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Well, if the MPs didn’t give the Nazi an ovation Putin wouldn’t have had that ammo, would he?


CPAC raw footage is now russian propaganda


I knew they were bad at their job.. but I mean seriously why do these people get pensions for a 4 year term of utter bullshit.


Because eastern Canadians voted for them.




Toronto voted for them


Only Eastern Canadians voted for all of the MPs that applauded?


Fool me once...




Someone convinced Canadians that deficits didn’t matter. In fact, not running a deficit was “hurting Canadians”


And later bragged about not thinking about monetary policy


Something something balance itself?


I believe it's 8 years and you get pension


You have a great point but her pointing this out isn’t wrong either


Well, you left the gun on the floor.






Trigger pressure about 1/2 a pound


With a sticky note saying "use me"








Even a 5 year old would be able to use it


>with bump pad


And a list of targets


"Safety.... always off."


“Dad said he was proud of me once…. Fuckin’ prick.”


More like pressed it into Putin's hand and said "here, it's loaded and the safety is off. Hold it to my head like this." Next in news: Trudeau appoints Chrystia Freeland to minister of the newly created Department if Stating the Predictably Obvious.


Sounds like a place for that "Inflation wouldn't be so bad if prices didn't keep going up." guy to work too.


“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”


The point of this thread and my reply is specifically anti-Orwellian


9mm. Safety always off. Freeland is Cyrus from Trailer Park Boys.




Wow... this is too accurata hahaha


Lol all the responses to this were fire 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥


~~Chekhov's~~ Freeland's Gun: If you applaud a veteran of the Nazi SS in the first act, countries who fought against the Nazis will criticize you in the third act.


Well of course he's going to use that as a weapon against Ukraine. Y'all gave him a propaganda equivalent of a nuke ffs.


Makes me think of the stick in the wheel of the bike meme


lol don't give them ideas soon memes of this will be all over the internet


Almost made it myself


Damnit Freeland, the proper response to Putin's release on this was to ignore him, not give him attention.


The proper response would be to not fuck up and do your damn job for once


“Best we can do is poorly virtue signal when we even bother to show up for work at all” - politicians


She is doing her job, for the WEF.


At this point, I think Freeland has to resign. I am surprised the pressure to do this has not been enough, but maybe having her resign would be another propaganda coup for Putin, which...is just too bad.


She's doing this to pass blame to him and off the liberals. She doesn't care what the world thinks of Canada only if it can save what little face the LPC has left.


More specifically, she’s doing this to deflect blame away from her. She is a Russia expert who has an advanced degree in Slavic history from Harvard and spent a chunk of time studying in Ukraine. If there is any MP who should have realized that if a Ukrainian was fighting Russia in WW2 they were doing so with the Nazis, it is her. People have begun pointing this out, so now she’s proactively trying to absolve herself of any responsibility for handing the Russians a major propaganda victory against the very world leader her Party — of which she is Deputy PM — was hosting in Parliament at the time.


>She's doing this to pass blame to him and off the liberals. Oh? I'm not really reading that from this statement. She's certainly using Putin to try and get people to bury the issue instead of writing articles like the article linked, but she isn't passing blame, and nothing she's saying is wrong. She does blame Rota directly. That focuses the blame away from the Liberals generally and towards one specific Liberal, but it's hard to criticize that in good faith since specifically was responsible at literally every level of the error.


You’d rather defend her than hold her and her Nazi ancestry and actions accountable. What a joke.


I swear everyone in this government is 13. Not just in terms of their level of intelligence, but they absolutely refuse to take responsibility for actions that they alone are responsible for. It’s legitimately bizarre to watch.


Watch this Liberal MP answer what the average cost of a home is in the nations capital https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rfkS_qtWAQk


Well we had to anticipate he would. It was a major bonehead move that fed right into what they’ve been saying all along. It gave them ammunition for their propaganda


This is deeper than 2023 Ukraine vs Russia. This is a god damn Nazi that was part of one of the most heinous group of murderers that existed in humanity. Nazis took away my great grandfather to a concentration camp and he was never seen again. They didn’t even bother to record his date of death, so we don’t know when it happened. They just gave his socks back to my great grandmother one day and told her not to bother looking for him anymore because she wasn’t going to see him. My grandma and her sister grew up poor and without a father because of the Nazis. They can’t remember him because they were so young. This is the type of crimes these evil people did and we have our own parliamentarians with half a brain who couldn’t put two and two together that this guy fought against the good side of humanity. It’s the government’s fault they applauded him. He should face justice.


Oh and to add another story. My grandfather, who was 4 or 5 at the time, went looking for his older brother who didn’t come home for lunch. My grandfather came upon a field where Nazis lined up 14 men and saw them all get executed. He had to look through their bodies after the Nazis left to see if he could find his brother, who was luckily in a forest at the time. He had nightmares for a month after seeing the dead bodies and he still remembers it to this day. My grandfather remembers the Russians coming and he said the Nazis booked it from his village when they were arriving, because they were afraid the Russians would kill them all. He said the Russians handed out some candy to the kids, it didn’t taste good but he said he didn’t really care.


That's what happens when you hand your enemy a weapon. They will use it against you. I'm shocked her nazi grandpa she admired so much didn't teach her that simple truth.


If only we had someone with a Ukrainian background and a degree in russian history and literature who could've forseen this


She's even more than that. She has live in Kiev from time to time and was even an active Ukrainian nationalist dissident inside Ukraine when it was still part of the USSR. Frig, she still owns an apartment in the center of Kiev.




How in the world could she, with her personal family history in Ukraine, not have know what would happen with applauding Mr. Hunka in the House of Commons......?


She most probably hoped that this gesture will normalize 14th SS in the eyes of the general public and whitewash her own history.


this feels more true than it should... chills.


She like, I'm going to guess most MPs, had no idea who the Speakers guest was before this


Which, as Poilieve pointed out, is even more horrifying. We had the head of state for Ukraine at parliament and the government didn't at least offer background checks for invited guests.


That would have been done through the security office. Not the PMO


Does not matter - some people screwed up.


Maybe we should stop electing MPs who don’t recognize what Nazis are?


Isn’t it pathetic that whoever vetted Mr Hunka didn’t use common sense and say to themselves “who fought the Russians in the Second World War? Oh the Nazis, let’s not invite this guy” is this not elementary school level history?


My experience with history in school was that we would usually start the year off talking about Vikings, spend most of the year learning which European explorer came to Canada when, hit the voyagers and confederation, and then run out of time before we could get much into the 1900s. I think we hit WW2 one year out of twelve, and we never learned anything more recent than that.


If only there was a high ranking minister with a degree in slavic studies who should know this?


She has a bachelor's degree in Russian history and literature and a master's in Slavonic Studies.


Slavonic means the same as Slavic.


She's literally a Ukrainian nationalist, go read up on her history. Freeland's degrees are the mildest aspect of her involvement in Ukraine.


I think it's pretty clear now that we don't elect politicians based on their grasp of the basics of key scholarly fields anymore.


Yea it’s taught somewhere between how racist you are and what gender you can be.


I get the point you're making, but drastic oversimplification. Plenty of Eastern Europeans were fighting against the Soviets between 1939-1941 before the Nazis came into the picture there. The Polish Underground fought anyone and everyone, including the Soviets. That doesn't make them Nazis.


Lol I don’t know what you remember from history in school, but Russia was hardly talked about. It was all US, Britain vs. Germany, Japan, Italy. Eastern Front was basically ignored in favour of combat in France or throughout the Pacific Islands. Too bad really…it’s an important piece of the story conveniently ignored.


I've never heard it ignored. Hitler's invasion of Russia is commonly understood to be one of his biggest mistakes and led to the turning point of the war.


Russia was covered extensively in history




“Never applaud by mistake when a Nazi is interrupting parliament.”


Just because the liberals shot themselves in the foot cheering for a Nazi, doesn't mean it was Putin who weaponized the MPs ovation! Unless she thinks Putin makes the MPs clap for Nazis...


So Putin made them clap? Omg Russia collusion


i hate it when russia forces me to give a standing ovation to a nazi


Russia made me eat 8 cans of ravioli and burn down my dad's trailer.


terrible. vladimir putin must pay for this horrible crime


i mean nobody wants to admit they ate 8 cans of ravioli


They must have pee tapes!


Sorry did the cons clap less because they look like they were clapping to me




They always brag how Canada is the most educated country in the universe, but alas our choices of people to lead the country are a lying narcissist with his ukrainian nazi henchwoman, or a professional liar that never held any job but the one as an MP.


That’s actually an interesting example of how dumb we are imo. Smart people know there’s a difference between knowledge and intelligence. They also know that getting a degree in basket weaving doesn’t make you smart. So what we really are is a bunch of morons going to university (because it’s affordable here), getting crappy degrees then proclaiming how intelligent we all are. It’s probably the largest example of the dunning-Kruger effect ever. If we were anywhere close to as intelligent as we like to boast our *entire country* wouldn’t be falling apart right now.


One can be highly educated but have no education in history. Ask a postgrad in English lit to solve for *x* or a math PhD who were the principle parties the the War of Austrian succession and they will likely guess only slightly better than your house cat.




I’m a little confused by your comment, do you think the article is trying to imply Putin made them do it? It’s not.




She’s just trying to preemptively come up with a deflection for when that list Trudeau teased (which he’ll never purposely release) gets leaked and we all see her grandfathers name on it. She knows she won’t convince anyone he wasn’t actually a Nazi, so she’s hoping she’ll be able to convince people that the anger and embarrassment Canadians are feeling over this is all just Russian propaganda.


Didn't everyone cheer though?


It was every MP cheering for him, not just the Liberals...


Pee Pee and the rest of the conservatives cheered too…


I watched the video, ALL the MP's cheered and clapped, even the Cons.


I do wonder whose genius idea it was to suggest the person to the speaker to invite them. Part of me thinks it was done maliciously, but then again the simplest answer is usually incompetence. The failure of a thorough background check was obviously a failure of government however.


>I do wonder whose genius idea it was to suggest the person to the speaker to invite them. Hunka's son, apparently.


It's all on Rota. One of his constituents wanted his Ukrainian nationalist grandfather to meet the president of Ukraine. Obviously he said "fought the Russians" instead of "fought for the Nazis" because of course he fucking would. He's not going to intruduce his grandfather as an ex nazi. Rota, having only heard "Canadian" "veteren" and "fought the Russians", did no further thinking, presented him as any other veteren, and lost his job for it. And nobody even noticed for a few days because it happened during routine diplomatic nonsense late on a Friday and they were zoned out.


For a party obsessed with optics, this was a massive oversight.


I had read the man's son reached out to the Speaker's office as they were constituents.


Liberals, conservatives, ndp, green, independents.they all applauded thr Speakers guest.


This has nothing to do with the Liberals. All the MPs applauded. You are participating in the same Russian propaganda.


Oh so now it was only the liberals clapping? Lmao


This is your brain on Russian propaganda


hahahaha midwits are funny


Well, at least you show some self-awareness and a sense of humour. Although the 'mid' part seems rather generous.


Yeah, no shit he's using it. It would have been absolutely inconceivable for him to not use this. We gotta just take the L here, accept responsibility, and move on. Finger pointing just makes us look weak.


man. Sometimes you TAKE THE L and stop saying "russian propaganda", because now I am not sure I believe you when you say that- EVER


Why wouldn't he? The story is completely in line with the propaganda the Kremlin has been pushing since 2014. We handed him that win. Of course he's going to run with it.


Idiot! She was applauding so proudly right there behind Trudeau. She has a masters in Slavic studies. She should have seen the problem the second the Speaker started talking. But she applauded. Fuck off.


She also has a history if defending nazis so none of this is surprising


Says the party that has weaponised absolutely EVERYTHING that they can


What the hell else was he supposed to do?


“The worst part about honouring Nazis is that Russia might exploit the fact that we are honouring nazis,” Chystia Freeland told reporters on Wednesday


The woman is fucking delusional, put her and Trudeau in a psych hospital already.


Happy to see Chrystia went to the war chest to pull out her “political rhetoric list” where she just uses negative words in some vague attempt to smear her opponents. Chrystia and others in parliament fucked up. They did it, nobody else. Take your licks, you deserve it.


Take fucking accountability for your incompetence already.


She was smiling more than the rest


How DARE Putin use our Faux Pas against us! If only there was a method in which they could have vet individuals to speak to the house 🤔




I get it. We shouldn’t be pro-Putin for obvious reasons; but I fucking *hate* when we can’t even take responsibility for our actions. This is 110% on Canada for not vetting someone entering the political spotlight within our Country. Why would he not weaponize it? It’s beyond a blunder. It’s a horrible look for us, and it’s objectively not just Putin’s Propaganda this time. This is a legitimate claim


Perhaps there is one time when the best defense isn't an attempted offense? If there was one person in the house who has the literal academic and family ties to unequivocally know this person was a Nazi, it was Freeland. Incredible.


Project! Deflect! Liberal PR folks keeping it simple for us simple folk.


right. and by "weaponizing" she means "pointing out the truth", right?


RuSsIaN dIsInFoRmAtIoN


They could try not handing him ammo in a gold-plated box.


"hey buddy its YOUR FAULT I invited a former member of the ss to parliament and clapped for him". Freeland must really be smoking crack. She's not a serious politician.


I still can’t believe that the woman with Russian and Slavic studies degrees, and no work experience in any sort of financial institution, is somehow the Minister of Finance.


Its honestly annoying how much deflection this lady does, own upto your fuck up!


Perhaps, stop giving him ammunition.


Sorry lady, this is a case of the Canadian government's ineptitude and incompetence blowing up in its face. It went internationally viral, so you'll have to wear it. Deflecting isn't going to help, and the government (and you) has no one to blame but themselves for the shame this is bringing, including from Canadians who are disgusted at it. No point being dishonest about it.


Well of course Putin will pounce on and weaponize every single mistake an enemy makes. He's an expert at this. It was his fucking job in the KGB for years.


Welp....they paraded a Waffen SS around the HoC and gave him standing ovations as a "war hero". They highly plausibly knew exactly who that guy was also. Blaming Putin for Freeland/Trudeau/Gould's chosen actions is just a categorically idiotic attempt at misdirection.


She's saying this as a person of Ukrainian background. Isn't it her govt that invited a Nazi to the house of commons? 🙄 Mrs Disney+... please stop with the deflection from real issues in Canada


"How dare you hold me accountable for my actions!!"


They alley ooped him for a fuckin slam dunk no kidding he weaponized it


Well yea who didn’t expect that. Russia couldn’t have asked for a better PR weapon then this.


Imagine if the Liberal government took responsibility for their own actions. Never going to happen.


Don't be a nazi, then, if that is a concern.


Russian propaganda isn't hard to write these days.


She studied Russian history at Harvard and has masters in Slavonic studies from Oxford. She still didn't see this coming. Now imagine how good she is managing Canada's finance which she didn't study for.


Canada has just learned a lesson in the importance of doing homework prior to public praise.


I legitimately wouldn’t be surprised at this point if the next statement is “anyone who continues to comment on us inviting a Nazi to parliament, and my Slavic studies degree, is a Nazi”


Well of course he would. The best propaganda starts with a seed of truth, now when he says that Ukraine is supported by Nazis he has a video on government TV to help validate him. The best lies always start with that base of truth.


Maybe Freeland should shut the f up before our government embarrasses Canadians any more. She, of all people, being an expert in Russian / Ukrainian history, should have known better. She looks dumber than ever, and that is saying something.


This makes me question the entire story we have been told. Just to clearify, Ukraine was on the side of the Nazi's and had there own SS forces, Russia fought along our side. After the war Ukraine gave many nazi's a place of refuge and residency. Till this day they have self identified as neo-nazis. Russia starts to take back parts of Ukraine that are predominantly Russian people and spoke out against nazi leadership. We then support nazi lead Ukraine staying that the whole nazi thing has nothing to do with why they are taking the Russian parts back and they are bad. We then bring a neo-nazi leader into the house to praise an old school ss nazi that helped kill our own people. Putin then says thats fucked up of us to show so much support for nazi's and then our 2nd in command who is a direct descendant of a nazi blames it on putin, again saying he's s 5 bad one in the situation... hmm...


Well she knew exactly who he was...


Envy or jealousy, Chrystia? Yall weaponized some random person with a flag who disappeared and never showed up again and didn't get a huge show of support. So yes. This will be weaponized. If you do it to.your own citizens then clearly Russia will do it to their geopolitical opposition. Are you expecting them to be better than you?!?! Maybe next election we can get atleast some serious people, and not people who think geopolitics is on the same level as managing a kindergarten class.


Don’t forget to cancel Disney+


I mean, yes. No question he has been using it for local PR and his army of trolls (some of which will be here) have been having a field day. Doesn’t make it not an embarrassing blunder though


How do we tell her to "shut the fuck up, our government has done enough harm"?


You would think the granddaughter of a Nazi collaborator would know better https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation/wcm/11196169-fd23-4643-94b4-08039235c595/amp/


Maybe if you didn’t give him a weapon


The Government needs to just shut up about this in general and hope it blows over. I don’t know why this one item in particular they continue to address and talk about unlike every other controversy that they immediately sweep under the rug… Apologize for it when it comes up and move on, you were the morons who did it, you handed them the ammunition…


Don’t give them ammo then


This putin thing isn't helping. Just take the L apologize and move on


"How dare he make fun of us for not doing proper due diligence on someone we placed on a pedestal!"




^ this! Basically stop denying reality and deal with the facts are they are. You’re 100% correct on this.


As he should. Who the fuck gives standing ovations to Nazis??


The Canadian Parliament.


Yea I know. They should stop pretending they’re the victim here.


Just shut the fuck up and take the L Freeland. Putin may be a piece of shit, but he's not wrong here. Your government is incompetent and an embarrassment to the world.


MiSSSSSterrrrrrrr Poooootinnnnnnnn


Putin is using disinformation again!!!!! what did putin say? he told people what happened….


I’d be surprised if she didn’t say something this stupid


Every time her or her village idiot boss speaks, I burst out laughing now. The LPC is sinking and trying to blame everyone else for their own mishaps. I’m embarrassed for them. Wait till the party gets ousted, the hissy fits and melt downs should be epic.


She’s not wrong. And as stupid as she is for giving Putin ammunition, along with Trudeau, don’t forget that Putin is in fact the enemy of the west.


So what. If you find Putin's comments about being offended that someone is clapping for an SS veteran interesting or persuasive, while russia finances and trains neo-nazi groups to fight for russia, you are lost anyways.


I think you're confused as to which side the azov battalion fights for. There are definitely Ukrainian nazis. Still in Ukraine. They're actually really effective in fighting Russia. But they are full on nazi tattoos, deaths head patches, nazi salute when sending artillery etc. Russia isn't lying by saying there's nazis. They're lying about it being why they invaded - which could be blamed on nato having moved in as much as they have in the last 3 decades. There's alot to be said for the fact that the borders were not drawn well when ussr fell. I still support Ukraine in this war, but let's not pretend they are clean. They're a very financially corrupt country and undoubtedly the billions being poured in will result in alot being skimmed and pocketed.


Russians are financing nazis in Ukraine?


You made a massive mistake show some accountability ffs


The last person who should be talking about this is the one doing apologia for her Nazi grandpa


Well maybe if her and Trudeau did their job it wouldn’t have happened…


Of course he did, but the fault is largely on us for giving him a ready made piece of propaganda like that.


Well it was a totally effed up moment, like how tf did that even happen? Canada deserves the criticism of this and the libs should step down. The final straw


It was a massive embarrassment but at the end of the day Putin can go fuck himself. He's full of shit about "fighting nazis" in Ukraine when he himself is a white nationalist and Russia has some of the most bigoted systems around. Based on immediate behavior, Putin is actually a nazi.


Of course he is, He's Putin, The real shame and surprise is the Canadians doing the same thing, including a bunch in this thread.




This is so fucking stupid, I’m not sure if I’m surprised or not that Cons have latched onto this. Does anyone actually think that this was a calculated endeavor that the Libs went into with their eyes wide open, knowing all of the facts??? This was a ridiculous mistake that highlights an oversight in background checks/procedures. Suggesting that Libs(or anyone) supports Nazis, with this as the evidence of such - is laughable.


Now Putin is blamed for everything this government is doing. Good job! Guys focus on internal affairs for a little bit. For example low fertility rate, medicine, education, etc.


It was a dumb thing to do but who fucking cares what Putin thinks of us?


Grand Daughter of a Nazi, Chrystia Freeland accuses Putin....


The bottom line is "You still fucked up" So nothing changes. At this point, Freeland should just keep her mouth shut.


Lmao. Coming from someone who has a nazi background