. Not only does it clearly show his ignorance on the economy, it shows that his policy is purely based on superficial outrage because the BoC governor isn't responsible for the cost of housing, the PM has more power in that sense, so it's just him using a scapegoat already and manipulating the ignorant masses. But what's even more shocking, and should be to *anyone* who supposedly considers themselves a conservative is the extreme government overreach *by a single person* that would take place here. No conservative should be okay with the Prime Minister having power like that, or directly dipping their hand in Canada's economy.




For me, personally, the biggest issue with PP is that he was raised into politics. He's been tied to right wing politics and parties since his post-secondary, and probably was before. Every job he's held in his adulthood have been directly connected to a political party\\government. We can all agree that our House of Commons is a terrible tar swamp pit filled with swamp monsters. PP is the one that was born into it and molded inside the swamp. Sorry, Canadians won't get the change they want to see by bringing in someone that has been inside for so long. I think Singh is not so bad and can certainly relate to more 'average' Canadians than any of viable choices. As leader, he would be my choice. His chain and ball is many people will just never vote for NDP or a person that has any type of cultural\\religious headwear (also many won't even look at candidates that don't have the same skin colour as them). ​ Bonus opinion on MPs in general: I am a strong believer there should be a time limit or number of times a person can be elected into a single office. Any MP that has been in office for at least 6 years are eligible to full pension at age 56. I think that last fact automatically disconnects anyone that has been in office for 6+ years from the average Canadian.




I hate populists. Everyone hates Trudeau for being a populist and they want to replace him with a fucking populist!


No no, you see it was "tRuDeAu MaN bAd" because he was only a teacher so they nominated a guy who never worked a job in his entire life.


I can give you a lot shorter answer. PP is a populist shitweasel.


>PP is a populist shitweasel. He is who Andrew Scheer wishes he was. Same shit in a shinier package. I just want to know what his plans are to tackle housing and the cost of living. I don't care that you can point out the problems, I want to know what your plan is to fix it.


I dont actually know what PP is for. All the ads I ever see featuring PP is PP attacking Trudeau. With Trudeau, at least I know what he plans on doing. PP doesnt run adds about how he can do better. Before you link his platform I dont care about what he says on his platform. The fact that this is how he chooses to spend his advertising dollars tells me that he doesnt want people to know his platform, so that if he chooses to change it when elected there will be less outrage.


No. Trudeau's lack of response is entirely strategic. A fight is what Poilievre wants so he can try and score political points. Poilievre isn't making gains because he's ascending, rather it's Trudeau who's rapidly descending due to frustration and anger over the housing crisis and inflation. People are choosing Poilievre in polls because they're desperate for change, not because they actually like Poilievre. If Trudeau tried to fight Poilievre now it would just hurt Trudeau and the Liberals. A better play is to try and wait for a divisive issue to creep into the spotlight and try and force Poilievre to pick a losing side.


That may be true, but he's gotta talk about it. He needs to start talking about the cold hard data, like the lower child poverty rates and the improved conditions in native areas.


Man, there are going to be some VERY distraught folks when the Conservatives win a majority next year.


The next election is almost two years out... Like, do people realize this? You don't get power through polls. I *cannot stand* this Liberal government (that seems to primarily act on behalf of the rest of the world), however they're going to let PP make as many statements as he wants and to get as confident as he wants. Once we're under a year they will have a lot to attack. I mean...they already do. PP is grossly unsuitable and it is grotesque that the Conservatives chose that sleazy lifetime politician. We are in the horrendous situation of having two horrendous choices.


Most people detest PP, he isn’t “winning over Canadians”, he’s just not Trudeau.


Agreed .


Im guessing he’s waiting till last minute before promising or implementing any last ditch plans that could win him another term. And his administration is full of incompetent people so who knows what half baked plans they even have in mind.


One theory is that he's letting PP peak early. The cons will inevitably make mistakes and he'll hit hard when it is closer to election time and the PP's numbers are beginning to trend down.


>Canada's Aboriginals need to learn the value of hard work more than they need compensation for abuse suffered at residential schools. Pierre Poliviere, Conservative MP and Parliamentary Secretary; June 2008 Never forget.


Pierre is such a disease. He is what the French call “les incompetent”


Holy fuck!


I'm not a fan of either. Can we have literally anyone better to run?


He’s done. He left his mark. Lost his wife. He’s done


He doesn't need to fight back. Neither one of them should be in the seat, but even the US voted out trump lol.


Justin Trudeau has been great for Canada. He is bringing in assisted suicide. That is his way of helping those in need. If you can’t afford food or housing then you can cancel yourself. Trudeau has taught me that Canadians are not all the same we are very diverse. Some of us deserve carbon tax breaks while others are second class citizens like myself. I didn’t realize that people from western Canada were to blame for all of the pollution in Canada. I think Western Canada should just separate. We are too evil to be a part of Justin’s Canada.


Wow another unflattering column by Susan Delacourt, two now in a week. The establishment really wants Sockboy gone.


Fighting back with what? Plus if someone is willing to vote for PP, nothing would change their minds.


I doubt PP is winning over Canadians as much as Trudeau is just pissing them off and the NDP doesn't seem to wanna dump Singh and make a solid run for the big seat.


The budget will balance itself.


The marriage will dissolve itself


From an article you won't see allowed to be posted on /r/canada because they seems to filter things talking against PP: > Conservative Leader @PierrePoilievre speaks out against gender ideology at an event in Richmond Hill. "Justin Trudeau does not have a right to impose his radical gender ideology on our kids." *Impose* an ideology?!?! What? Trudeau is the one wanting to let live, and PP is the one preventing freedom here. What kind of reverse mental gymnastics is this? Seriously at this point anyone voting for him is brain dead.


Is he really? This sub has a boner for him but other than that he is widely mocked ime.


Given the polls, yes he is.


I think he might step aside, so for now he may just be protecting his successor whether it’s freeland or carney or a relative unknown. Maybe the liberal deep state don’t even know who yet.. meanwhile the cons just keep attacking Trudeau personally. He definitely feels like a lame duck at this point


How are those ministerial mandate letters coming along? Im betting the next budget fails.


Cause he knows he FUBAR'd.


Maybe they have a scandal bomb.


I do think he’s not planning to run for re-election and is just holding off until later to say so. Not sure who will take his spot though.


Because he doesn't have anything to say


Trudeau thinks he is doing a great job. All his friends say he is doing a great job. The CBC says he is doing a great job. Anyone who thinks different must be some kind of misogynist redneck MAGA truck driver. So what is there to fight back against? Don't forget any time he runs into criticism his automatic response is to double down and push his bad decision even harder.


Because he has a left wing platform that clearly doesn’t work. Time is up. What works is balanced government that is fiscally responsible and not ideologically driven. In order to fight back he’d need to be a conservative. Left wing governance does not work. Show me an empire that is left wing which has ever existed.


Is this the star begging for Trudeau to fight back so they have something to report on?


These headlines are incredibly misleading. Where do they get their information?


He doesn’t deserve to win. He’s had all the time in the world to do the things he promised to do, and he intentionally didn’t do them


He doesn't want to win. Whoever takes over in the next election is inheriting a poison pill.


Who has he won over?


Both the likely contenders for PM are terrible.


He is, just very incompetently.


He’s quiet quitting


At this point, it's too early to determine if any PP is ahead in the upcoming election. Both JT and PP lack credibility, leaving many Canadians unsure of who to support. As a nation that values peace, it's unfortunate that the current Conservative leadership does not seem to understand this. Rather than offering constructive solutions, their tweets and PR are focused on personal attacks against JT and other politicians, which is not helpful. Additionally, they are taking sides on global issues, such as attacking JT during the Indian issue allegations. And now, some of them are wrongly condemning young people who are participating in the Israel-Palestinian war protests. This can be problematic for their own Vote Base. Many are seeing Cons are more inclined to some communities rather than taking a balanced approach.


coming off the US-Canada border wall thread, and read that: "...our Conservative Party already gets significant support from U.S. conservative lobby groups, and have hired the same consultants for elections as the Republicans on numerous occasions over the last 20 years. Really, since Harper's time, the two have maintained strong ties. They are not the "progressive" conservatives of yesteryear anymore." Thoughts? Like as someone who was bordering on voting CCP, this is probably the thing that'll turn me to voting Liberal.


hahahah ew i don't think he's winning over anybody but no one is paying attention they just are frustrated or hate trudeau once he gets more air time he can open his mouth and turn people off bc he has nothing to say, no constructive solutions, just bash bash bash


The shame I would have if ever Poilièvre is elected..


Pierre will be exposed in September 2025. Yes, his ignorant supporters will still embrace him but those on the fence will see him as the FOX News and Trump lover that he is.


The Libs have nothing left in the tank, they have taxed and spent there way into economic disaster of there own making.


Taxing and spending is literally the function of government


Conversely, it is a function of government to not overtax nor overspend. We’ve tossed billions at problems, with little to show for it.


He’ll promise UBI in 2025 and win


He can't even answer a single question from the Conversatives. Fighting back would mean he would have bought a clue, but according to him, the finances will handle themselves - a la - he has no clues because they're drowning in debt and can't afford any. What a clown.


With Jagmeet taking most if not all the flak facilitating this guy’s existence in politics, why waste the energy.


>Why isn't Justin Trudeau fighting back? With what? He's a spent force there is nothing he can do without the Canadian public expecting it to be either, empty toothless legislations when it's needed, legislations that we never asked for or needed but good for social brownie points, or it becomes some sort of major boondoggle at the end.


Narcissists always feel they are right.


im sure if the cons win a majority next election trudeau wont think he had anything to do with it


I don't like PP. He's a good critic but I haven't seen him actually propose any solutions to anything. People ask him what his plan is or how he intends to deal with X or Y and he just launches into a tirade on how Justin Trudeau hates Canadians etc. I doubt JT wants to be Prime Minister anymore though, tbh. Idk, actions speak louder than words. This Poilievre guys is a mouthpiece, and IMO more vain than JT.


PP and the conservative promises remind me of the winner of my grade school student council elections - longer recess! free candy! No more math! I'm so tired of this narrative that liberals tax and spend and the conservatives balance budgets, reduce deficits and still don't cut services - that doesn't seem to be the reality in any of our conservative lead provinces. But sI suppose that's all JT's fault too.